HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1912-03-07, Page 4w I I ll h I I (ILII I111111010111I I!I I IIIIIIIII I III 1111I11IJ J i!I IJ II I 1 II � .III I I I III.I111 � I II Umil l.II. III III I II,_II THE WIN N L .A. M A D "` -A. NLC E III'.. II L III I II I IIiGIII...II (III I.Ihll". , SANCTUM PARAGRAPHS, PUBLIC SCHOOL REMY. Wiped Out By Fire Owing to this unfortunate affair, which has caused us such alleavy loss, we must • ask our Customers to have their accounts paid by March 15th. Our office will be in the Griffin Block till further notice. F Your kind consideration in this matter will greatly oblige Yours Truly KING BROS. 1 .J r J V 4 -The Dominion Parliament is ex - Ix cited to prorogue in April, * * * -Reports show that the campaign against tuberculosis is beginning to reduce the mortality from that dread- ed disease in Ontario, and the dif- Terence from year to year is large enough to be significant, In 1809, for example, there were 3,405 deaths in the province from tuberculosis. The returns for 1010 give the number as 2,237. This is a gratifying decrease, andwith greater precaution continu- ed, the deaths from this preventible disease may be reduced to a mini- mum, .'-Revised figures of the population of Canada are contained in a special report on the census, tabled in the House. By provinces the figures are :- Alberta...,,, 374,663 73,022 301,641 British SOC. 392,480 178,657 213,823 Manitoba.... 455,614 255,211 200,403 N. Brun'k . ,. 351,889 331,120 20,769 Nova Scotia492,338 459,574 32,764 Ontario 2,523.208 2,182,947 340,261 Prince Ed. I93,728 103,259 9,531 Quebec814 Sask .. 2,002.7122,432 1648 898 91,270 401.158 Bask..,..., Yukon 8,512 27,219 *18,707 N. W. Ter... 16,951 20,129 *3,178 Totals.. 7,204,527 5,371,315 1,833,212 * * * Report of Winghanq Public Soboo1 for the eonnth of Febt uary. Totel marks 500 ; Honors 375 ; Pass 800,. Da 'r.L W, Stapleton 178,, 13. Isard 258, M. Brown 820, .l', Angus 828, P, Ginlespie 293, 0, Wilson. 283, E. Pocock 267, U'R Moore 303, T. McDonald 3,1:4, W. Mc- Cool 850, It, Manuel 107, B, Blackwell 240, N. Kennedy 245, F. Lockeridge 830, I. Gibson 277, M. Harrison 337, F. Murch 401, M. Cartwright 158, I, Allen 362, Z. Hines 309, N, (Tracey 433, E. Patterson 317, H. Moore 256, P, Bloomfield 238, V, McDonald 308, G. Newman 274, 0, Moffatt 285, V. Ar- mour 343, G, Robinson 377, S. Reading 163, W. Hinscliffe 344, J. Richardson 355, H. Oray 359, W. Morden 282, $, Niergarth 3744, W. Irvine 276, 5, Max- well 394, M. Groves 421, G, eA.dair 319, N. Rush 405, C. Crawford 182, G, Deans 288, N. Weiler 285, M. Murch 344, H. Gould 187, E, Hastings 121, A, Robert- son 111. SENIOR III. Examined in Arithmetic, Geography, Literature, Grammar and Spelling. Total 745. J. Maxwell 666, V. Patterson 640, F. Carruth 624, 0. Rintoul 623, S. Hamilton 516, W. Schaefer 606, A. Dore 604, P. Holmes 591, K. Smith 587, CONVALESCENTS Those Recovering from Any Se were Illness After a long wasting illness, con- valescents require nourishing food that will not overtax the digestive functions -and in the way of a strength -restoring and vitality -making tonic, we know of nothing that equals Vinol, our delicious cod liver and Iron tonic ('without oil), Vinol creates an* appetite, re-estab- lishes good digestion and helps the daily food to make rich blood, form flesh, strong muscles and impart new lite and vitality to every organ In the body. We ask those who need a strength and flesh -building tonic res» torative to call at our store and get a bottle of Vinol, with the understand- ing that if it does not help them we will refund their money without ques- tion, 3. W. Mc$ibbon, Druggist, Wingham Good For Either. The following hints for house -keep- ers were contributed to The Ladies' Journal "Drink less -breathe more, "Eat less -chew more. "Ride less -walk more. "Clothe less -bathe more. 0. Hingston 569, K. Disney 530, H. "Worry less -sleep more. -Highly interesting figures dealing : Kennedy 526,' F. Walker 525, ' C. Isard "Talk less -think more. with the British Dominions overseas 511, N. McRitchie 499, N. Christie 487, "Waste less -give more. are given in the forty-eighth ei hth annual L. Hoffman 479, M. Smith 478, M. -as- “Scold less -read more. statistical abstract justpublished. sells 473, D. Hines 462, M. Reading 459, "Preach less -practice more." T. Bottrell 454, N. Haugh 453, N. Ben- These are good. It may, however, The area of the Empire is 11,185,000 nett 451, B. Campbell 450, S. McLean be suggested that they are applicable square miles, and the population has 437, 0. Brooks 433, M. Pocock 426, G. to men as well as to women. grown since 1591 from 307,470,000 to approximately 371,102,000 at the time Cantelon 420, J. Currie 414, . H. Dennis of the census last year. These figures `111+ F. Moffatt 388, E. Hart 380, V. do not include the British Isles, The Webb 367, E. Rogers 337, E. Erskine population of the principal Dominions 294, A. Taylor 206, N. Vanalstine 164. and Colonies last year is set forth as JUNIOR III. follows :- Sen, DIV. -Marks obtainable 850-N. India 314,9:5,240 McLean 800, A. Williamson 770, V. Commonwealth of Australia. 4,449,483 Schaefer 725, E. Cook 720, P. Johns 7,081,869 676, J. Nichols 655, K. Mills 650, N. 1,93,0024 ,28 2,5563Drummond 614, L. Currie 631, C. Angus 2 1,676,611 628, H. Angus 620, A. Davidson 618, V. 526,906 Stricker 61.5, I. Hewer 610, C. Smith 1.70.871 600, V. Davidson 590, W. Dear 588, F. 3,5113'564 Sturdy 575, L. Bell 572, H. McDonald 8.06;071 7,836,189 570,,,R, Hewer 560, C. Newman 555, W. Walker 545, L. Zurbrigg 470, M. Austin -An American medical man has X08, J. Christie 412, L. Sturdy 382, H. this to say :-Is Glife worth living ? Buttery 370, W. Austin 332, It depends 'upon the liver. Not only Jun, Div. -Marks obtainable 775-J. upon the individual who is wholly Seli 711, G. Allen 628, F. Robinson 619, responsible for his condition, but upon C. Isard 612, M. Piper 600, H. Aitche- the organ itself which depends upon son 598, E. Huffman 570, A. Imlay 558, the'judgment of its owner. If more 13. Williams 539, R. Forpythe 537, L. persons knew how to live there would McLeod 505, L. Stevens 470, T. Murch be less trouble with the liver. Will 468, C. Wild 380, H. Mann 358, M. exercise aid it ? There is no organ of Allen 305. the body more directly benefitted by SENIOR II. exercise than this, the largest gland of Sen. Section -969 -Grace Irvine 865, the body, and no organ that can be Elizabeth Hamilton 826, Mary Coultes put out of commission so quickly by 805, James Dobie 792, Ernest Johnston wrong diet. An inactive person, as 759, Percy Joynt 757, George Fryfogle a rule, has a sluggish, torpid liver. A 741, Harry Match 736, Harry Angus torpid liver means excess of bile 731, Stanley Bell 727, Hazel Miserner (biliousness) but that condition ,does 676, Thelma Sanderson 672, May Pass - not occur with one who takes suf. more 654, Leonard Jarvis 651, Mildred ficient exercise. This condition when Walker 644, Ruth Anderson 642, Chas. it does occur may be corrected in less Lloyd 622, Evelyn Angus 622, Wallace than a minute by the exercise known Aitcheson 609, Florence Hinscliffe 557, as "the liver -squeezer." One quart of Reggie Smith 514, Velma Johnson 442, fresh air, loaded with oxygen, is of Harold Hamilton 430, Dorothy Clark THURSDAY., MARCH 7, 1912 Sime Bargains in '17.7"""""n"""1"1"91" 17. 11141' 1V'rill'll'('1"""'i1"tlil "1"1"11 "II Town Property ...Fond of Coffee? *... France Cottage -parlor, dieing room, kitchen, three bedrooms, pantry, eloeetrt, ,,•„ hard and soft wafer, good garden monocellar, flue location. Price reasonable, Half Story Frame House, with large barn --will be sold right. Small Cottage. Owner wants to leave town. A bargain. Brink House, with conveniences --well situated. A choice home, for sale reasonable. Small Farm, 35 to 40 acres, near town. The above are only a few of the pro- perties we have on our list. Otherswill be advertised in this space weekly. Properties in Town Plot, Whiteohnroh, Belgrave and Bluevale. Farms in sur- rounding Townships. . N,B.-We have a buyer for a suitable 100 acre farm near Wingham. In - Canada Natal Cape of Good Hope Transvaal . Orange River Colony Rhodesia Uganda .... Northern Nigeria Southern Nigeria t. * * * more value than barrels of any patent 1 373. medicine ever made for the various Jun. Section -060 -Sara Brown 894, liver troubles. Viola Hamilton 815, Aileen Kennedy .1 * * * 729, Catherine Adams '720, Ella Dobie -The long-delayed settlement of the 700,' Stanley Robinson 681, Joe Saint, boundary between Manitoba and On- 671, Laurie Duncan 666, Albert ,Bloom- tario has at last been settled, and in field 637, Kenneth Nicol 607, Charlie a way that seems equitable. It seems Pocock 603, Carl Dickson 557, Clara to the writer, that the Liberals are Hardy 516, Lawrence McLean 483, making a mistake in finding fault with Charlie Bell 473, Willie McNeven 343. the terms of the settlement, when the JUNIOR 11. • question remained unsettled for so Total Marks 400 -Sen, -G. Holmes many years while they were in power. 390, 0. Hutton 384, 0. Pocock 382, M. By the agreement Ontario is granted Walker 379, H. Gannett 365, S. Donald - the right to build and operate a rail- son 351, E. Rintou1349, M. Duncan 337, way to Port Nelson. It is given a K. Wilkinson 336, C. Stapleton 329, strip of land to the Port through the W. Currie 327, R. Sanderson 323, A. territory ceded to Manitoba, besides Williamson 320, A. Taylor 320, A, Gal - being provided with extensive termin- braith 319, I. Reid 318, P. McLean 316, al facilities for any possible commerce M. Carruth 300, J. Davidson 299, M, arising therewith., Further than this Hickey 270, A. Blackhall 265, M. Dal - the T. & N. O. secures every favorable Gleish 210, E. Taugher 197. arrangement from Manitoba, which Jun. -H. Huffman 387, M. Reid 880, will be of greater value as the line is D. Lynett 380, L Simmons 367, 0. Ar - extended. The settlennent of this , mour 852, 3. Allen 344, I. Day 343, E, question fixes the new eastern boon- Hart 337, B. Stevens 335, A. Sturdy daries as proposed by the late Govern- 320, J. Lutton 319, J. Tougher 310, ment, only re -worded so as to care- Lillian Ellacott 300, Laura Ellacott 285, fully define the boundaries. Ontario, V. Hill 283, G. Misener 280, G. Oruik- gets 140,000 miles of the territory shank 182, divided, or 93,696,000 acres, and Mani- FIRST Book, toba secures 178,108 miles and a Sen. Section -Maximum 300 -Clay - generous financial settlement. On- ton Zurbrigg 291, Jean Vanstone 282, tario will get many thousand acres of K. Hutton 275, A. Anderson 251, H. what has hitherto been a hinterland, Carruth 245, N. Morden 234, A. Gould of no great value at present, but 222, D. Perris 220, R, Finley 220, H. possibly possessing valuable resources Mills 217, D. Madigan 208, D. Fells 197, when it is developed. The value of .a. Olark 196, V. Joynt 195, M. Johns Port Nelson will largely depend upon 187, E. Kew 181, R. Williams 169, F. the development of the country in its Piper 142, H. Wilson 140, F. McCreight vicinity. SSI Suffered Years With My Back " • Backache resulting from /wAak kidneys, a bad cold or other cause, usually renders the sufferer unfit for work and often results in per- manent disability. "I suffered for years with my back, or kidney trouble, and have tried a number of remedies from different physicians. More than a year ago, one of our local druggists induced me to try Dr. Miles' Anti -Pain Pills and. after using them some three months I found a decided improve - merit in my kidneys, and I am glad to say that I hope soon to be fully restored to health." J. P. ALLEN, Ex -Judge City Court, Glasgow, Ky. As long as pain is present in any part of the body rest is impossible and the system becoming weakened is exposed to any form of disease to which the sufferer may be inclined. Dr. Miles' Anti -Pain Pills by steadying the irritated nerve centers, make refreshing sleep pos- sible, thereby enabling the body to recover lost strength. As aremedy for pain of any description Dr. Miles' Anti -Pain Pills are unsur- passed. Sold by all druggists under a guar- antee assuring the return of the price of the first Nix If no benefit results. •MILES MEDICAL CO., Toronto, Can. Ritchie & Cosens 124, F. Sparling 124, V. Forler 121, W. ' Angus 118, M. Seli 100, L. Johnstone Men Wanted. 02, R. McCreight 53. Jun. Section -Maximum 250 --Carrie, A Winnipeg paper estimates that Hingston Dr, Earl Wild 178, F, Seli as soon as spring opens 15,000 men will 174, H. Williams 172, S, Holmes 171, be required by the Grand Trunk Pad- C. Henderson 148, N. Isard 127, C. fic Railway with an additional 10,000 Hinscliffe 126., E. Irvine 121, L. Bell for the Hudson Bay Line. Here is an 110, D. Piper 00, G, . Ritchie 95, A. opportunity for the enterprising Brown 78, G. Duncan 75. N. Clark 70, pP y C. Oasemore 70, A. Baird 70, D. Cloakev homesteader to earn enough money 55, W. Ellacott 54, H. Moffatt 53, Z. on construction work to stock up for Dickson 50, D.'Pullen 50, A. Williams the winter. 40, O. Boyce 80, A, Forgie 24, L. San- derson 17, F. Pocock 4. DIvnetON VII, Fourths ---Stanley' Harrison 144, Geo, AWoman Of Few Fitter 121, Scott Robinson 115, John rr Mann 96, Arthur Irwin 90, Lawrence Campbell 88, Walter Brooks 84, Marie Words.Pelon 84, Cecil Conk 51, Melville Den- nis 40, Margaret Vanstone 43, Keith Donaldson 41► Gertie Simmonds 30, Mrs. Harry E. Bye, Main street Elsie Rogers 83, 'Edna Gibson 11. north, Mount rorest, Ont., writes : • Thirds -Lula Nicholson 155, Velma "5!*()" remedy for kidney, bladder Alrnebury 123, Georgie Bower 118, Ma- and etotnach trouble 'hoegiven we bol Angus 100, Edna Taylor 105, Gordon great relief. Have taken three boxes stab 104, Myrtle Dennis 00, Charlie and now feel like living and better MMOil 88, Marie Taugher 71, Cecil than I have felt for years and I give Dobie 06, Cecil Lockman 40, Eddie your Hickey 24,. FIG PILLS 18eeonN-Arthur Carruth 78, Ener. all the praise, for they are the boat I (ora Olington 410, John t4asemore 80, have ever tried." At all dealers, 25 Gracie Sirmmoncls 83, Willie Clark 82 and 50 cents, or The Pig Pill leo., St. Alice Clnakey 26, Jack Cook 28, Cecil Ont, Hardy, Uva Stevenson, Eliti Lutton, son Alan sir 00, Hervey Acheson 51, -111.4a ...� .5 a Jas. Walker ec, Son WINOI1AM UNDERTAKERS We are specially qualified Under- takers and Embalmers, and those entrusting their work to us may rely on ib being well done. Night calls received ab residence. Offioe Phone 106 House Phone 125 REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE C. N. GRIFFIN GENERAL AGENT Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Fire, Life, Accident, Plate Glass and Weather Insurance, coupled with a Beal Estate and Money Loaning business. DRS. KENNEDY & CALDER OFFTOES-Corner Patrick and Centre streets PHONES - Offices 43 Residence, Dr. Kennedy 143 Residence, Dr. Calder 151 Dr. Kennedy specializes in Surgery. Dr. Calder devotes special attention to Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes thoroughly tested. Glasses properly fitted. A. E. S.MITH BANKER Dalton's French Drip Coffee, the best on sale, roasted right, ground right, absolutely pure,at, 60c a lb. Daltou's Coffee Pot or Percolate'', givenfree with two lbi. of Dalton's Coffee. -100110 WINGHAM - ONTARIO Farmers who want money to buy horses, cattle or hogs to feed for mar- ket can have it on reasonable terms. Money transmitted and payable at par at any Bank in the Dominion. RATES. -$5.00 and under, 3 ots. $10 to $30, 10 ets. $30 to $50, 15 ots. Same rates charged on principal banking points in the U. S. mar FISH mr,l• Pin Another shipment of Choice Fish this week, quality guaran- teed, prices right, We handle a big range -this is the place to buy Fish right. Our Big Clearing dale of Winter Goods continues, Rubbers, Sox, Overshoes, Mitts, etc., at a big saciihce in price. Tre- mendous. Bargains in Underwear, best makes, lowest, prices, We want all kinds of produce, and we pay good prices for good produce. Bring along your butter, eggs, beans, apples, dried apples, carrots, beets, parsnips, cabbages, etc, Any kind of good produce taken. . SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS ANY person who is the solo head of a family, or any male over 18 years old. may home- stead a quarter section of available Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -agency for the district. Entry by proxy may be made at any agency, on certain conditions by father: moth- er, son, daughter, brother or sister of intend- ing homesteader. Duties. -Six months' residence upon and cul- tivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of ab least 80 acres solely owned and occupied by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. In certain districts a homesteader in good standing may pre-empt a quarter -section along- side his homestead. Price $3.00 per acro. Duties.-Mu't reside upon the homestead or rre-emption six months in each of six years from date of homestead entry (including the time required to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fifty acres extra. A homesteader who has exhausted his home- stead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption may enter for a purchased homested in certain districts. Price $3 00 per acre. Duties. -Mush side atx months in each of three years, culti- vate fifty acres and eruct a house worth $300. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. 5WIIIIWIIWIWWIIWWII IIIIIIIWI1Il4IWIWIllldlsll{iIIWWIlIIlUIIlIl6WII1 N.B.-Unauthorized publication of this ad- vertisement will not be paid for. • Hopedale Sensation^ Tomato The earliest. best flavored and smoothest in the World. IT'S COMING What's coming? Why Seedtime, then the Harvest but the Harvest depends very largely on the quality of the Seeds you sow. Our Catalogue for 1912 is bigger and better than ever. Tells you all about over 1,500 kinds of Field Roots, Grains, Veget- ables, and Flower Seeds, Small Fruits, Flowering Shrubs, Plants, IMplements, etc. If you cut this out sending' it to us 'with your name and Post Office Address our Catalogue will be sent you and a present with it. Do it to -day, ADDRESS, Darch & Hunter Seed Co., Limited, Dept. 75 Londpn, Ont. 11 .1 5. GRACEY'S Special Clearing Out Sale of Furniture COMMENCING MARCH Ist In order to make room for more goods all the Fnrnitn.re I HAVE NOW IN STOCK is offered for Sale at Special Cut-down Cash Prices during March and April. Bedroom Suites Sideboards Chiffoniers Parlor Tables Extension Tables Couches Parlor Suites Parlor Odd Pieces Rocking Chairs Dining -room Chairs Bedsteads Springs • Mattresses Pillows, Etc. All my present Stock of Furniture at Clearing Out Prices. If you are wanting anything in Furniture this is an opportunity seldom offered. CASH 18 K TG. Call and see if what I advertise is facts. A Specialty in 'Upholstering, Repairing and Picture Framing. S. GRACEY FURNITURE DEALER AND UNDERTAKER. Big Clean -Sweep S le ROBINS' STORE, WIN0HAM Our March Clean -sweep Sale of all Fall and Winteir Goods starts Saturday Morning, Marcli 9th AT io O'CLOCK. Every dollar's worth of Fall and 'Winter 'Goods must be sold within the next 15 days, to make room for the largest stock of Spring Goods. We do not believe in carrying goods over from one season to another. Our stook is always new and up -to -date -no old goods hero. This is your opportunity to buy all your goods at bargain prices, Positively and abso- lutely the biggest values for your money ever offered. Look for the Big Red Sign S. RO.IN BARGAIN STORE .. Opposite the Presbyterian Church. I I 1 11 I FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT OF 7 ,� �� iPIrG ODS For some weeks our Spring Goods have been arriving and are now on counters for your inspection. We have bought more heavily than usual and you will be sure to find something to your liking among this great assort- ment, which includes 100 pieces of Crum;'s English Prints, as you are aware that Crum's is a household word in regard to Prints, perfectly fast in color, and beautiful patterns. Anderson's Scotch and Canadian Gingham, Silked Checks, Printed Foulards, Radium Foulards, Plain and Printed Voiles, Sepetive Crepe, Em- press Poplins, Shar Su Repps, Etc. We also have in stock the greatest display of New and Up-to-date Waists ever shown in this store. They have the latest Set in and Kimona Sleeves and are marked very low for quick sale. Come and see what we have and. get our prices before sending your money out of town for some- thing you have not seen. Trade of All Kinds Wanted in Large Quantities. J. A. Mills (Success , to T. A. MILLS) 'rtroNtil 80 WI'NGHAM IL. W.. •