HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1912-02-22, Page 44 • Y [xcepl:iona'Iy Low Prices Co All '-fitirer Goods • Men's Fur,. Fur Lined and Fur Trimmed Coats at a Saving of 20 per cent. A WORD OF ADVICE TO FUR BUYERS Those who anticipate buying Furs next season, if they can see their way to buy now, can save at least 35 per cent,, owing to the great advance in raw furs. Ladies' Muffs, Stoles and Setts at Great Saving Prices. Baby's White Fur Rugs at a Saving of 20 per cent. LADIES' FUR TRIMMED AND FUR LINED COATS Our stock has been kept up and we have a full range in different styles and qualities. PRODUCE WANTED 73UTTER, EGGS, DRIED APPLES, BEANO AND :RAW FURS. a seceaessomscaeasitsameasaneenseeiletnasseateammeseoserceneee'•., se. .11 4 11H I1.J ltlh. .1. atztommatarinurtiommicassamor ,._.-.-..-.- •-•••••••••••%••••.• WIIAT FOLLOWID. A CUT. A magistrate's Wonderful Expert- enc With lam -Birk. lir. J, E. Arsenault, a Justice of the Peace, and station master at Welling- ton, on the Prince Edward Island Ry has haa•d a we1nclerful proof of the heel- = iug pow€ r heat-Buk. Ile says ;---- - - "Four years ago, I had an accident. = 1 slipped in the station and fell on a - freight.truck, sustaining a bad cut c n the front of my. leg, I thought this . would heal, bt't instead of doing so it developed into a bad nicer and later into a form of eczema which spread very rapidly and also started on the =1 other leg. Both legs became so swot- - :; len and sore that 1 could only go about my work by having thein baxnd- age(. ley - µ•:.•...::.::..�o:..,..yr,,....�.w.,...�..,.�..cxa! ndK n`! �..,6,3C7YTi1: taunt Rl—�.=!WLSi.111121C RXrdRA All tCttnl i . '0.71!*"..UP'424\ Wu..11CSRFitm� ALZ _ tintsersesary WWWIllggetggrInTRIrtt PSMV22C! !ureaositivisa es'Y46r.-. 14.43zre9ar, 4. 1,..1 .cam-_ • «'1.R' fl t1:F. kov'OE ;? art` art • Head Office z��,1�1i,Tc�1 . 14.a . �. i I(A K } N u•°A ..a•.............. -w. _...,.u..h.�. ..0 w.«.+.,....��...........:•........•w....-. .1F smas�.srao lar e CAPITAL PAID OF $) 2,870,000 Reserve and Undivided Profits .. 3,500,000 Total Asserts 44,000,000 Besides offering an incentive to save, a savings account affords a safe and convenient method of keeping the no - cumulating dollars. Safe custodyeis of paramount impor- tance—either for the hard-earned sav- ings of the worker or for trust funds. The Bank of Hamilton "invites your savings account, whether Targe or small C. P. SMITH AGENT - WINGHAAI t#.--•t4.'P;krrs'' • -'' ••;1.,,c''..& - f'r ..,u Ire4•-7,+ .;$ tb' 4.11; 1. 1a► y ,�V.-''' ..4"." Hwy r "�Ta� 71'77 1 .0,"--''...:,--7.—"-U.▪ '•'�::„. + , f�r'?. � 4 r/c am -? r1. `- T -- /': !r-• .•. i 1 °}Axf�'` � `4 0.1 s.> �\ �.>3.n""" •,_ f, -N. -� �'� .:,;y,,'w"--•-'':9-. ° r;,F� a: r4. -fir- "++.q�y,,T,,. '.93Z• • r t said I must sto work and lay up. "After six months of this trouble 1 consulted another doctor, but with' no better result. 1 tried all the salves, • liniments and lotions 1 heard of, but i instead of getting better 1 got wores. "Title was my condition when I got my first box ofletm-Buk, Greatly to my delight that first box gave mo re- lief, 1 continued to apply it to the sores, and day by day they got better. ' 1 could see that at last 1 had got Bold of something which would curse me, and in the end it did, "It is now over a year since ?a•xra- ' 'Bak worked a cure in my casae, and A there has been no return of eczema ' or any trace of it." Such is the nature of the great cures • which • Z•tm-Buk is daily effecting.. Ptarely herbal in composition, this : great balm is a sore cure for all skin tiiseeases, coldsores, chapped bands frost bite, ulcers; blood -poisoning, vurie;oe wires, piles, scalp sores, ring- worm, inflamed patches, cuts, burns, and bruises, All druggists and stores Bell at 50c a box, or post free frcun Zein-Buk Co., Toronto, upon receipt of price, PRE W I NG A MA V A NtC SANCTUM PARAGRAPHS. —A. Il, ()Wake asked the postmaster general it1 the noose of Commons whether An aannouncernent was to be made at ati early date as to tbe'exten- sion of aurid mail delivery. Lion. 1V11•, Pelletier replied :—"It is no question of extension, but of the' 'risking of well -arranged plan by 'napping out each coutnty and riott working at random at present. The question ib under comidetation.', What It Costs. The editor of Faarn. and Dairy says —"A person not in actual touch with the inside 'facts of what it costs to publish a -paper like Farm and Dairy would scarcely believe it possible that it would be such a costly undertak- ing.'- It costs us approximately $2.30 to get out Farm and Dairy for each subscriber for one year. That sub- scriber pays -us only $1,00 for his pa- per. Were it not for the advertising revenue we would soon be required to get someone else to undertake our financial obligations." The same may be said of other publications. Take One Pill, then— Take it Easy. Take What Pill ? Why, a Dr. Miles' Anti -Pain Pill, of course. Good for all kinds of pain. Used to relieve Neuralgia, Headache, Nervousness, Rheu- ' matism, Sciatica, Kidney Pains, Lumbago, Locomotor Ataxia, Backache, Stomachache, Period- ical Pains of women, and for pain in any part of the body. "I have used Dr. Miles' medicines for , ' over is years and find them. excellent. I keep Dr. Miles' Anti -Pain Pills in the house all the time and would not think of taking a journey without them, no . matter how short a distance I am going. I cannot praise them enough." Miss Lou M. CHUACITILL. 63 Iligh St, Penacook, N. H. At all druggists. 25 doses 25c. MILES MEDICAL CO., Toronto,Can. •.,•r4. �''Rk, * * * ••--The medical profession in the old land is interested ina discovery said to have been axiade by a German physician, Professor Spaaltebolz, who, by the lase of two complicated organic cheinicals, makes the human body transparent after death, As a math of this discovery dissection he unnecessary, as this makes not only the whole body, but the bones trans- parent, so the frail mechanism of human Life is displayed. So say English authorities. * * * —The Central China Famine Relief Committee of Shanghai wrote to To- ronto Board of Trade asking that To- ronto join with 800 other cities of Canada in tendering good will to the New China by helping her to grapple with the terrible faveine condition'- existing. Z.'wo and a half millions are at the point of starvation and the revolutionary conditions remake it im- possible for the rest of China to help therm. Each Canadian city is asked to act es a unit and cable help that will avert a nalaa.mity and strengthen the friendship of the new China fie the western world. $3 supports a family for one month. --Winghain citizens well remember a politician, who from the platform of the Town Hall stated that the Grand Trunk Pacific "would not cost the country one cent more than thirteen millions. Now the truth is known, and it is likely to cost nearly twenty times that amount, the cost reaching the enormous sum of $184.- 000 a mile. It looks like a big bungle from the start. To make the matter worse, an unbusiness, careless phrase in the agreement makes Canada liable for ten millions extra. Canada would need be a prosperous country to stand the strain put on her by Rome of her politicians—they cannot be called statesmen. i Iligh"------....Z... :t:, csp,„ Which is his . 1E ,R.I.'S no mistaking the expression o1.;• a •matt/ whose 'farm is well "improved." Ile loor,:s as prosperous as he feels. It isn't the size of a place that counts most, nor its actual dollars -arid -cents valns . It's rattler that "well -kept," thrifty appearance; the appearance that makes yea think of cat stock, and well-filled barns, and comfortable, contented living. e t, permanent improvements go further in giving a farm this appearance than atwry pther feature. Concrete is The ideal Material ii ielerevements. It is treat, harmonizing with its surroundings In the country. e. it cannot bo injured by fire, frost, wind or lightning. Age—Instead of I . r.. ,, :t to "1o•,1.y'••--aotual1y Makes it stronger, ,< • ,t.; n vcr• needs repair—first cost Is last cost. New improvements can be added :,,ar with less expense than would be required to peep wooden ttruwtures t ; v:,11cy, feeding floors, dairy'.barns, tee -houses, root -cellars, well -curbing, ▪ calf, cult:, h of these does your farm need most? "Whatever you want to lr, et to huilil it of concrete. t want to know more about this subje t of permanent fare improvements? write i,yr Jou: copy of " >9" >, The Farmer Can Do With Concrete." It's a book of 160 pages, teillne how other e1rnu rx have tilted the "handy mst+rla i,t to good a 1vafti'fe. Isteeithed to sell at 50c. a ccl,y, 1l: lis now being offered free to all fat•tlneei'a who write for it. Address t..ZI,A,sla Cement co., Leda National. •I;enk Buildine,,Montroa1. • SEND 141 Voti Iit BOOK, , t Gr x +r1.440.4r40•N460:.r64 ,00.0410, r'.1,410. w. r.41•.aaaa•a• 0• •.N. a,r,....••• r • ;if TIuuRsDAr, FEnRUAR'v 22, 112 MONEY BACK DANDRUFF CURE 5, W. XeKibbon. Guarantees Paris - Ian Sage for Dandruff and Falling flair, Think of it dear reader, if PARIS- IAN SAGE isn't the most invigorat- ing and pleasant hair dressing you ever used --money hack, If its doesn't banish dandruff, stop hair from falling and do away with 'amain itoh- rnoney back. W cents at J Walton 111clibbon's and druggists everywhere. ""PARISIAN SAGE as au hair grow or and scalp cleataner is all right." ---h'i't:, Dorm M. Daaniels, Williamson, W. Va. ,"PARiyTAN SAGE cried me of rerrihle aching 02 the scalp,"—Mrs. 0, P. Pope, Oxford, .Ala. One Dollar A Week. Dr. Albert P. Brubaker, in a lecture on "The Nutrition of the Body," de- livered in the Drexel Institute, gave the prescription of bow to live and grow fat an $1, worth of food a week, and thus get revenge upon dealers who boost the price of foodstuffs. The doctor declared that his knowledge was based on the practical experience of two men who began on the diet as students, and have eiw' e kept it up. They lived on $22 for six months, said both gained in weight and improved in health. The men, he said, studied the value of various foodstuff -a before iindez taking their experiruent. Know- ing that the human body le elerie:es about 2,800 heat units a day, they ',e- lected their food accot•dingiy. The diet of each was the saralo. Following is what-, they ate during the six rnonthe :- 2& dozen cans baked beans; $2 27 1 dozen boxes of patent food ....2 10 79 3 02 ' 00 55 11 79 i) cans condensed milk 101. pounds dates 10 pounds raw peanuts 3 quarts cottonseed oil Bread, butter and extxae —Mrs, Mary 0, Leavitt, for 10 years an honorary president of the World's Woman's °brietian Ternperaanee Union and a traveller in many lands' in behalf of temperance, die 1 in Boston ori 1l'eb, 5t13, aged 82. MVP, Leavitt travelled 200,000 miles and with the aid of interpreters, spoke to people in fifty -lone la»gthoga?a3 in behalf of t+errl- pera.nce, ]'morality and Obristianity. Dr. ---said to his patient ;—"Did ytu es ee try counting sheep for your insomnia ?" "Yes, doctor, but 1 made a mess of it, 1 counted 10,000 sheep, piit then' on the cars, and blipped therrh to market. The wad of wonky I got for them made me afraid to go to bleep." Dr, Brubaker said one of the students was suffering from tuberculoeis when he began the diet. In six months he had gained six pounds. The diet was kept up for two years. * * * —The Ontario Government has an- nounced its intention of spending five Million dollars in the developing of Northern Ontario, and the announce- ment has been received with great joy in the North. It is rather amusing to hear the Opposition claiming credit for this, when the development of that north country was one of the planks in James Whitney's policy when be went to the country in December last. One million dollars will also be pro- vided for the improvement of the roads in the older part of the pro- vince. Entering on its third terra of office the Whitney administration gives unmistakable evidence of "mak- ing good" in the best interests of the province. Under such circumstances, tbe flew -picking of a weak Opposition will have little effeet. * * * --•ln the House of Commons on Wednesday, 14th inst., Elon. Mr. Cochrane read a table based upon the estimate of the chief engineer that the Government section of the Trans- continental could ba completed and banded over to the Grand Trunk Paciffc Railway Company an . Jan- uary 1, 1014, after an expenditure of $171,726,000 had been made, and that money could be borrowed at 3 per cent. The Minister estimated that up to January .1, 1921, the cost of the road to the country would. be $230,000• 000, or $130,800 a mile. If the road did not earn 3 per cent. over working expenses for the three years ending December 31, 1923, then the capitalized cost of the railway up to that time would be $258,050,008 or $143,050 a mile. If the road was not taken ove.'" by the railway company on January 1, 1914, each year's delay would add in interest to the capital cost about $4,500,000. Such was the expenditure to which the Laurier Government's bargain bound the country. Fifty- three million dollars was the out- side cost named by the Liberals, when the`bargain was first made. It seems conclusive that the Transcontinental built over the same kind of territory is costing nearly a hundred thousand dollars more per mite than the Cana- dian Pacific, and the question is --- "Where did the money go ?" FOR DYSPEPSIA. You Risk No Money If You Try This Remedy. FREE IF IT FAILS. Your Money Back If You Are Not Satisfied With The Medi- cine We Recommend. Some Bargains in Town Property Frame Cottage --parlor, dining room, kitchen, three bedrooms, pantry, closets, hard and soft water, good garden, stone cellar, flue location. Price reasonable. Ilaif Story Frame House, with large barn --will be sold right. . Small Cottage. Owner wants to leave town A bargain. Erick House, with eenViItiE rzc __well situated. A choice home, for tale reasonable. Small Paras, 85 to 40 acres, near town. The above are only a•, few of the pro- p• titres we have (P1 our lint. Others wits b rsdvt+rtist-'d in this space weekly. Properties tri. Towel Plot, SVhiteohu.rcih, Bolgrave and. Bluevale Farms in eur- rouucling :lowuship . N B. --We have a buyer for a suitable 100 acre farm near Wingham. We are so positive that our remedy will permanently relieve constipation, no matter how chronic it may be, that we offer to furnish the medicine at our expense should it fail to produce satis- factory results. It is worse than useless to attempt to cure constipation with cathartic drugs, Laxatives or cathartics c o much harm. They cause a reaction, irritate, and weaken the bowels and tend to make constipation more chronic. Besides, their use becomes a habit that is dangerous. Constipation is caused by a weak- ness of the nerves and muscles of the 1 urge intestine or descending color.. To expect pec manent i elief you must therefore tone up and strengthen these organo and restore them to healthier activity. We want you to try Rexall Order- lies on our reoonanieu dation. They are exceedingly pleasant to take, being eaten like candy, and are idea for children, delicate persons, and old folk's, as well as for the robust. They act directly on the nerves and muscles Of the bowels. They apparently have a neutral action on other associate organs or glands. They do not purge, cause excessive looseness, nor create any inconvenience whatever. They may be taken at any time, day or night. They will positively relieve chronic or habitual constipation, if not of surgical variety, and the myriads of associate or dependent chronic ail- naente, if taken with regularity for a reasonable length of tine. 12 tablets, 10 cents ; 36 tablets, '25 cents; S0 tab- lets, 50 cents. Sold in Wingham only at our store --The Rexall Store, J. W. Mc1ibbon. We want every one troubled with indigestion and dyspepsia to come to our store and obtain a box of E•eea11 Dyspepsia Tablets. They contain I3is- muth-Subnitrate and Pepsin carefully combined SO as to develop their great. est power to overoome digestive dis- turbance, Rexall Dyspepsia 'Tablets are very pleasant to take. They tend to soothe the irritable, weak stornaeh, to strengthen and invigorate the diges- tive organs, to relieve nausea and indigestion, thus promoting nutrition and bringing about a feeling of comfort, If you give ltexall Dyepepsia Tablets a reasonable trial we will return your money if you are not satisfied" with the result. Three sizes, 25c, 50c and $1. OM. I.t eneraber, you (ten obtain Retell I3remodiee only et our stoz'e-- The Rexall Store, .1r. W. Mottibboti. Ritchie & Cosms REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE A. E. SMITH BANKER W INGlAV — ONTARIO LIMITIMMTITIMMITRIMMTIMMITIMMIMM Num Farmers who want money to buy horses, cantle or hogs to feed for mar- ket can have it on reasonable terms. Money transmitted and payable at par at any Bank in the Dominion. P.. T] S.--65.00 and under 3 cts, $10 to $,1.0, 1.o cts. $30 to a 50, 15 ots. Sarre rates cbaarged on principal banking points in the . 5. FISH, F ENT Eggs and meat are high priced, and Le'xit comes at a -�-� ood time this season. Irish at popular prices makes - r the cheapest and best food to b j iiad. We carry a grt al variety' of fcesll and cured 6511. Fresh Iterr•ing---I a3lt+s Superior ----per dozen, . 250 Fresh i exrz�iug--La1 e Erie—very large, per lb. . . fids E Fresh, Trout ----Lake Sop'-xior----Very choice, per lb __Inc Fresh Sea Salmon, it'd, whole •11...11, per lb 1t`)o Fresh Pike, gond solid fish, pnr lb, So Fresh. Cod Steak, slit�ed, per Ib. 10c Fresh Oold Eyes (small white ,tisb) per lb. 100 Smoked Fillets of Iiaiddie 150 Smoked Ciscoes, I.�ic: lb ; 2 lbs. for "00 Lake Superior Trout, extra fancy—kegs. --- Lake Superior Herr'iog, t:xtra fancy' --kegs. Two Coal Oil Tanks with 1'uxnpit for tulle cheap. Bold 45 gallons each. M_.._ •-wHp.• r DRS, KENNEDY & CALDER OF' 'xcEs--Corner Patrick and Centre streets Pn0NEs— Offlces 43 }tesidcrnce, Dr, Kennedy 113 Residence, Dr. Calder Dr. irennedp specializes in Surgery. Dr. Calder devotes special attention to Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes thoroughly tested. Glasses properly fitted. Care Of Poultry. A poultry specialist writes t --Clean- liness and. freedom from vermin are very important points in getting eggs in winter. The dropping boards in our pens are cleaned each day and sand sprinkled on there. Twice a week, on Wednesday and Saturday, the perches are sprayed with Zeno- Jewel. Twice a year, in spring and fall, we whitewash the interior of the house, We dust our hens with insect powder three times during the winter. The litter is ehanged every month,' We always aim to have variety in feeding. ,'Practically all of our common grains can be used to good advantage in feeding poultry. We feed a 'mixture of grains once a! day in the litter, one rjnaart to 25 hens. At logon we feed a mash of bran, buckwheat and corn. The pioper- tione of the constituents treed in this meals are varied trona time to time. Mange's and cabbage are hung up in the poultry house for green feed. We find sprouted oats an excellent green feed, one bushel of the green feed. costing us about 16 eta. At night one quart of grain ie again fad in the litter for each 25 hens. The most profitable eggs to produce are in the early spring, when we oars sell them for hatehing, We intend to make a:o ted r >" We h w t cit a1,nc a p. 1 e as f 1 at the Peterboro 1 -'air last fall and got ts'o fleets and two seconds. 13v building' up A reputation for faney° stock we are able to gent a first cica;aa price for eggs which mill make it ail the morre, worth our while to he able to produe±e lots of eggs in the cold spring wcaaatlxer fox. early haatohing purposes, CI 1GRIT? GENERAL AGENT Issuer of A.Larriage _Licetuses. l:+ ire, Life, Accident, Plate Glass Q and Weather In uraneo, coupled t al with a Real Estete and Money Loaning business: Mi�.."r,•.•\wr'M•'\N►J'A,/�/' V � h.M\%tiM✓\I�I'•Mti Te; f rotl>< ,Idea. ��ld ,.•✓1. HERE ARE SOME PRICES But You Must See Any Garment To Know The Valve - 1i21Ji'7'S CONVERTIBLE COLLAR OVERCOATS,—Plenty of, patterns. The $15 kind reduced to $9 80 ; the $18 kind reduced to $11. 80; • the $20 kind reduced to 1 $12 8'1. t•* if MEN'S VELVET COLLAR OVERCOATS --Black; and fancy. The $9 kind reduced to 45.00 ; the $10 kind reduced to $6 00 ; the $15 kind re laced to $7.90. • MEN'S SUITS. ---Every style and pattern. the $10 kind reduoF d to $5 80; the $15 kind reduced to 40 80; $20 kind reduced to $11.80, FURNISHINGS at a big cut also. Here are a few. 25c Boys' lined Leather Mitts, 15c ; 50o Men's Fiesced Underwear, 37a ; $1.00 Men's Fancy Shirts, 05o ; $1.00 Wool Ribbed Underwear, 49c ; 356 Neckwear, 19a. ; $2 00 Black Stift Hats, 983. BOOTS AT HALF PRICE We'll buy them back if not satisfactory. 1 • BARGAIN STORE . . .1.44..a -- - - as,. :K+•3.11. •sJ�.e� 4:.4r.Nf+.4}44•w:r:.,0...Uir w:r.=.1w�.. .. $a rWnter CENTRAL 1 STRATFQRD., ONT. Our classes aro now lamer than ever be- fore*, but we have enlarged our quarters and we have room for a few mono stu- dents. You may enter at any time. W have a stair of nine experienced instruc- tors and our courses aro the best. Our graduates succeed. This week three re- cent, graduates inform, us that they have positions paying t.65, $70 and $125 per month. We have three departments— Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. Write for our free catalogue now. D. A. McLACiLAN Principal For Superior I3usines or Shorthand Edu- cation is the Great and .Popular ELL/OTT TORONTO„' ONT.. .. G raduates 'readily obtain gond positions and the demand is fully Tl1.RLEEE TIMES 5 OTI1R SUPPLY. This College is open all year, Students have lately taken positions at $50, $00, $75 and $100 per month, 1+�ntor now. Catalogue free, s1. W. J. ELLIOTT, P1RIN0IPAL. 'Cor. Yonge enol Alexander Ste. 'SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WCST LAND ReGULATIONS k NY porson who is the solo head of a family, or any male over 18 years old. mar home- stead a quarter section of available Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberto,. The applicant must appear In person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -agency for the district. Entry by proxy may bo made at any agency, on certain conditions by father, moth- er, son. daughter, brother or teeter of intend- ing homesteader. 1)ntiea3.. -:i1x months' residence upon and cul- tivation of the land in each of three veaars. • A. homesteader maylive within bane mites of his homestead on a arier of at least Metres solely owned and oeeupi' d by hint or by his father, mother, sort, daughter. brother or tester. In certain districts a homesteader in good Standing nd ing Inky pre.ontpt a quarter -section Meng - Side his homestead. Price $3.00 per acre. Duties -Must reside ~,lion the homestead or bre-omption .six months in each of six years frond date of homestead entry (including the o teed patent) and hms to earn+a 11. ) time required cultivate fifty acres extra. A. homesteader who has exhausted his home- ' steed right and eaunot nbt,b4a a pre-emption may enter for a.L pnech.'..f tl homeitell in cer.aain t11strietat. Price $3 00 r,er (a, re. 1)tatiea --••:durst aide six months 1.:t each of three years, eurlti- a'ate fifty acres and erect a hon a vt'orth $300, W. W. CORY, loiytit;tr of the MlniSter of the Interior. i'l'.13.--17tltarithorigec`l pnblinetien of title ltd. 'neer;tlattatillotit 'Will het bo paid for. r ITO =I Is till Sale Seeing is believing and trying is confirming. Every article advertised is sold at cost and some below, and we guarantee satisfaction. Take a look at these prices. Men's and Young Men's Suits to clear before our new ones arrive. $ 6.00 Suits, 7.50 LL 8.00 8.50 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 15.00 .c cc lr rr tc Lc 11 1 '4 - off, cost', you LL LG $ 4.f>0 5 63 6.00 f. )S 11.75 117.50 \f5 8.2 9.00 11.25 We still `leave a few Men's and Boy's Overcoats at tlhe same - reduction, Also three Men's Calf Coats left—was $ $25, to clear. 5, now New spring goods arriving daily and we must have the room as well as the money. r Produce of all kinds taken. Potatoes wanted in large a uantities any time, Yb..J.%••� Y L'1. .,�.a",tf,N a Y:,J 6,���i1'6y"�- ly_ _n,lNwYy"Y'W1W n s lls (Successor to T. A. MILLS) WINGHA 1