HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1912-01-25, Page 4anuary uas TIE IN -HAM VAN ur Sale .,V t. Discounts from 15 to 25 per cent off_u_ Ladies Fur, Fur Linedr'and Quilted :Lined ooate--all sizes and best qualities at the above saving, Sett, odd lk[uifs and Stoles, 'ranging in price from $5,00 to $50,00) to clear at big saving prices. Men's Fur and Fur Lined Coats greatly reduced, also Farr Caps and Buffalo Robes. P f ODUCF WANTED Butter, Eggs, Fowl, Beans and Feathers. . :�,.�..,4.� .... .Att prices for 1 A.W FURS. i�kk sJG`'¢v te-'111, :1. Highest cash sere ai 4aregie eatiele— ,:eke 4 4 r ^3>eyr(,14�bi� ,.t ere,_ your Postgydce your 1 rna yorrr Prv,ince BITE your name and address In the lines above, clip out this ad, and mall it now. We will send, by return mail, a boob that tells how to make yours a > - "Twentieth Century" farm, You wouldn't be satisfied to use a scythe to cut your grain, when a modern harvester can do it so much better, would ybu? Nor to use the old soft -iron plough -share that your ancestors walked behind, when you can get an up-to-date riding plough? Every Canadian farmer realizes the advantages of Twentieth Century implements. The next step is =" ' The 2 Y th Century aterial--Concrete Concrete is as far ahead of brick, stone, or wood as the harvester is ahead of the scythe or the riding -plough is ahead of the old iron plough -share. Concrete is easily mixed, and easily placed. It resists beat and cold as no other material can; hence is best for ice -houses, root - cellars, barns, silos and homes. It never needs repair; therefore it makes the best walks, fence -posts, culverts, drain -tiles, survey monuments, bridges and culverts, It cannot burn; you can clean a concrete poultry -house .by ruling it with straw and setting the straw afire. The lice, ticks and all germs will be burned, but th.e house is uninjured. ' It is cheap—sand and gravel can be taken from your own e farm. Cement, the only material you must buy, forms from one-seventh to one-tenth of the whole volume. ' ; Do you want to know more about Concrete on the Farm? Then write your name and address in the lines above, 'or on a postcard, mail it to us, and you will receive by return mail a copy of �` "What the Farmer Can Do With Concrete,/ Not a catalogue, but a 160 -page book, profusely illustrated, ' explaining how you can use concrete on :YOUR farm. . .DRESS p� CANADA,},7CEMENT CO., -Ltd. NATIONAL•BANKC.BWILDIIVU „ .. MONTREAL r 1/4 r �8 Little Cra Your Kitchen af11 es It is a wonderful patent device, the 02 ord for use only on EYOXFOlif Economizer, and ie licensed VES ANC' Tills marvellous regv ator keeps the oven at a given temper:At/re, i' o heat is wanted -nothing goes; up the flue but bad odors, steam and smoke. The fire is held for hours without: atten'.ion--ready for irrtrnediato Use— and all this labor, time and fuel saved by simply turning the crank. With 't. o Di jaded Orietn Flue ; 5t;rip you have even baking, because of the per fcct distribtztion «of heat, sec tared by 'this expert arrangement. Tit„�,y �'l i�ni ,i �,,.. flow. s.,L' II 'ate 'fi;vitiod with f ong, a R • "`Y 40 l Kr'd 11 Lilj r $ rii:asli i.7tl va .:C 4i�1;1 ?41L8<wad.r T:;ct a`a i• lge here Pala. t' !l other Gaz- r .13 of every sort for ev rl7' ,t1z: pOse dk- lal:ty d (n' our poor, i .. 4P; CI1'4Liygy';3l�l0:KSTRAVON l (O Y1L} J4_+.1 ins •w +) fPri WNO AND +� rIZIR�Nn NEAR 0011111101011101011111000111 EXCELLENT CONNECTIONS FOR THE SUNNY SOUTH. To meet the demand of southern travel which ;generally takes place this season of the year, the C. P. R. is pleased to inform the public of the excellent connection made at Detroit with the Pere Marquette for Jackson- ville and other Southern points. Passengers can leave Toronto on the O.P,R, fast train at 4 30, p.m., arrive Detroit 10 25 p.m, and connect with the Pere Marquette train leaving same depot at 10.45 p.m, and arrive d'ackson- vilIe second morning afrer leaving Detroit. The parlor and dining car service between Toronto and Detroit is par Yi1 excellence, and from Detroit south r3; through sleeping and dining car . service is also operated. tiThis route takes you through the 't beautiful cities of Detroit, Mich., Toledo, O,, Dayton, 0., Cincinnati, O., and Atlanta, Georgia, If intending passengers will call at the ticket office, 10 East Ring St., full information will be furnished. and literature covering the route supplied, Excellent Connections can also be Made to Florida, via Buffalo. FOA A LONG LIFE 'Mosel iritereStedt Please ;need fresh air and exercise, with proper food and a sufficient amount of sleep, are the essentials, cinder such a regime of living, germs cannot develop, and many ens - caeca ere prevented. Should the s ►stern require a tonic, take only teach tie you know their in. gradients, u,eh is Vinol, `tv1aiole le a Idelicionis combination ref the Health,` giving properties of the code' With all tho useless grease elimfuatcd and tome iron added, happily blended ia a, knf1d, mediclnal twine, role this reason "ViereI to regarded no ono of the greatest body buillerre end invigorators for aged people. It invignratee ,and builds than tap-, and keeps them utp, Wo Vittel with the *underrstand. ittg 'tliat it it deee not give natisfar tion the prime Will be ett ii ted. J. WW l\&Oiibbota, .I}ttuggiett Wieght f t DRAINAGE AND DAIRYING, tta speak;ng on this. subject, Prof* W. II, Day eatd—"There is a direct oonneotion between &abut get and dairying, Draleage mteaus more abtsr. M dant crops ; more abendaa,»ee in feed spells cheaper productions of milk," Then the speaker proceeded to give illustrations showing how greatly pro- duction has been increased as a re. suit of draztnaage, John McIntagger't, near %%cin, had secured 19 bushels more oats per acre from low, net land, when drained than he obtained from high dry lalacl, Before drainagethe flat land gave the poorest returns on the farm ; now it gives the best, .Folz A, MclYi allots, Petrolea, agured the extra yield in oats in his ease, as a result of drainage, at 1 bushels per Acre. . Id, McCaardy, Elgin county, drain - ea at a cost of $17.50 per acre and ob- tained from the drained land double the yield in fall `wheat that he ot. tained from other land. And so on, case after case of like nature being given. The"re;asonx why" was also stated, Drainage, when badly needed, makes it possible to get on the land from one to six weeks earlier in spring than would otherwise be possible and early seeding helps towards increased pro- duction. Drainage, by reducing evaporation, causes the soil to warts up more quickly and warmth is essential to germination. Drainage not only removes surplus water early in spring but puts the land in condition to hold more moisture during the dry season of summer, a loose soil holding 28 per cent. more moisture than a hard, compact soil. HOW :'o FINANCE DRAINAGE SCHEMES, Special facilities have been provided for the financing of drainage schemes. The Ontario Tile Drainage Act gives to township councils power to borrow from the Ontario Government any sum from $2,000 up to $10,000 for drainage purposes and to lend it to land -holders in the township, for drainage purposes, at 4 per cent., no loan to any one person to exceed $1,000. All loans made trust be repaid by the borrower, as part of his annual tax rate, payment being spread over 20 annual instalments. Principal and interest coxae to $7.30 per $100 per annum. On the average it costs $23 per acre to drain land. The annual payment on a loan of $25' principal and interest, under the. plan stated, will be $1.81. per year for 20 years. The mode of procedure in providing for the raising of the money is ex- ceedingly simple. A council can pass a by-law authorizing the borrowing of any sum from $2,000 to $10,000. The actual borrowing by the township from the Government takes place only as the money is called for by individ- ual farmers, and as soon as a farmer borrows, the sums borrowed becomes a charge upon his land just like his ordinary tax bill. Township and Gov- ernment are free of all liability as the land of the borrower is good for the loan and the borrower obtains money for the making of a very necessary improvement at an exceedingly mod- erate rate of interest. c'KEEP PEGGING AWAY,” .Men seldom mount, at a single bound, To the ladder's very top ; They have to climb it, round. by round, iiith many a start and stop, - And the winner is certain to be the man Who labors day by day, For the world has learned that the 1 surest plan Is to just keep pegging away. You've read, of course, about the hare And the tortoise–the tale is old -- How they ran a race—we don't know where, And the tortoise won,we're told. The hare was sure he had time to pause And. to browse about and play, But the tortoise got there first, beeause 11e just kept pegging away. A little tail and a little rest, And a little more earned than Spent Is sure to bring to the snug home nest A spirit of calm content. And so, though the neighbors may put on style, 13e patient and don't get gay ; You'll have treasures to loan 'em after awhile If you just keep pegging away. A Strange Will. Martin Woelfie of Chewier, Ott., left his entire estate of $3,2(31, "to the party at a whose house ;i; die," He was an old xnan SI years of ager For ton year he had lived with one of hies sone, and then after the family ;saving a crow went to live with i neighbor, Leiter be went to live with aeotain- law and his daughter. There he died after a year's residence, Martin's will Wee lt'nnadt3 after the family disagree. nnertt. The son-in-law, Iltek yDank- hert claimed the property, while the other heirs claimed that the will Was void for watt of eerteinty. The este- cutore applied to the eonrte for advice and construction of the will. Mr, d'nstice Middleton at 0Bgoodee f all, hays given judgment, holding the son- in-law entitled t.o the property, ffe distnleeee tho clean° of a SOU Who owned, the house in which the coladas• lair lived, and who elatbtltied tht tt it Wee Iia hitt hotuna. hie father died, CHURCH UNION, E Church union, which appeared eea.rceiy more than a poesibllity five yearsago, la now a very near proba- bility, with respect to the Presby- terian, .Methodist and Congregational churches. In 1010 the General Con- ference of the Methodist Church pees - ed the proposed (basisof union' by a large majority. Of the 12 annual conferencee to which the matter was referred, nearly all approved it: and 13ow it is being referred to the official boards and church Members for rati- ficationbefore the General Conference will take the important step which rests with it alone, . The line of action of the Presby'. teriau Church is almost identical with that of the Methodist Church. The General Assembly, which has the sole p lwer to act in this matter, approved of it unanimoualy, and referred it to the local presbyteries. A large ma- jority aa-jorrity of these voted in favor of the document, and it is now being referr- ed to the sessions and members for their decision. Neither the General Conference nor Assembly will act without an over- whelming majority of the members i x concurrence with them, With respect to the Congregational Church, the final decision rests with the church. members, not the repre- sentative body known as the Congre- gational Union, The Union una ti- anously approved of the documents of the proposed basis of union, and one year ago $ per . cent. of the church members voted for it, so that that denomination has done its part and can only await the issue. GOOD. HEALTH VIM AND VITALITY Are assured if you will cleanse your stomach of undigested food and foul gases ; the excess bile frons the live and,the waste matter from the intes- tines and bowels by the use of FIG . PILLS the great fruit, kidney, liver, stomach and boevel remedy. At all dealers 25 and 50c boxes or mailed by The Fig Pili Co., St. Thomas, Ont, re% �i► a cs Z. Vt. The matter under title head is supplied by the Wingham W.C. T. U. The regular meeting of the Wo- men's Christian Temperance Union was held Jan. 10;h, in the O. 0. F. hall, with 21 ladies present. After de- votional exercises, the President read an article of Andrew Murry's, chosen from 1st epistle of Peter, which was both interesting and instructive. Sec- retary's report read and on motion of Mrs. Brock and Miss Waddell, adopt- ed, also Treasurer's report showing $2 22 on hand. Moved and secondhd that Treasurer's resignation be accept- ed. The appointment of another was` left over until next meeting. Supt. of S. 5. reported having got 200 pledge cards for Methodist S. S. and had over 100 signatures. Supt. of lumberman's work reported having had word from ivlrs. Rands to send comfort bogs away. The evangelistic . Supt. report- ed having made 13 visits since last meeting ; also having sent several bas. kets to the needy at Xmas, also asked as next week being a week of prayer, that Friday, Jan. 26th, be given for one hour for prayer and commencing at 3 o'clock, to meet at the hone of Mrs. Joynt, and also at the home of Mrs. Alex. Ross. Supt. of Flower and Mission had distributed several arti- cles of clothing which were much ap- preciated. Supt. of Medal contest re- ported being successful in having seven girls ready for the contest, which will take place on Feb. 8th in the Town $ail ; admission fee 10 and 15c. After some discussion on Wo- man's Franchise it was moved that Miss Mulvey act as Supt., of this department. Meeting closed with prayer. Again the temperance forces and the bar -room have joined battle, and as usual the contest has ended with the temperance forces in undisputed possession of certain parts of the field, with victory trembling in the balance in other parts, and with the comfort- ing omforting fact that even our defeats do not meat in any sense an extension of license territory, but, rather, even in stack eases, a. more careful observance of the law. We have carried 17 municipalities by the required majority of 3 to 2, and in ail of these cases the victories will probably be permanent.' --[he (nardian. THE BEST EVER FOR $7,500 A 200 Aare J?arw, with first-class buildings axed DO to 00 acres of hardwood bui,la, Cote to School, Church and PostoMee; tour miles from a. good ship- ping point; iand'nearly all in grass, and in flrat-class chaps. The values of Unroll farms are now tending upward, and theshrewd men will take advantage of present prices. Make a note of the above statement, and in two or three years frond now, see if we are not right. A fine farm of 200 merest has jest been listed with us for immediate sale, en. account of owner's ilt health, Large brick hsuse and bank barn, also all other necessary buildings. ]fifty acres bush. Never failing well and spring. School : mile, Post Wilco ?t* mile, church one to three miles. A. rare ebanoe to get a good place in a fine locality. Price $8,600, or will exchange for a smaller. Ritchie & Coswis REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE c POSTE Mit i' SOME STAMPS IE. VOLFE!i AS MUCH AS N'O' X1.9.00 Eee}l, . `t if you haveCn.slac a cancelled stamps to sell write for our illustrated catalogue quoting prices we ray ror each kind by = mail to any addre: l for 10 con is (not free). QUEBEC STAMP EtCHA CE (REM P.O. Pox 179, QUEBEC, Canada. JL The Place Where Good Clothes Come From LET us POST YOU If you get your clothes from us, yon are sure to get Clothes Clothes Clothes Clothes Clothes Clothes Clothes Clothes Clothes made to fit neatly made well made that look well that wear well that last well in latest style that please that satisfy We auderstand our business Wo have the goods We knoW' the styles Our charges are right The Nifty Ian's Tailor R. Maxwell's old stand Z._ eid.i�'�f/ Y. M. C. A. BLDG.. LoNx)opi. ONT. BUSINE=S tmd S:1QRTalAND SuBJF,CTS. Registered last season upwards of 300 students and plaacett every gradurfte. Seven specially qualified regular teachers. One hundred and fifty London firms cmplo;' our trained help. College in session from Sept. 5 to June 30. Enter any time. oloi;ie Frhe. �,�peat �l�:� ::: u�luL:a� out rills] C&h+ e td J. W. Wrsr; avi'el;r, JR. J. Y1f.'WESTERVEL-r, Chartered Acc:,Puntnt;t. { Principal. E'ico P'rin'cipal. is SIX IMPORTANT POINTS REGARDING TRE WELL-KNOWN ELLIOTT .azi, TORONTO. ONZ, a4 Courses are strictly first -Glass 2. Muck individual instruction is given. 3. Teachers are expert and experienced. 4. Graduates GET and BOLD good posi- tions. 5. Equipment thoroughly up-to-date. 6. Enjoys a wide -spread patronage. Write for catalogue. Enter now. W. J. EaLl}TT, PRINCIPAL. Cor. Yonge and Alexander Sts. Winter Term from Jan. 2ud CENTRAL AT TFC PQIr3pR ONT. Our classes aro now larger than ever be- fore, but We have ehlarged our quarters r and we havo reom for a few maze Feu - dents. Yon ma' enter at any time. We have a atuiiof nine experienced instruc- tors and star courses aro the best. Our graduates suceeed. This week three re. cent graduates inform tut that they have positions paying 140,. $70 and $120 per month. We have three departments— .._..-_a- — . Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy, HER HAIR GREW THAT'S WHY A TIIANKKFUL WOMAN RECOMMENDS PARISIAN SAGE. J. W. Mc[Clhbon will sell you a 50e bottle of PARISIAN SAGE and gnara ra,ntee it to banish daindrnff, stop fall- ing heir and itching scalp, ori money beck. ZL•'s at delightful hair dressing that makes hair luttrons and fascinat- ing. "In the spring I was recovering from �' f to to severe earrJe of erysipelas, whichleft•, the virtually bald on the front of shay head and next to my earn. The heir kept corning out rapidly and DO - thing T used stopped me getting enn tirely bald, until I used two bottIue nt PARISIAN SAGE, Thie tonic made my hair start to groty in and, itt fact grew me a good fair amount of hair, and it has entirely stopped my flair falling out. It le with pleasure that I nivel puhllr, recommend r,f PARISIAN AGE whicrh I know isa wonder."' Mrm. EttaGilchrist,, Wk Pitt St., iced• fotel, Pao Write for our free catalogue now. D. A. lctAClfLAN Principal DNS. KENNEDY & CALDER OP/Piens—Corner Patrick and Centre streets PaYo.�zvsy Residence, Dr, Itennedy 143 Itosidcrnc,±', Dr, Caldor 11i b'. Itennedy specializes In Surgery. ' Dr,Calder r devotes special attention t0 Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nese and Throat. Eyes thoroughly+ tested. GIassoat properly fitted. .�., Jas. Walker ik Son r W)NOHAM UN RTAK R Wo are dpectafy ettaltftcd tinder• takers and Enabaliaiere, aattd - thoL�o g entrusting theft work to u. Inky relyY on ib- .being - well , dent, Night cane received st rosienoe. Om111ae Planner! 106 Uaaee Phone 12 a 1 3 TI SI AY, JANUARY. ARV SALE Our Big Sale of Winter Goods is in full swing. Don't miss it. There's money in it for you,. TINDER WEA.R--for ;(den, Women, Boys, Girls and Wants. Good quality, all sirs, at a saving of 25c on every dollar's worth, Children's Toques, Children's Coats, Ladies' Coats, all sizes. Winter Gloves, Shawls, Etc., at 75c on the dollar. Men's and Boys' Tweed Suits and Overcoats at ?t off. Think of it, a $12.00 Suit for $8.00--$9.00 Suit for $6.00, A few Furs, Stoles, Muffs, Coats, Etc. These all go at One Third less than regular prices. Felt Slippers, plain and fancy, new goods, very pleat --just the thing for cold weather—keep your feet warm— at a saving of 25c on the dollar. Heavy Rubbers and Sox, good quality, all sizes ; your choice at Zia per cent less than regular prices. Light Rubbers fo' Men, Women, Boys, Girls, Infants, all sizes, best quality ; at 20 per cent off. Seasonable goods at a big saving. Men's Heavy Wool Sox, Heavy Mitts and Gloves, Sweaters, Cardigan jackets and Caps, at a saving of 25c on every dollar's worth. Goods will not be charged at reduced prices. Terrns of sale= -Cash or Produce. Premium Tickets will not be punched ,for goods sold at reduced prices. .s.�y-_S-=�s�'+.1. �W.l✓Sr.�,y,h... �l�,y�:... ,�„riJ ' �yi'=- ',�'IWJY+..._ _ _ ._�.. _:.s1�..�W THE PROFIT SHARING STORE WIVGHdIV1, ONT. f m'h.._m` = '.. -_...,4h+..-• _ •...w.,A4111,Mwur 4 .1 lA.•.-.4:wuLr,..4rtaurr L 3+=. -..P We will give 25 Per Cent Dis- count on all our Men's and Boys' Overcoats before stock taking. We have a large assortment to select from, and must be cleared out to make room for spring goods. —WE HAVE— Men's Russian and. China Dog Skin Coats. Men's Quilted Lined Coats with German Otter Collars. Calf Skin. Coats, Bulgarian. Lamb Coats and. Coon Coats, all tb be sold regardless of cost. Also a few Women's Astrican Coats, perfect goods, worth from $30.00 to $45.00 your choice for $15,00 cash. Ali Kinds of Raw Furs Wanted Also Potatoes in Large Quantities Cash or Trade Pickled i c e ��e�r n and. Trout now �n �, get our prices before buying eisewhe e. aturaiedsoilikosstatatomittaluariceatcomm,ttengsgromMotstiC e6&ku..r ,IJ ,Atom Isyy (Successor to T., A. MILLS) WINGHAM