HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1912-01-04, Page 1, 40TII YEAR, NO. 19. SANCTUM PARAGRAPHS,. The .1Atinghain WINGRAM, ONT., THURSDAY, eTANUARY .44 1912. The Municipal Elections. Settlers are taking up land be the New Year's day was largely taken up with the municipal elections. The Temiskaining, part of New Ontariofollowing are the results in Wingham. There was a good vote polled, con During 1911, nearly X000 settlers took eidering that on account of the holiday, some voters may have been out of up 150,000 acres of land, or about 100 town acres each. • * Wards Bell —There are 170 cities in the United 2 States governed by Commiseions in- 3 etead of Councils, and the list is seat- 4 tered through 33 States. Tbe largest 5 ission-governed city le Oakland, • • • • 37 ▪ It 82 • 1 58 • „ . • 51 • I 22 Bone Elliott 43 41 60 53 OS 50 84 71 • 18 10 Hall Mills Mitchell Mollibbon 31 49 53 51 39 70 40 66 33 58 78 59 55 73 01 79 87 9 18 45 21 27 VaDetone 59 01 71 coram 111.6•••••••• 04.6•1•1 •••••••••••• .1••••1•44.1, Cal., with. 150,174 people, and the 200 263 225 107 268 283 260 311 timeliest is Marble Falls, Texas, eeith The Council will therefore consiet of :—Mayor—Geo. Spotton ; Reeve - 1,001. The list is Peatteved through D. E. McDonald, Councillors—Wm. Bone, IL B. Elliott, j. A. Mille, S, So far as the facts can be ascertained spared by the host and oo ess thirty-three states. One advantage of Mitchell, J. W. McKibbon, 0. G. VanStone. prior to the inquest, they are as to the pleasure of the evening. Be - with friends at Londesboro. Mr, and IV1rs, Awde spent New Year the syetern there, is the power of So far as the editor of this paper is concerned, he has no fault to find with follows -*--- fore leaving, a hearty vote of thanks N. Wesley Snell of Detroit was a i'recall" -which provideti a means the decision of the electors. During 1011, he conscientiously and faithfully On Wednesday evening, Dr. Kentie- was tendered by the choir to their Wingliam visitor this week, whereby the people can recall unfaith- enieavored to serve the Town, and has always labored for its advancement. dy, Rennie and the architect above popular leader and. estimable wife. Thos. Auld of Sarnia spent the holt- full official 4o a,nd put others in their However, it is clear that 'VVingb.am, voters (many oe them) expect te be can. referred to, were having a social time day with his friends in town. plaees ; while under the old system t vassed, and that we have never done. The editor'd business requires a his in -Dr, Kennedy's office, and after the PillY 1301111d TurkeY• Miss Viola Isard returned to her and T. Kennedy left for the National raised in Kent county was on exbibi- school near Paisley on Tuesday. is necessary to wait until the terms time and energy, and in fame) khan receive it. To those who were kind oysters had been disPosed of, Rennie One of the largest turkeys ever 1 * * * hotel, where they boarded. Before tion at the farm of Mc, Ehert, Bal- Luther A. Ball of Aylmer spent expire. . eaough to support him at the polls, sincere appreciation and thanks are It is not pleasant to be told that in leaving, it appears that Rennie entered doon road, Chatham Tovenship, It is New Years with Winghaen friends, THE HYDRO -ELECTRIC VOTE Councillors—P. A. McArthur, Wm. the medicine room and took a bottle of claimed that the bird, which was two Miss Pearl Davidson of Detroit tendered. Ontario, the banner province of the SAD AND UNEXPECTED DEATH During 1912. Speak a elia.de more kindly. Personals This week, we have to report a Than the year before; 0-.............eoweaeweeee.weeeeheee--e-tatef MIK; jennie Stewart of Toronto is visiting friends in town. Miss Porter of Toronto was a home visitor in town this week. NeMwr.yJe.aBr.vFisaitrornIneoftoTweerater Was a Miss Dandy returned, to her school lamentable occurrence that ended in LILY a e the death of one person, and. might Love a little more ; , seeeeee in.. Cling a little closer have requited fatally in a stance. Wm. Rennie, who worked To the Father's love; for Dr. Kennedy, came to a sudden Lire below shall liker grow and unexpected end, sometbne &wine To the heaven above, the night of Wedneeday of last week, t d taken from the doctor's dispensary. tog, at thele home. No effort was 0 r • Year's at Mr. Wm. Guest's. and a man naaried Thos. Kennedy, near Lucknow on Tuesday. architect for the Western Foundry The choir of Se, Paul'e Church was Miss Gertrude Naylor was a New . was seriously ill for several days as a very pleasantly entertained by Mr. Year guest of Miss Gracey. remit of taking an overdose of a drug, and Mrs. Willis on Thursday even - Miss Coiling of London spent New • h i Dominion, insanity is on the increase, spent the holidays with he parents n Poll Yes No - 1 town. statement. Dr. Struthere, chief medi- New Year with her mother, Mrs. Win. Mrs, 3. S. Agnew of London spent and tad to say, statistics support the Sutton. cal inspector for Toronto schools, re- 5 E. W. Bradwin of Toronto is spend.- ports that conditions are alarming. He also states, that at least one-half parents. ing the holidays at the home of his of the number of cases of insanity in Mr. andMrs.John Hartley of this province could have been avoided . iClinton, were 'Wingliam visitors on f the patients had received proper care in childhood. If this is the case, ISIonda,y. and Mrs. R. Carson of Gorrie and if the figures that ehow that one Me. is an were guests of their Wingham friends out of every 367 in Ontario, IVIisses Laura and Edith Rush and insane person, are correct, there should last week. . be reedy devised if possible. If these tenaditions continue, what sort of a brother Len, were home from Toronto m populittan pall we have in the next generation. '-- Fraser, S. S. Cole. chloral from the shelf, it is thought years old, weighed about 50 pounds. he and nos, Kennedy took some of The gobbler was killed and taken the drug. They arrived at the National into Chatham for sale on the market 47 0 2 59 0 01 13 69 12 36 1 272 All by acclamation. L 3 UOENO W, 4 Councillors •— Davidson, Hill, Mc- a few minutes before 12 p.m., as the on • Saturday before Christmas. At proprietor, Mr. Doyle was closing. 18c a pound (the ruling price) it would Qoillin, Sherriff. They went at once to Kennedy's room, bring $9.00. KINLOSS. and shortly after, Mr. Doyle heard Total Councillors—Baechler, Withers, Mc - Majority in favor-23kee some noise and went to the room, Diarmid, McKinnon. finding both lying on the bed. Ken- Oyster Supper. L O.L. No. 760, Bluevale, will hold an Hydro -Electric By-laws were also HOWIC/IC. nedy began to vomit, which probably . . Oyster Supper on Friday, January carried in Owen Sound, Clinton, Blyth, Rd eeve—J. T. Winter. by nada- saved his life, as after a few da3 6/ Exeter, Hensel!, tioderich, Wroxeter mation. illness, he recovered. Rennie aroom of the Methodist Church, ppeared school12th, The supper will be served in the and a number of other places. The U - - Deputy-Reeve—J. nderwood. unconscious, and Mr. Doyle and his and the entertainment to follow will By-law seems to have been carried in For Councillors — Wm. Crawford. assistants carried laim to his room. be given in the Forester's ball. There every place where it was submitted. J. W. Edgar, John Elyndman. * Andrew Carnegie, when celebrating his seventy-sixth birthday reeently, gave out a list of the twenty men who in bis judgneent deserve to .be held as greatest of the race. His one com- ment upon them was that all were born poor and that seven were Scotr. This is the list :—Shakespeare; Morton, discoverer of ether; Jenner, discoverer of eee eination ; Neilson, inventor of hot blast; Lincoln; Burns, the poet; Gutenberg, inventor of printing; Edi- son ; Siemens, inventor of water -meter; Bessemer, inventor ; Musliet, inventor of steel process; Columbus; 'Watt; Bell, inventor of telephone; Ark- wright, inventor of cotton -spinning machinery ; Franklin, Murdock, first to employ coal as illuminant-; Har- greavetainventor of the spinning -jenny; Stephenson, of locomotive fame; Sy- mington, inventor of the rotary engine. 000 —The upheaval in China recalls the estimate placed by the late Sir Robt. Hart, on the Chinese character; he said :— "The Chinese possess quite as large a share as others of admir- able qualities. They are well-be- haved, law-abiding, intelligent, economical, and industrious; they are punctiliously polite; they wor- ship talent, and they believe in right so firmly that they scorn to think that it requires to be sup- ported and enforced by might. They are generous, charitable, and fond of good works; they never forget a fayor, they make rich return for any kindness, they are wonderfully gifted with com- mon senseand in no country has the commandment, "Honor tby father and thy mother," been so religiously obeyed. In no other • country is education no honored, so prized, so utilized, and so re- warded." If Sir Robt. Hart's estimate of the Chinese is correct, there is a great future before that nation, when it once shakes off the shackles of past years, and gets well started on the march of progress. As they did, so, the bottle of chloral will be addresses by several ministers, Tan COMMISSIONERS MORRIS fell out of his pocket. He was un-: . 043, to abolish the recitations, and music by the choir of The By-law No Reeve—J. Shortreed. dressed and put to bed, still uncon- lectric Light and Water Commission St. Paul's Church, Wingham. Chair E Councillors—Messra Laidlaw, scious. A short time after, when Mr. Was carried by the following vote :-- Elston, Fraser. Doyle looked into his room, Rennie taken at 8 p.m. by W. J. Greer of - Poll For By-law Against Wingham. Admission, 25 de. 1 ..... ..... 43 87 CULROSS summoned and pronounced him dead, was very pale. Medical men were 65 42 Councillors—Case, Armstrong, Don- reeovered claimed that his sickness We understand ,that the man who Suicide At Mildmay. , A despatch from Walkerton reports 52 33 Reeve—G. Falconer. 68 52 was not the result of taking any of the that on Dec. 30, John Muratt postinas- 29 20 ter of Mildmay, committed suicide by drug, and On this point, even medical . . Reeve—T. IL Powell. poisoning The motive for the deed is 257 184 testimony was not unanimous. Councillors—J. J. Moffatt, A. Whee-On aturdaYCoroner Milne opened a mystery. The postmaster, a man of S, 2 3 4 .. 5 The result of this vote will be to an inquest, and the following composed a °u Odeon, Thompson. TURN BERRY Majority for By -law -63. ler, j. Rutherford. J. McBurney. d d d. on a sofa. in for New Year. Miss Young *and Miss Bingham of Loodesboro were guests of Miss Agnew last week. Mr. and Mrs. .1?. S. Fisher of Toron- , 911.00 AIR 111.48 ADvAxas, OuBsoRIPU°141 OM TO 011YBOOXIMOUI Vo 00 ***arisoksi.orr !Local Items Good Floure—Awde's, Wingham. Wear tireer'e Shoee and Hubberet Read 'Willis ez Co.'s advt. on page 8, The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary will be held in the Council Chamber on Monday next, at 4 p.m. WANTED, — Dining -room girl.—Ex- champ hotel, Wingham. Mr. A. H. Musgrove is still in poor health, though improving. His 'many friends hope he may speedily recover his usual health. The careless use of matches last year is known to have been the cause of 1,089 fires out of 3,875 fires of known origin in Chicago alone. POULTRY WANTED.—Bighest cash prices paid for all kinds of poultry alive or dressed..—Guenes' LIMITED, Phone 10. The regular meeting of the W. 0. T. U. will be held, in the 0. 0, F. Hall on Tuesday, Ja,nuary Obh, at 3 o'clock sharp. Please note the change in tine% Members please be prompt on tiny and encourage your president. to were •New Year visitors with Wingham friends. Mrs. Helps and her son Eddie. and 1,;:....osamirtimo mom nom.. MAY THE YEAR 1912 BE TO ALL MY CUSTOMERS BRIGHT, HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS J. W. McKibbon Pure Drugs, Prompt Attention and Courteous Treatment assured at rh‘• eActaz (sti re 1 Next year is Leap Year. We hope Eiome of those old duffers of bachelors, who have been hanging around for years, will get caught in 1912. If they can't catch a partner all these riliMAMANAW,WiltaWiatiMIMWeVWWWil many years, they deserve to get aught themselves. That's so. WANTED.—A good. girl for general. housework.—Mrs. B. Cochrane. • As regularly as the time comes, so comes Mr, Geo. Gaunt to renew his Advance. Mr, Gaunt has reached the around nicely. Mrs. Davey of West- bourne, Manitoba, is spending the nepliei,v, Mr. Russell, spent New Years winter with Mr. and Mrs, Gaunt, her 82 mark and is still able to move •with 13lyth friends. parents. Mies*Laviria Smith and Miss Mary With the new train service that Davidson spent New Year with Mrs. F. Prast at Hanover. went into effect recently on the Grand Trunk Railway, the announcement is Miss Mathews, Supt. of Wingham made that 98 of the new stations, out of the 150 contracted for in the spring, LOCAL 'OPTION VOTES • 'fly after opening hospital, spent the last two that some voters misunderstood the rear room, shor abolish the Commiseion. It seems *the jury :—John Kerr, W. j. Greer, F. • • with friends in London. In Lucknow, local option was carried Buchanan, W. J. Haines, II. B. Elliott, office in the morning. Doctors were have been ened, 27 are under con- bal r Harry Constable of OpToronto, by a vote of 208 to 70 ; Kinloss by g20 d t organizer for the 0. 0, F., was a struction, and the balance will be • summone a once, but nothing could • Alex. Ross, Geo. Mason, .A., E. Lloyd, lot. The By-law proposed to abolish L118 Commission, brit some opposed be the Commission. A ca,reful examina- CARRIED -12 the body-, the inquest was adjourned years ago.. He is survivedeey his wife Pringle's mother at Bellefountain. Apply to Walker & Clegg, Wingham. occurred in Stratford on Dec. 31, when, Percy Tee, Kinloss, Oharlotteville, watched the case for the Crown.. Rev. R. Hobbs. Messrs. Alfred and William Tttylor. to 135. In Godericb, it was defeated P. S. Linklater, J. T. Mitchell, R. be done. A oue-ounce bottle of car- completed in the spring. by 40, and in Wroxeter` by 4. It was Mooney. The jury elected Mr. bo acidwas used. T • . Wingham visitor this week. the Commission voted "against" the Mr. and Mrs. 'iv , ring h lateMr.a WaNTED,—Young men to learn the also defeated in Listowel. chanan foreman, and after viewing lefuratt was appointed aboutthree furniture business and. upholstering.— By-law which in effect meant to retain daughter spent New Year with Mrs. tion of the'ballot would have explained Cannington, Chesterville, Eckfrid, until Tuesday afternoon. an a a y. Mrs. Robt. Inkster and three daugh- An unexplained case of drowning the matter. Even with this misun- ters of Blind River, are guests of B. R. Isaacs walked into the river Lucknow, Pelee Island Howard Tp., County Crown Attorney Seeger bV astor of Miss Stanley, stenographer in' . • • near his house on Waterloo street, derstanding, it is evi ent e wi the Electric Light and Waterworks Pi _HORT OF THREE Fames -12 body was made by Drs. Redmond and James Street Methodist Church, Eve- Kennedy's office, returned this wee , after two week's holiday at her home and although the body was quickly of the majority of tbe electors to have eV. te a Calabogie, Blenheim, Orillia Tp. The post naortern examination of the Adams, and the stomach sent to To. ter, on Dec. 24, much surprised. his recovered life was extinct. Deceased managed by the Town Council. This Goderich, Wroxeter, Sherbrook Tp, in Ripley. EAST- WAWANOSH. coke, North Cayuga Tp. dence,tnedicalandotherwise,available, to the president of the London Con- Year visitors at W. J. Currie'e, East or four children. No cause is assigned for the act. Reeve—J. Gillespie. SUSTAINED -14 The inquest elicited no new facts. , ference, to take effect immediately. Wawanosh. He preached farewell sermons last Miss Lizzie Wilson of Burlington was heard. After deliberation, the jury returned Sunday. Me. Hobbs, who has been in and Miss Jean Wilson of Toronto FEED CORN. --'We always have corn Councillors—J. Stonehouse, P. W. Richmond Rill, Coldwater, Owen - . ham. 1 - Rennie, came to his death by Lica- ago, He was ill during the greater One of the most prominent and thur. lingwood, spent the holiday with Mrs. being the case, the Council of 1912 has Hagersville, Blandford, Efagernaan, ronto for analysis ; on Tuesday, tbe congregation by the announcement Mr. Prentiss and son, also Miss kept a small repair shop on Ontario plenty of hard work before it. Caledonia., Listowel, Thedford, Etobi- inquest was continued, and the evi- that be had tendered his resignation Leckie, of Collingwood, were New street east and leaves a wife and three 40 as spent the holidays at their home on on hand. Get our prices before buy - n —Etowson & Broclebank, Wing- Thedford, Hepworth, Ancaster, Ar- Mr. and Mrs. D. McM-urchy of Co - It was defeated in 23 other places. dental poisoning, by a chloral mixture, part of last summer, and unable to respected citizens of Walkerton pass - taken from Dr. Kennedy's dispensary, occupy his pulpit. A difference be- John Davidson. McMurphy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. , Scott, C. N. Campbell and S. Burchill, Sound, Peel Tp, Lakefield, Athens, December Wedding. A very pretty wedding took place on Tuesday morning, December 20th, at the home of Mrs. Ie, Leish- men, Marnoch, when her •youngeet daughter, Olive L, was united in marriage th Frederick M. Overend cf Canfield. The house was beautifully decorated with evergreen and holly. The bride entered the parlOr on the arm of her brother, Alex , to the strains of Mendelsohn's wedding march pleyed by Miss Greta Arm- strong, nieee of the bride. The cere- mony wag performed by Rev. T, H. Farr of Blyth, under an arch of ever- gteen and, holly. a large wedding bell henging over the bridal party. Mies Eneme Leishmen aetea as bridesmaid, and Mr. Geo, Overend as best men. The bride wore a dainty dress of create Bilk fith net over silk, and trimmed with point veniee lace she carried zorietge bouquet of white roses, lily of the valley and fern. The brides- maid were a aress of silk eolienne, and carried a bouquet of pink carnations and maiden hair fern. The bride was the recipient of a large number of beautiful and useful preeente. The geetom'S gift to the bride Vioa a gold watch chain; to the bridesmaid, a gold locket and chain; and to the grOomeman, pair' Of gala OW/ links; to the orgeniet it gold loeket and chain, After the wedding &Puller 110. and Mrs. Overend left for theit hontili in Canfield, The bridea going *Way dress wee of Alice blue btosa- cloth, with, hat to web*. All by acclamation. GREY. Reeve—R. W. Livingston. Deputy Reeve—John Brown. the following as their verdict :— the ministry almost Beanisville, Wyoming, Durham, Tara, years, w Shuter street. •1 g We find that the deceased, Wm, stationed at Wingham a few years OLD YEAR MEMORIES. Let us forget the things that vexed and tried tie, , The worrying things that caused our souls to fret; The hopes that, cherished long, were still denied us, Let us forget. Let us forget the little slights that pained us, The greater wrongs that rankle sometimes yet; The pride with which some lofty one disdained us, • Let us forget. Let us forget our brother's fault and failing, The yielding to temptations that beset, That he perchance, though grief be unavailing, Cannot forget. But blessings manifold, past all deserving, • Sind woide and helpful deeds, a countless throng, The faults o'ercome, the rectitude unswerving, Let us remember long. The sacrifice of love, the generous giving When friends were few, the hand -clasp warm and strong, The fragrance of each life of holy living, Let us remember long. Whatever things were good and true and gracious, Whateler of right has triumphed over wrong, What love of God or man has rendered precious, - Let us remember long. So, pondering well the lessons it bas taught us, We tenderly may bid the year ".Good -by," Holding in memory the good. it brought us, Letting the evil die. ed away on the last day of the old without permission, and administered tween pastor and people also had Miss Ethel Musgrove left on 'Wed- year, in the person of Mr. Michael by his own hand. something to do with the resignation, nesday, this week, to take the Domes - F. BUCHANAN, Fox e many so It is said.. New Uniforms Assured. The Band made their customary New Year serenades on Monday (New Year's day) and the citizens contributed liberally to the Uniform fund, and $118 received makes the new uniforms • almost a certainty. Wingham has an excellent Band, and they present a • good marching appearance. The old Da. Macnamara, at the age of 71. He was tic Science course in Macdonald • stitute, Guelph., d h h school • also magi f d , Dr. and Mrs Samuel John- the school. For 42 years he had. been Dr. Margt. Calder visited her trustee ever since the organization of Mrs. Richard Robinson of nearston, Carlton Street, Toronto, the agent for the G. N. W. Telegraph Leadbury, this season raised 28 Christmas week, Company. He was Conservative in :4 turkeys, which weighed 347 .pounds Mr, A. H. Hall and daughter left on politics and a Roman Catholic in and for which she received the hand- Tuesday for their home in Plymouth, religion; he is survived by his wife, some stun of $51. She also had 48 Wis., after a pleasant visit with the one daughter and four sons. ducks, which she sold at 50c each, and former'a her total receipts for poultry sold this parents. yeesity is home on a, visit. His mother Successful Poultry Raiser. 1912 WE EXTEND TO EACH .d• OF OUR MAP FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS HEARTY year amounted to over $9360. This is Thos. E. Robinson of Toronto Uni- is ill at present, but her friends hope a pretty big item for poultry and for speedy recovery. uniforms have done their duty for shows that Mrs. Robinson thoroughly Mr. and Mr. Mort. Smith of Oskosh, Wis., have been spending a nearly seven years, and a new .outfit understands the poultry raising buei- s was necessary, and we are pleased to nese, or she would not be able to head few days wttla relatives here, they say, the new suits are now assured. her own concession and a good many returned on Monday. To Our Patrons. others in the owns ip p Miss Vera Stapleton and her friend, sales. Ur. Beatty, of Toronto, were guests . • at the borne of the forraer in Turn- - The editor appreciates the fact that berry for the holidays. many of his subscribers have -already All Weighed Well. renewed for 1012, and a few on into 1913, Some who had forgotten during The VanNorrnan family are noted Wednesday to London Normal. She for their avoirdupois. The five brothwaaacomp 1011, have paid for two years, so as to - s a,nied by her sisterk' , Mies lessen the loss. Thanks to all these ere and one sister were together re- alma, who went to spend a wees for their thoughtfulness. Others are cently and stepped one by one upon h°11claYs' on the way and are as sure to come the scales. I0our of the brothers and ..Miss Ethel Walsh and Miss Mabel soon, as the sun is to rise. Others— the sister weiglied exactly the same, w erre willeh‘.— etZ:h the hViicdtgisr: well, we hope to see them or hear Thaeldflorwme School, Galt; the latter remains at 227 pounds. The lightest of the five from them soon. ,Two have discon- brothers tips the beam at 190 lbs,, not Sebringville. Miss' Greta Kennedy returned on ir , but ten a light weight by any means. The Mr. and Mrs. II. Davis were in To - times as . total b e had a bad fall She was standing on weight of the five brothers and roneo and Mitchell for Christmas Da.vis ed• the Scarcely Noticeable. A Bad Pall. Mooed thepaper k their places. o we en Oa the 21st of December last, the theetoo day last week, Mrs. Wm. Dore many the sister is 1331 pounds. It would be 1 shortest day of 10110 t e sun wa 1012 hopeful, and reaolved to do one diffleult to find five heavier men in Ceadueg: inr. attend of hie niece in Mitchell last 55 minutes. On Sunday, Dec. 314, When one of the legs of the stool gave home paper. For all our patrons, our one family. All are strong, well -pro- . week, before returning. very best to furnish a newsy, clean, above the horizon for eight hours and a high stool, doing some house -work, there was daylight for only eight way, and she fell to the floor, breaking faithful correspondents and neiPers, portioned, healthyelooking speciMens and our exchanges, we wish of manhood. May they live long . a very and thrive well. hours and 58 minutes, So that be t e muse es o one arm n prosperous 1012, nine days' time daylight increased her back. She has been since confined CORM CORM A carload of Peed Corn stek at our watchouta 42, Pa--, only three minutes, or about one-third to her bed, and a nurse was engaged Special Council Meeting. Amusing Indeed. rktIVO ik AIWA A speeial meeting of the Town An amusing affair occurred on Tues. much faster. The question may Christmas Telephone Dinner. Coeneil wag held on Friday evening; day evening. Chief Allen atid Cott - t e mem ers a se ' Th stable Whitehead of Goderich were Year. however, the days lengthen sometimes arise as to why the wea- ther is not coldest on the shortest b ft Should any �f the good ladies of Mayor, the IteeVe and Coun. Elliott talking together, when a young man day, when the sun's rays are striking Wingh altt e Ve bundled miles away Colili2 ' McKenzie was voted to preside rushed up with a meesage for the of a minute each day, After New to care for her, the earth slant -wise, or hottest aboutbj f t Chief to "come quick. Then another from "hubby," they may dine with Tete o eat o he special meeting was by telephone, in the manner the paesing of By-law No. 613-1011, came breathless, with a second request -77 separated. by 500 miles, Charles II. of McDermott street' from the west Bluevale. the 21st of lune, when the Mille rap; him, for swift help, and e'en murder Wets - narrated in thie paragraph. Although providittg for the closing of a portion are most direct. Everyone knows we hinted at. The Chlef (rememberieg a often have out hottest weather in Milo' Ruby Brooks is at preseet Anderson, a New York broker, and end of the street to the easterly limit previoutt easel was mentions, and its the july and August, and corresponding- 'Attorney Was in town, etriutre4 visiting friende at St. Catharines, ly our coldest in January and Febtu- Mr. and Mre. lee Powell spent New his wife leejoyed a Christmas dinner of lots 11 and 12 Protests were read Prown telephone. Anacreon from tertititt citizens of Turnb,erree 9.f 11.1°4 11" far hi* PoWers exttinded. hastened to tho vieleity and Dotald. Yeare at ttie heree of 1V1r, Geo. Mc, avy. Theoretically the coldest day t°gether hY but, . was at a Demme, hotel, and his wife Ana ta40 from Howson 8e: Broclebank. lie then rid twenty or thirty teett standing xree. nookriage ata woo none ought to come on the ehortest, in Salt Lake City, 'Utah. Telepttones 'rho former riot being residente of the olx to tetaiti the heat from summer, it were placed at thole respeetive dinner munieipality VOA rte.t eonsidered, and kmtelde Wondorlbg whet wet wrong% spent Now years vdth, friendo At ,..,.. ,, ,,,, , ' ' i o the nteetors of Whigham. owittg to the ability of the atinoiphere takes some time for it to become+ tablee, ilea Waltere, on exteneion tele- . no °eta, itppeated in suppc•it (4 the blet net clarIng to invettigate. Oke Whiteehureh, Death Of Mrs. Maxwell. The, home of Mr, Garrett Maxwell of Morris was Baddetied during the holiday semen, by the illness and death of Mrs. Maxwell, vvho passed avvey on Saturday last. We have not been able to secure any particulars Of her life. The funeral took place on Twist:lay, • Broke Through Ice. On Xmas day, Earl Johne, Gordon Buchanan and Frank Galbraith bad an experience they do not wish to repeat. They were skating on the ice on the lower dam, and ventured too far out over the channel of the river, where the ice was thin, and the three went through into the cold water. Buchanan had his hockey stick, and by means of this he climbed out and ran for help. In the meantime Gal- braith succeeded in getting out, and by rneans of boards secured, Johns was at last rescued from his perilous position, but not until he was almost benumbed, This should be a warning • to boys not to be too venturesome. Fortunately in this case, all escaped, but there might have been three be- reaved and sad homes for the New Year. DEATHS. Sanborn—In Tureberry, on Saturday, Dec. 80, John Sataborn, Maxvvell—In Morrie, on Saturday, Dec. 30, Ellen McElroy, beloved wife of Mr, Garrett Maxwell. aged 75. Town of Winghatn. AND BEST WISHES FORA HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR WI J1 GREER! ItikeeeeeetMARM Ladies and Gentlemen :— I earnestly thank you for the mag- nificent vote of confidence whieh you geve me ott Monday last, and promise my utmost endeavor to Merit that confidence during 1012. C. O. VanStone. • • entering the /onset the Chief lourul Miss Aggie Thomas returned to - phones, heard husband and wife order latter. Coml. Bell moved, and Colin. cooled off. This causes the eolder Ladies and Gentlemen :— a menu together, ae if they htta been Sone eecandedLthiat liyAaw No. AA nothin whatever wrong, except tbet Oochratte On Tuesday after spending weather to tome little latet in the I extend to yott my hettrty thanke tea$00. tesitting aide by side. During the meal be passed as now read. he motion th0 ItOr of tile hotlso luul gone to tile holidays at her home here. Avtiost storm Gaiterti awl stant oonvereation. Telephone charges why he bad not purchmed the elock Ohildrou, a rme a e m Tiv ? to sj,„50 to MI styleof gull brought the cost of the dinner. - r a °beck cel the Night-watchman. ithgence Were 10441y—an mule. 4 thatday were well a't uded and over $100 merit that otadende The proceeds go towards, buy fot 1012. I w for your expreesion of confidence in husband and Wife kept up a con. earried. Conn. Me%enzie explained AeighbotAs to borrow a needle, and the The Anniversary services ab the me, in eleeting me OA a member of Cen:toil ill do my beet to h Methodist eborelt Stmday and o Mow 1 •• Greer, Co nail then adjourned. A'ail the fause of the whole BotOtttottOnt new ttutao6 for Olio church. CALL 'PHONE 52 FOP, BEST PRICES Print or Roll Butter ALSO ALL KINDS OF Fowl, Alive Or Dressed The Wm0 Davies CtIs Wilted SUCCESSORS To Wt. AinfOtta ESTATE WINGHAM Overshoee and Rubbers for Men, Women and Children. All the good styles and best makes. Lowest pricee. —W. 3. Greer. WINGHAM MARKETS. Wheat—(new) 88e to 00. Oats -45 to 45 eta, 13arley-65 to 65ete. reas—$1.00 to $1 00 Hay—$10.00 to $12.00 a tort, Butter -45 to 25 eta, Eggs -30 to 30 eta. Potatoes -800 to 80e per briela.. Live 11oge—$5.35. Chiekens-10 to 12 ote. Ducks -10 to 12 eta, Geese -10 to 12 eta., Turkeye—I5 to 1tt °tee J. Walton Mclabbon* Pot full Toronto inoirket r6 or ta P4$0 Ito