HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-12-28, Page 8' WIN0110 TIME , EVEM WR 28, 1%1 CARD OF THANKS To THE CITIZENS WI HAM: I wish to heartily auk the good people of Wingham, o created such *Strong public feel' g on my behalf that I was. ren ec as Mayor by aeelarnation, Whate'er is et, that best I wish my fellow citizens in the corning years. Let the proudest boast of each of us be, "1 am a citizen of Wingham," I remain, Your obedient servant, GEO. SPOTTON. Election Cards TO MIS ELECTORS OP WINGiiAM:— Ladies and Gentlemen, — I m seek- ing re-election as a me er of the Town Council and solicit ur votes and influence on Monday ne . I have ser- ved you for three e s and if you favor me with re-eltion I will give you as faithful service as I have done in the past. Wishing you all the com- pliments of the season. Yours faithfully, WM, BONE. To THE RATEPAYERS OF WINGHAM:— Ladies and Gentlemen, --I request your votes and influence An Monday next to secure my election as a mem- ber of the Town Council for 1912. I have served you forsneral years end, if elected, the busirs next year will be given careful an honest considera- tion. Wishing you a happy and pros- perous New Year. Yours truly, D. BELL. -Mayor Geary of Toronto wap re- elected by acclamation, the hist time in the history of Toronto that a mayor has secured a third term withouta contest,. —The regular meeting of the Royal Mack Perceptory will be held in the L. O. L. hall next Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. ,All members are requested to attend, —Regular meeting of Court 11/alt- land, 0, 0, F. will be held on Friday evening. Officers are to be elected for the ensuing year and a large attendance of members is requested, —All the hotel bars in Ontario were closed on Christmas day in accordance with the Provincial law ; asted two years ago. Last year Christmas fell on Sunday and the law did not have a test, —We are sorry this week to report the death on Wednesday of last week of the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fry. They will have the sym- pathy of a large circle of friends in their affliction. TO THE. ELECTORS OF WINGHAM:— Ladies and Gentlemen, —Ihave served as Councillor for three years and com- piying with the request of number of - ratepayers I am seeking election on Monday next. I will a preciate your vote and influence and/if elected will work honestly awl,fajfhfully in the best interests of our._ressive town. I cannot make a prsonal canvas and will depend on your support for my election. I wish you all a bright, happy and prosperous New Year. Yours very truly, H, B. ELLIOTT. To THE ELECTORS OP THE TOWN OF WINGHAM:--• Ladies and Gentlemen,—Having been urged by many of my fellow/citizens to remain rn the Town Council/for a second year, I announce myself in the field, I can not make a personal canvas, nor do I think it wise tp c` so. If you wish to record a renews your confidence in me, I shall appreciate your vote on Monday next. If elected, I shall en- deavour to give my best judgment and effort to all matters affecting the inter- ests of this progressive town. 3 Sincerely Yours, THEO. HALL. TO THE ELECTORS OF WINGHAM:— Ladies and Gentlemen,—I beg to an- nounce that I have contented to stand for election to the Town Council, I herewith solicitou influence and vote to assist in my lection on Monday_ next, and if ele d, I shall endeavor to discharge my duties'."t he best of my ability. Respectfully yours, J. A. MILLS. TO THE ELECTORS OP WINEHAM:— Ilt Ladies and Gentlemen;—I respect- fully solicit your vote and influence to help secure my el etian as Councillor for 1912. I hav erved you in the Council two years and if you think me worthy of another term I will be plea- sed to serve you to the best of my ability. Yours respectfully, J. WALTON McKIBBON. Vote and Influence . 'respect: fully requested as COUri ILLOR For 1912. C. G. VANSTONE. Township of Turnberry. r To THE ELECTORS OF TII TOWNSHIP OF TURNEERRY:— , Ladies and Gen lemon, —I announce myself in the fief a candidate for the Township C ail. If elected I shall do my best to assist in every way to further the best interests of the Township. Your influence and vote to willbe help in my election,y much appreciated. Wishiw ver l ng you the compli- mence of the season, 1 am Respectfully yours JOHN J. MOFFATT, MINOR LOCALS. --Municipal elections next Monday. —Have you renewed your subscrip- tion to the Times? ---The Christmas heliday passed off very quietly in Wingham. —Automobiles were brought into service on Christmas day. —Consult the TInIEs clubbing lint before ordering your supply of news- papers for next year. —It is reported that the Christmas mails were from 10 to fol per cent. heavier than last year. —The Andrew Malcolm furniture Co., of Kineatdlne has purchased the furniture factory at Listow 1. —To o all our readers and freinds we extend best wishes for a bright, happy and prosperous New Year. —There will be a mete,ieg of the ucouts On Friday next at 1.30p. rn. for; election of officers. All are requested to attend, —For the first tinge in the memory of the oldest inhabitant Goderich Har- bor was entirely clear of ice at Christ- mas. Rowboats and dories were in use, where at this time during most years theree is safe skating, —The value of a paper is tested by the quality of it's circulation, and judged from this standpoint The Weekly Sun occupies the foremost place. Each week it enters the homes of most advanced farmers in this province. The Weekly Sun on the table is the sign of progress on the farm. PERSONALS. Mr. Bert. Sanderson is home from the West. Mr. John Lamont spent the holidays at Stratford. Mr. Herb Dore, of Torontowas home for the ' oliday. Mr D. Davies spent the holiday with friends in Ottawa. Miss Clara Beckett, of Toronto, vis- ited friends in town. Mr. Ed. Nash is spending the holidays at his home in Sarnia. Miss Nora Kennedy, of Seaforth is home for the holidays. Mr. F. J. Mooney was home from Preston for the holiday. Miss Pearl Wynn, of Toronto is visit- ing at her home in town. Mr. Robt. McBurney is home from Toronto for the holidays. Mr. Harry Contts was home from Ham.lton for the holiday. Mr. E. H. Bird was at his home in Woodstock for the holiday. Miss May Knox, of Toronto spent the holidays at her home in town. Mr. and Mrs. L. Kargus, of Berlin spent the holiday in Wingham. Mr. 'Norman Disney, of Waterloo was a Christmas visitor in town. Mr. W. Hales of London was visiting Wingham friends for a few days. Miss Hattie Weilwood was home from Toronto for over Christmas. Mrs. K. Rae and children spent the holidays with relatives atLondon. Mr. Roy Cantelon, of Toronto, spent Christmas with his parents in town. Mr. and Mrs. Cheater Pugh, of Palm- erston spent Christmas in Wingham. Mr. W. R. Isbister, of Toronto spent the holidays with his parents in town. Mr. E. W. Bradwin, of Toronto is spending the holidays with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Small of Listowel spent the holiday at Mr, Small's home in town. Mr. A. H. Gregory, of London, was spending he holidays at his home in town. Dr. T. Chisholm, of Toronto was calling an old Wingham friends this week. Miss E. L. Lloyd, of Aylmer. spent Christmas at the home of Mr. A. E. Lloyd. y. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ferguson visit - e,. with -he former's parents at Auburn. :liss Jean Stewart, of Toronto is spending tho holidays with Wingham friends: Mr. and itirs. T. Huntley of Toronto visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Anne r. Mfrs. Wm. E. Mitchell. of Turnberry spent the I•olidays erith relatives in Mi chell. f r. and M:'s. Arthur Maguire of Brus- sels, spent the holiday with Wingham relatives. Yr. Cecil Mond, of Toronto spent the holiday with his sister, Mrs. Errold Dru.nrnond. Afr, and Mrs. Alex. Smith, of Detroit were visiting with Wingham relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Fleming, of Toronto spent the holidays with rein - tines in town, Mr. Arnott Brook, of London is spending his holidays at his parental home in town. Mr. John 'Campbell, of Chesley, is spending the holidays at his parental r home in town. Miss Chapman; of London,' was visit- ing with Dr. and Mrs. Rutledge for ev- er the holiday.. Mr. and Mrs. Shillington of Windsor spent the holidays with Rev, D. and Mrs. Rutledge, Miss Jennie Halliday, of Toronto is spenning the l3olidaya at her parental home in town,:' Mr. and Mrs. David Robertson, of Toronto spent the holidays with Wing- ham relatives. Misses Eva Armour and Mary Monk, of Toronto visited at their parental homes in town. Miss Olive Chapman, of Mount For. est, visited for over Christmas with friends in town. Mrs. Neil Anderson, of Kenton. Man., is visiting at the borne of her brother, Mr. D. IVIcPherson. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rush, and child- ren, of Toronto spent theholiday with relatives in town. Mr. Chas Moore, of Toronto visited at the home of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Moore. Mr, and Mrs. Geos; Lamont spent the holidays at Mrs. Lament's parental home in Kincardine. Mrs. and Mrs. Fred H. Heath, of London spent the holidays at the home of Mrs, Jas.. Duffield, Misses Mau and Hazel Drummond, of Toronto spent the holiday at their parental home in town, Miss Ruby Kerr, of Keswick, is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Kerr. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Carlyle, of Lon- don spent the holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Walker. Mr. and Mrs. J. 11, Mitchell are spending the holidays atMrs. Mitchell's parental home in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Elliott and child- ren spent the holidays at Mrs. Elliott's parental home in Markdale. Mr. Thos. McDonald, of Kincardine is spending the holidays with his parents Mr, and Mrs. D. E. McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Robinson, of Teeswater spent the holiday with Mr. Robinson's mother in town. Mrs. Elmer Moore and children, of Saskatoon, Sask., are visiting with relatives and freinds in town. Mrs. Flood and daughter, Miss Mamie Flood, have returned after a few months' visit in the West. Mr. Percy Paterson, of Toronto is spending his holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Paterson, Mr. R. Small of Bridgeburg, and Mr, A. Small of Woodstock spent the holidays at their home in town. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Dey, of South- ampton are spending the holidays with Wingham relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bell, of South- ampton are spending the holidays with Wingham relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs John Martin, of Cobalt, are spending the holidays with relatives in Wingham and East Wawanosh. Miss Viola Isard, who has been teach- ing school near Paisley, is spending the holidays with her parents in town. Mr, ,and Mrs. H. A. Percy and son, Allen, are spending the holidays at Mr. Percy's parental home in Alvinston. Mrs. Wm. Maxwell and Miss Jean Maxwell, of the Bluevale road spent the holidays with relatives at Milverton. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Aitcheson of Sarnia were visiting at Mr. Aitcheson's parental home in town for the holidays. Miss Pearl McPherson, who is attend- ing the Faculty of Education in Toronto is spending the holidays at her parental home. Messrs. J. L. and Gordon Rutledge, of Montreal, spent the holiday ' with their parents, Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Rut- ledge. Mr. Harry Green, who is attending Queen's University at Kingston is Spending the holidays with Wingham freinds. Miss Edna Brandon, of Victoria Col. lege, Toronto, visited last week with her cousins, Messrs. V. and C. S. Van- Norman, Messrs. H. C. Pugh, of Toronto and Paul Pugh, of Lucknow, spent the holi- days with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Pugh. Mrs. D. E. McDonald and daughters, Misses Flora and Verna, spent the holi- days at Mrs. McDonald's parental home in St. Helens. Mr. Robt. VanlToreaan and Miss Katherine VanNorman, of Hamlets, Man, are spending a few weeks w th relatives and friends in Wingham Belgr ave, Mr. M. IL Beck ith has as accepted d a positionwith Air. McCharle sbaker , at Lucknow and left for that place on Wednesday. We wish him every sue. cess in his new position. Mr. J. II. Leishman, 'who has been visiiing relatives and friends in Wing. ham and vicinity fora few weeks, loft on Wednesday for his home in Pease, Sask, Mrs,Leishntan will remain with her parents, Ali.. and Mrs. > . Bosnian for a fes wee1ts. There was a happy fancily re•uniott' at the home of Mr. and Mrs, A. Xeliy on Christmas day, all the members of the family being at home. Those cont. ing home from the West were Mr. and Mrs. Join A. Kelt and son, Arno, of Stewart Valley, Bask.; Jas. L. Kelly Zealondia, Sask. and Thos, C. Kelly of Ranft, Alta. G80$ I KING • BROS. PRICES MOUT _ .. .. .. _-..R..,...,..r. FOR MEN'S FUR COATS The ever increasing popularity of THE KING BRAND Fur Coats, is evidence of their Superior Quality to the ordinary stock of Coats, MEN'S CANADIAN RACOON COATS Popular price from $45 to $125.00, all sizes and different length Men's Russian Dog Coats —We are showing a'full range of these at ;= ,$18.00, $20.00 and $25.00. . Men's Q`uuilted: . Lined Coats Persian Lamb "'and German Otter .Collars $r5 and upwards; Raw Furs Wanted—We will pay highest cash prices for Furs in. Season. • Men's AIaska Beaver Coats.—This Coat will stand any amount of Hard Wear. Popular prices. Men's Fur -Lined Coats. —Our stock consists of noth- ing but first class materials, linings and collars: Prices $45.00 and upwards. Produce Wanted—Butter 24c, Eggs 3oc, Dried Ap pies 8c, Potatoes., Beans and Poultry. EGGSA 39c; BUTTER 26c BROS. PRODUCE WANTEt WE WANT YOUR TRADE 111111111111111111111.111 Do You Own "PARKYTE" or are you a Stave to ill-8ealth A "PARHYTE" SANITARY CHEMICAL CLOSET in your home is the strongest kind of insurance against the germs of' disease, It is a prerenta,tive against epidemics and contagion in the Sommer, and an absolute necessity the year round. Requires neither I es ne cher tiG`ater nor Sewage; can be placed in any part of your home; costs less shan a CENT b day, and Lasts a lifetime; Endorsed by the leading Physicians; and Health Officials 1 Specified by the bloat prominent Architects; and adopted by whole p . Munici alitieb . _ Over 1.5,000 have beets installed in Canadian homes in less than one year. Ask your dealer for prices. - The "Parkyte" Sanitary Chemical Closet is made in Canada by PARKER -WHITE LIMITED WINNIPEG, 'MAN. l arson oini . ffteat, Oat gat y and Yatton e'r, atYd t soil iettt, YOUNG; WING.ill, ONT. WE WISH OUR CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS A HAPPY AND ' w PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. WILLIS & CO. Sole Agents THE SHOE STORE. ibr Ladies. r VNICLIMEIMIUMMISIVVRITIMM 1GTRI IMEMINIEILMMI C DON'T POSTPONE THE PURCHASE OF YOUR F. w 11OLIDAY GIFT 0 it UNTIL THE STOCK IS DEPLETED it momommismons= Come in and see our stock of useful and novel E Xmas Goods you, can get right here, something fine for t every member of your family. Take a look at the follow- * ing articles and.you will have no trouble in making your i i choice. 1. cE HANDKERCHIEF AND GLOVE BOXES • To match of polished cherry Iacquer, gold Jap decorations it with key. y Note Paper and Envelopes in fancy boxes. Good. French Perfume in fancy boxes. HAND BAGS ' = Ladies' fine seal grain Hand Bags, in different sizes, also childrens colored velvet Hand'Bags. e � DOLIS That's what the kiddi,S es love, they are beautifully dressed and open and dose their eyes. CHINA A nice assortment of prettily decorated China, odd pieces and sets. HANDKERCHIEFS Linen and Lawn, plain hemstitched, initialed, Swiss em- broideted and Venise lace edged, easily sent a distance and always acceptable. TABLE LINEN 1 Napkins, Tea Cloths and Doilies, also 0 lovely Towels. Kid Gloves and Mocha wool lin Linen, Motor Scarfs, ed ' Gloves, t r ca fs, Neck Scarfs, Umbrellas, Patent Slippers and Cosy Bedroom Slippers, These are only a few suggestions, We will be pleased to show you many other good things when you call. WISHING YO J ALL A I-IAPPY NEW YEAR, A. MiL1 Succeaior to T. Ar Mils PHONE 89. e