HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-12-28, Page 5THE .WINtIAL ?l.)ESt TM OEMEE.E 28. 19i1 A HAPPY NEW. YEAR TO ALL sigimommorimornmos Your money and influence respectfully solicited to as- sist in reducing ow stock of Clothing and . Men's Fur- nishings. Bumper reduction sale com- mences on Tuesday, January 2nd Commence the New Year by buying right and start a bank account with the cash we save • you. The good quality at the low price. McGee & Campbell *••••••••••••••••••••••••• i+••••••• '►0. -NN••••• . Phone 70. Special Orders Given Careful Attention. i HOLIDAY GOODS FOR i THE NEW YEAR SEASON • •• r Suggestions'oFor 2 • New Year's Buying ' 4 Men's Braces in Fancy Boxes, Men's Knitted Ties in all shades (boxed), Men's Mercerized Knitted Mufflers (boxes), to sell at 5oc each • • NEW' YEAR'S •• • • • Men's,Shirts, Gloves, .and Fancy Hosiery, Men's and • k Boys' Mocha Gloves, lined and unlined; Men's and • Boys' Kid Gloves in ali sizes. Men's Shirts—We have the agency for the W. G. & R. Shirts in new select patterns for Christmas trade, prices $I.00 • to $2.50. Men's Fancy Embroidered Hosiery in black Fleur de lis, price soc NEW YEAR'S Ladies' Fancy Collars, Belts, Jabots, Side Jabots, Silk : Knitted Ties, boxed separately, to sell at 50c, • • • • HOLIDAY NOVELTIES • S • Fancy Handkerchiefs, Ladies' Embroidered and Fine Laced Trimmed; Fancy Lace Table 'Centres Tray 4 Cloths; Table Cnvers; Guest . Towels, Large assortment, HANNA& C0.1 PHONE 78 • i ++++++•104P+++++2+++ l +SA +44.4.41,±10•1* leAtix WA W,s vosa. Mies Kathleen Harry, of Eseex has been engaged ae teaarher in S, S. No, 11 and will take lip her duties, After the ,halidaye. "l'ifnigan'e Fortune" in the Ir'oroe at elgra've on Friday lag, even, Mr, .and Mrs. .John McGee spent the holida rs wiolth $r, and Mrs, D.._l im p son $ ilelrave. Miss Mabel Shiell,Weybern,Sask,rand Miss Jennie Shiell," of Toronto,: etre 'Fending the holidays at their parental. home on the 12th concession. Calvin Church Sunday School haid a very successful Christmas tree, on Thursday evening last. The children who took part in the program did extra welt, A. public examination was held in the school house of S. S. No. 9, East Wa- wanosh, on Thursday, Dec, , 21st, The teacher, Miss E. D, Rutherford, exam- ined the classes in various subjects. The pupilsanswered all questions read- ily and showed that they had a thor- ough knowledge of the subjects. A spelling match in which all the pupils took part proved very interesting. The pupil who spelled the others 'down re- ceived a handsome prize. Fo11oWing the examination was a program con - slating of music, recitations, dialogues, etc., interspersed with speeches from the trustees and parents. The speak ers all spoke creditably of the work done by the teacher. The ladies of the section provided an excellent lunch which was served by the pupils. After lunch the teacher gave a prize to the pupil in each class who stood highest in class work and good behaviour. The pupils then presented the teacher with a handsome manicure set to show their appreciation of her interest in them. Notwithstanding the break in the term caused by the chicken -pox epidemic, the results have been verry successful. The teacher expects better results next term.• • SALEDI. On Wednesday, Dec. 20th ' inst, at 11 a. m., the wedding bells rang mer- rily at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. B. Stafford, of Howick when their only daughter, Minerva, was united in the bonds of matrimony to Mr. Benjamin Higgins, of Roblin,' Manitoba, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Higgins of Turn - berry. The magic words which made them one were spoken by Rev. L, Per- rin, B. A. The bride; `who was given away by her father, looked charming in her bridal dress of cream messeline de chene with silk embroidery trimming, while she,carried in her hand a boquet of white carnations,ferns, etc. The wedding march was played by Mrs. Johnston, of Washington, Ont., cousin of the bride. After the ceremony and the signing of the marriage register, an excellentlwedding dinner was served, The guests were from Buffalo, Rpblin, Man., Washington, Ont., Gorrie, Wrox- eter, Wingham, Bluevale and Howick. The popularity of the bride was mani- fested by the many useful and beauti- ful gifts, Her travelling dress was of tailor made tweed with hat to match. The happy couple will reside in Regina, Sask. Their many friends wish them every happiness and prosperity in the, great and. growing West. BL VE VALtC Mr. and Mrs. Milton Smith spent Christmas with friends at Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Manley, of South- ampton are at present visiting friends in this vicinity. Robt. Aitchison and Harry Champion returned home last week 'after spend- the summer in the West. Robbie Bosman spent Christmas with his parents at Toronto. Mr. H. McHardy, of Southampton spent Christinas with relatives in the village. Among -those who came home to spend Christmas were—Misses Nellie Burgess, Mabel Coultes, Alice Duff, Mary Stewart, Lizzie Pocock and Messrs. Fred Haney and McKenzie Messer. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Elliott, of Dur- ham spent Christmas with Mr. A. Mc- Gee. The Christmas tree entertainment in the Methodist church on Monday night was well attended and a good program rendered; the proceeds amounted to $34.CO. Mr. Copeland, of St. Catharines is at present visiting at Mr. Jas. Alechison's, The following is the report of the senior department of S. S. No, 4, Turnberry and Morris. Natnesin order of merit. Sr. TV- M. Raby, L. Patton, W. Stewart, E. Jewitt, C. Diment, W. Shaw, E. Aitchison, R, Barrett, G. Greenway. Jr. XV—G. Curtis, M. Black, M. Gray, C, Black, L. Breckenridge, S. ifa11. Sr. IIT --E, Rutherford, 'J, Gray, A, Fraser, C. Jewitt, E. Gannett, E. Mc- Kenny, L. Elliott, H. Haney, L. Me - Kenny, R. Breckenridge, D. Churchill, W. Holmes, Jno. Nicholson, R. Smelt- zer, M. Magee. 5th Class -1v. Barrett, R. Taylor, J. Patton, A. Robertson, It, Meek. Average attendance 26. L. A. PoState, Principal. The following is the report of janior '••••iR•***•N••'•'..••••••• ••••••••,•••••••••••••••+• IisaRn f..NAPPY NEW YEAR TO ASL HEADQUARTERS FOR. Useful New Year Presents 1 Remember there are 364 other days • Christmas and • MAKE YOUR GIFT the gift of a lifetime and buy an EDI A P H AT • •• • • • •• • • • D BELL'S MUSIC STORE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •*•H+++++++•N++i*•+••+• a room, S. S. No, 4, Turnberry and Morris, for the' znenth •of December. Names in order of merit. Sr. II—Cameron McDonald, Rhena West, • Willie West, 'Harvey Messer, Annie Smeltzer, Harvey Robertson, Garnet Casemore, George Champion, Roy Champion, Jr. II—Earl Elliott, Stella Elliott, Cecil Elliott, Stanley Gallaher, Bertha Gannett, Russell .Barrett. Part II—Ji.mes Hogg, Clifford El- liott. Sr. I—James West, Wilbur Case - more, Archie, McKinney, Jim Watson. Jr. I—Gertie Robertson, Isabel Wat- son, Jim Breckenridge, Harold Watson, Pearl Boyle: Average Attendance 23. F, I. AITCH%soN, Teacher. Mrs. L. hack, 4th line, died Thurs- day morning of last week, aged 95 years. H. B. Alcock, Oth line, has purchas- ed a house' from ' Mrs. A. Sinclair, Brussels,4 disci will likely move it to one of his farms in Morris. The, Teittstees of S. S. .No. 9 (But- ton's) have engaged Miss Cora Forbes, of McKillop, as teacher for 1912. Sal- ary.will be $475, Miss Forbes should make a good teacher. James McCall, who is here from the West,, has not been very well during the,past weals, but we hope will soon. be all right. His•son, Aylmer, is here on a visit for a month or so. 'After an absence- of 12 years, Thos. W. Bone, of Aisdele, Sask.,' arrived home last Week on a visit of a few months; He is a son of Henry Bone. 3rd line, and was received with a hearty welcome after a lapse of so many years. . 'It was with`feelings of sincere sor- row and deep regret that the announce- ment was received of the death of Mrs, Michael Rowland, of the 14th conces- sion, near Walton, which occurred on Saturday, 9th inst. She had been poor- ly for seven weeks but hopes had been entertained that she would recover, but such was not the case. Deceased was 62 years of age. She was a daughter of Mr. Edward Lamb, who still sur- vives arid' lives 'at Mr, Rowland's, al- though 98 years of age. With her par- ents she settled in Morris township in 1853 and in 1878 was united in marriage to her now bereft partner. For thirty years Mr. and Mrs. Rowland resided in Hullett, and then removed to McKillop where they have spent the past twelve years. The six sons are John, of Hul- lett; Patrick, of Dublin; Daniel of North Dakota; James, of Calgary, and Edward and Gordon at home. There were also two daughters, the late Mrs. P. J. Ryan, of Goderich, and Miss Ellie at home, Mrs. Rowland was a 'fine type of woman, kind, neighborly, hos- pitable, a true wife and a good mother. She will be greatly missed in the home. Whooping Cough BRONCHITIS CROUP ACA'AARRFICOuCOILDS rr •. EsrA.Uette et tete Antmpto safaendetfeetivetreatmentfertrcn- chinitroubles,,voidn,rdagt. Vapotrati Cre-o- i6no.etopn the porooy ms of V hoopintt Cough end relieves croup at ohce, IE is n boon to tut• ferers from Asthma ,he hie rendered etre,; ly ends.}... in9pired w.th Every tree h, nun - obrrst:!tn coat' eo t,esth6 sore throat rdntr^0the coa h flouring r tialung cluldr i f tat Able tenothors with young ehi;dren Send us postai for descriptive beo4let.tt) ALL b LIGGisT3 _ u Try'resestotte n.ttl- baptle Intl.oatr',i )eta for the irrit.ted throat. Sher ,rsaimpl6, effective tad ontisapt.r. (It your tirtryf ., Yir from tis IOC. in sumps. ps. Yaps Cresoiene Leemink.Miles MONTltgltt. Invest i.n """ `" Saskatchewan Mortgages Saskatchewan is one of the favorite fields for investment of Eastern Capital. Leading Finan- cial and Insurance Corporations have invested millions in Sas- katchewan First Mortgages. '!,`here's no safer way to invest your money. We !levee list of the best ob- tainable First Mortgages on improved Saskatchewan farms. Write or call, National Finance Company, Limited letd•ap Wettai Ind Reserve over $760,000 26 Wellington Street East TORONTO Bead O}Doe, Vancouver, Local Representatives RITCHIE & Comes, Wingham BELGRAVE. The Sabbath school of the Presby- terian Church has engaged the young people of Wingham to give that laugh- able play, "Finnigan's Fortune" in the Foresters' hall on Friday evening, January 12th. The play delighted a Wingham audience a short time ago. The proceeds will be in aid of the library fund, • aststasrowx. Mr. Robt. Shaw of Bluevale took charge of the service in Victoria Hall last Sunday evening. Mr. Jas, Strachan, dentest, of Fort William is spending the holidays at his parental home, Main st. South. The Misses Nellie and Agnes Miller are spending their Xmas with freinds in Toronto. Mr.. and Mrs. Job L. King and family also Mr. and Mrs. A. Pollock spent Xmas at Mrs. Gibson's. Master Harvey Hoover of Brussels visited over Sunday with his friend, Will King. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Eckmier and Miss Ferne are spending the holidays with Ethel friends. Will MacDonald spent Xmas with his mother, Mrs. Archd. Robertson in Wingham. Rev. Mr.Andrews of Fordwich is ex- pected to take the service here next Sunday evening. Mr. John Burke of Exeter spent the holidays at his parental home. Mr. and Mrs. D. MacDonald and Miss Donalda spent Xmas with Mrs. Wilson in Brussels. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Jno. R. Miller is not enjoying her customery good health but We hope she will soon be fully restored. Miss Hansuld, who has been teaching at the Bryan school in Grey, has re- signed. She is a good teacher and the section is sorry to lose her. D. L. Strachan, of Pine River, formerly of this locality, has disposed of his general store and will resume teaching at Hanover. He was a good teacher in former days and will no doubt take kindly to it again. Councillor Johnston, ist lino, Morris, has sold his 100 acre farm to Wm, Robertson for the sum of $4,200 and will give possession next Spring. Re will go West to Gladstoue, Manitoba, where he has invested in a 820 acre farm for which he paid $10,009. Mr. Robertson sold his farm to John Mc:;ser for $5,800. Mr. Matthew Teefy died Tuesday, at the age of 89 years, at his home in Richmond i1I14 where he had lived since 1846. Tie was Canada's oldest civil servant, having held the office long before Confederation, hawing as- sumed the in office 1851 while carrying on a taerchandice trade. WHAT TO GET FOR GIFTS IS EASILY SOLVED AT THIS STORE. We have spent days and days preparing, select- ing, buying and get"lag ready to present to you the Great Stock of things that Men, Women,. Boys and Girls Like Best and now that every. thing is ready we ask you to come and sce the result of all this effort we have put forth to pre- sent a line of Holiday Goods that would excel in extensiveness any that has ever been shown in this town. a IGIVE USEFUL PRESENTS THEY ARE MOST HIGHLY APPRECIATED, WOMEN'S STORE Girls' Dresses, Girls' Coats, Girls' Wool Caps, Girls' Gloves and Mats, Fine Shoes, Silk Para- sols, Kid Gloves, Fancy Scarfs. Dressin; Sacques, Beauty Pins, Silk Handkerchiefs, Fancy Etnbroidered and Initialed Handkerchiefs, Jabots, Silk Collars, Persian .Belts, Elastic Beits, Cuff Links, Fur Lined Coats, Fur Ruffs, Muffs, etc. MEN'S STORE Fancy Shirts, Silk Ties, Fancy Braces in boxes, L ink Tie e P Garters, Armlets Kid Gloves, Fur Caps, Silk Mufflers, Fancy Slippes,. Fur Coats, Fur Collared Coats, all kinds of Fur Lined C 1LT Suits, New Umbrellas Fancy Socks, Sweater went C er oats, etc. _ p t k Pins, Cuff • .gym, 111. E. IS.ARJ....:• The Style Stores for Men and Women. a.V4•NoodV okovvv �vvvvvhowi/MVvv,.• bans." Nrbouyvwyk Nfpototow+novvvvy +++++++++++++++++++•+++++4 ••••••••••••••••••••+•Y•,• • • • i • • 4 4 + • i ••• • ••• • •. • • • • • + • • • • ••• • • • • • a • • • • 1 • • • 0 • • • • • • • • 4. • + • •• • + • + • •• 1 N • ICEIJ0 • • . ••♦ •♦ ♦ • • • • • • + • •••O z • ti+ f •• • • • • The latest thing is ---Now what will we get ' our foiends for r H Go to W. G. Patterson; he has got the goods this year you could not get nicer or do better if you were in the city, he has just what you want. Do not fail to see his stock ofHoliday Goods now in. Come early and get your choice. 15 per cte saved on DIAMOND RINGS, a large stock to choose from. W G. Patterson 4 • •• OPPOSITE QUEEN'S HOTEL. WINGHAM, • Till: (Etut W> TGII I)OGTO€