HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-12-28, Page 4THE Dominion Bank 14 .6.1) A 1ricg; TORONTO E. B.. Qsz..a, M.., President; W. D. MATTBEWS, • Vice -President, Clapital. $4,700,000.00 Reserve , ,,,,,, , ,,,,, $5,700,00,00 Total Assets,..,.,,.... $70,000,000.(0 A Branch of this Bank has been este hushed in London, England, at 73 CORNIIILL, l ,t'., This Branch will issue Letters of th'edit and Drafts on • all important points in E anada, negotiate Bills sent for collection, Make telegraphic trans- fers, and transact every description of Nanking business, Information will be furnished on all; Canadian matters. A specialdepartment will be provid- ed for the use of visitors and bearers 1 of our Letters of Credit. C. A. BOGERT, General Manager. W INGIiAM BRANCH W. R. Geikie, Manager. R, VA.NSTONE, Solicitor. TO ADVERTISERS Notice of changes must be left at this office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. 88TA.BLISEIRD Zan THE WINinAM TIMES. H.8', aLL.IOTT, PUBLXSU*fl AIiDPnOBBIIBTo THURSDAY DECEMBER 28. 1911. EDITORAL NOTES. Less than three years ago the House of Commons listened to the thunder of the Jove from North Toronto as he ful- minated against the vicious system of political patronage; less than a year ago, we had Mr. Borden and Mr. Fos- ter pleading for a clean civil service without regard to politics; but to -day we find them in line with the men who want to .get "what is coming to them" after fifteen years of Opposition, or in other words, that, so far as the civil service act will allow, the_ doctrine shall prevail that to the victors belong the spoils. --Ottawa Free Press. Over $23,000 was collected in fines for the illicitt sale of Iiquor in the mining camps of Northern Ontario during the past year. This may be taken as an evidence, not of the extent to which the law is enforced, but to the extent to which it is violated. The illicit sale of liquor in these place must be a very profitable business. That men can af- ford to pay heavy fines and still carry on a profitable trade is shown by the fact that they continue to pay the fines. The aim seems to be to make a good showing in the matter offines by occas- ional raids, rather than to crush out the illegal traffic --Woodstock Sentinel- Review. DITNC.ANNON. The Dominion salver, for which the members of the Dungannon Rifle Asso- ciation have been competing for four days. was concluded on Friday and H. Bellamy wins the silverware with an aggregate score of 382 points out of 426, an average seore per day of 95j4 Out of 105. Ralph Risler, a wonderful 15 -year-old shot, came second in the contest. Nor 1r, E—A fleth t e2 5th. u December the undersigned will transact business for Wm. Davies Co. at the Wm. Ar- mour produce building. A. H. WILFORn. `I'm:mg and cold have them. Some abuse them. They get tired, starved. S '' 2'PPOIIISr--Loss of sleep and appetite, in- digestion, irritability, eventually ai`l wrecked ecfiad con. stitution. Alcoholic remedies stimulate only. Scoff's Emulsion soothes and nourishes, Reeds the nerves. A natural: rierve.foodd, cor1- taitaing the salts of Hypo - phosphites, Iodine and Glyceride. NO ALCOHOL rtt asci n.cre THE WINGHAM TIKES~ DECEM.0 R 28 1911 W. C. T. U. COLUMN. 'TJaia eohan u has been reserved for the Use of the Wingham W. C. T. U. and will be edited by the members of that Society.. The regular meeting of the W. O. T, U. was held in the C.. 0, P. hall on December 12th. President, Mrs, Rosa in the chair, After devotional exersiees whieh were led by Mrs, Armour, Supt. of Evangeliatie work. A medal contest was thoroughly discussed and finally decided to have a medal contest in Jan* uary, date and lace will. be announced later. Mrs. McKie gave a reading along the lines of purity and following this, Mrs, Law sang that beautiful and a propiate hymn "Ninety and Nine" Moved and second that Sept. of Purity be granted sufficient honey to buy, literature for the purpose of distributing. The meeting then closed to meet again on the second Tuesday in January at 3 P. M. Temperance sentiment in Ontario is gaining ground, and on NewYear'sDay there will be many municipalities in Ontario in the throes of a "wet or dry" fight. Of the 244 municipalities in Ontario where local option campaigns are possible contests are to be°brought on in about one-third. Elated by the success of the past few years, the temperance workers are going into the new contests with in- creased confidence. Toilet and manicure sets from $1, to $15 at Keiox'S. Don't miss bargains in pretty hats while sale is on at Mrs, Green's. Large stock to select from. netossE*.$. Miss .Addie Grant, who recently pass- ed the Model school at Clinton, will teach in Flowick township next year, and Miss Cora Forbes, another success- ful candidate, will take a school in Morris township. Mr. and Mrs. Cardiff are back from the West, where they have spent the past year They will return in March next. Reeve Leckie was elected by accla- mation, but there is a run for the coun- cil. School board trustees were elect- ed by acclamation. A young men's club will be organiz- ed in connection with the Methodist Church here. Next Monday two by-laws will be submitted to the electors of Brussels. One is regarding hydro -electric power and the other asking the loan of $10,000 to William Pryne for ten years, at 5 per cent. interest, for the adding of a cereal mill to his present mill. If the latter is carried, the cement dam will be extended across the Maitland River, and a three-story mill built. DI$U. —In ecember 19th,LMartha Maritin, nhaelicto, onfthe late Wm. Colvin, aged 76 years sled 7months, FARRISH.—In Ashfield on December the 14th., David Farrish, aged 71 years. BLACK. —In Morris township, on Dec- ember 21st, Isabella McDougall, relict of the late Lamrhlin Bisek, aged 55 years. 24th, SCOTT—ID Charllees Haro d Scott, sot n of Mr. and Mrs, John S. Scott, aged. I year, 6 months and 3 days. Dr. Nelson Tait, of 498 Spadina ave., Toronto, will be at the Queen's Hotel, Wingham, all day, Friday, January, 5th, for consolation in disease of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Glasses fitted. FEED CORN—We have a car load of good feeding corn for sale at our ware- house at G. T. R. Farmers needing corn will do well to get our prices. TIPLLNG & Mitis. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given pursnso( to R. 8.0 186?, Chap. 129, Section 88 that all persons hal- ing claims against the Estate �6f Louisa Tam- lyn. late of the Town of Wi , Rhein in the Coun- ty of Ruron,Marriea We •, an, deceased, who died on or about the . ' day, or November. pldr red to yoeloiPreaidorto elivto R. Vanstn,Scitor tor the Executors, on or before the 20th day of January, A.D. 1912, their names, ad- dresses and descriptions and a fedi statement of particulars of their claims and the nature of the security (if any) held by them duly cer- tars will prooeeeafto dist ibnte the assets xof th deceased among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the rdaims of which they shall then have notice. Dated this lith day of December, A. D. 191[. R. VANSTO@its. Solicitor for mid E ecntors. TOWN OF WINGHAM. Public Notice. Take notice that the Municipal Colin - ell of the Corporation of the Town of Wingham intends after one month from this date to pass a by-law dosing up a certain portion of McDermott street in the said Town of Wingham. All persons wishing to protest against this by-law must file their protest with the undersigned before the 29th day of December, 1911. JOHN F. GROVES, Clerk, Dated 28th Nov., 1911. CORN --CORN Ve have a car of extra fine AMERICAN FEED CONN on ;sale now, Prices very reasonable. Potatoes Wanted. AWDE 42e ier ,t,roer Y.14. 1 A. eau.. BUSINir$ and Slie RT dANSUl3JF.CTS, Registered last season upwards of 300 students and placed every graduate. Seven specially qualified regular teachers, One hundred .and fifty London firms employ our trained help, College in Session from Sept, 6 to June 30. Enter any time, Forest Cot a.) 'quo 'Free. 1 q Forest City Business College and �/ $aortaand J. W. WESTERVELT,,it, J. W. WESTERVELT, Chartered AccqunPint, Yggdpal. Vice. t"rincipa4 16 ANNUAL MEETING The annual meetin f the Turnberry Agricultural Soci .t wii be held in the Council Chamber ingham, on Thurs- day, January 1St , 1912, at 2 o'clock p.m., for the election of officers, hear- ing reports and any other business,. All interested are requested to attend. WM, MAXWELL, H. B. ELLIOTT, President. Secretary. STRAY SHEEP. Came pnto the premises of the under- signed, lot 29, con, 11, East Wawanosh, about the 1st of August, three lambs and one aged sheep, Owner cue have same by applying to JOHN GIBBONS. Fordyce P, 0. POLLED ANGUS CATTLE FOR SALE. Three thoroughbred bulls fit for ser- vice and two thoroughbred. Cows, will sell reasonable. Apply to B. B. STAFFORD, Gorrie P. O. CLOVER THKESHING. Having purchased T. W. Pickell's clov- er threshing. machine I am prepared to do clover threshing and will give work entrusted to me prompt and careful at- tention. Write or phone me, North Hur- on Phone -Line 191, Ring 3. J. G. GILLESPIE. Whitechurch P. 0, SHORTHORNS FOR SALE Three young bulls, two dark reds and one roam, from 9 to 12 months of age. Sired by my stock ball, "Huron Chief" No. 63840. These are choice young bulis with good Scotch breeding of a low down blocky type and out of good milking dams. Will be sold reason- able. Write for particulars or give me a call. Farm one and a half miles south of Wingham, J. G FYFE ton on'1'usday morning did damage to Wingham P. O. A. D. Beaton's grocery stock.. . Mr. Beaton was formerly engaged, in busi- ness at Whitechurch. Capital Paid 1,1 .,,, $ 2,760,000 Reserve an 1Jndevided Pra2ts , ,...„ , ....,, ,.,, $,250,000 Total ASSeta..,,.t^.,,,40,000,000 In an age of extravagance, th• thrifty forge surely ahead--w11#lo their lees prevalent -neighbors aecu• ululate debts. Many a thrifty man or woman can point to the Brat decided step in life as having been taken the' day a bank account -was o enetd, A Savings ecotint in the Bank of Hamilton wii prove a sure incentive toward thrift, C. P. SMITIH, Agent, Wingham. -, Head Olflce HAMILTON New Year Excursions and also to n Niagara Fa is in anda Buf- falo, N. Y., Detroit andPort Huron, Mich. SINGLE FARE " (Minimum charge 25c.) Good going Dec. 80, 31, 1911 an Jan, 1, 1912. FARE AND ONE THIRD (Minimum charge 25c.) Good goingdaily until Jan. 1, 1912 inclusive. Return limit Jan. 3, 1912 For Tickets informa- tion call on G. Lamont, Depot Agent or address A. E. Duff, D.P.A., To - route, Ont. --Fire in the Morrish block at Ciin- FARMS FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale his two farms, Lot 3, Lon. 7, Turnberry, containing 107 acres. On this property is situated a good house and barn; drilled well and windmill; water in the house and barn sad good cement stab- ling. Farm is 31-2 miles from Wro-v- eter and 6 miles from Wingham. The other farm, Lot 2t}, Con. 8, T arnberry contains upwards of 100 acres and has good barn and fair house and is situ- ated one mile fmm'Wingham. Apply to CHAS. 3. REtZTOLL. Glenfarrow, Ont, ISYL^ sroon 3IARSETs, Toronto, Dec. 23.—Receipts of live stock ,at the union stock yards this week were very limited, and trade was quiet. Cattle were 15c to 25e higher, and lambs were 10c higher than a week ago. Sheep Were steady. The arriv- als at the Union Stock Yards this morning were 104 cattle, 2 ealves, 151 sheep and lambs. Three loads of good butcher steers and heifers, weighing 1,050 to 1,150 lbs., sold at from 56.15 to $6.25. Two loads of good heavy cows brought from $4.50 to $5. The cattle were of common to medium quality. Them market kat for lamba b, we re a little stronger, as indicated by the slight gain in prices. The bulk of lambs sold at 6c per 1b. Sheep brought the same prices as last week. Export cattle, choice: 36 75 to $6 75 do medium .......... 5 75 585 do light..,. .. 580 6 00 do bulls... ...- .... 4 50 5 50 do cows . ....,, 3 75 500 Butchers choice ....... .. . 6 25 6 25 do medium 5 50 5 90 do cows .... ..... . 4 50 525 do common.... ......... 3 50 425 do canners .. 1 75 2 25 Short -keep. _ .. 5 60 550 Feeders steers 455 5 30 do bulls , 3 00 5 40 Stockers choice . 4 25 4 75 do light ...,- .,.. . 2 75 325 Milch cows, choice, each ..55 00 90 00 Springers . Cm n and medium .,,. , 35 00 25 00 Sheep, ewes. . ,...-....., . 3 00 4 00 do bucks..250 300 Lanlbs yearlings, , Spring Iambs, h ........ 60000 6 00 Hogs, f, 6 50 Calves dfed and watered .,G 500 r - ...... 4 00 3 50 WX".1013AM eta teevr lzEPORT& Wingham, Dec. 27, 1911 1'laurer 1001bs .... 2 25 to 310 Fall wheat .... 087 to 0 90 Oats.,........,., 043 to 0 45 Barley.— . .. . 65 to 0 70 Butter dairy.. ......., " 1 05 to 1 05 . .025to026 Eggs per doz., ... , .... ,.,,. 0 30 be 0.30 Wood per cord .. , . 2 75 to 280 Hay per ton .. ..11 00 to 12 00 Potatoes per bushel, new . 0 60 to 0 75 Lard 0 16 to 0 16 Live Hogs per eat -580 to 5 20 Chickens ..... ......... 0 10 to 0 12 Ducks ....... ..., . .. •0 10 to 0 12 Geese., .0 10 to 0 12 Turkeys ,..., w4,64,,...w018 to 0 18 We Speak by the Card When we eall attention to the great variety of Suitings. Trouser and Top Coat Cloths That are to be seen as this shop. Not alone the piles of goods on tables, but the endless variety on "cards" is what makes it easy to find something "exclusive," if you tailor here. Don't cost a cent more. Our "made to order" clothes are what you should wear. HENNING • THE TAILOR FARM To RENT. -.-100 acres in Town- ship of Turnberry in a good state of cultivation. Apply to R. VANSTONE, Wingham, P. O. 1 CHRISTMAS R. KNOX'S NEW YEAR'S Bargains in Every [,rine Having such a large stock of Christmas Novelties, all goods must be sold at prices that will sell them, see nut large stock of Christmas Goode before purchasing elsewhere. HEADQUARTERS FOR Ladies' and Gents' Watches and Chains, Wedding, Diamond and Bilge went Rings, Charms and Bracelets, Lockets, Locket Charms, Solid Cob and Gold Filled .Jewelry of all kinps, Jewel Cases, Fancy China- ware tad China Novelties, high grade fancy goods including Burnt Wood and Leather Goods, Glove and Handkerchief Boxes, Manicure and Toilet Seta, -Silk Umbrellas with gold, sterling and ivory handles. Christmas Books, leather and cloth bound,Poets, Bibles. Hymn and Prayer Books, Toys, and Picture Books for boys 'and Girls, Pettey Stationery, Christmas Table Napkins, Christ.. masa Cards and Calendars. Fine Watch, Clock and Jewelry repairing a specialty. R. KNOX Wingham Phone 68.. Opposite Brunswick Hotel. i i New Year's Greetings May the World to You be lrigbt We Anoouoce a Big January Sale Backward Xmas weather was a big draw -back to trade and now watch for a tremendous clean up of our magnificent Winter Stock., A big stock of Winter Underwear, Penman's and Turnbull's makes, a reduction of 25c on every dollar. A few Coat Sweaters, for Men, Women, Boys' and Girls'. 1-4 off Children's Toques, 25c for 19c, 50C for 38c, big bargains. Pretty Felt Slippers, leather sole, very neat, $1.25. for $r.00, A few Furs; not many, but what there are, are good, at the tremendous reductions of 1-3, Stoles, Muffs, Coats, 1 Were any of your youngsters looking for a doll, if they were disappointed, you'd better come in now, 1.4 off. Children's Coats, not alt sizes in the lot, in blue, grey and green, excellent values, 1-3 off. Ladies Coats, all greys, just the thing for a second best coat, 1-3 off, and only a very small stock. Men's and Boys' Overcoats, 1-3 off and some dandy Boys' Coats in the lot too, and every one a real bargain. How about a Winter Suit, we have some dandies as high as $12,00, good styles, good qualities, 1-3 off, and you'll have to hurry for these, only a sew left. 1-4 off Light Rubbers, Heavy Rubbers, Heavy Sox, Woolen Gloves and Mitts, Lined Gloves, Leather Gloves. A Dost of bargains to suit everyone, bring in your trade, we'll take any trade, that's seasonable. Come early while the stock is full, bargains on every hand, KERR BIRD The - Profit Sharing Store To Winnipeg and LWest Direct Canadian Route Only Through Car Line Daily Service Solid through train of Coaches. Tourist and Standard Sleepers and Dining Cars, Toronto to Vancouver 10.20 pm daily, ta. H. Beamer, Agent, Wingham, or M G Murphy, District, Passenger , Agent Toronto SYNOPSIS 01P CANADIAN ZIORTii. %VEST LAND REGULATIONS, or any mwho el ovethe sear, ala mayhome- stead a naY r t e section nn�available o Alberta. land in hIsnitoba. Baskatehe�van a1` Alberta. The applicant must appear its person st the Dominion Lands Agency' or Sub -Agency for the district, lBntty by. proxy may be made at any agency, oa certain conditions, by father, another, son, daughter, brother or sister Of intending_hornestebder, cu1tf a�tidn of theeland in each of throe Searsd. A homesteader may live within einem los of his honiestead On a farm of at cres solely owned sad ot•eupi d by himaSt or80 by his father, another, son, daughter, brother or sister. to certain districts a homesteader In good standing may preempt a quarter -section alongside his hotnesiead. Priee $8 00 her aero, holiest. - Moat reside upon the homostta( or pre-emption sit months in each of six yearn front the date of homestead entry tineluding the:tifne required toearn homestead patent1 and esltivate iityacres octet. stA+ead right homesteader renhno( obt nuatpre-empt do diataiers. er Prue $000 per heree.Anti os.0--Alit t tesRie slit months In each of three rears. cults. tate fifty acres and ereet house worth $1100.00. Notifyof the Minissttero fRthe,5nterlor, N. B,.-tinanthorired publication 45 this eat, vertiserrient win riot be paid tort«, WINTER TERM FROM JAN, 2nd. MAL i S-iTRATFORD. ON T, s e te leading e�eWsntariio, Business has three Commercial, Shorthand, Telegraphy. It than ever. Our courses are much better than those of the ordinary Business College, and our graduates secure high grade positions. A practical training is worth many times the cost. If you want a Business College best,course select ur c tatopae is freeool d get the Write for it at once, D. A. McIACNLAN PRINCIPAL. WANTED A live representative for WINGHAM and ds surrounding und' lag District to sell high-class stock for THE !INTRO]. NURSERIES Fiore fruit trees wilt be planted In the FSll.of 1911 and Spring of 1912 than ever before in the history of Ontario, 'Dhe orchard of the fntnre wit/ be the beat paying part of the farm, We teach our rhon Salesmanship Tres Cu/tura and how big profits in Lull g -towing eitrt be made. Pay weekly, permanent employ. meat, oxeiasivo territory, Writs for particulars, stoNE & WELLINGTON TOuoNTo,