HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-12-28, Page 1VOL. IL -NO *2, I Wish you all a Bright and Happy Ne Year Waltoo McKibbon THE DRUCCIST zem etea. Nom . • Macdonald Block, Winghain. The Best Ever FOR $7500 A 200 acre farm with ilmt class buildings and 60 to 06 acres ,of hardwoocl bUeb. Close to sebool, church and post offee, 'and only four miles from a geed chipping point. Land. nearly- all in grass and in first class shape. The values of }anion VarMaare now tending Upward and the• shrewd man will take advantage of present prices. Make an note of the above statement and in two or three years from now see if we are not right, mowirmoimporsiar, . Ritchie IL Coseos REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE A. E. SMITH BANKER WINGRAm, ONTARIO. Warmers who want money to buy hones, cattle, or hogs to feed for murket on have it on reasonable terms. Notes diseounted for tradesmen, Inez, ebants or agents, on favorable terms. Louis on real monde at the lowed rates going. me* Chriatiel Grocery PHONE 59. We Wish You All The Compliments Of The Season 1 Wear CI2001''S Shoes 444 11111)ber. Times Olites Sulam/her. The TIMM had e frey pleasant call on Thursday last fr m our oldest sub, scriber in the per�oj of Mr. Chas. Poge non, who renewed he own ;subscription and also subscribed Or the TIMES for two relatives. M4 Pegson is in his %rid year and is ale and hearty and keeps himself we)posted on the vents of the day TIatjhe may enjoy health end happiness for any yeas to come is the beat wish f the Timms and a large circle of fri nds. WANTED. - An experienced dining - room garl. Apply at Queen's hotel. Hydro Elect c Meeting. Mr,L W. Lyon, Guelph has been secured by the Hon Adam Beck to ad- dress a public meati g in the Town Han this (Thursday) ev ing. Mr. Lyon is Seeretary-Treasure of the Niagara Power Union and as been campaign Manager in the Hy ro Electric contests ifl the different to !wand cities. Every citizen seould hear im, Hydro Electric Power is now one •f the very import- ant questions be ore the people and our ratepayers hould become. well posted an the qu stion before casting their ballots next Monday. The TIMES man is heartily i favor of the by-law before the ratep ers. It is in order that this by-law hould be' carried, and thus give the 0 ell power to negoti- atie.with the H ro Electric Commis-. sion and then s • mit the agreement, to the ratepayers • r their acceptance or rejection, WANTED -Young men to learn the furniture and upholstering biesineles. to Apply Walker & Clegg, Winghitm, Ont. - Prospering Mr. Thos. K. resident of 'Wingh nosh writes a very the editor of the T his subscription f Linklater is post Sask. and recently in the Council Mr..Linlilater. and nus and John t bushels of wheat •threshing bill w ceived from 76e. t the wheat deliver now bave to tea miles but next su will go through P farm. Mr. Linkl to be remember here and we are s will be pleased to in the West. n the West. inklater, a former m and East. Wawa- intereding letter to es when renewing r net. year. Mr. sten nt Burnhan. contested for a seat n4 was eucceseful. his two sons, Mag- reshed over 12,000 st season and their $00040. They re 80e. per bushel for d to the cars. They their grain eleven mer a new railway t of Mr. Linklater's ter and family wish to all old friends re the friends here ear of their success Women's Arties, Storm Gaiters and Leggins, 50c to 21.60 in aU styles and sizes at W. J. GREER'S. Death of Co The following fr rich Signal refers uncle of Mr. Al John Hanna of this of eighty-three ye Clark, who might of the Colborne pio long home on Frid was born near th Banffshire, Scotian child came to Cana in 1821 or 1833. Hi Mr, and Mrs. Davi ong the earliest se of Colborne. On William Clark we "States and spent as a locomotive en returned and settle Colborne, near Nile, and hewed a farm from the forest. 11 • was a suctessful farmer, and after at uiring a compet- enee he retired thir een years ago and came to Goderieh to • end the remain- der 0 his days. Ile as never mettle& He joined the Maso early days and had be the eraft for half-a-ee a longer' "period -alm he was a subscriber t ing among the patron Most from its begin ing. Mr. Clark belonged to family evli eh has had tone stderable distinction i An uncle who is still Clark of Aberdeenehit of the British Panetta Who 'are deceased Clark, private physiel Witt, and Sir Andrew Clark, also an eminent physigare Clark bad en- joyed remarkably goo health through- out his life but had be n failing for the peel year or so, the • . .fly mechanism having simply worn erne Pioneer, m last week'sode- 0 the death of Young and Mrs. town: -At the age rs, William Scott e termed the last eers, passed to his y last. Mr.. Clark town of Banff, in , and when a mere a with his parents !ether and mother, Clark, , were am. T lers in the township s riving at manhood b t to the. United 0 veral years there a ineer. In 1857 he b on a bush lot in WIW44M, OnADA 111 MODAL DAUBER 28 1911. Road Wtilla & Coes AIM On SRI a Health Reg lations, efore the • new egislature webs next month the QiJtarko Government will, it it understoqq, give serious at- tention to the pro Ian of improving the ertern of besl4 nspection in the Provinm The co aretivonegoseness of Iloarde of He th in hundreds of municipalities, wit1 their local health oflieera meagerly i d end devoting but a portion .of their bne to public (hales, has caused much dissatisfaction,. and while no reform h& yet been planned, the matter is being considered. Overshoes and Rubbers for Men Women and Childrew-All the good styles and best makes.. W. J. GREER. Death of Mr. Colvin, There passed awe at the residence 0 her daughter, rs. John Boyd, Francis street, on esday evening of last week, Martha artin, relict 0 the late Wm. Colvin. lthough ;she had been confined to house for some time with anaemia her condition was not serious and her • eath was very un- expected. She ha on the day , of ber death prepared a n ;tabor of Christmas presents for her grandchildren, the Misses Ballagh at Regina, and when Mre. Boyd was do n town attending to the expressing of em, the spirit took its flight. She wa aged 73 years and 7 months. Mrs. °Lein had been a resident of Culros from the pioneer days up until the • eth of her husband when she moved to Teeswater. For the past year or s with Mrs. Boyd place on Thursda residence, 0 her at Teeswater to tery. • BOY SUM' YES, The, eilltiere and M mbers of the Win/ham BO: Scout A A00441011 pre- sented the Stein -Master, Mr: R. E. N. Barron, on Christmas Daj witha pair of silver mounted militaryhair brushes engraved with hie initials. Mr. Barron has taken greet pains in Jraining the boys and has been untirin inbleefforts to promote their Welfare. The place to by a Piano, is at D. music stere. mot! scilool. The Literary Society Met School held, its fi this term on Thursday Slat, and never in the QUE. f the Winghain al sessien for eivsteonryingol) , ftehee Literary was there , o gathering. President - D re,reilU woc h "Oct°. pied the, chair was et la a best and de- lighted the crowned asse bly hall with lus flowing elecfuence. A feature of :the programthe Wes the resence 0 a number of exeitudents among who were IL Green, R Lloy R, McGurn and It, Stackhouse, w gave sho amusing addresses and es Marguerit Komutb, who rendered an exceiten solo. The oraterieal gent of th Society was represented y Wm. Hain es who spoke en Goldwin Smith and J Stothers Whose eubje t was Olive Goldsmith, Mr. B amiss), th phairman of the Eoerd m de some con gra-Watery remarks *n gave som good advice to teacher and pupils An biterestmg part 0 th program we he presentation of a ight remem- ranee to Mr. Eerr, our enial janitor Ife gave a few words of hanks in his own characteristie man er. Metros - mental duets were contr buted by H. Wilule and S. Donaldso and by the Harmonica Band in its se neinimatable way, ,The girls furnishe 'a Christmas chorus and the Glee CI b a patriotic selection, The tnixed q artette, led by Miss N. Fowler, gav "Sweet Gene- vieve." GordonYoungJ was there with 'a Scotch rending and., Miss Margaret ferric with an.,approp 'ate tecitetion, Last, but not least, w mention the Journal which was the best yet. The editorial staff have ived up to their motto "Excelsior." he society were much gratified to see so many freinds of.the students and s hool present and extend to them a he rty invitation to come again to our m tinge. The High School will re -open on January 3rd. It i desired that all those who intend to enter register on the opening day. in rt Neither of the c MAYOR AND MVO. EfACTED. Contest f r the Council, , At 0 o'clock on Saturday evening the following eandi ates had mod their qualification pap m with Clerk Gryas: F r WM, GO SPetten P. REeve. D. . McDonald r0I4 0 uNcD.Loas. D. ell Wm Bone ' . T. 11 3. A Mills S. Ichell J. McKibben 0. VanStone, This leaves a co test for the mem- bers of the Cosine' there being eight candidates from w om the electors are to choose six Ceuta illors for the ensu- ing year. Moser . L. Kennedy and John Kerr retiring in Wards 3 and 4, leaves the Publ o School Trustees; elected by acelama len as follows: -A. Ross, Wrn. Moore, John Galbraith and Robt. Allen. didates for Com- o ;Wagoner nlecl their qualification, The nomination m eting held in the 4 Town Hall on Frida evening was very well attend by rate • ayere when it is • considered that the stores were open P for business and the eather was any - 6 thing but fayora • e. Town Clerk Groves receive the nominations from e 7.30 to 8.30 o'clock nd at the close 0 ' the hour the follow' g nominations had • been made, viz: she has been living The funeral took afternoon from the on, Mr. Robt, Colvin, the Teeswater came - See the large stock of organs at D. Bell's musia store. WU1EOJ1URCi8. Mr. Ed: Garton as returned hinne from the West. Mr. G. Jaques hs returned home from the West. ItIts. Andrew Awn and her tittle child are ill with '1 ,grippe, Miss E. Peddlg, ho is teaching near Clinton is home fo the holidays. Messrs. D. Clo , A. Fox and W. Martinenrho have een on the sick list, areImproying, Miss E. Cuyler as returned home and has been :eng ed to teach in her former school, south of Whitechurch. Mr, Oliver MeIC , who has been with Mr. F. Davi son for a year has left the section. The neighborhood is losing a good man. Rev. Mr. McEach rn has been in disposed and Rev. M McCoy preeche for him on Sunday la t. We are plea ed to report that r. McEachern improving. The Christmas tree entertainment in the Presbyterian ch rch was a. grand success. There was large attendance and the program was good one. Mr. H. D. Henderson was the chairman and as is his usual custom filled the posi- tion well. • Girl • wanted at once. Good wages; no washing. Apply to MRS. R. KNOX. Bank of Melnik s- The annual statezne Hamilton to /be sub holders at the fortiet to be held on Januar the sum total avails as the result of til amOunted to $825,14 show the steady g power that this bah rou quarterly divi 11. per cent. per an from the profits t reserve the sum received as premi the amount 0 $1 reserve fund. 'r have increased fi $44,732,137.81. The creamery meet' g held on Wed- nesday of last week w s well attended. Mr. John T. Currie was chosen as chairman and the bus ess portion of the meeting was quit ly disposed of. e -elected. This tter was made, an the previous 11 expenses and t. there was a cMillan, dairy inspector was present nd delivered an address on the Mafia ment and care of cream and milk, ointing but the necessity of cleanliness and care of seperator in order to t the best re- sults. Questions ever • asked and were answered satiefitetoti Mr. MeEirt- s called on and nt for the very which they had Rev. Mr. Me - on and in a few not See why the first place in the : Mr. F. Henry, the patrons to advice and seed m to the factory milk at home. A poor and badly red all the other patrons. Quality in butter was what brought the highe price. Mr. S. Peddle made a ft remarks on the prevalence of weed on all our roads and would like to e the old practice of cutting them e ery season brought IOW effect, He p oft spoke a little pointed, but he Inlet help it as he came from a len where there is Ito he. Directors were eason 116,000 lbs of b eing 16,000 lbs more t eason. After paying dividend 0 10 per ce silence 0 el561. Mr. ic Order in his non, of Langslde w n a Member 0 thanked the manage tury. or even satisfactory way in t sixty years - managed the business The Signal, be. Vacherie was called of this paper al. remarks he soul people should not tak quality of their butte the President, advise take Mr. McMillan's good quality of ere and keep the skim few patrons send% eared for Crean inj -the Old Country, tying is Sir John , an ex-reember nt. Two uncles ere Sir James n to Queen Vie. Potrierier WANTED.-Higheet eath prlee paid for all kinds of poultry; alive or dressed. JioneiO. Guntut, Limited, n Report. t of the Sank of itted to share - annual meeting 15, shows that e for oistribution year's business 27. These -figures owth in earning has maintained. ends at the rate of um were paid, and ere was carried, to $111,170. The total m on new stock, to ,880, was carried to e assets of the bank om $41,314,869.21 to FEED CORN. -We always have cote on hand. Get our prices before buying, HOWSoN 8iBeoexx.,rieeteri, CHURCH NOTES A watch -night sery ce will be held in the Wingharn leletho ist Chureh next Sunday night. Rev. Dr. Stewart for thirty-four years pastor of illis Prebytetian Church at Clintoe ha resigned, owing 'to 111 health. The special Christas musical service given hi the Methodi Church by the choir on Sulu* eve ing last was eh excellent tete and wa Much appreciated by the congregation, By special re- quest the greater p • t of the service Will be repeated ilex Sunday evening. The new duplex e velope system of receiving tontributi es in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Ohre will be adopted on the lst of January t. 'The pastor, Rev. D. Perrie, has ade a visit among the members of the congregation with a veivr to a more s •tematie Method of nontributing and al with a view to in. crease the coati thrit, especially to the Church gam- waste and very f weeds. A vote of .455,16. thanks to the ch irman and the man- Itight up-to-date hats now on sale ogeMent brought the meeting to a close. *EA r at Mrs. Green's. FOR• AYOR. Wm. Bone, by R. Vannorrnan and Geo. Spotton, Geo. Spotton, b and Richard Clegg, FOR R EVE. had to raise, thre the purpose of pay nese. Rad the Years; provided th fund the tax rate t place 026 mills. $1 A TEAR IN AWAKE milks annually for g this old indebted - memo 0 pretioua necessary oinking -day could be 23 in All the speakers aid a good word favor of the by -la providing for th town to make nego iations for Rydr Electric power. ne of the gm needs of the tow f Wingham at th present time is day eleetric power an We say by all mean for the ratepayers; to support this law. New Who - tries can be secure if the town is in a position to provide electric power. The TIMES man heartily endorsee all the good things said about Wingham being the hest to n in the county and that we should co tinue to all work in the best interestf the town. 'Ihere is one correction wish to make. In his address, Coun. Rebell gave Mayor Spotton the full e dit for making the settlement with he Perth Contract Go, whin, as a ter of fact, Mayor Spotton was not 1 town when the set. Cement was ma e. Town Solicitor Holmes and Coun Elliott effected the settlement which was afterwards sanc- tioned by the Co mil. It is but fair that credit shoul be given where cred- it is -due. On the Hydr Metric by-law all property owners • re entitled to vote on the question in a many wards as they own property an on the by-law re a- bolishing the Co mission all qualified municipal eleeto s have s vote in one ward only. in 0 - at e • • • AsNFIELD-01 Council re-elected by acclamation. GREY. -Old ouncil re-elected by acclamation. WEST WArir *Sit. -- Reeve, Wm. Mlle. Councillo s, Wilson, Watson, itchison, Murr • v. Old Council re - e lectecl by acela Mime W. F. VanStone B A • D. E McDonald, •y 3. W. McKib- ben and J. A.- Mae n. FOR COl\INU SUMER. V. R. Yannorman, Wm. Bone and D. Bell. J.A. Morton, by Geo Spotton and S. Bennett. FOR COUNC1 Er. W. J. Price; by Hall. O. G. VanStone, by McDonald. Wm. Bone, by T. ens. T. Hall, by D. Bell J. W. MoXibbon, b John Wilson. A.E. Porter, by 3. S. Mitchell. S. Mitchell, by F. H, Stephenson. H. B. Elliott, by Spotton. A. Cosens, by Geo. Bennett. D. Bell by A. Cose LORs. Cosens and T. . Bell and -D. E. all and A. Cos- nd W. Bone H. Davis and Stephenson and eConnell and J. Hall and Geo. Spotton and S. s and 8, Bennett. J. A. Mills, by Hall and Wm. 13one. W. H. Rintoul, by John Ritchie 'and W. P. Grierson PUBLIC SCIMO TRUSTEES. Ward 1 -Alex. Ro s, by Wm. Bone and Peter Campbell. Ward 2 -Wm. Mo re, by S. Mitchell and J. H. Stephens Ward 3-L. Kenn dy, by Wm. Bone and D. Bell. John albraith, by R. A. Dinsley and A. Tipl ng. Ward 4. -John K rr, by }LB.Elliott, and T. Rall. Bob Allot, by Geo. Spotton and C. G. anStone. There being only Reeve, Clerk Gro McDonald electe There being only Public School True and two, Messrs. Moore were deelar ensuing term: Mr. candidate for May or Spotton elected • The usual spee the nominations an or Spotton and C Cosens was selected Addresses dealing town were made Reeve McDonald Wm, lime, V. R. VanStont, T. Rail, 13. tillott, Mayor Spotton MT nicely showed the financial stanal 0 the town and painted out that t a Councils of the early years in the h tory of the tows had not provided sin ing fund for the payment of deben ores 0 the first waterworks, the pu lie school the C. P. It, and ea gr railway ttlid inatket grounds end dente, eery and inthis way the Connell now one candidate for • es declared Iteeee 'by acclatnation. ne nomination for ees in Wards ont A. Ross and Wm. d elected for the Bone withdrew as a and this left May - y acchanatiote 11 -making followed oh motion of May, mt. Bone, Mr. A as Chairman, with the affairs of y Mayor Spotters, lid Messrs. Wm. Vannorman, C. G. 3. Mitchell and IL CULROSS-Ree e, Geo. Falconer, E. J. Kuntz. Coun Mors, jas. Donald- son, Jas. Thomps n, Jas. W. Ballagh, Win. Case, John . Armstrong. Kineoss--Reeve Daniel McDonald by acclamation; 1 ouneillors, John Mc- Dermott, Alex. McKinnon, Henry Mathers, John H. ;gins, „ Bettler. Moesis.-ForR eve; J. Shortreed and John F: McCrack n, For Councillors; Wm. Thuell, m. Elston, W. II. Fraser, Wm. Laid aw, Geo, W. Proct- tor. TURNSERRy.-F r Reeve; T. K. Pow- ell and John Muly y. For Councillors; John Rutherford, ohn McBurney, Ar- thur Wheeler, Joh J. Moffatt, W. A. McGill. EAST WAWANOS lespie. Councillor Sarni. Burelaill, J. Campbell. Old C acclamation. .-Reeve, John Gil - Peter W. Scott, Stonehouse, J. N. uncil re-elected by Before selling your print. and roll butter, and poultry alive or dressed, it will be to your benefit to get our prices. Wm. Davies Co., Ltd., successors to Armour tstate, Phone 52. Diamon Wedding. The following f one last week's Sea - forth Expositor t us refers to the dia- mond wedding of he parents of Mr.' J. B. Tyerman of th. 12th concession of East Wawanosh. Mr. and Mrs. Tyer- man attended th celebration at Sea - forth: -A very enjoyable time was spent at the h me of Mr. Andrew Tyerman on Dec tuber 18th, when Mr. and Mrs. A. T erman celebrated the sixtieth annivere. ry of their wedding day, along with heir family and other relatives. Mr, yerman was been in Yorkshire, Engle d and when a young man of about 25 ears of age sailed for Canada, along ith his parents and other members of the family, settling one: farm near th village of Leskard, in Durham count , Para. Tyerman was born in Bellevill Beatings county. Her maiden name was Mary A. Hutchi- son, and when quite young moved with her parents to near Leskard, where in the year ;:51 she was married to Mr. Tyerman at he Methodist par- sonage in Cram, aft r which they drove. to Mr. Foster Hut hikes, father of the bride, where a eddixig dinner was prepared for them. For a number of years they lived in e rham county and later on in life move. to Ruilett town.; thin, Huron county, nd now for about 25 years have been etired residents of Seaforth. Mr. T mum is now in bis 90th year, and his ood Wife in her 82nd year, and althou h both aro very feeble yet there are ow who enjoy life any better. Duriri the 'evening of thole sixtieth wedd ng day the aged couple Were ,present d with a well filled tirrit andeT iss Jessie Thornie- r() 6of erman diarnond ton of Honolulu, fo merly of Seaforth. Millinery at the earite cheap sale prices given in eXchange for wood and produce at Mra. Green's. ' ' • 1912 W extend to each of our many Friends and Customess Hearty Greetings Ai. d Best Wishes For a Happy and Prosper. ous New Year. eroutamonammmoNammairoomirommommoN.N....M•Omm L GREER Where quality counts we win. C. N. Griffin GENERAL AGENT rum LIFE ACCIDENT PLATE GLASS WEATHER Losnraoce Coupled with a Rz.u. EemaTE and Mowry LOANING Business. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Office aver Malcolm's Grocery. Logs! Logs! am prepared to pay the highest cash price for all kinds of saw logs. Call and get prices and lengths to eut logs. J. A. MoL8ele. For diamond, wedding and engage, ment rings go to KNOX'S. FOE SALE -A good cutter, almost new; small seat in frortt. Will' be sold at sa...t.___bargain. Apply at netts office. ramiliallits.""11111Wir Stands for an that is modern in Business Training. A Chain of Seven Colleges in leading towns and citiee. Two thousand stu- dents in our Colleges and Rome Study last year. We train from ten to twenty students for every- one trained by most schools. There's a reason. It is freely admitted that our graduates get best positions, and the demand for them is "seven" times the supply. Exclusive right for On- tario of the famous Bliss Book- keeping System. You may study at home' or partly at home and finish atthe College. A beeitiess Edueation pays a dividend every day of your life. Winter Tenn from Jane 6, Call or write for pattiettlars. SPOTTON BUSINESS COLLEGE ohm, to-,. nerve, Prinelpte, — A _ migifix-AL„