HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-12-21, Page 88 CORN --CORN We have a car of extra fine AMERICAN FEED CORN on sale now. Prices very reasonable. Potatoes Wanted,. J. L, AWDE THE WORM TIMES DECEMBER 21, 1911 PERSONALS, Mr, Bert J. Reid, of is spend the holidays in Wingham. Misses Olive and Gertie Cruikshank are home from Toronto for the holidays. Mise Ada Haines, who is attending Stratford Normal is home for the holi- days. Miss Bessie Marsales, of Buffalois spending the holidays with relatives in town. Misses Janet Brock and Florence Im- lay are home from the Stratford for the holidays. Miss Greta Kennedy, who has been at- tending Normal at London is home for the holidays. Mr. Thos. Armstrong of Calgary, Alta., is visiting with old freind in Wingham and district,. Miss Kertie Ross, of Philadelphia is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Ross. Miss Bertie A Haines arrived home from North Bay to spend the Christmas holidays with her parents. Mr. John Mitchell, of Toronto is spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mitchell. Mr. A. H. Hall and young daughter of Plymouth, Wis. are spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Hall. Miss Jennie Shiells has returned home from Weyburn, Sask. and is spending the holidays at her parental home in East Wawanosh. Mr. Thos. Kennedy, architect, of Toronto is in town designing and super- intending the erection of the new build- ings for the Western Foundry Co. Messrs. Albert Knight and Albert Mundell, of Crosshill and Mrs. (Rev.) A. K. Birks, of Dundas were here this week attending the funeral of the late Mrs. Holloway. MINOR LOCALS. —Next Monday will be Christmas. —Playing cards on sale at the TIMES office. Toilet and manicure sets from $1 to $15 at KNOX'S. Right upp:to-date hats now CHEAP at Mrs. Green's. WANTED. -- An a Queen's hotel. hotel. erimled dining - room girl. Apply —All kinds of writing paper and en- velopes on sale at the TIMES office. —The TIMES wishes all readers and friends a bright and happy Christmas. —Christmas tree entertainment in the Salvation Army hall on Friday eve- ning of this week. Millinery at the same cheap sale prices given in exchange for wood and produce at Mrs. Green c. Don't miss bargains in pretty hats while sale is, on at Mrs. Green's. Large stock to select from. —There will be a bowling tournament in the Parish Club on Christmas Day. All entries mustbe in early as the draw will be made at 9.30 a.m. CHRISTMAS SLIPPERS? — Well, just come to see our display—that'sJ all we ask. W. —A. number of farmers in this district were plowing on Saturday last. It is not often that farmers car. do work of this kind on the 16th of December. on sale CITY DAIRY ICE CREAM BRIC 25 CEN EACH GRISDALE'S HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. The attention of the parents is called to the reports which will be issued this week. On Thursday of this week after sup- per a meeting of the Literary Society will be held, All the ex -pupils and graduates are cordially invited. KING G O Q D KING BROS.PRIC)~8, GOODSIiIG1=iTi ..........FOR .MEN'S FURCOATS.. iI —Mr. F. McConnel, auctioneer and real estate agent this week reports the sale of Mr. James Phalen's cottage on Shuter street to Mr. D. E. McDonald. —Lawson H. Moore was killed in the McCormick biscuit works at London by being relight in a shaft. Mr. Moore resided in Blyth a number of years ago. —The death of Mrs. John Pollock, aged 72 years, occurred in Huron town- ship on. Sunday. She had been a resi- dent of the township for over sixty years. —Seaforth ratepayers will vote on January lst on a by-law to provide for the placing of the heat, light and sew- erage under the management of a Com- mission. Will the parties who removed pro- grams from Council Chamber wall on Wednesday after bachelors' ball on Deeember 5th, kindly return the same to MRS. RICHARD CLEGG. —The winter assizes, with jury, will open at Goderich on Tuesday, March 26th, with Justice Britton presiding. The non -jury assizes will open Thursday, June 27th with Justice Clute presiding, 00 RN, FRx.—In Wingham, on December 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fry; a daughter. MARRIED MACLABEN-MEYER—On Tuesday, 'De- cember 12, in Calgary, Alta„ Agnes A. Meyer, second danghter of the late H. W. C. Meyer of Wingham to Archibald Maclaren, M. D., son of the late W. S. Maclaren, Huntingdon, Quebec. DUD. HOLLOwAY.—In Wingham Town Plot on December 14th, Elizabeth Elford wife of Mr. John Holloway, aged 69 years, 11 months and 9 days. • SCOTT.—In East Wawanosh, on Dec- ember 14th, P. Wilson Scott, son of Mr. and. Mrs. P. W. Scott, aged 3 years and 8 months. KELLY.—In Blyth, on December llth, D. Kelly, aged 78 years. ' WIRTH—In Culross, on December 15th Margaret Wirth, daughter of late Niel McKinnon, in her 33rd year. LITTLEFAIR.—In Morris, on December 16th, Emmerson Littlefair, in his 78th year. Messrs. Thos. Wilson, Thos. Robin- son, J. W. Ansley and R. H. Lloyd,. who are attending University in Toron- to are spending the holidays at their parental homes in town. Mrs. Homuth and Miss Marguerite Homuth returned this week from Whitby College. Mrs. Homuth will receive with her mother, Mrs. Sperling, on Wednesday, Dec. 27th, afternoon and evening. Robert S. and Wellington F. Haines arrived home Thursday of last week to spend the winter with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Haines. It is over five years since they left for Wood Bay, Manitoba. —The Grand Jury at Goderich found no bill against J. G. Armstrong, the Lucknow druggist, charged with trim- ' inal negligence in giving Miss Murray the wrong medicine and causing her death. —The many freinds of A. H. Musgro- ie, M. 1'. P. for North Huron will be sorry to learn that he is confined to his home through illness. We wish for a speedy recovery. —A fire that did damage amounting to about $200,000, and endangered the lives of many firemen, destroyed the east half of D. S. Perrin & Co.'s large biscuit manufacturing plant in London on Friday night. —For the convenience of Christmas tra, tilers the G. T. R. agent will sell tickets during Friday which are to be used on Saturbay. Purchase your tick- ets on Friday afecenoon and avoid the rush on -Saturday- Morning. --Miss Margeret Irvine, formerly of this town, who las been attending Winnipeg Central Business College for the boast five months, has suecessfully peened her examinations in stenography and has accepted a position in that city. - —See that The Weekly Sun, the one paper that fights the farmer's battles, is among those you subscribe for. It gives its readers the unvarnished facts, h biased opinions of political lead- eidAPe&dee Y. M. C. A. BLDG.. LONDON, ONT. BUSINESS and SHORTHAND SUBJECTS. Registered last season upwards of 300 students and placed every graduate. Seven specially qualified regular teachers. One hundred and fifty London firms employ our trained help. College in session from Sept. 5 to June 30. Enter any time. Cataloguo Fre. Forest City Shoand College CHURCH NOTES The services in the St. Andrews Pres- byterian Church next Sunday will be ap- ropriate for the Christmas season and special music will be givenby the choir at both services. At the Executive board of the Pres- byterian Foreign Missions meeting in Toronto on Friday night it was decided that $282,998 would be spent in the for- eign work by the mission in Canada as compared with $220,608 spent last year. Besides that an additional sum of $99,- 352 is to be spent this coming year for new buildings to carry on the work abroad as compared with $61,789 last year. rthand J. W. WESTERVELT, JR. J. W. WESTERVELT, Chartered Accountant, Principal. Vice Principal IS The services in the Baptist Church next Sunday, both morning and even- ing, will be of a special character, both as to music and preaching, appropriate to the Christmas season. Specially prepared anthems will be sung by the choir, and the topics of the sermons will be "The Evangel of Peace" and "Glory in the Highest" in the morning and evening respectively. A hearty in- vitation is extended, and a cordial wel- come awaits. STRAY SHEEP. Came onto the premises of the under- signed, lot 29, eon. 11, East Wawanosh, about the 1st of August, three lambs and one aged sheep. Owner can have same by applying to ON GIBBONS. Fordyce P. 0. POLLED ANGUS CATTLE FOR SALE. Three thoroughbred bulls fit for ser- vice and two thoroughbred Cows, will sell reasonable. Apply to B. B. STAFFORD, Gorrie P. 0. ST. HELENS. Mr. and Mrs. 3. B. Rutherford, Mrs. H. Rutherford and Will Rutherford at- tended the funeral of the late C. Hom- tith at Wingham last week. A box social will be held at St. Hel- ens public hall on December 28, under the auspices of the Women's Institute, in aid of the piano fund. Mr. and Mrs. Rob. Taylor, D. Mc- Kenzie, M. Humphrey, C. Taylor, E. Webster, R. McGuire, W. Rutherford, W. I. Miller, W. McDonald, A. Mc- Donald and H. Rutherford attended the. fat stock show at Guelph last week. CLOVER THRESHING. Having. purchased T. W. Pickell's clov- er threshing machine I am prepared to do clover threshing and will give work entrusted to me prompt and careful at- tention. Write or phone me. North Hur- on Phone —Line 191, 3. Ring 3iILLESPIE. ee" Whitechurch P. 0. SHORTHORNS FOR SALE Penitentiary Statistics. There were 1,86: criminals in the penitentiaries of Canada on March 31 last, an increase of only six as compar- ed with the corresponding date in the On expressed for party purposes. It previous year. The cost of their deters- lea help you in your business. tion tr. the country averaged sixty. c. p centsper day, or $244 each year; —Unknown parties ,entered the home seven c y the net expenditure for all penitentiar• les during the year being $473,630. No less than ten per cent. of the entire prison population was composed of youths under twenty years of age, ,- Paul PeI tt.li ' -cent d e1 St. Vincent tiary the juveniles constitute fifteen r per trent: of else. total. One thousand and four of tho convicts were native- born Canadians, while 322 were natives of other British countries, and 530 were of foreign birth. Nine hundred and thirty were Ilornan Catholics, 317 were of the Church of England, 219 Presby- terians, 182 Methodist, t33 Baptist, 54 Lutheran, 19 Hebrew, 10 Buddhist, and 14 who had no creed. Three young bulls, two dark reds and one roam, from 9 to 12 months of age. Sired by my stock bull, "Huron Chief" No. 63840. These are .choice young bulls with good Scotch breeding of a low down blocky type, and out of good rnilking reason- able. Write for Will particulars or give me a call. Farm one and a half miles south of Wingham.. 3.G,I'YI'F, Wingham P. 0. of Mr. 3. G. Stewart, Minnie street, Gun night last week while all the mem- bt-a of the hou;-ehwid we're away. Seveesd artiea s were disturbed but all time was missing was 40 cents in money and'two pairs of gloves. The work is thought to be that of „teen hands. case. r Chief Allton i:, working on the . OLVIvANNrsw A t n;istma.i true and entertainment wid bo held in Ladle's Church on Thurs- day es,ening, Uecember21st. An excel- lent program is being prep tread and ' these who attend are assured a geed o,Pi.ii'gS enter, teinrrlent. Admission 13 cents. The ever increasing popularity of THE KINO BRAND Fur Coats, is evidence of their Superior Quality to the ordinary stock of Coats. MEN'S CANADIAN RACOON COATS Popular price from $45 to $125.00, all sizes and different length Men's Russian Dog Coats —We are `showing a full range of these. at $18.00, $2o.00 and $25.00. Men's Quilted Lined Coats Persian Lamb and German Otter Collars $15 and upwards. Raw Furs Wanted—We will pay highest cash prices for Furs hi Season. EGGS .30c, KbVO PRODUCE WANTED Men's Alaska Beaver Coats.—This Coat will stand any amount of Hard Wear. Popular prices. Men's Fur -Lined Coats. —Our stock consists of noth- ing but first class materials, linings and collars. Prices $45.00 and upwards. pies Sc, Potatoes. Beans and Poultry. Produce Wanted—Butter 24c, Eggs 3oc, Dried Ap Only 3 More Shopping Days Until. GI1RISTMAS sonmssommolionnimillimim BELOW IS A LIST OF GIFT SUGGESTIONS For Women Felt Slippers Felt Boots Overgaiters Patent Slippers Patent Pumps Swede Pumps Velvet Pumps Rubbers Overshoes Cardigans Hockey Shoes Overstockings Rubber Boots Moccasins Queen Quality Shoes FOR Men a Felt Slippers Felt Boots Overgaiters Rubbers Patent Pumps Fine Shoes Overshoes Hockey Shoes Moccasins. Bunion Pretec- tors Leggings Suit Cases. Club Bags Fur Girls Felt Slippers Felt Boots. Overgaiters Overstockings Fine Shoes Rubbers . Leggings Moccasins Hockey Shoes Cardigans FOR . The Kiddies Sof oecasins F Shoes elt Slippers Patent Slippers Rubbers Overstocking& Leggings Cardigans Soft Felt Shoes For Boys Hockq BOOS 0: veugebttnrogscak ings Fine Shoes Felt Boots Moccasins THE ABOVE IS ONLY A PARTIAL LIST We have the Biggest and Best Selection we have ever shown WILLIS & CO. THE SHOE STORE. L for Ladies. Sale Agents I.1 BUTTER 26c BROS WEA WANT YOUR TRADE 1 FARMS FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale his two farms, Lot 3, Con. 7, Turnberry, containing 107 acres. On this property is situated a good house and barn; drilled well and windmill; water in the house and barn and good cement stab- ling. Farm is 3 1-2 miles from Wrox- eter and 6 miles from Wingham. The oth if farm, Lot 20, Con. 8, Turnberry contains upwardsof 100 acres and has good barn and fair house and is situ- ated one mile from Wingham. Apply to CHAS. J. RINTOUL, Gienfarrow, Ont. TOWN OF WINGHAM. Public Notice. 1 Town of Take notice that the Municipal p i al Coun- .e til of the Corporation of the T Wingham intends after one month from this date to pass a by-law rinsing up a certain portion of McDermott street in the said Town of Wingham, All persons wishing to protest against this by-law must file their protest with the undersigned before the 29th day of December, 1011. JOHN F. GROVES, Clerk, Dated 28th Nov., 1'011., Do You Own a "PARKYTE" or are you a Slave to III-UaItb A "PARKYTE" SANITARY CHEMICAL CLOSET in your home is the strongest kind of insurance against the germs of disease. It is a preventative against epidemics and contagion in the Summer, and an_absolute necessity the year round. Requires neither Water nor Sewage; can be placed in any part of your home; costs less shan a CENT a day, and Lasts a lifetime. Endorsed by the leading Physicians; and Health Officials! Specified by the most prominent Architects; and auopted by vvhole Municipalities. Over 16,000 have been installed in Canadian hems in less than one year, Ask your dealer for prices, , , t1 l' The 'arkyte,i Sanitary ( hemieal Close made in Canada by. PARKER*WHITE LIMITED i DON'T POSTPONE THE . PURCHASE OF YOUR 1 Z i ChrIstmas - Present . . UNTIL THE STOCK IS DEPLETED E►, Come in and see our stock of useful and novel i Xmas Goods you cap get right here, something fine for every member of your family. Take a look at the follow• i ing articles and you will have no trouble in making your • 10 choice. EHANDKERCHIEF AND' GLOVE BOXES i s. To, match of polished cherry lacquer, gold Jap decorations i `key. INow Paper and Envelopes fit fancy"_boxes., . Good i WINNIPEG, MAN. .tmouver and is sold d No cw•JT'ot°aa ba, Montreal,o+ n,.f r eya lt y(,al gy ary/+,ayny 8 ty' ' , . ALM .I.V4. i. G, tNOHAM, V1V 1w 3 French Perfume in fancy boxes.- ; Notwomm BAG 4 , a HAND S t} C Ladies' fine seal gain Haled Bags;, in -different .sizek; also 3 4 childrens colored' "velvet Hand DOLLS; . That's what the kiddies. loge, .they; are neadtifully dressed . and open and close their eyes, ._s_ CHINA A nice assortment of prettily decorated China, odd pieces and sets. HANDKERCHIEFS Linen and Lawn, plain hemstitched, initialed, Swiss em- broidered and Venise lace edged, easily sent a distance and always acceptable. TABLE LINEN 4 Napkins, kins, Tea Cloths and Doilies, also lovely Linen ITowels. Kid Gloves and Mocha wool lined Gloves, r Motor Scarfs, Neck Scarfs, Umbrellas, Patent • Slippers and Cosy Bedroom Slippers, These are only a few suggestions. We will be pleased to show you many other good things when you call. WISHING YOU ALL A HAPPY CHRISTMAS 4 Ai• M ILL Suceeasor to T. A. Mills iasartsmrslaim 1; PRONE 89: • WfNGI AM, ONT.