The Wingham Times, 1911-12-21, Page 6�E .{ t1 p..GE, ,m .11/ 416 DEMUR 2L 1911
You will be proud of
the bread you'll make
FTER seeing a batch o£
golden -crusted, -cx
1sted snowy -
loaves, that you
have baked from PURITY
FLOUR, you will, indeed, be
proud of your cooking -ability ---
and proud of your wisdom in
deciding to pay the little extra
it costs to procure such high-class flour, You will
admit, too, that we are justified in the pride we take
in milling this superb flour.
"Mare bread and better bread"
PURITY FLOUR is milled
exclusively from the best West-
ern hard wheat the worrld's-
finest. More than that, PURITY
FLOUR consists entirely of the
high-grade portions of the wheat.
The low - grade portions are
separated and excluded during
the PURITY process of milling.
Such high-class flour, of course,
expands more in the baking.
It makes "more bread and
better bread,"
It makes lighter, flakier pastry, too, if you just take the pre-
caution to add more shortening. On account of its unusual
strength PTTRif.TY FLOUR., for best results, requires more
shortening than ordinary flour. . g
Progressive dealers, ei°erywuei'e, sell PURITY FLOURand take pride in recommending it.
Add PURITY FLOUR to your grocery list right now. 106
ri+ere,stislg Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
Goats and bears are plentiful in the
mountains back of gtewart.
Hon, L. P. Pelletier, Postmaster-Gc't-
eral, has arr :nged direct parcel pc •
Service with France.
The quicker a ceid is gotten rid of
the less the danger from pneumonia
and other serious theeases. Mr. W. B.
L. Hall, of Waverly, Va., says: "I
firmly belies,- Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy to be abso tely the best pre-
paration on tike market for colds. I
have recomtt.nded it to my friends and
they all agree with me." l?or sale by
all dealers.
Mfrs. Thomas Junes and her two
young sons lost their lives in a fire that
destroyed the fami;y dwelling at Que-
The C. P. It. elevator.; at Owen Sound
with a million bushels of grain, several
cars and the Government Lighthouse,
were burned,
When you have a cold get a bottle of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It will
soon fix you up all right and will ward
off any tendency toward pnuemonia.
This remedy contair ; no opium or other
narcotic and may be given as confident-
ly to a baby as to an adult. Sold by
all dealers.
The one hundred end seventy-five
Tory majority predicted for Wingham
failed to materialize. The thanks of
the Liberal party are due to those ins
dependent minded men who registered
protest against the non-progressive
attitude of Sir James Whitney.
- !n connection with the "Chateau
Laurier," the new $2,000,000 Grated
Trunk hotel at Ot;.awa, it has been de-
cided to establish tri Lee freezing plant,
end the Ferber system ef sterilization.
This means that every drop of water
that coulee into the hotel for any pur-
pose is first filtered twice, then steri-
lized and colored, rendering it not only
tel urs from all
absolutely sanitary 'y stand
points. but clear and free from any
coloration, As regards tee, the water
from whieb it to uln+de will be first filt-
ered twiee, then converted into steam,
then eondenoed ate frozen, rendering
the fee not only absolutely pure, but a
beautiful clear, transparent Cryettti,
Mr, Ilugh John Macdonald has been
appointed Police Magistrate est
The Government has appointed °a eq-
mmission to investigate complaints.
against officials of the Intercolonial
gas. Wiasi.ow's. Seeriuse SYatsl" has teen
used for over SIXTY Y$ARS byp 2411•41011s of
MOTHRS for thew CHILDREN wzmit;
ROOTl1ES tine CHILD, eon EENS the GUMS.
.0.1,mm all rAINQ; CURES WIND COLIC. anti
is the best remedy for DIARRiltlt.. It is ah.
solutely harmless. Re sure and ask for "Mrs.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other,
kind. Twenty-dyecents
fibot 1
J. B. Phillips, of Toronto, charged
with shooting at his wife last May, was
acquitted on his wife's evidence. She
said the shooting was entirely aceiden-
Capt. McKay and mate Campbell
have had their certificates suspended
on account of the grounding of the
steamer Corunna in Lake Superior.
When your feet are wet and cold, and
your body chilled through and through
from exposure, take a big dose of
Chamberlain's Cough remedy, bathe
your feet in hot water before going to
bed, aad you are almost certain to
ward off a severe cold. For sale by all
The exports of Argentine in 1909
totalled $397,350,000. The principal
itemsre : Animal
weproducts, $153,-
000,000; products of the field, $230,504,-
000, wheat representing $219,770 000 of
this, and live cattle $4,000,000.
The official crop report of the Uni-
ted States at 88.6, compared with 82.5
a year ago, and 89.9 the ten-year aver-
age. The acreage is estimated at 32,
213,000, against 32,648,000 acres plant-
ed last year.
"I had been troubled with constipa-
tion for two years and tried all of the
best physicians in Bristol, Tenn., and
1 they could do nothing for me," writes
Thos. E. Williams, Middleboro, Ky.
"Two packages of Chamberlain's Stom-
aeh and Liver Tablets cured me." For
- 1 sale by all dealers,
To know whether or not a boiled
pudding is quite done, watch the pud-
bing bag; when it begins to `wrinkled,
the pudding is done. A saucer, or new
tin plate inverted in the bottom of the
cooking vessel will prevent the pudding
The Berlin waterworks yielded a net
profit of $14,170 during the year.
The Dominion financial statement for
November issued on Friday gives in-
dications of prosperity and buoyant
revenues. During November the con-
soli at d
d e revenue was $11,595,67
0, as
against $10,061,060 in November, 1910.
In the eight months of the fiscal year,
the aggregate revenue was $87,886,848,
compared with $76,875,446 in the cor-
responding period, an increase of over
twelve millions. The expenditure dur-
ing the .month on consolidated account
Was $7,485,650, and for the eight months
$47,784,009, a very slight increase over
the same periods of last year. On
capital account $15,835,194 has been
spent in the eight months almost ex-
clusively on railways and public works.
The total net debt at the end of the
month was $315,436,632, a decrease
Mince October of $535,356, and during
the eight months of $3,157,`..9:.,
C: S
His Secret
Wants them to know how he was
cured of itching, protruding piles
Doctors. usually recommend the
knife as the only cure for piles. They
'rlook the risk, the expense and
suffering of mind and body en-
' in a surgical operation.
Chase's Ointment will bring
.def quickly end will euro thorough,
ly if you will but persist.
Mr. A. Honingnon, 52 ]3ronsdon
Place, Montreal, Que., writes: ---r 1
cannot help praising Dr. Chase's
Ointment as I suffered many years
with itching and protruding piles,
and was cured by this oaitmcnt. t
beeamo tired of the efforts of the 'best
specialists to cure me, and hearing
of Dr. Chase's Ointment just as I
had of .hundreds of other medicines
began its use. But oh, great joy, at
the very start the sharp paints left
me and I was gradually eured. 1
hope that every sufferer will follow
my example with the sante success.
Every forin of piles or hemorrhoids
is cured by Dr. Chase's Ointment. 60
cents a box, et all dealers, or Ed.
tnansori, Eaten ik Co,, Toronto.
$100 Reward, igloo.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least
one dreaded disease that science has
been able to cure in all its stages, and
that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is the only positive cure now known to
the medical fraternity. Catarrh being
a eonstitional disease, requires a consti-
tutional remedy, Hall's Catarrh Cure
is taken internally, acting directly up-
on the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system, thereby destroying the
foundation of the disease, and giving
the patient strength by building up the
eonstition and assisting nature in doing
its work. The proprietors have so
much faith in its curative powers that
they offer One Hundred Dollars for any
case that it fails to cure. Send for list
of testimonials.
F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for consti-
An authority on the subject says that
to .remove a scorch from linen cut an
onion in half and rub the scorched part
with it and then soak it in cold water,
when the scorch will soon disappear.
"My nerves were very bad and I could
not sleep at night, nor could I control my
arms or legs, writes Mrs. Robt. Bust-
ard, Maxwell, N.B. "Dr. Chase's Nerve
Food cured me of what lbelieve was the
early stage of locomotor ataxia or par-
alysis. I cannot describe what suffered
but now I am completely cured.
And many a man who believes in
doing the greatest good to the greatest
number regards number one as the
greatest number.
Children Cry
CA.S'it'O R to
Coal ashes are combined With soda
and Copal varnish by a German inven-
tor to make artificial stone that re-
sembles marble.
Children Cry
C A 8 i Or R } 1 A
On the dining ears of the govern-
ment railways in New Zealand the
meals are 110 cents each, No tips are
given on the train.
In 1925 the Southern prophets tell as
there will be left not one State in the
'Union vihich has a negro majority of
inhabitants. Louisiana and Florida
had a negro majority, but the last cell-
sus gives each of them a white major-
ity by Soma hundreds of thousands.
South Carolina and Mississippi still have
a majority of fegroes, but their in-
crease is not nearly so great tar that of
the whites, itt part from poorer sani-
tary Conditions, and itt part because of
the large migration to the north, ilurw
ing the last decade the White increase
it Synth Carolina WAS MS per taut.,
and the negro betels* may 0.8 par
Savings of a tittle Child Dyuig ef
Tubercula; Trouble Goes to J e1p
the Consumptive Poor
'How true tt et in ins yatil'orontwalks of
lifethtit'�ulittlechildshallleadthem," We
have. been shown a copy of a letter written
by alady of S. John, N.B., who only a
niotath ago 100 , her little child, a girl of nine
years, of tubercular trouble. The mother's
own words tell the story batter than it coil
ba told in any ether way, Sho writes to
the Secretary o$the Muskoka Free Hospital
�i tal
for Censure taves at Gremlin/1st in these
words : " While my loved one was ill, I ono
night opened some literaturefrom you at
bet bedside, She asked enc what it was.
I told her it was a paper asking for sub-
scriptions to the Muskoka Free Hospital
for Consumptives, and showed her the
pictures in the pamphlet. She asked if
she could nob give what she had in her
little savings bank. I told her 'Yes'—to
give it to the doctor and he would send it.
But rho was too sick when he came again,
so I sin enolosing an express order for the
amount I found in the bank, viz,, $1.79,
a small subscription, but trust you will
receive it in the spirit in which it was
The letter is typical of many that aro
being constantly received at the head offiee
of the Muskoka Hospital, 347 King St W„
Toronto.``, Those come from all parts of
Canada, for patients are received from any.
wherein the Dominion.
At the present; time there are 156
patients in residence in the Muskoka Free
Hospital, 128 of whom are unable to pay a
single tont, nod the other 28 only nominal
sums—much less than actual cost of
maintenance. During the nine years that
the Muskoka Free Hospital for Con.
sutnptives has bean opened, not a single
patient has ever been refused admission
because unable to pay.
"Finn feathers make thin pocket
books," so a married man says.
A police station with cells is about to
be ,erected at Gullane, to cost over
Any man can secure an appreciative
audience by letting his money talk. •
Some people never appreciate a
favor until they need another.
is sent direct to the diseased parts by the
improved _Mower. Healstilb ulcers,
clears the air ppassages, stops drop-
pings in the throat andermanent-
ly cures Catarrh and Hay -Fever.
25c. a box • blower free. Accept no
substitutes. All dealers or Edm etlon.
Sates & 00., Limited, Toronto
Twenty thousand women in Birming-
ham, England, it is stated, are work-
ing at carding'hooks and eyes at an av-
erage from 60 to 96 cents a week.
Concrete furnitrue, indestructible,
and one-half as expensive as the cheap-
est wood, is the latest promise of Thos.
A. Edison. Two hundred dollars' worth
of the new furniture will be enough,
he says, to furnish a small house in ex-
cellent taste. A whole bedroom set,
for example, should not cost more,than
$5 in a plain mission finish. The in-
ventor has'already "poured out" seve-
ral pieces of the new furniture, and
these samples are now on their way to
Chicago and back to show what the3
can stand in the way of resisting hand-
ling by freight men.
The letters and returns that are coming
into the offiee of the National Sanitarium
Association, 347 King Street West, Toronto,
tell of an active Christmas Stamp Campaign
• in all parts of the
country. People of
every Class and creed
appear to be interesb-
ing themselves in do.
ing their part to secure
the Twenty - Five
Thousand ($25,000)
Dollars that is the
objective of the
Christmas Stamp
Committee. 'rhe first
issue of stamps was three millions. The
distribution has become so Wide that an
additional two millions have been printed.
Orders are coming from the far west to the
extreme east. A manufacturer in St.
Hyacinthe, Quebec, Contributes his quota,
and another manufacturer in Montreal
sends his order.
The effort bas been to place the stamps
in different hands in practically every com-
munity. If our readers do not find the
stamps for sale in their Drug Store, Book
Store, or through some individual worker,
write the Secretary of the National Sani-
tarium Office, 347 King Street West;,
Toronto, for a supply and all particulars.
lood Bitters
Any one troubled with any itching,
burning, irritating skin disease can place
full reliance en Burdock Blood Bitters
to effect a cureno matter what other
remedies Have failed,
It always builds up the health and
strength on the foundation of pure, rich
blood, arid in consequence the tures it
shakes ate of a peretanent and lasting.
Mrs. Richard Cotttine, White Head,
Que.,wtitesbeets bothered
salt rheum on my hands for two years,
know what to
ail it itched so T did not
and even went
do, i trice.' three daet r, a q
to IVfontreal to, the hospital without
getting any relief. I was advised to try
Burdock: Blood Hitters, so I got three
bottles, and before 1 had the second used
]l found a big change; now to -day 1 ani
Burdock Blood Bitters is manufactured
only by The T. Mvlilburn Co., Limited,,
'reroute, Ont.
Thai, Are Used Thor* but Not For the
Native i.t►nputte%
Typewriters are now made for use in
nearly a hundred dthtereut laugliagelr.
and they are sold ail over the world,
but there is atm ono great natter
which, for a very straple reason, hats
no typewriters that write its tongue�r
'Oat natten is Celina.
'rhe English alphabet heft twenty-ltix
letters, the Russian thirty -ala, The
typewriter produced tor the Russian
Market is the largest made, but n01
typewriter could be made that would
begin to be big enough tor the Chinese
language, which bas no alphabet, but,
is represented by sign characters, of
which there are about 50,000. of the;
great number of words found in the
Englishlanguage only a small propor-
tion are used for the ordinary purposes,
of speech, and the same would be true
as to the characters used in the Chi-'
nese language, batt the number of Chip
nese characters commonly employed le
still far greater than could be put on.
any typewriter. So this nation of 400,,
000.000 people has no typewriter In its
own tongue.
Ilut that doesn't mean that no OD°,
writers are sold in China. More and
more Chinese are learning other lan-
guages besides their own, and Chinesta
merchants and. resident foreign mer-
chants use typewriters, and they etre'
used in legations and in consular °r-
aces and in banks and shipping oibces
and eoilegee and by missionaries, by
various people. Altogether there are
sold lq Ch1na a good many typewrit'
ers,—Washington Post.
Creation of the Cocoanut, the Wakwak
and the Palm Tree.
According to .the opinion of the old
historians "end rhe commentators of
the [loran. God created from the re-
mainder of .the clay of which Adam
,was made. the kullseer, or cocoa tree,
wliieb' is found 1n abundance in the
Indian islands. It produces a nut
which is brought to Anatolia and
Roomill. The interior and oily part.
is nourishing and fortifying food. The
shell Is worked Into spoons and cups
of the size of a man's head. It is a'
round black nut on which all the
parts of a man's head may tie seen—
moutb. nose, eyebrows, eyes, hair and'
whiskers—before it was formed from
Adam's clay. A wonderful sight! ,
Xrrom the same clay God created
also the wakwnk; found in India, the,'
fruit of which resembles a man's
head, which, shaken by the wind, emits
the sound of wakwak.
Finally was created also the palm
tree from the remainder of Adam's
clay at Kuta, near the water Tinnoor.'
This is said to be the reason why the
palm trees of Kura. Medain and Om -
Mann are straight and upright, like
the stature of a man. If you cut its,
branches it does not only no harm to.
it, but grows even more, like the hair
and beard of men, but if you cut off;
the head of the palm tree it gives ar
reddish juice like blood, and -the tree;
perishes like a man whose head is cut
off.—Evlia 19ffendt, "Travels."
Blunders by Novelists.
Novelists, even of eminence, arei
prone to make blunders. Sir Waiter;
Besant in "For Faith -and Freedom'*'
wrote after the Eyliins had settled is
Providence, "Barnaby soon grew Unfit
of this quiet life and went on board a
steamer bound for England, promising,
that we should hear from him." Tidal
was to 1686 or 1687, and the first;
steamer from America to this country'•
did not reach Liverpool till July, 1819.,
Wilkie Collins also made numerous
.snlazing blunders. in "The Duel In'
Herne Wood" he makes the story open
with the receipt of a telegram, and the!
period is 1817, when twenty years 1M4
to elapse before the first telegraphic
wire was laid. Three of the characters
-also talk of "taking the express train
to London" in defiance of the _fact that
the first railway to London was not
opened till 1838.
Two Seats 'n the Atate.
On a visit of John W. Gates to New
York shortly before his last trip,.
abroad he was discussing Wall street
speculation and how dull it was with
a friend who sometimes takes a tiler
In the market himself.
"Let me see," said . the friend; "It
was ave years ago that a Stock Ex-
xchange seat brought $97,000. Now one
can be got for $75,000."
"Seventy-five thensn nd dollars!"
sbouted Gates. "It it man went down
to the exchange With $15,000 real mon.'
ey he could get two seats on the mid',
dle aisle"—New York :dun.
The Jenny Lind Rock.
'rhe Ohio titer claims among itti
treasures the Jenny Lind rork, The;
singer was a passenger on a steatnet'
which struck on 8 sand bar near the'
rock, and while waiting for the boat`
to be floated` Miss Lind bad boatmen
row her out to the rock: where she
stood alone and sang $.song
Of Course.
In the bankruptcy court 1' ones
heard a witness asked the amo0fit of,
kis gross income. "Ma gross income,`
is it? Sure 40' I'd have ye know that,
I have no groes income. I'M a lthert
mad, an` me income it all net," units
the eBag. astonishing pt' Y t .
e -stire D
A +aube'r Customs#.
"Mandy;' Raid the viliage tailor to
bis *its. "I'm going to give Sant B11
hugs# a suit 8f elothee air a pig."
"Ail goodnea:i, papa" exelaintsd hill
tittle daughter. "Ncti at dote it . Olt
Want with a salt of toottioro.-N*101
Rork Titrtt
Look at the • Wheat!
'Theresa deal to know about wheat, If I didn't select
the wheat I couldn't rant
a the flow .
guaranteeCream r �.
West Flour comes from Cream of the West Wheat. And
it certainly does make good bread!
West �►t�i$�ire� _
the hard Wheat flour guaranteed for bread
You just try it. If it doesn't give you :right down satisfaction your
grocer pays your stoney back. That's the guarantee with every bag.
The Campbell Milling Company, Limited, Toronto
Every family has need of a good, re-
liable liniment. For sprains, bruises,
soreness of the muscles and rheumatic
pains there•is none better than Cham-
berlain's. Sold by all dealers.
Chemical fire apparatus which can
be carried on horseback where roads
are poor or lacking altogether bus
been patented by a North Carolina in-
One of the New York Astor's recent-
ly followed his divorce from his first:
wifemarriage to another x oman
The second marriage could not be legal-
ly performed in New Yerk but was
legal in the other State in which the.
ceremony took place, The clergyman,
who performed the ceremony has since
been compelled by the public opinion he
had outraged to resign from the minis-
The' -Times to
January, 1913
for $1.00
We have put in our office a complete stock of Staple
Stationery and can supply your wants in
We will keep the best stock in the respective lines
and sell at reasonable prices. .
We are in a better position than ever before to attend
to your wants in the Job Printing line and all
orders will receive prompt attention.
Leave your order with us
when in need of
Or anything you may require in the printing line.
Subbitcriptions taken for all the Letan N 'wapape>rs
�g e •
and Magazines.
The - Times Office