HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-12-21, Page 4THE WTNGH THE Dominion Bank READ OFFICE: THAQNTO R. B. OSLNR, M,P„ President, W, D. MA'rru ws, Vice -President. Capital , „$4,700,000,00 Reserve $5,700,000,00 Total Assets...,' ...... .......470,000,000.00 A Branch of this Dank has been esta- blished in 'London, England, at 73 CQ NHILL, . C, This Branch will issue Letters of Credit and Drafts on all important points in Canada, negotiate Bills sent or collection, make telegraphic trans- fers, and transact evert' description of banking business,. Information will be furnished on all Canadian matters. A special department will be provid- ed for the use of visitors and bearers of our Letters of Credit. C. A. BOGERT, General Manager. WINGHAM BRANCH: W. R. Geikie, Manager. R. VA.NSTONE, Solicitor. TO ADVIRTISERS Notice of changes must be left at this office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Monday evening, Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. TAI3f iSBEID 18ix THE WIN011111 TIMES. am. ELLIOTT, PIIBLtstusit AtinPaopetravo THURSDAY DECEMBER 21. 1911. EDITORAL NOTES. Canada's local trade in the past fiscal year with the United States was 3388,- 440,000, and with Great Britain $242,- 742,000. On the theory of the anti - reciprocity spell -binders, our loyalty must be in great danger. By professions the members of the new Ontario Legislature will line up as follows: -Lawyers 29, doctors 11, vet- erinary surgeons 2, merchants 14, manu- facturers 7, farmers 14, lumbermen 5, accountants 3, undertaker 1, editors 2, insurance men 4, contractors 3, mechan- ics I, financiers 2, teacher 1, real estate 1, civil engineer 1, apple buyer 1, cattle dealer L One hundred men, artisans in the Dominion Public Works Department, were discharged by the Governm• nt on Saturday. Four masons, six plumbers, three carpenters, and five painters are on the list, the rest being Iaborers temporarily employed since just before September 21. A few foremen and as- sistant foremen are also slated to go, all for too open partisanship in the re- cent election. Immigrant settlers to the number of 281,898 arrived in Canada during the first eight months of the current fiscal year, April 1 to Dec, 1:. Of the num- ber, 180,206 arriyod et ocean ports, and 101,892 from the United States. These figures show an increase of sixteen per cent. as compared with those for the corresponding months of the last fiscal year, which were 150,618 at ocean ports, and 92,452 from the United Stat- es, makings total for the eight months,. April 1 to Dec. 1, 1910, of 24$,071 per- sons. Commenting on the result of the re- cent election the Godericb Signal tsays: In North Huron, considering the whole situation, the Liberals did remarkably well. Mr. Kerr was not a resident of the riding, he was chosen as the party candidate only a few weeks before the polling, and he was unable ewing to in the highest type of womanhood. Scott's �i3 0 Ate..,y �r muision is the highest type of curative foots, i The nourishing and curative demerits in ►� P.coti's Emulsion are so t, perfectly combined that «; ; ll (babies, children rend' atlultra) are equally bene- fitted and built up. t Ls *are- to get $$C IDS-- z,^',Y Esse Stamford and deraye. ? ,.c 8,011', •.:4 onuoc woo fi ill -health to hold meetings or make a person; canvass through the riding, in some parts of which he was almost un- known. Mr, Kerr from hit home, - where he was confined during a great part of the .campaign, put up 3 gallant fight, and deservei the gratitude of the Liberals of Huron for hit courage in essaying "a forlorn hope." NORTH HURON IN 1911 Following are the complete returns from the summing up held by Return. ing Officer P. W. Scott of the 1911 Pro- vincial ];lection: WINGI1AM Kerr Musgrove 59 59 70 86 54 337 No 1 .,... ,..,. 3i 2. 38 5 1.7 201 Majority for Musgrove, 130. ASHFIELD No.1 ...,. .. . 36 2 38 3 ..,.. 39. 4 . _., . 28 5 56 6 .... ..... 64 7 62 323 72 63 49'•. 62 27 ` 3.9 17 309 Majority for Kerr, 14, WEST WAWANOSII No.1 48 57 56 3 25 39 4 ., 51 37 5 51 27 208 21.6. Majority for Musgrove, 8: EAST WAWANOSH No.1........, ... ,, 38 2., ;, 53 4 , 49 28, Majority for Kerr, 54. BLYTH No.1. 50 93 Majority for Kerr, 12. MORRIS No.1 59 26 2 53 44 38 47 4.... 49 45 5 52 59 �, 6.,..... .. 57 61 308 282 Majority for Kerr, 26, WROXETER No. I 54 31 Majority for Kerr, 23. TURNBERRY No 1 , , 48 2............ 63 3 48 4 ......, 52 28 42 27 20 178 • 45 36 81 211 Majority for Musgrove, 47. HOWICK No.1. 49 2 . 34 3 45 4 63 6 60 i 313 518 Majority for Musgrove, 205. • SUMMARY OF MAJORITIES, Ashfield Kerr Musgrove West Wawanosh 8 East Wawanosh 54 Blyth.... 12 Wingham...... ..... .. Morris .............. 26 Wroxeter.. 23 Turnberry . ,.,, Howiek,..+ 88 72 54 44 258 86 85 115 102 61 69 136 47 205 129 396 Majority for Musgrove, 267. SOUTH BRUCE. The following are the majorities in the different municipalities of South Bruce: Brant Carrick . 188 Cuirass Clapp Anderson 71 Kinloss 152139 Teeswater . Walkerton 45 Lucknow, . 8 96 Total majority for Anderson, 307196 .503 CENTRE HURON. The following are the official majori- ties in the municipalities of Centre Huron: Proudfoot Elliott Seafbrth ..., ... 12 Clinton- 56 Goderach .., ..,- 37 Brussels .. 15 McKillop .. .. 68 Grey, 134 Hullett , .....,... , 66 Colborne 14 309 93 Majority for Proudfoot, 216. Sarna is suffering from an epidemic typhoid. The Dominion Millers' Association, meeting at Guelph, passed et resolution urging the Government to take over the terminal elevators at Por Arthur and Fort William tis soon as possible, Mr. James Tucker, of Bosworth, a former member of the Ontario Legis- ture for West 'Wellington, has been appointed Registrar" of Deeds for the Registry division of North Wellington in the place of the late J. Anderson of Arthur. JOW OFWJNGUAM BY-LAW Na, Jaz, isu A By -Law to abolish the Water and yE,lectric: Light 0011111119 4011 of the Town of Wingham. Whereas B ,Law No, 588. 1909, to establish a water and Electric Light Commie:dem for the Town of Wrotham was submitted tothe rate. payers on the 2064day or Juiy. 1900, and anal y passed be the Peenoil oa the ';nd day of Aneuet. 1809, And Whereas such Qoinmision has been in existence for the past two hears and hsa eon• dttoted the business of the Waterworks and Electric Light Departments. Ani Whereas a petition has been presented. to the Municipal /lonneil of the Corporation of the Town of Wingham praying that such Water and Electric Light Commission .be ab• ollehed and the business of the said depart- ments resumed by the Council. Therefore the Municipal Council ,of the Cor poration of the Town of,, Wingharu enacts es follows:-• lat.-0n, frozn nary, 1912, the Waterworks and Elect is Light Systema of the Town of Wingham shall be Council ut the°Corporettion olhthe ''o vnpof Wingaham, Ltd. -The votes of the $lector., of the said Town of Wingham shall be taken oa this ty- law at the following timet and places, that is to say: - At the same time and place and by the same officers as have been appointed to hold the coming Municipal Election. 3rd. -On Saturday, 80th day of December, A D., 1011, the Mayor of the said Town shall eleven o clock in the forenoon to apdpoia per sone to attend at the various potties places aforesaid and at the final Jamming' up of the votes by the Clerk on behalf of the persons interested in, and desirous of promoting or op- pyosing the passing of this By-law, respectiyo.l. 011. -The atenfisaid Town of std thehe own $ second do'clock January, forenoonhe 1912, to suis thep the number of votes given for and against this By-law. Wingbarathis the day o! December A.. D. 1911, Mayor • Clerk NOTICE. Take notice that the above is a true copy of the proposed bylaw which has been taken in- to consideration and which will be finally passed by the Municipal Council of the Town of Wingham (in the event of the assent of the Electors being obtained thereto) after one month from the first publication thereof in the Wingham Times, the date of which publi- cation was the seventh dayof December, A.D.. 1911, and the votes of the lectors of the said. Town of the day and at the hourll s ane d places therein. cembe 5th *he Clerk's Office, Wingham, De JUBN F. GROVES, Clerk. Another installment of the Govern- ment's idea of "civil service reform" came on Monday with the summary dismissal of another batch of sixty-five Liberal employees in the Public' Works Department, Over two hundred men in Mr. Monk's department alone have now been dismissed in Ottawa without notice and practically without investi- gation. There only offence is that they are Liberals who stand in the way of Conservative workers who want their jobs. No more cruel or unjust wield- ing of the axe has ever taken place in the history of government in Canada. It is practically, as Mr. Carvell, M. P. for Carleton, described it, a system of "petty larceny". Christmas gifts to the party workers, regardless of who Buffers, seems to be the spirit of peace and good -will now animating his Majes- ty's loyal advisers. ------^sir---_-. LIE STOOK,IMIARKETS, -Toronto, Dec. 18. -Union Stock Yards -Receipts for to -day were 91 tars with 1,013 head of cattle, 38 calves, 1,174 sheep and lambs, 3,117 hogs, and 35 horses. Market strong and from 15c to 25c higher than last week on the general run of butcher cattle, not including show or fancy cattle, which sold aweek ago at faney prices. '1'o -day's run was comparatively light. There were practically no heavy ship. ping cattle but there were a few heads_ of choice butcher, including one con- signment of five loads of extra choice cattle about 1,170 lbs„ for which there was some active bidding. Export cattle, choice. $6 75 to $6 00 do medium 5 75 5 85 do Iight. - 5 80 6 00 do bulls.. . 4 50 5 50 do cows ......... . 3 75 500 Butchers choice . 5 75 5 80 do medium .. . 5 50 5 90 do cows ... „ 4 50 5 25 do common : , 3 50 4 25 do canners .. 1 75 2 25 Short -keep..... ..,.., 5 60 5 50 Feeders steers 4 55 5 20 do bulls..,,.. , 300 5 40 Stockers choice'... . 4 25 4 75 do light .... ' .. 2 75 3 25 Milch cows, choice,each. 00 90 00 Springers ..45 00 65 00 Common and medium " 35 00 25 00 Sheep, ewes, 300 3 75 do ticks "' 2 50 3 00 Lambs, yearlings ' 5 50 5 35 Spring lambs, each . „ 5 ....'5 00 5 40 Hogs, f. o. b. do fed and. watered 6 r 50 6 4) Calves .... ... , . , 4 00 8 511 WX2NG11AYd.111.1,E CETItEPOETS, • Wingham, Dee. 20, 1911 Flour per 100 lbs .. 2 25 to 310 Fall wheat ... ....0 87 to 0 9d.) Oats.. ........ .. . . 0 43 to 0 45 Barley . 75 to 0 80 Peas er dairy1 05 to 1 05 1+:;; s er do..,. .. 0 200 to 0 2;d. 3 p .. 0311 to 0:10 Wood per eorcl ... ..,2 75 to 2 80 Hay per ton ... ..11 00 to 12 00 Potatoes per bubhel, new . 0 80 to 0 80 Lard ............. 0 16 to 0 16 Live Hogs per cwt .13 80 to 5 80 Chickens . 0 10 to 0 12 Ducks t`,+. 0 10 to 0 12 Geese .. .. 0 10 to 1.1 12 Turkeys `y 18 to 0 18. TIMES, DECEMEER 21 1911 Capital Paid Up, ,.$ $,750,000 Reserve and Undevided Profits „ ,. „ .,.,..,.. 3,250,000 Total ASsete.,.,s:........,, 40,000,000 lifetime -no asmalla ter habits extravagance and learn to save.. You will never learn unless you have the incentive of a Savings .Ac - gaunt. Do not procrastinate -,call at the Bank of Hanniltoii.-and open an ac- count. Cant a.+€'�a Dv 1QT"o a, Line, CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR EXCURSIONS Between all stations in Canada, also to. Niagara Falls and Buffalo, N.Y., Detroit and Port Flue, on, Mich, , .. . . SINGLE FARE ,..(Minimum charge 25c.) 11 Good going Dec, 23, 24, 25.,, Re- turn limit Dec. 26, 1911. i and A1Jason 1x1912 gReturnlimit Jan. ' 2, 1912. FARE AND . ONE THIRD (Minimum charge,25c.) • Good going Dec. 21st •4911 to Jan. 1, 1912 inclusive, Return limit Jan. 1912. • For Tickets and further informa- tion call on G. Lamont, Depot Agent or address A. E. Duff, D.P,A:, To- ronto, Ont. • In the city of London there are nine- teen railway bridges, three .bridges across roads and sixty+two across public ways connecting private.premisea, 1 We Speak by the Card'. When we call attention to' the great variety of Suitings. • Transit and. Top Coat Cloths ' That are to be seen as this shop. Not alone the piles of goods on tables, but the endless variety on "cards” is what makes it easy ,on find something "exclusive," if you tailor•here. 'Dont cost a cent more. Our "made to order" clothes are what you should wear. HENNING ";TE[E TAILOR FARM TO' RENT. -100 acres in. Town- ship of Turnberry • in a good state of Wcteltivation. Apply to R..,,VANSTONE, ingham, P. 0., • P. . • ICHRISTMAS R� KNOX'S NEW YEAR'S I • Bargains hi Every Line Having such a large stock of Christmas Novelties, all goods must be sold at prices that will sell them, see our large stock of Christmas Goods before purchasing elsewhere. HEADQUARTERS FOR -- Ladies' and Gents' Watehes and Chains, Wedding, D iam o nd and Engage- ment Rings, Chrm and Bracelets,LoCk Lockets, Charms, Solid Gold and Gold Filled Jewelry of ail kittps, Jewel Cases, Fancy China- Ware and China Novelties, high tondo fancy goods including Burnt Wood and Leather Goods, Glove and Handkerchief Boxes, Manicure and Toilet Sets, Silk Umbrellas with geld, sterling n and ivory handles. le s. Christmas Book 'leather and cloth bound, Poets, Bibles, H inn ands, Prayer Books, Toys, and Picture Backs for boys and Girls, Fancy Stationery, Christmas Table Napkins, Christ- mas Cards and Calendars. Fine Watch, Clock and Jewelry repairing a specialty. R. KNOX Wingham Photo 65. . Opposite Brunswick Hotel, 1 ONLY3 More Shopping Days Until Xmas immummiiiminamommi What are you going to do about k, buy early and get a good selection, or, will you leave it till the last min- ute and take what's left.. One advantage of buying here, is that we have an enormous' stock of gifts suitable for Men, Women or Children. For instance, here are a few suggestions for Men, Stylish Ties, Lined Kid Gloves, Best Woolen Under- wear, Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, Mufflers, Cuff Links, -Mirrors, or a host of other appropriate things. For Women, Very Dainty Handkerchiefs, Mufflers Scarfs, Warm Gloves, Bed Room Slippers, Note Paper, Hand Mirrors, Beautiful Fancy Linens, Cushion Tops, Cut Glass, etc. And for Children, Gloves, Shoes, Cute Little Fur Sets, Dolls, Toy Trains, Airships, Bears, Autos and a host.of other things to gladden the hearts of all young- sters. Now we have in stock every thing mentioned here and its quite plain that this is the store where Xmas Shopping is made easy. Candies and . Nuts Of course we all have Candies and Nuts for Xmas, twouldn't be Xmas without them, and we have a big range of simply delicious Creams, Chocolates and Taffies. China Department • Don't overlook our China Department, we have an immense stock of beautiful China, and its always accept- able, and more than that, its always useful To be appropriate gifts need not be expensive, and bf course, we all are judged by our gifts. So let us as a last word say,. come here and get something that your friends will be really delighted to accept. SNOW 'APPLES FOR, XMAS. 20c PECK. KERR & BIRD • The Profit Sharing Store mosiumammumminummumili To Wiuuipeg and West TRAVEL BY THE Direct Only Canadian Through Route Car Line Daily Service Solid through train of Coaches, Tourist and Standard Steepen and Dining Cars, Toronto to Vancouver 10.20 p.M. daily. J. H. Eeemer, Agent, Wingham, or .M. G. Murphy, District, Passenger Agent, Toronto, STNO1'.' AS or CANADIAN NOItTn. W EST LAND ItEGtULAT10148. A NY person who is the sole head of a family n or any male over Id gears old, may home- stead a gcarter'seotion of available Do inion sand in Manitoba, Saskatcllewan or Alberta. TooceuecorgeetorDniinin applicant must SuleAyf the district. Entry by proxy meg be made at any agency, on certain eonditiotts, 1»y father mother, soh, daughter, brother or sister of intending homesteader, Detie0.•--121x months' residence upon too Cultivation of the land in enelt of three years. A homesteader may live within' nine ,sties of hie homestead en a factti of at least 80 Gores solely owned and occupied by him or by .hie• father, mother, sou, daugntcr, brother or sister. Itt certain districts a homesteader in good standing' may pre-empt a quarter -section Alen silo hie homextead. Price 88.00 net tore. p e eemptlon mix read() eseh bf six rears front the date of homestead entry linolnding the'time required to earn haute/Atha. patent) And eultivatar city soros extra, eteead r ght Mideawnnot ebttainuA p hie empt ort step enter foe pnrehasedhomeeteadihcertain icte. Price 88.00 per acre. biitie>1. Mast res9Ja slit Mentha irteaeh of three yearn, eulti- tate fifty acres and ereet a har ee worth8800.00. Deputy of the Mwiniet r 01 the CORY. N• R. --Unauthorised publication of this ad- vertisement will not be paid for., WINTER TERM FROM JAN. 2nd, ff ..• ',Ian err,, -r ,.. • Is the leading Business. College in Western Ontario. It has three de- partments, Commercial, Shorthand, and Telegraphy. It is larger than ever, Our eourses are much better than those of the ordinary Business College, and our graduates secure high aininga is worth man `times practical cost. If you want a Business College course select this school and get the best, Our catalogue is free, Write for it at once. D. A. lcLACHLAN PRINCIPAL. i WANTED A live representative for W'INGHAM and surrounding District to sell , 111 - gh class stock for THE FONTHiLL NURSERIES More fruit trees wilt be planted in the Pall of 1911 and Spring of 1912 than ever before in the history of Ontario. The orchard, of the future wilt be the best paying part of the farm, We teach orir men *Salesmanship Tree Culture and how big profits in fruit growing can be tirade. ray weekly, permanent employ. merit, egetusire territory, Write far particulars, STONE & WELLINGTON