HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-12-21, Page 1Y
VOL. IL—NQ 2081.
Christie's Grocery
Visit our store on any of these
days and we are convinced that
the quallty, variety and prices oik,
our displays will appeal to Yon.
WAS BETTER. Oar Fruit is the
best that money can buy and we
won't charge anything extra
Here's An Xmas
The best obtainable brand, 25e,
30c, 40o, 50e and 60e per doz.
Choice imported, per lb • 20e
Some of the finest we've ever
handled, large and juicy, per
Natural pulled of ' exe,eptional
quality, per string •• 10e
Beautiful goods, The best of
keepers. Are selling rapidly.
Can't replace the same quality un-
less at a big advance. per lb 15c
DECEMBER 21 1911.
Brazil Nuts, Wa uts, Al-
monds, Filb tts and
Pe uts.
There's only a few left and 'if you
want Something really chola()
Come in and inspect our stock
before purchasing.
We have articles suitable
for all, Manicure Sets,
Toilet Cases, Ebony Goods,
Stationery, Cameras, etc.
Any article reserved until
Xmas Eve on payment of 25%
of its value, Come early.
Walton McKibbon
C42.1....Cla Store
Macdonald Block, Wingham.
These are exceptiotal value -
There is 3 lb. of the finest Cluster
Raisins ever offered for sale in
each box, Only 4 left to sell at
Wear Greers Shoes and Rubbers
The Jubil
The Cenadian Ju
an excellent entert
house on Saturday
the auspices of th
Choir. The ball w
and all enjoyed
members of the
eeveral selections
at the Sunday ev
We've a good big load of
candies to sell, and at the prices
we offer them at they will be quick
sellers. We can't begin to
.tabulate thefn, but the QUICK
SELLING PRICES ARE 10c, 15e, 20e
and 25c. A limited quantity of
Bon Bons, all one price 25e each.
Read Willie Co.'a adv. on page 8
The London dvartiser,
Read the London aily Advertiser,
the beat metropolit paper in Weetern
Ontario. Contains retest market quot-
ations and all gen al and Iocal news
worth printing. end $2.00 for the
London Daily Adv tiser for 14 menthe
in advance. This er must be accept-
ed before Januar let. 1912. Leave
your orders at the IMES officeand they
will be given prom t attention.
Girl wanted at once. Good wages.;
no washing. Apply to MRS. R. ICaaax.
North Huro
The following ne
been recently add
North Huron con
Robt. Owens, lin
Woodley, line 181
Kinnon, line 196,
line 13, ring 38,
ing a line throug
signified their
ilee Singers gave
inment in the opera
vening last, under
Methodist Church
s filled to the doors
e program. The
ompany also gave
n Methodist Church
ing service.
Go to KNOX'S for your Christmas and
New Year Post Cards.
Choice at Cattle.
Mr. Fred Hardi , of Culross delivered
four choice cattle o Mr. John, Louttit
on Monday last. There were three
steers and a fat cow.. One of the
steers tipped the s
and anether at 131
cattle brought Mr.
$324. Parties who
know say that the
of fat cattle that
ped from Wingh
PruneS are always in demand
and we have just received a ship-
ment, the qttality of which is
Large Harvest Prunes per lb. 15e
Smaller Variety • • 10e
les at 1380 pounds
pounds. The four
ardie the sum of
are in a position to
e were the finest lot
aye ever been ship-
subscribers have
to the lines; of the
182, ring 32; John
ring 31; Chas. Mc-
g 31. Geo. A. Webb,
as been connected ts
pany purposes build -
to the town plot to
of people who have
intentionof becoming
Mr. A. 11. Wilford
received the appoint
Davis Co. of Tomtit
also haye charge of
for this compeny
nevr duties on Mond
Davies Co. has secu
this important posit
congratulate our y
his appointMent,
dal Buyer.
of this town has
ent as assistant
yers for the Wm.
Mr. Wilford will
he local business
will assume his
next. The Wm.
d a good man for
n and we heartily
ng townsman on
Death of Mr
There passed awe
his daughter in M
last one of the pi
this section in the p
Littlefair, in his 7
had been ill for ool
was a member of
and was held in hi
circle of friends.
father of Mres. G
and with whom
The Amaral to
afternoon to Mc
et the home of
rris on Saturday
neer remidents of
eon of Emmerson
h year. Deceased
a short time. He
e Methodist Church
h esteem by a large
Mr. Littlefair was
sdale, a this town
frequently reeidecl.
place on Tuesday
rae's cemetery.
Death Of H OR Pioneer.
Alex. Ross, one of the oldest and
best known residen s of Huron, -died at
his home in Brueefi 1(1 last week after
was taken il1 just week previous and
th,e disease afacte both lungs quickly.
The late Mr, Ross vras born just north
of Brucefield in 1 38, and ,had resided
in that vicinity, al his life. His parents
came to Nova otia frorn Scotland,
and after remain g there for a short
time carrier to te le in Huion County.
Mr. Ross engag in carpentering and
building worke d only this summer
built& big mill a Drayton. He was a
a man of sterling orth, and respected
by everyone who ad known him. Be-
sides a widove he ayes five sons, also
one brother and ree sisters. One of
the sisters being rs. (Dr.) Macdonald
of London, and f rmerly of Wingham.
Buy a fancy rocker for a Christmas
peesent. Some beauties on sale at
WALKER'S furniture store.
Transfer o
purchased by the
to make a site for
lots.. John Cooper'
Thos. Dickson's re
Also the houses at
Messrs. Aaron
Williamson and 'ow
well and Thomas
properties are si
side of McDermot
ton to these the
acquired three ac
Elliott lying betw
Water Streets.
all made through th
of Ritchie & Coe
Foundry Co. 'will n
most complete sto
°parties have been
estern Foundry Co.
he new building:—
residence and three
dence and four lots:
resent occipied by
sliff and William
ed by RObert Max-
Aitcheson. These
uated on the south
Street, tend in addi-
oundry people have
s of land from Chas.
en McDermott and
ese transfers were
eal Estate Agency
s, The 'Western
w have one of the
foundry plants in
WANTED—Young men to learn the
furniture and upholstering business.
to Apply Walker & Clegg, Wingham,
The Tea and Coffee Store
At the regular
Camp Caledonia,
held on Monday e
officers were elec
year: —Past Chief
D. E. McDonald;
rie; Rec. and Fin.
Treas., Wm. Hol
Camnbell; Mars
Standard Bearer,
Guard, W. J. He
W. Campbell; Pi
Auditors — Alex.
Institute eeting.
The Wingharnbr
Inetitute will hold
ing on Thursday,
Mrs. D. MeDonald
for this meeting
recent Woman's
by our delegate,
attendance of al
thia work is requ sted. After the meet-
ing it will take ,the forni of a social
gathering. A4 BONI; See.
The place to b
Bell's music stor
FEED CORN—We have a car load of
good feeding corn for sale at our ware-
house at G. T. R. Farmers needing
corn will do well to get our prices.
onthly meeting of
Sons of Scotland,
ning the following
d for the ensuing
Robt. Currie; Chief,
hieftain, David Cur-
es; Chaplain, Mee.
1, James Fowler;
erson; Jr. Guard, D.
oss and D. W. Camp -
a Piano ig at p.
Women's Artics, Storm Gaiters and
Leggins, 50c to $1.50 in all styles and
Choice Chri tmas Meats.
e of our enterpri-
s year one of the
Christmas meats
ood fortune to se -
business. The lot
a three year old
and feed by Mr.
he 12th concession
d a bunch of hogs,
hs old that were
Samuel Burchill,
ncession of East
ttle fed by Mr.
one and show that
roperly feed good
. Burchill finished
his record as ,a
uarantee for the
as not, this year'
quantity but he
ality in his display
Mr. Thos. Fells,
Bing butchers has t
choicest displays o
that it has been his
cure since going int
comprises a two an
heifer that were bre
Wesley Pattison, of
of East Wawanesh,
five and a half mon
bred and fed by Mr.
also of the 12th c
Pattison are numbe
it pays to raise and
quality of cattle.
the hogs on peas an
feeder is sufficent
quality. Mr. Fells
gone in so much f
certainly has the q
Christmas meats.
The Late M
Elizabeth Elford,
John Holloway,
home in the TOW
lag. The decease
ter of the late job
Lane, of Dorset, E
in North Toronto o
ary, P842, and
eounty with her pal
She WAS married to
the 2nd of June, 186
member of the Meth
had lived a kind an 1 unselfish life,
I Beeides her husband,
by six childrer, via:
Edmued A, Holloway,
Clayton, Po
Emilsr A., a home.
Anne Retell, of H
survives. To the ber
tended the sympathy
The funeral took
afternoon to Wingha
s. Holloway.
of some weeks,
loved wife Of Mr.
ssed away at her
Plot, on Thursday
lady was a daugh-
Elford and Jemima
gland and was born
the 5th of Jinni-
oved to Waterloo
tits when a ana.
olin Holloway on
and had been a
ent Of this section
Ars. She was a
'list Church and
See the large
Bell's music st
to of organs at D.
Christmas atertainment.
The annual Chri
of the Baptist Su
held ie the audien
on the evening of
It will consist of
gram of choruses, r
logues and other ex
the distribution of
Christmas tree. N
issued, but an offeri
be received at the
and all not memb
Primary and inter
For diamond, wedding and engage-
ment rings go to KNox's.
Work of the
Through the effor
Auxiliary, the Wing
pital has on hand th
of linen: • Sheets 14
low slips 125, tow
bed pads 14, blanke
25, table, covers 32,
table napkins 75, t
cloths 8, tea toWel
4, bath towels e8, c
ona 1, bath reins
ladies' gownee,ef
gical gowns , 12e
pairs. On the reser
are the following:
towels 75, gowns
sleeves 4 pairs.
sent flowers to
and Easter and a
bers of the Auxil ary who have been ill.
ual meeting the Tree-
alance on hand at the
year of $238.46 and
he year amounted to
owing are the officers
ea•:—Hon. President,
Rutledge; President,
; 1st Vice, Mrs. John
Mrs. Jas. Phalen; 3rd
illespie; Cor. Secy.,
, Mrs. Richard Clegg.
eets in the Council
first Monday afternoon
d all ladies interested
are invited to attend
tmae entertainment
ay School will be
room of the church
ursday, Dec, 28th.
n interesting pro -
citations, and dia-
reises, followed by
presents from a
tickets have been
g of ten cents will
door from adults
rs of the school.
ediate scholars ad-
s of the Ladies'
am General Hos-
following bupply
ls 200, spreads 34,
s 66, stand covers
dresser covers 3e,
ay cloths 36, table
24, kitchen.towels
ntre pieces 2, kim-
, slippers 2 pairs,
rgical leggings 6
e list of linen there
Sheets 12, slips 6,
The Auxiliary has
atients at Christmas
o to individual meme
The statutory m
Council was held
eting of the Town
on Friday evening
with all the mem ere present except
Mayor Spotton, R eve McDonald pre-
siding. Minutes previous meetings
were read and ap roved.
A communicati was read from the
Canada Furnitur Manufacturers re-
questing a refund of sanitary tax on
Bell factory as the had sewer connee-
tion at that factor The refund was
granted on motion Couns. Hall and
tion as Water an
missioner. On
and McKenzie, t
cepted to take
January next,
Mr. Thos. De
cil to pay him
horses had bee
a hole near th
Fransis street
On motion
the matter was
Committee to r
of tha Council.
The) Finance
the payment o
Elec. Lt. Com.,
Elec. Lt. Com.,
Bell Tele. Co.,
R. A. Graham,
Public School B
Water Com., by
W. D. Pringle, t
B. Jenkins,. erro
A. Cosens, insure
C. Higgins, ceda
D. Coughlan, ins
R. Rankin, salary
Thos. Cassels, e
Theo Hall, printin
Alex. Young, nails
D. C. McDonald,
Groves & Guest,
FEED CORN.—We alw s have corn
on hand. Get our pri before buying.
At the recent an
surer reported a
beginning of th
the receipts for t
expenditure for
$332.96. The fol
for the present
Mrs. R. Vanston
Wilson; 2nd Vice
Vice Mrs. C.
Brock; Rec. See
The /Auxiliary
Chamber on the
of eath month a
in hospital work
the meetings.
Before selling your print and roll
butter, and poultry alive or dressed, it
will be to your benefit to get our prices.
Wm. Davies Co., Ltd., successors to
Armour Estate, Phone V.
nch of the Woman's
their regular meet-
rraneis St., Subject
ill be the report of
astitrute Convention
rs. Bowers. A good
ladies interested in
she is survived
Francis 3. S.
ore, Witigham;
t Arthur, and
no sister, Mrs.
relota, Man. also
aved will be ex -
f the community.
ilace on Monday
Death of Ja pis Macdonald.
ald,one of the found -
d Thresher Company
one time a promin-
ome in Stratford on
had been ill for sotne
. P. for East Huron
r at London. Deceas-
ears old and came
Inverness. Scot -
ung man he settled in
n 1876 he founded the
er Company, which
y his sons, John and
wife, Mr. lVfacdoriald
e sons and four daugh-
itieh Columbia Legis -
Justice of the British
f Appeal; Margaret of
the Stratford Board
or some time teacher
now at hoine;Nellie, of
Mr. Jas. MacDo
ers of the kilacdona
of Stratford and a
ent farmer in the
smith, died athis
Tuesday last. II
time. He was a
donald, formerly
and now poStmas
ed was eighty
to Canada fr
land. When a y
Huron County.
Macdonald Thre
is now managed
Peter. Be;idesh
is survived by thr
ters Mrs. S. Cana
al leader in th
Columbia Court
Stratford; Peter
3. Hamilton, Sy
past president o
of Trade; Lily,
Municipal ominations.
eeting for the sel-
tes for the various
will be held in the
ay evening of this
municipal politics
have been very qu et in Wingham and
ard of any new can-
erent positions. It
here be a good at-
epayers at the nom -
see to the placing
he field. Wingham
1 next year and we
f our best business
The nomination
ection of candid
municipal offices
Town Hall on Fri
week.. Thus fa
we have not yet h
didates for the ci
is important that
tendance of the r
of good men in
needs a good Cou
hope to see some
Men in the field.
POULTRY WANTED .—Highest cash
price paid for all kinds of poultry; alive
or dressed. Phone 10. Gunns, Limited.
A meeting of t
County of Huron
of tne Clinton 01
purpose of the m
and reorganize t
()elation. This
existence for mo
it has proved of
cal profession of
tifie way. It is
new regulation a
ever will be take
subjects pertain'
At the meeting,
and adopted and
ensuing year app
of the Associatio
three months at
Clinton and Seaf
dical men from
are eligible for
ments were mad
to be held in Wi
The transactions
adoption of a sch
tarriff of fees fo
has remained the
although it has g
part of the Provi
drugs and every
late, If he empl
or has any inech
nog nearly douhl
did, It was there
sari that in order
pay his debta tha
be made to con
that of other par
Electric Light Com -
tion of Couns. Bone
e resignation was ac-
ect on the 10th of
s requested the Conn -
mages 83 one of his
injured by stepping in
corner of Diagonal and
Couns. Bell and Bone,
referred to the Street
port at next meeting
ommittee recommended
the following accounts:
and hall lights$ 1.30
all lights ... 189.30
essage 15
rror sanitary
Band, erenade.
Christmas is ne
will soon be aro
As the band is in
the old ones ha
some seven yea
money for this
serenading on
and the proeee
will go towards
forms. The Win
ganization which
and in order to
reputation they
formed. They a
get a lot of e
they must hay
It is hoped tha
liberally and hel
a good appearan
en Meet.
Medical men of the
as held in the rooms
on Dec, 13. The
eting was to revive
Huron Medical Ass-
sociation has been in
'e than forty years and
xpeeted that under fl ,e
reater interest than
in the discussion of
g to the healing art.
y -laws were discussed
the officers for the
kited. The meetings
will be held every
th alternately. Me-
e adjacent counties
nthership. Arrange -
for the next meeting
harn in March next.
f the Clinton meet-
tonsideration and
dule of fees. The
the County of Huron
erne for many years
e up in every other
. It was noted that
a nearly doubled of
any kind of labor
ical work done he
the. price be once
ore absolotelyaeces-
0 he able to live aed
the schedule of feee
rin somewhat with
of the Provinee.
r and the Town Band
nd serenading again.
need of new uniforms,
ing been in use for
s, they must have
rpose. They intend
ew Year's Day
of the serenade
purchasing the uni-
hale Band is an or-
s a credit to the town
keep up their good
ust be nicely uni-
good musicians and
agements, therefore
a good appearance.
everybody will give
the band to keep up
e and reputati
rd, bal. levy
rant rent
arterly grant
sanitary tax
cting scales
There's no better filling. for
Christmas htookings thad our
Choice Footwear ! No gifts more
sensible—no gifts that are ap-
preciated more.
Shoes from the World's
Best Shoe Makers!
Nence—After the 25t
the undersigned wi tr
for Wm. Davies C
mour produce buil
f December
sect business
the Wm. Ar -
Hon. Adam Be
ty council at the
power question.
tory of the mo
it had been a
especially to t
instance of th
to the people
He outlined
Overshoes an ubbers for Men
Women and Children—All the good
styles and best makes. W, 3. GEM,
FOR SALE -A good cutter, almost
new; small seat in front. Will be sold
at a bargaiti, Apply at TIMES office.
A. Sanderson, tea
Firemen's salarie
Elee. Lt. Com., s pplies
R. Porter, inspec ng seweys
A. Nichol, suppli
R. H. Saint, teami g
salary as
or sanitary
or sanitary
balance on
V. R. Vannorman
Fire Chief
Hanna & Co., sup lies
John F. ,Groves, salary and
John F. Groves, s vices C. of
Geo. Allen, salary and services
ubbing hall
SHOES for Street, for Storm, and
for Dress wear. Shoes for wen,
Women tied. Children. Shoes for
every purpose under the Sun, for
which good Shoes are wanted.
SLIPPERS—now we've said
it — for our Slipper Shaw le
worth coming miles to see.
House Slippers, Bed Room Nip-
pers, Bath Slippers, Dress Slip-
pers, Ties, Pumps, etc., etc. We've
every term di Slipper known to
the trade.
You'll run no risk in selecting
Christmas Footwear here, for we
will cheerfully make any ex-
changes you desire after Christ-
Where quality counts we win.
C. N. Griffin
ric for Huron.
k addressed the coun-
r regular session re -
h on the hydro -electric
He reviewed the his-
ment and claimed that
reat success, pointing
e city of Ottawa as an
saving it had affected
power and light rates.
e proposition whereby
Niagara povee • and the power which it
was proposed
land, Saugee
be linked up,
available in
counties duri
on the local s
power develo
back on the
periods of hi
He stated th
flow on the
teken since
ed to have th
a full year
next May j
power would
so far gay
lowest perio
meant 2,000
mete a the
nearer than
gument for
He intimated
not undertake
er on the 1‘
would take
The council
Annie McLeod, se 12.00
Thos. Calvert, sal ry . 50.00
On motion of Co ns. Hall and Mitch-
ell, the report of e Finance Commit-
tee was adopted nd an account of
$1.25 from J. L. A de for charity or-
der was ordered to e paid when certi-
fied to by the Mayo .
Mr. W. D. Pringl was present and
addressed the Coun il in reference to
the increase in his axes. The amount
of his taxes was $3 .55 higher than was
agreed upon whe the new
was erected.
On motion of Co
ell, the refund of
Mr. Pringle.
On motion of Co
the time for the re
tor's roll was exte
o develop on the Malt -
and Beauce Rivers could
he Niagara powers being
tiron, Bruce and Grey
g periods of low water
reams, and the surplue
ed locally being turned
Niagara system during
h water ea these streams.
t measurements of the
aitland River had been
y last, and as he want -
measurements covering
ey could not tell until
st what the cost of the
e. The lowest day's flow
800 horsepower and the
1,000 horsepower which
orsepower for commercial
e would not give an esti-
rice for power here any
25. He described the ar-
flet rate as "humbug".
hat if the county would
the development of pow-
aitland the Commission
the proposition itself.
eve Mr. Beck a vote of
thanke for his address.
Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and
Issuer of Marriage Licenses.
Office over Maleelm's GrooPry.
ns. Hall and Mitch -
L 55 was made to
ns. Elliott and Bell,
urn of the Collee-
ded to 'January llth
Give the Boys and Girls our excellent
Shoes or Slippers for Christmas. Noth-
ing more sensible. W. J. Greer.
Logs 1 Logs
The Best Ever
FOR S1500
Farmers who want money Co buy
horses, cattle, or noga to feed for lm rket
oan have it on reasonable terms.
Notes disoounted for tradesmen, mer,
(shouts or agents, on favorable terms.
Loans on real estate at the lowest
rates going,
A 200 acre farm with first class
buildmgs and 50 to 06 acres of
hardwood bush. Close to school,
Church and post offee, and only
four miles from a good shipping
point, .,,Land nearly all in grass
and in first class shape.
The values of Huron Farms are
now tending upward and the
shrewd mat will take advantage
of present plus,
Make an note of the above
statement abd in two or three
years from now see if we are
tot ight,
Is P 0 IT 0 N
Stands for all that is modern in 1
Business Training. A Chain of
ISeven Colleges in leading towns
and cities. Two thousand stu-
dents in our Colleges and Home
Study last year. 'We traib •erom
ten to twenty students for every
one trained by most schools.
There's a reason. It is freely
admitted that our graduates get
best positions, and the demand
for them is "seven" times the
supply. Exclusive right for On-
tario of the famous Bliss Book -
,keeping System. You rnaystudy
keit home, or partly at home and
fmksh at the College. Abueineea
Edtaration pays a. dividend every
day of your life.
I am. prepared to pay the highest
cash price for all kinds of saw logs.
Call and get prices and leegths to
Ritchie 84 Cosells
Winter Term from Jon. 6
Call or Weite for particulars.
Chas. W. name, Prieeieril.