HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-12-14, Page 8TAE WINGHA [ TIRES DECE)IBER 14, 1911 --A meeting of the Wingham hockey' Club will be held in the Council Cham- ber on this (Thursday) evening at 8.30 p, m. All persons interested in this popular game are requested to attend. We have a car of extra fine :--Mr. and Mrs. Peter Linklater have received word from their daughter, Mrs. L, Young, of Winnipeg, that her 2 -year-old son Jack is very seriously 111 with scarlet fever, and that their home is under quarantine. Last Christmas. while Mr. and Mrs. Young were in Wingham on a visit the little boy was taken ill with pneumonia. AMERICAN FEED. ,,BORN on sate now, rices very reascIn le. • Potatoes Wanted. J. L. AWDE MINOR LOCALS. —Subscribe for the TIM,ns. —The Christmas spirit is abroad. —The elections are over. Now for business. Right up-to-date hats now CHEAP at Mrs. Green's, For diamond, wedding and engage- ment rings go to KNox's. —Our advertisers can all give you the best of bargains on Christmas goods. —All municipal Councils will meet on December 16th to close up the busi- ness for the year. —The mild weather and absence of snow is very unseasonable for this section of Ontario. —George Deyell has taken a position as Junior in the local branch of the Bank of Hamilton. on sale PERSONALS. Mr. Oliver Mills is home from West on a visit with relatives friends. Miss Mildred Harris of Wroxeter has been visiting her friend, Miss Cora Sherriff. STRAY SHEEP. Carne onto the premises of the under- signed, lot 29, con. 11, East Wawanosh, about the lst of August, three lambs and one aged sheep. Owner sun have same by applying_to JON GIBBONPS,Foro. POLLED ANGUS CATTLE FOR SALE. the and • Mr. Geo. C. Manners, of Brussels was calling on old Wingham friends on Tuesday. Mr,•Edgar Baird, of Turnberry was visiting at Brussels and other points for over Sunday. Mr. A. D. McKenzie, Iate o the Lueknow Sentinel was visiting for afew days with his sister, Mrs. NW. A. Fryfogle. Three thoroughbred bulls fit for ser- vice and two thoroughbred Cows, will sell reasonable. to B. B STAFFORD, Gorrie P. O. —Mr. Thos. Bowers of this town is exhibiting his fowl at the Winter Fair in Guelph this week. —A. number of the farmers of this section are attending the Winter Fair in Guelph this week. —Do your Christmas and don't forget the advertise in the TIMES. —Read the TIMES clubbing offers in another column before selecting your reading :natter for 1912. Buy a fancy rocker for a Christmas present. Some beauties on sale at WALKER'S furniture store. Don't miss bargains in pretty hats :lisle sale is on at Mrs. Green's. Large stock to select from. —The famous Canadian Jubilee Sing- ers in the Wingham opera house on Seturday evening, December 16th. —Seldom, if ever, does such a talent- ed trio visit this city.—Winnipeg Free Press. Opera House, Wingham, Tues- day evening, December 19th. —Mr. Joseph Little, one of Lueknow', pioneer business men passed away last week. Ile web engaged in the boot and shoe business for many years. —Mr... H. Joynt, a former Princi- pal of Blyth public school has been ap- pointed Principal of the public school st Bridgeburg, at a salary of $1,200. —Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Moyniham have purchased a beautiful Shetland pony. The pony is the smallest one in town ar d was secured through Mr. E. L. (-mild, of Brantford, a family friend of Mr. and I.Irs. Moyniham. shopping early merchants who Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lershh'an of Pense, Sask. are home for a t'ewonths visit�` with Mrs. Leishman', al; nts, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bosman. Messrs. J. J. and Wm. Homuth, of Toronto were in town this week attend- ing the funeral of their brother, the late Charles L. Homuth. Mr. Isaac Shiell who .has been at Kronen, Sask., returii tyi `come last week. He likes the country' fine and intends going back next March. Mr. E. J. Pugh, who has been teller in the Dominion Bank 'here ff;lr some time has been transfered',•toMontreal and left for that city on Tuesday. . Miss Annie Taylor, teacher at Wing - ham, was the guest of Mrs. R. Mc Alpine over Sunday. The visitor was formerly a teaeher on Brussels School staff and is wellremembered.— Brussels Post. Mr.Jas Adams, who has been seriously ill with typhoid fever in -the hospital at Portage la Prairie for some weeks,re' -turned this week. WhileMr. Adams is much improved it will yet be some time before he is again able to work. CLOVER THRESHING. Having purchased T. W. Piekell's clov- er ,threshing machine I am prepared to do clover threshing and will give work entrusted to me prompt and careful at- tention. Write or phone mel North Hur- on Phone -Line 191, Ring 3. J. G. GILLESPIE. Whitechurch P. 0. NOTI E. The Annual Mee holders and Petro Cheese & Butter will be held in th Bluevale, on Tuesda, at 1.30 o'clock p. m. of a Board of Direc action of any other' come before the m JOH Dated, Dec. 5th, 1 frng of the Share- s of the Bluevale ompany, Limited, Foresters Hall, , December 19th, for the Election rs and the trans- usiness that may eting. rder BURGESS, Sec'y. 11. 111011•111.111.11111.10111111110111.0111 , GOOD KING N G BPRICESGOODS1 RIGHT SHORTHORNS FOR SALE Three young bulls, two dark reds and one roam, from 9 to 12 months of age. Sired by my stock bull, "Huron Chief" No. bulls witwith goodScotch 840. These e breeding choice y ofna low down blocky type and out of good milking dams. Will be sold reason- able. Write for particulars or give me a call. Farm one and a half miles south of Wingham. 3. G. FYFE, Wingham P. 0. FARMS F The undersigned two farms, Lot 3, containing 107 acre is situated a good drilled well and win, house and barn and ling. Farm is 3 1- eter and 6 miles fr other farm, Lot 20' contains upwards good barn and fair ated one mile fro CH CHURCH NOTES The congregation of the Waterloo Presbyterian Church voted 125 in favor to 15 against Church union. A daughter of Father Chiniquy is suing Joseph Begin, publisher of La Croix, for $10,000 for a statement that her father and mother were not mar- ried. The Salvation Army sewing league will have a sale of work on Saturday afternoon in the store occupied by,Robt. Mooney as a stove show room. Come and buy your Xmas presents. The Salvation Army intend holding their annual Junior Entertainment and Xmas tree on the evening of Dee. 22nd at 8 p. m. This will include solos, reci- tations, dialogues, drills, band selec- tions, etc. Admission 10c. —A Huron County Edito: refuses to pablish obituary notices parsons, who, while living, failed to subscribe to his Pape •. Ile says that people who do not take the home paper are dead, and ' that their mere passing away is of no nears value. —Mr. hn Anderson of lot 20, con- cession 8, Turnberry will hold an auction sale of farm stock and implements Wednesci^y, December 20th. Every- thing is to be sold as Mr. Anderson in- tends going West. John Purvis will be the aiteti:neer. -Mr,.1 ohn M. Schaefer, of the King Edward -lotel appeared before Police Magistrate Morton on December 2nd on euergeof supplying liquor to Andrew Cruickshank whowas on the Indian list. There wee no evidence given so the case was dismissed. R SALE. filers for sale Ills on. 7, Turnberry, On this property house and barn; mill; water in the good cement stab - miles from Wrox- m Wingham. The -Con. 8, Turnberry dr 100 acres and has house and is situ- Wingham. Apply to S. J. RINTOUL, Glenfarrow, Ont. TOWN OF WINGHAM. Public Notice. Take notice that the Municipal Coun- cil of the Corporation of the Town of Wingham intends after one month from this date to pass a by-law closing up•a certain portion of McDermott street in the said Town of Wingham. All persons wishing to protest against this by-law must file their protest with' the undersigned before the 29th -day of December, 1911. JOHN F. GROVES, Clerk. Dated 28th Nov., 1911. GREY. Tuesday of last week John Clark, father of Mrs. James Armstrong, 10th con., died at the home of his son-in-law, Win. Thompson, St. Augustine, Ont., aged 82 years. The funeral took place Thursday afternoon to Ball's cemetery, Hullett. It is 11 years since Mrs. Clark died. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the f th iam Sutherland, lat of the 11 Town Plt of Wingham i the County of Huron, Yeoma , deceased. Notice is hereby give pursuant to R. 8. O. 1897. Chap, 129, that all ersous having claims against the estate of th said William Suther- land who died. on or about the 19th day of November, 1911 are re fired, on or before the 19th day of December, 11 to send by post pre- paid or deliver to J. A. Morton, of the Town of Wingham, Solictor f r the executors of the said deceased, their C ristian and surnames, addresses and descripti ns, the full particulars of their claims, the s temente of their ac- counts and the nature o the securities, if any, held by them, and th t after the said last mentioned date the ea . executors will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties ent tled thereto, having regard only to the claim of which they shall then have notice. Dated this 28th day of J. LTHwLIAM MORTON. James Jackson, a former well-known resident of the Srd con., disposed of his farm near Teeswater, to Robert $allagh, of the same locality and has purchased 160 acres from Robert Pear- son, 2nd con., Stanley township and a Short distance south of Clinton. It is a well improved farm for which a good price was paid, The many old friends of the Jackson family wish them Tears of comfort and prosperity in their new location. Stanley people will find them first-class residents. ---The Francis Firth Concert Com- pany, wieith appeared here Monday night, gave by all means the best en- tertainm� at of its kind ever given in t.l.nontoi.. —:Evening Journal. Opera house, ti'4ingham, T resday evening, Docembe. 19th. —The concert on Friday evening last "Snapshots", under the direction of Miss Houghton was very well attended. the several young people takin- part in the entertainment took their its well and ;he program was mut n- ioycd by •hose who attended. —Don't fail to hear the famous Canadian Jubilee Singers in the opera 'Muse on Srturday evening. They rade their third appearance hi four rears in Woodstock one recent Satur- l.y night and nearly 1700 people heard them ih the First Methodist Chnreh. kion N; GE1KIE—In Wingham, on Deaember 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Geikie; a son. MARRIED SHERRlrr—GRAHAM — At St. An- drew's Marisa, Blyth, on Wednesday, Nov, 29th, Miss Mary Helen Graham, of Lueknow, to Mr. John Sherriff, of Wingham. Ceremony was performed by Rev. 3. L. Small, B. A. Mum 110MIrrn—In Low.r Wingham, on December 10th, Charles L. Homuth in his 63rd year. !''ARREL--In Turnberry, on Deeem- bar 2nd, Fanny Freeborn, relict of the late William Farrel. —Tke „atv residence of Mr. Peter McDouga.i, on the Sth concession of Vuenberry, has been completed, Mr,. llIcDongall now has a very comfortable moxas rep" a ting the one destroyed by firs, cent months ago. Mr. W. J. ,Deyell, of this ton wet the contractor end be crave Mr. McDougall a good ettrnple of workmanship, ../tdeP/Pell Y. M. 0, A. 111.710., LONDON. ONT. 't3'tYSINESS and SHORTHAND SUBJECTS. of 300 n Registered catered 1est sense upwards s students and placed every graduate. Seven t,pecially qualified regular teachers. One hundred and fifty London firms employ our trained help. Collette hi session from Sept. 3 to June 30. Enter any time. Catalei4uoFt;t . Forest . City sbov'h ° College J. W. WESTKIIIIVLrt'f, JR. J. W. WSST2RVLLT, Chartered Atcoafctant, VW Metairie ovember A. D., 1911. for the Executors of U, deceased. NOTICE TO REDITORS In the matter of the Henderson, late Wingham in the Yeoman, decease Notice is hereby given 1897, Chap. 129 that all pe against the estate of the e eon who died on or about FOR MEN'S FUR COATS estate of Thomas of the Town of ounty of Huron, • ureuant to R. S. O. sons having claims id Thomas Mender- he 28rd day of Nov- ember, 1911 are required, d or before the 19th day of December 1911 to sed by post prepaid tof the Town of ie executrix of the 6 and. surnames ian , s, the full partiou- ,tatemcnts of their of the securities, if t after the said last executrix will pro- fs of the 'deceased thereto, having of which she shall vember A. D., 1911. or the executrix of eceased. or deliver to .T. A. Mor Wingham, Solioitor for t said deceased their Chrl addresses and descriptio lar, of their claims, the accounts and the nature any, held by them, and thi mentioned date the said ceed to distribute the ass, among the parties entitl regard Only to the claims then have notice. Dated this 28th dayof N THOMASHENDESON, Prlocipat The ever increasing popularity of THE KINO BRAND Fur Coats, is evidence of their Superior Quality to the ordinary , stock of Coats. i MEN'S CANADIAN RACOON COATS Popular price from $45 to $125.00, all size's and different length Men's Russian Dog Coats —We are showing a full range • of these at $18.00, $20.00 and $25.00. Men's Quilted Lined Coats Persian Lamb and German Otter Collars $15 and upwards. Raw Furs Wanted—We will pay highest cash prices for Furs in Season.. Men's Alaska Beaver Coats.—This Coat will stand.: any amount of Hard Wear. 'Popular prices. Men's Fur -Lined Coats. —Our stock consists of noth- ing but first class materials, linings and - collars. Prices $45.00 and upwards. Only 9 More Sliopping Days Until Produce Wanted—Butter' 24c, ..Eggs 3oc, Dried Ap pies . 8c, Potatoes. Beans and Poultry. EGGS 30c, BUTTER 26c KING BROS. PRODUCE WANTED 1 WE WANT YOUR TRADE GtiRISTMAS iammorammummo BELOW IS A LIST OF GIFT SUGGESTIONS For Women Felt Slippers Felt Boots Overgaiters Patent Slippers Patent Pumps Swede Pumps. Velvet Pumps Rubbers Overshoes Cardigans Hockey Shoes Overstockings Rubber Boots Moccasins Queen Quality Shoes FOR Men Felt Slippers Felt Boots Overgaiters Rubbers Patent Pumps Fine Shoes Overshoes Hockey- Shoes Moccasins Bunion Pretec- tors Leggings Suit Cases Club Bags For Girls Felt Slippers Felt Boots Overgaiters Overstocking, Fine Shoes Rubbers Leggings Moccasins Hockey Shoes Cardigans FOR The Kiddies Soft Moccasins' Felt Shoes Felt Slippers Patent. Slippers Rubbers Overstockings Leggings • Cardigans Soft Felt Shoes For Boys Hockey Boots Leggings Overstockings Fine Shoes Rubbers Overshoes Felt Slippers Felt casinsBoots Moc THE ABOVE IS ONLY A PARTIAL LIST We have the Biggest and Best Selection we have ever shown & CO. . WILLIS THE SHOE STORE. Stile Agents ?L¢e� tr Ladies. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. in the matter of the state of John B. Jefferson, late of the Township of East WaWanosh n the County of Huron, Merchan , deceased. Notice is hereby giYen ureuant to. It. S. O. 1897 Chap. 129 that all p neons having claims against the estate of. the aid John ti. Jaffe' son, who died on or ab lit the 19th day of November 1911, are req Iced, on or before the 119th day' of December, l 11, to send by poet Tows of Wlidigham, on of t e executors of the said deceased their eh alien and surnames. addresses and deseript ns, the full patticul- ars of their claims, the tatemente of their tie - counts and the "stun of the securities if any', held by them, an that after the Bald securities, mentioned date the ea executors will proceed to distribute the nee a of the deceased anon, theparties entitled hereto, having' vegeta only to the archon Which they shim' thea Woe notice. Dated this 2911, de of 1iovetnber ,a.1)., 1911. A. MORTON AR entOW11001 A t,Aog, 1.1111111&. °1j