HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-12-14, Page 5TEE MBAR TIMES, DECEMBER 14 1911 IT'S A GOOD LIST Every Item on this list suggests a saving worth while You may as well benefit by these reductions as any one else. They • are good for all week. MEN'S OVERCOATS With College Collars, only 8 coats left, they are made up of smart tweeds, in splendid style, good warm coats, $t7.00 values for $12.00; $18.00 value for. $13.00; $2o.00 value for $ x 5.00, $2 2.0o value for $16.00. BOYS' OVERCOATS With College Collars, only 7 coats lefs, they are made of splendid qualities of tweeds. $6.5o qualities for $5.00; $6.75 qualities for $5.50; $8.75 qualities for $6.5o; $io.00 qualities for $7.50. MEN'S UNDERWEAR Penman's Wool Ribbed, regular 75c for 58c. BOYS' COAT SWEATERS made of good quality of yarns, regular . 75c for 58c. MEN'S MITTS Pig Skin faced with Knitted Wool • Lining. You know how they will wear. Special 5oc Don't let the other fellow get here first. McGee & Campbell **$T WAWAxost5. The annual Christmas entertainment in connection with S. S, No. 9, (Currie's eehool) will; be held on Friday evening, Aecember 16th. The entertainment will be in the form of a play. The ad- mission will be 25 cents. numerals, Mrs. Samuel Plum's mother, Mrs. Howell, died atNew Hamburg recently. Mr, and Mrs, Plum attended the funeral. Mr. McDougall, of Rondeau, Kent County, has purchased a choice -bred draught stallion from Mr. Robt. Scptt.' The horse is 4 years old. The residence of W. Ainlay, who re- moved to the West, has alesold to Mrs. Kell, of Morris 'Ovens . She will take possession shortly: The°town is considering a proposition of helping a good industry by loaning $10,000 to Pryne & Son, flour mill own- ers. They agree to enlarge their prem- ises and will install machinery to manu- facture various prepared foods in cereals. SALiI!>1[. Mr. Robt. Higgins and son John, of Manitoba are at present visiting in the vicinity. • Mr. Howard Jones', of Goderich,. spent a few days last w k,,,atthe home of Mr. Tom Bolt. Miss Lillie Bush 'spent a few days this week with her pister, Mrs. Ed. Palmer. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••>N •4 ••••••• i Phone 70. Special Orders Given Careful Attention. I HOLIDAY GOODS FOR I Ttw Gl1R1STMAS SEASON It puts a fellow in mind of spring to see the farmers ploughing again on the llth of Dec. Don't forget the Christmas intertain ment at Salem on the 22nd of Dec. Mrs. Johnston, of Fordwich, spent last Thursday with her grandmother, Mrs. Kitchen. A number of Salem young people were entertained at thu,home of Mr. Wm. McKersie. Mr. Gordon Wray has returned home after spending several weeks in Lin- wood. Wedding bells are ringing in Howick. . i . : 4 Suggestions For � z Christmas Buying • • Men's. Braces in Fancy Boxes, Men's Knitted Ties in all shades (boxed), Men's Mercerized Knitted Mufflers (boxes), to sell at 5oc each •• A • CHRISTMAS •• • • -;Men's Shirts, Gloves, and Fancy Hosiery, Men's and i • Boys' Mocha Gloves, lined and unlined; Men's and • '• Boys' Kid Gloves in all sizes. Men's Shirts -We : have the agency for the W. G. & R. Shirts in new• • .• select patterns for Christmas trade, prices. $1.00 to $2.5o. Men's Fancy Embroidered Hosiery in black Fleur de lis, price 5oc 4 OLENANNAN A Christmas tree and entertainment will be held in Eadie's Church on Thurs- day evening, December 21st, An ex- cellent Program, is being prepared and those who attend are assured a good evening's entertainment, The annual Christmas tree and en- tertainment of Knox Church Sabbath School, Belgrave, will be held in the Foresters' Hall on Friday, December 22nd. Programme will consist of music, instrumental and vocal, by the Wing - ham Orchestra, choruses, solos, recita- tions, readings, drills, etc. Program to commence at 8 o'clock.. CHRISTMAS Ladies' F ancy Collars, Belts, Jabots, Side Jabots, Knitted Ties, boxed separately, to sell at 5oc. 1 • CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES to Fancy Handkerchiefs, Ladies' Embroidered and i Laced Trimmed; Fancv Lace Table Centres, Tray • C'oths; Table Goers; "Guest Towels. • Large assortment. • • ••O ••• • • • • • Silk • • •• •• • •• Fine HANNA &CO.i PHONE 70 :4404000.0001010,04 0A01010:01100101444 Whooping Cough CROUP ASTHMA COUGHS BRONCHITIS CATARRH COLDS CSTABI.ISHco 1070 A simple safe and effective treatment for bron- chial troubles, avoiding drugs. Vaporized Croso- Ione stops the paroxysms 6f Whooping Cough ' and relieves croup at oneo. It is a boon to acf- ferere from Asthma. The air rendered strongly antiseptic. inspired with every breath, makes breathing easy ; soothes the sore throat and stops the cough,assuring restful nights., It is invalu- able to mthers with young children. Send us postal for descriptive booklet. 909 ALL DRUGGISTS Try Oresolono Antt. septto Throat Tab- lets for. the Irritated throat. They are simple, effective and antiseptic. Of your druggist or from no. 10c. in stamps. Vapo Cresolene Co. Leeming -Miles Bldg. MONTREAL lee r BLUEY&Ls. A. Christmas tree and entertainment under the auspices of Knox Sunday school will be held in the Foresters' Hall,. on Friday evening, December 22nd. There will be an excellent pro- gram and the public are cordially in- vited to attend. The annual meeting of the sharehold- ers and patron of tue•Bluevale Cheese and Butter Company, Limited, will be held in the Foresters' Hall, on Tuesday, Deeember 19th, at 1.30 o'elock, p. m., for the election of a Board of Directors and the transaction of any other busi- ness that may come before the meeting. A. speaker from the Dairy Association will attend and give an address on Dairying. WHIT ECHOROS. Saw mill and chopper are running. Farmers in this section are busy plow- ing and cattle are out grazing. The annual meeting of the Whitechurch Cheese and Butter Co. will be held in the Foresters' hall, on Wednesday, December 20th, commencing at 2 o'clock. Mr. McMillan, Creamery Instructer will be present and deliver an address. The past season was very successful for the creamery and a dividend of 10 per cent. will be paid to the shareholders on the day of the meeting. .Buy Saskatchewan First Mortgages • OPLRO3s. Word was received here of the death in Vancouver on Noe. 27th of Thomas Watson, son' of Robert Watson, form- erly of Culross. He was 26 years of age._ Mrs. John Donaldson of Culross is a sister. Farm land in Culross is not going down in value, and the prices received for some farms lately ware exception- ally good. The top price so far was re- ceived by David McKague last Satur- day when he sold'his 100 -acre farm on con. 4, to James Whytock„' The .figure that the farirochangeii `hands 'at was $8,550:There are•on the premises a good barn, but the house is only a small frame one, and there is no doubt about it that if there had been a good brick house the farm would sell readily at $10,000. It was always recognized as one of the best farms in Culross, and the price received amply proves it. Mr. and Mrs. McKague will move to Tees - water shortly. Of all. the high-class investments. to be had in America there are none safer than Guaranteed First Mortgages on Saskatchewan Improved Farms. Our advice. is to buy as many of thein as you can afford. Payments of principal and interest are absolutely guaranteed. You cannot lose a cent. Pull information, and a booklet, en- titled A Safe Investment, can be obtained on request from National Finance Company, Limited pald.up�Capital sad Ussery* pr 1700,000 Wellington ellington Street' East TORONTO 35 Spall 0acp, yaaeoavar, sA• -- Local Representatives RITCHIE & COMES, Wingham LIVE STOOK MARKETS. Toronto, Dec. 11 -Union Stock Yards -Receipts, 233 cars, with :3,492 head of cattle, 63 calves, 2,078 hogs, 3,166 sheep and lambs, and 28 horses. Interest in the ordinary market transactions to -day were overshadowed in the deeper interest evinced in the annual Christmas Fat Stock Show, which is being held to -day and to -mor- row. In point of attendance and also in the number of cattle exhibited. this year's show largely eclipsed last year's. While there were some very fine individual cattle in the show,it is doubtful if on the whole the quality of the exhibits came up to last year's show. But even at that the exhibit is a revelation as to what Ontario can produce in the way of live stock, some of the cattle being equal,. and perhaps superior, to anything produced on the continent. 0NOWONNAMIWOMAAWAAAAA WWYVVVVV WvVWVWWWW /BARD'S HEADQUARTERS FOR I Useful Christmas Presents Export cattle, choice, $6 75 to $6 00 do medium 5 75 586 !! do light 580 600 do bulls 4 50 5 50 do cows . 3 75 500 Butchers choice . 5 75 5 80 do medium .......... 5 25 5 60 do cows ............ 4 50 5 40 do common.... 2 50 3 75 do canners1 75 2 25 Short -k - 5 60 5 50 Feederssteers4 55 5 30 do bulls 3 00 5 40 Stockers choice.... 4 25 4 75 do light......275 3 25 Milch cows, choice, each55 00 90 00 Springers 45 00 65 00 Common and medium 35 00 25 00 Sheep, ewes 3 25 3 75 do bucks 2 50 3 00 Lambs, yearlings 5 50 5 35 Spring lambs, each 50 6 15 Hogs, f. o. b do fed and watered .. ' .6 Calves 4 00 8 50 c WHAT TO GET FOR GIFTS IS EASILY SOLVED 1 AT THIS STORE. i 1 We have spent days and days preparing, select- ing, buying and get iog ready to present to you the Great Stock of things that Men, Women, Boys and Girls Like Best and now that every- thing is ready we ask you to come and see the result of all this effort we have put forth to pre- sent a line of Holiday Goods that would exctl in extensiveness any that has ever been shown iin this town, i WING HA3IMARRET REPORTS. Wingham, Dec. 13, 1910 Flour per 100 lbs . 2 25 to 3 10 Fall wheat .... 0 87 to 0 90 Oats 0 43 to 0 45 Barley 75 to 0 80 Peas ..... 1 05 to 1 05 Butter dairy.... 0 25 to 0 25 Eggs per doz. ... .... 0 30 to 0 30 Wood per cord 2 75 to.2 80 Hay tatoes per bushel, new er ton .1 1 00 tt 12o 0 80 0 80 Lard 0 16 to 0 16 Live Hogs per cwt .. 5 80 to 5 80 Chickens ............... 0 10 to 0 12 Ducks ..... ........... 0 10 to 0 12 Geese ... 0 10 to 0 12 Turkeys .... 0 18 to 0 18 to Stockalld u1try t sr-'aisers We will send, absolutely free, for the asking, postpaid, one of our large sixty-four page books on the common diseases of stock and poultry. Tells you how to feed all kinds of heavy and light horses, colts and mares mild' cows, calves and fattening steers, al o hew to keep and feed poultry so that they will lay as,well in winter as in summer. No farmer sheui•ti be without it. NOW is the time to use Royal Purple Stock Specific At a cost of only two-thirds of a cent per day per animal it will increase it 25 per cent. in value. It permanently cures Bots, Colic, V, orms, Skin Diseases and Debility. Restores run-down animals to plumpness and vigor. It will Increase the milk yield three .to five Lbs. per cow per day and make the milk rloher. Royal Purple Is not a stock food. There is no filler used in its manufacture, and we import from Europe all the seeds, herbs, barks, etc., and grind them on our own premises. Therefe. e we can guarantee it to you' as being absolutely pure, We d not use cheap filler to make up a.large package. We/givb you the best condition powder ever put on the ma .et - in a concentrated form. A tablespoon levelled off ono& a day is sufficient for a full grown animal. It reVents disease, keeps your animals in perfect health, a d 1s ab- solutely harmless. It makes six weeks id calve ass large as ordinary calves at 10 weeks. Yo can .%lop six pigs ready for market in just one mon is 1, s ane titan you can possibly do without it at a s f only 11.50, Raving you a month's work and food. A 50c pack- age will last a horse 70 days. A $1.50 pail or air- tight tin containing four times as much as a 600 package Will last an anim- ht 280you y eves. If have never used it try it on the poorest animal you on your place and watch results. If It does not produce better results than anything you have ever used or give you satisfaction, we will refund your money, Andrew Weg6w,richof weigf edVherfimilk on eet, the�16th,,a17hlbs.,tried onion one the2eth s she gave 22 lbs. Dan MCE'wen, Canada's greatest horse trainer, says: "I have fed Royal Purple to The Lel and all my racehorses for four years. They have never been off their feed. Your cough powder works like magic" Mr: Tom Smith, trainer for the Zion. Adam lock, says: "We had a mare In our stables 1 tst fall b,longdrg to Miss Cleuston, of Montreal, Wo could not feed her any bran on account of scouring, We commenced using your rtoyal Purple Seek Specific. The r, sults were wonder - fol. We found after using it three weeks w. could d feed her bran or any other soft feed and site actually tole on 26 lbs. during that tine." Royal Purple Poultry Specific will nialce your hens lay in winter as well as in tunn- eller, and yet a Coe package wilt last 25 bens 75 days or a $1.50 pall or air -tight tin contains four ttanes as much ill lest from losinglleesheat moulting time, cures prevents v ts poultrya the ordinary (Messes. mattes their plumage bright and keeps them in prime condition. WYal. STOCK AND POULTRY SPECIFICS Mrs. Wm. Burnham, of Sandford, Ort., says: "I fed your Poultry Specific to 32 hens during the winter and sometimes got as many as two dozen eggs per day in February and March." Mr. Andrew Illcks, of Centralia, Ont., says: "I used your Stock Specific on 20 milk cows. They have Increased 30 per cent. in their milk and I got even better results from your Poultry specific. We had 60 hens laying age. hen we commenced using Poultry Specific we were get- ting five or six eggs a day. In less than five days we got 150 eggs. These were the coldest days last winter." You can see the results at once after you commence using this material. When farmers get acquainted with Royal Purple brands they will never be without them. Royal Purple Cough Specific During the last four years there has been an epi- demic cough going through every stable in Canada, which has been -a great source of anoyance to horsemenn. Our le absolutely cure Royal Purple Cough Cure will a' this cough in 4 days, will break up and cure distemper in 10 days, abso- lutely guaranteed. 60e per tin, by mall 650. Royal Purple Gall Cure 'Will cure all sorts of open sores on Mien or beast. 1Ai11 absolutely dry up and cure scratches in a very few days. .Mr. Sam Owen, •Coachman fur the Hon. Adam Beck, says: ".By following directions I find your Royal Purple Gall Cure will cure scratches and male the scabs peel off per- fectly dry in about four or five days." x'rice 25e, by mail 300. Royal Purple Sweat Liniment ' Will reduce any tameness in a very short time. Mr. 3no. M. ilaly, Coalman in London, says: "We hero nine horses, 'constantly teaming coal, and have ail k'nds of trouble with them behtg lame at times, I have need your Sweat Liniment for a year hook and have never known it to fall to cure all sorts of <•prattled tendon, etc." Pride 600 8 -ounce bottles, Ly muff 600. Royal Purple Lice Killer This Is entirely different from any lice killer 0n the market. In order for you to understand the process of manutaeture of this !lee killer you will have to send for one of our booklets, es we give you a full history of it there. It will entirely esterrninato lice on fowls or autmsls with not more than' on • or two applications. It smothers them. Price Vac, by mall 30e. An escorted cyder amounting to $5.00 we will prepay. What we wish to impress on your !rind is that we manufacture nothing but pure unadulterated goads. Our booklet gives over 400 recommendations for ourdilfereit lines front per.ple all over Canada. While we give you above the names of a few who have used it, our best recommendation is for you to ask any person who has ever used any line we manufacture. Scud Today For Fres: Boole.ot. W. A. JMNICINS MPG. CO., London, Ont. Royal Purple supplies and ftee booklets can be secured from J. A. Millis and J. Walton McKibbon, Wingham. 1 1 } GIVE USEFUL PRESENTS THEY ARE MOST HIGHLY APPRECIATED. WOMEN'S STORE Girls' Dresses, Girls' Coats, G;rls' Wool Caps, Girls' Gloves and Mitts, Fine Shoes, Silk Para- sols, Kid .Gloves, Fancy Scarfs. Dressin Sacques, B.autyPins, Silk Handkerchiefs, Fancy Embroidered and Initialed Handkerchiefs, Jabots, Silk Collars, Persian Belts, Elastic Belts, Cuff Links, Fur Lined Coats, Fur Ruffs, i12..rffs, etc. MEN'S STORE Fancy Sh;rts, Silk Ties, Fancy Braces in bores, Cuff Linke, Tie Pins, Garters, Armlets, Kid Gloves, Fur Caps, Silk Mufflers, Fancy Slippes, Fur Coats, Fur Collared Coats, all kinds of Fur e Lined Coats, New Suits, Umbrellas, Fancy e Socks, Sweater Coats, etc. c- -.- c c i DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY. i * STORE OPEN EVERY NIGHT. t....• CO 11-1• E. ISARD 0 y The Style Stores for Men and Women. 3, VOOVVVVV�OVVWMMw.tneVVWWVVV WVwvVW'wVVVWVV.0.0, VVk..vvw ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦.i •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 4'• • • NOTICE• • .1 • • ,. • _ • . • w t The latest thing is ---Now • • • • ••what will we get our Z ♦• •foiends for • . v • • • •' • • CHRIST • ♦ ♦ • ••• • •• • • • •• • • • • • • fr • • • •• •a • • • • • • • • w• 0• Patterson b _ T11L GREAT 1�V V1 GII DOGTO •• • OPPOSITE QUEEN'S MM. \ INGYIA".1. Go to W. G. Patterson; he has got the goods this year you, could not get nicer or' do better if you were in the city, he has just what you want. Do not fail to see his stock of Xmas Goods now in. Coxae early and get your choice. 15 per ct. saved on DIAMOND RINGS, a large stock to choose from. • • • e E •♦ • ♦ • • •o- r 40 e • O ♦ ♦ • ♦ ♦ a • ••