HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-12-14, Page 1Ist ot VOL. XL—NO 200. Wtmaw, TRUDAT DEC1MMTE , 14 1911. $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE CHRISTMAS GIFTS Come in and .inspect our stock before purchassing. We have articles suitable for all, Manicure Sets, Toilet Cases, Ebony Goods, Stationery, Cameras, etc. Any article reserved until Xmas Eve on payment of 25% of its value. Come early. .1.4.1,00.01+..0.0 Walton McKibboD THE DRUGGIST 27Ew0Stows Macdonald Block, Wingham. The Best Ever FOR $7500 A 200 acre farm with first class buildings and 50 to 06 agree of hardwood bush, Close to school. church and post offce, and only. four miles from a good shipping point. Land nearly all in grass 'and in first class shape. Huron F a sare of H rm The ;ninesu now tending upward and the' shrewd man will take advantage of present prices. Make an note of • the above statement and in two or three years from now see if we are not right. Ritchie 86 Cosios REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE A. + E. SMITH BANKER WZNG1HAh , ONTARIO. Farmers who want money to buy horses, cattle, or Hogs to feed for market oan have it on reasonable terms. Notes discounted for tradesmen, mer- ohtnts or agouti, on favorable terms. Lonna an real estate at the lowest Mem going. Christio's Grocer. Y PHONE 89. BIG . FRUIT VALUE The quality of our Fruit this year can't be beat. Every endeavour Was made to se. care the gghest grades and we got them. Will, 'be pleased to have you come and iep them. Dry Cleaned Currants from 10c lb. Raisins (Valelleias, per lb. 10e 1 lb, pkges Seeded raisins, 2 for • 25e Cranberries (long keepers) per quart 150 Mince Meat (extra) 2 lbs. • 25e Imported *Peels, Closter raisins, • Dates, Pigs, etc, Drop in and see•frs whether you ' bity or not. Thle is where yott get GCCD TEA AND COFFEE Wear Qreer% Shoot and Hubsrs Insurance M Mr. Fred, H. Ha ger of the Contester Company, has be Provincial Manage headquaters at 0 has served on the in London where h all his life, and lj prominent in the w and the First Pr b h First es Heath is well know readers and is a so , eld Duffiof *hi* t D Promoted, h, District Moni- tion Life Insurance promoted to the ship of Alberta with gars. Mr. Heath, ioard of Education �has resided nearly t been especially rkof the Y, M. C. A. tertian Church. Mr,. to many of our -in-law Mre. J ar of lt[ s Jas. Nn. Girl wanted at once. Good wages; no washing.. Apply to MRS. R. KNoX. Why Do ou Farm? Is it just to put in the t' e or for profit. No doubt ou will :ay for pro- fit. In that cas • you - ould take a weekly paper th • lo•ks •fter the busi- ness end of the ar • • That paper is The Weekly Sun I market reports are without an e nal. The have made many dollars fo Sun readers, They say so. When r• ewing your subscrip- tion do not forg t The Sun, the farm- er's beakless pa er. Go to KNax's for your Christmas and New Year Post Cards. Francis Firtt The Francis Firt prising W. Francis composer; Mazie J S. Homer Eaton, im a character so: h I p r. high-class concert opera, _house on T cember 19th. Thi concert companies ham this season an complimentary not papers indifferent: If you are desirous ly high-class entert opera house next The admission is 2� ed seats. at 35cent at McKibbon's dt� this (Thursday) a ( y) Concert Co. Concert Co., com- Firth, baritone and ekson, soprano, and he greatest of all ators ' will1: ive a in the Wingham iesday evening, 'De- is one of the beat at will visit Wing - has received very es from the news - arts of the country. of attending a real- inment, be at the Tuesday evening. cents with ?emery- . Pike of hall opens ig store at 2 o'clock bernoon. WANTED—Young men to learn the furniture and upholstering business. to Apply Walker & Clegg, Wingham, Ont. Black Kni ts' Officers. The Royal Black Knight' of Ireland held their annual eting in the L. O. L. hall one evening ast week when the following officers w re elected for the ensuing year:—W, , Sir Knight John F. Groves; D. P., S Knight Abraham Brydges; Chap , Sir night Rev. E. H. Cooly; Registrar, Si Knight Geo. E. Tees; Leeturera, Sir Knights Guest and Elliott; Censors, S Knights Fralick and -MacDonald; St dard. Bearers, Sir Knights J. Bryd s and Johnston; Peers, Sir Knight ch. Brydges; Com- mittee Sir Knigh Band - Thornton, Brandon, McKibbo , Greer and Spotton. Give the Boys and Girls our°excellent Shoes or Slippers for Christmas. Noth- ing more sensible, W. J. Greer. Building ew Foundry, The Western oundry'Co. has a large staff of work n busy making pre- parations for th erection o their new foundry buildin s fon the ite immed- iately north of el prese premises. The dwelling h sesrece ly purchased are being move to fat on the street farther north a d the foundations for the sew foundr building will be rushed as rapidly as possible. The mild weather of the est few days has been very favorable or building operations and the. foundr 'management has taken advantage of t in putting on all the workmen ave' able. The company is anxious to he the new plant ready for operation s early as possible. Before selling your print and roll butter, and poultry alive or dressed, it will be to yeur benefit to get our Wm. Davies Co., Ltd., successors to Armour Estate, Phone 52. To Our Subscribers. Our mailing lis has been corrected up to the 8th of eeember. We would ask our subacrib rs to look at their label end see if they have received credit for what t ey have Setid. We wo*td ask that ur subscribers giro' their subscription immediate attention, Many are overdo and a feW run into a number of years We have in good faith supplied ye with the paper. We now ask that the anis be ,pad for as we teed the marl y. Remember nowt- papers should be paid for in advance end we Would be glad th hear front our subteriberu duri the balartte of tide Mon h. Read WHIN do Co,'a: adir. on 003's HIGH SCH L NOTES. Un Friday last, Meeting of the held in the Asiem gram consisted of Misr L. Ron, an dent, a solo by reading of the Jo of the girls' Field Brewster, a q er. ste a u John Allen and t Principal Smith Dec, 8, the second itersry Society was ly Room. The pro - an instrumental by ddresn by the Presi- ice N. Fowler, the rnal, the distribution Day prizes by Miss tetreading g tette, a n b , a y e Boys' Glee Club. ted as critic, POULTRY WANTED. --Highest cash price paid for all kinds of poultry; alive or dressed. Phone 10. Gonne, Limited. Low.Rates for Ch via Grand Trunk tween all station Niagara Falls an Huron and Detr Fare (minimums c Dee. 23, 24, 25. 19n. Also good Jan. L Return I Fare and One -Th 25c). goodoing elusive. Rater Full particulars agent. etras and New Year Excursions ailway Syst be- hi Canada also to Buffalo,.Y., Port it, Midi At Single ar e 2 good going et r imit Dec. 20, of ee. t0, 31 and it Jan. 2, 1912. At d (minimum charge' ec. 21 to Jan. 1 in - limit Jan. 3, 1912, om any. Grand Trunk Women's Arties, Storm Gaiters Leggins, 50c to $1.50 in all styles sizes at W. J. GREER'S. Post Offi, The annual repo General shows tha and place in the c of revenue. Here in the county:— Godericb Wingham ..... Clinton ...... ,... . Seaforth .....,... Brussels • .. . Blyth .. .... • Bayfield Belgrave Benmiller .... ... Auburn . ...... . Brucefield ..... Dungannon ..' Londesboro Holmesville • and and e Returns. t of the Postmaster Wingham has sec- my in the matter s a list of the offices $10,740 ...... •.. , . 6,422 .. .......... 5,023 3,865 2,803 , 1,815 720 640 188 ...... 651 • 543 898 • 415 • 178 Overshoes and Rubbers for Men Women and Children -All the good styles and best makes. W. J. GREER. The Jubi The Jubilee Sing given an immense edict Church, that ed to the doors. program was first perfectly delighted stances regret seer ed in not getting so give more than thr The entertainme such a treat that 'Welcome a return beret News, N. S. singers in Wing Saturday evenin auspices of Met Admission is ' 25 35 cents. Plan o drug store. e Singers. rs were last night vation in the Meth- uilding being pack very item on the ass, everyone was and in some in - ed to be experienc- e xperiencee of, the artists to e or four encores. throughout was Amherst would well performance.—Am- Hear these famous m opera house on , 16th inst., under ()dist Church Choir. and reserved seats, hall at McKibbon's FEED CORN -We have car load of good feeding corn or • at our ware- house at G. T. +armers needing well prices. corn will do get & MILLS. Death o The death occ Wingham On Sun Hotnuth, followin weeks. Decease and'with his pa when nine years in Waterloo eoun years later the section settling years afterward sketch joined h' Was for 47 years tion. A few ye Mr. Homnthwa° nin, a daughte Durnin, of St. tired from the f attd purchased Lower Wingha in high esteem his death is dee tics he was a Co ed the Eaptiat widow he is tur and Albert, of daughter, Miss brothers slid o vizt--r. S. and August. Hornet Harry Godkin, reeved will be of the eomntu place on Teem et the house ed by Rev. G the Baptist a Pioneer. rred at his home in. ay last of Charles L. an illness of several was born in Germany nts came to Canada f age, settling first , near Galt. Three mily moved to this Turnberry and four the subject of this parents so that he resident of this sec- s after moving here married to Miss Dur - of the late William: elens. Deceased ve- m some five years ago comfortable home in . He was a man held the community and y regretted, In poli- servative and attend Church. Resides •iris ivied by two•sons, Win. Turnberry and one dith, at home. Three e sister also survive, m. Homuth, Toronto, Wingham and Mrs. urnberry. TO the be - elided the sympathy ity. The funeral took y afternoon, the mervihea i grave being conduct - Vidor Collins, pastor of. ureh. 41. MUNICIPAL. N MINATION3, Nominationrl of c as Mayor, Reeve,. C fain m s her will take Friday evening, D plaee of on the last the year, this year failing on Christlnas not yet heard of an for the several office heard any member of ail definitely express intentionsfor r+ 1912. Wingham needs gh ed a of the town's very b and we hope to see ated toserve. in ne It is the duty* of e attend the tannin see that proper p ated to represent t the affair' of the to With the bulldin Wingham should ta forward during the it it the more imps payers see to the" Council • ; '> One importapt by on by.. the r'afepay with the abolishing managementnothe and the waterWorks pion. The TIMES 4an f ment of these' two ments under a Com that had there been and the Mayor to co the present by -haw w the rate a er. p y s. It a the Vote on the lst notbe on the questi by Commission" as i on the question "M Commission." The carefully study this ing their votes. Th be increased from many of the defects years could be renxe have -had these the departmeuts manag lr and in some places t made just recently a the membership oft -been increased to fiv The by-law on th Power does not co anything in a fin being submitted to are desirous of hay Power brought to t tails to be worked has been taken. ndidatea to aerye ncillers add Coxn- 1 ace tlria year on cember 22nd in onday evening of he last Monday Day. We have new candidates , nor have we his year's Coun- imself as. to hie ou composed meilt p d at business men ood men nomin year's Council. ry ratepayer to ion meeting and none are nomin- em in conducting n, of the new foundry an active move ext few year and ant that the rate- ection of a good aw is to be voted rs, having to do or retaining the lectric light system under a Commis - ora the manage- mportant depart- ission and we feel our Commissions pose the Board uld not be before pears to us that of January will n "Management 'namely centre agement of the atepayers should atter before cast - membership could ree to five and of the past two led, Other towns e two important by a Commission change -has been: in some places e Commission has Hydro Electric it the town to tial way, simply ee if the ratepayers ng Hydro Electric e town. The de - t after the vote NORTH HUR N CONTEST. The contest in N in the return of A: servative, by an the figures being Much as the L' they were very being forced to by the fact tha to do praetieall the campaign. excellent sho odds against the riding th' encouraging disappointme well from a Liberals had practically n done. We u tive friends fi Wingham of result of the wits not as election as wa The returns w the Town Hall o'clock the to ordinary event find themseiv years hence an put up a winni ' One pleasin paign was th ridings of Bruc election indicat ing and our C likely see a power in Onta elections. Two election last one to r,ea Cood for busin onservatives are to have foe (we hope) four; We are not a polling sub-divi give below the ent municipalit rth Huron resulted H. Musgrove, Con - increased majority, 58. This was pretty erals •anticipated as much handicapped int hange candidates and Mr. Kerr was unable any personal work in Mr. Kerr made a very ing considering all the im. In some sections of Liberal vote was very hile in others it was a t,Wingham W gam did very there' standpoint as the no committee room and organization work was derstand our Conserve - red on a majority in ram 160 to 180 and the otingshowed 136, There uch excitement in this the case in Septembers re received quietly at and shortly after ten n was as quiet as +.n gs. The • Liberals v, ill in better shape four will then be able to g fight in North Huron. feature of the cam - winning of the three for Liberalism. This s that the tide is turn- servative friends will iberal Government in o after the next general Ashfield ......: West IfavWano East Wawanos Blyth..,. Wingham ..... Morris Wroxeter Turnberry,.. in one year and the Christmas was not very and both Liberate and ill be pleased that we dein from polities for years, hle to give the vote by ions in this issue but majorities in the differ - ss of the riding:.... Kerr Musgrove 16 h..., 1 52 2G IIoWlck,i4••• • •4 •,• �lsa Majority for ttsgrove, 265, • 47 20$ 3513 PRE.SR.YTE1tYOP MAITLAND, The Presbytery Maitland met in St, Andrew's Chu ch, Winghazn, on 7the.The M e ev. J. W Dc rgtorR , Ferguson, presiding Rev, Dr, MacKay Moderator of the General Assembly a d Rev, Dr, Grant, Secretary of Rom Missions, being present were rake to sit as corres- ponding members, Oa motion of M sari. Hardie and West, it was agreed that a committee be, appointed by tbbe Moderator to re - port ext reular elating re supply of students for th ministry, The Moderator named r. Bremner. Mr. Per'rie and Mr. Har e, as the commit- tee. Rey. J, D. Cunni ham was nomin- ated as Professor i New Testament in Alberta Theological College. The var- ious matters to Thi the Presbyteries' attention was calla by the Assembly were considered. Rev. Dr. MacKay are an excellent address on the tris ionary outlook of the church and appe led to the mem- bers of Presbytery t • rise to the occas- ion and endeavor to arouse the people from their apathy a d to let them see for what purpose t church existed. The Treasurer r ported receipts for the Presbytery fund of $046.67 and ex- pense $241,25 leavi g a balance of $405.42, in the treas ry. Ile also re- ported receipts for the Synod fund 337.70 and expenditu $26.55, leaving a balance of $11,24, The report was adopted. The Auditors repor ed that they bad examined the books •f the Treasurer and found them to e correctly kept. Their report was ado ted. The Finance repo ted that the re- quirements for 1912 would be about $650 which would nec ssitate the usual levy of 11 cents per f : mily for Presby- tery fund and 1-2 cen per member for Synod fund. The Moderator : ppointed. Messrs. Perrie, West, McLe n and MeEachern with their Elders s • a committee to I atrIke Standing CO mittees. Reis Dr. Grant asthen called 'upon to address the 'resbytery upon the Herne Mission w k of the church. He gave a very com •rehensive view of the work of the chu ch as outlined by the H. M. Committ'e and stated that by the end of the p esent century Canada would have a p •elation of 160 million and 50 million ould be north and west of Edmonton. h e urged the Presby- tery to adopt th • Budget as given out by the H. K. C+mmitte for 1912. As Secretary of th. Home Mission Com- mittee he was g, ing to see that the Missionaries recei ed adequate salaries upon which to live and only such work would be undertak=n as would be suit- ably supported by t e people. Mr. Hardie prese ted the report on Systematic Benefic ence, apportioning the amounts expect d from each charge for 1911 and 1912 and recommended that the Presbyter undertake the rais- ing of X16,000 as its share of the million dollars to be raise by the church in 1912, and that a th rough canvas of all the congregations ,e made to this end. On motion of M ssrs. Wishart and West, it was agre=, that the report be adopted and that is recommendations be printed togethe with a synopsis of the addresses of 1 vs. MacKay and Grant and sent to = : ch family with the apportionment of each congregation for missions for 19 1 and 1912. In the evening public Missionary meeting was held hen most practical and searebing add.•sses were given by Drs. McKay and ant. - WANTS». — An ex erieaced dining - room girl. Apply at Queen's hotel. Larged an Ever. The Central siness College of Stratford is no of the lead- ing schools of it kind in Canada The management was obliged to enlarge their quart rs to accommodate those who will e er after the New Year. The Stratf d school does more for its students th do other similar schools, and gives courses which are much beyond tho e of the ordinary Business College. It ham an up -to -dote Telegraphy Depa tment, as well as Commercial, Shoo aid and Typewrit- ing Department The winter term opens on Jan, 2nd and those interested inlbusiness collet work should write the College for, it free catalogue. It will be a surprhs to the majority .of our readers *he theylearn What the Central Businee College of Stratford is doing. FOR. SALE --A good cutter, almost new; small seat in front. Will be sold at a bargain. Apply at TOMS office. ' Will the parti s who orad pro- Wranaa from on • it her wall on ednesday aft: •.chelots' ball en December 5th, • ndly return the Woe to MRS. RICIMAR CLEGG. WH1TN>~Y (IIOVERNMENT RET)�iN3D, Liberals Make a 0 n of Pour Members, } m Whit- Bo it- The Government ¢{�'�`uIr �a ea h Bey has bean.gh"' n four y«ar renewal of power. Wien t aballots\had bean counted Moxld, y ni ht Sir\AJ$mes and his Ministersilt ad r ceived, `i t1�e .• net los* offour oor era and t e reduc- tion of the mrisi a of hi upportere nearly all aleOgsthe dine,,In; intimation that Liberalism In htarie'ham started anew. The view L gislature will be tivee - composed of 82 Cons rva ,22ibLib,. erode, one Labor me bar and and one. Independent Consor tive. The Goy- eminent will thus, a ter appointing a Speaker, have a majo ity of 59. The last House was compo ed of 86 Conser- vatives, 18 Liberals Jand one Labor member, the Government majority over all being 67. • The most surprisin ' feature of the election was the co parstively large number of eonstituen ie. that changed their allegiance, The Liberals Baine• eleven seat* and lost seven, while in no riding, Rainy River, the Governme t candidate went dbwn.to defeat befor an Independent Conservative. North Oxford sec. ived Mr. Rowell with open arms. All the strength the Government comma . ed was exerted. to prevent the Lib alleader from breaking into the Le:islature, but he emerged from the fig t with s majority nearly one hnndred arger than that given Dr. A. MacKay hive years ago. Equally striking wa the answer of the men of North 0 ey to the cam- paign of slander diree ed against Hon. A. G. MacKay. T ree weeks age, when Hon. Mr. MacK:y, after resign- ing from the leadereh' • of the Opposi- tion, went home and again agreed to carry the Liberal sta • ard, the Conser- vative organization ' ecided that he was already as good a: defeated. Mr. MacKay went upo the platform, frankly discussed an• placed in their true light the chargebrought against his personal cheract • r. North Grey rallied to him, and i is Conservative opponent, Mr. G.M. B •yd, was swamp- ed by 764 votes. In 1908 Hon. Mr, MacKay had a margin of but 71 votes. The Liberal gains re Centre Bruce, Glengarry, East Kent East Middlesex. Monck, North Norfolk South Ontario, Prescott, Sturgeon F:Ils, East Well- ington, North Wentw • th. • The Conservative. - ins were East Ottawa, South Perth, i oh;th Renfrew (acclamation), East Si coe, Stormont, West Wellington, Sout Wentworth. LIBERALS EL aCTED. Centre Bruce, Nort Bruce, South Bruce, Glengarry, Nor h Grey, Haldi- mand, Centre Huron, E st Kent, East Lambton, East Midd esex, Monck, North Norfolk, West N rthumberland, South Ontario, North oxford, South Oxford, Prescott, Rus -11, Sturgeon Falls, East Wallington, North Went- worth -22. CONSERVATIVES EL ¢TED. Addington (acclarnatio ), Algoma, North Brant, South Bran , Brockville, Carleton (acclamation), D fterin, Dun- das, East Durham (acela ation), West Durham, East Elgin, West Elgin, North : s William, Essex,South Esx e F rt W am Frontenac, Grenville ( cclamation), Centre Grey, South Grey, alton, Ham- ilton West, East Hastin s (acclama- tion), North Hastings ( cclamation), West Hastings (aeclam: tion) • North Huron, South Huron, K mora, West Kent, Kingston (aeclam. tion) West Lambton, North Lanark (. clamation), South Lanark (aeelamet on), Leeds, Lennox, Lincoln (acelam : tion), Lon- don (acclamation), Manit•ulin, North Middlesex, Muskoka, Nipp ssing, South Norfolk, East Northumbe land, North Ontario, East Ottawa, W Parry Sound, Peel, North Perth, East Peterborough, borough, Port Arthur, Pri North Renfrew (accletna Renfrew , (acclamation), Marie (acclamation), Ca East Simeoe, South Sim tion), WestSimcoe (accla mont, Sudbury, Temiska (eight seats), Etat Viet tion), West Victoria, N South Waterloo, Wella ington, West Wellingto worth, East Fork, N York -8$. INDEPENDENT. Hamilton East (La ndependent'Conser { st Ottawa, erth, South est Peter- ee Edward, on), South Sault Ste tre Simcoe, e (acclama- ation), Stor- ing, Toronto ria (oedema- rth Waterloo, d, South Well - i, South Went- th York, West ELoCTED, or), Rainy itiver close to Wingharn, suitable for firuit and vegetabe farming, Must be light, Warm toil, good elevation and have juitd spring water and plenty of it. estate for farm that suite. Apply by letter to Box 10, TIVItS Office, Wing - ham. Merry Ohristrnas There'e no better filling for Chrisimaa Istoeltings than our Choiee Footwear ! No gifts more sensible—no gifte that are ap- preciated more. Shoes from the World's Best Shoe Makers ! SHOES for Street, for Storm, and for Dress wear. Shoes for Men, Women and Children. Shoes for every purpose under the Sun, for which good Shoes are wanted. SLIPPERS—now we've said it — for our Slipper Show is worth coming miles to see. House Slippers, Bed Room blip - pars, Bath Slippers, Dress Slip: every form of Slipper known to the trade. You'll run no risk in selecting Christmas Footwear here, for we will cheerfully make 'any ex- changes you desire after Christ - L GREER Where quality counts we win, C. N. Griffin GENERAL AGENT FIRE LIFE ACCIDENT PLATE GLASS WEATHER Insurance Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and MONEY LOANING Business. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Office over Malcolm's Grocery. Logi! Logs I am prepared to pay the highest cash price for all kinds of saw logs. Call and get prices and lengths to Fire which starte Tuesday evening a pletely wiped out R. elevators on t engine house, lig small buildings The lose will rea shortly after 8.30 Owen Sound cora- harbor front, the house, half a dozen nd a number of cars. h fully $1,000,000. 0 i„„„„„,.1 0 N Stands for all that is modern la Business Traioing, A Chain of Seveo Colleges hi leading towns and cities. Two thousand stu- dents in our Colleges and Home Study laet year. We traiti from ten to twenty students for every one trained by most schools, There's a reason. It is freely admitted that our graduates get best positione, and the demand for them ie "seven" times the supply. Exclusive right for On- tehe a the famous Bliss Book- keeping System, You may study at home, or partly at home and finish at the College. A business Edueation pays a dividend every day of your life. Winter him from Jon. 6, Call or Write for particulars. SPOTTON )31.1SINESg COLLEGE Ohm. Vs. Barns, Priteivel. 0110111110.