HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-12-07, Page 88 MINOR LOCALS. Beautiful Silverware of KNOZ'1. Secure your ti c k et s early for "Snapshots," —have you xeneeved your subscrip- tion to the 'been? —Hawn County Council is in session at Goderich this, week, -- Subscriptions for all newspapers. are received at the Tlmrs. --Have you done your Christmas shopping yet? Do it early. A. large range of dandy couches at WALKER'S furniture store, —The Tuese and Weekly Globe to January 1st, 1913, for $1,64. —4Snapshots on Circus Day" in the opera house on Friday evening. —Messrs Tipling &Mills shipped sev- en car loads of baled flay last week, Largest stock of watches and jewelry ever shown in Wingham at icNox's.. --Regular meeting of the Public School Board next Tuesdliy evening, —The Tness once is the hest place to buy your writing paper and envel- opes. Parlor suites and sideboards at var- ious prices at. WALKER'S furniture store, —It is reports that there will be rio municipal elections in West Wawanosh and Ashfield, —The famous Canadian Jubilee Sing- ers in the operahouse on Saturday evening of this week. —Before ordering your 1912 supply of newspapers read the T11MEs clubbing offers in another column. Millinery at the same cheap sale prices give1 in exchange for wood and produce at Mrs. Green's. —John S. Tolton has been appointed postmaster at Walkerton, taking the place of the Iate A. W. Robb. Don't miss bargains in pretty hats while sale is on at Mrs. Green's. Large stock to select from. —Regular meeting of Court Maitland, Canadian Order of i4oresterr will be held on Friday evening of this week. A nice Morris chair would make a beautiful Christmas present. Examine the Stock at WALKER'S furniture store. —"Old King Winter" gave us a cold snap on Sunday night as the thermome- ter went down to near the zero mark. --Little Peggie Lawrence has recov- ered from pneumonia and was taken borne from the Hospital on Monday last. —Mr, Chas, J. Rint'oul has sold the Gibson farm in Turliiiury whieh he recently purchased, to 'Mr. Wieler, of Delmore. —Mr. Harry Denning, of Kincardine, mail clerk on the G. T. R. for nearly thiri„y years is seriously ill at Victoria Hokeital in London. —Mrs. Thos. Pollock, of Ripley, who has been a patient in the Hospital for nearly four weeks, has recovered and wenthome last week. —Canadian colleges won three out of five trials in the college team judging contest at the Chicago g C a LI Ve Stock Show Saturday night. —The annualmeeting of the Bluevale Cheese and Butter Co. will be held in the Foresters' Hall at Bluevale on Tues- sday afternoon, December 19th. —Mr. Geo, Smith, of Turnberry, who met with compound and fracture of both banes of the leg and was removed. to the Hospital is improving satisfactier- ily. —The many people who have "been deeply interested in the condition of Norman Lediet will be pleased to learn that the Iittle fellow has so farimprov- ed as to be able to walk, and that he left the Hospital for home Iast week. —Many old friends in Wingham will be pleased to learn that Mr. A. J. M, Helm, of Cranbrook, who recently un- derwent an operation in the Fergus hospital is improving nicely. Xie ex- peets to be able to return home shortly. --On instruction from Crown Attor- ney Seager, Provincial Constable Phip- pen placed George Moir under arrest on Tuesday on a charge of st soling from Chas. Seaborn, Moir apl;eared before Pollee Magistrate Morten on Wednesday morning an.. pleaded ;uilty and was sentenced to 30 Jays in j i1 at Gderieh. ---Students receive the best positions and the demand for them `4 manly 'One the supply. Thousand of ,1n1bi- tions young people, who w Is daring tho day, are preparing for l;seful careers by studying i the evening. The Winter Term o is popular school begins Jan. 2nd, as I be seen by F n ad- vertieement on page 1. EpottonSchools etre located in the towns of Wing'iate, Clinton, Walkerton, u.3 Orang( vine and the cities of London, Welland, and Teterboro. —Mr. Percy C. Graham, a tray soler from Part Petrie, was taken suddenly ill with appendicitis last week. Re was ren oved to the Hospital where he was kelt under constan, observi tion for u number of hours to detertnira it f the condition 6 n W0. � ld not improve. was found, however, that hclieese was rapidly ., idI v progressingand he wail Op- erated or touring the nght by Dr. IX-: nedy. 'The appendix was found con- gested r el swollen and so full of pua that it .v,s almost ready to rupture. Having been renewed dontt time, ho P e r Mr. txr . t, F B Tn is having ii smooth h t'oYtVaG eseence lid expects to go holm next week,Jr. Graham wishes to congret- itlate the Town of Whighatn on havin,. a Hospital and duels an efficient stall, as it was no doubt the means of saving .his life at least, PERSONAS. Miss Lina Barb returned home from London this week, Mrs Wen. Bone w j visaing With relatives atGuelph fo a fedays. Mia$ Mable Jennings, of Kincardine is visiting with her friend, Mies Beryl West, Mr. R, D. Mason spend a' 'ate days at Londesbare, visiting c father who is seriously ile Mr. Peter Kelly returned home last week from the West where helots spent several month, Reeve McDonald is in Goderich this week at' ending the meeting of the County Couniel, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Carruthers have returned home after spending the past month in Berlin, 11fr, A. L, Hamilton was in St. Thomas this week attending his mother's funeral. Miss Wade has returned home from. Brantford where she had been visiting her brother who ill with pneumonia Mrs. Jas. Hislop returned etc) her home in Stratford on Mopd•ey) after spending a few weeks with srcousin, Mrs, H. B. Elliott, —Mr. J. G. Gillespie, of Whitechurch has purchased the'.olover threshing machine from Mr,'T. W. Pickell of Cul- ross and is prspjred to do clover thresh- ing for the leople of this district. Read his advt. intanother column. uoltr : Ross, --At Grand Forkes, North Da- kota, on November 27th, to Mr. and Mrs, C. W, Ross; a daughter. 29th,sto Mrna do Mrs.' John n Nov- emberar- ruthers; a daughter. s18 —In to Mr. aid Mrs JohNo- vember Inglis; a daughter. MARRIED MCGowaN — HENbERSCN — At ICel field, Sask., on November 22nd, by Rev. N. H. Monroe, Mr. Harvey F. eMcGowan, dest d ughter of s.Mr. George Render - son, 3rd line Morris township, Huron Co. E'RINGLE—MCQIAR'RXE—In Denver, Colorado, on Nov. 22nd, at the home of Mr. andaMrs. W. H. Geddes, Mr. Chas. Pdaughter o Denver, Mrs. 1 .. McQuar- rie, of Brussels, Ont. AT.EU, SHARPIN--In Gorrie, on November 24th, John P. Shaypin, aged 50 years, 10 months and 27 days. LANober 25th, Elizabeth Ethel, rehlet of the lateMalcolm Lamont, in her 72nd year. MoNA1x--In Grey township, on Nov. 24th, James McNair, aged 81 years, 3 months and 20 days. noisy—In oh29th, JohIL Haney, formerlyof Bluevale, aged 29 years, 4 months, and 11 days, alekpeW Y M. C. A. BLDG, LONV DON'. . fiT3 BUSINESS and SHORTHAND SUBJECTS. Registered last season upwards of 300 students and placed every graduate. Seven specialty qualified regular teachers. One our hundred rained help. College fiBnsessios n fol t Sept. 5 to June 30. Enter any time. Forest Gutat °$ Fre d College J. W. WESTERVELT, JR. J. W. WESTERVELT, Chartered Accountant, Principle, , Vice principal CLOVER THRES INC. Having purchased T, Pickell's clov- er threshing mach . e am prepared to do clover threshi and will give work entrusted to me prompt and Careful at- tention. Write or phone me. North Hur- on Phone —Line 191, Ring 3. J. G. GILLESPIE. Whiteehureh P. O. NOTICE. The Annual Meeting of the Share- holders and Patrons opf he Bluevale will Cheese - held in the I� rester?Limited 1, Bluevale,on Tues ay, ecember 19th, at 1,80 oclock p. . or the Election of a Board of Dir ors and the trans» action of any other business that may Come before themeeting. By JOHN BURGESS, See'y, Dated, Dec. 56, 1911. SHORTHORNS FOR SALE Three young bulls, two dark reds and one roans, from 9 to 12 months of age. Sired by my stock bull, "Huron Chief" No. 63840. These are choice young bulls with good Scotch breeding of a low down blocky type and out 0 good milking dams. Will be sold reason- able, Write for particulars or give me call. Farm one and a half miles south of Wingham. J. G, PTV E, Wingham P. 0, FARMS FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale his two farms, Lot 3, Con, 1, OnTurnberry, irrg207acres, this -property 1s situated a good house and dar drilled well and windmill; water in the hoose and barn and good cement stab- ling. gFarm is 31- 2 mil en from Wrox- eter and G miles from Wingham. The ether farm, Lot 20, Con. 8, Tuenberry contains upwards of 100 Acres and has good barn ern and fair house and is situ- ated one mile from Win hair. Apply to CHAS. J RTNTOUL, Grenfarrow, Ont. WING11131 " I tES DECEMBER '4 1911 STRAY SHEEP. Carne onto the premises of the under- signed, lot 29, con. 11, Vast Wawanosh, about the 1st of August, three lambs and ono aged sheep, Owner can have sante by applyingto JON GIBBONS. Fordyce P, 0, POLLEDe(ApNGUS CATTLE FOR SA Three thoroughb bulls fit for ser- vice and two thoroughbred Cows, will sell reasonable. Apply to B. B. STAFFORD, Gorrie P, 0. TOWN OF i►INGHAM. Public Notice. Take notice that the Municipal Coun- cil of the Corporation of the Town of Winghamintends after one month from this date to pass a by-Iaw closing up a certain portion of McDermott street in the said Town of Wingham, Alt persons wishingto protest against this by-law must fele their protest with the undersigned before the 29th day of December, 1911. JOHN F. GROVES, Clerk, Dated 28th Nov., 1911. - NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the estate of William Sutherland, late of the Town Plat of of Wingham in the County Notice fs hereby given pursuant to 11. S. 0. I897. Cha 129, that all persons having claims against tate estate of the said William (author. land who died on or about the 19th day of November, 1911 are required, on or before the 19th day of December, 1911 to send by post pre. paid or deliver to J. A. Morton, of the Town, of Winghata, Snlictor for the executors of the addresses descriptions,the full particaulars of their claims, the statements of their ae• counts and the nature of the securities, if any,. held by theme, and that after the said last mentioned date the said executors wilt pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall hen have notice, Dated this 28th day of November A, D., 1911. A. MORTON. Solicitor for the Executors of WILLIAM SUTHERLAND, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the estate of Thomas Henderson, late of. the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, Yeoman, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. 8.0. 1807, Chap. 129 that all persons having claims against the estate of the said Thomas Bender - son who died on or about the 23rd day of Nov - ember, 1011 are required, on or before the 19th day of December 1911 to send. by poet prepaid or 'deliver to J. A. Morton, of the Town of Wingham, 8olioitor for the executrix of the said deceased their Christian and surnames, lars of their clauns,i descriptions, statements ofoa the! accounts and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them, and that after the said last mentioned tri date the the assets of the deceased amongegthento parties entitled thereto, she shall then have notice,Datday .7. A.. MORTONt Soliortof r�for the eA. xecu rix9of THOMAS HENDERSON, deceased, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Huron, eoman, deceased, t In the matter of the estate of John B. Jefferson. late of the Township of East Wawanosh in the Oounty of Huron, Merchant, deceased. Noti18977, Cha . is 129thatall personsahaving R. claims a tin Chap. g ees tato of thus said John B. Jeffer- son, son who di led on r about the th day of November, 1011, areerequired, on or before the 19th day" of December, 1911, to send by post prepaid or deliver to .T. A. Shorten, of the eaid deceased theoric' ehrtstian eaxnedc addresses and descriptions, the full putout, ars of their claims, the statements of their ac• counts and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them, and that after the said last mentioned date the aid ezeautors will proceed to distribute #bate the asset; of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. Dated this J. A MORTON t AND GEORGE h day of aWALLAOE, Exeentors NOTICE TO CREDITORS. 18977, Notics e 9 Sectiion Ing claims against the son, late of the Villa County of Duron condied on or about the f er, A. D, 1011, are r prepaid or to deliver t for the Executors, on day of December, A;. of particula s odescriptio h tided, security ataftery. tors will proceed to d" deceased ameng the having regard only they shall then have Dated this 14th day R. 8olio1 pursuant to 11, 8.0. that allersons he - state of William Wat- e of Belgrave in the raptor, deceased, who rteenth day of io yOctob- R r'Panatone Solicitor r before the Eleventh 1911, their names, ad- s and a full statement claims and the nature held by them duly Or- e said day the Execu• tribute the assets of the arttes entitled thereto o the clalms of which otieo. f November, A. D. 1911. ANSTONs, Wingham, P. O, or for said ExeCtttora, NOTICE T CREDITORS. Notieeis hereby gi :n pursuant to ti. s. 0. 1897, Chap. 129, Seo. that all persona bayint. claims against the est to of Marion McKenzie, late- of the Town Of ' Ingham in the County of Huron, Widow, de eased who died on or about the Eleventh day til October, A, D. 1911, are required to s n4 by+ post prepaid or to deliver en to before the ' eaan oday of Deceont, oripttiio arida; theft st teiinsent off I srtiauldn s of their claims and the : tare of the security Of any) held b them du eertilled, and that after the said der the 'mentors 'viol proceed to distribute th the parties entitledth retch habitgareg among d to the elahns of wh: h they shall then Mere notice. Dated this lath day f NI�o VA her7D3, 1911. Soli #tor foWr Bald E odors, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Retie(' A e is ho re by R i , V tO 1397, Chen, 129, Seo. t alt nett as Ii. having elating against the es,.te of Robert Boldeud, late oft sha Township! Turnbow 3 t•ounty of germ, Pat , .r, deceased, Who died en or about the Twent • Seventh day of Oetee bor A,P., nal, are reran ed to eend by post; repaid or to deliver t. ii. Vanstotio, 'Solicitor forthe Ezecutbrs,*n ,r before the eleventh day of r)eeeber A.D., 1011, thou names. ad. dr es se4aud desnrf " tion had full statement of »rticr I r © t la soft heir , aiffi sa nd to n nature p ue b!t hnsectiritytif any held by totem dull eertlliid, Mid that afte the said day the Exe- eutors will proceed to ietribute the x8seets of the deceased among t • parties entitled there - 4", haying regard pal to the C1Aiihs 9f Which' they shoo theft have n tire. Dated thisl9th day„ November, A.13. 1011. It, VANSTONLW, lsolteitor for oddlSxecutors. 1!!1 INC m&os.T RcT� FOR MEN'S flJfl • COAT$.. ost • The ever increasing popularity of THE KING BRAND Fur Coats, is evidence of their Superior or Quality to the ordinary stock of Coats. MEN'S CANADIAN RACOON COATS Popular price from $45 to $125.00, `alt sizes and different length _ Men's Russian Dog Gats IWe are showing a full range of these at showing, $2o,00 and $25.00. Men's Quilted Lined :oats Persian sitn - er La nob and 3erman Otter Collars $15 Ind upwards.. • Raw Furs Wanted --We will pay highest cash prices for Furs in Season. Men's Alaska Beaver Coats.—This Coat will stand any amount of Hard Wear. Popular prices. MIMMEOMINNIMI Men's Fur -Lined Coats. —Our stock consists O fists ofnoth - a ins but first class' materials, Iinings and. collars. 'Prices $45•Oo arid upwards— Produce Produce Wanted --Butter 24c,Eggs OC Dried Dcoed Ay- pies 8c, Potatoes. Beans and Poultry. EGGS 30c, BUTTER 26c RING DROS. PRODUCE WANTED WE WANT YOUR TRADE immanorsor Do You Own a "PARKYTE" or are you a Slave to llI-ffeaIth A " I'ArtT S�''I.'L�" SAI .TAItY GHZEti6 oar erms of disease. ur home �' e strongest kind of illsurarlee against the 1 It is a preventative against epidemics and contagion in, the Summer, and an absolute necessity the year round. ' UUetgiiires neither Water nor Sewage, can be placed in any art 1. of your home; eats less shall a MOM ° a day, and Lade lifetime p indorse by the leading Physicians; and lealth Officials 1 Spedifted by the most prominent ,direhitects; and adopted by whole 1 ]►T 1ni 1 a 1 l tl n r'ir Over 15,00G have been installed in 0,anadian lib. . than one year, Ask. mus in Iess your . 3' clutter for priced, The 'YPark te" Sanitary nary Glienlorll r*ioset is Image iti tsriztda, by PARKER*WHITE LIMITED WINNI?E+C, &tit l�ltr��i, Calgary anti "n"llnonri'ti'ed,. and is sadhet . rrG, vonionitt.. c '',I' elalweeelliserolleeeteele Only 14 More Shopping Days Between Now and GIIRISTMAS just ,think how short the time is and very little Christmas Buying done yet. ,IrT US 'AGAIN URGE OUR CUSTOMERS TO SHOP nay QUEEN QUALITY SHOES FOR WOMEN MAKE 'AN* IDEAL GIFT We nave jest plai~ed Oto stoutan entirely new selection o*' Mlle ramous Shoe and we are exceedingly anxious to show them, , All Queen Quality 'Shoes are wade with "The Wonder Worker Insole" which completely does away with the "breaking in" process which is so objectionable in some makesof shoes. No 'natter how'heavy the sale of a QUEEN QUALITY .' SHOE they are just as flexible as the "lightest turned sole made A great many people prefer a fine kid to a patent leather. Thi, cut shows one of the. very newest with short vamp, high Cuban heel and high arch. We have this shoe 'with both heavy and' light soles, and in 3 widths. Prices $3.50' and $4.40 per` pair. We . have an immense selection of Christmas 'Shoes and always glad to show. ' ' Slippers of every description which h we are WILLIS ..& CO. •_° ,,E SHOE STORE: 801e Agents " �s G iter Ladies. wirmierrommemsemorierimmaummuremoarmemi ■ 0 i What Could be Nicer for a s CHRISTMAS PRESENT 1 :to . a Lady than a f i . ' „- ' S;Lic. DRESS . .1 r 4, .. •, rf 1 W e have ready for the Fall and Winter seasons g did stock of beautiful Silk Suiting s fora got splen»� for all occasions, ggowns t Take a look at our line of 40 incn. ,PAYLETTES Rich lustrous satin faced silks of that soft texture which give"s the gown that fashionable dinging effect so much desired at present. In coloss, black navy, seal brown, golden brown, grey, green, saxe, lemon, mauve' r pink and cream,regular price r.75, for $1.50 Also Pailette and Taffeta NTouieese, in black, 4o inch., very•special at E Dlark Peou de Sok, rich beautiful` silk, just the Y C" thing to make a dress fa* an elderly lad iregular x. ,o for ..- ► - yy eq Black a handsome heavy C silk for ,�,J Blouses and Trimmingat All kinds of Fresh Groceries just arrived for the he istmas Trade. . T e+,: preparing to make you a e ry ours when Christmas Cake and Pum Pudding. Bring your trade here. lthe highest gg h e9 t prices, S .Potatoes 70c per bushd; Eggssoc per* dozen; Dried 8 per Ii l,. 1in MILL' Successorto A, Miffs PAC:WV 89. WING M, ONT. ,