HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-12-07, Page 4a .•a 4 TUE WINGIIAI TIMES, DECEMBER 7 :1911 THE Dominion Ban liEAn Oi r10E: TORONTO B. OSLER, M,1:.,. - 1'reeident. W. D. MATTIiEWS, , Vice -President. Capital $4,700,000.00 Reserve $50,000.00 7 000(1.00 Total Assets ..... ,.,«$69,0000,000.00 A Branch of this Bank has been esta- blished in London, England, at 73 CORNHILL, E,C. This Branch will issue Letters of Credit. and Drafts on all important points in Canada, negotiate Bilis sent for collection, make telegraphic trans- fers, and transact every description of banking business. Information will be furnished on all Canadian matters. A special department will be provid- ed for the use of visitors and bearers of our Letters of Credit. C. A. BOGERT, General Manager. WINCHA1c BAANCR: W. R. Geikie, Manager. R. VANSTONE, Solicitor - TO ADV#f4 '1'ISERS Notice of changes must be left at this offiee not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes Faust be Ieft not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. ESTABLISHED 1872 THE WINNIUM TIMJ3s, H.S,ELLIOTT, Prrnmerom AND PROPRIWCO THURSDAY DECEMBER 7. 1911. EDITORAL NOTES. Liberals of North Huron should see that every vote favorable to W. H. Kerr is polled. W. H. Kerr will make a good repre- sentative for North Huron. Vote for him next Monday. Liberals have a chance to win in North Huron. Work until every vote is polled next Monday. There were 87 Conservatives out of 106 in the Ontario Legislature recently dissolved. North Huron electors can help strengthen the Liberal representa- tion in the Legislature by voting for W. H. Kerr on Monday next, In the general nomination on Monday of candidates for the Ontario Legisla- ture there were seventeen Conseratives elected by acclamation. There are seven new members among the seven- teen elected by acclamation. Hon. Mr. Foy declares that every teacher should be competent to teach English, and that no other language but English should be taught. In the light of the facts this is a severe in- dictment of the Government of which Hon. Mr. Foy is and has been for years a member. The facts show that what Mr. Foy says what ought to be is not. And the worst of it is that there does not seem to be any serious attempt or intention to effect a remedy.—Wood- stock Sentinel -Review. An appeal to the electors of Ontario to work and vote for the election of candidates who "are avowed and trust- worthy supporters of temperance re- form, who can be depended upon to do all in their power to secure at the earliest opportunity the enactment of effective legislation against the bar- room evil, and who will hold themselves free from party dictation in relation to such legislation," was issued by the eSc 1: Scott's. Emulsion keeps children healthful and happy. Give there a few drops of this strerlgtlu nine food" medicine everyday and watch therm grow. IT PREVENTS - Croup ottp Whooping.Cough ErotzcIi tis Loss of Flesh awl many other (roubles AFL shell itildi'N8 11-15 • Executive of the Ontario Branch of the Dominion Alliance. W. If, Kerr, the Liberal candidate in North Ili ren hits alwaya been a supporter of temperance and moral reform movernente anti -is en- titled to the votes of the temperance voters. IRRESPONSIBLE GOVERNMENT. (Toronto Star.) The s ery e p h n aiv party y many yells ago fought savagely against responsi ble govertlment, and denounced its champions es rebels. It was supposed that they had seen the error of their ways. But it is evident: that the Bor- den Government and the Whitney Gov- ernment either do not understand or do not care for the principles of respon- sible government. Mr. Foy and Dr. Reaume take dig- metrically opposite positions as to bi- lingual schools. One talks for North Toronto, another for Ottawa and Essex. When faced with thio conflict of oriin- ion, they simply avow their contempt for the principles of responsible gov- ernment. Mr. Foy does not care what Dr. Reaume says, and Dr, Reaume dis- plays the same charming indifference to what Mr. Foy says. The people are left completely in the dark. They are Knot entitled to information, They are asked simply to return the oligarchy' to power, and let them fight the ques- tion out among themselves. The same disregard for the .principles of our British Constitution is seen at Ottawa. Men who shouted for a big- ger navy sit cheek by jowl with men who want no navy at all. The Opposi- tion moves an amendment in favor of Ministerial unity and responsible gov- ernment, and is practically told that it is sheer impudence to pry into these great questions of State. The men in office are not bound by principles. The Government would ride rough- shod over every principle and. every guarantee of freedom, if it were not for an Opposition that is too vigilant and too strong to be bluffed. sT. HELENS. Mr. and Mrs. McClinton, of Goderich, visited their daughter, Mrs. Robt. Tay- lor, aylor, last week. Misses Annie Rutherford and Chris- tine Miller, of Wingham High School, spent Saturday and Sunday at their homes here. i. Miss Saekeld, of Goderich, is pisiti her cousin, Miss Elibabeth Mille" Mr. Stewart Rutherford entertained his boy friends on Tuesday evening. Sam Garton, of Whitechurch, is spending a few days with old acquain- tances. Johnnie Miller is home, from Dresden for a few holidays after his recent ill- ness. Herman Phillips is vie,}iting friends in Goderich. Mr. John McLean went to Michigan on Tuesday to settle up some business there. John Philips returned last week from the West. Miss Tena Murray gave the children of the village a taffy -pull on Friday evening of Iast week. Mr. Frank Todd had a well dug last week by Mr. Burns of Lucknow. Mr. Geo. Ward, 9th con., is very ill at present. • g LIVE MTov r 1R15• Toronto, Dec. 5—City Cattle Market —Receipts, 90 cars, with 1,650 head of cattle, 995 sheep and lambs, 600 hogs, and 192 calves. Market firm and active for anything of good medium quality, with a very lively demand for anything choice. A few Christmas -fed Cattle are coming.'' One load of extra choice heavy export cattle brought for local killing at $6.50, while good medium choice butchers are quoted firm at $5.90 to $6.10. But while good cattle are selling well, common rough light stuff was today a little harder to sell than the same class of cattle was a week or two ago. Export cattle, choice $6 50 to $6 00 575 586 580 600 450 550 .375 500 5 75 5 80 do medium do light do bulls.,, do cows Butchers choice do medium,. . 5 25 4 00 do cows.,., , ..,t, 4 50 5 40 do common., ... 2 50 3 75 do canners ., 1 75 2 25 Short -keep., .. , 5 60 5 50 Feeders steers., . ....... 4 55 5 30 do bulls 3 00 5 40 -Stockers choice 4 25 4 75 do Iight ...., 2 75 3 25 Mitch cows, choice, each „55 00 90 00 Springers. ,•,4=", 00 65 00 Common and medium , . 35 00 25 00 Sheep, ewes.., . ,... .., 8 25 3 75 do bucks ... ,,2 50 300. Lambs, yearlings 5 50 5 35 Spring lambs, each .5 00 5 40 Hogs, f. o. b, ..... 0 10 do fed and watered .. , . 6 60 Calves . , .. 4 00 8 50 wsNrl•ut l;1I.ttz1[tTicuPOitt-t" • Wingham, Dec. 6, 1911 Flour per 100 lbs . , . , 2 25 tet 3 10 Fall wheat..0 87 to 0 90 Oats.,.,... 0 43 to 0 45 Farley 75 to 0 80 Peas . 1 05 to 1 05 Butter dairy ..... ... ..... ,0 25 to 0 25. Eggs per doz.... ......... 0 30 to- 0 30 Wood per cord . , " 2 60 to 2 50 Hay per ton ... ." time' ,.11 00 to 12 00 Potatoes per bushel,ew 0 70 to 0 75 Lard 0 16 to 0 16 Live Hogs per cwt , 5 80 to 5 80 C hiekens , .. ... 0 10 to 0 12 Mucks -0 10 to 0 12 Geese •.y ,.., 01.0 to 0 12 Turkeys .... . r, 018 to 0 18 TOWN Ot WINGIIAM BY-LAW NIL 642, 1911 A B .Law to abolish the Water and Electric Light Commission of. the Town of Wingham. Whereas B •Law No. 588 1900, to estsbileh a Water and Electric Light < t omm+ssion for the Town of Wingham was submitted to the rate - mere on on the 28tlt day of 441y. 11!00, and final lypsese 10 08 the Council 0n the 2nd day of AugAnd Whereas math Com)nfsion bas been in. existence for the past two years and has con- ducted the business 0f the Waterworks and Electric Light Departments. And Whereas a petition has been presented to the Municipal Council of the corporation of the Town of Wingham prayingthat such Water and Eteetrio Light Commssion be ab- oliehed and the bas"lness of the said depart - meats resumed by the Council, Therefore the Municipal Council of the Cor• foration of the Town of Wingham enacts as ut ollows•— 1st.—On, from and after the 10th day of Jam nary, 101$, the Waterworks and Electric Light Systems of the Town of Wingham shall be managed and controlled by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Winebam" 2nd.—The votes of the Elreto of the said, Town swat she followinarn g tinsesall sa a n on places, tthatD 8 io say:— A t the same time and pia a and by the same officers as have been •ap inted to hold the coming Municipal Eleatic . Ord.—On Saturday, 50 day of December A D„ 1011, tete Ma r o the said, Town shall attend at the Tow H I in the said Town at Pleven o'clock in t orenoon to appoint per- sons to attend at e various polling places aforesaid and at the final summin¢ up of the votes by the Clerk, on behalf of the persons psing th positing of this of promoting respective- ly.p ham 4th.—Th Cattendtat the said aid Town Ball f t eleven o'clock of the forenoon of Tuesday, the second day of January, A,. D., 1912, to sum up the number of votes given for and against this Bylaw. Dated at the Town Hall in the Town of Winghsin this fifth day of December A. D.. 1911. Mayor. Clerk. NOTICE. the proposed that the hich has been taken in- to consideration and which will be finally passed by the Municipal Council of the TOWn. of Wingham (in the event of the assent of the Electors being obtained thereto) after one month from the first publication thereof in the Wingltam Times, the date of which pnbli-. cation,, nd the the of the Electors December, A.D.. said the day and aththe hourll s and places thserein fixed. Dated at the Clerk's Office, Wingham, De- cember 5th, 1911. JOHN F. GROVES, Clerk,• Miss Bessie Smart, a Brockville was assaulted on her way home from school, and John McCallum, aged 19, was arrested and acknowledged the the offence. We Speak by the Card. When we call attention to the great variety of Suitings. Trouser and Top Coat Cloths ""That are to be seen as this shop. Not alone the piles of goods on tables, but the endless variety on "cards" is what makes it easy to find something "exclusive," if you tailor here. Don't cost a cent more. Our "made to order" clothes are what you should wear. HENNING THE TAILOR st •-Ce njed�•�'a's wX Donde Jracc VY$: rit✓ . i ?'"f Toronto $3.65 Return from WINGHAM account SECOND ANNUAL FAT STOCK SHOW Tickets good going 'via p.m, trains - Dec, 9, and all trains Dec. 10, 11, 12, Return limit, Dec. 13, 1911. THROUGH TRAIN SERVICE AND PULLINAN SLEEPERS Between TORONTO and PORCUPINE NORTHBOUND—Dint train leaves Toronto 8,30 p.m. Dee, 2nd ar- riving South Porcupine 4.20'p m, following; afternoon. 8O11T1113011S'D-w•pirst train leaves South porcupine 12.30 p.m., Dee. 3rd, arriving Toronto 7.30 a m, following roring. For Tickets gild further informs• tion call on G. Lamont, Depot Agent or address A. E. Duff, D.P;A„ To- ronto, Ont. •••••••*•!♦•N♦N•••N♦♦•• w • •g ♦ • • t • • t i••••••••••••••••••••••••• ARGAINS IN MILLINERY AT MISS REYNOLDS All TrimmedHats at half price andlali Untrimmed Hats one third off. • • • • 1 • Sir. Edward Clouston lies retired from position of General Manager of the Bank of Montreal, and. Mr. H. V. Meredith has been appointed to succeed him, 'tit r ICAR(SiMAS . Ri KNOX'S• N[W YEAR'S Dr. Pelletier, Provincial Health Offi- cer, says the whole Province of Quebec is threatened with a smallpox epidemic on account of the disregard of, regula- tions. Bargains in Every Line Having such a large stock of Christmas Novelties, all goods must be sold at prices that will sell them, see our Mage stock of Christmas Goods before purchasing lsewhere, • HEADQUARTEIRS FOR Ladies' and Gents' Watches and Chains, Wedding, Diamond and Engage- ment Rings, Charms and Bracelets, Lockets, Locket Charms, Solid Gold and Gold Filled Jewelry of alt kinps, Jewel Cases, Fancy China- ware end China Novelties, high grade fancy goods including Burnt Wood and Leather Goode, Glove. and Handkerchief Boxes, Manicure and Toilet Seta, Silk Umbrellas with gold, sterling and ivory handles. Christmas Books, leather and cloth hound, Poets, Bibles, Hymn and Prayer Books, Toys, end Picture Books for boys and Girls, Fancy Stationery, Christmas Table Napkins, Christ, Inas Cards and Calendars. Fine Watch, Clock and Jewelry repairing a specialty. R. KNOX Phone 65. r_. Wingham •in• ha . Opposite Brunswick hotel. !WHATiEyou. GOING TO GIVE THE YOUNGSTERS 1111.100.04111 Before making any decision, you owe it to yourself to see our splendid assortment of Dolls and Toys. 1 p Dressed Dolls at 15o, 25c, 40c, 50e, ,75e $1,00 and $x.50 You should see our "Canadian Girl" Doll at 50e she is'a beauty, and any girl would be simply delighted to have one like her. here's a novelty—a large sized cloth faced doll at 40c and this includes a. small toy with every doll, they are almost indestructible. Little Scotch Dolls" in Highland Costume, each . - 250 You should see our Clock Work Aeroplane, each 25e And our comet rushing round the earth,. at - - 50e The best imitation of an AUTO yet produced, winds u a crank. prod the e ' W h' irr" of an engine and only 50e A Large Monkey; winch turns comical handsprings 25e And a host of other smaller toys which we have no room describe. escrl'b e, How About a Small White Fur Set for the Little Girl; We have a beauty of a combination Stole and Muff in one piece at 75e and another in two pieces $1,00. •DON'T FORGET y, We handle a first class line of Xmas cand ` here are a few lines, Peanut Crisp, per lb. 25e Candid Dates, 20e Macaroons, per Mix Creams, 20e and 25c Mix Chocolate Bon Bons Cream Almonds 25e Also a line of pkg Bon Bons 25c to 50e and exceptional values at that, It's an Open `Secret --A Man Always Likes a New Tie We claim to have the nicest 25c line In town, and you'll agree with us, when you see them, and this week we expect -"Sur shipmen• t of natty 50c Tice and they are beauties,1 don't lily `before you see these. President Suspenders in handsome boxes, , per pair 50c This is.the• Handkerchief Store, don't omit a visithe~ you'Il find what you want, if its to be had, ` Take our advice, shop early, the first and second weeks in Dee, are the best, you get a `bigger and better selection KEIZR & BIRD The Profit ' Sharing Store To Winnipeg and West- TRAEL BY ,THE Direct Only Canadian. Route Through- Car hroughCar Line Daily Service Solid through train of Coaches, Tourist and Standard Sleepers and Dining Cars, Toronto to Vancouver 10.20 p.m. daily. J. H. Beemer, Agent, Wingham, or M. G. Murphy, District, Passenger .Agent, Toronto, SYNOPSIS OP CANADIAN NOIRTH.. WEST LAND fEGLJLAT101NS. l4i1' St person who is the sole head of a rattily or any male over 18 .years old, mayq home• stead a quarter section of available Dentin/Oa land An Manitoba, Saskatehewan or Alberta. The appliettut must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Bub -Ag envy for the district, Entry bY prox stay. be made at mothegr ,son, daughter, brother orb by father,f Intending homesteader. Duties. -•Sit months' residence upon and ctiitivation of the land in melt of three ye A homesteader' maylive within nine tunars, es of hie homestead on a farm of at least 80 aures solely owned and occupied byhim or by his father, mother, son, daugter, brother or sister. In certain districts a homesteader in good' standinga may pre-empt a quarter-seotioh albngeide his homestead, Prieo $8.00 net acre. Duties, -Must route upon the, homestead or preemption six months fn each of s1x years from the date of homestead entry (iholuding thetime required to earn ltontestead patent) and buitivate lity acres extra. stead right and canhnot btaiinuA preemption may enter fora purchased homestead itteettain di stat. Price $8.00 per were. Duties.•. -Mast rest b six months in each of three years, cult!• vete fifty aorta and erect h hones worth #000.00, W.Deputy of the MinisstterooffRt einterier, N. n,—Una0iltoriaed pnbltbation of this ad. Vertiaentent Will net be paid for. a • ;moi LiLt1 i HAS eciidowd e_ /m £TEIATrO►?II. 'tthiT. Stands to the front as the best school of its kind in the province. Our courses are beyond those of the ordinary business college. This school has a continental r_e,putation for high-grade work. We' have three departments:—' Coniinercial, Shorthand and TeIegraphy,. and the . demand for trained 'help greatly exceeds the supply. Stud- ents are entering each week and the sooner you enter the batter for yourself. Get our free catalogue at once, Q. A. Mc[ACHLAN PRINCIPAL,, WANTED A live representative for • WINGHAM and surrounding District_ to sell high -rias stock for THE EUNTHILL NURSERIES Mord trait trees will be planted In the Pall of 191.1 mid Spring of 19t2 that! ever before In the history of Ontario, The orchard of the flititre will be the best paying part of the farm, live teach oar mere Salestnanehip Tree Cttlttlre and how big profits in £stilt 'growing can be made. Pay weekly, permanent employ remit, mteinaive territory, Write for partietitars, SCONE & WELLINGTON TORONTO, Capital Paid Up .. $ 2,750,000 R e s e r v e and Undevided• Profits .......,,3,250,000 Total Assets.......,. 40,000,000„ Manyf r . aotune can be traced back to the day its owner deposited the first dollar in a Savings Account.- The one dollar affords ' an incentive"' to deposit more—and, as interest is added to principal, the srnallsumgrows more and more rapidly, until it finally becomes a competence. One Dollar will start an account with the Bank Hamilton. re b `' �j ♦j Qli,/ ., ,h. �:, i '. - "- • of Head Mee C. P. SMITH, Agent, Wingham. HAMILTON •••••••*•!♦•N♦N•••N♦♦•• w • •g ♦ • • t • • t i••••••••••••••••••••••••• ARGAINS IN MILLINERY AT MISS REYNOLDS All TrimmedHats at half price andlali Untrimmed Hats one third off. • • • • 1 • Sir. Edward Clouston lies retired from position of General Manager of the Bank of Montreal, and. Mr. H. V. Meredith has been appointed to succeed him, 'tit r ICAR(SiMAS . Ri KNOX'S• N[W YEAR'S Dr. Pelletier, Provincial Health Offi- cer, says the whole Province of Quebec is threatened with a smallpox epidemic on account of the disregard of, regula- tions. Bargains in Every Line Having such a large stock of Christmas Novelties, all goods must be sold at prices that will sell them, see our Mage stock of Christmas Goods before purchasing lsewhere, • HEADQUARTEIRS FOR Ladies' and Gents' Watches and Chains, Wedding, Diamond and Engage- ment Rings, Charms and Bracelets, Lockets, Locket Charms, Solid Gold and Gold Filled Jewelry of alt kinps, Jewel Cases, Fancy China- ware end China Novelties, high grade fancy goods including Burnt Wood and Leather Goode, Glove. and Handkerchief Boxes, Manicure and Toilet Seta, Silk Umbrellas with gold, sterling and ivory handles. Christmas Books, leather and cloth hound, Poets, Bibles, Hymn and Prayer Books, Toys, end Picture Books for boys and Girls, Fancy Stationery, Christmas Table Napkins, Christ, Inas Cards and Calendars. Fine Watch, Clock and Jewelry repairing a specialty. R. KNOX Phone 65. r_. Wingham •in• ha . Opposite Brunswick hotel. !WHATiEyou. GOING TO GIVE THE YOUNGSTERS 1111.100.04111 Before making any decision, you owe it to yourself to see our splendid assortment of Dolls and Toys. 1 p Dressed Dolls at 15o, 25c, 40c, 50e, ,75e $1,00 and $x.50 You should see our "Canadian Girl" Doll at 50e she is'a beauty, and any girl would be simply delighted to have one like her. here's a novelty—a large sized cloth faced doll at 40c and this includes a. small toy with every doll, they are almost indestructible. Little Scotch Dolls" in Highland Costume, each . - 250 You should see our Clock Work Aeroplane, each 25e And our comet rushing round the earth,. at - - 50e The best imitation of an AUTO yet produced, winds u a crank. prod the e ' W h' irr" of an engine and only 50e A Large Monkey; winch turns comical handsprings 25e And a host of other smaller toys which we have no room describe. escrl'b e, How About a Small White Fur Set for the Little Girl; We have a beauty of a combination Stole and Muff in one piece at 75e and another in two pieces $1,00. •DON'T FORGET y, We handle a first class line of Xmas cand ` here are a few lines, Peanut Crisp, per lb. 25e Candid Dates, 20e Macaroons, per Mix Creams, 20e and 25c Mix Chocolate Bon Bons Cream Almonds 25e Also a line of pkg Bon Bons 25c to 50e and exceptional values at that, It's an Open `Secret --A Man Always Likes a New Tie We claim to have the nicest 25c line In town, and you'll agree with us, when you see them, and this week we expect -"Sur shipmen• t of natty 50c Tice and they are beauties,1 don't lily `before you see these. President Suspenders in handsome boxes, , per pair 50c This is.the• Handkerchief Store, don't omit a visithe~ you'Il find what you want, if its to be had, ` Take our advice, shop early, the first and second weeks in Dee, are the best, you get a `bigger and better selection KEIZR & BIRD The Profit ' Sharing Store To Winnipeg and West- TRAEL BY ,THE Direct Only Canadian. Route Through- Car hroughCar Line Daily Service Solid through train of Coaches, Tourist and Standard Sleepers and Dining Cars, Toronto to Vancouver 10.20 p.m. daily. J. H. Beemer, Agent, Wingham, or M. G. Murphy, District, Passenger .Agent, Toronto, SYNOPSIS OP CANADIAN NOIRTH.. WEST LAND fEGLJLAT101NS. l4i1' St person who is the sole head of a rattily or any male over 18 .years old, mayq home• stead a quarter section of available Dentin/Oa land An Manitoba, Saskatehewan or Alberta. The appliettut must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Bub -Ag envy for the district, Entry bY prox stay. be made at mothegr ,son, daughter, brother orb by father,f Intending homesteader. Duties. -•Sit months' residence upon and ctiitivation of the land in melt of three ye A homesteader' maylive within nine tunars, es of hie homestead on a farm of at least 80 aures solely owned and occupied byhim or by his father, mother, son, daugter, brother or sister. In certain districts a homesteader in good' standinga may pre-empt a quarter-seotioh albngeide his homestead, Prieo $8.00 net acre. Duties, -Must route upon the, homestead or preemption six months fn each of s1x years from the date of homestead entry (iholuding thetime required to earn ltontestead patent) and buitivate lity acres extra. stead right and canhnot btaiinuA preemption may enter fora purchased homestead itteettain di stat. Price $8.00 per were. Duties.•. -Mast rest b six months in each of three years, cult!• vete fifty aorta and erect h hones worth #000.00, W.Deputy of the MinisstterooffRt einterier, N. n,—Una0iltoriaed pnbltbation of this ad. Vertiaentent Will net be paid for. a • ;moi LiLt1 i HAS eciidowd e_ /m £TEIATrO►?II. 'tthiT. Stands to the front as the best school of its kind in the province. Our courses are beyond those of the ordinary business college. This school has a continental r_e,putation for high-grade work. We' have three departments:—' Coniinercial, Shorthand and TeIegraphy,. and the . demand for trained 'help greatly exceeds the supply. Stud- ents are entering each week and the sooner you enter the batter for yourself. Get our free catalogue at once, Q. A. Mc[ACHLAN PRINCIPAL,, WANTED A live representative for • WINGHAM and surrounding District_ to sell high -rias stock for THE EUNTHILL NURSERIES Mord trait trees will be planted In the Pall of 191.1 mid Spring of 19t2 that! ever before In the history of Ontario, The orchard of the flititre will be the best paying part of the farm, live teach oar mere Salestnanehip Tree Cttlttlre and how big profits in £stilt 'growing can be made. Pay weekly, permanent employ remit, mteinaive territory, Write for partietitars, SCONE & WELLINGTON TORONTO,