HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-12-07, Page 1VOTE FOR W. H. KERR • ON DECEMBER 11th THE WINCiHA1VI •TI. VOL. XL -NO 2079. WI$.GRAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 1911. $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE CHRISTMAS 1 GIFTS Come in and inspect. our stoek before purchasing. We have articles suitable for all, Manicure Sets, Toilet Cases,• Ebony Goods, Stationery, Cameras, etc. Any article reserved until Xmas Eve on payment of 25% of its value. Come early. Walton McKibbou THE DRUGGIST DRUGGIST. r21... srlu* Macdonald Block, Wingham. FOR . SALE - 200 ACRE FARM A. fine farm of 200 acres bas just been listed with us for im- mediate sale on account of owners ill health. Large. brick house and bank barn, also all other necessary buildings, fifty acres bush, never • failing well and spring. School A. mile, post office mile, churches 1 to 3 miles. A rare change to get a good place in a fine locality. Price $8500, or will exchange for a smaller farm. Blacksmith Shop for Sale At Westfield, good business. own- er wishes to retire and will sell right. A good opportunity for a young man wishing to start busi- ness for himself. .. Ritchie 8e. Cosens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE A. E. SMITH BANKER WING ITASI,- ONTARIO. Farmers who want money to buy horses, cattle, or hogs to feed for market can have it on reasonable terms. Notes dieoonnted for tradesmen, mer ohante or agents, on favorable terms;' Loans on real eetate at the lowest rates going. ChrisIie's Grocery PHONE 59. . BIG FRUIT VALUE The quality of our Fruit this year can't be beat, Every endeavour was made. to se• care the gighest grades and we got them, Will be pleased to have you tome and see them. Tr leanedCurrants from the ib. Raining (Valencies, per lb I0c 1 ib. pkges Seeded raisins, 2 for • . 25e Cranberrless (long keepers) ' .. - - per q uart 15e Mince Meat (extra) 2 lbs, . 256 Imported Peels, Cluster "Winne, Thaw, Figs, etc, Drop in and see Its Whether you buy or not. This le where you get OD TEA AND GOCOFFEE wear' holler's Shoos and Rulers Horses t. Winnipeg. Mr, C. A. filet° 1 shipped a carload of heavy draught rses.to Winnipeg on Saturday last.' fi is is said to be best carload of horse that has -'left here for some time. ere is not much doing in the horse bu mess at present, but Mr. Rintoul is ble to secure a good market for all a horses he can pur- chase. ' Cedar rails wanted. Apply to the Western Foundry Co„ Limited, Circus D In the opera ho of this week a "Snapshots on given by a number of town under the Houghton. This entertainment and specialties will be act's. The admiss and,reserved seat McKibbon's drug sJ Snapshots. e on Friday evening well known play rens Day" will be of the young people direction of Miss i1I be an excellent igh class musical iven between the n is 25e and 35c ckets are ons sale at ore. WANTED. - An experienced dining - room girl. Apply at Queen's hotel. L. O. At the regular L. O. L. on Fri were elected for P. W. M , W. J. Walton McKibben; Stone; Rec.-See., Sec., A. Fralick; T Rev. E. H, Croly; and Geo. Tees; Salter, W. J. Gre D. Mason, A: Car Officers. eeting of Wingham ay evening officers the ensuing year: - Greer; W. M., J. D. M., C. G. Van- . B. Elliott; Fin.- eas., D. Bell; Chap„ D. of C., Wm. Guest Committee -W. G. r, Wm. Sturdy, R. on. Go to KNOX'S for your Christmas and New Year Post Cards. Tempera The visit of Env to Wingham on S last under the ausp Army brought out people. Open air on Saturday aftern also in the Town noon and evening. ings were very w Brown has seen b in his'time a brew and a number of verted at a Salv Much good should visit to Wingham. ce Rally, y Brown, of Toronto turdaey and Sunday es of the Salvation large • number of eetings were held on and evening and all an Sunday after - The Sunday meet- ! attended. Envoy h sides of life, being r and prize-fighter ears ago was con - tion Army service. ollow Mr. Brown's WANTED -Young men to Iearn the furniture and upholstering business. to Apply Walker & Clegg, Wingham, Ont. York Lo Dividend. As liquidators •f the York County Loan, the Nation.1 Trust sent out on Friday 102,000 ch eks to persons now residing all over e world, some of the cheeks having be n directed to China, Japan, Austria, France and Sweden, whither sharesdere belie returned from their tempo arj homes its Canada. The amount of t e dividend was $741,- 000, and the im ense mass of postal matter required ver $1,500 in postage. There are still a out 19,000 sharehold- ers who have •ver turned in their books and who ave consequently re- eeived nothing. here.is some $150,000 reserved for the in case their books turn up. HOUSE TO BEN or without land, fent to foundry. Y p will lot - ill be sold c ley. -InTown Plot, with ood orchard; conven- to some land in Town s e eap. Apply to A. Kel- Toronto urou Old Boys. Huron Old Bo had a most success - title annual ince ing and banquet at Toronto Friday vening. Mr. W. W. Sloan presided, It was decided to or- ganize a club in oronto, and it is exx- peeted that nio'e than one thousand Huron Old Boys wi join. big new clubhouse ma b ,built,ater on. Among those at t e nice ing were Messrs. R. H,lmes, P.; Major Beck, E J. B. Duncan, W. E. Groves, principal of R ersgn School; M. Bucha- nan, Dr. Stan urg, Major Curry, W. E. Owens, G... Gooderham, W. If. McNaught, F, W. Hodgson and E. Floody, secre ary of the associa- tion, The m sic was given by an orchestra from Huron County, under the , leadership of Chas. Stewart, Douglas Staab y added considerably to the evening enjoyment with his singing. BuY a fan rocker for a Ch . s lass present. Some beauties on sale at WALkTRZ'S furniture store. Read W111I0 & Co.'s adv; on page $. 'Hospital A :ciliary Bazaar, The Ladies' Aux liary of the Wingham General Hospital eld a very success- ful bazaar in the c until clamber last Friday afternoon nd evening. The people of Wingha and district were Very liberal in their onations of aprons home-made baking a d candies and ev- erything had been so d at en early hour in the evening. Th : Auxiliary funds would be largely add = • to as a result of this most successful •azaar. Girl wanted at on e. Good wages; no washing. Apply o MRS. R. KNox, Canadian Ju The famous Cana will give oneof the ing entertainment on Saturday evens of the Choir of t The general publi pulpit all join 1 dict, namely, tha Singers as a conte surpassed in -the most refined tas Saturday evening.' mission will prevai lee Singers. Ian Jubilee and pleas - inunique s- in the opera house g under the auspices Methodist Church. the press and the one unanimous ver - the Canadian Jubilee t company are un - rt of pleasing the s, Hear them on Usual prices of ad - Toilet and manicure sets from $1 to $15 at KNox's. Water Race Overflowed. Early last Thuray morning heavy ice formed at on of the gateways in the water race • t the electric light power station an • stopped . the flow of water and caused he water to overflow the banks. Several cellars and chicken housed were Rood : d ands few hene were drowned. The is • was cut away as promptly as pos:ibis'and everything was again in goo working order in a few minntes, Th : electric lights were out for less then .•n minutes and this was the first inter uption in our light- ing service in ove two years and the accident happened hen thelights were not in general use. Manager Campbell has given the pe. .le of Wingham an extra good lighting service since he took charge of the plan over two years ago. Give the Boys and Gir sour excellent Shoes or Slippers foiristmas. Noth- ing more sensible. W. J. Greer. Public arantee. We are authoriz to guarantee that during the month year's subscriptio ald and Weekly S receive a copy alum picture, en The Family Her subscription res 60 per cent. ove most entirely which is admitt it to be the bes with a newspap secure a copy w blame. The Fa Star and such for one dollar is no person can a `picture is give new subscribers by the publishers every p. son who, Dece.• .er, pays a T Family Her- Montreal, will eir valuable pre - "Home Again." and Weekly Star's pts in November were November, 1910, al wing to the picture d by all who have seen premium ever given r. Those who fail to 11 have themselves to ily Herald and Weekly beautiful picture all such rare value that ord to miss it. The both to renewal and to ro f t CHRISTMAS come to see ou ask. IPPERS? - Well, just display -that's all we W. J. GREER. BE 1N WITH TH The Liberal part young man to join is that the Libera tion at Ottawa an party in that posi better field for y ideas and origin power. There i position, and th not under the f his thoughts fr the Governmen The Conserv reached the hei must inevitabl ago the Liber both at Toron immediately t defeated the Toronto. So j Sir John Mac Ottawa, and t was his child. combinations the Liberals places, but thei only five yea young man to going up than down grade. - RISING PARTY. is the party for a to -day. The reason party is in Opposi- at Toronto, and a ion always offers a ung men and men of lity than a party in morefreedom in Op - advanced thinker is ar that by expressing ly he will "embarrass tive party has now ht of its power, and decline. Fifteen years 1 party was in power and at Ottawa, and e reaction set in which iberal Government at st after Confederation nald was in power at e coalition at Toronto In six years both these ere smashed. In 1874 ere in ;power in both rule at Ottawa lasted s. It is better for a o with a party that is ith one that is on the oronto Star. Before selling your print and roil butter, and poultry alive or dressed, it 1 e will btoyourbenefit to �.taur rices. n Wm. Daves Co., Ltd., succes ors to Armour Estate, Phone 52. HIGH• SCHOO Through t kindnes the windo s of the the . "Time " have ee display o the ork ete. of the gh Schou The attention of par the report for October which will be issued are requested to sig. returning them. Last week a vote the whole school on the It was decided to ha boys are hard at wo ground now. NATES. of the Editors 'Advance" and secured' for a f art, writing, pupils.. is is invited to and November soon. Parents reports before as taken from rink question, one and the flooding the POULTRY .WANTED. -Highest cash price paid for all Rinds ofoultr ; alive or dressed Phone 10. Gunns, Limited. POSTQFFICE 'EIUSI The Canadianposto' new record in the vol during the last fiscal hundred and fifty-thre: and postcards were tra is a gain of ten per ce lion doilars' worth of s which is an increase o dollars.. More than se lion dollars' worth of postal notes were so of the department w and a quarter millions. Of the money orders million dollars' worth cashed inthe United lions for Britain, almo for Italy, and a little 1 while four hundred th. Hungary. There was dollars' worth sent to Toronto, as usual, le the Dominion in the business, done, the t the head and sub-offic Montreal comes next $1,152,177; Winnipe couver, $348,780 Hamiltoi're. $213,97,,4,; Calgary, $158,543; St. John, $119,607; H • SS GROWING ce established a me of business ear. Over five million letters smitted, which t. Eleven mil - amps were sold, over a million enty-seven rail- oney orders and . The revenue s about twelve eight and a half ere issued to be ates, eight mil- t three millions ss for Austria, usand were for almost a million span, ds the offices of ross amount of tal revenue for being $1,963,065, with a total of $836,931; Van:. I) $214,570; Quebec, $160,968; ondon, $155,029; lifax, $110,561. Women's Artics, Btorre Gaiters Leggins, 50c to $1.50 in all styles sizes at W. J. GREER'S. NO RESULTS FO LAR and and EXPENDITURES. In 1904 the Pr was $5,267,000. F $9,000,000. This g penditure has to period that has any proportionate tion within the Pr The liabilities of more than doubled years. Apologists for th meet claim that a made for increase. agriculture, educati No complaint is ma expenditures for s with the increase. people have a right service, Will any. tional affairs in thi more backward sta seven years ago? ney Government d. Where are the goo There has been expenditure witho show for it. vineial expenditure r 1910 it was over eat increase of ex - en place within a of been marked by ncrease of popula- ince. the Province have ithin the same six Whitney Govern- owance should be sums spent upon n, good roads, etc. e against increased eh . purposes; but expenditures the to expect improved e deny that educe- Province are in a o than they were hat has the Whit- e for agriculture? roads? a vast increase of t any results to Logs! Logs! I am prepared to pay the highest price rice p i for all kinds of saw loe y Call and get prices _ and lengths to cut logs. J. A. MCLEAf. CHt1RC NOTES The W. A. will on Thursday at 3 The Weekly ser be on Thursday e instead of on We The Rev. C. Fergus, will p Church on Sunda and evening. Th will go to Fer The Baptist and Atwood wit S. Howarth o111y recently and has aceep Rev, A. A. years pastor Church, Otte dered a fare Toronto, wit future ho brother -incl this town, eet at the Rectory 'clock. ce in St. Paul's will ping for this week nesday. Smith, M. A. of each in St. Paul's next, both morning Rector of St. Paul's 7hurches at Listowel be in charge of Rev. ortly. Mr. Howarth me out from England. d a call to the churches. aii►eron, for twenty.five of the First 33aptist a, who was lately ten- ell banquet, has gone to e he intends to make his Mr, Cameron i s e n s a of Postmaster Fisher of 1k. The December m eting of the Town ouds C ncil was held n Mony evening with all the mem • ers present. except Court. Hall. Minu es of last regular and special meetin: s were read and ap- proved. Communication as read from Miss Margaret Tibbs as ing for a refund of a portion of her axes. On motion of Coun. Elliott and Reeve McDonald, a refund of $2.30 w • granted. Request from s. Saint and R. Saint, each asking or a refund of 11 for sanitary tax.- 0 action. `Communication f • • m Scott M. Gordon asking for a rebate of half year's busi- ness tax on Gordon Estate. -No action. r ad signed byThos. Apetition was8 he . Gregory and forty three other ratepay- ers,asking that a .y -law be submitted to the ratepayers to provide for the abolishing of the ' ater and Electric Light Commissio Moved by Coun McKenzie and Mit- chell, that a by aw be submitted to the ratepayers at the Municipal election to give ratepay e a an opportunity of expressing them elves on the matter of abolishing Wate and Electric Light Commission. Yeas and na = were taken on this resolution as f. lows: -Yeas -McKen- zie, McDonald, s one, Mitchell. Nay - Bell and Elliott, Communieatio was read from the Western FoundCo. asking the Coun- cil to petition he Dominion Railway Commission to i sue an order compelling the G. T. R. d C. P. R. to give an interswitching rrangement in the Town of Wingham. On motion of Couns. Elliott and Bone, the Mayor and. Clerk were instructed to carry out th' wishes of the West- ern Foundry 0' in this matter. The Finance Committee recommend- ed the payme t of the following ac- counts: - . E. Dennis, tea ing $ 2.85 U. Sherk, rep firing windows... 2.75 Richardson & ' ae, supplies .82 Frank Gutteri • e, tile & cement 134.27 A. Sanderson, earning ......... 11.20 D. C. McDonal • , work .... .... 20.00 Municipal Worm, supplies, 6.00 J. F. Groves, s: 1. and postage55.50 Geo.. Allen, sal. rya.. 32.50 Thos. Calvert, .alary... 50.00 Ed. Lewis, sal y ........... 35.00 R. Rankin, sale y.... .. . 10.00 H. B. Elliott, g. and advtg... 57.00 J. F. Groves, e etion expenses.��33.00 Hunter Bridge . Boiler Co., sew- er boxes 29.03 Wm. Robertso manhole irons.20 S. Bennett, se er stops .90 V. Hill, syphon - and bells 75.00 Geo. 'Carr, suit or Chief 20.00 Public School B ard, levy .... 600.00 J. A. McLean, 1 mber .. ... 3.56 P. S. Linklater, lantern globes .20 R.R. Mooney, r.ppairs & supplies 5.53 Bert Wiley, wo•k at hall ... . .50 On motion of s ouns. Bell and Mitchell, the report of t e Finance Committee was adopted. Moved by Cou s. Bell and Mitchell, that this Counci request the Water and Electric Light C. remission to look into the matter of fu nishing day power. - Carried. By-law No. 64 to ascertain if the ratepayers of Wi gham are,desirous of having Hydro E ectric power in the town was given t o readings. Moved by Cou . Elliott and Reeve McDonald, that b; -law No. 6g as now read be submitted to the ratepayers at the municipal elec ion to determine if ratepayers are des rous of Hydro Elec- tric power for the own, and that the by-law be publish . in three issues of the Wingham Adv : nee. The Clerk repor ed that the number of voters entitled o vote on the West- ern Foundry Co. -law was 430 and of these 365 voted in favor of the by-law. The by-law was then given its third reading. . g On motion of C uns. Elliott and Bone, the report of the lerk on the vote on. the by-law was : ccepted and by-law No. 638 was pass d as read. By-law No. 640. to raise $4,440.45 by way of debentur's to pay for extens- sfons made to wat ' rworks system during 1910 and 1911 wa- given three readings and on motion of eeve McDonald and Coun. Bell, was eased. By-law No. 63 to provide for the holding of eleetio. forCouncillors, Pub. lie School Truste s and Commissioner was given three-adings and was pass- ed on motion of •oun, Bell and Reeve McDonald. Win. Merkley as refunded $1.36 on motion of COMM s iliott and Bone. On motion of C• un. Elliott and Reeve McDonald, the council adjourned to meet at 11 o'cloe a. tn. oil Tuesday. TOWN gOUNCIL.. The adjourned t Council was held Members present and Councillors shell and Elliott. I3y-law No. 642 matted to tliue..ra• eating of the Town n Tuesday morning, Mayor Spotton and ne, Me11enzie, ltiit- hieh is to be Subs payers re abolishing the Water and Elect 'c Light Commis- sion was given tw readings and on motion of Couns. M Kenzie and Mit- chell was ordered t be published in three issues; is nes of the Ingham Times. R, Ii. Saint was funded $1, error in dog tax, on motion f Couns. Bone and Elliott, Overshoes and Rubbers for Men Women and Children -All the good styles and best makes. W. J. GREER. NORTH HUR • NOMINATION. The official no Huron in connectio of candidates for held in the Town Monday afternoon, Scott, the Returni At 2 o'clock, the ho nomination, W. H. had been nominated by Chas. Stewart, o T. Currie, of East Musgrove, of Wingha for the Conservatives M. P., of Morris and of Ashfield. Mr. Ke Morton as his officio Musgrove named Du At the close of th ceedings a public and on motion of and Kerr, Returnin elected as Chair behalf of the Liber by W. H. Kerr and Brantford and for by A. H. Musgrove M. P. The meetin tended and the addr to with much intere The Liberals in N fighting chance of with Mr. Kerr as t James Whitney calc out the remnant of t premature election i Liberal rout, and at when all business me give any thought to but unless all signs will be sharply rebuk able improvement i the Opposition in th circumstances will the Government Before then it is li servative-Nationali compelled to go to cannot hope to dupl snatched in Ontario to sentiment. L North Huron see t able to Mr. Kerr i next and in this w the Opposition. ination for North with the selection e Legislature was Hall, Wingham on with Mr. Peter W. Officer, presiding. ✓ for closing the err, of Brussels for the Liberals Ashfield and John wanosh. A. H. was nominated y Jas. Bowman, ohn Schoenhals, r named J. A agent and Mr. ey Holmes, nomination pro- eeting was held essrs. Musgrove Officer Scott was an. Addresses on Is were delivered . S. Tapscott, of the Conservatives nd Jas. Bowman, was largely at- ses were listened th Huron have a inning the riding e candidate. Sir ated upon wiping e Opposition by a the wake of a time of the year have no time to election matters, ail Mr. Whitney d. Any consider - the strength of present adverse herald the fall of our years hence. ely that the Con - coalition will be e country, and it ate the victory it y spurious appeals the Liberals of t every vote favor - polled on Monday y help to strengthen • For diamond, wedding and engage- ment rings go to KNox's. FARM To RENT. 100 acres in Town- ship of Turnberry in a good state of cultivation. Apply to R. VANSTONE, Wingham, P. O. Married in t The following fro the Neepawa, Man. the marriage of Mis' mer well-known resi A very pretty weddi place Thursday mor Mrs. Margaret Rob• when her youngest A., became the wif McColl. Mr. McCol groomsman, George esley, Sask., took floral arch of weddi the strains of the b by Miss Jessie Howl young bride escorte T. C. Robertson, an• bridesmaid, Miss They were met at th George P. Kaye, of performed the cer pleasing manner. T tifully gowned in trimmed with embro seed pearls while ove of orange blossoms veil. The bridesmai in eream silk. The the bride was an a to the bridesmaid a to the groomsman a organist as ameth bride and groom wer many costly and u coming from the Ontario and Saskat the ceremony a 6 served. e West. a recent issue of paper refers to Robertson, a for- ent of Wingham: g ceremony took ng at the home of tson, in Neepawa, auphter, Margaret of Bruce Lorne , supported by his Elsey, from Wel- is place under a g hells. Then, to dal chorus, played tt, came the fair by her brother, attended by her ladys Mathews. altar by the Rev. Rapid City, who moray .in a very e bride was beau- hite silk aeoline • ered chiffon and all, from a crown fell the bridal looked charming room's present to othyst necklace, hain and locket, it pin and to the st brooch, The the recipients of eful gifts, inany ride's friends in leWan Following ty breakfast was FARM WANTED. - Wanted, a farm close to Wingham, suitable for fruit and vegetabe farming. Must be light, warm soli, good elevation and have good spring water and plenty of it, Will rent or exchange good town real estate e forfarm u e tam that suits, Apply by letter to Box l0, Times Office, Wing - ham, CR IS CRINGLE Is coming with a more up to date stock of gifts than ever. In his choice of presents he has taken comfort and usefulness more into consideration. He will find a beautiful seleciion of Oh myl such a lovely lot of Boys' and Girls' School Shoes, Overstockings , a n d Rubbers, Overshoes, Moceasins, Lon g Rubber Boots and everything children need for their feet, Not forgetting little "Toddles" in this, his first Cbristmas. Men and Women's Cosy House Slippers, Ladies' Artistic Dress Shoes and Slippers, Gentlemen's Dress and beavy Street Shoes. We have a full and pleasing line at prices that make many gifts a light burden. Shop errly. W. 1. GREEK Where quality counts we win. C. N. Griffin GENERAL AGENT F'II.E LIFE ACCIDENT PLATE GLASS WEATHER Insurance JORIOak,4 Coupled with a REAL ESTATE MONEY LOANING Business. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. and Offioe over Malcolm 's Grocery. -Mr. John Ander near Wingham, wil sale of farm stock a Wednesday, Decent]) Right up-to-date CHEAP at Mrs. Gree -George .Keys, t buyer, of Brussels week to Miss Co Rev. Mr. Amos, of the ceremony. n, of Turnberry, hold an . auction d implements on r 20th. ats now on sale 's. well-known horse was married last iter, of Newery. Atwood performed 1SPOJOI Stands for all that is 'modern in Business Training. A Chain of Seven Colleges in leading towns and cities. Two thousand stu- dents in our Colleges and Home Study last year. We train from ten to twenty students for every one trained by most schools. There's a reason, It is freely admitted that our graduates got best positions, and the demand for them is "seven" times the supply. Exclusive right for On- tario of the famous Bliss Book- keeping System. You maystudy at home, or partly et home and finish at the College. :business Education pays a dividend every day of your life. Winter Term from Jan, 6, Call or write for particulars. r SPOTTON ON BUSINESS COLLEGE LEri Grsrt.E ohm. W. Bums, inCi n . �.