HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-11-23, Page 1ea tl r.c r'a Shoes and RRbera
Sale of Clyd
There will be sol
in Wingham, on
the arrival of the
trains, 22 young a
mares, direct fro
good quality and
be given on go
Wm. Meharey, p
dole Mares. _,
by public auction
nday, Nova 27, on.
pronto and London
d choice Clydesdale
Scotland, large, of
reeding. `Credit will
d bankable paper.
Pieter; John Purvis, ++
Cedar rails wanted. Apply to the
Western Foundry Co, Limited,
ranch of the Wo -
w1 hold their. regular
on Thursday, Nov,
m. at the home of
(Edward st.) Sub -
'lig, ' Do it to a fin-
'. McCracken; also
cup of tea to be
f programme. All
ted to this meeting.
A. BONE, Secy.
The Wingham.
man's Institute
monthly meeting
30th at 3 o'clock
Mrs. John Wilson
jest for this mee
by Mrs, J.
question drawer.
served at close
Iadies cordially in
Don't miss bargains in pretty hats
while sale is on at Mrs. Green's.
Large stock to select from.
Enlarging B sinesa Premises.
The store belo "ng to the Green es-
tate has been • urchased by H. E.
Isard & Co., who e store adjoins this
property. The ew owners are now
having the store ntirely refitted and
repaired and an rchway will be cut
between the t stores. The new
store will be used xclusively for men's
and boys' wear, including clothing,
gents' furnishings nd boots and shoes.
The present premi es will be used ex-
elusively for ladies goods, house -furn-
ishings, groceries, etc. The enlarged
premises will give essrs. Isard & Co.
more room to shotheir large and
varied stock and sho , ld be the means
of bringing a •largely increased trade.
We wish the firm co tinued success.
WANTED—Young men to learn the
furniture and upholstering business.
to Apply Wacker & Clegg, Wingham,
Telephone Be ineas Growing. ,
The telephone b iness in the town
of Wingham is owing. This week
seven new teleph nes have been in-
stalled/11v the Bel Telephone Co. as
follows:—C. P. Sm th, residence, 42 B;
L. W. Levis, resid nce, 175; Dr. W. J.
Price, residence, 10 B; Thos. King,
residence, 178; W . I;epard, residence,
177; Thos. Kew, r sidence, 176; T. Ed-
ward Elliott, w o recently opened a
grocery and con eetionery store finds
his business grow ng, necessitating the
installing of a tel phone and his num-
ber is 179. To to a care of the increas-
ing business whi h is developing in
Wingham, the B I Telephone Co. last
week•h"ad a 50 p nt extension made to
the local switch oard. Mr. L. F. Bink -
ley and his staff of efficient operators
are giving the eople of Wingham and.
district an etc lent telephone service.
HOUSE To RENT.— In Town Plot, with
or without land, good orchard; conven-
ient to foundry. Also some land in Town
plot will be sold cheap. Apply to A.Kei-
Death of
There passed
Sunday morning
son, in his 84th
was born in En
emigrated to
Scarboro. Fro
Goderich and f
gannon. Fort
moved to East
what has been
as Donnybroo
gaged in the
and later enga
business. 11e
in the eommuni
long resided an
missed. In veli
a member of th
in politics he w
ferson passed
ago. The de
four sons and
Mrs, Vit. W.
Siteon Dow,
burg, N. Dak.
Dak,; and Me
hone. All
*ere home
Richard. T
cemetery, s
VOL, IL, NO 2077,
We still have about go Gold
Fish Aquaritams to give
away FREE wi'h a-goc
purchase of R.exall
Make your own 'choice zoo
different . articles to
choose from
We have some larger Gold
Fish to sell at 5c and
toe each,
P, S. --We will sell complete
Aquarium at 25c each to any
that do not want the Kexail
Waltoo McKibbon
7tt. rI1 "': Storni
Macdonald. Block, Wingham.
.A fine farm of 200 acreshas
just been listed with us for im-
mediate sale on account of owners
ill health. Large brick house
and bank barn, also all other
necessary buildings, fifty acres
latish, never failing well and
spring, School i' mile, post office
mile, churches 1 to 3 miles. A
rare change to get a good place
in a fine locality. Price $8500,
or will exchange for a smaller
Blacksmith Shop for Sale
At Westfield. good business, own-
er wishes to retire and will sell
right. A good opportunity for a
young man wishing to start bust -
nom for himself.
Ritchie & Cosens
wiNowal t, ONTAttIO.
Farmers who want money to buy
Immo, cattle, or liege to feed for market.
can ,eve it on reasonable terms:
Notes dirbounted for tradesmen, m,er-
oi+rants or agents, on favorable terms.
Loans on real estate at the lowest
rates going.
Christie's Grocery
The market for New Fruit is ex-
ceptionally firm and looks like
higher prices. We would advise
getting supplies now,
Superb Quality
What fruit we have already re-
ceived fs excellent quality and
fothe grade of ?Mit prices are
Carrants, dhoice, per lb. - 10c
Currants, extra Choice, 2 lbs.
for• - 25c
Raisins, tip top quality = 1Oe
Lemon and Orange reel,
imported - 15e
rigs - • - 5e
Choice Seeded ltaieins, 2
pkga for • • 25e
Snaz-saCholce Bettor, Froth
,140 0,, Oand Pie l tntt,
Pellet" eto;
r. Jefferson.
way at his home in
(Donnybrook) on
last, John E. Jetl`er-
year. The deceased
and and in early life
amide. and settled at
there he moved to
om Goderich to Dun-
-seven years ago he
awanosh, settling on
nown for many years
Cerner, He first en:
agon making business
ing in the merearitile
as held in high esteem
in which he had so
he will be greatly
ion Mr. Jefferson was
Methodist Church and
Liberal. Mrs. Jef-
Nay seventeen years
eased is- survived by
two daughters, z:—
oug , ingham; Mrs.
ehsall; ltiehard, Gales-
Gordon, of Hope, N.
srs. John and ltobort at
members of the family
With the exception of
e funeral took place on
terncon to Donnybrook
rvice being held in the
irlIK4110, ONTARIO! TR TRSDAT, •NOYEM11ER. 23 1911..
Read while' & co.'* adv. on page7.8
Renovating Ba tilt Church,
The work of rend sting the Baptist
Church is being pu hod r - idly along;
The interior of the buil. is being
brightened by a fresh co. • paint. and
anew furnace will e ins •• led, When
this work is coin + leted a new organ
will be installed.
Logs! Logs!
1 am prepared to pay the highest
cash price for all kinds of saw logs,
Call and get prices and lengths to
cut logs. J. A. McLEAN..
By -Law Po
Ratepayers have.
dry By -Law in ev
they own property.
are as follows: ----W
ston's tailor shop;
Gannett's impleme
the Town Hall;
4, at Ritchie &' Cos
2 of Ward 4, at Al
ing Places
vote on the Foun-
y ward in which
The polling places
d 1, at Wm. John -
are) 2, at Wm.
shop; Ward 3, at
vision 1 of Ward
ns' office; Division
rt Bell's house.
New Canad'
Canadian stamps
of King George will
the post office de
short time. The Do
were notsatisfied wi
the King, which wa
British stamps and
severely criticized.
obtain a design for
has been done. Th
is said to be an e
one. The designs
king George, who
collector in the wo
a cable to Canada
new Canadian seri
sage the last for
cornplished and th
issued as soon as t
n Stamps.
earing the effigy
e put on sale by
rtment within a
inion authorities
h the portrait of
adopted for the
hick has been so
t was decided to.
Canada, and this
new stamp series
pecially handsome
ere submitted to
the largest stamp
d, and he has sent.
approving of the
. With this mes-
lity has been ac -
stamps will now be
e dies can be cut.
WANTED. — An expericneed dining -
room .girl. Apply at Queen's hotel,
Municipal Nom' ation Dec. 22nd.
Since the last onday in December
this year falls on Christmas Day, the
nomination of ea didates for member-
ship in municipal councils will be held
on Friday, the 22 d day .el December
next, as provideby section 124 of the
'Consolidated Mu icipal Act, 1903. By
sub -section 6 of - • ction 304 of the Act,
councils of town • townships and vile
lages are require + to meet on the 15th
of December, d to immediately
after publish the etailed statement of
receipts and expe ditures in this sub-
section mentioned. This statement is
intended to be i the hands of the
electors before .urination day; and
the holding of the omination meeting
on the 22nd day .of December this year
renders the time or the preparation
and publication of the statement very
short. Municipal elections, however,
will be held on he first Monday in
January, which n: t year falls on New
Year's Day.
-Before selling your prints or rolled
butter, and poultry alive or dressed, it
will be to your advantage to get our
prices. ARMOUR & Co., Phone 52.
North Hurts Telephone Co.
The annual m= -ting of the North
Huron Telephone o. was held in the
Council Chamber Wednesday after-
noon of last week hen the reports for
the past year wer read and adopted.
The following gen ng g n omen were elected
as Directors for th ensuing year:—W.
J. Greer, Wingh n; Wm. Maxwell,
Turnberry; John ebster, West Wa-
wanosh; Henry Thomson, South-
ampton; Geo. Tho son, Goderich. At
a subsequent meet g of the Directors
Mr. Greer was el cted as President,
Mr. Maxwell as Vi, a President and H.
B. Elliott, as b eretary-Treasurer,
The past year has . en a very success-
ful one. The corn any ended its first
year with 53 subset begs and last Sep-
tember the numb= had increased to
809 and since Septa bar 33 subscribers
have been added, : king a total of 842
subscribers at the resent time. The
company owns 129, miles of pole line
and has 203 miles a wire circuit. The
total assets of the ompany Are $19,-
421.19 and the liabi ties to the public,
$9,178.14. Subscrib s will kindly snake
the following chan es in their direc-
tory, Add to line 188—Alex, Bruce,
ring 31; Win. Jam ring 32; Stewart
McBurney, 41. T. Line No, 187 -John
Tervit, ring 23. line No. 185 -.John
1 ennedy, ring 1 . To Lane No, 195 --
Geo. A. Page, sin 22. Mrs. Wtri les-
sects telephone t Bluevale has bean
transferred to A, McCall, Line 193,
ring 13.
At the Lyceui
jack and Kitty Le
the Lyceuni I'lieatr,
Don't fail to see theca
and flg.ire, Adrniasi
Cart nista at
a his week,
tehes of face
9 cents,
Women's Artics, Stor Gaiters and
Leggias, 50e to $1,50 , =ll styles and
sizes at W. J. GREER''.
Seven Years in ent'tentiary,
Andrevt Cruicksh k, who was on
remand for a week ince being found
guilty by Judge It of assaulting
:Miss Davis of this to n was sentenced
on Saturday moral g last by Judge
Holt to seven years n Kingston peni-
Right up -es -date hats now on sale
cHEaF at Mrs. Green's,
Musical Ent
A musical ente
given in the oper
evening of this wee
of the Wingham
There will be a goo
duetts, instrument
mission is only 15 c
will be usedin_ma
furnace which wa
in the Salvation Ar
tainment will be
house on Friday
under the auspices
Salvation Army.
program of solos,
Is, etc. The ad-
ts. The proseeds
ng payment on the
recently installed
y hall.
Buy a fancy rocker for a Christmas
present. Some bee es on sale at
WALKER'S furniture s ore.
Death of Wm
William Sutherla
eers of East Waw
at his home in L
Sunday last after a
ever several month
his 80th year and s
wanosh in .the ear
large circle of fri
ago he retired fro
ed to Lower Win
on Tuesday aftern
cemetery was la
service at the. nous
conducted by Rev.
. Sutherland.
, one of the pion -
nosh passed away
er Wingham on
illness extending
Deceased was in
ttled in East Wa-,
y days and made a
ds. A short time
the farm and mov-
ham. The funeral
on to the Wingham
elyattended, the
and, _grave being
To. RENT. — Good seve
with electric lights
water. Apply to J.
oomed house,
and and soft
Death of G
By the death of
at his home, lot 5,
on Wednesday, No
ty loses still anoth
Mr. Fortune was b
Scotland in 1827, e
1851, and after spe
the neighborhood o
he and his two
Thomas, settled o
the Township of T
member of the Pr
staunch Liberal a
took an active. int
pertaining to the
try. About two
tune suffered fro
paralysis and in
hip. Owing to hi
not recover from
15th Inst he pass
bis reward. H
wife, two sons
o. Fortune.
r. George Fortune
on. 8, Turnberry,
. 15th, Huron coun-
r of her pioneers.
rn in Berwickshire,
ing to Canada in
ding a few years in
Dundas and Bright,
rothers, John and
adjoining farms in
rnberry. IXe was a
byterian Church, a
for many years he
rest in all matters
elfareof his coun-
eeks ago Mr. For-
a slight stroke of
ailing fractured his
advanced age he did
he shock. End on the
d peacefully away to
is survived by his
d two daughters.
Big millinery sale called on et rly at
Mrs. Green's as all goods must be
cleared out at once regardless of price,
Come at once and get first choice.
Fresh laurels
people who had c
evening's cancer
provoking corned
tune" was pres
house. It is a nu
the capacity of
reserved seats pre
the entertainment
Case oh Friday ev
was crowded to th
the bad weather.
ham and district w
which they certai
entertainment was
ever put on by loc
be impossible for u
different artists an
tion of them as all
a very clever mann
were as follows: --L
A, Coutts; Patrick,
Linklater; Rafferty,
Jake, Herb. Jobb;
Geo, Moffat; Mrs, Fi
Turner; Katy, Jahr
Alice Mann; Lady
Mrs, Ted. Elliott. T
be used in a worthy c
funds for the Parish
titinrnent will be tepe
tees' hall at Bleevale
ing, December 1st,.
's Fortune.
re won by the young
arge of last Friday
when that mirth-
, "Finnigan's F .r
nted in the opera
her of years since
he hall was sold as
ious to the hour of
but such was the
ing, and the house
doors in spite of
he people of Wing-
re promised a treat
y received as the
onsidered the best
talent. It would
to single out the
make special men-
ok their parts in
The characters
cry Finnigan, It.
his son, Harvey
d. Nash; Dutch
ount De Morney,
igen, Miss Millie
daughter, Miss
annah Lovejoy,
e proceeds will
se in providing
ub. 'rhe enter-
ed in the roma,
Friday ev'eti-
After the cenventi
Liberals held on Tue
last week, the Candi
Kerr, was stricken
was confined to his
for several days.
be pleased to hear
again recovered an
around again. On
Signified his desire
the contest. Sine
urged to remain a
a meeting of th
Committee has b
(Thursday) aftern
Lion will be thoro
definite action to
the contest in the
n of North Huro?l
ay afternoon of
ate, Mr. W. B.
with illness and
oma in Brussels
any friends will
at Mr. Kerr has
is now able to be
Friday Mr, Kerr
to withdraw frora.
then he has been
the candidate and
riding Executive
en called for this
on when the situa-
ghly discussed and
en in reference to
Parlor suites
ions prices at
ideboarda at Yar.-
ALKER'S furniture
Messrs. C. G: Va:
have donated two s
propriate for . cha]
The above two
competition have
lenges and won
somebody beat til
All entries f
tournament mu:
night of this we
Mr. D. Joyn
shaving to play
score in three g
tone and 3, Mason
ck pins, very ap-
enge competition.
ayers starting the
accepted four chal-
them all. Cannot
the annual bowling
t be in by Thursday
offers a month's free
r making the highest
mes in the tournament.
Overshoes and R
Women and C
styles and best
ers for Men
en -All the good
ekes. W. J. GREER.
• New Physici
We learn that D
J. Adams, of E"
partnership an
tice of medic'
by Dr, Agne
Dr. Adams, the n
firm, spent a yea
in the Toronto Ge
was engaged in
six years and has
spending the pas
of the Old Count
ably impressed
Wingham and
We predict that
to change his
With these two
fession in par
can rely upon
their office wh
in Wingham.
Agnew and Dr. H.
ave formed a
1 carron the prac-
he j fiice occupied
acme years past.
w member of the
as House -Surgeon
eral Hospital. He
eneral practice for
just returned from
year in the Hospitals
y. He is very' favor-
ith the appearance of
surrounding country.
he will have no reason
ind as time goes on.
members of the pro-
ership their patients
ding one of them in
POULTOY WANTED. --Highest cash
price paid for all kinds of poultry; alive
or dressed. Phone 10. Gunns, Limited.
FARM To RENT. —100 acres in Town-
ship of Turnberry in a good state of
cultivation. Apply to R. VANSTONE,
Wingham, P. 0.
Of late there h
of comment upon
ulation of Ontari
inishing on accou
the young people
That Wingham h
to the population
to was manifeste
ing of Nov. 20th,
ham residents me
Ellen Porter, 567
for the purpose o
ham Club. That
ed by Messrs. B.
two loyal ex-citiz
greatly apprecia
neighbors, was e
y manner in,vbir
oyed the openin:
ngs expressed f
nation. (The fo
hisholm indite
Mr. W. E. Grove
nhi Scott; See •
on; Assistant
ruicksheek; E
so, Mrs, (Dr.
cDonald, At
ided to meet r.
iss Porter, the
oath. Great e
d in short a.
oyle,Dr. Chish
After enjoying
allied in a hear
d to MissPor'
ality. The ine
inging "Auld:
lub in Toronto.
s been a good deal
the fact that the pop -
towns has been dim
of the migration of
the larger centres.
a contributed largely
f the city of Toron-
d when, on the even-
ixty former Wing -
at the home of Miss
hurch St., Toronto,
f organizing a Wing.
his movement, start-
cott and James Kerr,
ns of Wingham, was
ed by their former
idenced by the hear -
be' ry member en -
evening and the feel -
a pernanent organ -
owing officers were
,'''residents,- Dr. T.
Dr. Boyle; 1st Vice,
; and Vice, Mr, Benja-
reas., Rich. C. How -
HIGH $cale
A small Canaille
longs to our drawl
placed in Form I.
have a Union Jac
The ,Relief Ma
are a source of in
We are deeply
for providing us
in our history a
A final summ
Sports given t
Girls' champion
boys' champion
boys' champion
Election retu
(acel); let vice
2nd vice-pres.,
W. Buchanan;
assistant area.
press reporters
Geddes. Form
IY, Miss G. Fo
Form Ill, Miss
II, Miss M. Per
I, Miss 0, Mille
A Val
At the Wint
information al
production and
valuable to an
keep up -to -da
Dec. 19 will c
ed and easily
of the chief p
next fair. If
branch of far
ing money, y
Sun a most
not miss the i
Ensign which be-
mcKlels has been
We would like to
in each class room,
$ have arrived and
traction and delight.
ateful to the )3oard
'tit such helpful aids
g octhe Field Day
foil Is, results:—
. 13arker; senior
Mc en; junior
hip, G. ruickahank,
n—President, H, Dore
-pres., Miss I. Kennedy;
Hamilton; secretary;
easurer, P. McEwen;
Miss E. Anderson, W.
representatives, Form
Irwin, H. Day; Form
e, N. Butcher; Form
S. Donaldson,
able Assistant.
Fair at Guelph is given
ng all lines,of livestock
crop cultiyition that is
farmer/Who desires to
e. The, Weekly Sun of
neerstood summary of
ints brought out at the
y.ou are enga.ged in any
ing with a view to mak-
will find The Weekly
aluable assistant. Do
sue of December 19.
A question o very much importance
to the Town of Ingham will be settled
by the ratepa rs on Friday of this
week. The We tern Foundry Co. is in
the position 'of eing unable to meet
the heavy dema ds for the products of
the foundry in the way of Stoves,
ranges and furn ces and in order to
keep pace with the increased business
the company is fore to 'enlarge their
premises so as to e able to employ
more workmen. T e company asks
for encouragement from the town
and in order tha the ratepayers
may clearly unde stand the mat-
ter before easting their ballots we
again give the poin in the agreement
between the Town and the Western
Foundry Co:—
The Town is to g've $750 fer the pur-
chase of a new sit ; loan $10,000 for
ten years without nterest; gives the
company exemptio from taxation for
ten years, except f r school and county
rates and fixes the assessment for ten
yeare at $15,000.
In return for th se favors the Wes-
tern Foundry Co. agrees to purchase
a new site of not ess than four acres
within the corpor tion; to erect build-
ings and install miichinery to the value
of P0,000; repay file loan POO per year
for nine years and the balance at the
end of the term; to employ at least 150
workmen the fiifst year and not less
than 200 men thetsecond and following
years; time she 'ts to be assessed if
workmen are ot up to the number
specified in the greement. The town
to have as seeur ty a first rnertgage on
the new plant.
To the writer' mind this is an extel-
lent proposition or the Town and one
our ratepayers s °led heartily support.
Wingham needs all her present in-
dustries and ap the neW ones that
can be induced to locate in the Town.
In this case we are dealing with a com-
pany that has ade good, one that has
paid out a large um of money in wages,
which in turn ha been a benefit to every
business man a property owner in the
Ttlwonoking at
and cents wa
he matter in a dollar
the Town stands to
largely benefit y the passing of this
by-law. The tiital Ott to the town in
the way of inthrest on debentures to
provide for theiloan and $750 for the
site trill te years amount to $4,-
328.50. In ret rn the town will receive
$5,400 from erest on repaid annual
payments of Oen, school and county
rate,- Water r tes and electric light and
thia way t Town will be the gain-
er by $1071.5 In this talculation
account hag b en taken for an iricreas-
ed eerisumpt on of water ot electric
lights. /2 the orripaty's plant is doubled
it would fit w that the eoesureption
*Ise double.
The whole atter is AO favorable to
the Town the we cannot see how any
tetepayer wh has the interest of the
Town at hear can afford to oppose the
THE Int -L
A large ran
deity cenichea
ftlf BOOTS
6009 STYR
This store is strong on
Felt. Boots—The Boots are
strong, too.
We have the very best of
Felts with Snag Proof overs
Our Felt Boots are made
from selected, live Wool
Felt with side stays and
We never ofler our pa-
trons a F elt Boot, unless we
know it to be right in every
way and can warrant it.
We have Felt Boots at
Every Pair Guaranteed
Where quality counts we win.
C. 11'. Griffin
FIRE _4w:rod,
Coupled with a REAL E$T4TE and,
MONEY' LoANING 'Business.
• Issuer of Marriage Licenees.
Office over Maloolm's Grooery.
Too much inon y generally results in
Two high -grad rs were arrested at
Cobalt with a q ntity of ore in their
Harry McQuee was drowned in the
Thames near Cha ham while attempting
to cross the rive with his brother in a
leaky boat.
Col. Sam Hu
restrictions on
question of enga
on the Middle
The crew were
Owen Sound.
hes is opposed to an
ilitary bands on thy
ements to play.
rret Cape ran ashore
anks, Georgian Bay.
escued and taken to
I Thirty Years
Our Seven Colleges have been
established during the past 30
years. The Iergest trainers in I
Canada. Owirig to our connee-
tion all over Olitario, we do
better for our graduates- than
ansr other School. You may
study all at home or partly at
home and finish at the College.
Affiliated with The Commercial
Edueators' Association of Can-
ada. It would be svell for you
to ihvestigate befit% choosing.
EXclusive right for Ontario of
the world-famous Bliss Book-
keeping System, whieh is ins -
equalled. It is acteal litzsiness
from stare to finish, and the
student hoops same books tie
Chartered Banks and Wholes
sale Houses. Enter any time.
Individual instruction.
Foil term From Aug. 28A
Write, call or phone for
ausugss COLLEGE
WO.. 61'611404 • teresasent.