HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-11-16, Page 88 MINOR LOCALS, —Help to make 'Wingham grow by voting for the Western Foundry by- law on November 24th. --Vete for the by-law. —Buy your envelopes at the TilvS office. —R. Knox has a new advt, in this issue. Read it. •--The Times to new subscribers to January est, 1913 for $1. (Foie —Keep Wingham growing" Tor the by-law on 24th inst. --Tllo. TIMES and Toronto Daily Globe to January 1st, 1913 for $4,50. —Vote for the Western Foundry by- lew on Friday, November 24th - --Plan of hall for .,,,Fmigan'a For- tune" at McKibbon's dr g store. .-Mr. Elliott Fleming, a former Wingham boy has boen appointed G. T. R. agent at Fergus. Wingham young men usually forge to the front and Mr. Fleming's old friends here will be pleased to hear of his appoint-, ment, • —The Timers and Toronto Weekly Globe to Jane try lst, 1913 for $1.60. "Finnigan's Fortune" in the Town Ball on Friday evening of this week. _Turnberry Township Council will meet in the Clerk's office at Blnevale next Monday. —Five weeks from next Monday will be Christmas. Do your Christmas shopping early. —Mr. Geo. Smith,. of Turnberry met with a bad accident on Saturday last. He was working in the bush with Mr. John Metcalf when a saw log slipped crushing his left leg badly between the knee and ankle. He was removed to the hospital and Dr. Kennedy took all X ray showing that both bones of the leg were broken, the large one in two places. CAR ETAKER W TUE W1NGIIAM TIMES IONEMI31EI1 16, 1911 D PRICKS '. G°o1KING BROS.. RIGHT GQODS – TED Applications will be ceived by the undersigned up to - ., onThursday, Nov. 23rd, for the sitionof Caretaker for thee ;seen Wingham t e offlcee Sofool. theDTown Clerk. JOHN F. GROVES, Secretary. — Sleighs and cutters were the ffigst ht into use on Wednesday for t time this season. —Mr. Chas. J. Rintoul is offering his twp farms in Turnberry for sale. See advt. in another column. —The regular monthly meeting of Camp Caledonia, Sons of Scotland, will be held next Monday evening. —The Western Foundry is a thriving industry. Assist it to grow by voting for the by-law on the 24th inst. -Mr. Frank Gerry, of Brussels was operated on at the Hospital Tuesday ?Horning and is improving satisfactorly. —Mrs. Thos. Pollock, of Kincardine, who was operated on at the Hospital a vl eek ago Friday is improving rapidly. Mr. Roy Kinsman of Southampton, who was operated on for appendicitis at the Hospital returned home on Saturday. —Lars. Wm. Perdue, who has been a a patient in the Hospital for ten days has recovered and returned home on Monday last. —Little Norman Lediet, who has been a patient in the Hospital for some time has so far recovered as to be able to walk alone. PERSONALS. Dr. and Mrs. R. C. Redmond`vi‘ere visiting in Toronto last week. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Smale ha"ve left for their new home in Brantford. Mrs. Jas. Hislop of Stratford, is visit- ing with her cousin, Mrs. H: B. Elliott. Mr. Geo. Thomson, of Goderich was calling on old friends in Wingham this week, Mr, and Mrs. L. W. Hanson, of Tor- onto are visitng for a few days with Wingam friends. Mr. Chester Longman, of Windsor was visiting for a few days with old Wingham friends. Mr. and Mrs. John Glenn have gone to Wingham to spend the winter with their daughter, Mrs. Geo. Spotton.— Listowel Standard. Mrs. Alex Young and Gordon Young, who have been visiting feceleveeral weeks in Winnipeg and oth6r points in the West, returned home on (Satuyday. FARMS FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale his two farms, Lot 3, Con. Turnberry, containing 107 acres" this property is situated a good h use and barn; ill; water in the od cement stab- iles from Wrox- Wingham. The other Con. 8, Turnberry contains upwart of 100 acres and has good barn and fair house and is situ- ated one mile from Wingham. Apply to CHAS. J. Ont. drilled well and wind. house and barn and g ling. Farm is 3 1-2 eter and 6 miles fro farm,Lo 2" NOTICE TO CREDITORS. —Miss Hester Johnson, of Morris was able to return home from the Hospital on Tuesday last fully recover- ed after her severe operation. --Mr.I'.McConnell, real estate agent reports the sale of Mrs. Cosford's resi- dence on Minnie street to Mr. Robt. A'istin. The price paid was $1,000. —Mr. Joseph Gibson has sold his 100 -acre farm on the 9th conceesinn of Turnberry to Mr. Chas. J. Wnteul, who will get possession next March. —Mr. Cecil Lushmer, who was a patient ir. the Hospipal suffering from a. ^evere attack of la grippe has recov- ered and was able to leave last week. _Seventeen divorce applications are already in for consideration at the coming session of Parliament. The ;i ajority of the applications are from Ontario, —We had our first good taste of win- ter weather on Sunday. Now that the roads ace pretty well frozen it would take very little snow to make good sleighing. —Division Court will oe held in Wine—ire to -day with Judge Holt pre- siding. There are a number of cases on the docket and among them two :eery cases. —In t'ie Provincial election, Mr. P. W. Scott, of East Wawanosh is the It-aturning Officer for North Huron. Mr. Scott will make an excellent man for the position. Notice is be•eby given pursuant to R. 8, 0. 1897 Chap. 129, Section 88 that all piiliame W t- lgrave in the r, deceased Who nth day of bctb- , to send b • post iug claims against the Esta son, late of the Village of died County of or about the fourt ontract er, A. D. 1911, are requi prepaid or to deliver to R Vanstone, So loiter for the Exeeutere, o or before the Eleventh day . f December,A. . 911. their names, ad- dresses and descripti and a full statement of particulars of their claims and the nature of the security ( f any') held.by them duly cer- tified, and that after the said day the Execu- tors will proceed to diet i the nt easseled ts of the deceased among the parties teto hey halh regard only notice a claims of which Dated this 14th i ayVoff NSovvemb r, A. D. 1911. Wingham. P. 0. Solicitor for said Executors. Mr. Chester Walker has retuned to his parental home in Turnberry after spending some ,time in the West., `Mr. Walker has been seriously ill ,for some time and is still unable to leave the house. W. C. T. U. COLUMN. This column has been reserved for the use of the Wingham the. members and will be edited by of that Society. The regular meeting of the Womans' Christian Temperance Union is held in the C. O. F. hall second Tuesday in every month at 9.30 o'clock. Ladies watch for announcement from pulpits. RAM'S HORN WRINKLES. A good mother's life can hit the devil harder than the greatest sermon ever preached. We all give, not according to our ability, but according to the religion we have. How it must puzzle angels to make out why we kill snakes and tolerate saloons. Prosperity hides from a slipshod man. The man who never sees anything but mud will live as low as he looks. Looking for the blue spot in a black sky is always a good business to go in- to. When a man stops learning he stops growing, and when be stops growing he soon dries up and goes to seed. It takes the average man altogether too long to find out that he has been a fool. The man who does nothing is always shrinking. The young man who has no confid- ence in himself will never have much else. —Indianapolis News. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is herel y given pursue oleime against the ec.sttate38 at all of M late of the Town of Wiugh of Huron widow, deceased, t to R. S. O. arsons having rion McKenzie, i in the County who died on or about the Eleventh day1 October, A. D• 1911, are required to send br post prepaid or to deliver to R. vanstone, Sqitoitor for the Execu- tors on or before the ifidgvventh day of Decem- ber A. 1). 1911. their Maes, addresses and des- criptions and a full statement of particulars of their claims and the nature of the security (if any) held by them duly certified, and that after the said day the Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of wh oh they sha 1 then have notice. Dated this 13th day of November, A D. 1911. R Wingham, P. 0. Solicitor for said. Executors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given rsunnt to R. S. 0. 1897, Chap. 129, Sec. 38 tha all nersons having claims against the este a of Robert Roland, late of the Township f Turnberry, in the County of Huron, on or about this T ber A D 1911 are ar er, deceased, who died e y -Seventh day of Octo• wired to send by• post prepaid or to 1911, are to R. Vanstone, Solicitor for the Executors, on or before the eleventh day of December A.D., 1811, their names, ad- dresses and descriptions and a full statement of particulars of their claims and the nature of the security tit any) heldby them duly certified, and that after the said day the Exe- cutors will proceed to distribute the assests of the deceased among the parties entitled there- to, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. L•ated this 13th day of November, A.D. 1911. R. VAi' STONE, Wingham P. 0. Solicitor for said Executors. W. E. Kerr has all the necessary qualifier tions to make a good represen- tative for North Huron in the Legisla- ture at'r:oronto. Vote for him on the ilth of December. —Provincial Constable Phippen is new the owner of the Jersey cow re- cently owned by Mr, B. J. Doyle and which Mr. Phippen purchased on the 4tn of November last. --W. G. Bissett died at his home in Exeter last week. He had been aresi- dent of Exeter for 45 years and for 25 years was in the Colleen and for over 4e years m the livery business. 7 -The well-known C, y Erns. Minstrels gave their .annual entertainment in the opera house on Monday evening to a well filled home. The show was well up to qhs average of previous years. HORN. KING.—In Wingham, on November 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. C. King; a daughter. McBURNEY—In East Wawanosh, on October 31st, to Mr. and Mrs. Sams. McBurney;a daughter, l�tmxttttx n _Owi"g to the Provincial r' kions coming en in Decen')b 'r, the Ne 'Ser and D••e,ember Fanners' 1 ,the meeting have been et lied off, Institute campaign wi:l net begin until .he opening of January. --The Cod 'rich Hospital 13oi rd will ask the Council of that tov'n'for $15,000 "fol the b .,a ut1 od ine.mellen gi used r to be us and spaetaus residence of the late M. C. Cameron eo that it may be used for '.iospital r urr o8e5. 1VIr. <Ierlrert Harkness of Orange- ville, who wta brought to the Hospital some time ago suffering from paralysis, due to a,t injury of the spine nearly a year and a half ago, hark so far recov- ered as t•' be able to walk some with the aid of a cane. The young greatly ctleouraged. To Winnipeg and West TRAVEL 13 /THE DEAN — WILSON. —In St. Peter's church, Goderich, on Wednesday, Nov. 8th, John J. Dean, of Wingham, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Dean, of Goderich, to Miss Lily Wilson, daughter of John Wilson, Cambria road, Goderieh. DtlW NETTERFIELn—Near Kisby, Sask., on Nov. 6th, Katie Mitchell, beloved wife of John Netterfield, formerly of Wingham. SMITH.—In Wroxeter, on November 4th, Elizabeth Burnett, Thom- as Smih, agd75ears,1month and 4 days. STAFFORD. —In Wroxoter, on Nov- ember 56, Sarah A. Young., relict of the late James Stafford, in her 79th Bear; JOHNSTON.—In Kinloss village, en November Gth, George Johnston, aged 100 years. Direct Canadian Route Only Through Car Line FOR MEN'S FUR I' COATS Daily Service Solid through train of Coaches, Tourist and Standard Sleepers and Dining Cars, Toronto to Vancouver 10.20 p.m. daily. J. 11. Beemer, Agent, Wingham, or M. G. Murphy, District, Passenger Agent, Toronto, eeri4P4rilVdt Y M. A. liana., LONDON. ONT. 13USINi S and S110R'T;1AND SUBJECTS. Registered last season upwards of 300 students and placed every graduate. Seven specially qualified regular teachers. One Lundred and fifty London firms employ our trained help. College itt session from Sept. 5 to June 40. Enter any time. Cetnlogue Fred. Forest /►t� $us(adsrl �i �e v� ss�ottan8 Coleget J. W. Wrs'resvjir,are. J. W. Wssmwt:vSLfir, Chartered Acctiintailt. Pdirolp 1S Vito PriliClpiL • The ever increasing _popularity of THE KING BRAN1 . Fur Coats, is evidence of their Superior Quality. to the ordinary stock of Coats. MEN'S CANADIAN RACOON COATS Popular price from $45 to $ x 2 5.00, all . sizes and different lengths. Men's Russian Dog Coats —We are -showing a full range of these at $18.00, $20.00 and $25.oO. Men's Quilted `' Lined Coats Persian Lamb and German Otter Collars $15 and upwards. Raw Furs Wanted—We will pay highest cash prices for Furs in Season. Men's Alaska Beaver Coats.—This Coat will stand any amount of Hard Wear. Popular prices. Men's Fur -Lined. Coats. —Our stock consists of noth- ing but first-class materials, linings and collars. Prices $45.00 and upwards. Produce Wanted --Butter 24C, Eggs 3oc, Dried Ap pies 8c, Potatoes. Beans and Poultry. For Farmers, Teamsters and Laborers \EGGS 30c, BUTTER 24c KINO BROS. 4 This is one of the New Boots for Cold Weather. One of the most sensible Winter Outfits that we know of Rubber bottom leather tops and a heavy felt sock which you can take out to dry Price --$3.50Per Pair -' inall sizes for Men & CO. . I LIS THE SHOE STORE. Sole Agents ibr Ladies. vIlm1►rIMEIM'VV,TsIrtiLv.VOI MIVINTIVIVEMEIT.MYYNINIDI 4 1Come 1 PRODUCE WANTED I WE WANT YOUR TRADE _ m ■ Do You Own a PARK TE or are you a Slave to III -health THERE'S MANY , A TIME When a few minutes out of the way tnaymean a big diffe.ence. to you. It won't be the fault of the watch if you miss edyou your train or it appointment, pro- vided Have Watches for Everybody And for every purse, Our showing of the new thin model in both the low - piked as well as the more expensive varieties is eifeeptionally complete. But whatever you pay yott get a good time -keeper regulated and guar- anteed. I .ol T. KNOX hone 65. Opp. I3runswick hotel. A "PARKYTE" SANITARY CHEMICAL CLOSET in your home is the strongest kind of insurance against the germs of disease. It is a preventative against epidemics and contagion in the Sommer, and an absolute necessity the year round. be placed in any part Requires neither Water nor Sewage; , can of your home; costs less sham a CENT a day, and Lasts a lifetime. Endorsed by the leading Physicians; and adopted bywhole Specified by the most prominent Arehitects; Municipalities. Over 15,000 have been installed in Canadian homes in less Pe For Ladies and Children We have two excellent Brands in Stanfield's and Turnbull's. Both Brands have won their way by merit alone. There is a softness and elasticity about them that gives perfect comfort and fit. We have them in cotton, h union, wool and silk and wool; it white, natural and black. 41, Every garment is guaranteed unshrinkable and to give ab- solute satisfaction. than one year. Ask your dealer for prices. Canada C The "Parkani yte" Sanitary Chemical Closet is made in by LIMITED PARKER -WHITE-° WINNIPEG; MAN. 1411 A NOWA i1/4•4011/oro , Montreal, Calgary and Vaneouver, and le acid by Allam YOUNG, WN 41AM, ONT. Underwear. 4 FOR MEN We have just received in stock Stanfield's Pure E Wool Unshrinkable Underwear in every weight. Also pe Pen -Angle Goods 'too well known for comfort and general Esatisfaction to need any comment. i. St. George Brand, pure wool, soft and pliable, also E Fleeced -Lined and Unions. Something to suit every mat,, however exacting. Try us. 1 Severalp ieces of fine heavy Beaver Cloth, 56 -inch. wide, look at our goods. very fashionable for Ladies' and Girls' Long Coats, and well worth your inspection.' We will appreciate a call to Large quantities of Potatoes wanted—cash or trader :j mILLS Successor to V. A. Mills P lON ,88. WXKG%IA'M, ONT. hi1► AW