The Wingham Times, 1911-11-16, Page 4Dominion Bank
READ OFFICE; TQs3QNT,O 1 Dispelled 'through the
Dr. Williams' Pink
. B. Osl,ER,, P„ - President..
W. D. MeernlEyvs, Vice -President.
Capital ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,$4,000,000,00,
Reserve $5,000,000.00
Tatei Assets $62,500,000,00
Branch f this
A an h a_ Bank has been esta-
blished in London, England, at
This Branch will issue Letters of
Credit and Drafts on all important
points in Canada, negotiate Bills Bent
for collection, make telegraphic trans.,
fers, and transact every description of
banking business.
Information will be furnished on all
Canadian matters.
A special department will be provid-
ed for the use of visitors and bearers
of our Letters of Credit,
C. A. I30GER.T, General Manager,
W. R. Geikie, Manager.
R. VAN$TONa, Solicitor.
Notice of changes must be left at this
offiee not later than Saturday noon,
The copy for change& *lust be left
not later than Monday evening.
Casual advertisements accepted up
to noon Wednesday of each week.
a,u. 10..1.107 r. Puaratsn1aANDPaorirs o
W. H. Kerr for North Huron.
Mark your ballots in North Huron for
W. H. Kerr, the Liberal candidate.
W.H.Kerr should redeem North Hur-
on. Let every Liberal in the ridingwork
hard for him until every vote is polled.
Mr. N. W. Rowell, K. C., the new
Liberal leader, was given the unani-
mous nomination for the Legislature
North Oxford,
The annual report of the weights,and
measures' branch of the department of
inland revenue, just issued, shows that.
the total revenue collected from the in-
spection of weights and measures for
the last fiscal year was $98,66L80, as
against $92,814,05 the previous year.
The total revenue collected for the in-
spection of gas and gas meters was
$52,567.25, as compared with $54,331.20.
the year before.
The Conservative popular majority
in the federal elections last month was
between 30,000 and 35,000. Outside of
Toronto the parties broke about even,
The Liberals won five provinces out of
nine. It is senseless to tack of a tidal
wave against reciprocity, or of the
"salvation of the Empire." Those who
say the Empire was saved by so nar-
row a margin are paying it a poor com-
pliment and aspersing their fellow
At the largest and most enthusiastic
Liberal convention held in Owen Sound
for many years, lion. A. G. MacKay,
M. P. P., was the unanimous choice.
The three hundred delegates evidenced
the wildest enthusiasm, and that Mr.
MacKay has lost none of his grip upon
the affections of the Liberals of this
riding was abundantly indicated. W.
Proudfoot, M. P. P. for Centre 1ft roe,
was one of the speakers at this con-
is the best and quickest
perfect ct
Women and girls who
stiffer are simply weak
--weak all over.
fi Opiates and alcoholic
tures are worse than
`:- worthless, they aggra.,
vate the trouble and
lower the standard of
7 Ei1huI8IOfl
body,invigorates and
builds up.
13e tare to get SCOTT'SJ--
it t the Standard and aluetYa
the beat.
A1,I, nnettans''s
THE WINlrl1AI TIMES, IOVARtit 16 1911
Ilse of
When the shadow of poor health falls
on your life, when hope begins to fade
and friends look serious, then is the
time you
u should rem
ember that
and$ a1st as hopeless have been cured
and restored to the sunshine of health
by Dr. Williams' Pink fills. These
mile actually make new, rich blood
which brings a glow of health to anae-
mic cheeks, eures indigestion, head
aches and backaches, drives out the
stinging pains of rheumatism and neu-
ralgia,. strengthens the nerves and re-.
lieves as no other medicine can do the
aches and pains which only women folk
suffer from. In any emergency of poor
health give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a
fair trial and they will not disappoint
you. Here is a case that will bring ;Whereas, the Western Foundry Com -
hope to many a weary sufferer. Mrs. pang, Limited, are carrying on .
F. K. Sanders, St. Thomas, Ont., business
at the Town of Wingham as Manufac-
says; "About four years ago. T took a turers of stoves, furnaces and ranges,
severe cold which 1 be shed, thinking and being the sole Manufacturers there -
that I would soon be all right agail. of in the said Town have applied. to the
But instead 1 found myself in a weal; municipal Council of the Corporation of
and run-down condition. I seemed to the Town of Wingham for aid by way
have no ambition to do anything and . of the loan of money to the amount of
my heart and nerves became so bad I $10,000.00 to assist them in building and
was forced to bed. The doctor who ere sting a new stove and iron works
was called in said the"" trouble was . for the purpose of enlarging and ex-
ehronic anaemia, but lin spite of his 'tending the capacity of their said busi-
skilied attendance I w s unable to sit ness and for a bonus of the sum of
up and eat, but hod t be fed with a $750.00 to enable them to purchase a
spoon, One da a v iting friend sug- site for the said buildings and to have
Bested my tryi r. Williams Pink the assessment of the buildings and
Pills, and I sent a half dozen boxes. plant of the said Company fixed at the
In a short while egan to eat better sum of $15,000.00 andforthe exemption
BYLAW 116.-6'38, 1911,
To provide for the issue of debentures
to the amount of $10.750.00 for the
purpose of granting aid by way of
loan to the Western Foundry Com-
pany, Limited, to aid them in the
building and erection of anew stove
and iron works in the said Town of
Wingham, and furnish them with
a free site for the said buildings
and to give the said The Western
Foundry Company, Limited a fixed
assessmeht for all their buildings
and plant in too said Town of
Wingham, and exempt the said
buildings and plant from taxation,
exeept school and county rates, for
a period of ten years.
and feel better, and by the time the
pills were used I felt altogether differ-
ent; my heart did not bother me, my
lips and cheeks regained their natural
color, and- everybody who saw me re-
marked on how well I was once more
looking. Wishing to be on the safe
side, I took two more boxes of the pills
which made a complete cure, as I have
had neither ache or pain since, and I
now weigh 146 pounds. I always re-
commend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and
I hope that this letter may be the
means of suggesting relief to many of
my sisters who suffer as I did,"
Sold by all medicine dealers or sent
by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes
for $2.50 by The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
Nevertheless, the whole gives the
impression of a man who does his own
thinking, and who would have the will
and force to pursue a good many of his
ideas into practical action if given the
opportunity. If Mr. Rowell is a man
of this kind, it is a good thing for On-
tario. Ontario and Canada can be only
the better for first-class men in politics
on both sides. That is the best guaran-
tee for each party keeping straight
and the country getting the best possi-
ble out of the party system. Ottawa
Journal, Conservative.
The activity of John V. Borne in the
recent Federal campaign has been re-
warded. As John V. Borne he wrote
numerous articles, which were publish-
ed in country newspapers, appealing
to the British -born to support the Con-
servative candidates, and as Mr. Ar-
thur Hawkes of Toronto, he made the
same appeal on the platform. Hon.
Rogers, who is in Montreal,
announced the appointment of Mr.
Hawkes as special commissioner for
the department of immigration, with
a roving commission to investigate the
whole immigration department, both
in Canada and abroad.
The Toronto Star is offering prizes
to those who are able to name correct-
ly off -hand the members of the Ontario
Government and their positions. It is
not such a simple task as one might
think. There is, of course, Premier
Whitney, who is very much in the lime-
light. There is Mr. Hanna, too, whose
name is also frequently in the papers.
There was Mr. Cochrane, who was
supposed to have something to do—
which he is accused of having failed to
do - in connection with Northern On-
tario. But who are the others, and
what are they supposed to do?—Wood-
stock Sentinel -Review.
It must be gratifying to Mr. Rowell
that in accepting a grave responsibili-
ty, as a matter of duty, he is compli-
mented by the Conservative press. He
was sure of the kind support of the
Liberal press, but he was not looking
for the praise of the Conservative
press, and must be pleased with it.
What is more significent, Sir James
Whitney must sit up and take notice
when he sees this new advocate of pro-
gressive measures acclaimed by his
wn followers. Sir Jaynes will be sor-
ry he did not delay his manifesto a day
or two later, and in it embrace some of
the things which
must be given sooner or later.—Xing-
ton Whig.
The darkest hour, we are told, is
hat which comes just before the dawn,
nd it would appear as if the cloud d of
thiopian lite Which enveloped the
iberals of Ontario on September 21
est was the turning point in the
arty's political fortunes. At all events
erushingdefeat a administered
iberal candidates ill Ontario in the
te Federal contest does not appear to
ave discouraged the party nor acea-
oned it to rose
heart Indeed, the
ery reverse is true, judging front the
nergy and enthusiasm which charac-
rized the meeting of the Ontario
iberal Association last week. With
i sections of the Province represent-
the patty representatives threw.
er:iselves whole-heartedly into the
sk of reorganizing the party and re -
Ming its fortunes.—Itegina Leader.
of the said Company from taxation,
except school and county rates for a
period of ten years.
And whereas the said Municipal
Council being desirious of assisting the
said industry and promoting the said
Manufactures, have deemed it expedi-
ent to grant the said aid to the said
The Western Foundry Company, Limit-
ed, upon and subject to certain terms,
conditions and restrictions as to the
building and equipment bf the said new
buildings and plant and the employment
of workmen by' the said Company as
will be contained in the Mortgage here-
inafter mentioned, and subject also to
the further condition that the said ad-
vance of $10,000.00 be repaid to the said
Corporation without interest in ten
years from the First day of July, A.D.
1912, as follows: The sum of Five Hun-
dred Dollars annually during the said
ten years, and the balance at the ex-
piration thereof, and that the perform-
ance of the said terms, conditions and
restrictions and such repayment of the
said advance be secured by a first mort-
gage upon the said new buildings,
machinery and plant erected by the
said The Western Foundry Company,
Limited, to the said Corporation of the
Town of Wingham before the issue of
the debentures authorized by this •By
And whereas the said The Western
Foundry Company, Limited, have
agreed to the said terms, conditons and
And whereas for the • purpose of
granting the said aid it will be' neces-
sary to issue debentures of the said
Town for the sum of $10,750.00 as here-
inafter provided (which is the amount
of the debt intended to be created by
this By-law), the proceeds of said de-
bentures to be applied to the purpose
aforesaid and no other.
And whereas the total amount requir-
ed by "The Municipal Act" to be rais-
annually by special rate for paying
the said debt and interest is the sum of
$1432.87; whereof $537.50 is to be so
raised annually for payment of interest
during the currency of the said deben-
tures, and $895.37 is to be raised an-
nually for the purpose of treating a
sinking fund for payment of the debt
secured by the said debentures. -
And whereas the amount of the rate-
able property of the Town of Wingham
according to the last revised assess-
ment roll thereof is $807,548.00.
And whereas the amount of the ex-
isting debenture debt of the said Muni-
cipality exclusive of local improvements
secured by special rates and assess-
ments is $150,378.85, whereof there is
nothing in arrerrs for principal or
Therefore the Municipal Council of
the Corporation of the Town of Wing -
ham enacts as follows:
1. The Municipal Cnuneil of the Corpora-
tion of the Town of Wingham /shall advance
to the said The Western Foundry Company,
Limited, the sum of MAO 00 by way of lone
to aid them in building, erecting and equiping
a new stove and iron w rks, and shalt pay to
the said The Western Foundry, Company,
Limited, a further sum of $750 00 by way of
to therefor, for the promo tion of said suitable
2. For the pu pose aforesaid the Muerte- of
the said Towa of Wingham shall cilium deben-
tures of the said Town of Wingham to be is-
sued which said debentures shaft not be lase
than $10000 each, each debentures $hal{ be
foaled with the seal of the corporation of the
Town btu Ingham and shall be signed by the
Mayor or ether acting head of the Council and
also h the Treasurer thereof.
Phe said debenture.)
8. shall bear date a•.
the first day of July, 1912, and shalt be honied
on the day of the issue thereof and shall be
made Payable in ten years from the said date
at the office of the Treasurer for the time be-
ing of the said town of Wingham and shall
have atrnohedto them caupoes tor the pay-
ment ere interest.
4. Ito said at the rate offive pertceet, per beer
the date there.,f and .std inters. t shall be pay-
annually on the thirty-lirstda, of Decem-
ber in each year, except the last payment of
int r
e est which
shall become
and payable
P e
the da c u which
able: said interesshall be debentures able et the pia e
t e said debentures r
u es aro Madeto papillate,
5, During the cnrranby of the Said deben-
tures there shall bo raisodhertualt by epecial
rare on all the rateable property in the said
Town of Wingham the sem of $587 50'1'or pay.
men f
tb intereston n
tad 1
da len ur
t ns, and ing
said um o
s f $80$.87 for the purpose of greeting
a sinking fund for the payment of the deb
hereby secured, ranking in all the sum of
$143E.87 to be raised annnally by special rate as
aforesaid, during. each of the said ten •gears
0 And the said Munioipel Council of the
Corp,,reti. n of the Town of Wingham do here.
by further enact that the aaseseetent of the
said manufacturing eeteblishment so te be
built and greeted and of the ma ykt
establishment now aloft and ereotei,nrand
ppang, Limtd,rieohdueta Ilepreeent huhtaeee
ineiudivat all laude, bnlldinge and tnaehinere
connected with both the said inat+nfeettteing
est A
abti ]hmaiitsrhnit be rind is acres glad nf
the sunt of $15.000.00 and that the Mama els 1 be
exempted froth taxation, except es to school
and county rates, but including bminess the
for n period of ten enneecurlre bears, nom -
mending wi h end ln.•luding the year 1015, to
longas the said eatar,lishmouts obeli ho opera.
ted in accordance with th. terms, r endititme
and reetrie'ion a herelnbefnro ref. ,red to.
7. This 11y1ewshall tale. effect on the dat,
of the date of the final pits -ting thereof.
8 The votes of the eleatot'aofthe saidTown
of Win ham shrill be taktn on the nyIaw at
the following times at places, that is to
commencing tat the he hhou ro nine o'clock in
Capital Paid Up $t 2,700,000
Reserve and Undevided
Profits . „ .. , 3,250, 000
Total Assets.,,....... ...., 40,000,00.0
The average men or
woman seldomo
develops the
habit of saving 'until a
Savings Account bas been opened,
The possession of such an account acts
as an incentive—your natural, desire
to see the fund grow encearagea that
tendency to thrift so necessary to
success. No matter how little you can
afford to lay aside from the weekly
wage, open a, Savings Account in' the
Rank of Hamilton.
C. P, SMITH, Agent, Winglxatn,
Head Office
forenoon and continuing until five o'clock in
the afternoon of the same day. by the follow
ing Deputy -returning Officers and Poll Clerks,
In Wnrd 1, --At William Johnston's tailor
shop on Josephine "treet, be W, J. Haloes,
Deputy Returuing °Meer, and d.. N. Road-
house, Polt Clerk.
iu War,, 2.—At William Gannett's imple-
ment shop on Josephine Street by A, J. Alder -
sou Deputy' Rotnrniug Officer, and Ben T.
Jenkins, Poll Clerk.
In Ward 8.—A t the Town Halt, by C', N.
Griffin Deputy Returning Officer and A M.
Frain*,Poli Clerk.
In ,'oling Subdivision No. 1 of Ward 4—At
Ritchie & i:oseus' Office on Josephine Street,
by .T. W. Dodd Deputy Returning (fficer, and
John Ritchie, Poll Clerk.
In Polling Sub -division No, 2 of Ward 4—At
Albert liell a hones on Josephine Street. by A.
E. Porter Deputy Iletarning Officer, and W.
T. Miller, Poll Clerk.
9. Un Thursday, the 88rd day of November
next, the Mayor of the said Town of Wingham
shell attend at the Town Hall in the said Town
at eleven o'clook in the forenoon to appoint
aforesaito d at the the
g upgof the
votes by the Clerk on behalf of the persons
interested in and promoting or opposing the
passing of this 13y -law respectively. g
shall The Clerk
at the the
a d�Towwn gall atieleven
o'clock in the forenoon on Saturday the 25th
day of November next, to sum up the number
of votes for and againat the By-law.
Dated at the Town Hall in the Town of
Wingham the day of November, A. D.
Take Notice that the above is it tree oopy of
preposed Bylaw which hos been taken into
consideration and which will be finally passed
by the Council of the Municipality of the
Town of Wingham in the event of the assent -
of the electors being obtained thereto) niter
one mouth from the first publication thereof
in the Wingham Times, the date of which Pub -
tic dim was the second day of November A.
D. 1911, and the votes of the electors of the
said Municipality will be taken thereon on the
day and at the hours and places therein fixed.
And that the names of lease -holders neglecting
to file in the office of the clerk of the said
Municipality at least ten days next preceding
the day of polling,.a statutory declaration
stating that their leases meet the requirements
of subsection 1 of Scotian $y'4 of the Consoli-
dated Municipal Act, 1908, shall not be placed
on the Voters' list for suob noting.
Town Hall, Wingham, Oct,81st A, D. 1911.
r• a Clerk.
A Bargain indeed.
Two cents a week is exactlywhatit
costs to guarantee you the greatest
treat you ever enjoyed. That small
amount per week, or one eller a year
will secure you the great st amount of
P per reading to e had on this
continent. We refe to The Family
Herald and. Week tar of Montreal,
by all odds the b t family and farm
paper printed. In addition to the pap-
er a most beautiful premium picture is
ineluded. It is entitled "Home Again,"
and is well worth the dollar alone. No
home in Canada, be it ever so rich or
ever so poor, can afford to be without
this bargain.
Toronto, Nov, 18—Union Stock Yards
--Receipts, 127 cars, with 2,409 head of
cattle, 52 calves, 439 hogs, 1,422 sheep
and lambs.
Market was a little slower than last
week, and prices about 20c. lower as
computed with the top prices paid for
export cattle a week ago to -day. The
highest price for export reported to-
day was $6.30, and top price for butch-
er was $6. There was a heavy run of
cattle offering, quality on the whole
being a slightly lower average than a
week ago, these two circumstances
probably accounting for the lower tone
of the market generally. Sheep and
lambs were steady, though a little off
in quality. The hog market is again
firmer and about 10c. higher.
Export cattle, choice. $5 90 to $6 30.,
do medium 5 75 585'
do light 5 80 6 00
do bulls ...... .......... 450 525
do cows . . . 3' 75 500
Butchers choice 5 75 6 00
do medium . 5 25 5 60
do cows . , , , 4 50 4 80
do common,,., , .,. 2 50 3 75
do canners ,.,, ,... 1 50 2 75
Short -keep, p i 5 60 5 50
Fee e
do' ., ., 3 55 4 25
325 42
Stockers choice .. , . 4 25 4 75
do light 2 -75 $ 25
Mitch cows, choice, each ....55 00 90 00
Springers .........45 00 65 00
Common and medium ., . 85 00 25 00
Sheep, ewes ... , . . .. , .. 3 25 3 75
do bucks, , 2 50 3 00
Lambs, yearlins , ..... 5 50 5 65
Sgring Iambs, each , ... 5 00 '5 50
kIogs, f, o. b, , , . ,.. 6 40
do fedandn
..6 75 6 85
Calves v...,.,.,..,,, 4 00 8 00
WI;0G11,%5I h'LA'1Ltl<1$T REPORTS.
Wiha m Nov. v.1
Flour per 100 lbs ......,... 2 25 to 3 10
,:'ail wheat .. ,,. ,,.. 0 87 to 0 87
Oats . ,,, ....... ... 0 87 to 0 40
Barley...,.,, 1 00 to 0 80
Peas 1 00 to 1 00
Butter dairy.,, ...,..... 0 20 to 0 25
Eggs per doe... , 0 25 to 0 25
Wood per cord ............... 2 50 to 2 50
Hay per ton ....... , ..,,.,12 00 to 12 00
Potatoes per hushel, new . 0 50 to 0 60
Lard 0 15 to 0 15
Live Hogs per cwt,,,,.,,., 5 80 to 5 80
Lundy's Lane Methodist Church cele-
brated its 117th anniversary.
The charges made by Rene Leduc,
nominee in Quebec East, against Sir
Wilfrid Laurier, that he was bribed to
retire, were thrown out by Mr. Justice
•Second Class,
Through Tra
Sept. 15th to Oct. 15th
e rates from Ont-
io Points.
n Toronto to Vancou-
20 p.m, daily.
ER, Agent, Wingham.
We Sneakily the Card
When we call attention to the
great variety of Suitings.
Trouser and Top Coat Cloths
That are to be seen as this shop.
Not alone the piles. of goods. on
tables, but the endless variety on
"cards" is what makes it easy to
find something "exclusive," if you
tailor here. Don't cost a cent more.
Our "made to order" clothes are
what you should wear.
° Canada's
«. ` .RYt Do' z1i1ciTre crt;
Return aril tickets at reduced
rates now on sate at any Grand
'Pruni, Ticket Office.
1'or Tickets and further inferma.
tion call on G. Lamont, De dtAgent
or address A. E. That D. A., Te-
rortte, Ont.
Now»a-days people want to know
what they're eating, and by buy,
ing your Food Stuffs here, you
insure yourself against the
injury of Impure i~ oo s;
Farena or Cream of Wheat the purest and best
6 lbs. for 25c Sc Ib. or
Delicious home-made Mincemeat, very tasty, only roc lb.
Strawberry and Raspberry Jam, excellent quality, we lb.
New Valencia Raisins, large fleshy fruit - roc Ib,
New Valencia Seedless Raisins
Seeded Raisins in packages
Sultanana Raisins, 2 lbs for
Re -Cleaned Currants
Extra large Re Cleaned Currants
Dates, loose and in lb. pkgs
- roc lb,
• IOC and r 5c
- 25c
roc lb,
15c Ib.
` - roc
This is only a small list of our table dainties, we have a
host of other tasty foods, and we are sure we can
please you. Just give us one chance.
You'll be satisfied,
5 and zo lb. tins and in glass jars, first quality,
none better.
Men, This is the
Place to
Buy Winter
Caps. '
We have an excellent variety of caps, made of heavy
overcoating, and the very best materials of all
kinds, stylish Patterns,and-only 5oe, 75c
$ r.00, .I t is wise to pay a little
more, and get a little
better ,article.
The Profit Sharing Store
Strayed from my
BInevale road, on or
August, two sheep.
anything of the w
sheep will kindly co
remises on the
out the 10th of
Parties knowing
ereabouts of the
munioate with me.
Wingham P.O.
For factory. $5,00 per week to
start with for girls eighteen and
over. Address immediately
Sailing daily except Friday and
Sunday at 5 00 pan., frons Owen
Sound, connecting train leaves
out 1.00
Meals and l3erths
tnoluded on Boat
Ask any Agent for 1011 illustrat-
ed literature and to arlialfge re
servation, etc.
The only solid through train to the
West; carries through coaches,
colonist, tourist and standard sleep-
ers from Toronto daily at 10,20 p.m.,
I. 11. BEI•;MER, AGt NT,
�i ice° iJLiia l iir'a4L;!
Stands to the front as the best
school of its kind in the province.
Our courses are beyond those of the
ordinary business college. This
school has a continental reputation
for high-grade work, We have
three departments: --
Commercial, Shorthand
and Telegraphy.
and the demand for trained help
greatly exceeds the supply. Stud-
ents are entering each week and
the sooner you enter the better for
yourself. Get our free Catalogue
at once.
A live representative for
surrounding ou
1]tg st
Di '
to sal
District i
high-class stock for
M .
� '
htrees 1 velli bee
lent d
in the Fall of 1911 and Spring of
1912 that, ever before hi the history
of Ontario,
'The orchard of the future will be
the best paying part of the farm,
We teach. our men Salesmanship
Teo Nitrite and how big profits in
fruit growing ettn be made.
Pay weekly, permanent employ,
hien,, erolixstve territory. Write
for particulars,