HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-11-16, Page 1THS VOL. XL—NO 2076. MOAN. ONTARIO. TR TRSD4.T. NOVEMBER 16 1911. $1 A TEAR IN ADVANCE GOLD Fish 1 We still have. about 5o Gold Fish Aquariums to give away FREE wi h a Soc purchase of Rexall. Goods, Make your own choice loo different ; articles to choose from We have some -larger Gold Fish to sell at 5c aad Toe each: P, S. --We Will sell ecwpiete Aquarium at 25e each to any that do not•want the. Eexall Goods, Walton Mckibhou THE DRUGGIST 7A•042.4.401. Store Macdonald Block, Wingham. 1 200 •ACI[ FARM ft FOR SALE A fine farm of 200 acres bas just been listed With us for im- mediate sale on account of owners ill health, Large brick blouse and bank barn, also all 'other necessary buildings, fifty acres bush„ never failing well and Spying. School mile, post office mile, ohia<tehes 1 to 3 [Hiles. A rare change to get a good place in a fine locality. Price $8500, or will exchange for a .'smaller farm. Blacksmith Shop for Sale At Westfield. good business, own- er wishes to retire and will sell right. A good opportunity for a young man wishing to start busi- ness for himself. Ritchie & Cosens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE A. E. SMITH BANKER W1NGUAat, ONTARIO. Farmers who want money to buy bores, cattle, or hogs to feed for market oats have it on reasonable terms. Notes dteoounted for tradesmen, mer- ohanke or agents, on favorable terms. Lonna an real estate at the lowest rates going. r.. Christie's Grocery PHONE 59. NEW FRUITS Here for the Choicest of Xrnas Fruits Try Dor Teas and Coffees THEY'RE A SPECIALTY WsierXri--Choice Better, +`rush Eggs, 'Rand flicked Beans, Potatoes, ete. Wear ClPueras Sues and EOM , Apron and Han kerchief B zaar.. The Ladies' Au liary of the Wing - ham General Hos tai purpose, holding an apron and ha dkerchief bazaar in the'Council Cham or on the evening of Friday, December 1st, Further parti- culars will be gin in future issues' of this paper. Cedar rails wanted. . Apply to the Western Foundry Co., Limited, Finnig Friday evening known and iaug Fortune" will Wingham opera tainment is heir* and is under the Club, The cause the entertainme attended. Plan, o McKibbon's drug ,e Fortune, of this week the well- ible play "Finnigan's e presented in the house. The enter. given by local talent uspices of the parish is a worthy one and t should be largely ball is now open at tore. Rubbers for School Children, 30c, to 50c, Don't let the children go without. Rubbers. W. J. Gaon. • We revised our Nov, 8th, How do If you have, sent u label shoul{i have of has not been chap been a mistake on correct it, That is are calling attentio the list Let us k not corre 3t, tell us and we'll be plea] right, Look at ur Label. mailing list up to s your label read? any money your en " changed. If it ged and there has ur part we want to one reason why we i to the revision of PPw if your label is jvhen you renewed `est to make things Don't miss bargains in 'pretty hats while sale is on at Mrs. Green's. Large stock to select from. Found Gui Andrew Cruicks at Goderich on Judge Holt of,ass Wingham on the 26th, last. Chief witnesses were Wingham. ' Cruic fore Judge Holt for sentence an next Saturday, t there were a nu neetion with the to consider. y at Goderich. ank wasfound guilty riday afternoon by 'ting. Miss Davis in evening of October 1len and a number of in attendance from shank came ,up be - on Monday morning was remanded until e'judge stating that ber of points in con - ase which he wished FARM To RENT. —100 ship of Turnberry i cultivation. Appl Wingham, P. 0. • cres'in Town - good state of O R. VANSTONE, The Feedi The Toronto We ber 6th will contai son Rennie on special reference feed conditions year. Mr. Renni information on a can speak with the market en worth a year's s ticat feeder. Y without the info talk. The Sun the balance of 1 now. A post -ca clubbing list offer. g of .Cattle. key Sun of Decem- a tall[ with Simp- attle to t le eeding with e market and is exceptional full of practical e feeding. No man ater authority as to This one copy will be bscription to any prat - cannot afford to be ation given in this ill be sent free for 11 to all who subscribe d will bring you our d special premium .Miss Jemima McKenzie has opened- a ress-making shop at her home on Frances street and will be pleased to welcome old and new customers. Ap- prentices wanted. Serious Ac Peter Mathis ed at We miraculous est work on Thu up on a ladd the sleeve of screw and he rapidly revoi man, with ra ed himself as ing and was from being t in which cas to pieces in etothing ova torn, to shre of the env' on seeing stopped th from the himself M rushed to found that t ties of his 1 off, and was in addition and bruises shock, and time. A about his b were cause } the whirlin Went at Foundry. , a young man employ - tern n I'ou dr n had a Foundry, pe from death while at slay afternoon. While r oiling some shafting, is oat caught in a set as whirledaround on a ing shaft. The young e presence of mind, brac- his feet Struck the coil - able to prevent himself isted up in the belting, he would have been torn n instant. As it was his ripped completely off and s in the shafting. Some gees heard his, Cries, and hat had happened at once machinery. When rescued lace where `he had braced thiaa collapsed. He was is home, where a doctor e skin from the entire por- t arm had been stripped anging by a mere thread. athias had countless tuts He suffered greatly from *ill be laid up for some ber of burns Were found y, and it is supposed these by the speed with Which shaft tore the clothitlg off, Read Willis & Co,'.s Adv. on page 8 Huron'Caunty Fruit. Mr. Kenneth Carlercn, of West Wa- waaosh had a very successful year with his orchard. t yielded, of pack- able fruit, exactly 06 barrela, compris- ing 828 of No, 1, 5 of No. 2, and 23 of No. 8, besides ne rly $100 worth of windfalls and culls which were utilized by the evaporator. Mr. Cameron takes exceptionally good re of his orchard, spraying every yea . Mr. ,Cameron this year sold thentire yield of his orchard to Mr. Jo t, -'The TIMES, through the ldndnes: of Mr, Wraith, editor of the Luc < ow Sentinel? has received a sample of the apples and these will be on ex •ibitiori in'our office window for a few, • aye. MEN'S RUBBERS, high and low cut, all styles, 65c. to 90c. New goods. The best made. W. J, GaEEs Indoor 4aseball. On Thursday evning last in the Parish Club a game of indoor; l+aseball was played betwe n the clerks and bankers resulting i a score of l$ to 4 in favor of the tier s: The line -up: -4 CLERKS • BANKERS Brock, S. S: Gillespie, P. C. & S. Graham, 2nd Maxwell, 3rd. .., Galbraith, 1st Cranston, 1st Knechtel, 3rd Ferguson, 2nd Kerr, C. & P. Gregory, P. & C. Macon, P. &C. Sturt, C. Score by Inning — Bankers 000 00031-4 Clerks 4 3 2 3 0 1 2 0-15 After the gam a bowling contest between the above teams resulted in a' victory for the Cie ks by 46 pins. The annual bow ing tournament in doubles will com ence on the 20th inst. • Big millinery sale called on errly at Mrs. Greens as all goods must be cleared out at once regardless of price.: Come at once andgetfirst choice. Married • Goderich. Last week's Go to the marriage of man, as follows: wedding was solem church on•Wednes Wilson, daughter o brig road, joinedh John J. Dean, Father McRae sal which made them The groom was su er, Eugene. J. D Wilson, sister of t maid. The happ 7.10 G. T. R. trai moon trip, after up their resident groom holds a pos mail service be London. The young couple in them a long and rich Signal refers a Wingham young An early morning ized in St. Peter's ay, when Miss Lily John Wilson, Cam• nd and heart`'with Goderieh. Rev, the nuptial mass husband and wife. ported by hi5,broth- n, and Miss Irene e bride, was brides - couple Left on the on a short honey - 'eh they will take in Wingham. The tiorr in the railway een Wingham and any friends- of the wn join in wishing appy life. Before selling your pr' is or rolled butter, and poultry iv or dressed, it will be to ycur adv age to get our prices. AR1isouli & Co., Phone 52. Successful The congregate Presbyterian Chu ful anniversary last. Rev. Prof. College,Toronto,pr and evening and in ed an address at th the services were pite the very u Prof. Ballantyne i er and his discour- listened to with m Anniversary. n of St, Andrew's h held very success- ervices on Sunday allantyne, of Knox ached in the morning he afternoon deliver - Sabbath School. All well attended, des - favorable weather. an excellent spa k- s on Sunday' were eh interest and pro- fit by the congr gations. He has a clear and forcefu the truths and in understood. Tho ate in hearing M remember his vi Monday evening meeting and en Tea was served Upwards of 500 excellent repast The large crowd any more ably are to be eon able manner in their work. Af was given, The b en, ied c the the a p ran and addresses were ceiivered by the and an excellent given. The pa< fact an the The tion are highly successful serve ing a social was and this too was procesds for Mo ening: will be way of presenting manner to be easily e who were fortune Ballantyne will long it to Wingham. On very successful tea -nm ertaient was held, rom 6 to 8 o'clock and eopie partook of the provided by the ladies. could not have been andled and the ladies atulated on the very hit& they carried Out r tea 'a good grogram pastor, Ret'. D. Petrie, Wingham clergy/nett musical program Was or, the ladies and in bets of . the eongrega- as 1 e edi w th the very es. On Tuesday even- iven for the children very successful. The day and Tuesday ev Wards of $200. KERR THE CA DIDATE, North Huron Liberals 014 0001/0460 0001/0460on Tyesd z'• The Liberals of Wort Huron held very successful nomina • ng conventio in the Town Hall on Tuesday afternoon with President Isbister •residing, Ai parts of the riding w: s represented and the spirit of fight w s revealed i all ,who attended. Mr, W. H, Kerr, editor of the Brpssela Pest was given the hearty and unaninto a nominatio 'of the convention,; no at •r name bein submitted. to the conv'ntion. In speech, with all his old t' me vigor Mr, Kerr accepted the nomi tion:and ask- ed for the hearty and un ted support of the Liberals. The meeti g was one of the mME roost enthusiastic t at the TIS man has attended for s•me time and every Liberal present is going into the fight with a determi ation to elect a supporter of.. Lea. r Rowell in North Huron. In Mr, err' the Liber- als have an excellen n candidate. A man who. is esteemed a d respected by all parties and a man w o will make an able and honorable representative. While it may be said at he is not a resident of the riding, this should be no bar as to his useful ess as a repre- sentative and. had net Huron county been carved to suit C•nservative pur- poses he would have . en a resident of the riding. Mr. Ker resides on the boundary line of the ding and leaving West. Wawanosh an• Ashfield out of consideration North uron is made up of municipalities tha largely compose East Huron and in w ich Mr. Kerr is well and favorably k own and in which he has done yeeom4' service for the Liberals. The elec•.rs of the riding now have an excel': t opportunity of supporting a man ho will in every way do credit to th • ' riding, and our advice to ttie elect is is to vote for W,,H. Kerr on the 1 th of December.. Tuesday's very enth elastic convention was brought to a Dose with hearty cheers for Leader R• ell and the .can- didate. n a n n n g a WANTED. — An., ex room girl. Apply at HIGH .SCH erieggded dining- 's hotel. 01. NOTES. ;se held in the As- rsday evening• last, d that, as in prev- rary Society should chair was ably filled esident, Miss Edna nominations were eting was held on ,in the absence of our new president, kcharge .of affairs. a very clever ad- didates who were peeches. The elec- Tuesday of this will be given next ' A mass meeting sembly Hall on T when it was decid ious years, the Lit be organized. Th by the '1st vice - Dickson, and th ,made. A second Friday evening, an the vice-president, Mr. Harry Dore, t Mr. Dore delivered dress and those ca present gave short tions were held o week and the resat week. Mr, Wi11 Linklat ,students of the W. Ontario Agriculture Mr. Fred Corley, of the Literary Sod dard Bank, Kingsto A Mission Study ized on lines sugg Troyer, travelling Canada College Mis r, one of the old . S., is attending College, Guelph. a former prophet ty is in the Stan - lass will be organ - ted by Mr. H. S. secretary of the on. Right up -to -elate hats now on sale CHEAP at Mrs. Green's. Latest Ce The Census Bu the compilation of cities, tonins and v for of most the b given some time a g people in other pl known, as shown b ed in June last, as returns for some that have previous' which revision ah figures for the town and in this distrie Kincardine, 1956; Ti erton, 2601; Lu 853; W in barn g , sets, 902; Wro 1988; Bayfield, 499; E sail, 792; Clinton, 225 Listowel, 2239; Mite ton, 1491; Palmerst 595, us Returns. eau has completed census returns for lages. The figures arger places laces were The number of ces is now made• the returns collect - well as Completed cities and towns been given, and in s Changes. The of Huron county are as follows:-- erton, 342; Walk- o +976; Teeswater, 8; • yth, 805; Brus- e 366; Seaforth, ter 1554; Hen- ; Goderich, 4522; 11, 1766;; Harris - h, 1665; Clifford, Lens! Loost—I a prepared to pay the 0 highesta for a cash all i c l knde f saw togs. Call and get prices and lengths to eut logs. J. A. MCLEAN. —A musical ntertairiment will be given in the era house on Friday evening, Nov. 2 of the Wingh Admission 15e. enjoy g'pleaaant h, under the auspices • -- MR. W. KERR Liberal Candidate i North Huro>X for the Leg lature. Mr. Kerr, who, as nominated on Tuesday as can+'idate f'or the Legislature by e North Huron Liberals 'was born in the Methodist parsonage at Fle-herton, Grey Co. being the eldest so ofthe late Rev. J. L. Kerr, The com on schools in var- ious towns and the Wardsville High School gave him t e qualification to enter the teachip g profession, which he followed for foe • years. In Aug- ust, 1885, he pur ased the Brussels Post and has cent ued its publication to the present. F a number of yearn. he occupied the ' • eve's chair in the Brussels Council; e was for thirteen years is member o the County Council and was Warden ; n 1903. In Sabbath school, church, temperance and frater- nal society wort Mr. Kerr has . alwa3 s taken an aetiv part. As Secretary - Treasurer of th East Huron Fall Fair and in the cepa ity of a Director of the East Huron Far ers' Institute, he has rendered diligent service. For • nearly thirty years be as Secretary -Treas- urer of the East uron Liberal Associa- tion and has had todo with organiza- tion work during these years for both Commons and egislature contests. Mr. Kerr has an excellent record and he is a candidat of whom the electors of North Hero may be proud. POULTRY WANTED ---Highest cash price paid for all kinds of live poultry. Fhone 10. Gunn:'.', Limited.,. Miles 2716 miles, couver without Pacif Canadian Pacific entirely over its o own equipment of sleeping cars, dini every day in the y and Vancouver wi A train in very tr word in luxury. William, Winnipe Moose Jaw and for all points in North Coast poin Toronto and Van- hange, Canadian Way. all Canadian outs n rails, ops tes its tandard a tourist g cars a d coaches ar t en Toronto hon, ange of cars. th ...at is the last he route is via Fort , Brandon, Regina, algary. Connections Canadian West and WANTED—Young men furniture and • uphf1st� to Apply Walker Ont. • def learn the' ng business. egg, Wingham, CHURC NOTES The Anniversary Colborne Street t t London, will be hel. Rev, Dr. Rutledge preach the sermons Rev. J. A Carmi fcreign,missions o Church, and a min throughout Canad States, died at Wi Rev. Malcolm M ducted as pastor o terian Church, Ki There will be a sp Presbytery in the duction. Rev. Dr. Work Mr. Justice Weir at the Board of G Ieyan Theological from his profess grounds of heterod The Rev. D,N, M will Conduct Missio Methodist Church ne Ings in aid of the m the Methodist Chum taken en that octad took quite an actin Missionary Coeve' London, he will services of the ethodist Church, next Sunday, The of Wingham will n that occasion. hael,secretary cretar Y of the Presbyterian ter Widely known and the United nipeg on Saturday. earthur will be in` the Knox Presby- cardine on Nov. 23. Bial meeting of the vening after the in- an was awarded war by 3,500 damages again- ernors of the Wes- ollege for dismissal rship oh alleged y amus, of London, ary work of the t St1nday. Offer- Ssionary Work of in Canada will be IL Mr, McCamte4 pari ih t'+ gr,�; t Iva jest closed in o doubt, be well hearing on this gr at subjeet. THE FQUND BY-LAW. The ratepayers of Ingham will vote on a very important y -law on Friday,. November 21th. T e Town Council, with the consent of t e ratepayers will make a loan of $10,1 e for ten years to the Western Foundry Co. and provide $750 for the purchase of a building site and place a fixed ass,•_:merit of $15,1m on the old and the H'e plants on which school taxes and /cola ty rate, will be paid. In return the esternrFoundry Co. will erect a iiew et `of buildings and put in a new pl • t, all to cost not less than $30,000 an for the first year will•employ atieast 50 new hands and after that to emplo not leas than 200 in thetwo plants. l he town is to be secured' for the loa by a first mort- gage on the new p : nt. The loan is to be repayable $500 ,er year after the first year and the alance at the end of the ten years. T e money will not be paid over by the town until the new buildings are corn Meted and the plant ready for operati • n, Wingham rate .:vers have an excel- lent opportunity ,. secure the enlarge- ment of one of t town's most pros- perous industri • ua. The Western Foundry Co. no • has orders on hand to keep a plant do •Ie the present capa- city running wit a full force of men. The ratepayers ; iso have the advantage of dealing with a company that has made good and as an established busi- ness which is m eh better than bring- ing in a concern that would have no established busin ss connection. All other town are making bids for new industries a d the ratepayers of Wingham now ave it within their power to support this by-law and se- cure an industry hat will give employ- ment to 100 more en and also with every prospectof seein this number largely increased. The . ople of Wingham are proud of the to 's industries and in order to keep' th=town in a prosperous condition it wouli be wisdom on the part of every pr perty owner to vote for the by-Iaw o the 24th Inst. The little extra taxes ill never be noticed by the average ra epayer when the in- creased prosperit ' of the town is taken into consideratio Every ratepay: should do his very best in securing 'l e passing of this by- law. Ratepayer have a vete on the by-law in every and in which they own property. Ontario Horticultural Exhibition. Return tickets to Toronto _will be on sale at all C. P. R. offices and stations Nov. 13th to 18th at single fare plus 25 cents for admissio coupon to the show where the one ay regular fare to Toronto is $1 0 less. Where the one way rate i re than $L50, tick- ets will be sold t single fare and pas- sengers will secure standard railway certificates entitling them to free re- turn on usual conditions. All tickets are good for return until Nov. 20th. TOWN OUNCIL, The adjourned m Council was held with all the mem Coun. McKenzie. J. A. Morton, C Commission addr reference to the of making repairs the waterworks p Moved by Couns in view of the imp repair of the mach P works pump house orize the Commi with the neeessar The agreement mittee from Trade Committee Foundry Co. was ment the town is of $10,000 to the by a first mortgag ings and plant. T tees that the build be worth $30,000, not employ the hands the usual pe has been attached. pay over the mone are completed and Moved by Coun. Donald, that the M authorized to sign behalf of the town the Western F'oun Accounts Were A.Graham, dame sanitary overchar .ibbeh, sanitary Moved by Coun. Donald, that whe made in eollecti such tar should . t e • Y a • r s eting of the Town n Friday evening yrs present except airman of the Light sed the Council in mediate necessity o the machinery at mp house, Hall and Bone, that rative necessity for er at the water - this w er this Council auth- ioners to proceed ork.—Carried. rangedthe byCo_ g Com- ncil, the Board of and the Western ad. In the agree - cured for the loan stern Foundry Co, on the new build - Company guaran- gs and plant will the Company does quired number of lty of $20 per man The town wn does not until the buildings e plant installed. one and Reeye Mc- yor and Clerk be the agreement on in connection with ry Co —Carried, ead as follows; --R. e to crop, $5, and e, lge; J. W, 1Vlc• vercharge, $2. one and Reeve Mc., an error has been sanitar tax, , that have been imposed, Salvation Army, We have Women's Rubbers in all HOY W'AI+rrtu---Ta learn the printing Rierybody come and the shapes to fit the st les of the new business. Go . eha brightt - e etli p od ncefora act evening, shoes. 45c, to 65c. W. J, Gtzsnir. vo boy. Apply at TYttks Of15cx, • CHILDREN'S RUBBERS Don't think sending the little feet in the Fancily to School, these days, through the snow and slush without protecting them with a pair of our. School Rub. ber:. The Rubbers protect the health and protect the Shoes, as well Tbey are a splendid invest- ment from either point of view. We have the medium height or the regular Storm Rubbers. Every size, width and shape, to fit every shoe, 30e, 35e, 40e to 50e. You can't do a wiser thing than to provide a good pair of School Rabbets for the Children all 'round. WI 11 GREER Where quality counts we win. C. N. Griffin GENERAL AGENT FIRE LIFE ACCIDEN T PLATE GLASS WEATHER tdreelAnaf Insurance N�+WaF Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and MONEY LOANING Business. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Office over Malcolm'a Grocery. BOY SCOU NOTES. Mr. H. G. Hammo d, Provincial (Ont- ario) Secretary of t e Canadian Baden- P,owell Boy Scouts ay visit Wingham in the near future There are 7000 B Scouts in Ontario. Are you one? The . is much interest- ing work in conne • tion with the tests for advancement a many useful things learned by earnest, thoughtful boys. The Only 'Through rain to Western Canada. Is the' Canadian -acific "Va couver Express," leaving oronto U on Sta- tion daily at 10.20 m., for ancouver. The trip to Winnireg is radically a. day shorter than ., ar other route. Through standard : tourist sleepers for Winnipeg and ancouver are car- ried—Canadian 1' cific standard—the service is the best, and all customs or transfer an troubles route, are elimi- nated. ThityOur Seven Colleges have been established during the past 30 111 years. The largest trainers in g Canada. Owing to our connec- tion all over Ontario, we do better for our graduates than any other Sehoot. You may study all at home or partly at home and finish at the College. Affiliated with The Comieercial Educators' Association of Can- ada. It would be well for you to investigate before choosing. Exclusive right for Ontario of the world-famous Bliss Book- keeping System, which is un- equalled. It is actual Business from start to finish, and the student loops same books as Chartered Banks and Whole- sale e Houses. Enter an Individual instruction.time. a$i Tenn From Aug. Write, 'call or phone for I particulars, WINGJA,M BUSINESS COLLEGE tome tlkt rrON", rrtr,►aant.