HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-11-09, Page 6l) FE WINGJAA TRIES NOVEMBER 9 119UU You've thought about trying PURITY FL0UR Now ,pct t ! FOR some time there has dwelt in your mind the thought of trying PURITY FLOUR --- the flour that consists wholly of the high-grade portions of the best Western hard wheat. That's a good thought. It indicates a desire for improvement in your baking-talent—an ambition to increase the deliciousness of your bread and pastry. Don't let that good thought perish, Turn on your will powei. ACT ! 1 1 Flo "More bread and better bread" pEMIN?DER: On account of the extra strength and extra quality of PURITY FLOUR, best pastry results are obtained by adding more shortening than is necessary when using the ordinary Ontario or blended flours. Also add more water when making bread, y uRIT,' Frail ' PAM Add PURITY FLOUR to your grocery Rist right now Iva BOLD BY. WM. BONE AND KING BROS., WINGHAM, 12112222. ____.........._ KERNELS FROM TUE SANC1UM MILL Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges. Don't be a camel, even if that animal can go for two weeks without funny man. Many a. man's reputation, if placed under a magnifying glass, would lor.k like a porous plaster. Tired -out Sidney*. 4 II b. Kidney troubles are so frightfully common because the kidneys are so easily upset by overwork or excesses of eating and drinking., Cure is effect- ed not by whipping then on to renewed effort, but by awakening the action of liver and bowels by the use of Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills. This rests the kidneys and makes them ,tell. Backache and urinary disorder_ then. (disappear. For one American girl who has mar- ried a count, there are countless others who haven't. The Rev. F. r, Meyer says that he would sooner go to an operation at the Middlesex Hospital than to a glove fight. A -cutting" statement. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets do not sicken or gripe, and may be taken with perfect safety by the meet delicate woman or the youngest child, Tte old and feeble will also find them a most suitable remedy for aiding and strengthening their weakened dl- gestion and for regulating the bowels. For sale by all dealers. A baby is a 'sell -spring of pleasure and ell that exert of thing when its ours. The brat next door is a public nuisance, A French investigator has given Julius Caesar the .credit for being one of the earliest and most earnest oppon- ents of race suicide. There is illi, from a .da danger r o Cold or from an attack of the grip exceptwhen followed by pneumonia, and this never happens whet. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is used. This remedy has won its great roputc:tion and extensive sal by its remarkable cures of colds an grip and can be relied upon with im elicit confidence. For sale by all deal erg. It is doubtful if "aviation meets" can ever be made to pay, At present those who fly at exhibitions demand large Compensation, because the sport is still full of danger. The gate re- ecipts, on the other hand, Cannot be raised beyond a certain point, because it is impossible to fence the nir. The outsiders cannot be prevented frorti seeing. , Later g on when the risk is leas, and payments to aviators are conae- quently lower, the novelty winch draws Crowds will be one. The lata meet in Chicago ended With a deficit of Mty thousand dollars, Some people the other day played a cricket match on the Goodwin Sands. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORfA. Milwaukee's Merchants and Manu- facturers' Association is to establish a permanent ent fre ee To Y meat bureau. In conneetion with the public library building now under construction at St. Louis the city. will maintain a park with a sunken garden whose use will be invited for outdoor book reading. "I am pleased to recommend Cham- berlain's Cough Remedy as the best. thing I know of and safest remedy for coughs, colds and bronchial trouble," writes Mrs. L. B. Arnold, of Denver, Colo. "We have used it repeatedly and it has never failed to give relief. ' For sale by all dealers. Colorado's State Insane Asylum has adopted the unique plan for restoring reason to the mentally afflicted. The authories have installed a moving pic- ture show, and it is hoped the weak diversion will be a big factor in ef'f'ect- ing cures at the institution. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CAs-roRlA England has twenty-seven reform schools for boys and nine for girls, with sixty-eight industrial schools for boys and forty-three for girls. Not one of these schools for girls has any woman on its board of control. Had Palpitation of the IIeaitp Weakness and Choking Spells, When the heart begins to beat irregu- larly, palpitate and throb, beats fast for a time, then so slow as to scene almost to `op, it causes great anxiety and alarm. 'hen the heart does this many people are ..ept in a state of morbid fear of death, and become weak, worn and miserable. To. all such sufferers Miiburn's Heart and Nerve Pills will give prompt and permanent relief, Mrs. John J. Downey, New Glasgow, N•S, writea:—"rust a few lines to let you ktrove what your Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills have done for me. I was troubled with weakness and palpi• talion, of the heart, would have severe choking spells, and could scarcely lie down at all. I tried many remedies, butof g none to answer in case likeyour Pills, I can recommend mycase highlo all having heart or nerve troubles." Price 60 Cents per box, or 3 boxes for $1.25. For sale at all dealers nr will be nraile.1 direct on receipt of price by TM. T. Milburn Cas., Limited, Toroeto, Oat. Chinabaa extended the invitation tq. Canadian apple dealers to trade with, that country, The merchants ofShahga hal state that they much prefer :Cana- dian apples, but are prevented from buying owing to the higher price com- pared with American apples. ;King George la following is his lath er'a footsteps in the eneouragernent he is lending to farming, He recently gave a WO cup ter competition among the farmers of South. Backs Agrieul Lural Show. His. Majesty also present- ed. a prize of $25 to the best plowman. "I do not believe there is any other medicine so good for whooping cough as Chamberlain's Cough Remedy," writes Mrs, Francis Turpin, Junction City, Ore. Thiaremedy is also unser. passed for Golds and croup. For kale by all dealers, In 1908 Canada's exports of bacon and hams amounted to $11,161,628, while for the fiscal year of 1911 they were down to $8,526,432. In the same periodher exports of butter declined from $1,078,403 to $744,288, and cheese from $22,887,387 to $20,73$,507. , REST AND HEALTH TO MOTUHI AiW ENILD. useed for over SIXTY YE" ARS by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHILDREN WHILE =STRING,with PERFECT SUCCESS. It. LCI,A Sall AN CORES WIINND COLIC, and is the best remedy for DIARItIIOEA. It is ab, solutely harmless. Be sure and ask for "Mrs,. winsrow's Soothing Syrup." and take fie ether kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Judging by the'prices paid for horses at a big sale in Toronto recently, the advent of the automobile has not de- preciated the value of good animals. The quality of the horses offered brought buyers from all parts of Cana- da and the united States, Several of the .animals fetched $1,000, and a good- ly number came very near that figure. It would seem as if a good horse can always be sold at a good price, in spite of the advent of the horseless carriage, PILfer another day_ wiithh Itching, Bleed. Ing, or Protrud. Ing Piles. No surgical open.. at ion required. Dr. Chase's Ointment will relieve you at once and as certainly Doreou. 60c. a box• all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates &Co., Limited, Toronto. Samnple box froeif you mention this paper and. enclose 2c. stamp to pay postage. A distinguished novelist recently found himself travelling'in a'train with two very talkative women. Having recognized him from his published por- traits, they opened fire upon him in re- gard to his novels, praising them in a manner which was unendurable to the sensitive author. Presently the train entered a tunnel, and in the darkness, the novelist raised the back of his hand to his lips and kissed it soundly. When light returned he fund the two women. regarding one anotherin icy silence. Addressing them with great suavity, he said: "Ali, ladies, the regret a my life will be that I shall never know which of you it was that kissed mei' There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the past few years was supposed to be the. For a great many Years doctors P r - nouncedita Iocal i e d s ase and prescrib- ed local remedies, and by .constantly failing to cure With local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a Constitutional disease and therefore requires consti- tutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure,.manufactured by F. J, Cheney & Co.; Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitu- tional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from ten drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the . sys- tem. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address: F.J. CHENEY & CO.' Sold by Druggists, 75e, Toledo, Ohio, Take Hall's Family Pills for Consti- pation. Pickling Perk. Pork may be pickled by using for each 80 pounds of meat one pound salt, four pounds sugar, one quart molasses, and three ounces saltpeter. The meat is well rubbed with salt and left in a pickle barrel for 15 days, draining off the fluid from time. A second method is to use one bushel of fine salt, two pounds brown sugar and one pound saltpeter, which would be enough for 800 pounds of meat. The sugar improves the flavor of the meat, and the saltpeter makes the pork firms er. After a: few days a little more of the salt mixture may be applied, rubs bing it in if absorption is going slowly. All cut ends of bone must be thorough- ly salted in, as decomposition is most likely to oecur in such places, This method may be used Where hams, shoulders and bacon sides are packed together in the same barrel, the hams being at the top of the barrel to pre- vent them from becoming too salty. Restating should take place within 10 days or two Weeks, according to the weather. After four to six weeks the meat may be unpacked, washed and smoked, or the salt may be left on the treat during the process of smoking. Before hanging in the smokehouse the Meat may be sprinkled with black pep- per era mixture of black andfire dpep- per: • Children Cr FOR FLRYCHER'S. • Oftl WONRERF01. VI$GQYERY An eminent scientist, the other day. save his: aptuton that the most.wona derful elsoovery of recent year wee the discovery of Zorn -DIAL Just Iilnk; M ,sopa as a single thln layer if ream -Bek Is applied to a wound or .t sore, MIA injury is insured against 'Acedpoison! Not one species of 'nierobe has been +found •that Zeta -Dui; Wee not kill: Then again. ,ns. soon aa'Zarrt,Bult s applied to a sore, or a cut, or•to kin direare, it stops the smarting. That Iswhy children are altgh friends f a t- Znl#u k. The c r : t �' aanohtn $far the science of the thing, All they snow fa that Earn-Buk stops their ';tin, illothers "should never forget his, A gain. As soon as. Zam.Buk is apt •sled to a wound or to a diseased art, the cells beneath the skin's ser- e are so stimulated that new realthy tissue le quickly formed, This 'orming of fresh healthy tisane from, Moo is tarn-Buk's secret of healing. The tissue thus formed isworked _UP to the surface and literally casts off ':he diseased tissue above it, Thle le erhy Zam-Buk curesare permanent. Only the other day Mr. Marsh., of 1.01: Delorinrier Ave., Montreal, called upon the Zam-Buk Conipaay and told them that for over twenty -live years he had been a martyr to eczema.. His 'lands were at one time so covered with sores that he had to sleep in :loves. Four years ago Zana -$u14' was introduced 40 him, and in a few months it cured hire. To -day --over throe years after his cure et a diseaso he had for twenty -ave years --be is still cured, and has bad no trace of trey return of the eczema! Ml druggists sell Zam-Buis at 50c. sor, or we will send fres trial box if You send this advertisement and a le. stamp (to pay return postage). Ad - tress Zam-Buk Co., Torontq. THE RIGHTS OF MEN. There may be a little exaggeration in this bit of alleged court news from the Troy Times; nevertheless, the tale rests upon the important fact that wives need no longer complain that the law fails to protect them against their husbands. The "rights" of women in this respect seem more secure than the "rights" of men in the correspond- ing ease, Simon Manheim, holding ice. to the side of his head, appeared in court and demanded a summons for Mrs. Manheim. "I am a goot husband," explained §imon, "but mine vife is peevish. See vat she dit to me." The clerk expressed sympathy at the state of Mr. Manheim's eye, but declin- ed to issue the summons. "This court," said be, "is for'women that are not supported by their husbands. Go up -stairs to the police court." Mr. Manheim went up -stairs, The magistrate looked at him coldly. "This court is for Wives who are abused by their husbands," he said, "not for hus- bands who can't take care of them- selves," M. Manheim, . obviously puzzled, started downstairs again, He calledon the clerk of the court of domestic rela- tions. "Aber I don't take care of mine vife, do you sit me?" he asked. "We surely do," said the clerk. "Here's where we do full justice to women, but we don't care a white beap for men." Mr. Manheim started out. In an hour he was back in the police court under arrest, but with an air of mental repose. The magistrate wanted to know the charge against Manheim. "He threw a stone through the win- dow of the Woman's Rights Club - Room," said the policeman. For pains in the side orchsst dampen a piece of flannel with Chamberlain's Liniment and bind it over the seat of pain. There is nothing better. .For sale by all dealers. A machine which sews up the open end or side of a filled hag and knots the the thread without human aid is the work of a German inventor. Hovsrr To RENT.-- InTownPiot, with or without land, good; orchard; Conven- ient to foundry. Also some land in Town plot will be sold cheap. Apply to A.1(el- ley. Salt Rheum On the Hand Yielded only to the soothing,. healing Influence of Of. CHASE'S OINTMENT.. In addition to the suffering and anhoyance caused by eczema andsalt rheum there is always danger of the trouble spreading and becoming ehronic. icor this reason the use of Dr. Chase's Ointment should be regu. lar and persistent until the mire is thorough and Complete. Mrs. John J. Delory, Linwood, Antigonish county, YV',s., writes,,--"/ want to say that Dr. Chase's Net - merit hasroven• a great blessing to inc. I hadp salt rheum on one hand, and could not get it healed up. The itching wae Most distressing at timers, two boxes of Dr. Chase's Ointment leas Cured me conpletely, and1 glad- ly " recommend y mend ` it Irt cecry horncs there els it demand for De Clime'rs Ointment. It is par- ticularly useful where there am cliii• dren. Chafing and 'skin irritation are relieved at once and eczema is cured by this soothing,, healing oirtt- ment. 60 eents a box, at all deniers, or Edtnanson. Bates ,tc. Co., Toronto. WEIGHED THE .E EP-HAN e. 1a A Problem Which a 1 undo Primolt, Wei Abit .to Solve. T4ere 1* a story often told In at t$baiee, a Wada prtuce, who on certain oecaslon eliowed lUs alt r,is Rlost aa. clever gq ArchlmedeR. 4 Wgh owelal had Made a TOW that Oise would distribute to. the • poor the weight or his own etepbant 14 $Wer alOiley. But the great siitIlcplty that at first presented itself was .tile 91o0e of asckrralutng what me weight real - l3! was. All the learned and clever Wcn of the court cached to 11av$ en, deavored in yarn to construe$ q t'na* ebieiepbaue oaft, audicieut power to s,1109101tbar . • . At length Sltajeo came forward and suggested a plan which waa simple and yet ingenious in the higbeet de. gree. Ele caused the unwieldy an404 to be conducted along 0 stage epee$ar, ly made for the purpose by the watelL . side into a flat bottomed boat. When, baying marked on the boat the height to which the water melted atter the elephant • had weigbed 1t down, the latter was taken out and stones soft• atituted is sufcient quantity to bold the boat to the same liner The stones were thee taken to the scales, and thus, to the amazement of tbe court„ was ascertained the true weight o* the' elepbagt,-rFlxcicange. r FIGHTING FISH, in the Rage of Battle They Turn From Dull to Brilliant Color'. In the gardens of Singapore Itis the custom to stock the ponds with all manner of queer ashes, many of them of the fighting variety AO dear to the heart of the orientais. This species of fish is so combative that it is only nee. egsary to place two of them near each other. like fighting cocks, and perhaps: to irritate then' a little 40 bring on a lively condiet. They at once charge each other with tins erect. at the same time changing color in their excitement from the duct. est of gray greens to brilliant reds and blues, Indeed, confinement in close quarters is not needed to arouse their combative propensities, Place two glass -Jars close together, with one of these fighting flab in eaeh and theywill at once swim round and endeavor to charge each other through the interposed glass. Even a single fish seeing himself re. fleeted in a mirror willdart. at his own image and, irritated all the more by his failure to reach his • supposed enemy, will asbume the most .brliliaal hues, Seeing bis reflected antagonise do the same, be will redouble his eft forts to reach him. -Exchange ' Photographs For Lawsuits. One cali for services a protessional photographer dislikes above all othere► and that is td get an order for a plc/ tura e that Is to be used as evidence in a lawsuit. The photographers who are most in demand for this purpose are] the busiest ones, those who make specialty of taking pictures of news events for tbe papers and magazines. When anyone wants pbotographicevi� deuce be is likely to remember alai name of some firm of professionals that he bas seen often in print and asks theta to do the job. "We wot , udnt mind that ;sort t, it work so much if taking the picture was all that there was to it," said one' at these picture men. "We get f13 os; 8 for the picture. Later •we get s• enbpdena, and we have to send to!' - fourt the man that took it, to swear; at he recognizes his work, that be aok the picture,' that benever was wrested and a lot of other fool stud fbat uses --up a day's time. Therefore' We never touch such a job knowingly,'~, . i -New York Sun. . l A Curious Locomotive.. fir The Darjeeling -Himalayas railway Is Me of the most curious in the -world,; rt is of two foot gauge and On ae• fount of the steepness is full of loops, lanes and spirals, many of the curves laving only seventy feet radius. Some] Eothe gradients are as high as one f in twenty-eight. A special type of omotive, the Garratt, had to be, Made for it at Manchester. ',phis •loco.. Iotive was required' by the. Specifca• ons to be able to travel en reverse turves not exceeding sixty feet rad.' s, with only twenty feet of length or angent between the enrves. The en. in consists of a frame supported at +ach end by four wheeled bogies, each tf Which is described as a miniature comotive without boiler. The boiler' carried on the frame between the )ogles. -Youth's Companion. Both Wrong. Dandy and his master drove lip to Ole small station as the train approach. d. "Here's yer train, sir," . said San. it y. "That is not my train,' replied the aster, wtioe hdh is o 'tbn ideas about orreet speech. 'But it's the train II m gofng by." But it happened to be special train and didn't stop at the ration. whereupon sandy exclaimed, W'e're baltil 'wrang, for it's neither' kabur train nor the ane 7e're gaun by, t it's the ane that's gone by yen.'► . Betrayed. "say, maromaa, can .A40a see in the idark, like a cat?" "W''hy,• Obftd, *hat moos yon ask Such it iltlestion7' 40h, last night *hen Cousin dart ;teas bene t heard &nna say in the dark room, 'Yoe tnust really, sinful` oftener, pari," "-..it*cllsttgo,. 'tote wife never Bettor singsany More. Did she lose her tote?' "Nei she found her senses;!- ot.de Blade: Self indulgence deprives et main of eV,. *Tithingthat might Mate bora lib. Satisfaction or Your Money : Back! That's the condition that goes with every bag of Cream of the West Pimur. It's a fair, square guarantee, and t want. you to take it to mean just what it says, tt,; Cream it West 'Wee the hard Wheat flour guaranteed for bread Give Crease ,of the West a fair, square trial. If you don't have satisfaction in baking bread, you'll get sat, isfactioft at your grocer's. We guarantee one or the other. Creams of the West is a superior bread flour, Improve your horse -made bread by using it. The Campbell Milling Company, Limited,.`>foron o anima)) casirssu. P7«41deg4 seat FOR SALE BY KERR & BIRD, WII GH,A. iltaall' 'he. Times to January, 1913 for $1.00 PRINTINQ su:3i=s , al:= ;AND STATIONERY We have put in our office a complete stock of Staple'. Stationery and can supply your wants in WRITING PADS ENVELOPES LEAD PENCILS BUTTER . PAPER PAPETEItIES, We will keep the best and sell at WRITING PAPER BLANK BOOKS PENS AND INK TOILET PAPER PLAYII.G CARDS, etc stock in the respective lines reasonable prices. JOB PRINTING We are in a better position than ever before to. toyour wants inPrinting attend t , the: Job Printing line and all orders will receive prompt attention. Leave your order with us when in need of LETTER HEADS BILL HEADS ENVELOPES CALLING CARDS CIRCULARS NOTE HEADS STATEMENTS WEDDING INVITATIONS POSTERS CATALOGUES Or anything you mayrequire uire i �' q n the printing line Subscriptions taken for all the Leading Newspapers sand Magazines. The Times Office MIME MOCK Wing t. '"e