HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-11-02, Page 6-•--+•.M.I.-• -. You will be proud of the bread you'll make with PURITY FLOUR FTER seeing a batch of big, golden -crusted, snowy - White loaves, that you have baked .from PURITY FLOUR, you will, indeed, proud of your cooking -ability -- and proud of your wisdom in deciding to pay the little extra r �'ou will it costs to procure such high-class flour. admit, too, that til: a are justified ;lithe pride we take iii milling this superb flour. THE W1SGIA( TIMES TiCkEhIBER 2, 1911 James Stacey, well. -known farmer of Dunwich North, was entailed in a threshing outfit and died front his in- juries, ear - Rabies has again, made its app once in Toronto, and five e s s �� now sunder treatment by the al health officers. UST A110 RAM $ 5TO SIMKO RUP has been of MOTfor HERS;forSIXTY theirEAUS by CHILDR NL WHILE 'EETHINCESS. It SOOT# EStlie CHILD S STEwith PRFECT NS the GUMS ALLAYS a11I'AIN; CURES WIND COLIC. and is the best remedy for Drertac ee.Itr s s aM soiutety harmless. Be sure and take oask rru Mrs, "Winslow's Soothing Syr p. thee kind, Twenty-five cents a bottle, The Finnish boy and girl scouts to the number of 8,000 have been dissolv- ed by General Scan, the Governor, who, in a •recent letter to the Senate con- demned the whole movement. "I am pleased to recommend Cham- berlain's Cough Remedy asthe best thing I know of and safest remedy for Coughs, colds and bronchial trouble," writes Mrs. L. B. Arnold, of Denver, Colo. eatedly and it has neer have tit oggive prelief. " For sale by all dealers. When a woman is away for the sum- mer she expects her husband to sit on the piazzaaat home and howl like a dog every night because he is lonesome, There is little danger from a cold or from an attack of the grip exceptwhen followed by pneumonia, and this never happens when Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is used. This remedy has won its great reputation and extensive sale by its remarkable cures of colds and grip and can b . relied upon with im- plicit confidence. For sale by all deal- ers. Another noted aviator met his death while making a flight. Eugene Ely, who was one of the best known Ameri- can aviators, and who made the first flight from a warship in November, 1910, fell 50 ft. at the State Fair grounds at Macon, Ga., and died 10 minutes later. He only regained con- sciousness long enough to say that he lost control of his machine. FOUR IN OLD I'gNN•- ; The Myetla Number About Whteh. Con, tired All Their Reliefs. The PerAvufr cared nothing for any of the supposed mystic prepertlei of either three, Ave or seven. TO theta the four was sacred, and around it they lutwlned the maIn feattue' of ail their rengloaa ceremonies, and queer beliefs. They believed tan - earth to be a aquare divided Into four parts and suspended from the heavens by tour cords, oue at each of the four corners. All of their titles were Quar- tered by four principal streets running. from a square In the center. They held four .annual feasts in bonor of the moon,the "sliver sister of the L'® "More bread and better bread" PURITY FLOUR is milled exclusively from the best West- ern hard wheat—the world's finest. Morethan that, PURITY FLOUR consists entirely of the high-grade portions of the wheat. The low - grade portions are separated and excluded during the PURITY process of milling. Such high-class flour, of course, expands more in the baking. It makes "more bread and better bread." It makes lighter, flakier pastry, too, if you just take the pre- caution to add "more shortening. On account of its unusual strength PURITY FLOUR, for best results, requires more shortening than ordinary flour. Progressive dealers, everywhere, sell and take pride in recommending it. Add PURITY FLOUR" to your grocery list right now. los OLD BY WM. BONE AND RING BROS.,-WINGHAM. PURITY FLOUR saramencernseeeramenseszarmaa 1 KERMELS ROM THE SANCTUM MILL iilieresting Paragraphs from our Exchanges. What some men enjoy would drive others to drink. Fortunately the average man is un- able to realize how homely he is. A. Weak Chested BoY• "My boy Frank seemed weak -chested s and took a very severe cold,"" w writes Mrs. D. Stevens, Ninga, The many medicines used did not seem to benefit him. until we tried Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine and � found it to be exactly what was wanted to cure him." No treatment is so thorough and effective as a cure for croup and bronchitis. ECzNnla and Sore Eyes. "My daughter suffered from inflamed eyelids and eczema on her head," pyrites Mr. H. W. Lear,. Port Planford, Nfld. "The child was in a bad state and suffered greatly. The doctor failed to help her, and on recommendation of a friend, I used Dr. Chase's Ointment, grateful heart I write you this letter." "Take my advice! 1 havo proved Zam-Buk hast for eczema and skin disease." As a mother you owe it toI your family to pain and It Wall It ends pa Heals!' LOc box all Druggists IS; Stores. CONCERNING SWINE. Some kinds of hogs are sure to drop into the busy barber shop on Saturday, when people there await their turn to take the chair . and have the gentle barber prune the whiskered tassel and festoon. And when the hog gets in a chair the barber has to cut his hair and treat him to a dry shampoo and dye his strag- gling galways blue. It takes the bar- ber half a day to curry down his swinish jay, and righteous wrath doth in them burn. You've seen the porker in the car who wants all comforts that there are; he occupies a pair of seats; on one he piles his grips and feet and on the next his carcase lies, while to a book he glues his eyes, thus to avoidby hoggish guile, the gaze of people in the aisle, who stand on feet that ache and smart, and curse the hog from heels to heart. Oh, hogs that roam on tootsies four you'r surely creatures to adore, compared withhogs on trilbys two who root their way this world through. WALT MASON. sun." • To them eternity was to be divided into four .periods of, time, each ur times 4,000 years, and at the com- posedo end of each of theseyclea the sun was to be blotted out of existence. They Prayed to the four winds, or to "ye gods that dwell at the four corners of the earth." To them the rains came from four enormous heavenly turtles that vomited dampness, and the four winds from the lungs of the four gi- gantic t the fourca cardinal points sof paradise.The above are but a small portion of the fours alluded to In the legends of the Incas, tereess sae! ..1'�4.44r--' a Opposing Ministers, The Quebec Liberals are talking of opposing the re-election of Hon; L. P. Pelletier in Quebec county, and are pressing Hon, S, N. Parent to be their candidate. It is unusual to oppose the re-election of new Ministers, but some- times it is done. It was done in January, 1906, when Sir Charlet, Tupper came back to take the leadership of the shattered 'Conser- vative party; it was doge in October, 1.877, when Wilfrid Laurier' went back to Drummond and Arthabasca and was 'defeated after his appointment as the Minister of Inland Revenue in the Mackenzie Cabinet; it was done in August, 1896, when Hon, Wm. Pater- son had to fight a by-election in North` Grey, after his defeat in Brant at the general election, and upon his appoint- ment as Controller of Customs; it was done in December, 1885, when Hon. G. E. Foster was appointed Minister of Marine and Fisheries; it was done in December, 1892, in Maisonneuve, when the late Hon. Raymond Preontaine was appointed Minister of Marine and Fisheries; it was done in August, 1896, when Hon. A.G. Blair sought election in Sunbury and Queen's after his ap- pointmentas Minister of Railways and Canals; and it was' done in North York in November, 1905, when Hon. A, B. Aylesworth was appointed Postmaster - General. He loved her. There was no doubt about that. Anyone could have told that by the way he looked at her. There was no doubt about the joy and pride which was his now that he had her for his own. He had sought her 0, how vigilantly he had sought her, and how long! The thought of parting with her was bitter to him -0, how bitter! She was good; there was no doubt about that. She was fair— what? At any rate, she would pass, and that was all that was necessary. She was precious, she was worth her weigh in gold. No wonder he adored her and cherished her—the Goddess of Liberty on an American dollar.—Puck. Getting pretty near time to remind you again to do your Christmas shop- ping early—and °Sten. Sir Wilfrid Laurier has decided to resign the Quebec East seat and repre- sent Soulange in the Commons. Thomas Cooper was found guilty of personation in the recent Dominion el - tion at Chatham, and remanded for sen- tence. A sun bath is of more value to health than much warming by the fire, If you thiiik the world isn't growing better, perhaps your partly to blame. This is a sad world for the woman who is married to a professional funny pian. Chamberlain's ibt'or Liver Tablets do nosicken gripe, and may be taken with perfect safety by the most delicate woman or the youngest child. The old and feeble will also find them a most suitable remedy for aiding and strengthening their weakened di- gestion by for aldeagiulating the bowels, Havana is meditating an auto omni- bus service as in many European cities. Women carry some 40 or 50 miles of hair on their head. The fair-haired may even have to dress 10. miles of threads of gold every morning. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S ORIA► At Amarillo, r Tex., the 'while i s sup- plied u -plied with water pumped by electric motors from eighteen wells which are each 300 fret deep. Orientals are displacing native sea - mon on,l3ritlsh Ships to art eitteritwhich is alarming the Government. A society bud of Spokane, Wash., and niece of Andrew Laidlaw, the mil- lionaire mine operator, has a pet coy- ote, full grown, that accompanies her in all her walks. DR. A. W. CHASE'S CATARRH POWDER C. is sent direct to the diseased parts by the Improved Blower. Heal, theulcers, clears the air Passages, dro,'.- pings in the threat and permanent. ty cures Catarrh and Hay Bent, 25c. a box - blower free. Accept no substitutes. AAdeste�rsorEdmfnesn. Bates & a•, m. - , OLD SAMOAN MATS. Precious Heirlooms Are Treas- ured by Nat Among the curious customs of the Samoans is that of making heirlooms of mats. By some simple process of reasoning the mat bas come to be iden- tified with the family, as the hearth- stone is traditionally sacred among the Saxon rate. The Samoan mats are really fine specimens et art. The people esteem them much more highly than any ar- ticle of European manufacture, and the older they are the more they are regarded. Some of them have names known an. over the Samoan group. The oldest Is called Moe -e Fut-Ful, or "The man that slept among the creep- ers." it got this title by reason of the fact that it had been hidden away for years among the creeping convolvulus that grows wild along the seashore. It is known to be 200 years old, as the names of its owners during that pe- . riod can be traced. The possession of one of these old mats gives the owner great power -in fact, it is a title deed to rank and prop- erty, from the Samoan standpoint, says Harper's Weekly. It is vo matter if the mats are tattered and worn out. Their antiquity is their value, and for 'some of the most cherished of theta large sums of money would be refused. RHLLMAT1SM NS DETECTIVE KIIIE$. For pains in the side or chest dampen a piece of flannel with Chamberlain's Liniment and bind it over the seat of pain. There is nothing better. For sale by all dealers. "I do not believe there is any other medicine so good for whooping cough as Chamberlain's Cough Remedy," writes Mrs. Francis Turpin, Junction City, Ore., This remedy is also nsur- passed for tolds and croup. ale by all dealers. ---+--- WEARING THEM DOWN. [Montreal Herald.] From the very first the Opposition started in to wear down one or another member of the cabinet. They began on Mr. Tarte. They passed from him to Mr. Blair. From him to Mr. Sifton. From him to Mr. Hyman. From him to Mr. Emmerson. From him to Mr. Brodeur. All these, as it happen- ed, after being subjected to the most violent Opposition criticism, ceased to be members of the cabinet. Following up their system, they specialized on Mr. Fisher over the Dundonald busi- ness; he outfought them, but a dirk with a long memory behind it, reached his vital spot last month. They went after Sir Frederick Borden, but didn't get him. They had latterly' specialized on Mr. Pugsley, but Mr. Oliver was looming up for spotlight honors when the curtain fell. Was it any great wonder that after this what was left of the old Laurier cabinet should meet defeat? From this on it is the Borden cabinet that begins to disintegrate, the new generation of Liberal public men begin • A man does'nt always getwhatis com- ing to hili when the postman call. Ise.. • r IST-- -- There is more Catarrh. in this section of the country than all other diseases pat together, and until the past few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pro- nounced it a local disease and prescrib- ed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has rover catarrh to be a constitutional Morriscy's No. 7 and Lini- e t .Cured his Knee. Fuels' good as new," St, john, N.H., April 12, 1911. "I am glad to report that my knee is; completely cured of Rheumatism—thanks, kti Father Morriscy's No. 7 Rheumatisrw & Kidney Tablets, as they alone are re- sponsibie for my cure. I was troubled for a number of years, and tried everything I heard of, and needless to say, spent quite a sum of money without any results. 1 have no further trouble now, and mykne feels as good as new, I was p l personally acquainted with the late FaterMAnyony and know his remedies are good. suffering from Rheumatism and Kidney trouble should by all means try No. 7 Tablets, as I can cheerfully recommend them.',PATRICK KILLEN, ' Provincial Detective, St. John, N.B. The above prescription is not a r' Cure - All " ure-Alt" or so-called patent medicine. Dr. Morriscy prescribed it for 44 years and it cured thousands after other doctors failed. Price, 50c. per box at your dealers, or Father Morriscy Medicine ,Co., Limited, yttreal. 300 The Times to A Bitter Controversy.. The Shakespeare -Bacon controversy formed the subject of debate at a well known theatrical school not long ago. On both sides the orators were would be actresses, and pro and con the dia. cussion was feminine and furious. It seemed at first that the ardent par• tisanship of the fair opponents would preclude the possibility of harmonious conclusion. But'the last speaker, in the nervousness of her first public speech, suggested common ground. "Ladies," she said, speaking rapidly, "I think there has been much as to the real truth misap- prehension the Baconian theory. I stand ready to show that the great plays we know ao tten not by Shakee apearelor by Bal were con, but by Bacon and Shakespeare In collision!' lanae the de- bateAmid laughter and, app bate was declared a tie. New York Tribune. Hired Crowns. To economical minds there must be a certain waste implied in the making of a new crown for every queen. Yet this has been the rule. Queen Alexan- dra and Queen Victoria both had crowns made for them, and it was Queen Adelaide who was the first to rebel against a biked crown. "1 will not wear a hired crown," she said to the minister who was discussing the matter with her. "Do you think it right ahouldr' "Madam, the late king (George IV.) wore one." "Well, I will not. I do not like at. I have jewels enough to make one' for rnr self," "In that case," interposed the king, "they will have to pay for the setting." "No, no," replied Adelaide. t'I will pay for it all myself." And this was the course adopted. --London Chronicle. ' their time. ldisease and therefore requires conrrh to gain strength, biding tutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Who of the new ministers have come to t� °t,t Toronto Care, manufactured b F. J. Cheney & . Co., Toledo, t' Ho, is the only conatitu- stay? Who of them are npassage ss geVtoo ' n n till a market, It i5 taken the bench or other preferment? James Innes McIntosh, proprietor of tiondl care o internafllg in t;s3t 3 from twera drfl s a are to take the buffets of fortune and the Guelph Mercury, has the Liberal tea5polnlYill It ast�, Barest fin the. e sacrificed that their fellows may nomination for the Legislature in aoutll mood and rf�s�.rs x> G yrxas; of fee syesacs I ,The •oser fee i5;�rni.`ed dollars live? Which are the weak spots w 11 e wall through which the Opposition try to break in? We shall soon know. January, 1913 for $1.00. - Wellington. Ald. M. E. Harris, brother of Lloyd Harris, ex -M. P., is the Liberal nomi- nee for South Brant. Nervous Prostration Sleeplessness Palpitation of the Heart Dizzy Spells Are all Cured by the Use of ns, for any ewe it fares to care. Send for circulars and to>tiir•.fralais. Addre =s: F.J. CHENEY & Toledo, Ohio, Sold by Druggists, 75e. Take Hall'sFamily Pills for consti- pation. MILLI' HEART and NERVE PILLS • Brewster, Mass., owns a herring brook, and at a town meeting every year, following an old custom, a com- mittee is elected by ballot to catch the fish and dispose of them. The pro- ceeds are turned into the town treas- sury. Mr, Peter Halsted, Tilley, Alta., writes: tI take great pleasure in writing a few lines to tell you what your Heart end Nerve fills have done for me. I had a long standing case of nervous prostration. sleeplessness, palpitation of the heart, the of o.+c I bought dizzy elle, g a b and di y sp pills and they did me so much good 1 continued their use until 1 had used several boxes and they restored me to health again. They are a great remedy and:, 1 recommend them to all my friends." Milburn's Iloart and Nerve fills are 50e, per box or 3 boxes for :51.25 at all dealers, or will be mailed direct on roeeipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., timitedi Toronto, Ont. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C AS.`T O R I A The rriost valuable load of farm pro- duce ever marketed in Gratiot county, 1 n Dread of Something You can scarcely tell what --It may be Hysteria, Insanity, Nerv- ous Collapse. You can only throw off this depres- sine when the nerve cells are restored to health by such treatment as Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. Your digestive system has failed to supply proper nourishment to the nerves and you are compelled to seek aid from other sourcaa, It will take soma ,patience and per- sistent treatment, but there is no way by which you can so certainly us roster Br. and vigor as by Chase's Nerve Food. - the nervous St0 re The best time to restore `tical uch a critical systellt is. long. before s condition is reached. Such symptoms as sleeplessness, headaches, nervous indigestion, imuscular weakness, loss of energy, failure, of memory and pow- er of concentration, irritabil tyre d Mich., was delivered at Carson City, • ` by E. C.l�ik Sri of New Haven town- ship, ship. He received $9,000 for the load. In his wagon were 37 cans tf pepper- mint oil. They contained 3,210 pounds and the price was nearly $3 a pound. The load was bought by A. Todd o_' t tall of tit ICalamaze°. discouragement scouragernen One Cell Animals. Only one cell animals which have no differentiation are immortal and neve er grow old. Physical immortality, deathless youth, is possible. but you must be an infusorian or a yeast plant to attain it, and one wouldn't even be a clam or a jellyfish for the price. The process has no limits any more than it has beginnings. Life is just that, one-third dying that two-thirds l or may e bolivedy.—Dr. Woods Hutchvshetber It be the ison le in Dampton's. PRINTING AND STATIONERY We have put in our office Stationery and can v. WRITING PADS ENVELOPES LEAD PENCILS BUTTER PAPER PAPETEItIES, the nervous dystem ayour of G� h Il til r e Cry the approach of seriand warn ous trouble.} Dr. Chase's Nerve rood 50 cents a' FOR f LEfCHER S l,o, t,boxes fat~ fi'2.50; all, dealers, or 0 A► S T 0 R I A 1?4xinenson, Bates & Co„ Toronto. . Tough Luck n rryY "Tongh luck .lipson; bad." • q. "What happened?' "In order to keep his cook be told her she might have the use of Itis touring car two afternoons a week." "Weil?' "Yesterday she -eloped with the Id. Sera rr e- mA ha ... m1n g Blr g err. uif cba • Taking Hint Up. policeman W- You've been begging. Now, you just accompany 'tine„ Organ Grinder-rWith pleasure, sit+. What song would you llka4.-Fele Stele. An act of yours is not simply the thing you do, but itis also the Wats; ,Y do IL—Wendell 1%111 10. v a complete stock of Staple supply, your wants in WRITING PAPER BLANK BOOKS PENS AND INK TOILET PAPER PLAYII'G CARDS, etc We will keep the best stock in the respective lines and sell at reasonable prices. JOB PRINTING We are in a better position than ever before to attend to your wants in the Job Printing line and all orders will receive prompt attention. Leave your order with us when in need of;l LETTER HEADS BILL HEADS ENVELOPES CALLING CARDS CIRCULARS NOTE HEADS STATEMENTS WEDDING INVITATIONS POSTERS CATALOGUES Or anything you may require in the printing line. Subscriptions taken for all the Leading Newspapers and Magazines. The Times Office NONE BLOCK Windham, clitdo