HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-11-02, Page 44 TO ADV#I2TISERS of shang be left et this • net Iter than Seturda noon, be copy for changes. !lust ybe left tut later than Monday evening. --tial advertisements accepted up to noon WOdiligiday of each week, 013TAAWAD.OP 10IS TUE \YINGIiAM TINES, .8. fe� t�x9x±4 , f'o-itr,zag;a s,HnPltorurIRa THURSDAY NOVEMBER 3, 1911, NEW LIRgRAL LEADER. Hon. A. Q. MacKay, who has been Leader of the Ontario Liberals has re- eigned and his resignation was accepted With regret at a meeting of the Ontario R e for in A ssociatioe in Torontoon Tuesday. Mr. N. W. Rowell, K. C., of Toronto was se- lected as the new Leader and in ac- cepting the position said in part: -"The fight is not mine, nor yours. It is the fight of the progressive forces in our Province. We will go in together, each doing his best, all working for the principles we hold in common, and to maintain the best traditions of the Liberal party. To the measure of the ability I possess I shall throw myself into the fight, and, let the results be what they will, we will give+a good ac- count of ourselves." PROVINCIAL ELECTIONS. Monday, December 11th is date of Polling. The Provincial elections will be held on Monday, December 11th. Sir James Whitney made the formal announce- ment on Monday evening. The delay in the issue of the writ, as previously announced, was caused by the desire to give municipalities full opportt.nity to complete the preparation of their voters' iists. The campaign proper will probably be inaugurated next week, though no speaking dates have yet been arranged by either Premier or Opposition leader. In the selection of Monday as elec- tion day, Sir James Whitney follows the precedent established in 1908, that day being urged upon the Government by the commercial travellers. many of whom found themselves disfranchised by absence from their place of abode in midweek pollings. With the announcement of the date of the elections Sir James Whitney issued a letter to the electors. The greater part of this communication, is devoted to the Premier's account of his stewardship. For the future the Premier contents himself with submitt- ing three proposals to the electorate, the most striking being the Creation of a new department of the Government, with a Minister at its head, to take over and carry on the work of the Hydro -electric Commission. The Pre- mier intimates further that a project is under consideration for the develop- ment of northern Ontario, towards which further Legislative appropria- tions may be asked. It is also intimat- ed that the Federal Government will be importuned for assistance by bonus and subsidy on the present construction and projective extension of the Temis- kaming & Northern Ontario Railway. EDITORIAL NOTES. It was the Liberal Government which started the development of New On- tario. Singe then, according to the evidence of some of its own friends, practically nothing has been' done. Sir James Whitney has simply reaped the benefits of Liberal constructive legisla- tion. rr 9�S Joao to e are the Two Great Creators of Energy Energy means power - power to work, to think, to throw off add keep off disease. Get all the sunshine you can, and take Scohf$ Emulsion regularly. It will give you strength, fest i and v!tedity. Ile agree to get SCO11V--• it's the Standard and Away* the best gar. r)1ttx:GISTS North Huron. Conservativeswill bold. s, naininatang ceevention'In the Wing, ham Towi all this (Thursday) after- noon. Mr,. A. ti, Musgrove will no doubt again be nominated as candidate for the Legislature, Harry >E;itber, who has: long repre- sented South Huronin the Legislature, was again chosen by the Conservatives of the riding Thursday affternoon at Zurich. No other name was proposed, and. Mr. Either accepted amid great enthusiasm. Although it is not a par- ticular time for the farmers,, 100 dole gates were present. There was a fair attendance at the Conservative convention for South' Huron, held at Seaforth on Thursday. The principal contest was between Mr. David Cantelen of Clinton, the Apple King of Huron, as he is sometimes call- ed, and Rev, Joseph Elliott of Goderich, Mr, Elliott received the greater num- ber of votes and Ms nomination was made unanimous. Mr. Elliott is a Presbyterian clergyman, but he has no chat ge, having lived roared in Goderieh for several years. He has taken part in several political campaigns, and is a good speaker. Both candidates are residents of Goderich, ARE YOU AS WELL AS A YEAR AGO? Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Point the Way to Health and Strength. Ask yourself the important question whether you are as strong as you were a year ago, as bodily fit as you should be. Many a reader has to con- fess "No." Some weakening ailment has during the past year laid hold of the system, unfitting you for the duties of life and seriously clouding the out Iook of the coming days. It may be rheumatism with its sharp twinges of pain, indigestion, headache, nervous debility, depression and lack of energy, or the pains and ailments which only, common folk know. It is weli to know that all these weakening disorders arise from an impoverished condition of the blood. Renew and enrich the blood and all your troubles will cease. This is a strong statement, but it is made on the testimony of thousands who once suffered, but whhave gained health and strength b, the aid of the new, rich blood supplyf�ee ' by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. We be quote thousands o cases similar to the following. Mr os. Grandmaison is a young man well nown in the town of St. Jerome, Que. He says: "For a couple of years I be- an to find my strength failing, but did ot dream that the trouble was serious. a I grew weaker I began to doctor, at it did not help me. The least exer- ion made my heart palpitate violently, y stomach seemed out of order and y wholesystem became en run clown hat I was finally forced to quit work. had now been doctoring for almost six onths and was very naturally grow - ng discouraged. At this puncture I ead of a case similar to mine, cured through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink ills and decided to try them. I took the the Pills faithfully for about two onths, gradually growing stronger nd at the end of that time I was as ell as any man could be. I shall al- i ne that raised eys fromadespair to the ise the (bless ng of good ealth." Sold by medicine dealers everywhere r sent by mail at 50 cents a box or six oxes for $2.50 by The Dr. Williams' edicine Co., Brockville, Ont. .1 k g n A In b t m t r P m a w w m h 0 b M Montreal has th largest girth rate of any of the large cities of the world, and St. Petersburg is the only city whose death rate xceeds that of Montreal. LIVE STOLE MARKET$. Toronto, Oct. 31. -City Cattle Mar- ket: Receipts for to -day were 117 cars, with 1,700 head of cattle, 2,000 sheep and Iambs, 700 hogs and 100 calves. Market steady and trade fairly 'ac- tive considering that the large propor- tion of the stuff to be disposed of was of inferior quality, choice quality being comparatively scarce. Prices were practically unchanged from last week's markets, except for Iambs, which are quoted 20e higher than a week ago, and 10c higher than in yesterday's market. Anything choice in the way of feed- ing steers is firm and in good demand. Common, light feeders are a little easier. Light bulls in particular are hard to sell. Export cattle, choice $5 90 to $6 25 do medium...,.... ........ 5 75 5 85 do light 5 80 6 00 do bulls 4 50 5 25 do cows . .375 500 Butchers choice 5 60 5 75 do medium ... ... 5 25 5 50 do cows ... .. 4 50 4 80 do common .. , 2 50 3 75 do canners ,1 50 2 75 Short -keep. 5 60 5 50 Feeders steers . 4 55 5 00 do bulls, . ...... 325 4 00 Stockers choice4 25 4 85 do Iight .. .. . •. 3 75 4 26 Milch cows, choice, eaeh....55 00 90 00 Springers .... , .45 00 65 00 Common and medium .. . 35 00 25 00 Sheep,3 25 3 75 do bbucks 2 50 3 00 Lambs, yearlings . ...... . 5 50 5 65 Sring lambs, each 5 50 5 65 Bogs, f. o, b. .. .. .. 5 75 do fed and watered....... 6 00 fir 15 Calves 3 50 7 50 ty ltv oaM- t 11TALXi1r1,'r IMPORTS. Wingham, Nov. 1, 1911 Flour ter 100 lbs 2 25 to 3 10 t 1+'all wheat .. , .... 0 85 to 0 85 Oahe ' ... 0 37 to 0 40 fess y 0 6v to 0 70 THU WTNti1 TOWN Of WINGflAM DRAW N0. 038, 1911. To provide for the issue of debenturea. to the amount of $1,0.750.00 for the purpose of granting aid by wayet' loan to the Western Foundry om- pany. Limited, to aid them in the Wilding and erection of R new stove and iron works in the said Town of Wingham, and furnish them with a free site for the said buildings; and to give the said The Western Foundry Company, Limited a fixed assessmeht for all their buildings and plant in the said Town of Wingham, and exempt the said buildings and plant from taxation, except school and county rates, 'for a period of ten years. :, Whereas, the Western Foundry Com- pany, Limited, ere carrying on business at the Town of Wingham as Manufac- turers of stoves, furnaces and ranges, and being the sole Manufacturers there- of in the said Town have applied to the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Wingham for aid by way of the loan of money to the amount of $10,000.00 to assist them in building and erecting a new stove and iron wgrks for the purpose of enlarging and ex- tending the capacity of their said busi- ness and for a bonus of the sum of $750.00 to enable them to purchase a site for the said buildings and to have the assessment of the buildings and plant of the said Company fixed at the um of $15,000.00 and for the exemption f the said Company from taxation, except school and county rates for a eriod of ten years. And whereas the said Municipal Council being desirious of assisting the aid industry and promoting the said Manufactures, have deemed it expedi- nt to grant the said aid to the said he Western Foundry Company, Limit - d, upon and subject to certain terms, ondittons and restrictions as to the uilding and equipment of the said new uildings and plant and the employment f workmen by the said Company as ill be contained in the Mortgage here- after mentioned, and subject also to e further condition that the said ad- ance of $10,000.00 be repaid to the said orporation without interest in ten ar912,sas folloom ws: The sFirst um of Five Hun - ed Dollars annually durin s 0 p s e T e �b b 0 w in th v C ye dr ten years, and the balance piration thereof, and that anee of the said terms, restrictions and supch re,i said advance be skcure8 gage upon the m sa Li To th la Fo ag res gr Sar To ina of thi be afor A ed ed the rai tMe said the ex- t3fe perform editions an ayment of th by a first mora s new hail(! d e achinery and nt erected by the id The Western Foundry Company, mited, to the said Corporation of the wn of Wingham before the issue of e debentures 'authorized by this Ry - w. And whereas the said The Western undry Company, Limited, have reed to the said terms, conditons and tractions. And whereas for the purpose of tinting the said aid it will be neces- y to issue debentures of the said wn for the sum of $10,750.O0as'here- fter provided (which is the amount the dbt intended to be created• byy s By-law), the proceeds of said de- ntures to be applied to the purpose esaid and no other. nd whereas the total amount requir- by "The Municipal Act" to be rais- annually by special rate for paying said debt and interest is the sum of 432.87; whereof $537.50 is to be so sed during the curie cfory of thee smentaidinterestf debentures, and $895,37 is to be raised an- nually for the purpose of creating a sinking fund for payment of -the debt secured by the said debentures, Aab enpr pe ty of threas thee oven ont ff the according to the last revised assess- ment roll thereof is00. And whereas the amountsof the ex- isting debenture debt of the said Muni- cipality exclusive of local improvements secured by special rates and assess- ments is $150,378.85, whereof there is nothing in arrerrs for principal or interest. Therefore the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Wing- ham enacts as follows: The of the Town of Wingham ef hhall adren e he said The Western Foundry Company, mit,,d, the sum of S10,0.0.00 by way or loan id them in building, erectiva gild equiping he stove and iron w ra., and shall pay to said The West ,rn Foundry, Company, mated, a further sum of $75004 be way of us to enable them to purchase a suitable t, orotor, for the promotion of said Murm- urers. saidrthe pu pose aforesaid the pown of Wingha n shall cansseeedebeyor t[ es of the said Town of winsham to be le- d which said debentures shall not be less edlwith the seal of (the tiorporetlon of debentures l the wn of v. Ingham ant obeli be atelier/ by' the or or other acting heed of the Couneil.and by Thethe aid d bent ,0,,ir»hali bear date o . drat day of .7uly, 1912, and than be issued. the day of the issue thereof and shall be e Pnpable in ten years front the said date he office of the Treasurer for the tirne be - of the raid '1 own of wiagham end shell attached to there cbupous for the pas- t of interest. The e res shall bear interest o tete of fivebper ccent, per annum from date thereof and -aid interest shall be pay - annually on the thtrty-first de of Decent - n ellen year except the laet pavmeut of reet which stall become due and payable he day on which the debentares ere pay- ; said interest shall be payable at the piece a t e said debentures ere made padpable. s tnere shell a raiseyd annu flyby- pebdat e on all the rateable property n the said ti f Internet n saeid tdebent Jres,s, end t1 e nkinmr f tnlo for the pay nen OCf the debt by aeclzred, tnekjei In all the Bat of 87 to berets . d annuali, by special rate as said, during each of the said ten yoae- . And the es d Municipal Coancii of the ,rat( n of the Towr. of Wingham clo here, nrther enact that the aesessiaeut of the manufacturing estebliehnteot ate to be and a ected end of the tnanufncturin biishinent bow' built and erected, and eon tlf immaid the WeAi r b n e ent bl 1ile th . LflnitAd, conducts Lts pro4ent bueineas dine all Lands, buildings and " achineri etted with both the said manufanta,.j,i blishmeoteah&ltbahndlahereby hazed at nur of $ It1,000.00 and that the aaine aha 1 be pied from taxation, except as to tolleol aunty rates, but inelading business tar. period of ten consecutiro years, deal- ing wt, h and ittetading the year 19IL, ao 1. Sion to t Li to a the boo site fact 2. the tar ami than seal Tow alto the on mad at t ing have men 4. thth able ber 1 into on t able whez 5. tare rat Tow men said a si herr. $1482. afore Corp by bunt este whor play Mau conn eeta the a exert] Mad e for a !mete Iola n . 0 90 to 0 901 K s tffe train e.�ta,di,,ktments thrall bB opera - 1 Butter dairy .,, ,. (l 20 to 20 ted in accordnifeowiih th. tsars, rottditiond I': s per doz.... , ... .. 25 and restrlc•ions hprcinb.•fsre ter- rrcd to 0 25 to 0 7. Mita 8y -14W -shall take ef%et on tits data, 000 per cord . 2 50 to 2 50 of the date of the ghat ),as,In fa thercnf. Ilay per ton ., ...10 00 toll) 9 The votes of the electerrerot tho said T Potatoes per bushel, new , 0 50 to 0 55t) thof e following ti ting end of ei s, ;ray -taws to I. r,al°d 0 15 to 0 15 say:-" p .ea, thea is to . Liv, Hogs pea ewt....,5 80 to 5 80 co inti en 3`nra' t'thetthp honrroflninmo otookin t ill TIMES,'- NOY1tMfltR..:2 19i1 Capital Paid Up$ .750,000 Reserve and Lindevided Profits . ,. 3,250,000 Total Assets,,,.,,,,,, ,,,,, 40,OQ0,000 In an age of extravagance, the thrifty forge surely ahead -while their less provident neighbors accumulate debts, Many a thrifty ratan or woman can point to the first decided step in life as having been. taken the :day, a ba*:. account was opened. ' ' " Hamilton wildprovet in sure Bank of e (incentive toward thrift. C. P. SMITH, Agent, Wingham. IL forenoon *ad continuing until five o'clock in the afternoon of the some day. by the follow- ing Deputy -returning Ocars aid Poll (Berks, nsniel In Ward 1. -At WiUiam Tohnaton'a tailor shop on Josephine Street, by W. J. Raines, Deputy Returning °Sher, and r1. N. Road- house. Poll Clerk. In Ward 2. --At William Gannett's Imola- meat shop on Josephine Street br A..1. Alder - sou Deputy Returning Omer. and Ben T. Jenkins, Poll Clerk. In Ward 8. -At the Town Rall, by (t, N. Griffin Deput Returning OSicer and A M. Praltck, Poll Clerk. Ritchie & . oar s'i Office op Josephine n[ e 8 reef by J. W. Dodd Deputy Returning Officer, and John Ritchie. Voll Clerk, Albert Heins h use au Josephine Street, by A. E. Porter Deputy Returning Officer, acrd W. Tu`t9. Cu Thrsd.yhe 2.9rd day of November, next, the Mayor of the acid Town of Wingham shall attend at the Town Nell in the said Town at eleven o'clock 1n the forenoon to appoint persons sto nd the final summing upgofl the votes by the Clerk on behalf of the person. interested in andromoting or opposing the passing of this By-law respectively. 10. The Clerk of the said Town of win ham shall attend at the said Town Hall at eleven o'clock in the forenoon on Saturday the 25th day of November next, to sumupthe number votes01, eRt andhTown in�the Town of Wingham the day of November, A. D. 1911. Mayor, Clerk. NOTICE.. Take Notice that the above tea tree copy of a proposed Sy -law which has beentaken into eoneideratioaand which will be finally passed by the Council of the Mnnictpality of the Town theoeleeetura being the thereto) atter one month from the,.flrst publicnion thereof in the Wingham Times, the date of which pub- lication was the second day uf :N4veniber A. D. 1911, and the votes ot. the electors of the said Municipality will be taken thereon on the day dthat tthe amoes of les a holders n gt cting to file in .the office of the :clerk of the said Municipality at least ten days next preceding the day of polling, a statutoiT 'declaration stating. that their leases meet the requirements of subsection 1 of Scotian St4 of the Consoli- dated Municipal Act, 1903, shall not be placed on the Voters' list f or such voting. Town Hall; Wingham, 04.' 814 A. D.'1911. 1'•. JoliN F GROVES, Clerk, • Mark Egan of Walkerton was fatally wounded while shooting s abbits.. ' Probably the worst thing about polit- es is the politicians. );nest Keeler of Port Hope fell of a train near Brockville and 'died of injur- ies. Capt. Larsen made a successful! trip through the Niagara Rapids in his fiif- teen-foot motor boat, Aire • Quick Results May be depended upon from the use of our Want Ads. The births, deaths. marrta. ges and the other Classified Columns are usually inclu- ded in even a very perfunc- tory persual of the paper. They areas good for general business as they are fOr „ Help Wanted,!" etc. 0.0,4060 w a r.. waw, CANADIAN PACIFIC SPECIAL RATES TO THE COAST Vancouver Victoria $41 (4V �j Seattle Portland Spokane FItOM TORONTO Second Class, Sept. 15th to Oet.15th Proportionate rates frena Ont ario Points. Through Train Toronto to Vaneou- ver 10.20 p.m. daily. 3. I1', DEEM R, Agent, Wingham. The corner -stone of the new St. An- drew's church was laid at Stratford. Abram Abramson, a ' four-year-old Windsor boy was run ever by an ice wagon and killed. Germany is the largest potato produc- ing country in Europe; it's yield last year was 1,600,000,000 bushels. WANTED -,.CREAM -w. Farmers or dairymen who have no good local market should write to- day for quotation card from the Sarnia Creamery Co. We pay highest• prices. We pay hard cash. and we remit after each shipment. You can deliver you cream to your nearest railway station. A trial shipment will convince you that there is good money in shipping cream to Sarnia. We furnish best bank references. Write for quotation card. SARNiA CREAMERY CO. Sarnia Ont. a A FEW BIG SNAPS FOR NOVEMBER In order to clean up our stock, we are giving a few sensational values in Clothing and Furs ONLY, Ladies light grey, medium weight Winter Coats, warm and well made, 25 per cant discount on regular prices. Children's Winter Coats, grey, blue and brown, very neat andpretty too, z5 per cent discount. Boys' Overcoats and Jackets, good styles, nothing wrong with any of these, 25 per cent discount, A few Men's Heavy Ulsters, very warm, and just the. thing for teamsters or others, who work Outside, regular up to $6.00, for $3,00. Boys' Odd Pants, straight knee style, 25 per cent. discount About 50 stylish well made Suits, broker* sizes, buter- haps we have yours, for November clearing P at tremendous bargains, 25 per cent. discount * FUR CAPES AND COATS AT SACRIFICE PRICES l' We mean business, these are genuine bargains for , those who need any of these lines. Satisfaction or your money back. • Poultry, Potatoes, Dried Apples, White Beans, 'Onions, Butter and Eggs, etc., all taken just the same as cash. THE VERDICT Of the jury was that almost too much care and attention has been bestowed upon this clothing. THE FINE TAILORING is strong evidence; the beautiful pat- tern of the goods; the trimmings and the expert workmanship are proof and warrant for the verdict. The moderate prices have had con- siderable effect upon the judge. HENNING TILE TAILOR Canada's oolieTro.c'k Lino HUNTERS' Return Tickets atlSingle Fare DAILY UNTIL, NOV, filth to points in Temagatni, points Mat - Uwe to Tlmi` ` s Ilam in and I . g {ipawa, Que., inclusive, also to certain points id Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Maine. To Muskoka Lakes, Penetang, Lake of hays Midland, Maganetawan River, Lakefield, Madawaska to Parry So and , Arg yle to C oboeo nk(Lindsay to Haliburton. Pointe from Severn to North Pay inclusive, and certain paints readied by Northern Navigation Co. All tickets valid for return until Thursday, Dec. 14th, except to points reached by steamer lines, Tuesday, November 14th, For Tickets and further informa- tion eail on G. Lamont, Depot Agent or address A. E. Duff, D.P,A,, To- ronte, Ont, ERR..& BIRD The Profit Sharing Store I4DItW S IIONEJOFURN NA L scf PATTERNS w1J'kiltla-tr1+1�i�17; 1 AGENTS --Ladies' Home Journal. gissiniammonammasmomamomessmivaimmisimiNammundi STRAY SHEEP,$77-r,ytq p�py� {pr Strayed from my premises on theidtit Bluevale road, on or about the '10th of nitwo re okofweytthngof sheep. whereabouts th sheep will kindly communicate with me. D, B. ANDERSON, Wingham P.O. 100 GIRLS WANED For factory, $5.00 per week to start with for girls eighteen and over. Address fminediately D. S. PERRIN' & CO., LIMITED, LONDON, ON'r. CANADIAN ■ PACT 1 r'■ c st-rp arropo, C NT; Stands to the front as the best school of its kind iri the 'province. Our courses are beyond those of the ordinary business ' college. This school has a continental reputation for high-grade work. We have three departments:- , Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy, • and the demand for trained help greatly exceeds the supply. Stud- ents are entering each week and the sooner you enter the better for yourself. Get our free Catalogue at once. D. A. M*LACHLAN - PRINCIPAL. THE COOL WAY WANTED TO THE WEST GREAT ,RFAT LAKES �Ib A((�ljR WINGHAM ROUTE Sail ng daffy except Friday and Sunday at 5 00 p,nt., fron/ Owen Sound, Conneecang train leaves Tbrbnto 1.00 p Ill. Meals and Berths Ire tided 011 Boat Ask any Agent for 1011 illustrat. est literatuee and to arrange re. servation, etc.. VANCOUVER EXPRESS The only solid through train to the West; 'carries through coaches, colonist, tourist and standard sleep era from Toronto daily at 10.20p.m., II, DEE1Li'r AGENT. 1 arrmiratrria rot simiromaiworwiramiore and surrounding District to sell high-class stock for TRE FONTHI!.L NURSERIES More fruit trees W111 be planted in the Pall of 1011. and Spring of 101.2 than ever before in the history of Ontario, The orchard of the future will bo the best paying part ot the :farm. tiVe teach our Dietl Salesmanship Tee Ctltttlre and how big profits in fruit growing can be made. Pay weekly, permanent employ= met1t,exclusive territory. Write for particulars. STONE & WELLINGTON TOOT°. 1