HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-11-02, Page 1•
VOL. X—,10 2074.
Free 1 ree 11
A, package. of "Fish tried" and a
complete -Aquarium consisting of
Glass Fish Globe
Two (2) Gold Fish
Aquarium Plant
Pebbles, etc.
On Saturday November Ilth
commencing at 2 p
With a 50c purchase of Rexall
Rexall Stomach and Liver Pills 25c
Rexall Tooth Paste - - 25c
Total 50c
Walton McKibbon
Viseessa.t...Ctegs Als"; •
Macdonald Block, Wingham.
A fine farm of 200 acres has
just been listed with us for im
mediate sale on account of owners
ill health. Large brick house
and bank barn, also all other
necessary buildings, fifty acres
bush, never failing well and
spring. School mile, post office
4. mile, churches 1 to 3 miles. A
rare change to get a good place
in a fine locality. Price 0500,
or will exehange for a smaller
BIacksnth Shor for Sale
At Westfield. good business. own,
er wishes to retire and will Ben
right. A good opportunity for a
young man wishing to start busi-
ness for himself.
Ritchie 86 Cosens
Wear Greer's! Mei and Rebore
Baden Pewi Scout,:
The annual meeti g of the Baden
Powell Boy Se outs ill be held n the
Parish Club this ( hursday) evening
at $ &clocks, The o eers for the en-
suing year will be , ppointed and the
public is invited to Lttend the meeting.
• How to make money easy. 'Read H.
E. lord & Co's advt. on page live.
Day Cow
Messrs. Coutts
will hold an 'auctio
and . feeding catt
hotel on Satnrda
week. The' stoe
good dairy cows
feeding steers anjl
vis will be the a
'and Steers.
Wilson, of Toronto
sale of dairy cows
at the National
,shafternoon of this
Ineludes seventeen
d a number of good
heifers. John Pur-
Cedar rails wanted. Apply to the
Western Foundry Co., Limited,
Porcupine KilIe4 near Lucknow.
A big fat porcupi
known, strayed ini
Captain Dick Emm
a few evenings ag
was first seen it
coon, and the eapt
loose at it. Whe
from the charge h
suffering animate
men sat over him
or more removing
supine was eventij
found to be of ex
Farmers who want money to buy
horses, cattle. or 'nags to feed for market
can have it on reasonable terms.
Notes discounted for tradesmen, mer -
°hank or agents, on favorable terms.
Loans on real estate ei,t the Ihweet
rate" going.
e, from parts un -
10 barnyard of
rton, at Pine River,
When the animal
as mistaken for a
in's hound was let
the hound returned
was like a howling,
pincushion, and two
or a couple of hours
he quills. The por-
ally killed and was
raordinary aize.
JUST ARRIVED—A-fine assortment of
hats of New York styles. Call early
and get choice at Mrs. Green's.
Christie's Grocery
Pure Flavouring
Our Pure Flavouring Extracts,
are of first quality. They are
ef a better grade than are ,
usually sold at this price.
Highly Praised for their Rich
yet' Oeticate Flavour
• .
The pie or pudding that milt
forth your praise and keeps ,you
guessing as to. its Make np ist
generally delicately flavoured.
• Otherwise good material may be
entirely spoiled by poor extracts.
Our Extracts Will Produce the
•Best Results.
Try us for Tea and Coffee
WANTED—Ohbiee Brater, Fresh
Egg, Hand PiekedDeans,
POtatOeS, ete,
A Beaut
"Home Again,'
the most beautif
in this country. I is an inspiration .of
love and affection
be like a member
delightful picture
all ready for fram
lutely free to all
Family Herald a
Montreal this seas
scription, ineludin
one dollar. The
not be laought for
one knows what a
the Family Herald
A11 Canada is p
weekly. The pub
immense eireulatio
I Picture.
is the title of one of
l pictures evero_een
A picture that will
of the family. This
size 22x23 inches,
ng, is giir n abso-
e to the
Star of
year's sub -
the picture, is only
icture alone could
e money and every
magnificent paper
nd Weekly Star is.
dud 'of that great
shers deserve ' the
the paper enjoys.
ho subscr
d Week
Read Willis fic Co.'s p4v. on Puna
Fifteenth Wed ing Anniversary,
Last Friday e
friends of Mr. an
gathered at thei
very pleasant ti
the celebration b
of their fifteenth
The bride and gr
ago were kindly
friends in beau
Tuna heartily j
and Mrs. Haugh
happy wedded lif
MEN'S RUBBERS, high and low cut,
all styles, 65c. to 90c. New goods.The
best made. W. J. GREES.
Liquor and Tobacco.
Canada's consum
tobacco shows a
the past fiscal yea
consumption of spi
against .815 gallo
beer was 5.434 gal
gallons; that of w'
gallons; while th
from 2.940 pounds
pounds. The tots
smoked was 18,90
and 17,127,710
cigarettes. smoke
mous total of 585,
095,138 1n1910, an
cigars smoked nu
compared with 20
192,105,371 in 190
ening a number of
Mrs. Jas. A, Haugh
home and spent a
, the occasion baing
Mr. and Mrs. Haugh
edding anniversary,
out of fifteen years
ernenabered by their-
*ful presents. The
ins in wishing Mr,
any more years of..
Moving os Dundas.
Mr. W. D. Mc an, who has been
connected with th Seaforth Expositor
since his boyhood ays has acquired an
interest in the Du das Banner and ie
moving his family to that town. Mr.
McLean will take charge of the busi-
ness and editorial ranch of the Banner
and we ean assur the people of Dun-
das that they ba e secured a very cap-
able newspaper an, as Mr. McLean
knows the no spaper and printing
business from tir ground up. We wish
our good friend, eLean, every success
in Dundas.
POULTRY 'WANTED—Higbest cash
price paid for all kinds of live poultry.
Phone 10. Gunns', Limited.
Annual Hos
• The annual me
holders of the Wi
pany was held on
of last week with
siding. The fina
past year was
Directors were
R. Clegg, Dr. J.
C. Redmond, Dr.
J. Irwin, R. Van
John A. McLean
A. H. Musgrove a
were re-elected
regular meeting o
be held on Friday
when the officers f
will. be elected.
statement for t
published in our
ion of liquors and
arked increase for
. The per capita
ts was .859 gallons
s in 1910; that of
ns as against 5.276
e .104 against .097
tobacco used grew
per capita to 3.011
quantity of tobacco
,322 poinfds in 1910,
ands in 1909. The
reached the enor-
5,370 against 451,s
356,756,130 in 1909.
ibered 227,585,692, as
,820,851 in 1910, and
• We have Women's Rubbers in all
the shapes to fit the styles of the new
shoes. 45c. to 65c. W. J. GREER.
' Death of
rs, Gordon.
ital Meeting.
ting of the share -
ham Hospital Com -
Wednesday evening
President Clegg pre-
cial report for the
read and adopted.
lected as follows:—
. Kennedy, Dr. R.
ohn Wilson, Dr. A.
one, Wm. I*sant,
and H. B. Elliott.
id J. W. McKibbon
as Auditors. • The
the Directors will
vening of this,week
the ensuing year
e annual financial
past year will be
xt issue.
NA* Omni
Mr Maven of Act
a position in Mr. W.
factory, has been e
of the Wingham Citi
Mason has had tonsid
band leadelZanct will k
'Band up to its high at
move hisfamily to
near future,
FoUND—A wal
of money. Own
applying at Ba
proving property.
t, containing a sum
r can have same by
of Hamilton and
Rev. Dr. t'fford Dead.
The death took p
on West Gore stree
19th, of Rev. Gorh
D., in his 63rd y
born near Forest, a
ministry of the Met
about thirty-five ye
compelled to retire a
account of a nervous
he went to reside i
last charge was G
Thomas. He was a
than ordinary ability
esteem in the fields i
Besides Mrs. Gifford
viz:—Rev. Clifford
Rev. Wm. Gifford,
Vancouver; Dr. K.
Percy Gifford in the
ford was pastor of W
Church for three yea
membered by many
ace at his residence
, Statford, on Oct.
A. Gifford, Ph.
r. Deceased was
d was in the active
odist Church for
rs until he was
ew years ago on
breakdown when
Stratford. His
ce Church, St.
peaker of more
nd held in high
which he labored.
our sons survive,
Gifford, London;
olttmbia College,
Gifford and Mr.
Strifes. Dr. Gif-
ngham Methodist
s and will be re-
f our readers.
, who is taking
Gurney's glove
gaged as leader
ens' Band. Mr.
al experience as
ep the Citizens'
dard. He will
ingham in the
A large stock of wit -date millinery
selling et extremelyIo prices at Mrs.
The Holiday in
Thanksgiving bay, o
was generally observed
Wingharn. The places
closed and active'woric
for the day. Service
Andrew's Church, in t
day was also used by
ple who were changin
residence and the da
termed "flitting day"
our townspeople.
moved into H. B.
Frances street; H.
Junction to the house
Dobie; J. T. Lennex
L. F. Binkley to Mr
Mr. Lavis to the hou
Binkley; Wm, Isbist
residence he recent
vacated by Mr. La
away, of Bluevale in
farm, taking chars
Swarts, who reeent
The Aptomma
The concert given i
on Tuesday evening,
of St.- Andrew's Chur
ly well attended.. T
harp by Aptommas
preciated and we lie
the opinion that be
entertainers who h
Wingham. The h
cal instrument an
tainly handle it
Alexandra 'Brad!
Grace Merry, el
first appearane
audience and w
were not disap
fias an excellent
best numbers
and "Killarney'
plause in her s
believe her bes
Sermon on Jo
Bradley, mane
at the piano.
The remains o Mrs. Donald Mac-
Kay Gordon, Who death was briefly
recorded in our la t issue, were brought
to Wingham on F idasr last and inter-
ment was made 'n the family plot in
the 'Wingham ce etery, the services
being conducted by Rev. D. Perrie.
The deceased lad 's maiden name was
Margaret S. Pal .er and she was born
in the Tow'riship f Elma, near Listow-
el, her parents b ing among the early
pioneers of that ownship. Many years
ago sheWas ma led to the late Mr.
Gordon, who pas ed away last Febra-
ary, and resided or a few years in Lis-
towel and thirty hree years ago Mov-
ed to Winglifins, removing to Toronto
some two mon s ago. Mrs. Gordon
was a woman h Id in high esteem by a
large Circle of friends and her very
sudden death is deeply regretted. She
is survived by ve daughters and two
sons; vim—Mr Reading, and Misses
Etta, Eng, Lo ne and Marjorie, and
Messrs, Roy an Scott Gordon, all of
Toreato. The bereaved family will
have the symp hy of many old friends
in their sudden bereaveftent.
LOST.—Ladies sm 1 gold watch, op-
en face, steel fob c am attached, on
G. T. R. track sout of station at Me -
Leans crossing on orning of October
30th. Finder please return to Queen's
hotel and receive re ard.
Arrangements ha
for the putting on
play, "Finnigan's
opera house on Fri
ber 18th, under t
Parish Club. The
people of Wingha
tend this entertai
worthy cause and
a hearty laugh.
ers, all load tale
Larry Finnigan, ea
tured, but' not a
shindy—R. A. Cou
son, rather fond of
felloW at . heart—
Rafferty, his friend
thin—Ed. Ntish,
particular aversion—
De Marney, one of t
black sheep—Geo.
nigam Larry's Am
Millie Turner, Kat
Miss Alice Manfl.
joy, an adventures
The admission is 1
of hall will open.
store on TueadaY,
e been completed
of that laughable
Fortune" in the
ay eveningsNovem-
e auspices of the
ommittee asks the
and district to at-
ment and assist a
o prepared to enjoy
he cast of therea-
t, is as follows:—
going, good na-
meto a bit of
ts. Patrick, his
ess, •but not a bad
arvey Linklater.
rough thick and
Utah Jake, his
erb Jobb. Count
e great flock of
1Tatt. Mrs. Pin,
tious wife—Miss
Jake's daughter—
scly Hamel Love-
-Mrs. Ted Elliott
25c and 25e. Plan
t MeXibbon's drug
oVember 14th at 2
Monday last,
s a holiday in
f business were
was laid. aside
as held in St.
e morning. The
number of peo-
their place of
could well be
for a number of
r. R. J. Dobie
liott's house on
heeler, of the
vacated by Mr.
o Mr. Wheeler's;
Lennex's house;
e vacated by Mr.
of Morris to the
purchased and
is. Mr. Green -
es to the Isbister
for Mr. J. E.
purchased the
the opera house
nder the auspices
h choir, was fair -
playing on the
as very much ap-
rd several express
as one of the best
d ever appeared in
rp is a sweet musi-
Aptornmas can cer-
perfection. Miss
, soprano and Miss
cutionist, made their
before a Wingham
ean say the people
ointed. Miss Bradley
soprano voice and her
ere "Annie Laurie"
. Miss Merry won ap-
eral selections and we
number was "A Scotch
ah".. Miss. Maud C.
, very aptly presided
001. NOTES.
The High Sehoo
journeyed to Wro
try their skill wi
The spectators
exciting game alt
showed lack of pr
legal score bein
Wroxeters but o
umpiring the Wr
goals to the H. $
game will be pia
H. 5, Campus.
junior football team
eter last Monday to
the Wroxeteritea.
itnessed a fast and
ough the H, S. boys
ctice together, the
3-2 in favour of
account of unfair
eter boys scored 5
boys' 2. A return
d next week on the
W I. Per.
4 0 1000
2 2 500
0 4 000
Rubbers for School Children, 300. to
50e. Don't let the children go without
Rubbers. W. J. GREER.
Last Thursday
Frances Davis wa
M. E. Zurbrigg's
is said that Andre,
a file at her. Th
Miss Davis but
force that it we
glass window an
sign and the win
file struck Miss
likely killed her.
on the scene an
for Cruickshank,
until Friday eveni
rested. He api
Magistrate Mort
ing and was com
stand his trial, b
BOY WANTED —To learn the printing
business. Good chance for a bright act-
ve boy. Apply at TIMES office.
Death of
Last week's St
ports the death of
of Mr. Aaron Posli
follows:—"Mr. Ge
16th concession of
home of his son Al
Oct. 12. Mr, Posli
Finningley, Yorkshi
he was born in 1825.
ried Ann Pogson, w
eleven years ago, an
grated to Canada an
resided in each of
Trafalgar, Nelson,
lesley, after which
and for five years
now owned by Mr,
afterwards moved
he died after a resi
years. Mr. Posliff
eight children, the
survive him: Mr
Brookdale, Man.;
en, Molesworth;
Woodstock; Aaro
and Albert, Elma
devout Methodist
integrity and was
teem by his neig
r. Posliff.
atford Beacon re -
r. Posliff, father
, of this town as
rge Posliff of the
'ma, died at the
rt, on Thursday,
was a native of
e, England, where
In 1819 he mar
predeceased him
in 1852 he emi-
for a short time
the townships of
lenheim and Wel-
e moved to Elma
ived on the farm
Wm. Coxson. He
the place where
ence thereon of 55
as the father of
following of whom
Joseph Ducklow,
rs. John MeCraels-
rs. George Taylor,
, Wingham; George
Mr. Posliff was a
and a man of strict
held in very high es -
for Trial.
vening while Miss
standing in front of
hotograph studio, it
Cruickshank hurled
missile did not hit
was sent with such
•t through the plate
also through a glass
ow blind. Had the
Davis it would have
Chief Allen was soon
a search was made
ut he was not found
g whea he was ar-
eared before Police
on Saturday morn-
itted to Goderich 'to
it being refused.
HOUSE TO RENT. — In Town Plot, with
or without land, good orchard; conven-
ient to.foundry. Also some land in Town
plot will be sold cheap. Apply to A.Kel-
Beginning nex
5th, in the Bapti
will preach a ser
mons upon notab
went history. T
evening, Nov.
of Dan, a traged
for following so
hear the sermons
Bible Society
Last Sunday the
of the Wingham bra
Canada Bible Socie
Methodist Church.
other churches was
service was very lar
John Kerr, Presi
branch, acted as ch
Perrie opened and
with prayer and R
the scripture les
on the work of th
by Rev. G. Victor
Rutledge. The e
churches united a
lent musical pr
sary was one of
ever held by the
ham. This socie
and we can hea
deserving of the
ofthis district a
receipts largely
Sunday everfing,Nov.
Church, the pastor
es of character set
figures hi Old Testa-
e subject for Sunday
, will be "The Hero
in five acts." Watch
jects and come and
All Welcome.
The season for
has been extended
1 's
A convention of N
ale was held in the T
day afternoon last a
attended, considerin
to the Liberals e
of the riding was
President Isbister
ballot being, taken
were brought befor
including R. Vanston
R. Clegg, Wm,. Tobin
ton. All retired, bu
sidering the matter,t
ination of the conve
to Mr. John T. Cu
East Wawanosh
Huron County. M
candidate in 1908 a
good fight when it i
eration that North
out by the Whitney
safe riding for the
Currie asked' for a
er the matter befo
nnual anniversary
eh of. the Upper
y was held in' the
The service in the
withdrawn and this
ely attended. Mr.
ent of the local
irman and Rev. D.
closed the service
v. E. H. Croly read
n. Able addresses
Society were given
Collins and Rev. Dr.
oirs of the different
d furnished an excel -
am. This anniver-
the most successful
ible Society in Wing -
is doing a good work
ily recommend it as
support of the people
d we hope to see the
ncreased this year.
WANTED—Lad es to do plain and
light sewing at me, whole or spare
time; good pay; ork sent any distance;
charges id; se stamp for full parti-
culars. Nationa Manufacturing Co.,
Montreal. .
Huron Count
The annual da
clubs in the Huron
ciation was held
ranges on Friday
good attendance,
favorable weather.
club won the count
ing were the scores:
200 y
Whitechurch 192
St. Augustine 190
Lucknow 173
St. Helens 181
the clubs at Lanes,
Rifle Shooting.
s shooting of the
ounty Rifle Asso-
t the Whitechurch
st. There was a
nsidering the un -
The Whitechurch
eup and the follow-
shing on the lake*
to November 10.
estroyed St. Irene
Roman Catholic C tire! at Montreal,
Dowser's lumber tad at Englehart,
and the White Phi Lumber Company's
mills at Blind Rive
rth Huron Liber-
wn Hall Thurs-
d was very well
the short notice
ry Municipality
presented an
resided. On a
several names
the convention,
John T. Currie,
r and J. A. Mor-
on further con-
e unanimous nom -
ion was tendered
rie, ex -Reeve of
d ex -Warden of
. Currie was the
d made an extra
taken into eonsid-
uron was maPped
Government as a
onservatives. Mr.
w days to eonsid-
e giving a definite
Just before goi
informs us that
personal moment
accept the nomin
gsto press Mr. Currie
owing to matters of
e will be unable to
Western Foun ry Co. will Likely Build
ew Plant.
A meeting o the Wingham Board of
Trade was hel • in the Council Chamber
on Wednesda evening of last week
and was well a tended with President
Clsgg presidin A proposition was
read from the estern Foundry Co. in
which they ag eed to build a new
stove foundry in this town and the first
year would emp oy 50 workmen in ad -
sent staff and the se -
every year thereafter
workmen in addition
dition to the pr
cond year and
would employ 1
to present staff making a total of 200
company would ask
loan of $10,000 with -
term of ten years to
0 annually and the
of the term; a free
e acres and a fixed
,000 except for school
For this the town
first mortgage on
as discussed favor -
our townsmen and
was brought out
oun'dry' Co. would
s 500 yds Total.
199 391
184 374
171 344
160 341
ere present from
ochalsh, Auburn
Workmen. Th
from the town a
out interest for
be repayable $
balance at the en
building site of fi
assessment of $1
and county rates.
to be secured by
the new plant an
The proposition
ably by a number
in the discussion it
that the Western
and Dungannon, but there were not
enough members pre ent to make a
full club from these laces and they
were not able to enter he club compe-
In the individual co petitions, Wm.
Watson won the m • fel, The other
winners with the seor s were as fol-
lows:—W. Watson 46 W. Wilson 44,
W. MeCleneghan 43, . McCann 42, D.
Bishle 42, S. Elliott 42 E. Robinson 41,
Pollard 41, Logan 41, arriek 41, Shiell
40, T. Inglis 40, Butte 40, Wilfrid Reid
40, 3. Seott 40, W. eid 40, Geo. T.
Robertson 40, It. Sco 89, D. Bets:croft
Tyres ---d. Robint n 41, Inglis 40,
R. Scott 89, Tayl • r 38, Murray 36,
McAllister 35, IT. Mt ee 81, Wilsytt 2.
erect new buildings nd put in a plant
to the value of about $35,000. On
motion, the propositi n was unanimous-
ly endorsed by the m
mittee composed of
stone, Mayor Spotton
was appointed to int
Council with a view to having a by-law
submitted to the ratIpayers at as early
a date as possible.
The TIMES heart] endorses the pro-
position. The Wes ern Foundry is one
best industries and
Ly the building of a
ly trouble with the
years has been its
large number of
ing forward. We
itizen who has the
town at heart will
proposiion. The
a company that
hich has every de -
business, and we
airly with the in -
an to aid concerns
he town looking for
eting and a eom-
. Clegg, R. Van -
and Dr. Redmond
rview. the Town
of Wingham's very
has orders to just
new plant. The o
Company for som
inability to fill th
orders that are co
believe that every
best interests of th
gladly support thi
town is dealing wi
has made good and
sire to increase i
might better deal
dustries we have t
that may come to
A spinsters idea of
who Will propose.
George BresVn, the man who abduct,.
ed Miss Gladys Pric , school teacher,
has been senteaced O eight years in
One Minute, Sir!
Juit a innute, Sir!
We want to say
The Fall Shoes are waiving for
you and you'll like theru, Nte're
Dn't know where you could go
to get better shoes than ours—better
Shoes or lower prices on Shoes that
are as good—better Shoe Berme in
fitting, either!
Our Shoes at $2.50, $3.00 or $3 50
we have never seen dnplicated at
the price, in any other btore, here.
Splendid, Comfortable, Good look-
ing. Perfect Fitting; Conservative
priced Shoes.
Then, we've Shoe luxury at $4.00,
84 50 or $500, but why not come in
for a look sir?
a few Shoe
A special meeti
eil was held on T
all the members
proposition from
Co. was read and
change made was
assessment being
to $15,000. The b
readings and orde
the TIMES for thr
of the ratepayers
very important
November 24th.
secure the enlargi
by the ratepayers
the by-law. Furt
Matter will be giv
the MOS.
Rubbers, the kind that wear.
Lowest prices.
Where quality counts we win.
g of the Town Coun-
esday evening with
present, when the
he Western Foundry
iseussed. The only
n the fixed rate of
raised from $10,000
-law was given two
ed to be published in
e issues. The vote
ill be taken on this
uestion on Friday,
he town stands to
g of a good industry
heartily supporting
r reference to the
in future issues of
ffinityls any roanl
C. N. Griffin
Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and
• MONEY LoANING Business.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses.
Office over Maloolm's Grooery.
County Press
At a meeting of
paper publishers he
day last a Huron C
ciation was organiz
ing officers: —Pres'
Times, Wingham
Keith McLean, E
See -Treas., 3. M.
Exeter; Executive
officers with W.
Record, Clinton a
Star, Goderich. T
association is to ere
feeling among the
discuss subjects of i
lishers. Similar as
organized in differe
tario. Mr, J. M. I
the Canadiah Press
the meeting in Clin
very interesting and
urging upon the pu
sity of adopting a e
Moscow's oyster
Bisek Sea. They a
the end of one's t
zents apiece. Ver
ao a
tome from the
e not larger than
mb and cost Ova
few are eaten.
Eighty-eight do
the Cleveland play
Ohio ehampionshi
ron county news -
in Clinton on Fri-
unty Press Asso-
d with the follow-
nt, H. B. Elliott,
Vice President,
ositor, Seaforth;
Southeott, Times,
Mitchell, News -
J. W. Vanatter,
e purpose of the
te a more friendly
publishers and to
terest to the pub-
etations are being
t counties in On-
rie, Secretary of
'sedation was at
n and delivered a
nstractive address,
lishers the neees-
st system.
ars apiede is what
rs made out of the
series just closed.
The Reds got ab ut $125 oah, The
total reeeipts for t e six games amount-
ed to but $9,428.7
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