HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-10-26, Page 1o r Thirty Years mmummulgammi IOur Seven Colleges have been established during the past 30 years. The largest trainers in g IICanada. Owing to our connec- tion all over Ontario, we do better for our graduates than any. other School. You may study all at home or partly at home and finish at the College. Affiliated with The Commercial Educators' Association of Can- ada. It would be well for you to investigate before choosing. Exclusive right for Ohtario of the world-famons Bliss Book- keeping System, which is un- equalled. It is actual Business from start to firlish, and the student ke.lag same books as Chartered Banks and Whole- sale Rouses. Enter any time. Individual instruction. Fall Term From Aug. 28th Write, call or phone for particulars, wiNc.HAm BUSINESS COI.LEGE GEM IiPOTTO N, • P Po '0E1 t, .11014‘41.11difggigigigl. VOL. IL—NO 2073. WHY COUGH Cherry Bark Cough Syrup Will stop that cough. If it . does not we cheerfully refund your money Walton McKibbon THE DRUGGIST CP42.1...weas Store Macdonald Block, Wingham. 200 ACE[ FARM FOR SAIt A fine farm of. 200 acres has just been listed with us for im- mediate sale on account of owners ill health. Large brick house and bank barn, also all other necessary buildings, fifty acres bush, never failing well and spring. School mile, post office mile, churches 1 to 3 miles. A rare change to get a good place in a fine locality. Price $8500, or will exchange for a smaller farm. Blacksmith Shop for Sale At Westfield. good business, own- er wishes to retire and will sell right. A good opportunity for a young man wishing to start busi- ness for himself. Ritchie & Cosens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE A. E. SMITH BANKER Wear areer's Shoe* and Mere Auction Sal Messrs, Coutts an an auction sale of feeding cattle at th on Saturday, 28th i The cattle include a two year old Dur steers and a num cows. John Purvis eer. ef Cattle. Wilson will hold fifty head of good Exchange Hotel st., at 2 o'clock. ood lot of one and am grade feeding er of good milch will be ,the auction - HOUSEKEEPER ANTED -Apply at TIMES office. Wingham Bo Mr. Carroll }Tele private secretary Hearst, the new Forests and Mines, vacated by Mr. G followed Hon. Fran tawa. Mr. %Vele is boy and old friends to hear of his.appoi portant position. Promoted. s been appointed o Ho - W. H. leis o eke the slace o. W. Yate who chran to Ot- fo Wingham ere will be pleased tment to this im- Cedar rails wanted. Apply to the Western Foundry Co., Limited, Huron Hous of Refuge. s unable to secure aken to Goderich ovincial Constable x months in jail. r. Phippen visited e at Clinton and out the place clean ates all enjoying alth. Our former Morden, is in the and Mr. Phippen of the furnaces ontented. George.Kargus w bondsmen and was on Saturday by P Phippen to serve s Returning home the House of RefLl found everything aij and neat and the in the very best of h townsman, Andrew very best of health found him ,in charg and he is happy and WINGIIAM, ONTARIO. Farmers who want money to buy horses, cattle, or hogs to feed for market oan have it on reasonable terms. Notes disoounted for tradesmen, mer - °Inuits or agents, on favorable terms. Loans on real estate at the lowest rates going. Christie's Grocery PHONE 59 Pure Flavouring Extracts 3 BOTTLES FOR 250 Onr Pure Flavouring Extracts are of first quality. They are of a better grade than are usually sold at this price. Highly Praised to/ their Rich yet Delicate Flavou The pie or pudding that calls forth yottr praise and keeps you guessing as to its make tip isw generally delicately flavoured. Otherwise good ma,t3rial may be entirely spoiled by poor extraets. Our Extracts Will Produce the Best Results. Try us for Tea and Coffee WANTED---ChOice Butter, Fr 0911 Igggs, Hand Piked team, Potatoes, etc. • Rubbers for School Children, 30c. to 50c. Don't let therihildren go without Rubbers. . W. J. GREER. Welland C The officers of th made arrangemen of beautiful lawns This work will be spring opens and direction of Frank to, who has, buil lawns in Toronto Week completed a gara Falls. -Well gentleman referre mer well-known re and old friends her learn that Mr. Pat tinued success i greens. • b Lawns. Welland Club have for the laying out about the club house. started as soon as will be under the Paterson, of Toron- sonie of the best d Buffalo, and last fine green at Nia- d Telegraph. The to above is a for- ident of Wingham will be pleased to rson is having con - building bowling WINGHAX ON3A110, TUESDAY. OCTOBER 26 1911. Read Willie & co.'s dv, on page 8 NORTH HuR N LIBERALS. A convention o North Huron will b Hall, Wingham this noon at 1.30p'clock nominating a coidid riding for the Ontar Liberals are invited vention, Hydro Po er in Huron. Mr. Shaw, an e• gineer of the Hydro Electric Commiss on, who is making a tour of Huron co nty was in town on Friday and a me ting of our business men was held in the Council Chamber that afternoon. Mr. Shaw is discussing and investigatin the needs for power at the various c tres, and the amounts which could pro ably be disposed of in the event of t e Hydro lines coming into this section f Huron county. He has already visit d a number of places in the county a d is making enquiry complete. Amo those from outside points who att nded the Wingham meeting were t e following: -Mayor Patterson and R ve Hunter, Kincar- dine; Reeve Mite ell, Lueknow; Reeve Reice, Wroxete ; Reeve Winter, Ho - wick; Reeve Gil spie, East Wawanosh, and J. B. Willie s, Gerrie. the Liberals of held in the Town (Thursday) alter. or the purpose of te to contest the o Legislature. Ali o attend the con - WANTED GOOd general servant girl; good wages. Apply to Mrs. R. Van - stone. Moved to Last week the S dent reports the r of two well-known as follows: -"St. suffered through t D. Todd, sr., and to Wingham, whe siding in the fut has always been a the Sabbath schoo Women's Foreign in connection with every good work f community. Mrs. greatly missed, a ready to help in the cause of the Two weeks ago a ing in Calvin ch waa presented wit in the W. F. M. S. FOUND -A wallet, ontaining a sum of money. Own r an have same by applying at Ban of Hamilton and proving property. ngham. Helens correspon- oval to Wingham St. Helens ladies, Helena last week e removal of Mrs. isg J. C. McDonald e they purpose re - e. Miss McDonald tive in the work of Mission Band and Missionary Society alvin church and in the welfareof the odd also will be she was always he advancement of Kingdom of God. hankoffering meet- rch Miss McDonald •a life membership We have Women's Rubbers in all the shapes to At the styles of the new shoes. 45c. to 65e. W. J. GREER. Canadian Or er of Foresters. J. P. Hoag, wh was elected High Secretary Of the Canadian Order of Foresters in Jun last, has resigned from the office to c ntinue his work in the Normal Schoo , at London, Ont. Alf. P. Van Sinner , a member of the Executive Committ of the Order and manager of the Uni n Bank at Saska- toon, Sask., has be appointed High Secretary to succee Mr, Hoag. Mr. VanSomeren will a once remove to Brantford, Ott., w •re the head office of the Order is loca ed. E. H. David- son, of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Distriet High Chief Range for Manitoba, has been appointed to he Executive Com- mittee to fill tha acancy caused by Mr. yariSometen Mg to the offiee of High Seeretary. J. P. Hong has been re -appointed Ili Auditor, which posi- tion he has held ince June 1905. Jammer* gr.*. New .Telep one Directory. The North Hu on Telephone Com- pany has issued a new directory and copies were mai d this week to all subscribers. Th directory contains the names of 3 2 North Huron sub- scribers as well e the Bell subscribers in Wingham and ueknow. There are a number of tele hones yet to be in- stalled this fall nd the names of these subscribers will se published from week to week so that ubscribera svill be able to keep their directory up-to-date. There is one ight mistake in the directory. Paul l'owell is entered at 171 r 11, when i should be 172 r 11. Any subscriber w o has not received a copy of the direc ry will kindly notify the Secretary at he TIMES office when a copy will be pr mptly sent forward. Since the above as put in type tele- phones have bee installed for John Cole on Line No. 82, ring 31 and Jona- than Pattison, Line 198, ring 23. Bov WANTM).--To learn the printing 4iness. Good charipe for a bright act- ive boy* Apply at Tnurig office, A large -stock of up-to-date millinery selling at extremely low prices at Mrs. Green's. Death of Mr.. Just -before going to raceive4i Wgham 4(304. 'W9rPtitO on of Margaret S. Palm late D, M. ,Gordan, take place fa Wingh Friday on arrival of 1 train from •sortinto.. natice of this former dent of Wingham wil next issue, orders. preen word was of the sudden onday evening , relict of the e funeral will cemetery on 5 a,. In. G. T. R. more extended well-known resi- be given in our Aptommas Concert. The Choir of St. ndrew's Presby- terian Churcb , have secured a high- class entertainment r the people of Wingham and vicini y which will be held in the opera •use on Tuesday evening, October 31s The talent in- cludes Aptommos,, t London, Eng. Harpist; Miss Grace erry, the well- known elseutioniet of oronto and Miss Alexander Bradlby, prano, of Mon- treal. This comPany has been giving very successful con erts in various parts of Ontario. Th admission is 25 cents and reserved sea s 35 cents, with plan of hall at lVfeKibb .n's drug store. The Walkerton Herald speaking of the concert •held reeently in that town says :--"The recital full warranted such a splendid turnout, eac of the artists proved a gem of the fist water. Un- doubtedly the interest centred in Op- tommas, the London, Eng. Harpist, who captivated the lar e audience with his master. From th delicate pains- sino which seemed to b like the play- ing of Zephers among • e leaves to the fortissino of the stirr ng "March of Men of Harloch" the c ncenses ofppin- ion was that he was in is prime now. Aptommas was assiste by Miss Grace Merry of Toronto, and Miss E. Alex- andra Bradley of Montreal, who assist- ed in no small manner in creating the success of ,the recital. Miss Merry was equally good in her various num- bers and in ,."A Saotch Sermon on Jonah" the characiterization being cleverly portrayed while her enuciation was perfect. $he was accorded a hearty welcome. an4 respended grac- iouly to the demand or encores. Miss E. Alexandra Bradly is a lyric soprano of rare quaiity, hi range being re- markable and the armth of her tone especially in the •pper register being out of the ordin ry. Her selections were "April. M 'ro, Fairies Lullaby, Through a Loy ly Garden and The Nightingale." iss Maude C. Bradley made a efficien accompanist. The concert was alik a financial and a musical success. News Items rom Toronto. A Toronto corre pondent sends us the following items o news referring to former well -know residents of Wing - ham, who are now esiding in Toronto: "John Ncelands r cently celebrated his 80th birthday an still enjoys a good game of bowls, a • plays nearly every afternoon. He c put away as nice a bowl on the Lake iew Green as the best of them. Nearly 11 the old Wingham boys play on this reen and -it is the one that is in cha e of Mr. F. Pater- son, another for er Winghamite. A- mong the other o Winghamites play- ing on this gree are Wm. Mitchell, Wm. Homuth, J. J. Homuth, Geo. A, Newton and H. H. Chisholm. Mr Newton is in the eale state business at the corner of 1 overcourt Road and Dundas street an is doing well. J. 3. Homuth and son, Milton, are doing a nice business on avenportRoad. Wm. Mitchell is in thmarble business on Yoke street, a few doors north of College street. H. H. Chisholm is manager in a larg mill in which he has an interest. He is one of the best bowlers and curie in the city. Last winter his rink wo the gold eup valued at $1,200, besides inning a number of other trophies. J hn Gray is at the cement business an has just finished a big job few Robert effery. Bob, E0 he is generally known, s buildieg a large house on the hill n Dufferin street north. /as. II. Chi holm is in the real estate business in th east end and is doing fine. David R bertson hag sold his house hi the w t end at a good figure ad has the n of it till April. Mrs. Frank Paters° underwent a seri- ous operation in th General Hospital five weeks ago aid is doing very well. It is expected she ill be able to return home in a week or en days. Lord's A public mee Presbyterian Ch ing Ink in the in Lord's Day Alli presided and Re Jand Rev. W. L. ed in the openin A very interesti dress was given!by the General Secre- tary, Rev. W.G, Hanna, B.A. "In the work of arousing and guiding public opinion favourably to the preservation of the Lord's bay," said the speaker, one of the firs difficulties to be over- come is a mistmderstanding as to the nature of the work of the Alliance. We are not a legislative nor a law en- forcement body. We seek to quietly bring about ebnditions whereby the law of the land will be respected and ob_ work is to create, develop public opinion favourable observance of the rest law. The ge eral moral tone is very much improvied where rest law is ob- served. Men everywhere need the rest, recupetation and moral uplift t1. --it comes through keeping holy the Lorl's Day. No rnan can be at his best who works seven days each week the year through. e rest day as an asset to any nation s of irsimeasurable value. All nations are now recoghizing that fact and of ate years, Germany, Italy, Russia, Ch na, Japan, Portugal and other nation areienacting and improv- ing laws tha make for tbe proper ob- servance of e Lord's Day and better eonditions fo the working man. We give only tw of the many eases stated showing the enefit to the people of Canada of th existenee of a toeiety that has for its objeet the uplift of hunisinity, p ysically, mentally and morally. Not a Sunday newspaper ig published in 11 Eastern Canada, and the sale of Su day papers brOnght into Canada is red ed to tt minimum. 2,700 men employed by a large manufactur- ing eorieern in New Ontario, compelled to work seve days a Week, now enjoy the rest day very week. The public, espeelally th Working an should give to the Lord's Day Alliance the mora apport that it requires it on its work suceessfu` POULTRY W ANTED-41igileat Clash price paid for all kinds of live ponitry, 'Phone 10. Liritited. ay Alliance. ing was held in the ch -on Thursday even- erests of the Ontario nee. Rev. D. Perrie . E. H. Croly, B. A utledge, D.D., assist - and closing exercises. g and instructive ad - served. Our and improve to the proper Examine Dr. 11. Ta the duly appointe in and for the and district, havi pointment from t tary. Where a dangerous to be brought before a in order that the q may be determine in addition to the upon him by the A tion to be made by tioners, one of wh tioner 'appointed Secretary. for Lismicy. lyn, of this town is examiner in Lunacy own of Wingharn g received his ap- e Provincial Secre- person, insane and at large, has been ustice of the Peace estion of his sanity the Justice shall, her duties imposed ,cause an examine - two medical practi- m shall be a practi- by the Provincial How to make m E. bard & Co's a easy, Read H. t. on page five. Beautiful Inte Mr. W. J. Deyell tractor has recen beautiful work in t Mrs. John A. Moy race, A fine oa style, has been lal the first storey of the laundry room floor. Mr. Deyell an excellent job a the work are ver it. Thin is probe its size in Wingha first storey has fl nice verandah enc for the verandah gives Mr. and M the most beautif Wingham. Mrs. ideas for the from her uncle, who is an archite and finatieial - order to tarry ly.” 'or Finishing. builder and con- y completed some e home of Mr. and ihan, Carling Ter - floor, in log cabin in all the rooms on he house except for which has a maple has certainly made d all who have seen much pleased with y the only house of where the entire rs of hardwood. A osing has been built nd the whole work s. Moynihan one of and cosey homes in Moynihan got her cent improvements . Oliver C. Wilkes, in Buffalo. MEN'S RUBBERS, high and low cut, all ai,yles, 65c. to 90c. New goods. The best made. W. J. GREES. Bible Societ Anniversary. Sunday, Oct. 29t eiety Sunday In tions have been c rally in the intere ada Bible Society Anglican, Bapti Churches in Wing effort to make thi day in the history this, with us, will the Tercentenary authorized edition In each of the Su dress will be giv the work of the B the evening a gran in the Methodist the local minister Rev,. G. V. Collins ledge will be ,the All the church ehoi ing a splendid mus offering of the frie ciety are used for luting, printing a Scriptures. There upon the Bible Socie great foreign immi country, and because advance in Christie parts of the world,. t the Society are a branch a very large ings over last year. , will be Bible So- ingham. Prepare- pleted for a great ts Nthe Upper Can - The Presbyterian, t , and Methodist am are uniting in an anniversary a great of this Society, as e the celebration of of the issue of the f the English Bible. day Schools an ad - n on some phase of le Society, and in rally will be held urch in which all will take a part. nd Rev. Dr. Rut - principal speakers will unite in giv- al program. The s of the Bible So - e work of trans - d circolating the e so many claims because of the ration into this of the , wonderful Missions in all at the officers of sing from each nerease in offer - THE WHITh PLAGUE. 40••••••••••11011MINN.PNWIleiR $1 A YEA IN ADVANCE In the Town Hall n Monday evening to a fairly good audience, there was given a very intereating and 'native - rive talk on Tubercul 'sis and the work oria, by Mr, J. 13. ry of the Nation tion. The meet- rayer by Rev, E. • tton occupied the arks spoke of the by the National ion. the lecture and ing it, dealt with cause and some - f avoiding andpre- The discovery of e tubercal bacillus rt Kokh, of Ger- ait was shown, in oken of as one of discoveries ever or which the whole owe the late Dr. tude. the lecture dealt umptive Sanatoria under management torium Association; ge Sanatorium for incipent stage of ka Free Hospital for he patients in the lack means to pay The Toronto Free mptives where the ced stages of the dis- during their remain - King Edward Sena - e having means but le home and being ation at hotels or cared for. ght out that these r the whole ground in the interests of •f Canada; and ap- • de for the financial Hospital Free which care and treatment 139 of whom do not maintenance. teresting and racy r and a half taken arold Hinscliffe of ly manipulated the of our Canadian Seal Watson, Field Secre al Sanitorium Assoei ing was opened with 11. Croly, Mayor S chair and in a few r good work being do Sanatorium Associa The earlier part the pictures illustra the disease, its pri what of thetneans venting its spread. the disease germ -t -made by Dr. Rob many, whose port the year 1882 was s the most importan made in the world, human race will ev a deep debt of grat The latter part o with the four Con inaugurated by and of the National Sa the Muskoka Cot pay patients in t disease; the Musk Consumptives for incipent stage wh for maintenance; Hospital for Cons poor in the adva ease are cared fo ing years, and th. torium, where tho without comforta refused accommo boarding houses at' The fact was bro four institutions co of senatorial work the consamptivei peal was difectly m aid to the Muskok at present is giving to about 160 patien pay a cent for thei The talk was ' throughont the ho for its delivery. town very efficie lantern and slides The Wingham several selection which were much audience. At the a cordial vote of Rev. E. H. Croly McDonald. A liberal collect behalf of the Mu - and Dr. Watson contributions fro Tuesday. The Boy emits. On Friday evening a number of Boy Scouts went to Br ssels to assist in the organization of a troop in that town. The party •omprised Patrol - leaders Howson and Manuel, Scouts Duchanan and Butehe Assistant Scout- master Allen and Sco master Barron. They were aecompani d by the County Commissioner, Mr. J. 5, Smith, B. A. A large number of •oys and many ladies and gentlemen ssembled in the Lecture Room of th Public Library. The meeting was ope ed by the chair- man, Rev, Mr. Wish rt, and was ad- dressed by Mr. Smith County Commis- sioner, who spoke o the Boy Scout movement. Mr. Bar • n Scoutmaster, spoke briefly conce ning the Scout badges and put th• scouts through some of their dr Ile. The offic- ers of the Brassels local association were then elected a id much enthu- siasm. Refreshment served by the ladies concluded a ver successful meet- ing. The local aeon s are trying to sequel a hall for thei winter lectures and training. They take up fir, aid work, signalling, .‘ • brancheS of Lem will wel- come any neruits wl o wieli to join their ranks. The posips d annual meeting 1 will be held in a •hort brae and it is hoped that many la es and gehtlemen - who are interested in Work among boys ; will attend. Orchestra rendered during the evening appreciated by the close of the lecture hanks was moved by nd seconded by Reeve •n was taken up in oba Free, Hospital lso received liberal our townspeople on WANTED -Ladies to do plain and light sewing at home, w ole or spare time; good pay; wo k t any distance; charges in id; send mp for full parti- culars. National Manufacturing Co., Montreal. Sale of Grocerie The large 'bankru ies and crockery, b A. McGillivray est retail, commencing week. If you are i now is a chance to advt. in another col and Crockery. t stock of grocer - longing to the J. e will be sold by n Saturday of this need of groceries et bargains. See mn. HIGH SCHO L NOTES. The committee Day beg to acknow subscriptions from F. Groves, R. Allen Allen, T. Bower, G. ler, G. Spotton, H. Croly, W. Dore, J. Morton, A. H. Musg W. 3. Boyce, A. Zurbrigg, E. B. Ha M. Crawford, J. Ke Carr; J. W. McKibb A. Graham, F. John win, B. Cochrane, Buthanati, T. Kin Mason, C. 13arber, W pard, W. Field, W. 1 lyn, Rev. Dr. Rutled W. Johns, R. Vansto Cosens, A.L. Hamilto W.J. Meeting, J. Ila D. Somers, J. Lee, Redmond, 3. 13. Swar L. Kennedy, W. A, McGee, 1 II. Christ O. Holmes, Theo Hall Ails, IC Rae, W. F. Graham, Miss C. 13 ' Anderson, G. R, Sini C. Smith. charge of Field edge with thanks the following: -J. Mrs. Hanna, G. amont,, A. Travel- alsh, Rev, E. If. . Haugh, J. A. ove, A. E. Smith, Nicholls, M. E. t, D. Davies, A. , Dr. Price, G. n, J. Ritchie, R. on, Dr. A. 3. Ir - 3, Paterson, F. R. Clegg, G. Gurney, W. Le - Haines, Dr, Tam - ,0. V. Hayden, e, J. McLean, A. C. VanNorman, a, Dr. 3. Wilson, II. Boerne; Dr. s, W. J. Howson, Campbell, R. S. II. B. 3, Isard, J. A. VanStone, T. C. *wster, Miss E. , A. Percy, Thanksgiving MONDAY, OCTOBER 30th Turkey, Plum Puddihg and Pumpkin Pie are well enough for the Thanksgiving Dinner, but they won't keep your feet warm or dry during the cold weather that' will be dealt out to us from now until the Springtime cemes again. Our lines of Handsome, Stylish and durable Shoes for men, Women and Children will dress feet in a Way to make their attendance an honor to ANY THANKSGIVING DINNER We're ready to attend to your wants in Footwear, and the tax you'll consider light, when you look at your feet after we're tl3rough with them. Rubbers in all sizes The kind that wear. Lowest prices. W. J. GREER Where quality counts we win. C. N. Griffin GENERAL AGENT FIRE LIFE ACCIDEN 1' PLATE GLASS WEATBER obit** Insurance Coupled with a REAL EST ATE and MONEY LOANING Business. Issuer of Marriage Licenies. Offloe over Maloolm's Grocery. MISS SPARLING -GRADUATE OF TORONTO CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC And authorized teacher of the Fletcher Music Method Simylex and Kinder- garten. Teacher of Piano and Theory. Pupils prepared for conservatory ex- aminations. Theory by correspondence to out of town pupils. CLASSES OPEN SEPT. 15th. Apply at Miss Sparling's home, Minnie street. JtisT AtritiVrine-A fine assortment Of hats of New York styles. Call early , and get choice at Mrs Green's, Mr. R. W. Leonard, of St Catharines has been appointed Chairman of the National Transcontinental Railway Commission, in succession to Hon. S. N. Parent. 111••1.01121S