HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-10-19, Page 6THE WI GIIAM TIMES OCTOBER, 19, 1911 Ile Fair. Buy a sack or barrel before judging PUmTY aFLOUR OMB people have attempted to judge PUR- ITY - QTY FLOUR before knowing the facts about it —.before using it. So we ask you to be fair and to buy a sack r barrel of PURITY FLOUR and give it a thorough try -out before attempting to arrive at a judgment. Look at the beauty tan" loftiness of the golden - crusted, snowy -crumbed. loaves, fit for a king, Count them and see how many more of them PUR- ITY yields to the barrel than ordinary flour does. Taste the creamy, flaky pie crust, and the deliciously light cakes PURITY FLOUR rewards fou with. illy! Eiow theymake y our mouthwater! Such high-class results can only be obtained when using a flour con- sisting exclusively of the high-grade portions of the vest Western hard wheat berries. And remember, that, on account of its extra strength and extra qual- ity, PURITY FLOUR requires more water when making bread and more shortening when making pastry, than you are accustomed to use with ordinary flour. Use it for eczema. ulcers, cold sores, chapped heads, poisoned wounds. piles,'calp sores. and all skin injuries and diseases. Best bairn for baby. Purely herbal, All drug- gists and stores 50c box, Natural gas and petroleum have been struck in Delaware township, near Lon- don, Ont, The Women's Hospital Aid of Brant- ford have secured over $14,000 for the new nurses' home, You are not experimenting on your- self when you . take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for a cold as that pre- paration has won its great remarkable teion and extensive sale by cures of colds, and can always be de- pended upon. It is equally valuable for adults and children and may be given to youngchildren with implicit confidence dealers. no harmful u. Sold byit . Two people were killed and eleven injured, one fatally, when a Detroit United Railway work car attached to two cars crashed into a train near Ro- chester, George Bury has been appointed Vice -President and General Manager of the Western lines of the C. P. R. in succession to Sir Wm. Whyte. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CA,STORIA Fo Ll ,,orc b`:,{ a ` 'p 'better 'bread 99 L` Y FLOUR. l R Test �1311:,' a a b���; or barrel of P. , Then i'a�• a �X•'�.::•.. �. .,ll pass j ;lt.nil_cnt. A d 1 TT; i i a i LO1'R to thz grocery 1i. t right now. 105 S OLD BY WM. BONE AND KING BROS., WINGHAM. Ever notice the funny names people in A diving was utilized in 109 on the f Mull Scotland lin searching for FUNERAL TORTURE. wreck of part of the Spanish Armada.. strange towns have, 'Chest o , How easy it is to spend the money earned by somebody else. If you would discover a man's sore spot, keep quiet and let hint talk. A syndicate of Winnipeg and New York capitalists is reported to have of - feted $300 a share for Winnipeg Railway stock. Lame back is one of the most com- mon forms of muscular rheumatism. A few applications of Chamberlain's Liniment will give relief, For sale by all dealers. `• White water,"is a singular phenom- enon occasionally observed in tropical. seas. Beavers have become so numerous and destructive in some parts of the Canadian Northwest that the settlers have appealed to the government to exterminatrtltem. Rents and ground values are. up 'every place that man frequents. A house and land in the centre of Lon- don gave a rent of $1,500 a year half a century ago; the ground rent for the land alone now is between $6,000 and 47,000. Where it was shillings a square foot near the bank of England not long ago it is now pounds. In less than two generations values soared from $75 a square foot to upwards of $400. Cost of living is the same `p;ob- lem under all the shining of the sun. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Mr. Andrew Brennan,. ex -President of the Stormont Conservative Associa- tion, was found dead at his home, where he lived alone. It is rumored that there is to be a combine of biscuit manufacturers of, Dominion. Christie, Brown & Co., one of the largest of these, is not, however, to be included. PIL' Do not suffer another day with Itching,Bleed- ing, or Protrud- ing Piles. No surgical oper- ation penation required. Dr. Chase's Ointment will relieve you at once and as certainly cure you. 60c. a flex; all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Limited, Toronto. Sampla box free it you mention this paper and enclose 2e. stamp to pay postage. Unable to make extensions to their plant at Berlin owing to their lack of building accommodation, it is probable that the Foster Armstrong Piano Co's. factory may be moved to Toronto. Miss Clara. Smith has been elected a fellow of the American Association for the advancement of Science, partly be- cause she solved a problem in mathe- matics which puzzled college professors for more than a century. Miss Smith is an instructor in mathematics in Wel- lesley-College.—Indianapolis News. KERNELS FROM THE SANCTUM MILL Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges. A man is never too old to learn that he knows a lot of things he should for- get. • -, y.,,55e4r,-" ...,..., .... Bad Cold in the Chest. "1 am happy to tell you that I used Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Tur- pentine, and was promptly cured of a very bad cold in the chest, writes Miss Josephine Gauthier, Dover South, Ont. You can depend on Dr. Chase's Sprup of Linseed and Turpentine to re- lieve and cure all inflammation and il:ratations of the throat and bronchial tubes. Occasionally a man makes his mark in the world because his wife makes him toe it. Sufficient snow fell in the Brockville district on Friday to cover the ground with a mantle of white. Further west the downfall was in the form of hail or rain, Children, Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C A ' ITO R I A A young Englishman named Wm. Marshall, of Belleville, suddenly went insane and attacked. Capt. Allen of the Salvation Army. After a terrible struggler Marshall was overpowered by eight men. Ia lsax City has r i gh t police mat- rons. Buffalo, more at»tonsBufftlomote than twice tha size of Kansas City, has only four; Cleveland hat three, Omaha has one, Milwaulre'o has one and Seattle has four. Early Friday morning a Grand Trunk freight train entering Brampton from. the West ran, off the track near the station. About twelve ears were de- railed, batt no one was hurt. Skin Soft as a Child's. "1 was a great sufferer from eczema and salt rheum tor years," writes Mr. John W. Naas, Lunenburg, N. S. "Five years ago three boxes of Dr. Chase's Ointment cured me and the old trouble never returned. My skin is soft as a child's now, and I shall al- ways say a good word for this Oint- ment. Ways of the Wive,. When a Borers In. dian Pies. On the death of a Bororo Indian the wife tears out handfuls of her hair and throws it on ilia corpse, says a writer in the July Wide World Maga- zine. At intervals during the tirstday after his death she shakes trim, as though wishing to bring him back to life, apd kisses his cold brow. Her efforts beng in vain, she retires and the Baire approaches. He proclaims that the man has died for the sins he committed during his. life. Then the relatives paint his body with "urucu." an ointment made out of the rout of a wild tropical plant. GorSeous feathers of the most varied hues are then strewn over him, and the corpse is wrapped up in a matting of straw. The moment before the burial. the wives approach one after the other and cover his feet with the blood drop- ping from the wounds and gashes they have inflicted on their backs and arms. This ceremony is followed by an- other. Three Indians appear dressed in the clothes -if the few rags they wear can be called thus—of the deed man and begin singing and dancing. In the meantime the corpse is carried to the "l3ahyto," a huge mound int the center of the colony, and should the dancing and singing Indians become tired before it is reached three others take their places. The body lies on the mound three days. Then the Baird goes to the mound and, seating him• self at the foot of the dead man, ie supposed`to receive his soul in keeping, THE BRAIN IN SLEEP. There was a strange incident on Se- dan day, in the Saxon town of Artern, Stuttgart. Hundreds of the inhabi- tants gathered to celebrate in the square where Bismarck's statute is situated. As the clock in the square struck noon the sword which the statute of the dead statesman held in its hand extended and fell noisily to the ground. It was immediately followed by one of the arms. This peculiar happening caused a great sensation among the superstitious, nany,of whom declared that it was a sign of war and disaster. Among the imported ramekins—that is, the dainty white ones—may be found several sizes with short handles of sil- ver plate. The advantage of a baking dish with a handle is one that the av- erage cook recognizes, and, as these dishes are intended to be sent, with their contents, to the dining table, the handle is rather elaborate in design. A portable dark room for photo- graphers, an Illinoisan's invention, consists of a cabinet with a colored glass back and a hood to enclose a man's head and tie around his neck with a draw string. The best plaster. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Liniment and bound on over the affected parts is superior to a plaster and costs only one tenth as ranch. For sale by all dealers. The King George V.. a British Dreadnought laid down on January 16th, was launched Monday. The ves- sel is of 23,000 tons, will have a speed of 21. knots and is ormed with ten 13.5 inch guns and twenty-four 4 inch guns. Psoriasis All Over Body r► SUGGESTIONS FOR MAKING PIES. Never bake a pie on a cracked earth- en dish. It spoils the flavor of the pie. Pie crust and pastry made with but- ter oaahalf butter and half lard is con- sidered more wholesomethan crust made from lard alone. Pies should be well baked. To insure this allow an hour for haking. Half baked, soggy undercrusts are neither palatable or digestible. The upper crusts of pies should al- ways be perforated to allow the steam to escape, this is essential to keep the juice in the pie. Don't trifle with a coldis good advice for prudent men and women. It may be vital in the case of a child. There is nothing better than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for coughs and colds in. children. It is safe and sure. For sale by all dealers. The body of J. Frederick Fraser, former Commmissioner of Lights for the Marine Department at Ottawa, was found ' Rockville Park Fraser- was sun in An ingenious little contrivance that is designed as an aid to the cook in lifting an egg, vegetables such as corn or potatoes, or a piece of meat from a steaming pot, is another newcomer in the housefurnishing corner. This con- trivance consists of four slender iron bars with a straight hook at the end of each strip. The four bars are joined to a handle that .resembles that of a pair of scissors and which works on the same principle. One of the latest inventions for the 'benefit of the housewife is both timely and practical. It is a bag for the straining of fruit juice, and is mounted upon an iron standard' having a firm metal base. The old makeshift of placing the jelly bag between the legs of a kitchen chair is thus done away with, and the process of jellymaking is simplified. The bag is the customary one of coarse muslin and the standard is about a foot in height. The cost is small. OPEN SORE BAPF1EOOTORS: Morripy's No. 4 Eczema Ointment Waled Like Magic. • Nauwigewauk, N,B,, Oct. 3, 191Q "I can gladly recommend dear Dr. Mor- riscy's Eczema Ointment because it cured me of a sore which I had on my ear for over 9 years. I did everything to have it cured, and had the most skillful doctors,. treating it, but it would pot heal up, I went under treatment with Father Mor- riscy's Ointment, and' in a short while it was cured, That was 3 years ago, and 1 an sure the cure is permanent. When 1 think how quickly No, 4 Eczema Ointment cured me it seems wonderful indeed, because you know I doctored with several skilled physicians who could not help me. You surely must have a big demand for this Wonderful Salve. lxy only regret is, that 1 did not use it at first, as it would have saved me over 8 years of pain, to say nothing of an unsightly ear and expensive doctor bills," John Ryan. The above prescription is not a "Cure. Ali" or so-called patent medicine. Dr. Mor- riscy prescribed it for 44 years, and it, cured thousands after other doctors failed. Price, 50c, per box at your dealers, or Father Morriscy Medicine Co., Limited, Montreal. 200 Rice is cultivated in more than 70,. - 000,000 acres of land in India. The Times to Changes In the Volume of Blood Cir. culation When We Dream. Dreams are due to an increase of - sensation and circulation over that which exists in profound sleep. (Maser vations made upon patients with cra+ nial defects show that when we ari dreaming the brain is greater in vol% ume than in deep sleep and less than when we are awake. Thus this inter; mediate volume of blood would MO tate that dreams are an intermedial stage between unconsciousness and wakefulness, and their incomplete and irregular intelligence would indicate the same thing. This increased circui dation is usually due to sensory stimul lotion affecting ,the vasomotor center and causing a,return of blood to the head, with resultant increased cons sciousness. Contrary to popular belief, dreams in themselves d8 not contribute to ,light or broken sleep in which they are present. Such a condition Is due to the ever present stimuli, which accord- ing to their strength or the degree of, irritability of the cells, maintain even in sleep a varying degree of conscious- ness of which the dreams are merely a manifestation. Therefore the fatigu- ing atiguing effect often also attributed to dreams is not due to them, but to the lighter degree of sleep and less con plete cell restoration which they ac- company and which are due to some irritation.—Atlantic. The amount of flour used depends upon the fruit. Very juicy fruit re- quires at least two tablespoons'of flour, this makes a thickened juice which .is less apt to soak the under crust. The flour should always be mixed -with the sugar thoroughly to separate the par- ticles of flour and prevent Iumping. If a fruit is used which is lacking in acid use a little lemon juice. Tasteless dry apples can be used for pies if lemon juice and water is added with judg- ment. If the apples are too long • in cooking they may be partly cooked be- fore they are put in the pie. To insure a thick pie fill the tin to dismissed following upon the investiga-rounding with the fruit.� tion by Judge Cassels. He had written a letter to the local police stating where his body would be found. Most dreaded tf skin diseases was cured by Dr.,Chase's Ointment. Par,, iasis is a sort of chronic eczema. The itching it causes is almost beyond human endurance, and it is usually considered incutable. But this case proves that Dr. Chase's Ointment is a cure, in 'spite of the doctor's predic- ti6n. Mrs. Nettie Massey, Consecan, Ont., barites, --"I or five years I suffered with what three doctors called psor- iaais, They could not help me and ono of them- told me if any one offer - Ed to guarantee a cure lot 0.050 to 1,e money as I co keep y y 1 ni cured. The diseasespread all over P rte, even on my face and head, and tile itching and burning was hard to bear. I usr:d eight boxes of Dr. Chase's Ointment, and I am glad to say 1 am entirely cured, not a sign of a sore to be, seen. I can hardly praise this ointment enough!' Dr. Chase's Ointment, Co ets. a box, all dealers or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Toronto. fESt *HEALTH TO MOTHER AH CHILD. MRs. WINBYAW'S SooTBINo SYRUP has been used for over SI%TY YEARS by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHILDREN WHILE TEETHING with PERFECT SUCCESS, It SOOTHES tate CHILD, SOFTENS the GUMS. ALLAYS all PAIN; CURBS WIND COLIC, and is the best remedy for DIARRHOEA. It is ab- solutely harmless. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. WipsloveS Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. A sword in the Dijon museum has just been identified as that used by Joan of Arc, and presented to her by Charles VII. of France. On one side of the hilt, says the London Mall, is engraved a figure kneeling before a cross, and the inscription, "Charles VII.," while the other side bears the name "Vaucouleurs." The sword also bears the arms of France and of the town of Orleans, and the date is 1419. The Bright Side. I've always sought the silver lining whene'er a cloud appeared; no foolish tears of vain repining have trickled down my beard. When I encounter grief and sorrow, I say: ':It cuts no grass, for things will come my way to-morrow—misfortunes always pass." At divers times when people saw me wear grins and sing a song, they stop- ped to rebuke and jaw me, and said: "Your head's on wrong; to go around and sing and chortle when woes are thick as rats,' shows that you're dippy, foolish mortal) You're belfry's full of bats!" And still, when I saw sorrows thicken, my hopeful song was sung, and now when I am sorely stricken in years I still am young. My heart does; not with age grow colder'-'twas never steeped in tears; and I know men who seem much older, who've lived buthalf my years. Whene'er I see a grouch I strike it and knocks its features in; the more I live the more I like it -because I learned to grin, 'This habit's keptt my life a -shining, and when en I come to die I shall seek the silver lining, and find it, by and by,—Walt Mason. January, 1912 for 20 cents A Painful Mistake. Bitter experience is a wonderful teacher. No doubt the young lady of whom London Ideas tells had often been told that she ought to wear glasses, but bad neglected or refused to do so. There was a most determined look In her eye, however, as she marched into the optician's shop. "I want a pair of glasses immediate- ly," she said, "good, strong ones. 1 won't be without them for another dl„ "Good, strong ones?" "Tea, please. I was out in the cow.- try onntry yesterday, and I made a veryi painful blunder, which I have no wish to repeat." "Indeed! Mistook an entire stranger for an old friend, perhaps?" "No, nothing of the sort. I mistooIE a bumblebee for a blackberry."- -„ Billiousness is due to a disordered condition of the stomach. Chamber- lain's Tablets are essentially a stomach medicine, intended especially to act on that orgitn; to cleanse it, strengthen it, 1 to the nd invi erste it,to gena tensa g i liver and to banish biliousness positively and effectually. For sale by all dealers. Japan holds the world's record for crime, for, according to the "Jiji Shim- po," of Tokyo, the average number of sentences per day in that country is 69,013, .4where as in Germany, which holds the record for Europe, the num- ber is only 52,881. When soiled stockings are taken off pin them together With a small safety pin. In this Way no stockings are ever Mislaid or lost. Nerves Were A Wreck. Could Not Stand The Least Noise Miss Florence II. Perry, Courtland, Ont., writes:—"I wish to write you a short letter telling you of the help I rseeived from the use of your Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. A year ago my nerves were a real bad wreck and was so nervous I could net stand the least noise. lily sister had taken your pills and advised me to give them a trial, I teak three boxes and saw they were helping me so I kept en taking them until I had used five boxes, and I esn say in true words that I am strictly cured." heart or with their ea To anyonetroubled wSt nerves we would strongly advise them to take a course of our Heart and Nerve Pills as we feel confident that they will do them a world of good. If four druggist or dealer deed not keep them, the will matt them direct on receipt of price --50e. per box or 3 boxes for $1.25, The T. Milburn Co., Litnited,Toronto, Ont. PRINTING AND STATIONERY We have put in our office Stationery and can WRITING PADS ENVELOPES LEAD PENCILS BUTTER PAPER PAPETEItIES, a complete stock of Staple supply your wants in WRITING PAPER BLANK BOOKS PENS AND INK TOILET PAPER PLAYII•'G CARDS, etc We will keep the best stock in the respective lines and sell at reasonable prices. JOB PRINTING We are in a better position than ever before to attend to your wants in the Job Printing line and all orders will receive prompt attention. Leave your order with us when in need 'ofd LETTER HEADS NOTE HEADS BILL HEADS STATEMENTS ENVELOPES WEDDING INVITATIONS CALLING CARDS POSTERS CIRCULARS CATALOGUES • Or anything you may require in the printing line. Su'becriptions taken for all the Leading Newspapers and Magazines. The Timis Office.. SCONE BLOCK Wintalarlito