HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-10-19, Page 4THE WTN(HAM TIKES,OCfOBJIt 19 "19Ti
DomIQioo Bank
Ism QFF4Ca, TORQN•ro
E, lI, QSLER, M, P,,, - President.
W. DA 11
M TT ..laws, V'loa-President,
e=ve $5,9$4,009,1100.0
00,0 0,ti11
041 Assets, . , .600,43,00.
A Branch of this Bank has been eatx••
bushed in London, England, at
This Branch will issue Letters of
Credit and Drafts: oa all Important
points in Canada, negotiate Mils sent
for collection, snake telegraphic trans-
fers, and transact every description of
banking business,.
Information will be furnished on all
Canadian matters.
A special department will be provid•
edfor the use of visitors and bearers of
our Letters of Credit.
C. A. BOGERT, General Manager.
W. R, Geikie. Manager.
R. VAN&TONE, Solicitor,
The following figures are taken from
the authenticated market reports from
the respective cities on, the dates men-
Cattle- Oet. 16 Oct. 16
Exp. steers $7.15 to $7.40 $5.75 to $6.25
Butcher, ch. 5.75 6.50 5.60 5.80
Calves 4.50 9.00 4.00 7.00
Sheep3.80 4.25 3.50 4 00
Lambs 5.50 5.60 5.90 5.25
Hogs 6.45 6.70 6:15. 6.15
Barley; bus. ... 1.25 .80 .88
Notice of changes must be left at this
office not later than Saturday noon.
The copy for changes must be left
not later than Monday evening.
Casual advertisements accepted up
to noon Wednesday of each week.
g.8. KLt,10TT,Puners$en ANDD pommies
The financial statement of the Dom-
inion to the 30th of September, shows
that for the six months of the current
fiscal year the revenue amounted to
$74,069,524, an increase of $7,921,331;
the ordinary expenditure to $35,943,456,
an increase of $824,794, and the capital
expenditure to $12,318,027, a decrease
of $112,109.
The office of the veterinary director-
general and live stock commissioner at
Ottawa has just issued two bulletins
that will be of interest to Ontario
farmers. The first of these deals with
Government assistance to agriculture
'in Europe, while the second gives the
Canadian record of performances for
pure bred dairy cattle. Both are avail-
able for distribution.
The Legislature which goes out of
existence in the next few days is about
three years and four months old, and,
at its full strength, containing 106
members, of whom 87 were Conserva-
tives and 18 Liberals. The odd man
was the Labor representative, Mr. Ah
Ian Studholme. At the present time.
however, the Legislature has but 96
members. One vacancy was caused
some months ago by the death of Mr.
S. J. Fox of West Victoria, while the
other nine were caused by retirements.
is the highest type of
is the highest type of
curative food.
The Irourishing and
curative elements in
Scott's Emulsion are so
perfectly combined 'that
all (babies, children and
adults) are equally bene-
fitted and built up,_
Pe sat=e to get SCOtrs-
iit'4t the Standard and always
the best.
Att. bfll1410/S1ra
The World boasts that 13ourassa
Sir Wilfrid's scalp at his belt, and the.
scalp of the whole Liberal party in
Quebec," But the trophy really hang-
ing at Mr. Bourassa'a belt is the scalp
of Mr. Borden, and the scaip of the
whole Conservative party of Canada,
He could never win a single concession
from Sir Wilfrid, but 11Ir. Borden, gave
hint three representatives in the cabi-
net, and placed the big spending de-
partment of Public Works in the hand
of Natismalist Monk. -London Adver-
Mr. J. G. Anderson, of Lueknow, was.
ofi'ered the Liberal nomination of South
Bruce, at the convention held in For.
mesa on Thur'iaday, but before accepts.
ing he has asked ten days to consider.
It will be remembered that R.E. Truax
represented South Bruce in the last
House, but resigned to run for the Do-
minion House. - Mr. Anderson is rt
wealthy apple buyer, and is well known
throughout the riding, and would make a
strong, clean fight, The party is united
and is well organized and will put up a
vigorous fight to retain South Bruce in
the Liberal fold.
Some people will say that there are
too many lawyers, eight in all, or nine
when the solicitor -general is added, as
against only seven in the Laurier minis-
try. Others will be of opinion that the
special interests, both of business and
Bourassaism, have been too greatly
catered to, but these two sections of
the party played so great a share in
the victory that they had to be recog-
nized. Time alone will show how the
contrary attitudes of the Quebec Na-
tionalists and the Toronto Imperialists
will be reconciled. It is said that oil
and water do not mix, but in the make-
up ofjhis political salad, Mr. Borden has
certainly made a determined effort to
make them mix. -Ottawa Free Press.
The Duke and Duchess of Connaught,
who are to preside over Rideau Hall at
Ottawa as representatives of King
George for the next few years, arrived
at Quebec Thursday evening and landed
Friday morning. They were accorded
just such a reception as might be ex-
pected from loyal Canadians to mem-
bers of the royal household. The
streets ,were gaily decorated for the
occasion, and everywhere was mani-
fested the livliest interest in the re-
ception to the new governor-general.
His excellency was received by the
deputy governor-general, the members
of the Dominion cabinet, the inspector-
generaI of militia, the director of die
naval service, the lieutenant -governor
of the province of Quebec, the Prime
Minister of the province, and the mem-
bers of the Provincial cabinet.
"After all the bother of the election,
and of the great Conservative victory,
and the "Conservatives coming to their
own",by fifty of a majority, we are to
have a coalition Government after all.
A coalition is the voluntary association
of members of different political part-
ies to carryon a Government and carry
out a policy. Mr. Borden is only half
Conservative ---about all that is good in
him in the matter of political principles,
is the saving remnant of Liberal prin-
ciples, not entirely overlaid by the new
principles he espoused when he left the
Liberal party to become a Conserva-
tive. And Mr. Borden has selected
for the chief member of his Cabinet ---
the kingpin ---the Minister of Finance,
a Liberal, in the person of Mr. William`
T. White, of Toronto. Mr: Borden
wants to have at least one "white"
minister in his Cabinet,---Peterboro
What other Christmas present costs
so little and means so much as a sub-
scription to The Youth's Companion-
52 weeks to any Canadian subscriber
for $2.00? It is a gift which benefits
not only the one who receives it, but
every member of the same household.
With many Christmas presents the
sense of novelty wears off by the week's
end, but The Youth's Companion is as
new and sought after the fifty-second
week of the year as the first. • It is
elastic in its adaptability, too; for it
does not matter whether the present is
for a boy or a girl, young married
people, sedate couples, grandparents -
there never was one yet who did not
set store by The Youth's Companion.
You cannot make a mistake if you give
The Companion - and it is only $2.00 a
year now to Canadian subscribers. On
January 1, 1912. the price will be ad-
vanced to $2.25,
The one to whom you give the sub-
scription willreceive free The Compan-
ion's Calendar for 1912, lithographed in
twelve colors and gold, and you, too, as
giver of the subscription, will receive a
copy of the Calendar.
144 Berkeley St., Boston, Mass.
New subscriptions received at this
Mr. Joseph Bradley was shot and
killed near Paisley while hunting.
I;Ierman Affeldt of Centerville has
been arrested on a charge of burning
his son's barns,
Telling Ho. w to Cure This Pain,
ful Malady.
This article is for the man or woman.
who suffers from rheumatism who
wants to be cured, not merely relieved
-but actually' cured. The most s
rheumatic sufferer can hope for in rub.
bing something onthe tender, aching
oina t, is little relief. No lotion or
liniment ever did or ever can make a
cure. The rheumatic poison is rooted
in the blood. Therefore rheumatism
can only be cured whenthis poisonous
acid is driven out of the blood, That's
why rubbing and liniments and out-
ward applications are no good -they
can't reach the cause in the blood.
Any doctor will tell you this is true,
If you want something that will go
right to the root of the trouble' in the
blood every time, take Dr, Williams'
Pink Pills, They make new, rich, red.
blood which drives out the poisonous
acid and cures rheumatism to stay
cured. This is a solemn truth which
has been proved in thousands of cases,
and the following is a striking instance.
Mrs. H. W. Einar, Sarnia, On ., says:
"I feel it my duty to recd end Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills as the completely
cured me of rheumatis after I had
been almost an invalid f three years.
I doctored with two ski ed doctors and
took electric tree me t, but without
benefit. On going to a third doctor he
recommended mine baths as the only
thing that would hep me. After tak-
ing this treatment for some time I felt
that I was really growing worse in-
stead of better, and I began to think
there was no cure for -me and that I
was doomed to be a helpless sufferer.
For some months I discontinued all
treatment and then I was advised to
try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. After
taking.a few boxes I could notice a dis-
tinct improvement, and I continued
taking the Pills for several months
when the cure was complete. That is
some two years ago, and I have ever
since been perfectly free from the
trouble, I would therefore advise any-
one afflicted with rheumatism to take
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, as they cer-
tainly,made a remarkable cure in my
These pills are sold by all medicine
dealers or may be had by mail at 50
cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from
The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock-
ville, Ont.
With the smoke of the Federal battle.
still drifting away • Ontario • is again
facing a political campaign:'' Thursday
Sir James Whitney put, an, 'end` to all
speculation by announcing the pending
dissolution of the. Legislature, with
polling about the first Ot second week
of December. '
Immediately on the receipt of the
news that the Legislature would be
dissolved at once and the elections held
in December, The Toronto Globe cor-
respondent interviewed Hon. Mr. Mac-
Kay. The leader of tlie Opposition
was strong in his condemnation of the
Premier's action.
"The date selected is as unseason-'
able as the Premier's action is cowardly
and unreasonable. With seventy of a
majority at his back, his statement of
two weeks ago that there were no elec-
tions but the bye -elections on the hori-
zon, while at that time everything in
the shape of printing, etc., was being
rushed preparatory to an immediate
general election, scarcely tallies with
his once wonted boast that he was
'honest enough to be bold and bold
to be honest.' a g Had the
lature been allowed to run its regular
course, and smother session been held,
the elections could, with very little in-
terference with business, have been
held in early June. As it is, the fall
and Christmas trade will be largely in-
terfered with.
"If the statutes are adhered to, the
greater number of the residents in all
the unorganized portions of the Pro-
vince, forming parts of no less than
thirteen constituencies, will now be
disfranchised. The latest voters' lists
in that immense stretch of northern,
Ontario are those upon. which the 1908
elections were held. In the discussion
of many questions it was tacitly under-
stood that there would be another ses-
sion -notably so in conneetion with the
serious complaints as to the bilingual
schools --a question which could hot
properly have been dealt with last ses-
sion, owing to the fact that the com-
missioner whom the Government had
appointed had not then made his report
as to the actual facts. Owing to the
extreme importance of this subject
and the gravity of the charges made,
it was only fair that the Government
and the Opposition should have declar-
ed where they stood after the facts
were ascertained, and before an elec.-
"Again, the census returns would be
available at the approaching' session,
and whatever increased representation
is called for in New Ontario or else-
where should be granted at the com-
mencement and not in the middle of a
decennial deeade,"
Dr. Daniel, M. Pi for St. John. N.
has resigned in favor of Hon. J,D. Hoz.
en, 1Vtinistei• of Marine in the Borden
Mr. harry .Kent of Hamilton was
awarded one thousand dollars' damages
gainst the Maryland Casualty Com
any,, which caused his arrest on a
charge of.nisappropriation.
The International Bank has been a
granted a license to do business by the p
Capital Paid U $ 2,750,040
It steer e x ve and indevi
Profits . ,. ,., .... 2,260,000
Total Assets,,,, , . , ...1..:4Q,00Q,000
Besides offering an incentive to save
ao 'vines account affords a safe and
e n en1 t method of keeping the 40-
=1 -Mating dollars,
Safe custody is of paramount int-
portance-either for the bard -earned
savings of the worker or for trust
The Bank of Hamilton invites your -
savings account, whether large or
C. P. SMITH, Agent, Wingham,.
Toronto, Oct. 16 .-Union Stock Yards
-Receipts, 162 cars, with 3,f86 head of
cattle, 87 calves, . 143 hogs, and 2,073
Trade was very slow, and the market
20e to 25e lower all round.
There was an odd picked heifer here
and there, very choice butcher; whicch
sold at $5,90 to $6,--but,they were very
few, and outside of these thegeneral
run of butcher cattle were off fully 20e,
and some claimed 25e to 30e.
The trouble seemed to be a too heavy
run, particularly in view of the fact
that there was apparently nothing
wanted for the Montreal market, which
of late ha's proved to be. •a good outlet
for the heavy cattle, and also that the
export buyers for the American houses
were slow in getting down to business,
and .up to the noon hour had only taken
about half .a dozen loads. The result
was practically a congested market.
Export cattle, choice. $6 00 to $6 35
do medium • 5 65 5 90
do light 5 80 6 00
do bulls .... . .... 4 60 5 25
do cows'..,, . 3 75 5 00
Butchers choice 5 60 5 80
do medium ' .... 5 25 5.50
do cows....•............ 450 480
do common.... e, 2 50 3 75
do canners .. .,.1 50 2 75
Short -keep... , „„ r1 , , 5 60 5 50
Feeders steers. . .... .... . 4.55 5 00
do bulls3 25 4 00
Stockers choice 4 25 4 85
do light . s ' 3 75 4 25
Milch cows, choice, each55 00.75 00
Springers, 45 00.65 00
Common and medium . • , .. 357 00 25 00
Sheep,, ewes le 3 50 4 00
do bucks • 2 50 8 00
Lambs, yearlings , 5 50 • 5 60
Spring lambs, each 5 50 5 60
Hogs, f. o. b.. .. 5 90
do fed and. watered 615
Calves ' 4 00 7 00
Wingham, Oct. 18, 1911
Flour per 100 lbs . ..•,.. 2 20 to 3 00
Fail wheat ..... .......... 0 82 to 0 82
Oats 0 85 to 0 36
Barley 0 50 to 0 50
Peas , 0 80 to 0 80
Butter dairy.... 0 20 to 0 20
Eggs per doz. ..:0 25 to 0 25
Wood per cord2 50 to 2 50
Hay per ton „ 10 00 to 10 00
Potatoes per bushel, new .. 0 50 to 0 50
Lard 0 15 to 0 15
Live Hogs per. cwt 5 80 to 5 80'
Sale by Tender of Valuable Farm
and Town Properties,
Sealed tenders wiltberocelved by the under.
signed up to ttonday, the 80th instant, at 2
o'clock p.m, for the purchase of the following
farm, and town properties, namely:-
Paroel No. 1 -Lot number nineteen in the
twelfth Concession of the Township of Turn -
berry in the County of Huron, containing
100 acres.
On this property: is situate a good frame
houya 18x80 with kitolien' 2x10 and stone cel-
lar, and a good frame barxr about 40x60 on
stone foundation. There are about 80 acres
under cultivation, and the property is well
fenced and is siturte about four miles from the
Town of Wingham 073 a Rood gravel read.
Parcel No. L --Parts of Lots 8 and 4 on • the
Bast side of Josephine street in the Town of
Wi.,gham, Governtneno Add tional Survey,
particularly described in .the registered deed
therof from .Tohn *Campbell to T. A. Mills.
On this property is: situate a large frame
warehouse in fairly goad . epair. The pro-
perty •s situate on the?iaain biisihess street in
the said Town of Wingham, and in good Mow
tion for au iniplemeut Shop or general store,
Triitafa OY!' SALtl
Ten per cent. of the purchase money on ac-
ceptauoe of the i ender end. the balance in 20
days thereafter without interest.
The nighest or no tender necessarily accep-
Possession can be given forthwith,
Dated this 11th Oct, 1911. R. vAN4,rONN,
Wingham, P. 0.
Vendor's Solicitor.
s4 Loc./Seattle
Second Class, Sept. 15th to Oct. lath
Proportionate rates from Ont-
ario Points.
Through Train Toronto to Vancou-
ver 10.20 p.m, daily.
J. II. IIEEMEIt, Agent, Wingliam.
William Wingfield, a printer was
found dead behind The Spectlstor office
in Hamilton,
Farmers or dairymen whd have' no
good local market should write to-
day tor quotation card from the
Sarnia Creamery Co.
We pay highest priees. We
pay hard cash, and we remit
atter each Shipment. You can
deliver you cream to, your nearest
railway station. A trial shipment
will convince you that there isgood
money in shipping cream to Sarnia.
We furnish best bank references.
Write for quotation card.
' Sarnia Ont.
Of the jury was " that almost too
much care and attention has been
bestowed upon this clothing. •
is strong evidence; the beautiful pat-
tern of the goods; the trimmings
and • the expert workmanship are
proof and warrant for the verdict.
The moderate prices have had con-
siderable effect upon -the judge.
DchalwTr ck
Between all stations in Canada;
also to Niagara Falls and Buffalo,
N.Y., Port Huron and Detroit, Mich.
Good going October 27, 28, 29, 30.
Return limit November 1st, 1911.
Return Tiokots at Single Fare
to points in Temagami, points Mat-
tawa to Timiskammg and Kipawa,
Que., inclusive, also to certain points
in Quebec, New Bru=nswick, Nova
Scotia, and Maine. r
OCT. 19th t ► AV. 11th
to Muskoka Lakes, 'Penetang, Lake
of Bays Midland, Maganetawan
River, Lakefield, Madawaska to
Parry Sound, Argyle, to Coboconk,
Lindsay to Haliburton. Points from
Severn to North Pay inclusive, and
certain points reached by Northern
Navigation Co.
&11 tiekets valid for return until
Thursday, Dee. 14th, except to
points reached by steamer lines,
Tuesday, November 14th.
Par Tickets and d further informa-
tion call on G. Lamont, Depot Agent
or address -A. h:, Duff, D.P.A,, To-
ronto, Ont:
_You Don't Tale Any Chances By
n g With us, its .
Every time atad unlike 00hail. order busimess. you Sae 104
feel the quality before you bay, quite a difl'aremce between QUR
way, and, buying with closed eyes,.
A beautiful heavy Black 5111: barred effect, at only $1.00
per yard, -
Another dainty one, Black, witll a Fine White Stripe, only
75e per yard.
Still another, Navy with Neat White Stripe, at only 75e per yd.
And a couple of very Neat Black and White, one Cheek and
one Striped Pattern, at 75e per yard,
These are only a few, and you owe it to yourself to see the
rest, supposing you dont bay. Come in anyway,
Yes; its really time to think about faro, doesn't seem long since they
were put away either, and perhaps you've deeieed to pur-
chase new ones, just read some of our splendid values
1 only Fox Stole, 46 Welles long with six tails, only • $15.Q0
1 only Natural Possum, 70 inches long with 6 tails, only $7.00
1 only Sable Coon, a rich black, 75 •inehes long with 8 tails, only $18.00
1 only Sable Stole, black, with 6 tails, only - $9.QO
And many others, true, we don't carry a large stock, but, w,;e
have some extraordinary values.
Just a word abort Chinaware, we just• received . some very
dainty pieces of Odd Chinaware, pretty little Sugar and Creams,
Bread and Batter Plates, Salad Bowls. Spoon Trays, etc„ and a host
of others all worthy of mention, but too numerous . to describe. So
you must just come in and wander around, seeing the best and the
daintiest ware on the market. •
The Profit Sharing Store
ilr. PATI {RNS
AGENTS --Ladies' ^
Horne Journal.
Strayed from my premises on the
Bluevale road, on or about the 10th of
August, two sheep. Parties knowing
anything of 'the whereabouts of the
sheep will kindly communicatewith me,
Wingham P.O.
For factory, $5 00 per week to
start' with for girls eighteen and
over. Address immediately
Sailing daily except, Friday and
Sunday at 5.00 p.tn,, from Owen
Sound, connecting train leaves
Toronto 1.00 p no.
Meals and Berths
Included on oat
Ask any Agent for -1911. illustrat-
ed literature and to arrange re.
servation, etc,
The only solid throngh train to the
West; entries through coaches,
colonist, tourist and standard sleep*
ars from Toronto daily at 10.20 p.m.,
J. IT. 74T EItelltit, AGENT.
-eTRATPORD filreT-
Stands to the front as the best
school of its kind in the province.
Our courses are beyond those of the
ordinary business college. This
school has a continental reputation
for high-grade work. We have
three departments: -
COM inercial, Shorthand
and Telegraphy.
and the demand for trained help
greatly exceeds the supply. Stud-
ents are entering each week and
the sooner you enter the better for'
yourself. Get our free catalogue
at once.
A live representative for
and surrounding District teasels
high-class stock for
More fruit trees will be planted
in the Fall of 1911 and. Spring of
1912 than ever before in the history
of Ontario,
Tile orchard of the future wilt be
the best paying part of the f'arm,
We, teach our then Salesalanship
Tree Culture and how big profits in
frutt•growing can be made.
Pay Weekly, permanent employ.
meat, exclusive territory;, Writs
for particulars.