HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-10-12, Page 88 TEE WIMEAN MIS OCTOBER 12, 1911 " MINOR LOCALS,. 'SUNDAY 'SCHOOL —Envelopes by the, box or package at the TIMES office. The Times to any Wren in Caanda to January 1st 1913 for $L ---Regular monthly meeting' of Camp Caledonia, Sone or Scotland, will be held next Monday evening. —On Thursday evening of last week the Young Men's Class ot the Metho- dist Church presented Mr. Arthur Ferguson with a beautiful chair. —Mr. V. McConnell, auctioneer and real estate dealer, reports the erase Mr. Benj. Scott 'a residence on Chale etreet to Mr. Arthur Anglia at $1,000, —At Port Albert on Wednesday, Mr. J. McKenzie of Vancouver, B. C. was mar- xied to Miss Mabel Quaid. Thebride a sister of Mrs. Mani Schaefer, who with her husband, attended the wedding. --The chair of St. Paul's Church fur- nished the music at the entertainment in connection with St. John's Church at Brussels on Tuesday evening, They report having had a very pleasant —The next sittings of the High Court of Justice for the county of linron will open at Goderich on Tuesday, October 17th. Mr. Justice Riddell will be the trial judge. It will be His Lordship's Srst visit to this county in, his judicial capacity. --Mr. IL Wheeler, of Wingham Junction will hold an auction sale of farm stock and implements =Tuesday, October 1.7th. Mr. Wheeler has sold his farm and everything will be sold without reserve. Frank McConnell is the auctioneer. —Many friends wilt be sorry to learn that Mrq. Spotten, wife of Mayor Spot - ton, is in the Stratford Hospital, where she underwent an operation on Tues- day. We hope for a speedy recovery and trust Mrs. Spotton will return borne fully recovered. —Mr. Win. Sneath, 'baggagemanon the L. H. & B. has been seriously ill at his home here for some days with blood -poisoning, Same time ago he cut his hand on the jagged end of a trunk which developed into the present trouble. We wish him a speedy recov- ery. —Mrs. Green has sold her stock of boots and shoes and the stock has been moved from town. Mrs. Green will DOW have largely increased =commie - ton for the display of her millinery stock and will also be able to use the two windows for the display of millin- ery. —Dr. Joseph D. Stewart, of Saska- toon, Sask., son of Mr. D. Stewart, formerly of Wingham, was married on Thursday of last week to Miss Margar- et Bartlett, daughter of Mrs. Robert Bartlett, of Saskatoon. Many old friends of the groom will join with the Tims in extending hearty congratula- tions. A true bill for murder has been found against Charles Hurst, colored, of Chitham for killing Thomis Brown. The Canadian Northern train that went to officially open the new line east of Toronto was derailed near Grafton. No one was hurt. TEETHING TIME WORRY. • Baby's teething time was 'zee a source of worry to all mot rs—it is yet a time of worry to many, though there are thousands of n6thers who have learned the secret which banishes this worry. Mothers w1y worry, who see their little ones suff ring from dif- ficult teething; wh 8 e worn out by day and kept awa e at night by the tries of the baby distress, should follow the example of the thousands and give their little ones Baby's Own Tablets—the remedy for worry—the never failing banisher of Baby's pains. Concerning them Mrs. H. Monette, Rapide de l'Orignal, Que , says:—"My baby cried day and night and suffered from his teeth. A few doses of Baby's Own Tablets made him healthy and happy and his teething easy and pain- less. I would not be without them. The Tablets are told by medicine deal- ers or by mail at 25 cents a box -from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., rock - Ville, Ont. .0611•••••••1.0,•••6101 twos, MasoN. Wingham on October Oth, t t. and Mrs. R. D. Mason; a daegnter. HuNt4ti —In Cratibrook, on Sept. 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. H. limiter; a son, MetioNa./.4--In Teeswater, on Oct. 4th, David McDotald, aged 73 years, 1 month and 24 days. MeArtrittm—ln Morris township, Int Sept. 29th, John 1VicArthur, in his 70th year. Cox -1n Grey township, on Sept. 2S, Harriet Ifletcher, relict of the late George Cox, aged 92years, 10 months and 1g days. 100 GIRLS 'WANTED For factory. MOO per week to, Bat with for girit eighteen and over. Address immediately D. S. PERRIN & CO. LIMITED, Lennox, Oz.tr. Leeson 111. --Fourth Quarter, Fon Oct. 15,. 1911, THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES,. Text of the Leeson, Ezra 11,1.111 lh 44. 70—Memory Voiles, 3, 4. -Golden Text, Mic. vil, 13---Commentery Pee* pared by Rev, P. M. Stearns, As we turn to the story Of the re- turn from Babylon some words Goma to ixdnd such as these: "Bvery par. pose of the LOrd shall be Performed," "Whatsoever the Lord pleased that did Re," "Re worketb all things after the Outlet)). of Kis own will." (Jer, 11, 29; Ps, exxxv, a; Leh. I, 11), Compere the previous chapter, verses 21, 22, and the words of the Lord Jesus In Luke x.eiv, 44, "AU things must be fulfilled which were written in the law of Moses and In the prophets and in the psalms con. cerniug Ale." g3,11 the predictions con- cerning the captivity ot Israel and Judah were fit/tilled, and now under Ezra and Nehemiah the predictions concerning the return from captivity are to be fulfilled, God controlling the hearts of kings to briug it about. Just as surely shall all predictions concern- ing a still future restoratloa be ful- filled, and they shalt then be plucked up no more nor see evil any more. Neither shall they weep any more lAroos ix, 15''Zeph, lit, 15; Ise. xxx, 10). The Lord shah be their everlast- ing light, and the days of their mourn- ing shall be ended asa. lx. 20). Ile is quite able to accomplish all that He has pprposed, and it Is our privilege to walk with Him and see atm do It, If we are abiding in Him He may use as. but Re will work out His eternal purpose, and He cannot fail uor be discouraged (Eph. ill, 11; isa. xW, 4). He may use a Cyrus or Darius, an Ezra or a Nehemiah, but lie is ever saying, "1 will work, and who shall hinder it?" Ilse. ililt, 13.) Cyrus is one of the seven men men- tioned by name before they were born. Isaiah speaks of 1.11M as God's chosen one over 150 years before he came on earth (isa. xliv. 28 1v, 17). just as Josiah was mentioned by name and some things that he would do about 300 years before he was born (1 Kings xill, 2 II Kings xxlIl. 15-17). How in- spiring are the words, "I am God, and there is none else; 1 am God, and there Is none like Me. declaring the end from the beginning, and from an- cient times the things that are not yeti done, saying. My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasare." "Known unto God are all His works from the beginnieg of the world" (isa. xlvi, 9-11; Acts xv. 18). It was the Lord who stirred up the spirit of Cyrus. the king. to send Ezra and the people back to Jerusalem to build the house of the Lord God of Israel, and it was Be wbo stirred up the hearts of alt who went back iverses 1, 5). Cyrus acknowledged that it was the Lord God of heaven who had made him ruler over the kingdoms of this world and had charged him to build the house at Jerusalem (verses 2-4), fiend he called for volunteers to go up and do this, commanding those who did not go to help in every way those who went It Is all important to notice this, for the church seems to lave forgotten it and is giving Itself up to schemes ot every kind to draw money from peo- ple who are not Interested and who have no part In the Lord's work, not being children of God. Notice in Ex. xrnv, 5-29; xxxvi, 7, that the ma- terial for the tabernacle had to be willingly offered, and they brought so abundantly that Moses had to ask there to stop bringing, as more than enough had come in for all the work. Concerning the temple, David said, "1 have prepared with all my might for the house of my (iod, because have set my affection to the house of my Gott" He also geld, "Who lira 1, and what is my people that we should be able to offer so willingly after this sort, for all things come of Thee, and of Thine own have we given Thee" a Chron. xNlx. 2, 3-14). A willing mind is everything'and God asks no one to give or to do that wbleh He does not give them the ability to give or do (II Cor. VIII, 12; 1 Pet. iv, 11). The love of elitist is the one con- straining power. Think of the 5.40G vessels of gold and silver which had been seventy years in the bands of the enemy, now about to be restored to Jerusalem (verses 7-11)1 Notice also the nearly' 50,000 people (verses 04-55), and eon - skier the restoration that is to be from all lands, both. before and after the coming of the Messiah in glory, that !areal may blossom and bud and fill the face of the earth with fruit Meek. xxxvi, 24, 25; Isa. It, 9; xxvii, 0; Irv% 1-7), It chapter it, 59-0., we see the tie- eeSsity a being on the books and can' understand better the forte of Luke x, 20; Rev, It, 15. if not registered on the Lamb's book of life there is no kingdom for us`, But "whosoever, may take the water of life fres- ly, ani "him that toroth" shall not be at out, so that an who have heard may be registered if Vessels suggest people, for we atel spoken a as earthen vessels, and 17es'i sels meet AR' the MaSter'Susa (1! Cor, t't 1; 11 Tim. 11, 21), and we must as content to be earthen as to be Bile ver or gold, to be tiecond eat as Wall all fired (chapter 1, 10, 11). Then Vette 9 we tend of nine and twentyi knives, and cutting things abound edi at sides, all for our good, and to 311011-i ifest in these mortal bodies the let 01 Xestts Christ /Mom. viii, 28, 20, hohhh.h.hhhAihihh Whahhowywhhh hOoh. ' Y M. C. A. BLDG. IMiTIDorc, ornr. BUSINESS and SHORTHAND Walton. Registered last season upwards of 309 Students and placed every graduate, Seven Ppeckaly qualified regular teachers. One hundred and fifty London Anus employ our trained help. College in session froni Sept, 5 to Jiine 30. Cuter any time. Catalogue Yree, Forest City BuF11 College J. W. Wasrmivart, J5.511°j4.3W. WESTZRYS1.1, Chartered Accountant. Principe!. Vic* Priliglirs1 Bankrupt Stock for Sale Tenders will be received until Octo- ber 21,st, for the purchase of a stock of groceries, provisions and fixtures in the Town of Wingharn; the stock and list can be examined on the premises at any, time. Tonna of sa1e:-35 per cent. down and the balance in thirty days on ap- proved security. A. E. SMITH, DUDLEY 1-10L1VIES, Assignee. Solicitor, NOTIGE-RL MRS' LIST. Take notice th pursuant to the Act, by his Hon County of Hum Council Chambe day of October, noon, to hear a complaints of e the Voters' Lis Wingham for 1 business at the attend at the a 3014 Consti Wingham, Sep a Court will be held, uteri° Voters' List ur the Judge of the ,at Wingham, in the , On Monday, the 2nd 1911, at •the hour of determine the several ors and omissions in Jof the Municipality of L All persons .having ourt are required to d time and place. F. GROVES, Clerk. ted Clerk of the Court, 15th,,1911, NOTICE 0 CREDITORS. Notice is hereb given pursuant to R P. 0. 1897, Chap. 129, 8 o. 88, that all persons having claims against th Estate of David Robertson, late of the Town f Wingham in the County of Huron. Yeom n, deceased, who died on or. about the third y of September, A. 1), 1911, are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to B. Va • stone, Solicitor for the Exe- cutors, on or bet re the Twenty-third. day of October, A. D. 911, their nameti, addresses, and description and a full statement of par tioulars oi their %has and the nature of the security iif env held by them duly certified, and that after t said day the Executors will proceed to distri ate the assets of the deceas- ed among the pa les entitled thereto, haviag regard only to th claims of which they WWI then have notice. Dated this 19th ay of September, AD,. 1911. f. VA.NSTONE, Wingham P.O. elicitor for said Executors. NOTICE 0 CREDITORS. Notice -is hereb given pursuant to B. 8. 0 189T, Chap, 120, 8 , 88, that all persons having clams against •Estate of Thome Elliott, late of the 'Pow Plot of Wingham Inothe County of Eur n, Yeoman, deceased, who died on or abo t the twenty.sixth dy of August, A.D., 19 post prepaid or Solicitor for the Twenty-third da names, addresses statement of Aar the nature of th them duly oert)ll day the Executor the assets of the entitled thereto, claims of which t Dated this 19th 1, are required to sena by to deliver to R. Vanstone, xecutore, on or before the of October, A.D , 1011, their nd descriptions and a full ciders of their claims and securitY Of any) held by , and that after the said will proceed to distribute eceased among the parties vittg regard only to the y shall then have notice. ay of September, AM., 1911. R. VANSTONE, Wingham P. O. elicitor for said Executors. SYNOPSIS OP CANADIAN POItTli• WEST LAND BEGVLAT1ONS. person who is the sole head of a family or any male over 18 years old. may home- stead a quarter section of available Dominion land in, Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear in, person at the Dominion Lands Agency er Sub -Agency for the custriet. Entry by proxy may be made at any agency, on certain conditions, lay father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of intending homesteader. Duties.—Six months' residence upon and cultivation of the land. in each of three years. A. homesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 sores solely owned and octupied by him or by hiS father, mother, son, daughter, brother or siar, Intecertain districts a homesteader in geed standing may pre-empt a quarter-seetion alongside his homead. Price18.00 ter acre. Duties.—Must relfitle upon the homestead or pre-emption six mouths in each of six years from the date of homestead. entry (including the;thne required to earn homestead patent) and Cultivate tity acmes extra. A homesteader who has exhausted his home- stead. right and cannot obtain a ,pre-emption may enter fora purchased homestead in certain distrIcts, Price $8.00 per acre. Ditties.—Must reale six Months in each of three years, cunt - Irate fifty acres and. erect a house worth $800.00, W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. I. B.--Untilitherized pablictitioli of this ad. vertiaeulent a ill not be paiarer.i Richelieu .and Ontario Navigation Company September Service gOOPS1 KING )3R.OS PRICES MORT' EXCEPTIONAL VALUES IN Ladies! Fall and • .Wintet • Goods - Ladies' Combination Underwear. This style is becoming more and more popular every day, we are showing these at $1.co, $1,35, $1,75 and $2.50 per suit. Extra value in Ladies' Vests and Drawers. 15 dozen to clear 28c each. to dozen Drawers to clear 28c pair. 01011111.11101.11101,1111! Values in Rubbers Do not take the chance of a doctor's bill by getting your feet wet, RUBBERS ARE CHEAPER AT THIS STORE THIS - SEASON L005 AT THESE LOW PRICES Ladies' Heavy Rubbers (j.ust like this cut) in all sizes to 7, at 45 cents per pair. Misses' (same kind y sizes z x to. 2, at 35 cents per pair. Children's (same kind) 4 to to 1-2, at so cents per pair, See our stockof Children's Hygiene Waists and ,Black Tights before buying. STEAMERS ,,T0/10,RT00 ARO "KINGSTON" Leaves Toronto 3.00 p.m. daily, except Sunday up to Sept, 23rd and from Sept, 25th to 80th, MondaY, Wednesday and Saturday for 1000 binds, Running the Rapids, Montreal, Quebec and Saguenay. StlidA/ItEtt Leaves Hamilton 12.00 toot an Toronto 7,49,p.m. every Tnesday for Say of quinte, Montreal and inter- mediate ports. Low round trip including Meals and berth, Pot tickets rates, folders and further information write to R. FOSTER CHAFFEE, A. G. P. A. Tororitte Ont. 1 0 ti• MiXruzdroteZili ' int:2' • VriA Ch Children's Sweater Coats We are showing a large range of these in all the newest colors and styles, ranging from $1.00 to $2.5o each Infants Sweater Coats at 75c., each. NEW LAID EGGS 25c KING BROS,. PRODUCE WANTED WE WANT YOUR TRADE Do You Own a "PARKYTE" or are you a Save to A ,'?AIT' SANITARY CIEIEMICAL CLOSET in your home ia the strongest kind of insurance against the germs of disease. It isa preventative against epidemics and contagion it the Summer, and an absolute necessity the year round. Requires neither Water nor Sewage; can be placed in anypart of your homepe0StS Thee shan aOtNT a day, and Lasts &lifetime, Endorsed by the leading Physicians; and. nealth Offieials I Specified by the most prominent Areliitects; and adopted by whole Over I6,000 have been Inatalled. in Canadian heroes in less that One year. Ask your dealer for prices. *rho brarkyte" Sanitary Chemical Closetis ramie- ill Canada by PARKER -WHITE LIMITED WINNIPEG, MAN. Or6111411tottrettl, Calgary and 'Vancouver, and ie field by Attelt., YOUNG, WINGUAlito ONT. Long Rubber Boots are a spleudid thing for women who have outdoor work to do, all sizes, just as the illustration, at $2.15 per pair, s, ALL OTHER LINES OF RUBBERS AT LOW PRICES. WILLIS & CO. Sole .Agents THE SHOE STORE. for Ladiep. VIIILICIPMIIMINZIFINSIMI101711111 N.11.”1.13,10121101MYMEIEMOSIMIA .1. Carpets at Half Price EGreat Clearing Sale of Carpets, Rugs, Linolutns. We have a large stock 214 have ecided to clear out several lines at from 30 to 5o per cent. off regular price and in some cases more, this is a genuine sale. No fake. Come, • see dad be convinced', and buy. OS • CARPETS E200 yds all -wool Carpet, reg. 8o• c, to clear at 40c per yard . " • 75 Union " 4 6oc, " 3oc " 80 ". Hemp . " q 30c, et 15C " COQ " Tapestry " i " 6oc, " 40C " " 85C, 44 50C " 9800 ,, 4 i ,, • ,. ft " 40C, 41 25C 44 I I SQUARES AND RUtS I. , t 1 only Axminister Rug, fawn color, sizes 3x4 yds, was , tal It E$30, now $23. • I only Axminister Rug, green, size 3ix4, yds, ,Was $35 4 E x only 7evIvveStliug, fawn, size 3x4 yds, was $25, ;ow' $2o „ E ” " six 3 " $22.5o '''' 416 " I/ Tapestry Rug, green ground, size 3x4, was $12.5o now $9,0o. .. . 2 Tapestry Rugs, green and fawn, size 3x3, was $ /2.50, inow $9.00. , / Tapestry Rug, green ground, size 3x3i, was 13.50, now t° 1 i Tapestry Rug, fawn ground, size 31x4, was 15.00, IP 10.00. 1 Tapestry Rug, green and fawn, size 3ix4, was 15.o�,' now 10.00. . i Tapestry Rug, green ground, size 3)/314 was 9.00, now 7,00. Tapestry Rug, green ground, sizes 21x 3, was 7.00, now 5.00. LINOLEUM IlpieCes /6-4 Linoleutt,was 6oc per square yard, now sod Large quantltlea of Potatoes wanted -0k or trade. Aa MILLS Stoxotoot. to T. A. 114Z HNE 89. WINGlatt, ONt. tatiiiiiirumtootautirsoasit otszattaztotiustaitotuito