HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-10-12, Page 6Tr the flour that ho s
the confidence of
thousands of
TIth, present huge demand for PURITY FLOUR,
shows the confidence in which it is herd b -lousa 1
tl i ds
of home -cooks.
cook s.
Those who have used PURITY FLOUR have come to
believe in it, They look can PURITY as a friend. They
feel they can trust it implicitly,
because each and every lot
of t'UJUTY FLOUR has
always been uniform—always
up to the high standard of qual-
ity that has made it famous.
Wouldn't you, too, like to use
a flouryoucould always rely
on? Wouldn't you like to feel
certain that your bread, cakes,
and pies were going to turn
out exactly right ; 'That's just
how you'll feel when you
become a user of PURITY
PLO)Ull. -- the eonfidence-
creating flour.
PURITY FLOUR gives high-class results, because it consists
exclusively of the high-grade portions of the best Western
hard wheat,
On account of the extra strength of PURITY FLOUR please
remember, when making pastry, to add snore shortening
than an ordinary Sour
And «nen making
bread add more water,
FLOUR will expand
into more loaves than
the sante weight of
ordinary flour can
produce, thus making
"" more bread and ttet-
ier ,bread,"
"ela'.re your next flour order spell P -U -R -I -T -Y F -T.. -O -i' -R.
.t cols sli;:fitly more, . but it's worth the difference.
.t. l ire' 1TY FLOUR to grocery list right now.
pUROT,Y Fi et
More bread and
better bread "
It's up to the near sightedpalmist to
use a hand glass.
Hardytrees ofEurope be
Fur are to
planted on the slopes of the rocky
Seen of itidney Trouble.
In the early stages kidney troubles
are known by backache and urinary
disorders. Later come dropsy, stone,
rheumatic pains and perhaps diabetes.
But don't wait for these. Dr. Chase's
Kidney -Liver Pills will help you le a
few hours. Their thorough action on
the liver, kidneys and bowels will clear
away the pains and aches and makeyou
well again.
Experts declare the hookworm can
penetrate into any crevice of a shoe
that will admit water.
It's the things theyknow they should-
n't do that seem to make life worth
living for some people.
13illiousness is due to a disordered
condition of the stomach. Chamber-
lain's Tablets are essentially a stomach
medicine, intended especially to act on
that organ; to cleanse it, strengthen it,
tone and invigorate it, to regulate the
liver and to banish biliousness positively
and effectually. For sale by all dealers.
Crease spots on well may he removed 1
by putting blotting paper on the spot
and holding a hot iron against it.
The first steel rails every rolled
in Australia recently were turned out by
by a new South Wales Iron works,
Children Cry
...r ASO F I A
After a widow has made up her mind
to marry another pian she begins to
wear colors to match her complexion.
After awoman makes up her mind
to have her own way she isn't satisfied
unless some man tries to restrain her.
Lange back is one of the mast com-
mon forms of nniscular rheumatism.
A few applications of Chamberlain's
Liniment will give relief. Pot sale by
all dealers.
Rust on a stove may be removed
.well with kerosene.
W` w 1 with a
Woo,ieu cloth wet with kerosene. laid
aln oil brush on the grooved and ern&:.
mental parts. Let the stove stand a
day and then repeat the seeking. Fin-
ally rub iiry with a woollen dotb, then
It requires 2,000,000 horse power to
operate the textile mills of the United
States, ,ofwhi
eh 500,000 000 hor
power is
produced by electricity.
The best plaster. A piece of flannel
dampened with Chamberlain's Liniment
and bound on over the affected parts is
superior to a plaster and costs only one
tenth as much. For sale by all dealers.
China is offering an unusually favor-
able market for American ginseng.
The stock at Hongkong is lower than
for several years previously.
A dainty and inexpensive trimming
for lingerie ruffles may be made by al-
ternate rows of hemstiched tuoks and
rows of round eyelets or embroidered
Children Crit
Should a poultice at any time be re-
quired where no linseed meal is avail-
able, an excellent poultice can be made
by boiling a few potatoes in their skins.
When cooked, place them in a flannel
bag the size required, fasten the end
and roll them over with the rolling pin.
They are, then ready for use.
and Sciatica
Caused great suffering for 25 years.
Nothing effective until Dr. Chase's
Medicines were Used.
"It affords me pleasure to speak
favorably of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food
and Kidney -Liver Pills," writes Mr.
W. T. Collins, aforpeth, Ont. "I haul
been a. sufferer for 25 years from
sciatica, lumbago and neuralgia and
tried nearly ell the remedies adver-
tised without one particle of benefit
until I began the use of Dr, Chase's
medicines. Before I had finished two
bars of the Nerve Food and Kidney.
Liver Pills 1 noticed considerable
benefit in mg' rendition. • I hate so
much confidenee in these medicines
that i have recommended them to
dozens of ray friends."
1n severe t
..,les of this nature ue the
eo b
ire lined u
se ofh
t esem fd'
ed tree
brings results which Ste both sur,
prising and satisfactory. The laid-
ney-Liver ,Pills tegulete the action
of kidneys, liver and bovfels, white
the Nerve Food turlehes the blood
and builds up the nervous system.
Edmantlson, Bates do CO.. Toronto.
Most people beleive that if they wish
for things they are entitled to them.
Aprons that are worn thin in trout
may be made quite goad again. Rip
Mt the belt, bib or yoke, cut the apron
down inn front; hem those edges, sew
the other edges together, andput on
belt again.
Yen are not experimenting on our-
self when you take ' Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy for a cold as that pre-
paration has won its great reputation
and extensive sale by its remarkable
aures of colds, and can always be de-
pended upon. It is equally valuable
for adults and children and may be
ver youngchildren. tQ dh idlep with implicit
confidenee as at contains no harmful
drug. Sold by all dealers.
'.There are in the United States 4,000
people over 100 years old, 2,500 of
whom are women.
There is so much more fun steering
an automobile than a baby carriage be-
cause it costs so much more.
There are twenty-nine princesses,
six duchesses, seventy-two baronesses
and eight vicountesses of American
Children Cry
A man can get fnadder with you for
telling him his watch keeps wrong
time than with his watchmaker for not
getting it right.
An oil engine driving an electric
generating plant will be used to illumi-
nate a lightship that is being built for
the harbor of Hamburg.
Mr. B. Copeland, photographer, who
has been conducting a studio in Berlin
for some years, has accepted a position
with the Maitland studio,
•Mstan. his' been
used foroverSIXTY YEARS y MIr,I,IONS of
is the best remedy for DIARRHOEA. It is ab•
sotutely harmless. Be sure and ask for "Mrs.
winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take to Older
kind. TwentySve cents a bottle.
In cleaning wall paper with bread
crumbs, use only two days old bread
in small pieces. Clean with down-
ward light stroke. Never go over.
same surface and never work hori-
zontally. Cut away soiled part of
bread continually.
With the population variously esti-
mated at 6,000,000 to 10,000,000 inhabi-
tants, embracing a territory in area
approximating that of the State of
Texas, of which, perhaps, 65 per cent.
is tillable, Morocco has less than 10 per
cent. of its soil now under even the
rudest cultivation.
is seat direct to the diseased parts by the
Improved Blower. Heals the
ulcers, clears the air passages,
stops droppings in the throat and
peremanny curets Catarrh alnespt no substi es. Malec;
or l:dmartaon, Bates & CO.. Toronto.
Post mortem examination of an emu
o trtch in h
t e
zoological collection, disclosed four
pennies, six half -pennies, nine nails,
five marbles, an umbrella ferrule, a
key, a medal, a clock wheel, two collar
studs, three buttons, twenty-four
pieces of glass and crockery, and a
Large pin two inches in length. It was
this last that proved fatal.
One clever woman thoroughly washes
her empty bottles having movable per-
forated lids and uses them to keep her
kitchen spices in.
To prevent mold on books is to
sprinkle perfumed olive oil on the
Iibrary shelves --the tops, backs and
sides of the shelves, rubbing it into the
Try putting a piece of bread through
a meat chopper after you have been
eltopping meat, raisins or anything
that is hard to get out of the chopper,
and you will be surprised to find how
easily you can wash it afterward.
To remove the last of the cake or
bread batter take a long, slender and;
very pliable knife and run it around'
the sides of the dish. The bowl will be
as clean as though it had the proverbial
"cat lick" and in aslittle time. Gravy
may be handled in this same way.
When baking or roasting and the fire
beeoines too hot a dish of very cold
water placed in the overs wilt overcome
the difficulty at once. It gives. better
results and is more desirable in every
way than to open the door and lower
the temperature suddenly.
The alert laundress has discovered
that hot water used for sprinkling
clothes nlakee the work just half of
what it would be by using cold water.
She has also discovered that a soft,,
thick treat placed under the feet save+
troch fatigue and making the work n
To keep fruit and vegetables per-
feetly fresh
'tv ek or
aver and piek out only the sound ones.
Do not wash, hull orotherwideprepare;
but fill fruit jars, ierew olrvera on
tightly, and place in icebox. They will
keep perfectly, thus enabling a house-
keeper to buy more advantageously.
in large quantities,
Mrs, Wilson, 110 Wickson Avfr,
Toronto, Bays: " About Yolk years age
a sore not appeared on the right
Side of my face, This allot increased
in sirs until it became about half an
Welt in, diameter and very painful,
I went to it idoetor, but the aiutment
he gave mo 4id not base any good
effect. The sere continued to die,
charge freely, and was most painful.
had it cauterized, tried poultices
and all kinds of salves, hat it was
no good., ed and Iconti continued to suffer
from it for ;four Yearal
"A sample of Zees -Buie was one day
given to me, and I used it. Altheug1
the quantity was so email, It aeented
to do me some good; so I purchased
a further supply,
"Each box did me more and more
goad, and, to my delight, before i Iliad
been using Zam*Buk three weeks, I
saw that it was going to heal the
sore. in lass than a month it was
" I know a lady in the east of the
city, whose husband suffered for
years 'with an open sore on Itis leg.
On my recommendation, Zam-Buk
was tried in that case. The other
day, when I saw her, she told me that
It bad healed the sore completely..
" daughter, who lives in Lech
bridge, Alta., bas also used Zam-Buk
with the sanme.satisfactory result. I;
think it is, beyond all doubt, .the
finest healing balm known."
Suob ie ibe opinion of all person*
wwho have really tried Zam-Buk, t It
is a sure cure for eczema, piles,
abscesses, ulcers, scalp sores, ring-
worm, cuts, burns, scalds, bruises,
and all skin injuries and diseases.
30o. box, all druggists and stores, or
post free from Zam-Buk Go., Toronto,
tor price, "In ease of skin disease use
$Iso Zam-Buk Soap, 25e. tablet.
On one side there was—
The protected interests fearful for
their privileges; •
The big financial interests that have
grown rich in the financing of Mergers
to which the present system gives en-
The united railway interests which
are linked in with these other two in-
Town dwellers alarmed by stories
told them of the increased cost of food
stuffs which must follow on recipro-
On the other side there was a larger
body made up of men who till the soil.
But with the various classes first nam-
ed what were considered to be vitally
personal interests were as the weight
of tons compared to the trifles light as
air represented by party allegiance,
while to thousands of farmers party
prejudices and traditions counted for
more than anything else. Is the result,
when looked at in the light of the day
after, really cause for surprise? Is
the lesson to farmers as to the need of
casting the thraldom of partyism aside
sufficiently impressive? --Weekly Sun.
Don't trifle with a cold is good advice
for prudent men and women. It may
ev vital 1 eI m the case of a child. There
is nothing better than Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy for coughs and colds in
ehildren. It is safe and sure, For
sale by all dealers.
The Solace.
Our home is rather humble, Maud,
the roof is on the bum; the kitehen
table's sapper -jawed, the chairs are out
of plumb. The stairway railing's bad-
ly hacked, the screen door has no catch,
our crockery is mostly cracked, the
glassware doesn't match. I do not
blame you that you sigh and shed a
tear that smarts, when you see rich
dames scooting by in gorgeous chug -
chug carts, We have this comfort,
tbough, my pet—a joy that never sours:
We're absolutely out of debt, and what
we have is ours. I'd rather use a
sway -backed chair, attired in garments.
frayed, than loll on divan rich and rare,
for which I hadn't paid. Some day 1
hope to take you, dear, a trip around
the globe, and you will make the qneens
Iook queer when in your jeweled robe;
but nail I can raise the price, to give
you gems, my pet, this cheats john lay-
out must suffice -1 will not go in debt.
—Walt Mason.
offered Eton Iter
heart, Could Not
Stand hard Werk
Urs. Harry Smith, 31 Eagle Atre.,
Brantford, Ont., writes:—"I have euff-
tered with my heart areat deal, and
could not stand any hard work. I was
doctoring with the Doctor and he told
me I had to atop doing anything, but,
however, a friend told inc about your
11ilhurn'e .heart and Nerve Pills, to 1
got a box and tried them. 1 had to take
several boles before 1 felt any benefit,
but after doing so I found they were'
beeginniag to help me ea I continued
their use and am now in ation to do
alt my own work, whie>• 1 felt I would.
hove to give up."
IIIilburn's Heart and. Nerve Pilie are
for all tvcak n n .
sF ru dow wo
whether troubled with their' heart or
nerved, and if you will only give them a
trial we can assure you that they will:
have the deeired effect.
Price 50c. pet bot ora beteg for $1.25,
for sale at all dealard or, mailed direct
on receipt of pride b The T. Milburn
Limited, Toronto, Oats,
In addition to being parliamentary
representative for Colchester, in the
late House of Commons, Mr. Stanfield
is president, and guiding light of
dtaufleld's Limited, operating the
concerti formerly ltzlown as the Truro-
ruroKnitting Mill & Company at the town
of that name in Nava Scotia, The
arduous uo s
duties f
e n connection with
this company does not, however, pre-
vent his devoting the time on demand
to help keep the ship of Dominion
more or leas before the wind, and
like all good conservatives, be no
doubt considers his Influence on the
handlers of the helm baa been all
the time for good..He la Indeed
generally recognised as the strangest
representative of the sea -side pro -
Born at Charlottetown, P. E. I., in
the merry month of 1868, the future
�.. 1', removed to Truro with his
•'arents in early lite, and had the
:round work of his education Iaid
'here by men of mark In the four
---. with some extra frills. In
goholastic work thrown in. At a bye.-
election in 1907 he won tint liar,
!ramentary honors, and at the general
election of 1908 the voters of Col-
ebester decided they had no good
and sufficient reason In sight to .try
Ordet the Guitranteeci Flour
Next Tine You Ba1e Bread.
If Nightly used Cream of tie West Flour
will rake the lightest, flakiest, most nutri,
tious bread you have ever tasted. If you
haven't tested it order a hag next time you
go to thegrocer's,
ream.:1A. est Flour
the hard Wheat flour guaranteed fbread
SR trtiRtrP
0 =3Oi=0CI0
E hereby affirm and declare that Cream of the West
Flour is a superior bread flow, and as such is subject
to our absolute guarantee—moneyback if not satisfactory
after a fair trial. Any dealer is hereby authorized to
return price paid by customer; en return of unused
Portion of bag if (fe r is net as. represented.
The Campbell Iilliap Co. Limited, Toronto.
Arelklbatd Cempb ll, #'roud•st
001:=10C=20C:30=01:=101=10c g=3 I=1
Pres. St of;eId's Ltd., Truro
a change of representative. Mr. Stan-
field is marred and has a family
of one son: •
1)r, .T. (a, RUTHERFORD, C.II.G.
The Department of Agriculture
loses a particularly capable outfit of
lir as in I)r. J G Rutherford, C lf.G.,
Veterinary Director-GeueraL and Live-
Stor^lc Commissioner of Canada, who
leaves the Cioveinmont service for
work that will bring him more money
and doubtless greater peace of mind.
Dr. Rutherford knew his department
work from A to Z. lie had been a
member of Parliament and knew what
the people wanted.' He had been a
farmer and knew what the farmers
He was trained as a veteri-
nary surgeon in the thorough English
school and knew what the animals
wanted. When he took hold in 1902
he found nothing to his hand except
an Act of Parliament which was so
midi waste paper. In nine years he
had created a health -of -animals
branch, a meat and food inspection
servicewith a hundred inspectors, a
biological laboratory with It staff of
trained pathologists, and a live -stock
branch that Is doing much to promote
friendly relations between breeders
and their market. Quarantine work
has been systematized and the lin-
portation of live Stock into Canada
is now -thoroughly under the control
of the department, Hog cholera has
almost disappeared; glanders has
been stamped out except in Saskat-
chewan; cattle mange, horse mange,
sheep scab, and many other minor
diseases have been effectively
handled. Dr. Rutherford brought
unusual powers of special investiga-
tion to his duties. Por example, when
an epidemic broke out among the
cattle in Nova Scotia he discovered
that it was due to a poisonous weed,
He brought in sheep that throve on
the weed and put are end to the
epidemic. As president of the Amery
scan Veterinary Medical Association,
Dr. Rutherford had the chief hand in
forming the International Commis -
slot for the Control of Bovine Tuber-
culosis, whose good work bas just
ItJ? CAN 31e3I.f,ItTYIi,
The story of the poor lad who
leaves home to make his way In the
world, and who returna to his native
place as a self-made and honorable
man of affairs can never lose its
'this is the ltfestory of Duncan
McMartin, the Conservative candidate
for the county of Glengarry in the
present federal fight.
Born thirty-seven years ago at St.
tiapheels, on one of Glengarry's his
torte farmsteads. Duncan inherited.
from his father Alan McMartin, the
prlealess advantage of United Empire
Loyalist blood in his veins, and pio-
neer stamina in his constitution, Glen-
garrians stili cherish the memories of
that panty of seventy-five Loyalists,
consisting mainly of Melifartins and
their kinsfolk, who forsook the United
States In 178a, abandoning their
homes and all the comforts of life
rather than swerve In their devotion
to the Britishr
th one.
Mr McMartin w • went 'West fromthe old
farm while Yet In his teens end after
encountering all kinds of hard work
siuooess got him. Years of close ap-
plication and tireteaa activity, corn -
bleed with a phenomenal business
acumen, have brought their sure re
warde, and Mr Mclstartin now finds
hlrriself not only on Easy street; but
ILL mitt-)1ijll1011 rat
The Times to
January, 1912
for 20 cents
We have put inour office a complete stock of Staple
Stationery and '.can
supply your wants in
We will keep the best stock in the respective lines
and sell at reasonable prices.
We are in a better position than ever before to attend
to your wants in the Job Printing line and all
orders will receive prompt attention.
Leave your order with us
when in need of,
Or anything you may require in the prip ` g line:
l iott t taken For all the Leading Newspapers
and Magazines.
e Times Office
winetairte BLOCK.
interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
It's up to the near sightedpalmist to
use a hand glass.
Hardytrees ofEurope be
Fur are to
planted on the slopes of the rocky
Seen of itidney Trouble.
In the early stages kidney troubles
are known by backache and urinary
disorders. Later come dropsy, stone,
rheumatic pains and perhaps diabetes.
But don't wait for these. Dr. Chase's
Kidney -Liver Pills will help you le a
few hours. Their thorough action on
the liver, kidneys and bowels will clear
away the pains and aches and makeyou
well again.
Experts declare the hookworm can
penetrate into any crevice of a shoe
that will admit water.
It's the things theyknow they should-
n't do that seem to make life worth
living for some people.
13illiousness is due to a disordered
condition of the stomach. Chamber-
lain's Tablets are essentially a stomach
medicine, intended especially to act on
that organ; to cleanse it, strengthen it,
tone and invigorate it, to regulate the
liver and to banish biliousness positively
and effectually. For sale by all dealers.
Crease spots on well may he removed 1
by putting blotting paper on the spot
and holding a hot iron against it.
The first steel rails every rolled
in Australia recently were turned out by
by a new South Wales Iron works,
Children Cry
...r ASO F I A
After a widow has made up her mind
to marry another pian she begins to
wear colors to match her complexion.
After awoman makes up her mind
to have her own way she isn't satisfied
unless some man tries to restrain her.
Lange back is one of the mast com-
mon forms of nniscular rheumatism.
A few applications of Chamberlain's
Liniment will give relief. Pot sale by
all dealers.
Rust on a stove may be removed
.well with kerosene.
W` w 1 with a
Woo,ieu cloth wet with kerosene. laid
aln oil brush on the grooved and ern&:.
mental parts. Let the stove stand a
day and then repeat the seeking. Fin-
ally rub iiry with a woollen dotb, then
It requires 2,000,000 horse power to
operate the textile mills of the United
States, ,ofwhi
eh 500,000 000 hor
power is
produced by electricity.
The best plaster. A piece of flannel
dampened with Chamberlain's Liniment
and bound on over the affected parts is
superior to a plaster and costs only one
tenth as much. For sale by all dealers.
China is offering an unusually favor-
able market for American ginseng.
The stock at Hongkong is lower than
for several years previously.
A dainty and inexpensive trimming
for lingerie ruffles may be made by al-
ternate rows of hemstiched tuoks and
rows of round eyelets or embroidered
Children Crit
Should a poultice at any time be re-
quired where no linseed meal is avail-
able, an excellent poultice can be made
by boiling a few potatoes in their skins.
When cooked, place them in a flannel
bag the size required, fasten the end
and roll them over with the rolling pin.
They are, then ready for use.
and Sciatica
Caused great suffering for 25 years.
Nothing effective until Dr. Chase's
Medicines were Used.
"It affords me pleasure to speak
favorably of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food
and Kidney -Liver Pills," writes Mr.
W. T. Collins, aforpeth, Ont. "I haul
been a. sufferer for 25 years from
sciatica, lumbago and neuralgia and
tried nearly ell the remedies adver-
tised without one particle of benefit
until I began the use of Dr, Chase's
medicines. Before I had finished two
bars of the Nerve Food and Kidney.
Liver Pills 1 noticed considerable
benefit in mg' rendition. • I hate so
much confidenee in these medicines
that i have recommended them to
dozens of ray friends."
1n severe t
..,les of this nature ue the
eo b
ire lined u
se ofh
t esem fd'
ed tree
brings results which Ste both sur,
prising and satisfactory. The laid-
ney-Liver ,Pills tegulete the action
of kidneys, liver and bovfels, white
the Nerve Food turlehes the blood
and builds up the nervous system.
Edmantlson, Bates do CO.. Toronto.
Most people beleive that if they wish
for things they are entitled to them.
Aprons that are worn thin in trout
may be made quite goad again. Rip
Mt the belt, bib or yoke, cut the apron
down inn front; hem those edges, sew
the other edges together, andput on
belt again.
Yen are not experimenting on our-
self when you take ' Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy for a cold as that pre-
paration has won its great reputation
and extensive sale by its remarkable
aures of colds, and can always be de-
pended upon. It is equally valuable
for adults and children and may be
ver youngchildren. tQ dh idlep with implicit
confidenee as at contains no harmful
drug. Sold by all dealers.
'.There are in the United States 4,000
people over 100 years old, 2,500 of
whom are women.
There is so much more fun steering
an automobile than a baby carriage be-
cause it costs so much more.
There are twenty-nine princesses,
six duchesses, seventy-two baronesses
and eight vicountesses of American
Children Cry
A man can get fnadder with you for
telling him his watch keeps wrong
time than with his watchmaker for not
getting it right.
An oil engine driving an electric
generating plant will be used to illumi-
nate a lightship that is being built for
the harbor of Hamburg.
Mr. B. Copeland, photographer, who
has been conducting a studio in Berlin
for some years, has accepted a position
with the Maitland studio,
•Mstan. his' been
used foroverSIXTY YEARS y MIr,I,IONS of
is the best remedy for DIARRHOEA. It is ab•
sotutely harmless. Be sure and ask for "Mrs.
winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take to Older
kind. TwentySve cents a bottle.
In cleaning wall paper with bread
crumbs, use only two days old bread
in small pieces. Clean with down-
ward light stroke. Never go over.
same surface and never work hori-
zontally. Cut away soiled part of
bread continually.
With the population variously esti-
mated at 6,000,000 to 10,000,000 inhabi-
tants, embracing a territory in area
approximating that of the State of
Texas, of which, perhaps, 65 per cent.
is tillable, Morocco has less than 10 per
cent. of its soil now under even the
rudest cultivation.
is seat direct to the diseased parts by the
Improved Blower. Heals the
ulcers, clears the air passages,
stops droppings in the throat and
peremanny curets Catarrh alnespt no substi es. Malec;
or l:dmartaon, Bates & CO.. Toronto.
Post mortem examination of an emu
o trtch in h
t e
zoological collection, disclosed four
pennies, six half -pennies, nine nails,
five marbles, an umbrella ferrule, a
key, a medal, a clock wheel, two collar
studs, three buttons, twenty-four
pieces of glass and crockery, and a
Large pin two inches in length. It was
this last that proved fatal.
One clever woman thoroughly washes
her empty bottles having movable per-
forated lids and uses them to keep her
kitchen spices in.
To prevent mold on books is to
sprinkle perfumed olive oil on the
Iibrary shelves --the tops, backs and
sides of the shelves, rubbing it into the
Try putting a piece of bread through
a meat chopper after you have been
eltopping meat, raisins or anything
that is hard to get out of the chopper,
and you will be surprised to find how
easily you can wash it afterward.
To remove the last of the cake or
bread batter take a long, slender and;
very pliable knife and run it around'
the sides of the dish. The bowl will be
as clean as though it had the proverbial
"cat lick" and in aslittle time. Gravy
may be handled in this same way.
When baking or roasting and the fire
beeoines too hot a dish of very cold
water placed in the overs wilt overcome
the difficulty at once. It gives. better
results and is more desirable in every
way than to open the door and lower
the temperature suddenly.
The alert laundress has discovered
that hot water used for sprinkling
clothes nlakee the work just half of
what it would be by using cold water.
She has also discovered that a soft,,
thick treat placed under the feet save+
troch fatigue and making the work n
To keep fruit and vegetables per-
feetly fresh
'tv ek or
aver and piek out only the sound ones.
Do not wash, hull orotherwideprepare;
but fill fruit jars, ierew olrvera on
tightly, and place in icebox. They will
keep perfectly, thus enabling a house-
keeper to buy more advantageously.
in large quantities,
Mrs, Wilson, 110 Wickson Avfr,
Toronto, Bays: " About Yolk years age
a sore not appeared on the right
Side of my face, This allot increased
in sirs until it became about half an
Welt in, diameter and very painful,
I went to it idoetor, but the aiutment
he gave mo 4id not base any good
effect. The sere continued to die,
charge freely, and was most painful.
had it cauterized, tried poultices
and all kinds of salves, hat it was
no good., ed and Iconti continued to suffer
from it for ;four Yearal
"A sample of Zees -Buie was one day
given to me, and I used it. Altheug1
the quantity was so email, It aeented
to do me some good; so I purchased
a further supply,
"Each box did me more and more
goad, and, to my delight, before i Iliad
been using Zam*Buk three weeks, I
saw that it was going to heal the
sore. in lass than a month it was
" I know a lady in the east of the
city, whose husband suffered for
years 'with an open sore on Itis leg.
On my recommendation, Zam-Buk
was tried in that case. The other
day, when I saw her, she told me that
It bad healed the sore completely..
" daughter, who lives in Lech
bridge, Alta., bas also used Zam-Buk
with the sanme.satisfactory result. I;
think it is, beyond all doubt, .the
finest healing balm known."
Suob ie ibe opinion of all person*
wwho have really tried Zam-Buk, t It
is a sure cure for eczema, piles,
abscesses, ulcers, scalp sores, ring-
worm, cuts, burns, scalds, bruises,
and all skin injuries and diseases.
30o. box, all druggists and stores, or
post free from Zam-Buk Go., Toronto,
tor price, "In ease of skin disease use
$Iso Zam-Buk Soap, 25e. tablet.
On one side there was—
The protected interests fearful for
their privileges; •
The big financial interests that have
grown rich in the financing of Mergers
to which the present system gives en-
The united railway interests which
are linked in with these other two in-
Town dwellers alarmed by stories
told them of the increased cost of food
stuffs which must follow on recipro-
On the other side there was a larger
body made up of men who till the soil.
But with the various classes first nam-
ed what were considered to be vitally
personal interests were as the weight
of tons compared to the trifles light as
air represented by party allegiance,
while to thousands of farmers party
prejudices and traditions counted for
more than anything else. Is the result,
when looked at in the light of the day
after, really cause for surprise? Is
the lesson to farmers as to the need of
casting the thraldom of partyism aside
sufficiently impressive? --Weekly Sun.
Don't trifle with a cold is good advice
for prudent men and women. It may
ev vital 1 eI m the case of a child. There
is nothing better than Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy for coughs and colds in
ehildren. It is safe and sure, For
sale by all dealers.
The Solace.
Our home is rather humble, Maud,
the roof is on the bum; the kitehen
table's sapper -jawed, the chairs are out
of plumb. The stairway railing's bad-
ly hacked, the screen door has no catch,
our crockery is mostly cracked, the
glassware doesn't match. I do not
blame you that you sigh and shed a
tear that smarts, when you see rich
dames scooting by in gorgeous chug -
chug carts, We have this comfort,
tbough, my pet—a joy that never sours:
We're absolutely out of debt, and what
we have is ours. I'd rather use a
sway -backed chair, attired in garments.
frayed, than loll on divan rich and rare,
for which I hadn't paid. Some day 1
hope to take you, dear, a trip around
the globe, and you will make the qneens
Iook queer when in your jeweled robe;
but nail I can raise the price, to give
you gems, my pet, this cheats john lay-
out must suffice -1 will not go in debt.
—Walt Mason.
offered Eton Iter
heart, Could Not
Stand hard Werk
Urs. Harry Smith, 31 Eagle Atre.,
Brantford, Ont., writes:—"I have euff-
tered with my heart areat deal, and
could not stand any hard work. I was
doctoring with the Doctor and he told
me I had to atop doing anything, but,
however, a friend told inc about your
11ilhurn'e .heart and Nerve Pills, to 1
got a box and tried them. 1 had to take
several boles before 1 felt any benefit,
but after doing so I found they were'
beeginniag to help me ea I continued
their use and am now in ation to do
alt my own work, whie>• 1 felt I would.
hove to give up."
IIIilburn's Heart and. Nerve Pilie are
for all tvcak n n .
sF ru dow wo
whether troubled with their' heart or
nerved, and if you will only give them a
trial we can assure you that they will:
have the deeired effect.
Price 50c. pet bot ora beteg for $1.25,
for sale at all dealard or, mailed direct
on receipt of pride b The T. Milburn
Limited, Toronto, Oats,
In addition to being parliamentary
representative for Colchester, in the
late House of Commons, Mr. Stanfield
is president, and guiding light of
dtaufleld's Limited, operating the
concerti formerly ltzlown as the Truro-
ruroKnitting Mill & Company at the town
of that name in Nava Scotia, The
arduous uo s
duties f
e n connection with
this company does not, however, pre-
vent his devoting the time on demand
to help keep the ship of Dominion
more or leas before the wind, and
like all good conservatives, be no
doubt considers his Influence on the
handlers of the helm baa been all
the time for good..He la Indeed
generally recognised as the strangest
representative of the sea -side pro -
Born at Charlottetown, P. E. I., in
the merry month of 1868, the future
�.. 1', removed to Truro with his
•'arents in early lite, and had the
:round work of his education Iaid
'here by men of mark In the four
---. with some extra frills. In
goholastic work thrown in. At a bye.-
election in 1907 he won tint liar,
!ramentary honors, and at the general
election of 1908 the voters of Col-
ebester decided they had no good
and sufficient reason In sight to .try
Ordet the Guitranteeci Flour
Next Tine You Ba1e Bread.
If Nightly used Cream of tie West Flour
will rake the lightest, flakiest, most nutri,
tious bread you have ever tasted. If you
haven't tested it order a hag next time you
go to thegrocer's,
ream.:1A. est Flour
the hard Wheat flour guaranteed fbread
SR trtiRtrP
0 =3Oi=0CI0
E hereby affirm and declare that Cream of the West
Flour is a superior bread flow, and as such is subject
to our absolute guarantee—moneyback if not satisfactory
after a fair trial. Any dealer is hereby authorized to
return price paid by customer; en return of unused
Portion of bag if (fe r is net as. represented.
The Campbell Iilliap Co. Limited, Toronto.
Arelklbatd Cempb ll, #'roud•st
001:=10C=20C:30=01:=101=10c g=3 I=1
Pres. St of;eId's Ltd., Truro
a change of representative. Mr. Stan-
field is marred and has a family
of one son: •
1)r, .T. (a, RUTHERFORD, C.II.G.
The Department of Agriculture
loses a particularly capable outfit of
lir as in I)r. J G Rutherford, C lf.G.,
Veterinary Director-GeueraL and Live-
Stor^lc Commissioner of Canada, who
leaves the Cioveinmont service for
work that will bring him more money
and doubtless greater peace of mind.
Dr. Rutherford knew his department
work from A to Z. lie had been a
member of Parliament and knew what
the people wanted.' He had been a
farmer and knew what the farmers
He was trained as a veteri-
nary surgeon in the thorough English
school and knew what the animals
wanted. When he took hold in 1902
he found nothing to his hand except
an Act of Parliament which was so
midi waste paper. In nine years he
had created a health -of -animals
branch, a meat and food inspection
servicewith a hundred inspectors, a
biological laboratory with It staff of
trained pathologists, and a live -stock
branch that Is doing much to promote
friendly relations between breeders
and their market. Quarantine work
has been systematized and the lin-
portation of live Stock into Canada
is now -thoroughly under the control
of the department, Hog cholera has
almost disappeared; glanders has
been stamped out except in Saskat-
chewan; cattle mange, horse mange,
sheep scab, and many other minor
diseases have been effectively
handled. Dr. Rutherford brought
unusual powers of special investiga-
tion to his duties. Por example, when
an epidemic broke out among the
cattle in Nova Scotia he discovered
that it was due to a poisonous weed,
He brought in sheep that throve on
the weed and put are end to the
epidemic. As president of the Amery
scan Veterinary Medical Association,
Dr. Rutherford had the chief hand in
forming the International Commis -
slot for the Control of Bovine Tuber-
culosis, whose good work bas just
ItJ? CAN 31e3I.f,ItTYIi,
The story of the poor lad who
leaves home to make his way In the
world, and who returna to his native
place as a self-made and honorable
man of affairs can never lose its
'this is the ltfestory of Duncan
McMartin, the Conservative candidate
for the county of Glengarry in the
present federal fight.
Born thirty-seven years ago at St.
tiapheels, on one of Glengarry's his
torte farmsteads. Duncan inherited.
from his father Alan McMartin, the
prlealess advantage of United Empire
Loyalist blood in his veins, and pio-
neer stamina in his constitution, Glen-
garrians stili cherish the memories of
that panty of seventy-five Loyalists,
consisting mainly of Melifartins and
their kinsfolk, who forsook the United
States In 178a, abandoning their
homes and all the comforts of life
rather than swerve In their devotion
to the Britishr
th one.
Mr McMartin w • went 'West fromthe old
farm while Yet In his teens end after
encountering all kinds of hard work
siuooess got him. Years of close ap-
plication and tireteaa activity, corn -
bleed with a phenomenal business
acumen, have brought their sure re
warde, and Mr Mclstartin now finds
hlrriself not only on Easy street; but
ILL mitt-)1ijll1011 rat
The Times to
January, 1912
for 20 cents
We have put inour office a complete stock of Staple
Stationery and '.can
supply your wants in
We will keep the best stock in the respective lines
and sell at reasonable prices.
We are in a better position than ever before to attend
to your wants in the Job Printing line and all
orders will receive prompt attention.
Leave your order with us
when in need of,
Or anything you may require in the prip ` g line:
l iott t taken For all the Leading Newspapers
and Magazines.
e Times Office
winetairte BLOCK.