HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-10-12, Page 1VOL. Bye► --NQ 20Th
Cherry Bark
Cough Syrup
Will stop that cough. If it
does not we cheerfully
refund your money
Walton Mckibboa
Macdonald Block, Wingham.
We are able to place a limit-
ed amount of money on
Mortgage at 6 per
cent. Absolute
Houses for sale
Farms for sale
Houses to, rent
Insurance of all kinds
Prompt personal attention
given to all branches of
our business.
Ritchie Cosens
Farmers who want money to holy
horses, cattle, or hogs to feed for market
oan have it on reasonable terms.
Notes dieoounted for tradesmen, mar -
chants or eget*, on favorable tennis.
Loani On real estate at the lowest
rates going.
Won preen"a Shoes. sad Robert
Fina Expo • Cattle,
Mr, John Woods, of Turnberry last
week sold two ex r •et. steers to Mr
- thate extra good,
L hi o e t
John Leethit ex. #
quality, M. W ,ds was paid 41.
cents per pound nd the two steers
brought.hizn the s ug sum of $213.25,
TIMES office.
Special Ne
The TIMES ,is
subscriptions to t
on the following 1
daily Globe to JE,
75 cents, or to the
for $4. These
rates for Canada'
All orders left at
have prompt attej
*paper Offer,
prepared, to receive
e Toronto daily Globe
avorable rates:—The,
auary 1st,* 1912,. ' fo
lst of January, 1913
re exceedingly low
popular newspaper.
he T*MES office will
Cedar rails wanted. Apply to the
Western Foundry Co., Limited,
Sale of Stoc acid Implement*.
Mr. Wm. Isb ter, of lot 3, con. 3,
(2nd line) Morri , will hold an unre-
served auction s e`of farm stock and
implements on ursday, October 19th;
Mr. Isbister h a good list of stock
and implements and everything will be
sold as he has s d his farm and is mov-
ing to Wingha John Purvis will be
the auctioneer. _
Will the pa
circular shears
kindly return the
Large Real.
Ritchie & Cosen
the completion of
real estate deals t
ated in Wingbam
Bennett has bong
his fivenew two
Leopold street an
on Leopold and P
Green takes in pa
nettis half interes
Water, Light an
Christie's Orocery.
Small Size 5e large Size 10c
NO better 'value than this has
yet been offered, Neither is there
any more healthftil and nutria
tions food to be bad.
A Be tin Will snake a nice meal
Or two er even three and a .tie -
tin Will ib for a Burly largefamily
They are not old stock that we
want rid cif, hat eonie straight
f'roni the fadtOry.
DON'T FORGET that we Make
Tea and Ube a Specialty
wA�yut�,t n—Choice tatter, Fresh
Egger Hand P1 ked Besttns,
Potatoes, ete,
who borrowed • my
or tinsmith's snips
state Deal.
eport this week
one of the largest
t has been negoti-
or years. Mr. S.
from W. H. Green,.
rey brick houseson
also the vacant lots
trick streets. `Mr.
payment Mr. Ben-
in the Rainy River
Power Co.
POULTRY WANTED ---Highest .cash
price paid for all kinds of live poultry.
Phone10. • Gunns', Limited.
Grain Be
That the quid
erop is not up to
cated by reports
department of
from the chief
Winnipeg. The
three weeks of
character not up
and one receive
more unfavorabl
of exportable w
able falling off i
lower grades are
w Average.
y of the 1911 ' wheat
the average is indi-
ust received by the
rade and commerce
spector of grain at
reports for the first
eptember were of ka
to the usual standard,
Saturday was even
The higher grades
at show a consider-
quantity, while •the
want at money saving prices. W. J.
' Checking
Mr. J.'B, Watso
the Muskoka Free
sumptives, will ad
the interests• of f
Monday evening,
institution is and
greatest charity an
the heartysupport
organization ,seeks
the ravages of the
to effect a Cure of ti
ed. It is at prese
in its
which 205 are not in
to contribute a si
,their maintenance,
contribute bu from om 2
n r
field secretary of
Hospital for Con•
dress a meeting in
at institution on
etober 23rd, This
ubtedly Canada's
ie well worthyof
f Canadians. The
of only to check
hite plague, but
ose already hf$iet-
t caring for 335
institutions, of
finaricial position
gle cent towards
d 19 others only
o $4.90 per week.
Amnon POSTS—A quantity of good
cedar posts suitable for anchor posts,
Apply to John R. Salter, Wingbam,
Curling Cl h Organized.
At a recent mee ing of the Wingham
curlers the Curtin . 'ea b was re -organ-
ized for the r• ng s son with the
followingo ce s:--lio orar Presi-
P.P.; r-
ent A. H. t;us � rove,, Honor-
aryVice Pres • t, J ,1#owman, M.P.
L. i1 VicePresident,
Pxeafdent Ifi ,
B, Coshrane; eretary, A. M. Craw-
ford; Treasure , A. E. Porter; Chapinn,
Rev, D. Perri The membership fees
were fixed as ollows:--$3 for old mem-
bers; $2 for ri: w and country members.
The following well-known former re-
sidents of Wi gham were made honor-
ary members of the club, viz: -D. T.
Hepburn, Jo • Horwood, V. Peterson,
H. O. Pell, 'r..t. It. Macdonald, 1,.
W. Hanson, H. H. Chisholm, D.
Sutherland San Oen. C. Manners.
Read Wlllle &Co.'k adv, on page 8
Parish Vivi;
A meeting of tl
Parish Club as w
wish to become hm me
will be held in the l
this (Thursday) .ev
A full attendance i
are to be elected
will be transacted,
e members of the
11 as all others who
hers of the Club
ills' Memorial Hall
ing nt 8 o'clock.
desired as ofilcere
and other business
Headquarters for High School books
at Estox's.
Auxiliary An , a1 Meeting.
The annual meet: g of the Ladies'
Auxiliary of the Ingham General
Hospital will be eld in the Council
Chamber on Friday afternoon of this.
week at 415 o'clo A full attend-
ance of members a d all ladies who are
interested in hospi al work is desired.
The business of th past year is to be
closed up and of 1 ers for the ensuing
year will be elect
Just arrived at KNOX's — the new
High School books.
Bad Weath
Last' Friday wa
days of the season
early in' the mornin
day Friday
the Brussels and
the rain very m
them. The atten
but the prizes w
different departm
her been fine the
have had one.. of t
history of the .Sc;o
#or Fair&
one of the worst
The rain started
and continued all
eprincipal f r
ngannon fairs and
ch interfered with
nee was very small,
re awarded • in the
nts. Had the west
ressels people would
best fairs in the
Everything in Public and High School
hooks at KNoX's,
Local Optiljn Contests.
380 municipalities
Province of On -
ere. are 136 Which
on b7 -laws either
January, 1911, and
is impossible to
This •leaves 244
Province of On-
es are granted and
on campaigns are
ake place nextJan-
tates that in prob.
of these places by -
ted at the coming
he election excite -
with the commene-
in many places.
in which by-laws
January are Goder-
ititchell, Lucknow,
h, Kinloss, McKillop,
There are
'under license' in th
tario, Of these
voted upon local opi
in January, 1910, or
where, therefore, i
vote again in 1912
municipalities in th
tario in which licen
in which local op
possible, voting to
uary. The Pioneer
ably one hundred
laws will be submi
January pollings.
ment has interfere.
ing of cainpaign
Among the place
will be voted on i
ich, Listowel,
Wroxeter, Greene
Morris and Walla
Mr Wm. Caslicle has
from the West,
Mrs. Sherman Day,
visiting iher sister,
alit S w th. s s er,
Mrs. H. B. Elliott wa
few days with Ml's. Joh
eturned home
f Toronto, is
Miss E gWA
visiting for a
Long at Bras --
Miss Eleanor Critch ey, of New
York, is 'visiting *ith he sister, Mrs.
J, C. Smith.
Mr. R. J. Fleuty, o Brigden;,was
visiting for a few days t his parental
home in town. ' `-,,'''
Mr. J. G. 'Vansickle •.turned home
on Monday after spendin the past few
weeks in the West.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. ¶Ma this;, of
Mitchell were visiting fo a ew ' ays
with Wingham friends.
Mrs, Geo, A. Newton nd d
of Toronto were visitin wi Wi
ham friends for a few da s.
Mrs. Pringle and nie e, Miss Fair-
field, of Wallaceburg a e visiting at
the home of Mr, W. D. ingle.
Mrs. Brock, Diagonal • treet, was at
Centralia for a. few days this week at-
tending the funeral of er brother-in-
Mrs. Brigham, of Win ham is visit-
ing with reltrees and fr eniis in town,
Mrs. T. Sh pieey is vis ting with her
daughter, M L. Levi at Wingbam.
—Clinton New Era.
Mr. W. T. Hall, who has been con-
nected witli'the Wingh ni Advance for
a number of years wit his father, left
thisweek for Californiwhere.he pur-
poses engaging in b iness with bis
brother. Mr. Hall ha made a good
citizen of Wingbam. e will be very
much missed in the M thodist Church
where hewas an acti worker: We
are very sorry to re • ort his removal
from the town and ca join with his
numerous friends in wishing him every
success in his new ho = ,
A large stgcic pf up -to- millinery
selling at extremely low prices et Mrs.
The Stolen
The entertainmen
house on Friday ev
Lucknow' bramat
"The Stolen Diamo
tended, practical)
capacity of the hal
served seats and
forced to stand th
ing. The work do
celled that put
travelling compan
of the Club did
throughout the ev
after round of app
•sof the Club are.
thanks of the La
BOY. WANTED --To learn: the printing Vary and the peopl
business. Good chance fora bright act- came to Wingham
ive boy. Apply at TIMES office. cept for actual ex
Auxiliary will h
which to rcha
Dr: A. Reed's Cushion oe is the
easiest Shoe on Earth.. Makes walking
a pleasure. The only genuine Cushion
Shoe. For sale in La lies' and Gents'
at W. J. GREER'S, sole agent.
Cost Co
A conference of
counties of Huron,
wilt be held in Clint
5 for the Cur os
7th, p p
study of the elemen
duction begun at th
the Candia Press
this meeting is bei
auspices of the Cana
at i
limited to members
printer and pubiish�er
urged to attend this
come is also extended
outside of the distri
Clinton a convenient
No attempt will be m
ing, under the same
the selling prices of
meeting is purely for
poses, An effort will
this meeting to re-org
County Press Associat
e printers of the
Bruce and Perth
n, on Friday, Oct.
of continuing
of cost. of prop
annual meeting of
ssociation. While
held under the
Ian i'ress Associa-
isno means
r by
thereof. Every
in the district is
eeting. A 'wel-
to other printers
t who :nay find
lace of meeting.
de at this meet -
auspices, to fix
printing. The
dueational put -
iso be made at
nize the Duron
and nd ha l.at fair
leading to J, Gaunt s
locket and chain,chlf
Pinder will receve li
returningsame to Mr
toll, Lucknoiw, P. 0,
e t. 29th,in or
upnds, or n road
a valuable gold
`s photo hand*.
eral reward by
Alex. MacCar-
Dr, Nelson Tait,. of 89 Spadina ave.,
Toronto, will be at th queen's Hotel,
Wingbam, all day, Friday, October
13th, for consolation n diseases of Eye,
Ear, Nose and Thro: t. Glasses fitted.
The Winnipeg Co
drop negotiations
the street railway
Heil has decided to
the purehas* of
nd allied interest.
for the Hospital
were $168.60 an
paid there will
After the enter
was held in t
which a please
young people
'amonds. •
given in the opera
ning last when the
c Club presented
ds" was well st-
all the seating
being sold as re -
many people were.
oughout .the even -
e by the Club ex -
by many of the
a. Every member
ceedingly well and
ing there was round
ruse.. The members
assured the hearty
es' Hospital Auxil-
of Wingham. They
free of charge, ex-
enses. The Ladies'
've a tidy sum with
necessary supplies
the gross receipts
after expenses are
a balance of $126.65.
nment a social hop
e Council Chamber at
time was spent by the
Lucknow and Wing -
JUST ARRIVED—A assortment of
hats of New Yo styles. Call early
and get choice at rs Green's.
$.I .t TM IN AlMiNa
T '
et with: Terrible
t Blyth,
cident befell Mr,
velefor e-
1r the R
oronto, at Blyth,
m Clinton to Wing -
morning of last
man got off the
as walking up the
rain started again,
'ng to get on the.
e tripped over some
fell on the track
over both limbs.
ntist, happened to.
d gave first aid to
r. Milne was sum-
nied Mr. Rosseaux
spital, The injur-
y serious condition
the Hospital and
re it was expected
recover, It was
to the left leg be-
e right leg above
aturday Mr. Ros-
ving nicely and it
will soon recover,
very unfortunate
lost both his feet.
r. Rosseaux's wife
been with him and
friends are giving
Toronto 'reveller
A very serious
F E.ux o ss t
R u ea ,
lindp Shoe Co,, of
while on his way fr
harm on Wednesda
week. The injure
train at; Blyth and
platform when the
and when attemp.
moving car again,
express parcels an
the wheels passin
Dr, McTaggart, d
be 4 the station a
the injured man.
monad and accomp
to the Wingbam
ed man was in a v
when he arrived a
•for the first few ho
that ;he would no
necessary to amput
low the knee and t
the ankles. Since
seaux has been im
is expected that he
but he will be in
position in Navin
Since the accident
and mother have
the nurses and kin
him the very best
Prices go to pieces, but quality re-
mains firm at our Boot and Shoe sale.
On Friday of this ' eek, the weather
permitting, we exp et to hold "Field
Day", For some ime the' students
have been anxiously looking forward to
this day, great in • rest having been
manifested in preps ation for the var-
ious contests.
The principal new f=atures of the boys'
events are:
Throwing a ha mer.
Putting a shot, r.
Tug of war.
Their other items a e as follows:—
Hurdle race,. sr. and jr."
Three legged ra e.
Pour legged rac
Obstacle race.
Handicap race.
Relay race.
Pole vault, jr.
Standing broad j mp, sr. and jr.
Running broad ju • p, sr. and jr.
Hop, step and ju p, sr. and jr.
High jump, sr. a d jr.
Distance walk, sr and jr.
Hundred yards' d •h, sr. and jr.
Two mile run.
Half mile run.
The girls' events inti de:- `
Championship b: • ketball game.
Foot -ball match.
•Tug of war.
Throwing ball, s and jr.'
Throwing and ca thing ball.
Hundred yards' ash, sr. and jr.
Relay race.
Needle race.
Three legged ra e,
Spoon and egg r: ee.
Fast walk.
Archery contes
This year the gir s expect to intro-
duce archery and a e very enthusiastic
aboilt it.
Points for the hampionship (both
boys and girls) co t as follows: -
1st prize, five paints; second prize,
three points; thir prize, one point.
'Those events wh ch do not show the
skill of the perfor er, but are simply
entered for amuse ent, are not includ-
ncluded in the champio ship.
Directly from t o principal
is extend
ecl a hearty invite ion to the public to
be present. 'This is seconded by the
rest of the staff, nd secondly seconded
by the student boa y in general.
We expect to b able to accomodate
our guests!better an heretofore, and
hope to see a iarg number present.
The games will. =xtend front 9 a. m.
till 5 p. it., with a and a half hours'
intermission at'no•n.
County a Shoot.
At the
meetin t of the executive
committee of the uron County Rifle
League held at Ca • f ow on Friday, Sep-
tember 22nd, the :•flowing resolutions
were passed: Tha the fall shoot be
held at the Whi echurcb ranges on
Friday, October 2 h, shooting to .com-
mence at 9 a. m. hat the number of
rounds at each r nge be five and a
sighter. Ranges, 0.0 yards and C00
yards. That the. ; rizes amounting to
about $23.50 be a rded to those hay-
ing best eggrega scores, and that
about $l be set as',a for tyros. That
the range officers _ e C. McNeil, Col-
borne; C. McDon: h, Lanes; C. Elliott,
Dungannon and Beadle Auburn.
That the score-ke .pers be 3. Webster,
St. Helens; C. squith, Auburn; D.
Glenn, Dunganno , and F. D. McLen-
nen, Lochalsh. hat the rear aperture
nights be allowed by any or all Cont-
petitors at this • tab. That all com-
petitors must sho •t "off their elbows"
in the metal pros: position. And that
all members bear he above resolution
in mind and gover themselves
ing1 . The captal s of rideassociations
Who will have re • esentatives at the
coanty shoot are requested to notify
Capt. Carrick, of hiteciiurch, so that
accomntodatioit hi ; be provided.
Premier R. L. Bo
his Cabinet and la
submitted the list
General, and receiv
i. The a li et
R. i;,. Borden, Pr
of the Council.
Martin Burrell, M nister of Agrieul-
Dr. J. D. Reid, Mi
W. T. White, Min
W. B. Nantel,
Hon, R. Rogers,
Hon. C. J. Doper
T, W. Crothers,
Hon. J. D. Hazen
and Fisheries.
Col. Sam Hughes
L. D. Pelletier,
F. D. Monk,
Hon. Frank Co
Railways and Ca
Dr. W. J. Ro
Hon, Geo. E.
Trade and Comm
A. E. Kemp,
tor J. A. Lough
The new mini
average in abili
to give the co
tion.. It enters
time when the t
when the countr
perous, when th
settled, and capi
are pouring in
exception of the
problem to solve,
the initial difficul
come by its pred
clear for constru
mains to be seen
ernment will add
has been so well
FREE—A cigar cas
25c, worth of Kenne. • s special cigars,
den has completed
on Monday night
to -the Governor -
d his Excellency's
sas olio* ,
f s---
inier send President
ister of Customs,
ter of Finance,
inister of Inland
sister of the In-
, Minister of Jus-
inister of Labor.
Minister of Marine
Minister of Militia.
inister of Public
hrance, Minister of
Secretary of State.
Foster, Minister of
eo. Parley, and Sena -
ed, Ministers without
try is fairly up to the
y and ought to be able
ntry good administra-
upon its duties at a
easury is overflowing,
is exceedingly pros -
West is being rapidly
al and new population
bundantly. With the
avy, it has no great
and even in that case
les have been over-
essors. The way is
ive work, and it re -
what the anew Gov -
o the structure that
en free with
The biennial cony
don • Methodist Co
League will be held
ember lst and 2nd.
Rev. Jas. Living
has received ands
become pastor of
Winnipeg, and will
his term expiresne
Ito tint.
The residence o Mr. and Mrs. Isaac
Wade, in the tow ship of Howiek, was a
the scene of a try pretty wedding,
when their eldes daughter Jennie was
united in marria.. to Mr. Arthur Miles
of Toronto on T rsday, Oct 5. The
bride, who Was given away by her
father, wore a g• we of ivory duehesse
mousseline sati with trimmings of
heavy lace end atis. Her long tulle
veil was tirade i sap Fn'.•• t and
by lillies:of the ogle,. unu carried. a
/shower boquet of roses and fillies of
the bailey, M and Mrs. Miles left on
the 8.40 train om Lao
f rrie en route for
Niagara Palls and Buffalo. On their
return to Torto they Will reside at
166 Emerson ' enee.
ntion of the Lon-
ference Epworth
n London on Nov -
tone, of Mitchell
ceepted a call to
Wesley Church,
ave Mitchell when
t June.
The first euchar stir conference in
the Djocese of Lon• on was held in St.
Mary's Church at ondon on Tuesday.
Rev. Fr. Blair, of Ingham and Rev.
Fr. Dean, of S Augustine, were in
Wingham Distr et Epworth League
Convention is to •e held (D.V.) in Ktfi-
cardine on Oct. 2 th and 25th. A splen-
did program is be g prepared. Details
later. All Leag es urged to send rep-
Bishop Willia s has appointed Rev.
J. B. Pothering am, of St. Matthew's
Church, Toros o, as rector of St,
George's Chur , Goderich, to succeed
Rev. Mark Tu bull, who has removed
to Mexico. T e new rector will take
charge of the • arish Nov. 1.
The annual convention of Maitland
Presbyterial oung People's union will
be held in tb= Presbyterian. Church at
l o on Th rsday,October th
Ethel, 26 . An
excellent pr+gram of addresses has
been arrange., Rev. W. R. McIntosh,
B. A., B. D. of London, will deliver
addresses at the afternoon and evening
Rev. G. . arid Mrs,Collins have
Re . G n Coli v
taken up t eir residence on Frances
street. On riday evening they -were
welcomed b the members of the B. Y.
P. U. and th Ladies' Aid of the Bap-
tist Church. The gathering was held
in the Chute . and during the evening
addresses we e given by Rev. Mr. Col-
lins, Peter Pi her. A. Kelly, Geo. Po-
cock, Mrs. 13 < ckhall, President of the
Ladies' Aid a d Mrs. T. T. McDonald,
President of the Mission Band. A
number of s. los rendered by various
members of he church were greatly
: timed, pastor of the
Rev. John n
Presbyterian rhutch at Dorchester and
Crumlin, died hursday morning from
hernotrhage o the Lungs, following a
btief illness. Ile had been in the Dor.
chester pasto ate for a period of two
years, previ, s to which he had been
+tatioted at Molesworth. He is sur-
vived by his wife. The deceased was
a. graduate f Knox College, Toronto,
and was ex • eedingly popular amonghis
.fellow de •gymen. Mr, Burnett was
well know. to many of oar readers and
many times in attend-
ham mat nd
y 'GP'
g y
ing tike "actings of Maitland Presby-
Elbert Hubbard writes of fro
Terra MeRaye, who early clerked in
a Quebec shoe store, when, the fol-
lowing order was received from a
worthy inhabitant:
"Monsieur: -Please put some shoe
on my leetle family like dis, and
send. by Sam Jamison, de carrier.
One man, Jean St. Jean, 39 year,
me; one woman, Sophie St. Jean,
38 year, she; Herrnedes and Lenore,
19 year; Honore. 18 year; Celena,
17 year; Narcisse, Octavia and
Phihas, 16; Batiste, 15; Celeste, 14;.
Phillipa, 13, Emile and George, 12;
Babette, 11; Madore, 10; Pierre, 9;
Eugene, we lose him; Paul, 7; Al-
phonse, 0,Gaston, 5; Armand, 4;
Maurice, 3; Edward, 2; Muriel, 1
year; Hilare, he go barefoot. How
Jean St Jean's family is large and
of many ages, but W. J. tireer's
Shoes would ou d meet the needs of the
whole family, The interesting side
of this facet appears when i;c is told,
that by no other Shoe Store could
the entire family be shoed, which
illustrates how complete our stock Is.
to fill all your Shoe wants.
See us for Trunks and Valises,
Where quality connts we win.
C. N. Griffin
Coupled with a REAL EsT.TE and
• MowwizY LoaxIwa Business.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses.
Office over Maloolm's Grooery.
And authorized teacher of the Fletcher
Music Method Simylex and Kinder-
garten. Teacher of Piano and Theory.
Pupils prepared for conservatory ex-
Theory by correspondence to out of
town pupils. .
Apply at Miss Sperling's home,
Minnie street.
Go to KNox's for your High School
"A Dollar saved is a Dollar earned."
Our Boot and Shoe sale will save you
Dollars. W. J. GREER.
Thirty Years
Our Seven Colleges have been
established during the past 30
years, The largest trainers ick
Canada. Owing to our connec-
tion all over Ontario, we do
better for our graduates than
any other Sehool. You may
study all at .home or partly at
home and finish at the College.
Affiliated with The Commercial
Educators' Association of 'Can-
ada, It would be well for you
to investigate before choosing.
Exclusive right for Ontario of
the world-famous
keeping p g System, which is un-
equalled. It is actual .Business
from start to finish, and the
student kelps same books as
Chartered Banks and Whole-
sale Houses, Enter any time,
Individual instruetion.
fall Term prem Aug, 28th
Write, call or phone for
tow. sPOTTO:v, , Prrlki.,PnE,