HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-10-05, Page 6THE WINGIIAI TIMES OCTOBER 5, 1911 KERNEtZ.FROM THE SANCTUM MILL Interesting Paragraphs from our xChanges. Spain is now the world's greatest producer of olive oil. What a man doesn't Know about his 'neighbors his wife tells him. Nothing bike It for Colds. Mrs, Holland Ferguson, Sheffield, N. B., writes: "Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseea and Turpentine has cured my children and myself of severe colds. We are never without it in the house. There is nothing like it for colds and throat trouble, and it is so soothing and pleasant to take, my children would drink a whole bottle if they were per- mitted." Query: When a woman says there's no use talking, why does she? The fellow who is fond of using the capital I isn't always capitalized. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S div; A S T Q R I A If a man hasn't opinions, he's a nonentity; and if ho has them, he's a nuisance. In Russia cups and saucers are never used, tea being drunk from glass tum- blers. You are not experimenting on your- self when you take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for a cold as that pre- paration has won its great reputation and extensive sale by its remarkable cures of colds, and can always be de- pended upon. It is equally valuable for adults and children and may be given to young children with implicit confidence as it contains ne harmful drug. Sold by all dealers. Berlin has 1,001 streets and seventy- nine bridges, not including railroad bridges. Denmark is the dairy of Europe. It has 85 head of cattle to each 100 in- habitants. cin REST MW HEALTH l0 MOTHER AND CHILD. EiitS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP has been used for over SIXTY YEARS by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHILDREN WHILE TEETHING, with PERFECT SUCCESS. It SOOTHES the CHILD, SOFTENS the GUMS, ALLAYS all PAIN ; CURES WIND COLIC, and is the best remedy for DIARRHCCA. It is ab. solutel harmless. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-five centsa-bottle. Earl Grey was banqueted by the Cana- dian Club of Ottawa, and in his speech took a formal farewell of Canada and paid ahigh tribute to the Dominion. Out if 59,254 vacancies that were filed through 217 English labor ex- changes last June, 33,670 were for men, 1,4,362 for women, 7,257 were for boys, and 3,965 were to girls. Don't trifle with a cold is good advice for prudent men and women. It may be vital in the case of a child. There is nothing better than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for coughs and colds in children. It Ys safe and sure. For sale by all dealers. James McCartney, a Bruce farmer, was foundldead in a lonely spot 'on his farm and the Coroner's jury returned a verdict of murder against some person unknown. The best plaster. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Liniment and bound on over the affectea parts is superior to a plaster and costs only one tenth as much. For sale by all dealers. Pigs which are running in the open should be provided with a rough shelt- er under which they will be comfort- able at night or on cold wet days. In addition to the overhead shelter a lib- eral supply of bedding shc.11d be pro- vided. One-piece street dresses made tosim- ulate a coat and skirt are seen at the early fall openings. In 1910 Germany imported 8,637 tons of raw bed feathers and 932 ins of cleaned and prepared. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR1A Ostrich eggs are successfully hatched by a specially designed incubator on a German ostrich farm. tyu °reductive are rabbits that it is possible for one mother to possess no less than 1,278,840 descendants in four years. Billiousness is. due to a disordered condition of the stomach. Chamber- lain's Tablets are essentially a stomach medicine, intended especially to act on that organ; to cleanse it, strengthen it, tone and invigorate it, to regulate the liver and to banish biliousness positively and effectually. For sale by all dealers. An Ottawa mob attempted to rescue a woman from the police, followed them to the station and broke the win- dows with stones. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA C.'hleago leads all other cities in con erete building construction with over 32 per cent. of the total. Seattle be ing second, and Philadelphia third. wow .11mosocummoommoccailummosi Nervous Prostration Sleeplessfless Palp tatio;ii of the heart Dizzy Spells lire alt Cutch by the Use of IB' HEART anti NERVE PILLS fife. Peter llalstad, Tilley, Alta.:orfittelisi 'ri tar:e :, tit plcn:;ure in writina fe lines to troll you what your Hean Nerve Pili, have done for rile. had 1°'"g,std'tdi ease of nervous proationIblee! l ,iie'.„, palpitation of thhearandd.z'yspells.I boughta bo pills ca:id they did me so much good 1 until stlorehdadmuo setdo.oeovnenul atcierndtlsetheu health again. They are a great remedy e.nal I twalnrnend them to all ray sfilburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are gee, per bo:: or'3 boxes for $1,25 at all dealers;, or will he mailed direct on. reTipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, (Snit. Do not suffer another day with Itching Bleed- ing, or Protrud- ing Piles. No surgical oper- ation required. Dr. Chase's Ointment will relieve you at once and as certainly cure you. 60o. a 130:4:'all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Limited, Toronto. Sample box free if you mention this paper and enclose 2o, stamp to pay postage. The American Agriculturist has placed the wheat crop of the United States for 1911, at 649,000,000 bushels. Home consumption, at the rate of six bushels per capita, will call for 540,- 000,000. The remaining 99,000,000 will do little more than provide sufficient for next year's seeding, and account for waste. A World of Gratitude. "In justice to humanity I want to tell you that I was a great sufferer from itching piles, and have found Dr. Chase's Ointment the best treatment obtainable,” writes Mr. Fred Hinz, Brodhagen, Ont. "It gives instant re- lief and I can recommend it to any sufferer from this dreadful disease." After digging a grave in the cellar of his home in Pittsburg, Pa., one morn- ing lately, Joseph Armatage,a retired businessman, stood on a barrel, ad- justed a clothesline noose about his neck, then jumped off into the grave His neck was broken, and he was dead when his wife found him several hours later. Armatage had been haunted for the past few weeks with a promonition that he was going to die. He told his family on retiring the night before be - that he intended getting up early in the morning for the purpose of visiting the graves of some of his ancestors in a cemetery near by. Then he went to his room, set his alarm clock 4 a.m. When he was aroused at that hour he quietly dressed, went to the cellar, and ended his life. Apply Zam-Buk to all l wounds and sores and 'you will be surprised how quickly it stops the smarting and brings ease. It covers the wound with a layer of pro- tective balm, kills all poison germs already in the wound, and prevents others entering. Its rich healing herbal essences then build up from the bottom, fresh tissue= and in a wonderfully short time the wound is healed! Zam Buk's popularity is bayed on merit Imitations neverwork cures. Be sure and get the real thing. " Zam•Buk" ie printed on every packet of the genuine. Beluee all others, See all 8rugglets and stores or Zam•Bult Co., Toronto. THE SALVATION ARMY. NAIL ORDER OR LOCAL TRADING, Investigations by a committee of the United Senate of Washington brought out evidence that the average mail or- der prices are higher than the prices of local dealers., It has been asserted that the mail order: houses list certain articles at a very low price and by this device gain the impression that they give low rates, whereas the local mer- chants are making better prices outof all but these special bargains. If the local merchant would make known what he has to offer, and at what price, the most effective weapon with which to meet the mail order bugabeo is at hand. The chief reason that mail' order houses make inroads on local trade is because they tell the pub- lic what they have to sell and the price. Local merchants have access to col- umns of the town papers and job'print- ing departments. Do they use them? How m/pny local merchants use ad- vertising space? How many use print- ed matter? Are there any who neglect to have a sign up over their door? If your neighbors do not know what you have to sell, the fault is yours, not theirs, We have ngthirigin common with the mail order houses. - We are unalterably opposed to, mail order methods as practised by some concerns. We urge the local merchants to lose no opportunity of informing the people in their community that goods can be bought locally as cheaply as elsewhere. Invest a few dollars in printer's ink and note the result. How are your neighborse to know what your store contains unless you advertise? Sitting around the store bemoaning the inroad on your legitimate trade by mail order houses, and calling down curses will not mend matters any. Brighten up your store; clean your windows; put- newly utnewly printed price tickets in plain figures on your goods and hustle for business. Hustle as seriously as your mail order competitor. If you have the goods and they,know it your own townspeople will trade with you. But remember you must let them know what goods you have to sell. Adver- tise! -The Commercial. The 29th Annual Congress of the Salvation Army in Canada will be held in Toronto from October llth to the 16th, inclusive. This Congress will be of special significance to the Officers and members of the Army, as General Booth has arranged for his daughter- in-law, Mrs. Bramwell Booth, wife of the Chief of the Staff, to conduct the entire series of meetings. Mrs. Booth will be accompanied by Colonel Mildred Duff, also from'ondon, England. Mrs. Booth is head of the Women's Social Work in all lands and is a recog- nized authority on the treatment of those unfortunate women who are car- ed for in connection with this beneficial work. The Welcome Meeting to Mrs. Booth will take place in the Massey Hall on Wednesday, October llth. This will without doubt be the most impressive ive spectacular and interesting demonstra- tion of The Army work `ever held in' Canada. It will be in the nature of a pageant, over three hundred persons taking' part in the same. , On Sunday afternoon, Mrs. Booth will give a Special Social Address in the Massey Hall. The chair will be occupied by His Hon. Lieut. -Governor Gibson. This will be followed by a special evangelistic service in the Mas- sey Hall in the evening. The programme of Meetings (public and private), prepared by Commission- er David M. Rees, Leader of the Sal- vation Army in the Dominion of Cana- da, is indeed. an extensive one, and will be of interest to those who are fortunate enough to attend. It is anti- cipated that many members and friends of The Army will come to Toronto to participate in this Congress, special railway rates ` having been arranged with the different Transportation Com- panies. Deafness Cannot be Cured. by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies, Deafness is caused by an inflamed con- dition of the mucous Lining of the Eus- tachian Tube. When this tube is in- flamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing and when it is en- tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be tak- en out and this tube restored to its nor- mal condition, hearing will be destroy- ed forever; nine eases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the muc- ous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any ease of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F.J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0, Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti- pation. ..� Although there are still instances of oxen being used for ploughing, and of dogs being used as beasts of burden, everybody does not know that in the northern parts of India sheep are put to a use unthought of in European countries. The mountain paths among the foothills of the Himalayas are so precipitous that the sheep, more sure- footed than larger beasts, are preferr- ed as burden carriers. The load for each sheep is from 16 lbs. to 20 lbs. The sheep are driven from village to vIlls„ , with the wool still growing, and in each town the farmer shears as much wool as he can sell there, and loads the sheep with the grain he re- ceives in exchange. After his flock has been sheared he turns it wards, each sheep having on its back a small bag containing the purchased grain. Lame back is one of the most com- mon forms of muscular rheumatism. A few applications of Chamberlain's Liniment will give relief. For sale by all dealers. Eatarrh Most Canadians Hare Our Changeable Climate is 7 Responsible. Ontario Railway Mileage. Ontario's railway mileage totals 9,- 017.94. During 1910 there were com- pleted and opened for traffic, according to the report of the Public Works De- partment, just issued, 357.51 miles of railway. Of the 757.95 miles of the Transcontinental across Ontario, all of which have been located, 531 miles have been graded and 383 miles of tracks laid. On the Algoma Central and Hudson Bay Railway 98 miles are under construction. Prior to Confed- eration the railway mileage in Ontario totalled 1,447-5 miles, Since then 7,- 507.44 miles have been completgl. There. are now 703.77 miles under con- struction. The total electric railway mileage is 721.73. There are tinder construction 67.5 miles, a..:..._.r.-.- _. Where the atmosphere is damp, with sudden changes in temperature, almost everybody has Catarrh, in some form or other. The ordinary cold in the head inflames and weakens the membranes lining the nose and throat, and starts a discharge. The next cold is more easily caught, and soon the patient is never, quite free of it. As Catarrh develops the discharge increases -drops into the throat, es- pecially at night -and takes on an offensive odor. Besides being exceed- ingly disagreeable, there is great danger of the disease extending to the lungs, stomach, or bowels. Though it is very difficult to cure, 'rather Morriscy devised a combined internal and external treatment that has cured thousands. The Tablets tone up and invigorate the system, and assist Nature in throwing off the disease, while the salve, applied up the nostrils, clears out the discharge and heals the membranes. Combined. treatment, 5oc at your dealer's, or from Father Morriscy Medicine Co., Ltd., Montreal, gag, ao CAMELS. IN 'A. RAGE.' When RousedThese Usually Patient Animals Fight Like Fury, The usually patient and submissive camel,. like the proverbial worm, will sometimes resent an overdose of abuse. Too dense to think of a way In which be can outwit his driver and so take him unawares, when roused to the piteb of fury be rushes at tile. tyrant open mouthed, and his formi- dable teeth and powerful jaws do Berl- ous damage.. Of this vindictiveness the camel driver is aware and of the certainty that sooner or later the camel will seek revenge. Accordingly it is customary for the person who fears his malice to throw his clothes before the camel, .meanwhile` hiding himself until the animal's fury bas been expended in tossing and tramping on theni, when the injury, real or supposed, is at once forgotten. The camel will not identify himself with bis driver or rider in the smallest way' whatever: fie steadily declines ail ndvances. Sis eye never lights up with love or even interest at the ap- proac'b of his master. Should yon at- tempt to pat or caress him he will ob- ject in a very decided manner. Good treatment or bad makes no daft ferenee to the camel. Life and its hard conditions are taken for granted. Ills view of things is far too serious. Be iS tto absorbed and preoccupied that ne has no time to waste in the gam- bols indulged in by all other young anima ls.-Aarper's weekly, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Reeve Sweltzer of Stephen town- ship was accidentally shoe while duek hunting. The Grand Trunk Railway System has in course of construction at the Tuurct% Works of Canada Car and Foun- dry Co., 1000 steel underfratne box ears, delivery will be commenced about October let, and the whole eonsign- nlent will be completed this year. These cars are of 60,000 lb. capacity, and incorporate all latest improvements in car construction. Noticeis hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0 1897, Chap. 129, Sec, 88, that all persons having claims against the Estate of Thomas Elliott, late of the 'Town Plot of Wingham in the County of Huron, Yeoman, deceased, who died on or about the twenty.sixth day of August, A.D., 1911, are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to R. Vanstone, Solicitor for the Executors, on or before the Twenty-third day of October, A.D ,1911, their names, addresses and descriptions and a full statement of particulars of their claims and the nature of the security (if any) held by them duly certified, and that after the said day the Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. Dated this 19th day of Selutember, A.D., 1911. R. VANSTONE, Wingham P. O. Solicitor for said Executors. A PLEASANT MEETING. it Is Nice to Find a Friend Who Scat- ters Sunshine. •-1 don't like people who are always opal] ug to me for sympathy." •"1'uey do get tiresome. but I prefer Chem to the ones who come boasting u1 their successes and trying to make fur dissatistied with my lot." • -un. 1 don't mind that kind. They ,ever worry me any. 1 am always so ..ix'eesstul myself that I never have ..a use to envy them. And, speaking ut success, 1 made .$500 last week ili- a tittle real estate deal,' and my boy nos been making a great 'record in 4etiooL tae's away ahead of ail the ocher boys of his age, and niy wife has a maid now who is the best girl we have ever Deep able to find -the rmst one to our neighborhood, • in fact tiow is your boy doing now? 1 heard :utne Uwo ago that be was Inclined w ne ratnet wild." -''lease don't mention him. I'm ttratd he is going to bring 'sorrow upon us. Yon always were Welty. .uess" 111 nave to lose the little home a ve been paying on during the past ?tght years, all on the buy's amount. fly wife has had to quit keeping help. slthough her betiitb is very pour and"- WeIl, good by I've got to be going. Cheer np. W hat's the use or being :;rurnpy'I Look at me. You'll find. if von try it.. that 11 pays to scatter sun- -bine."-Cbicago Rerord•Herald. ANCHOR POSTS -A quantity of good cedar posts, suitable for anchor posts. Apply to John R. Salter, Wingham, Ont. Constpation is l'he Cause of. More Sick- ness Than Anything Else. If You Wish To Be Weil You Must Keep The Bowels Open. If You Don't, Constipation Is Sure To Follow. lit ILBURNys LAXA LIVE R PILLS act on the bowels and promote their free and regular action, thus curing Constipa• tion and all diseases arising from it. Mr. Harry Revoy, Slianiek Oat., writes: --"Having boon troubled for years with eonstipation and trying many remedies without succuss, I finally purchased Milburtee Laxa-Liver Pills and found them most beneficial; they are indeed splendid pills and l can heartily recommend thein." Price 25e. per vial or 5 vials for $1.00, at all dealers or mailed direct on receint of price by 'the T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. 'PURm► FLOUI And Its Keeping Qualities SOME 'people find it necessary to buy a considerable quantity of dour at one time—suffcient to last for a long period. Naturally they are anxious to procure a :lour of the kind best adapted to lengthy storage. There are two important reasons why PURITY FLOUR possesses these qualities. One is that it is made entirely from Manitoba Hard Wheat. The other lies in the fact that the careful milling necessary to produce " Purity" absolutely excludes all low-grade particles of the wheat berry. It's the high grade Manitoba Hard Wheat Flour that keeps—stands longest storage. That's "Purity." "Purity" flour may cost a little more, but is more than worth the difference. Try it. Watch results both for quality and yield. "More Bread and better Bread" WESTERN CANADA FLOUR MILLS CO., LIMITED Mille at Winnipeg, Godericb, Brandon. BOLD BY WM. BONE AND J. F. MCGILLIVRAY, WINGHAM. The Tirnes to Story of a Nail Keg. A hundred years ago Jeremiah At- water was a leading New Eleven mer- chant, buying bis supplies in Boston and receiving them by vessel. Among other goods received were several , casks of nails, one of which On open- ing it under a layer of nails at each end was found to be filled with silver dollars. Mr. Atwater, who was a con- scientious man, immediately wrote to the Boston merchant that there must be some mistake in the invoice of nails, as one of the casks contained other articles besides nails. He was promptly informed that the nails were bought for nails, sold for nails and nails they must be. Forthwith Mr. Atwater' had a basin made of the sil- ver. and presented it to the Center church, where it has, been used in the baptismal service from that time to the present. Art and Nature. Art is the revelation of man, and not merely that, but likewise the reve- lation of nature speaking through span. Art pre-exists in nature, and natmie is reproduced in art.. As vapors from the ocean floating landward and dis- solved in rain are carried back in rivers to the ocean, so thoughts and the semblances of things that fall upon the soul of man in showers flow out again in living streams of art and lose themselves In the great ocean, which is nature. Art and nature are not, then, discordant, but ever harmonious- ly working in each other.-Longfel- low's "Hyperion." Illuminating. While touring abroad a certain cid. Zen of New York found ibis item in a list of police regulations posted rap on a highway In Ireland: "'Until further notice every vehicle must carry a light when darkness be, gins. Darkness begins when the lights are lit" -Saturday Evening Post. The Family Orchard. "CQuld Irinterest you in our orange grove proposition?" "Nope; I have already put all -1ny money into a fruit orchard. "Wberei" "On my wife's bat"--1Boustol Post January, 1912 for '20 cents. Next Best Thing. "Teel I have just done Europe." "Can you give me a list of hotelt to go tor) "No; the best I can do is to give,yrotil a list of hotels to keep away Louisville Courler-Journal fardnees or boArt Is a dreadful quality, but it Is doubtful whether In the long run It Work Mere damage than Ioftnwi$ of beady-RoeteVelt■ _... PRINTING AND STATIONERY We have put in our office Stationery and can WRITING PADS ENVELOPES LEAD PENCILS BUTTER PAPER PAPETERIES, a complete stock of Staple supply your wants in WRITING PAPER BLANK BOOKS PENS AND INK TOILET PAPER PLAYII:G CARDS, etc We will keep the best stock in therespective lines and sell at reasonable prices. JOB PRINTING We are in a better position than ever before to attend to your wants in the Job Printing line and all orders will receive prompt ' attention. Leave your order with us p when in need of LETTER HEADS BILL HEADS ENVELOPES CALLING CARDS CIRCULARS NOTE HEADS STATEMENTS ti WEDDING INVITATIONS POSTERS CATALOGUES Or anything you may require in the printing line. Subscriptions taken for all the Leading Newspapers and Magazines. The Times Office S4ONE BLOCK Winghattn, Ont. 01644144.44444.4044444.4441444