HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-10-05, Page 411X4P.9r1c
W04. ?Alletite,
TO; ft ri:"*15*
R etre') • 45,00, 11,
-T tc.,00,000.
Ap111,,r riclir 'of Bank haK, been 44
J04_4 1..P.tulan, England,Ifitt '
Thys Branch will issue Letters -.9
Credit -and- 'Drafts"on inthertan
,points lu•CenadcWhegotiate 131115.'4Sn
for ;collection, make telegnephig,tral§
fora, and transact every descrtPtien-,•0
InfOrniation furnished on al
Caoadialk mattergi• •
StiecialWipaitinerit, Will be proviti.
ea for' the use of visitors and bearers
our Letters „
. ,
• ••• r
9: A. 110GERT.'Petterer,144ager.:
• I... • .• • , • • ; ,
Wnsioirat Baates
W. R. Geiltie.-' Mena
R. .V.C.1.1STONE, Solicitor.. • •
--030,41,14COS4411-dotia.s..fOr thaantoritx,
Government for,September teached„ a
otl•r)8;105.80,, wiltd1t4irought
"tnt fk,;10* t4 -1($9511g ',el'
PrqYlnciaI*nj&'yea lel
tAitt 31, ndth neitesseie
tiV the IIt. to
TRE WigGUN TIMES, 00 fOlfhlt
''the c t ,
W 64 roe*. t c e
ecta416na' soo,
Aid if s-444 4 tiling' pne
hat' hat,b4,etalat44. tecgC( t
ON:Vlore- iut p oky irn
r!1Aayluet6:410t the 5104 as was
;posed4W4he"agrttertl tc1rt
rpit'of daluiatibliVeciaiUieeto f
Tb .buiJj question of tree
prof enttinghtiR cliiiinees;,there,:vrou
r 4*.thtt;t1Pg4tself, -Woo A..‘be,;mo
.'aoc4telae -if • 4 44114 14:4
Zg•rti* nailitALSOttletVarrilled ih
c/A., -04641.*Itigt ;1444,40y
the 'current fiscal tO;
tethher 1.• 141,021 ;of:theta arrived' at:
,O0flydoi tkr;q8'' were° "froiA tb
Pi-tePt'sg 'T134s,g.g&TNasASIZIa
tri4likariii:411kSti*4 Yr,'•t,t4t*
wsre 4609: .44.4,eiht 014010d
/41,71-• Uni ed ,States making a total
th'etri etnith*,:14P /2eqo sePIA
•tkins•foiv.ParliaM6nt la:SP•etniiniendabbliff
feature. 13y ten o'cok itit!ft,qqa
' :Ott ,,trgttrwellmovrik.
arid' gY.1.1 lechiRd")$,;10Tid for az 11:
,day, voted on. a. constitutional *mend-.
ment against prohibition, but though
the ballots •biNfeliieiriohlifeZlitiboal,
seems to know whether it will hereaf-
ter be illegal to liquor or nots,„i,jt
takes about Oid'weeks to finish a gen.
Arlik,e1Acifon';'fil England,- 'Oritttl, so
thanYvithek things to votehlratthe time
tithe it is atedious thing in the United
States. fpf'dratt, da itis a good thing for
s "kt they know it the same
day, lind*:••itzLlif also well for the van-
quished that there is no prolonged
The moral for the manufacturers is
that Githedian , ,polipAr,,,••••.sounds
titionilieleausaitia *iterates, Aild that
.ri the ttitithat, interest 'Orcif the man-
'ufacturefi therireliek 'slatilcihe kept
zhcitek!die.should be that, inaqmueh as 'this iithriArfOr`fi:O4'iraders
det[itlY• the
treienehtile 'tariff; sensible
thh for freditailerik to de'S'a -To stop
ZEinfor*aulbigibbUt child-
ishnesf 'protietion ittict to Vend their
ithergiei ii)"gettini the tarliV;O'ut of
TO AbVitTisittis
• , r
Isroace of changes 'must be left 'W04-
, office libt later than Saturday nothit
• ,The copy for'clum_get smittrrba
z• not-Jater thaa. if ondly .evening.
Casual odVe.rtisements accented tit!
..to noon Wednesday of each weekt:
• •
't,11 9STABLisa.swata
LB, Lor.aorr. tanuoratio ANDPRopanypo
TRIMSDAY OCT013ER 5. 1911.
'His Royal Hlghness the alike ii`Of
aonlitiqhfi the hew
of Ginicia; AviM -Qhibee,-••ozi`
Friday, the 13th of Oethher, next.
•' Mr. James Conmea has-cleclaratt:then
he will not be candidate for the
House of Commons at the deferred
election,%to he held on -Oct. -19; ° as
there is rio•other candidate to face•Mr.
. Carriek, Conservative, 'helm:ill be
declared eletted by acciarnation.Thtiti=
01.4, the...5th: . • • .
X We haVe• suffered -defeat; but" it -heti
heen defeat in an honorablveause:
ould rather submit to,.gt terripb4e-
Verse thin to .win. by trickery. tIr ,,by -
any eomprothise .with..unnaanly. thetit-' •
eds. Time will vindicate. the .old
thin an d° the Cal;144 . be ..champWited:
Qptario, . „... , • „ • •
The p'ersonnel. of, the:, 43,eiv:ilitaiise•
Shows that lawyers. -as itaualiA3iedtifiC,
r,nate. They nupaber. 26,. contiiiired
pith 36 forthers,.32. merchants,'!2ritoi-
tors, 17.manufacturersi.10.1umbermeh;
.ft newspapermen, 7.notaries.anrlokbrOk;..
:ers• Only Ole laboratan.was -elected,.
namely>, Mr, 7f •if:
••.- The election canapaigo.and the .possi-
tility Of the reciprocity -agreement
•optning inte:effect evidently had rild•fbad
effect t .Dominionls
;steady grOWth •bosioess , prosperity -
During ;August painidea tr.adaincreav
-ed by no less than.$,,or,near,
TY thirty per cent,„as„ compared. with
August of „last yea., he total trade
la the !month was_ $$1,493,054; of
iAieh 47405,591 Nes.
:gain Ot pine ,I„n, *exports *the.
principal, gain weal)) agrieultural $
4ucts, which totalled FZ238394, an ."„
'crease of nearly gyp mililops,oyet ;the,
receding August. The new •Athritnis.„ w
ti•ation will. take of.54 With -tk;acle And
tevenue increasing *A tye.mitst, rate .* 'p
the history of and 'with the ,
Vtay paved for another hilge.;,urpritia
..ow to iliTiloottit an
itongth,Aftet liastiog "aT
"1.1,!.• •s..t•ii,i0 4;04 0"7. 41,14 '413 a..,•*;
,.UISaa•Sa* ,cooillo
g WitelVthaVelirla'ktnttnffeltew.'
int attack* et fave4dattiphe,tok other
Ms, are- 9,t.eptteial IThey„ make
0•0"rit 'bloodi,"-Oliceit ratielies'eferY
Orlfoh tittd '•etterY derveliirthelliild$4*-101(1
inithtswax regitorolakeigtat,10/.4; 011atet,
this:we give tne,,A.443,1- nfarluf,
Randall, Si1v�rfra$11
‘1'4'. feel thet",ir ttheretio hti•YOtio
singitt to testify to thelper,ito5.
WilAhout, our years ago.; ,wes taken., 9
i44.!15, g
11411 Ad1.10).0nn.i.4
imPaitedo that •evisn:driok Of ti
NY9114.1•/usegi!•,14RIlkii T91111414454c
worse t change o ife' fol ewe,
.althockiri Wes iiideikethe "careof
Of !Wt.: best dOctOi•o, •Iviihok,hetead
had,Oftearead4,-D47,.., ntlilAn14.1;:Pi
Pills, lintilioug.fit rig raire about' the
But netleivtienT'Wee'sfektIiiiti ',he pl-
an:I alintistlibpeles,s?"!attUseith he be
er• s,
IffS• 1, •.•
ne,,4. '• ' iiv.:,. 0.'1'4..4 1, Int., iti,Az.ntil.:.r. • i'l l • . „Ili, I . ,. 4„ ,,, ,.- I ) ..fi ' 1•1, ' • f n ' '
ae- , .44.4"....**44+4.0404.+4,444* . Itiotirtti.,tettiv.tittilmigitsit
ly „ • f. ,•
in, ... ;• .,.. ,• -t4i7i; lw 1.1
ii-L°d- t: 01....;"..„..f.';,fi.ht.,,piti Ifittur ; ... ?.,..-.:))•• -11.k.,'3 t•,11.1.':"ilt"1!3;4,, '411 .',;•41‘:%)Viii.!) :twit',
,i . , I , . .., I r , . .,.. 141:11 t
1,-.1g. '.1.ri..ti: Emy
0-. ifo• .v.,9v, ,:g.r.; tri ..*,;,:b •,,7f.v,. 11.):: .-4.-gin. 1.),At
rs '
,VONA II I . rit
".')••i'i°4!!'''"4 %It , 4'4
VOW' lei A
MR eACOlgte6Pal
041,,lenvletfil JrXIDtkf,110.4 ,0'..drA:i #' .11144.7;
04:4VQ.; +-41 dArRIltfzin PTO •1(• Aujeoevg
e TRW AssAtsmintritTnIke
! 4044)•^`11 r"It".441^^p9.0i ; „
•• opf
`thx1541•10,Ati.gt .40.4v
ah3.1"' ftenniton tiAdrsecUitallilett-h0e*,,. Th
ri c. • •
laV0IMPle ttaii00•4tidiiiT4let it MAX. be
67 t•-"thellrat SteP'toward4 etihiPhtlitiCe:•""
f)ffts4eaarayitlyit.illealiiithettleudtrntheeleee'claileGe Staoite
It old t 7$1}1011'40Ving& istimatCharterilirdiv...A -to t
i/wItism-Ariglittrvegst?,.4. .0u. auct •
t,Ng ,,,i) +): 4X+ . ,• •
SMITH, tetient;,, yfirinvh-aitity
611• ,^• 1'941'4) naf)))1q 7,11f.)
.... 1
i i
1). ),trt
I, • • • •
• f,,,rft•
1 i 0 )
.„.„.•)-, taktielli iirsogi 41 .
••tr-T.0.... i,-.1i•I
,felicuoTi .!..../i',1.1 , '; ,,. .;•.: I>
. .. ..
, .,„„,c,,,,,.. ;def. ,.0;:Ir..4-ii.g1 ..TilVg cr;••;.w.••
tql ,i,..hfr..1, .al .F.1 .;,h,n1/7
tt.401)).01g.trOnt; medthal - treatment,
kept:thinking of Pills and final
deeidetite trk-thetn.:' I did so -eIT a
thatikftil able tb Say tli" they r
sthredrme to•hetilth and's ngt.b.r.,a,
en/WWI:Me to:pass-1km )tha,t,tryj
perthilc,from which so,. ny, /3oer,„
.men omprgei,Nvith ' h eked' health.,
hope that'Inlihy" poor,ituifere
may.readlinsf statement,andtitite.fre
wkk.qt•- Pr4„-Wklaretp;, Pills ha
cenrage from•••itota t•ha:
done for 0.1h:•theY`Will 'der' "for "hther
• F':60
V e • WW1 kij$1W..,,..M tower1Z')
1.*1,-,7 '40 `•1:1f
. may add thiit keep
•ibithenhorneouldi tEe
tIni,4thoy:AF9 bAttftr4i14A.A.919gt9111e4i!
dealer's -9 hy it
cerittAi, btiVtirlatiebo 'elthin5014fit
v*1%)20.4,.).e°. 'to .:.zutat.i4) 4einel
4110.r.." 11X..e1.1,4):1
VW!! %.117411.1111,..01.1 4.4•1
pi 7t-Hird?....LI lp4
144 :Wa -.11trl 1.1:14-1114; oc ;ft '-147)
9t3kme 4Q.4,14..er.13Wi)141,4xAmi.
,epikkfp4911o.ouxtep,:lilfht.vottlsoh (pi
rfet.4.4109/aellY 7..eAelr,e1Nrtell
t4itS0..tilaaeftig4grateitiAtINISZliP•g; 9
the' month,, cintqw4019,a9ffr,it'S-170)
'.1)Cert.rre..04.Yerl hXdtherflePFPiltilfrkf9,T
kigtlat* 44141 I ..)..spa...:•••,•;,...iri le- • ..4
H.; 4p;011:1 titr:Itv.Un,, ; T32,1t11 wi
170(0'41 at sba
el• aieti ifrieiNe
fl Natio/ Viux intota fr-3
tg 4 4Pj• mkr
A4 • A
at .
erentri it
evad ,etie,e.-atili tilol --I''''''''''''''''' '"..T„'''''''''''''' 'Ili
wiber,° o) 109'4 ".4 ,si,14. r;f1
1 • 1 a ot, ;oil:, .,.4413:7p7 owl; 0 .':,,•It. tz .1.7,.,74• iilt,,Jm
sj eiti.g 4/9(i1 Den ix) '
'34-1 le fphialtp;,317 „eutreva 2o mst acqv x.9ctr.g '1.dfa,••0`1:11:: 4." LT 4J 4 ••''l '•=11' '-'-' ,' -.:
f4 a
•i: 0 °).%9 WI; V‘,0 14V0.1d Cilidt)r)/ bar) LOW0),111 ,:^ let'..791:Ltifit).41.1:liV
• 4.10 an Afirtwailbvnifd tRAtinetift kind that. appeals
A .?.. tw$ 1411774144 o?,111 cluva; ,,g,,fianit anitgw •
g 4 •"""'" . i-tRe!," d 1ilfal '1611 tr-tl ever berairestia* it'e'':
It •,sp ot atiouolovir ,t, to•oo .tsii: lit 1'04! ke!T . -if.hot 1!) Ix, LifLe 01.-1 i.:4-.,..4:•;,,,T.GYa:':1
f: ..tig.,,,, „.fiez,.4. 1,,„if,,1434:4„, ,,,i.,..,. .0,.,
l'iit4 lif,4`241514Yed*stOite,t4tiety, ruocinls,1 t....,.001,-, ...d ,...0,.. ;qv?
01 tqfpi .403 •Inuntife'll 111 ,Rtratir tif'i kt ,
grt i f,R1%, .",! a „....sal. 1,,,, ,,,„ .0,1.,.,„. :-s V,:grr*,211: ,..e.!' p1,411..11i'er
70,181.1, ,t; d,u, el wi..,,,11, *,..,„1..,,, f.d. ‘,.1,,i I ;•;, 1 ,ift;tr.re.,.:'. .,r.f law ..,• ,t,I.at,"
...... , .
. , .
_X a: .,,, „,..,• , .11• 1 •-•f,1,141. - •pt •
Kti g..u.sll :1:4/ gti.'.;i.,;:.ixfii.,01111:141;.,0$ f.?;%4 7:: i., 1 le •i tilii: :LI I .-... bssa;ii ..::•,,,•:cl :::,f;,it gill
,-..•• .., ' a •••• 'it I
..::,..1-1 171(it r ts. )..)1•••• e. - ••,•,..-
.. 7' ;•• frItgW2:`,14.). 14411 't:,•3 4.i*.vid a ,;),Ate9- ;1,.,:.,•,- !ay.., tr,., ,,,," A,,,,,,1 ,. ..i,,,, .,„...,.......4., i
1jsi Aiddi.esrwili vitt4i1
mouth disease has been suppressed;
, Ilv.1.41•A9kTtil.l.t.R.Iff-r9
. I Toronto, Oct. 2 -Cattle prices were
hn to ft4een clap a kindredweight
'14wer at theTniViVgiikktiiidaiester-
y. Hogs w erel.rcim,25cLote 30e.. off.:
No change;OCelikrati Okher i,ClaiseS:.4f
politics: I olhb:re.'=-shitild- he-. i': Tariff: stock, stniiii of Ili i•i-,411ii viglito.'
,Commiasioth.•:,This7witeraliiiitgition of Idrmftr, ipapytligt:;;'
thq0,1raiberakt,4everliaienV94VhfCh th ;rh'denline in caitile"'W"as'. ‘?*':filnaSsItIlyillid'itte".
corning Conservative Government..,*L,„,.a'•ntg,rnya,ttntrf,aiitsvtik..atnnitinittar
Atenretgiatt adopt -Ottawa Journal ,
•:" „,,,p,,:: ..,••••,-.,..1:-.,..::' t ;.• „... •.;:. reduct ' 151 ItY kbei ',Alit' tt,k
ion in ,fin.,., 1. ,1•,(:,I,, , .., ,..
. •A„CorrOpoilcler.lt,iwriting ;frail Lon.. The most potent infleenee„ haVieVei,
deli';',On.,'patiAajr/3aRtz'to•:tlie,Itoronto- Was the at.l!titp,htlhz44)qttr! *Mistd.t.7,),1
9•19r?e ,yprxN4147sayra,:' -:`:1,1perproeit who ?MO..- '44-04i'lliAr•:';*3**0,7'0f,
ie* einpO.trei;414,Y Ortleodi:14.4, therei.' a.Pffriecreins'gatfaiPiht,2134toalig!,411.44.:04t.'01,&a:Og.:1010.: .i.S.:;'';.*
iii iir,ea a Orct arthers who
ittelpietei tiiii it incl'iiho'ari now hav , The expoitttittleilitthe leettV iiififiegt
'ing 'n11441V.iiii. ,teftilinly 'iii3Oe wh ' 'WE4..4.4c8144.17?•16:‘‘?;11K0i#11:400Y,{;41
iiaVe ii4s'fel.i'ieti itt ;Itlie prese4t timi. 1A's't i/ier.li' -1344 bt4t!,044t...4t:•,t14,4
Ihave bheif '0•1*/thisoi1etilling'30 think f bought steers at 3,035, that would have
"about; rkpegt'igo th6,.*eie.-:gstotin.::- cost $6•50. $..4'..06.:; ',11*.,"*#,_#i
dea ntitte Uildete dropin 'the prici Went..age*Af;44erl.,;i4;.'`.41,1.iretle,i of
froththat "'Of'. ite,r•Ildenclity; beforebeeves, but more:Tarticularlyt;agaithit
the., erections., ;al 1-6:ty .• eeia Nevg the infetieleeldiags,',I)fhielf,:•stippliee-
-another &Op ;:?e,E Ftcvetityi...fi4:4, cents i bave:been...s.51,P141*00t'4.',;:l'i4.--:-;17
IS . !Jarranged ' ,,l'O'r ;1=to-nioit9;(, ttici ; Cholce',:feedes,S •oxid ,goecl. milk cos
rta' tot, by ::the;''''iatieliei-i' beini were more 'eagerly .sought - ,than .1-6i
6.35 --and : the • fairnhia' cans face it oi° Many weeks, and prigeslOr the latter
eaVe it. That 'part ief the ;:cdilsuming" were inclined. to harden.
pubile:•ihkt 41.-aed against !•;i.egprocity.., ,•Th*fiiither, drop. Th hogs, • :Making
ill, of -courde;::oeitcv.theizt;1;tionomio';', pricesfully $t415 16*ei il'aii it.ttr:4 leng
heories to work'nutt• by c'tlrofirin the- -of August was attributed to plentiful
*rice ''of meata,retailuse;. :.•,'•••.'"'' -i, supplies and to the curtailed demand
___„, . • , ,,,,,, ,,,, .ce ..,,,*,;bf.packerto.Vhich is uKtialgatrthis! time
The Cabinet 'Of triLaiyi'er.t.4overn,.., doloisrelit-‘, ,r-.4,) • • , 'i 1.1 ..-,: ;..• ......•••:,
. Tile.r‘eceiiitgineitidati•-•113'„oe#,•-toil',
rtis ixpected that ererythin0 will .b� '318 hogs, 1,204 sheep and Iambs and
in readiness by Thursday of-tbli'''Weelti txport cattle, choice :.-l3-00
for the. formal . tendering to ,Earl Grey do tnediutn.. ..... . •....g,g.',44‘I.../5.:1'.96
by Sir Wilfrid Laurier ''of 'the' resigna do light...„,,,.... . , ... 4:44,...• '306 00
tion Of hithseir and fili :colleighes.•'-'170! 4e'belle'-C.'-',1 •"%tvii.‘"•*,....,-.. 4,5* •5 40
appointments will he illadc by, the -00-..! - 166' tcl•I'ftri- '''''.4"°'''' * * 4 • '*" ''.'3'''5f
:etornent before atippino 04p, but, in ,do MedIum::f . ' - lg. 20 E 5 40
, ....- th:Wlete.."''' ',..1"6:16 6 10
aecordarthe with the usual procedure,: . 41,,o -tows • ... - .. '4;'50 !' 5 25
hontratta ivillbe.• let fet ,,,ttlie variotte:: * 9° ecemeh • - • .s• . .. '4,4 50 F,'-'5' 00
pucanners50'il 75 blid.Workt".for-Whitli tenders have short..keop„, .
• ; ,,, ,c• ' • 4- .s..46.:...5: 50
b eeeri received,. and for which the necesz- P eders ift4i;',;: ' ' ' ,•;;-4 55 4 85
sary funds were voted by Parliament; ••• do hal..*-4 ----------4- t'100 6 00
,sieeevur :list issue,„mt..::,13ptoiti ftk Stoekerslitthice-, .t. . -.,..-.p. .,.. -4 25 4 70
". diillight-.. • " ::',,,...•• . Ei'',-. •. 3 .001*14;50
Premier -elect has beeaholding conferif welt, •eow:4, 'abb/aa, eitgh;; _do it# 76,A
meet With the leading trthenbers of the Springera • , ' ' ',.. , ..... ..35*.os,,56, so
• . -
Conservative party With'i'View to hav.1,' Conittthil end thediont .... . 50 00-30'00
Ing ins abinet reading Wheni the Gov.:. Sheer ewes • - --------------- •8 00 4 25
ernment resigns. ' do bucks:......• . , ..; ,,,..› 425 300
Lambs, Yealligatz.., ;.V.... -.f..- 5 60 6 75
Hog, £.
eadn ,::: • „`, .',-,5-00•`:6'1.50
The close; Orthe &Cat Year,
• . ° • • • ,:„' 0
entithe b#4irlio‘klipg'clailieXtings
ttawa,' 'up 'nutstanilitig
keeps thildren
healthful atukhappy;
Give tiaerri a few crops
faia sti6ngthening food,
medieine every day and
a'ch them grow.
IT -PRtiViNit
Whooping Cough
Orot:ach` s
Lo of es
id many ether trod!
ness ,preparatory ;tg, resigning office;„
,. f. 't), b......:,.. . ...:• ....;',0111)..3 50
Lieut. -Governor Sir Daniel -,and Lady calves ,,,,,,:•• "-- , , • • 5. ro .8%0
. der' fedandI•vatereti..... I ..r.-,6 /6,885
AteStilfan Itiere barkpietetf hi 'Winnipeg° - -* °
citizens had given a 4tind1,oftict Present., ' '
sir•Daniefis,retirieg; • ,.,,,:i 1;,z.,,,
: IV iNo HAM Tresticer lettP0.0.1.13.
Lord StratheOna will reintinj- Cana*
Mitlat11*•Oet, 4, 111 /
dittn"Higb CoMmissioner in 1.0.0doo hi' Flour per 100 lba......' ------2 20- -tel 3'
me bo
time yet. That call be definitely Fail wneat .. .'.."..-...L.. 0.82 to 0 2
stated as ti-reitstit of his Lordslitp***itg Oats ..:,` 0 35 to 0 36 '11
visit to OttaWa on Saturday afterlloon. RailseY ' . 0,.5..'.., 0 tO ta 0 50
durlii*Ithipti, he confe-trres!Wit*, Sr . ..... 0 80 to so
Biller dairy ... _ ,....... 0 20 to 0 20;
Wilfrid Laurier and Mr. Borden, Eggs per doz., .. .... 0 22 to 0 22;
Both t outgoing and the incomini Wood per cord ..........,„2 50 to 2 50 ,
1.1-1raf414 asked Lcird Strathcons. td:, 1-1,cy par ton ...., ......... 10 00 to 10 00 I
ottttoes per bushel, new . 0 40 to 0 49
continue,_•*,,,hrk,..7goitlapt he present at Lard 0. 16 to 0 15
least. 1Live It etetwt 0 36 to 6 35
• ..••.:•,•;,.•"!!--a-3,-.8".. cS44-C;;•1.:14t;.141,41.i..e„.„ t. ' •
0 -
&esti -,,•••1
„ • Dra t r
1,g:1i tr.taft ; 04 "
1. 0'1 4. '41
14).'1.:11 0) 14.1'4'1•0%, 5.fi4'1l4rt‘itV0'^
.r...71,4 eorno
fr.)9.gufik .E.Arft?;,- 1 I
vat et n' .4(1311u, I
'• ^7'1/ I :I( :I ;../.; ...,.. .", ..); = . ),-,
440E2,4: tili):4•`.1t1t; ,c4.1:: pgail.i,...r:1,.rr, ;
1)- r•INSPECIALt),Kixtp;,1 •,,.•,:•
V'Zve 30(.1 .4449l4•ARNIf to ii.4.: It7
t .04)1 ‘3 0 f `et 1.1:11 'Mil)
gClafattiutioltte It.tia.40:1 ti9a1/ vti:
alaYsl" Ir.-43rieggx. ViEtOCOUVertivi I:“
rSei3d *40/3 Ea'31 Viadtta ,elriltill I,
I1II.ei,,....,... kw, ..)a ;•,.,0 t..,,, ;
9-....,...10,, ,..., 2..
. Portland:I il, .:
-este o ositre gritoktitheilt ..iiert
aPg9NrilroliieN117011"" ."
itt o 7,,b)ri ..)a: t ,,:44-, .....-rt•
ollitiptirtiontitet%latos.:fromp tonV, • :
or.).*Zatki• ffirarieRranta.i.,:a..;•.)
Through Train-Torento-to_Votleou-
ver 10.20 p. T. daily.
I .1;141c•-.SREMEli.i.,,Agent, WRigham;
I ""' : n .
' -1441 F.Igas 3,4 r ,•
k 410 '41'
) ; :7 .
gaMdallidld:Ttact tine
i'1'.'re:41111•41.4.6•YOMM61.O.1,1601. .
Wdt•Iri. ,, .1 f ••• i., -z
:,,I511D •'•, ' ft 'I ''•• ir, 2' °' ^I I., ,
,b!r: :f., . ' ,t2.",,,.%yl• .. ,.., ,, 1 .).,
itum tickets .at, Single. tare
'vtlaCt.9tb to SIiT ilth•
•.1.• .
te peintain Ternaganakpeinti
tawa to Thniskaroing,4}ndi Itipawa,
Que., inclusive, also to certain poirlta
in Quebec, New -Brunswick, Nova
Scotia, and Maine • P.
OCT. 1901 to NOltiith
to Muskoka Lakes, Penetangi Lake
of Bays Midland,Magenetawan
Diver, Lakefield, lifechiwoalqi to
Parry Sound. Argyle, to doboconk,
Lindorty Co lialiburton. Points from
'Bettern to North Pay inelusive; , and
eettaire points reached by 'Northern
-Navigation Co.
; °Ail tickets valid for return until
'Thureday, Dec, 14th, except to
points .reached by steamer tines,
Tuesday, November 14th..
Day until Oct. 15111
• Spokane, Wash., Nelson, B.G,
,vaacoo0r,]1.C., Westminster, P.0.4
Tacoma, " Wash., Portland.' Ore.,
San Francisco, Cal., Lae Angeles;
Ca; San Diego, Cat., M'eatie0 City)
Dge)C.. Oge*apadeatid clitas. Very
4 0 4' 1, ,.47.•
Par Tickets and ,tur.tliee :inform*
tion can on G, Lamentt tkent
er address A. E. Deff,''<DtP,A..-PIT
nte. Ont.
. AdLtizis,.1:4;,11,1;
•IiiiVe'ttnne• 'Argtutha§WfattrititfliF sir&
(otp:tea:sy t.Iterinc)itinl,,tentraLAlberta.)'
Pl'tjTJdB. tritatInt Ateith .14•4 Jog•ofw1J4Ottei
ioditfaifia ms' nyto
f'-1nsthadee Mk'
;;:d 1-;iir4;.;
.•:•;• if
tql3 bao ake..41.
WANA0411 *!
Earrnerse,p4tdoirmen.AR have nO
gOOde.:.•100Uniari.CPt .13.1:10,414:0074it„e.,:tql.
foi4tOtatibdt card frqdf".:theo*:..o.pi
94i ff. waza
Creamery,Iannat:. Co 4#'
,tucte 'pap higheite:firleeskAlffife
foilywhartil,tash, 7akultiVes ,remit;;
tiftetv.!43tteli 4thipmeht.275;Zow
ow& ont,marri• to yolizneatest.
railway station: trial :shipment I
"vIdlliMilvinCO:ysid•that there,ls, good-
ineshipplotereina to 'Sothia.,1
West' artisir :beat bank.'_referOntds
'Writeiorliotatibe 'ark
;.... " "
; ••.'•
4:3 lin ,iPtiriefir• f'..zi.fc. .. .. • OW 1
41 .14 ,,,,s;i41•1
• ;..;,4•4 .
Boys' All-woov--edo Sweaters, ..itv;MaroOrt.,..s04
-. GiJtI!Gr. and Cardinal .Navy nd" ard1na!,
:.•-,st1L• .„.q• . • • 011 •••'
Cgt1101/14 Oft, at 444Y- $.,T;.0.; ••• •
* " ;$f , :Or
rs Greeni!if
t.00.t F41).g* r.).01.110. to
=Moo. atia 'Green, • With,Warm woJ cOUr,
vt7.,,N)1,;1' ‘4.1);',1 ,.;71
A " 771 "
flithanT ili(iSilly1:(00:11"leti it Is 91411 shades..
"tits; the betty*** 16ithe money,:
14 4TArt15 is(FATh ,
lid), 04:tome-tog tfraamdtt0Hogi;•.y:lk.tra.ilt0,4v,y; finest yarns,
Ano-P*1.1,t47,1 .-' ' • '4'; • • 4'
litirebtkck,', ahd axery, :arm Oornfortoble • sock 4r..• ;
.11 Rhilkr. a.91,, ;PA;•
• •
:71.41.111-) i', - •• .: ... —114 ,,-1,,',.a..2-is .r.l.i:. •
0.,,Xlits,t1Olt., ytf,p_p rens 6 Mter:'Flosiery-here
, ,
viliopi.4ti!d,O1:rzpqrle:qturoltc1;;;.,!,o:rtl- ..W.1:19;tirttir,iiniln$7ici.:;CwfWiiccioiliabilviitithhi.j1;17):
INilax3T .*,ticteribbtkii-lattawan'otlieri"WftignilWilina';•kr lizate'
'7,4rfiviii sti, - iovi •-,i:...+00:1 r. A J.•• . . "
,,...^.41/4^.40.141,1 4`,".../.114 Ill: "‘I'''
„taint./ ,,,•zt o ;1. *I iir:)1,tagiq dsv g,,,,,,r,), t,...q. .....ii wz
,v•ypis,teu, pnie. IN anai,oqrsattstfeidi that wq/ktit
03 Wilinrqpi Ni.7..gi-, pe9,1).T -. .,,,f0:07,: r,4'. I ....oh.,4 .17f.a 44.., .ajz.w; Vev,
"./E77.,• mii bqs. 41...1.;43,,,1
.D..i„7i).,i,ma..ra.:,i.lkd,.: 1t.1iveira Ot1i,i1% si.
Nliii.k;d ngfilluIirlfirr;e
:m „,.„/4 ? uwaurd ,1 !'•4J
:),..::::.) wo144./
. .., .k b.7,744biu4.1,41 'N.I ' rip!•/...
.tn901) ,nc.r• :L.::i r•.ire.:t;:ia
o::At tT.1TH'S,i7l
gr lis :',F.I.', ,ft;•th
.•`;)11,4eat);, 41vA.oitff,,N 4 -Tats for the kiddies, at only
alai. .0.."40C4+4,r1 opci.9p, .=, 7.=....-.-.-.,--r-:r:'"*"'r-""'"'--r-''--',•• ••.-•••,•-•:,
4..1, . . ,,•.• ,•,...,.., ,•.) .. !....... -,. , , . i 't -r.., 1 t'l ,1 1 t' t , , i '1' f , `,,, y
rciiraT .• -.';f. ..1.',1-1.) att.,. 1,.....• Lie.. -.41,..v;, 1
1 ) ..),F - ...,, - . .., „,,.$:.„,.,1,,..,,II..11
5'114 "1"raWgrkleliCiPtirift;1•1111VilT, glkePX1':/..tivireltable,;kilkditi,
%. ...f.'ff ) .4" .• , ,, 1,11.4 ..;;;,,t,,i4if
.)^ .' 141.(r .. , • -`•;,,e, 1 .
pS't ,m4t1.0•1: tor,', .scasttivt veopleipitr: I.zleet • no
-nitio,runiuubtatable piiicesix(N-a .
4-40.1., 14;oicgq, ,,u1 0.11i1clrerfl.r.• qurddrifeatl ::.poftl"
AuOriwarAnvandurinp:alli variodilValitieS,':. Lind. • iar
e,.iti...,,,,I ,, ,,, , ' p.,11 goy, j .r[031:911171./ M.,:ifil. :Ittofi. A-ItILL; : LK.
401a ac...1Theoinpierf .11 .1 Istaitrititir 4"1Sfritria""
rYWT q. Mai -.a.t;,.i.P.;,•••••"...".'"7177.11
'Icti7 i i : .11•Trun; ...,,71.1..‘rr.....Tai's1 ff. ;,,,hrfro760. ..;•;'; 41., ..4
-r.. •
0.40•SMOIcl ,W
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,i'v: ter .7:•iwgi...,...4.ir. ',,F.;•:JN.),- u.•-) iivv,i.fo...:
at: ,,,,tiyi..! ),,A;1.,
i.t• :4;.;*iti., .
, •4..7.4%#`,. .77i):' 'fIC
,7.4.143p er,„ i....,11;.; ,.7.:;..,:14..:11•!zq"";•.; 4.... ,•'.).:.'4:-..•11k
-ba3 '..---;.altr7 41...170.7 .1c7t..44.41:.•i..1 ..,,;'
471 .7',..,11:.4,17 st,..ik: ..,e;V:itt
;TA ..4004.44,:tiiiir110.'T'.'l
•-••;.;• .•••;
....,w..(i ..,...,t.li;;.?... .;,.!•S'. 4.4414
.';.".iff7:',/7•41blile:40111'iltd '
#:7I• • :I_ .1:—.
„ix ; • .1tD11 .e. f,1
. ,
"Eithl'ilhdtentitesav)Gre'rInd'rfiniili •
havabookect.theipPaseage ferangland,.
ige-009.1)or.;10).31 c.
•••.•:"1 4; ••••.: .••
Nevnt,t tcY dREDIT.9#1'.
.1.,Totioe te,hergYiffiveV,P.122'81.140.39:41243.0.,
1887. Map. 1.211, nee. that all lkerapne.hayfne
elpillattakdin et thebestate'idtfTlf6mm.. A1 DTDre..
lete.of the Town -let WhIghem )la,..tIve County
or litirtogi;MerobtinWaeonodetl, who died'oti• Or'
bhoitt .-ther.'llbi!ateentil;,(1,431
41111, are required to! setni. by poet prepead or to.
delbriaritb R.:-ta"MiteneeSolioitonfolntlitit*rett-4
;ors -on or heforethe 'twenty:third j:Iny;of got7,
ober-A. D:10111117efr ntrilms;`addree.tea and aog=••
briptitms aatta fan Kategient 41 ArticAsui•ot
their °inhale and the nature of the,seouilty (11
any) held. by them eitirtertinenisae tam ufVer:
the eald,Iday. tpo, ,Executere
ttlisto•dpitintrrLIVAentatieacts4 thilt4tifetothoLdtteciaataketedromtitimoonifig';
to the, elatme of .,vah Oh ttley eba thpn have
trotteo, 44)
•• Dated q414'...qt;.4 day al
.:to1lOtet4 for aaidE.xecutdra
Pikci F-1
3 4,
'•,,• ;At
Our ist-tir,! k.reatty'e'xeeede
that ofiprevieusiyears.
Oelt001 isthebcst oflts kind in the,.,
')Vest,i t'Beatiri ourges given lost
tcitAtidyg."&"?ployect;oria: begt
asfsting'"Witiddlitcd • to '-'noOitiOnii‘
Our gradueleS :!;;Are ; in • demitadl
Ansitgo_Stntqn .P1i0 that they., or.oth
'sun/Sly,' ••• 'We"
havetthraWdepartirtenti),,-.r.,t.t• ;•
9.)1)...).verrIgt_. • 4,:f; WI?
laid; legraphy.,t
Get our '-,free,eittalogite for 'hill:hot-lit
ciders, ; COOAale,aee geqr etiliree.:04tfe
Pncl!: •••q, 4 ' • :::4• *•-. • •: • ; ;
. ci!,.11411AefiLA; .
N ,
. _ . •
,• •ii
• **Intitroterle,".
•1...,1 4; 4.
aP•a.i7i •••-• 4. •
Of the jury: was that • ahnost too:
much ear and attention has been
Ibestpreil upon this clothing.
• • ••
rift! .AttORIN
the bcautlupat-
tern of the goods; the trinitnitigt
and the-exPert-Werkiiiiiiiihip are
roof and *trifeilitg,4fots(thte verdict
••.., he entftieraft prices,have Ate
efrect upon the judg...•
• • , 3 r,)t
(.411" t .!•;
11(..1 CAL:
Itte.t•i• ..)
dai):11ols and Berthitar,ly 10keept"..'Prid' Wy am
8undity: at 5.06$/tt
,teroliq't :06 re 41;".'•
'''IOPIII10e4 on BOO, r
Aslodity Ageat• for 1911 iliemtret.
Ludtaturislild tor erratga,ke-
aetititlietnifete. ' ; 7 -;)
h trail to the.
'143-fremItirout 7 ,
17-1andi at ;I: S
„ .4, .1,9•
4,1a. r
wwg.„1,:orin -
and surrounding 1.)1,strtaloggil ‘-
;4? " h.10.10:8§1to:cifi,pyr eretare:*
freittrewAtiii rilyttopitintiki
riti6f0i1S41ct4 gine*,
.f1kiivAt'13 etfoktNt
44.44,40410. ,G«)%37q.'
,•k.' •**e :46: 94 Pat hatItt: 461: eh: , 1: 741 s ii to7
yllrbe,,OiltureAtid listt•birptslitir i*
Py weekly, perweaeet,eiapt4Y
Thet11/1.^e1ce1ehfve ',torritdry.,'.1 Write
pit:40400a,, • •