HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-10-05, Page 1VOL, IL- 'NQ .2070.• WOMAN, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 5 1911. SIA YEAR IN AD' NCE Cherry Bark Cough Syrup Will stop that cough. If it does not we cheerfully refund your money': Walton MCKihhoo THE .DBUCCIS 1ea1. The 244 ■ atria • Macdonald Block; Wingham. WORTH THE MONEY Mice house barn, fruit trees, gar- den and 3-4 of anacre of tendon Outskirts of town will 4,98 sold right. Just the place for a re- tired farmer or business man, Ml's. Herdsman's Cottage on Cath- • erine street. Lately renovated throughout. Immediate posses - mom Good value: WESTERN , PROPER ,IES $100,000 made during the past year in the increase of values in the seit?" e t `1Didyougetan Ws of , y We havethe sole agency in this s dis- tact for a number 'of rapidly growing_ towns on the Grand Trunk Pacific, also properties. in nearly all the older Western cities. Many fortunes willbe made in the net few years in the wonder- ful West. You may be oneof the lucky ones if youinvestnow. wOmiswirrommis Ritchie & Cosens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE A. E. SMITH BANKER WINtiHAM, owleet XO. Farmers who Want Money to buy horses, cattle, or slogs to feed for market own have it on reasonable terine. Notes demounted for tradesmen, serer-. ohante or agent., on favorable terms, Loans on real estate tit the lowest tate. going, Christie's Brocery PHONE lig. ' TRY US FOR GROCERIES WELL PLEASE YOU Wrist Greer"', 011001 and Rubors Read. Willis dC Co,'i adv, on pogo 01 WINGHAM PA. Thanksgiving An order in Coun proclaiming Monde day of general tha out Canada for the ings • of the past trent, in snaking th of course, in mindt than the political ca ness which the eoun Diy Fixed. I has been passed , October 30, aa a ksgiving 'through- providential bless- ar. The Govern - proclamation, has,. e material rather es for thankful- y has. Headquarters for High School books at I srox's, Bald Bata men should fatuous Sanitary shown by Prof. Do. ative of Toronto at el,, on Friday, Oct, Toupees are not or struction, but are ti patented substitute en' all and inspect the atent Toupees, as. :nwend, • represent - he Brunswick Hot- the 13th. These y perfect in con only sanitary and of one's own hair. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED --Apply TIMES office. at Teachers' C nvention, The annual cony: tion of the East Huron Teachers' ssociationwill be held in the Seafor Collegiate inti tote on Thursday a d Friday, October 19th and 20th. An 1 + teresting program has been arranged and the meetings promise to be of mu interest to the .teachers of the ridi Prices go to pieces, but quality re- mains firm at our Bopt and ,hoe sale. W. J. GREER, The Stolen 'amends. In the Wingham peva house on Fri- day evening, the ucknow Dramatic Club will present t at interesting and laughable drama," ''The Stolen Dia- monde." The Luc now -1)1' Kiat a Club has'iv n d a a nL g e this m in uckzmnw, Teeswater andth r I ' e w ac s an 'ss Q oath p been pronounced a high-class and P1e sin entertain ent. 'The he roceed s will be handed ov r to the Wingham" Hospital. Aires a large number of tickets have bee sold and the enter- tainment promis to be well attended. • If you have not beady secured your tickets you may co so at. McKibbon's drug store. POULTRY WANTED ---Highest cash, rice paid for all kinds of live poultry. Phone 10. Gunns', Limited. Wingham stor Weds. A very pretty w:ddingwas solemniz- ed at the resident.- of Mr. John Sauvey, Oil Springs, on T sday of last week at noon, when Mis Annie V, McKow-. en, sister of Mrs. , auvey, was married to Rev. G. Victor opine, pastor of the Baptist Church, ngham. The bride was unattended an wore cream satin. She entered the pa for on the arm. of Mr. John Sauvey. he ceremony was performed by Rev J. B. Grimshaw, Petrone. About t 'rty relatives and initimate friends • the contracting parties sat down t. a sumptuous res past, after which t = ha couple left happy up e t for Montreal and of er eastern points. Mr,•Collins was pa- or of the Baptist Church at Oil Spri gs for four .years prior to coming o Wingham. The 'huts joins withany friends in ex- tending hearty COn : ratttlations. Will the part who borrowed my circular shears • r tinsmith's snips kindly return the W. 3, Bo'Yos, McCioy, Fa rn Inpleinants. A meetin . of t e subscribers of the McCloy far qi, i ,element patents was held it the Coun 1 Chamber en Monday afternoon when there were a large number of subscr hers present. After considering the re : iter of handling the ,sul.seriptions an , looking after the work of having sa pie machines manu- factured, it was •oided to leave the matter the haof a Com ittee t itsds m oto deed orf Mess e. a stoita R c p R Vn .. Clegg and W. F. atStone. Mr. Ab- ner Cosens was a pointed as the See- retary!Treasurer : nd all payments are to be made at t e office of Messrs. Ritchie d`i Cosens The $20 subscript' tions were divide into monthly pay4 ments+af $5. The committee will pro... teed at ranee with he work of having sample machine • , tnanufaetured and When this work i-. completed another Meeting of the sub Bribers will beheld, Dr. bfelson Tait,e � 98 Spadiaa ae. Toronto, Will be at t queen's Hetet: Wingham, all day, , Friday, October 13th, for tonsulation in diseases of Eye, Ears, Nose and Threat, Glasses fitted. Special Newspaper Offer, The TIMES is prepared to receive subscriptions to the Toronto daily Globe on the following favorable rates:The daily Globe to January 1st, 1912, for 75 cents, or to the 1st of January, 1913, for $4, These are exceedingly low rates for Canada's popular newspaper. A11 orders left at. the 'Alas office have prompt attention. Cedar rails wanted: Apply to Western Foundry Ce„ Limited, FAIR. Great Succasa Notwi Weeding Bad Westh . . Wingham fall fair for, has passed into history, record as one of the b held in Wingham.. The perfect on Thursday and exhibits . were placedin the year 11211 nd will go on st fairs ever weather was 11 the indoor midget) position and will J on that day. Th • eichibits in the hall were holly up to previous, years, except for roots an vegetables, IAA in this department wh : t was back* ing in quantity was made p in quality. The shoutingof'fruit wa exceedingly good when it is bonsidere• that this is rather an .of,F'year for fru' in this dis- trict. In'dairy and ,provi=ions the ex- hibit was • a. good one rid reflected great credit on the ladled of 'Wingham and district, The show' g in ladies' Work, fine arts and plant and flowers was fully up to previous ears and par, ticular mention meat be made of the excellent showing of p1: • is and flow- ers. Mr. Thos. Kew, of town and, Mr, B. F. Carr, of Wrol ete each had a good display of harness and the local agency of the Singer 5 ' ing Machine Go, had a display of se' ing machines. The rain during Thum ay night and the dull.weather on Friday had a very damaging effect on the : ttendance for Friday afternoon, All t ings consider- ed there was a very g d attendance, but the gate receipts a • considerably lower than last year, th ugh extra sub- scriptions will; help to m : ke up a por- tion of theloss in the ga e receipts. The exhibit in, the stodepartments was good, ekcept in hog:. The show - the Sale of Stock' and Implements. Mr. Wm.. Isbister, of Iot 3, conces- sion. 3, (2nd line) Morris, will hold an unreserved auction sale of farm stock and implements on. Thursday, October 19th. Mr. Isbister'has a good list of stock and implements and everything Will be sold as he has sold his farm and i moving to i s m v g W ngham, John Purvis. will be the auctioneer. Just arrived at Kz'ox's — the new High School books. Gold Fish Gi Last Friday J. y gave away free of cli aquariums, containi' aquarium and plant purchase of a 25c. Pills. It did not to pose of the fish s was so successful will repeat the offe this month.. The e tribution will be.gi en Away. alton MMlcKibbon arge 150 complete g two gold fish, pebbles to every x of Rexall Liver e very long to ais- d the distribution at Mr. McKibben the last week of :act date•of the dis- en in a future issue. TRUNKS AND VALISES.*- The kind you want at money' saving prices, W. J. GREEK, Muskoka F Mr. Jos. B. W. Field Secretary f Hospital for Con lecture the a e n h on the evening 0 .23rd. Mr a r Wats s illustrated with u He will explain in way, exactly whit to, avoid it, and ho ple of this district nes of this oppor popular lecture. lee Hospital. tson, Lecturer and: theMuskoka Free um fives will ' p w 1 give tnh Teem ing am T w Hall Monday, October n s lecturewill be 1 to wards.of 100" views. a simple, interesting the disease is, how to treat it, The peo- houid avail themsel- inity of hearing this LOST—On Friday, Sept_ around hall at fair groun leading to J. Gaunt s, locket and chain, e'hil 1Jth, in or or on road valuable gold bphoto inside. Finder will receive, era reward by returning same to. Mrs. Alex. MacCar- roll, Lucknow, P. 0. ' Harvest Ho The Harvest Tha in St. Pauls Church, well attended ` at d d in spit of the weather.. Lang -Ford, of •Liston er and his discourse helpful ande to went Pq him again occupy Paul's. The Harve day evening was an After partaking of past provided by th was held in- the MI e Services. ksgiving Services on Sunday were of the inclemency he Rev. H. M. teI was the preach - Were instructive, We hope to see he pulpit, in St. t Supper on Mon- unqualified success.. the sumptuous re - ladies, the concert is Memorial Hall. The orchestra open4d with an overture and throughout the evening played splendidly and won tleh well deserved praise. The Chairtan, Mr. H. Davis, Who always adds, a, great deal to the enjoyment of an ev ning when he pre- sides, called upon e , Rev. Dr. Rut- ledge for en addre s. He felicitated the rector and me bets of St. Paul's upon the er so mobil celebration p Very s o and conveyed the arty greetings '01 the Methodist , Chu eh to them. The male quartette, c posed of Messrs: Willie, H111, Wilfri and G. Willis, ren- -er two sele io s which were en- d ed ct Cored. Miss Free :u+• f Lueknow de- lighted the aujli• . 1th her rich contralto not nee Her danhers were well select.• and rtistica y rendered. After a star sol, front { rs. McGi1 livray ich was-neore. " Mr. Willis, the tal : ted1 a a of Paul's hot eo choir, sang a sole and w: ; tee encored, his son Mr. Gerry ; ' s, likewise sangand was encore,, The Rev. C, E, Deakins, B.A., B. D., recto of Clinton delivered an inspiring addreee, which 'Will be long remeitrbered acid as the chairman remarked it was by such work he had onthehe its of th people a, a e pe p e whets rector here: The enjoyable evening was brought to a close with a few words of thanks front the rector ,atid an' oetette from the chair. The Misses Houghton, Reynolds and Griffin discharged the duty of aceontpa 1st* very aeceptably. ;Great. credit ie a the ladies of St. Paul's mid es dally to Mrs. 0. N. Griffin, the Pres' ent, for such an en- ceiient supper a d eutertainmelet. • ing of cattle and sheep w s larger than has been the rule at Win : ham fairs for some time. ' In horses «e can truth- fully say that the exhibit was the beat ever seen in Wingham a . particularly was it the case• in heav horses. One of the judges made the emark that he had never before seen s ch a fine ex- hibit of heavy horses an the compete, tion was keen in every section of the prizelist In Mr. �Chas. Kneeht dl's special prize o: 22fo two -year -CU k f r colts in e $ heavy Y draught, a rieultral d general pur- poses r - poses classes there competitors and the j in placing the ticket largest showing of here in competition 1 Knechtel has the hea Directors and exhibit originator of this pri out such a large sho prize winners in th' Leod Bros., Hugh and M. Lockhart Mr. Thos. Kew's ere twenty-two dge had difficulty This was the orses ever seen prizes, and ,Mr. ty thanks of the rs for being the e which brought ing colts. of of s. The event were Mc- alliday, Scott Bros. Sons. special prize of $10 for two-year-old olts in light horse classes was also 7 popular event. In this class there ere eleven compete nsidered a good show- rses are not bred as e heavy horses. The re It. G. . Taylor, A. y , . Brandon. The prize he best single driver, S. Kew was won by s were keenly contest - rack been in good eon- ld have been a larger s, The winners in the lows: OT OR PACE. tors antithis-is c ing when light h+ extensively as tl p winners ione r . raw Schmidt and J. of a $2 whip for givenby Mr. Th Mr. George Key The horse rac ed and had the dition there wo number of entri races were as f 2.40 T Midnight Orr A. Paterson, S Lucknow Bell H. Irwin, • Lucl Tony Clock R. E. McKenzi Sidney Star T. Coulter, Bl NA 1 1 1 ringham 2 2 2 now 3 4 3 Belgrave 4 3 4 ED RACE. . x 1 2 ,2 Sarah B. Jos. Miller, M•rris Billy Hunter H. Higgins, T rnberry Harry 8 8 F. Granger The Wingham itizens' Band and the Lucknow Pipe 13 ni furnished the mus- ical program fo the afternoon and they were very liberal in supplying choice music, The School Oh Wren's Parade was again this year a p pular event. Head- ledthetwo • tads the by children d d n marched in a be , frons the Public. School building trtejair grounds. Each Child, Carrie a flak—the union Jack--and;presen , . a boa tiful appear• ante. Thd'thanks .1' the' Dire"tors is extended to 4 ' •`n ' • .1'talker for Ms t.� kindness addinthis poul ar aril pleasing event to a fair program.. The Boy Sousa, under' eorntttand of Scout Master Bar" n, numbed In a body to the fair :ground The boys in their natter uniforms wee greatiy admired. Li the evening concert Was held in the opera house Mind was largely, at- tended, The tilt funny then, Messrs. Harry Bennett rid tlert Harvey gave a number of ex ellent comic songs and they Were re atedly encored. Miss Pearl' O'Neil, els tioniet',, is .a favorite with a Wingham • udience and Awfully sustainedher we 1 -deserved popularity on Friday evenip:. The Lucknow Pipe Band gave two s actions and Mr. Aar, on Frizell, of: Lu know," delighted the audience in tWo ancee. The Wingham air is growing in pub' lic favor every y r and this year saw exhibitors of stoc from a longer dis tanee than at p evious fairs. Therei Were more exhibi ors this year which is another . evidence of the fair being more popular, Ingham is a good centre for a fair nd we see no reason why we should •t each year have a fair second to no, e in Western Ontario. With the heart co-operation of the business men of Ingham and the far- mers of the sur •unding district next. year's fair shou , surpass all previous fairs. ` ` The judges m the various depart- meets were as •allows:—Light horses, C. D. Wooley,; Pert Ryerse; heavy horses, 0,F. ackner, Berlin, bee. f cattle and sheep A. 0, Crawford, Fern - bank; dairy cattle and swine, Wm. Thorne, Lynedoc ; poultry, Thos, Male, Listowel; ladies' ork, fine arts, plants and flowers, M Shannon, Toronto; dairy and provisi ns, Mrs. M. W.' Fer- guson, Brussels; : ain and seeds, Wm, Chapman, Teesw ter; fruit, Mr. Stew- art, Brussels, roo s and vegetables, D, McKinlay and. W . Wellwood, Wing- ham; races, C. If echtel and A. Nichol, Wingham. The full list of , rize winners will be found on pages 2 nd 3 of this issue. Dr. A. Reed's Cushion S is the easiest Shoe on Earth. M es walking a pleasure. The onl eine Cushion Shoe. For sale in L es' and Gents' at W. J. GREER'S, sole agent, HIGH SOH L NOTES. Miss K. C. S. Ric:, B. A., a former teacher in Wine:iron High School, has accepted the oi io of Mathematical al teacher n the 'Yew ton, Sask. Col leg- is e Institute, s 1ary of $1400. This week we wel ome back some of the oldstudents are ' l' anticipa- ting and sttl antic pa ting the return oto hers. Miss Mary, Stetya . d' Miss Lizzie Ferguson, former: gradated, of our third form, are (1reaching, the first mentioned at Gran • er,elley,„et'lie latter at Niagara -on -the- t a si"e The members of aduating class of 1911 who have to en schools report that they enjoy the work very much. We are pleased to h=ar of their success. On Tuesday of la- week, a meeting', of the. Field Day C mmittee was held and it was decid d that our annual Day of Sport shoal ' be held during the second week of r ctober. The boys have now started • t on their canvass- ing campaign and a wish them good luck. Mr. Ste art McKercher was appointed secret: y -treasurer, with Mr. Peter McEwen a his assistant. Many of the + ' achers and students attended the nual Fall Fair and spent a profita le half -holiday. The display of vario s exhibits was excel- lent. Everything in Public and High School books at•KNox's. Will Sinlc T Ata meeting of th Commissioners on it was decided to sin what is known as th waterworksp -pum- i Puce, the Engineer, day and after exami Lower Wingham sinking of the test Lower Wingham wi if the new test well satisfactory. st Well. Light and Water esday 'afternoon a test well on "V" lot near the g station Mr. as here on "Tues- ing the wells in ecommended the ell. The wells in probably be used should not prove LOST—ekt fair building, a fine heed - kerchief with tatted border. Will finder please leave at Tams ontce. 1Olt 'X'wedding The boo of Mr. and Mrs.Da rich, on October 2n Hume, only daugh Hume, of Goderireh Duggan, of Oil mony was perfor Gordon, of Niag Mrs, Duggan will and other points. Oct. place at the home id Woodruff, Gode- , of Miss Jessie M. r of Mr. and Mrs, and Dr. Charles R. wrings. 'The core - ed d by . RevGuy ' B. a Fails. Dr. and rid oneyrnoon in Buffalo To RE'hT•-.80.A gaat Mite ofiien, ee.� -1.ee nod house, good soft water. Apply Young Mett'e formed at Mil town and Acton. beral Clubs have boon , Oakville, George - The regular mon Iy meeting' of the Town Council w - held on Monday evening with all t : members present and Mayor Spotto presiding. Minutes of pre bus meeting were read and approve A comrnunicati • was read from the Municipal Sourne Montreal, soliciting subscriptions for at paper.—,Filed. A communicate +n from Scott Gordon, asking for rebate of business tax on D. M. Gordon es = to from let of June as the businsss ' : s closed" on that date. A similar reques' was shade by Mr. M. R. Beckwith as •. had recently closed' his business, . Al : o a request from Mr. W, R. Geikie for refund of dog tax as dog had been poi=oned last February. The three con unications were left over for const reation at the next meeting.. A conueunieat on was read from Mr, and Mrs. Runste ler, requesting that a change be made i the by-law relating to vaudeville at „oving picture shows and that the by law providing for a license of $50 for audeville be amend- ed so as to charge $1 per week only when vaudeville i:. put on at the mov- ing oving picture show. Moved by Coun. Elliott, seconded by Coun. Bone, that o action be taken in the matter of cha ging the by-law fix- ing extra license o $50 when vaudeville is put on at a mov g picture show. .This motion was discussed for some time and on : bein . put was declared lost as only'Beeve McDonald and Coun- cillors Bone, Hall nd Elliott supported it Coun. Bell th gave notice that he would introduce a motion at next meet- ing to provide for the amending of the by-law to meet t e request of Mr. and Mrs. Runstedler, A communieatiin was read from the Ontario Sewer P , e Co. showing that through an'error in freight rates the Council was inde,ted to them in the sum of 59 on tw car 'loads of sewer tile. On motion , f Couns Elliott and &fee, the amoun was ordered toe b paid. A petition was resented, signed by a, number of rat • • ayers, objecting to the Council takin the initiative in con- structing sewers ,n certain streets at proposed some ti e ago. On motion of Couns, Elliott an Bone, the petition was reeeived and that the Council take no further action in the matter of con- structing sewers •n the initiative plan. Dr. Irwin req • sted the Council to refund a sanitar charge of $3 when no sanitary work ha been done. Mr. F. G. Sperling mad • a similar request for a refund of $2. oth cases were al- lowed to stand ov • r until next meeting, Mr, W. J. How on asked the Coun- cil to place an eI : etric light near the flour and grist m i 1. The matter was referred to the F re and Light Com mittee. The Finance Co mittee recommend- ed the payment the following ae- counts:=- Firemen's salary. .. ......$ 65 00 Public School Boa d on levy .,. 400 00 Richard Porter, 1 =pecting... . 50 00 R. McDowell. sur ey and plans. 65 00 D. C. McDonald, ork .... 2 00 W. H. Rintoul, w • rk .... ..... 1 50 Electric Light Cu ., lamps 1 95 John F. Groves,s . ary & postage 55 50 Geo. Allen, salar 32 50 Ed. Lewis, salar . , .. 3510 0000 R. Rankin, salar Thos. Calvert,sa ary - ..... 50 00 John Ritchie, ins • ranee .. . '9 30 G. T. R„ scales e1 00 Town Band, qua . erly grant 37 50 Arthur Haines, ork .•... 6 69 Thos, Groves, el ening sewers.. 2 75 E. Dennis, team g . . 75 A. Sanderson, w tering streets.. 10 60 A. Sanderson te ming 57 40 J. A. McLean, lu ber and gravel 69 49 W. J. Boyce, co reacting sewer atn tow ha 14 95 T. Groves & W. nest, on sewer. 27125 Coun. Mitchell ade some objection to the work don under the direction of Coun. Rlliott, as Chairman of the Street Committer in that some of the bills passed were oo high. Conn. Elliott defended his a ion and the other Members of the Council took a hand in the debate and after the smoke had cleared away the eport of the Finance Committee was -a+opted on motion of Couns. tone and . all. Alleges PosTs--A quantity of good Wet posts suitable for anchor posts. Apply to John R. Salter, Wingham, Ont. -After a week's 'loess with pneu- monia, Lloyd J. D keit, infant son of Mr, and Mrs. Sohn w ucltot t of the Set- line of Mortis, p sand away on Wed- nesday morning i his seventh month. :Ir. and Mrs. b. ckett will have the sympathy of a 14 : e tirela of friends its their beteavetn t. The funeral will take place this ( ursday) afternoon. Ilantilton's as a , opulation u value of over ti increases .irt esreeet returns shover: 82,095, and property ytpo millions, large easel-. - `aa.� ems..:... Ready for Your Fall Shoes,. Madam?' We would like tl,e pleas, ure of showing you s me -of the 'new models. Ile new slant tap Boot will be a great favorite this season, }Then, there are new Cray anette Cloth top boots, in black or colors, perforated tips, Straight or Swing lasts. We've everything th at' s worthy in Wornen's Shoes for Street or Dress. Shoes at $1.95, $3 00 . or $3.50, concerning which we say, ''Match them, if you. can." MINOMONIMMIMINIMir See us for Trunks and Valises. W. J. GREER Where quality counts. we win. N. • Griffin,. GENERAL AGENT FIRE LILrn lusoAOCIDES? P A �#I�V�}, L T 1.iA53 WEATHER Coupled with a REAL, 13sTATa and MONEY LOANING Business. Issuer of Marriage: Licenses. Offioe over Maloolm a Grocery. MISS SPARLING GRADUATE OF TORONTO CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC And authorized teacher of the Fletcher Music Method Simylex and Kinder- garten. Teacher of Piano and Theory. Pupils prepared for conservatory ex- aminations. Theory by correspondence to out of town pupils. CLASSES OPEN SEPT. 15th. Apply . at Miss Sparling's home, Minnie street. BOY WANTED. --To learn the printing business. Good chance for a bright act- ive boy. Apply at TIMES office. Go to KNox's for your High School books. - "A Dollar saved is a Dollar earned." Our Boot and Shoe sale will save you Dollars. 'W. 3. GREP,R. � Thirty Years Our Seven Colleges have been established during the past 30 years. The largest trainers in Canada. Owing to our connec-. tion all over Ontario, we do better' for our graduates time any other School. You may study all at home or partly at home and finish at the College. Affiliated with The Commercial du at F C biss a i A 80Ci t` on of Can- ada. It would bewel 1 for you to investigate before choosing. Exclusive right for Ontario of the world-famous Bliss Book- keeping System, which is un- equalled. It is actual Business from start to finish,. and the student ket s same books as Chartered Banks and Whole- sale Rouses,1✓nt e r any time. Individual instruction. `alt Term from Aug. 2801 Write, ca11 orphone for particulars. tty �WINGHw+A�y,y�M* �r��••+:i BU � COLLEGE +tfEff. SPOTTON, . fr'reatta raet. �h..► _..rr�. ....11111111111