HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-09-28, Page 6TEES WOOED! TIES SE TUBER 28. 1°1i
There are mauy proper»
aeonsthatwilt relieve acough
---few that will acre it. The
first class, containing sucks
drags as Opium and Mor-
phine, simply deaden the
irritation and stop the cough,
but do little or no permanent
does not contain a trace of these dangerous drugs, but is an
absolutely safe and scientific preparation of Nature's own
remedies --Herbs, Roots. and Balsams,
It entirely removes the irritation that caused the cough,
by cleaning out the mucus, stopping the infiatntnatioll and
healing the delicate membrane of throat and lungs.
Moreover, it tones up and strengthens the whole
system, particularly the lungs, and protects agaiust future
coughs and colds.
Trial size 25e. per bottle. Regular size soc.
;1.t your dealer's.
Father Marriscy Medicine Co. Ltd. -
Montreal, Quoit
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
Many a man's handshake is less sin-
cere than the wag of his dog's tail.
There is no time like the present
simply because the present is the only
r -0
S Boxes Cured Paoriaais.
"I have a world of confidence in
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for I
have used it with perfect success,
writes Mrs. M. I. Basford, Poolesville,
Md. For sale by all dealers.
There's nothing like the knife of
candor for severing the bonds of friend-
The incompetent bookkeeper when
weighed in the balance is found want-
It is not the quantity of food taken
but the amount digested and assimilat-
ed that gives strength andvitality to
the system. Chamberlain's Stomach
and Liver Tablets invigorate the stom-
ach and liver and enable them to per-
form their functions naturally. For
sale by all dealers.
The professional women of Denver,
Col., number sixty physicians, ten den-
tists, seven lawyers and five ministers.
About two thousand five hundred
years ago, the first taxes were levied
on the Athenian people by the legis-
lator Solon.
As usually treated, a sprained ankle
will disable a man for three or four
weeks, but by applying Chamberlain's
Liniment freely as soon as the injury
is received, and observing the directions
with each bottle, a cure can be effected
in from two to four days. For sale by
all dealers.
Although there are as many as 250,-
000 consumptives in Great Britain, only
about 2,000 beds are provided for them
in the available sanitoria.
Children Cry
The reformatory schools committee
of the hliddlesele, Eng., County Council
,report that, with few exceptions, boys
so itt to industrial schools deteriorate
both ph eieally and mentally, even
when th.> institutions are situated
among the. most perfect natural sur-
Eczema Not a
Blood Disease
Lexington will not allow wires on
race track grounds in an effort to kill
London's debt is now $555,000,000,
of which $2,100,000 was added during
the last year.
The bodies of two more victims of
the tug Martin have been found near
Byng Inlet.
Eugene Gouin, cook on the steamer
Hebron, fell overboard into the Corn-
wall Canal and was drowned.
MRs.Wu stow's SOOTIIINO SSseiw has been
needier over SIXTY YEARS by MILLIONS of
SOOTHES the CHILD, sor'rENs the GUMS,
is the best remedy for DIARRE EA. It is ab.
eolutety harmless. Be sure and ask for "Mrs.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no cuss
kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle,
Mr. William Andrews, a well-known
farmer, was run over and killed at
The prices of polished diamonds are
controlled by prices of the rough stones
and are really made in London.
For bowel complaints in children al-
ways give Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy and castor oil.
It is certain to effect a cure and when
reduced with water and sweetened is
pleasant to take. No physician can
prescribe a better remedy. For sale
by all dealers.
Per t:t:s reason internal treatment*
tail to cure --Success of Dr.
Chase's O'antetert,
1"C hlei' f';',.::,:, us' Dr.
"t'.36...,1 nentrrent *met eters. corannes
one. treat 1• tie .n if a e'e :ease d f tale
1 chid net est the b i`Cl' .
D. 7 SiC rr: r
. r A. t �Iu u i'� _
As. ,
tol,ir` , errs t. I lane' st. *'S e,; ya
'' on r y''g 1.1 ',.'kr five. yenta one, eeeed
A many re hiean:es and t`.v rap1�� nee w;3
i1 %vitt:eo benefit, li e _ill e (Keene.. t
• en- ?ate eserep:efely."
Mrs. (”.11.8. t.n l,t t, llayt=sem. Pia-
t`a la liter*, Nfld wry a. ,—"1 was a
2Yn,t.'s� ,r f:'anm . ti a t .meuttm fat ten nears i+;
aria w is tined by tight Isexes cf Dr.
Chas 'aOintment..
i 3r
^� r t` el n1v #.
t r r s`lc ler this ase 5!
r, .oe. ,•r ei Dr. t.'"ttti,e':= detititetee to
Weertan c get the euro etreet.u`
to atty.
If t,*1 a6' a sufferer' from eteezeia or
tten tam LI itching skin diseos' ;you
veill tliar;4 the day you heard of Dr.
'i.ntse';l *Ent:neut. 60 ets. it bwx, alt
deeteee, x,r Btlwansohl, Batt* & CO.,
If a man is unable to gcvern himself
it is up to him to invest in a marriage
license and sublet the job.
An average woman requires but nine -
tenths as much nourishment as an
average man.
Many people merely exist now hoping
to live an ideal future. They sacrifice
their bodies, health and minds, to gain
Wipe off screens with a duster each
morning and beat with a soft brush.
The beating should be done lightly hr
order that the wire be not bulged.
DR. A. W. CHASE'S ei
is sent direct to the diseased parts by the
Improved Blower. Heals the
ulcers, clears the air passages..
stops droppings in the throat and
p r naeently cures Catarrh any
Illy Fever. ;Sc. blower free.
Accept sualers
bstitutes. teneaeo,BatesdCo, T out.
Embroidered table linens should nev-
er be folded when put away, but rolled
a long roll with tissue paper rolled
up with It. This will save a great
amount of pressing.
It required three floors of the big
Plaza Hotel, where the late John W.
Gates made his home in New York,
to accommodate the 2,000 people who
attended the funeral of the financier.
To resuscitate persons Who have
' nearly drowsed, an European doctor
tree invented a simple machine to which
the arras and body are fastened find
bowie's widow has .announced her in-
tention of .creating a new colony of the
:bowie faith at her mummer home, Don
Mac DIM, near Whitehall, Mich.
Experiments with a process for ob-
taining a textile fibre, with merits be-
tween those of cotton and linen, from
the nettle are being fostered by the
Australian Government.
The United hatters of North Amer-
ica have decided to conduct their elec-
tion on the referendum plan instead of
at the eonventions, as heretofore. The
plan will go into effect next January.
A gambling house patronized exclus-
ively by women in the higher walks of
life, and operated by a woman, has just
been closed by. the Minneapolis pollee,
acting on the advice received from
their husbands.
The Governor of New Zealand has
received a letter from the Prince of
Wales, in which he asks him to tell
the people of New Zealand that "I
hope one day to be able to visit their
beautiful country."
"iI have embarked in a new enter-
prise," said the unsuccessful man,
"and now I should be able•to keep my
head above water." "What business
are you in now" asked the sympathetic
friend. "Life preservers," replied the
unsuccessful man.
Sheep have a fit of joy eating the
young asafoetida plant, and Persians
and other oriental races relish it as
much as sheep. The juice of the asa-
foetide plant when fresh Is so strong
that a teaspoonful turns out more smell
in a house than a hundredweight of
drug store asafoetida. •
A New York state miser died six
years ago in his eighty fourth year,
and since then his possessions have
been stored in a barn on his farm. A
tramp went into the barn recently to
get a night's lodging. In the morning
he saw an old shoe, and bethought him-
self of substituting it for one of those
he was wearing. In the shoe he found
X200 in bills and coins.
Diarrhoea is always more or less pre-
valent during September. Be prepared
for it. Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy is prompt and
effectual. It can always be depended
upon and is pleasant to take. For sale
by all dealers.
A wide-awake breeder will now begin
his preparations for winter, and the
first cold snap will not catch him with
several hundred choice pullets in sum-
mer quarters, necessitating quiek ac-
tion and in many cases, crowding into
small quarters, twice the number of
birds thathon 1 The
s ld be so placed. ed
successful poultryman always keeps
a little ahead of the season and is pre-
pared for emergencies as they confront
At a recent session of the law court
in a certain Yankee town, one farmer
sued another for selling him a horse
with a guarantee of soundness, when
the horse died the next day of inflam-
mation of the brain, or blind staggers.
The judge found defendant guilty.
Thereupon the latter remonstrated
with his lordship, saying that he was
a Iawyer and didn't know anything
about veterinary diseases. Said the
Judge, "I guess I know more about
blind staggers than any veterinary
surgeon in the country. I get about
ten human cases in here every day."
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that
Contain Mercury,
as mercury will sorely destroy the sense
of smell and completely derange the
whole system when entering it through
the mucous surfaces. Such articles
should never be used except on pre.
scriptions from reputable physicians,
as the damage they will do is ten fold
to the good you can possibly derive
from them. Rail's Catarrh Cure, man-
ufactured by F. J. Cheney and Co.,
Toledo, 0., contains no mercury, and is
taken internally, acting directly upon
the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. In buying Hall's Catarrh
Cure be sure you get the genuine. It
is taken internally and made in Toledo,
Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testi-
monials free.
Sold by Druggists. Price 75c. per
Take Hall's Family Pills for consti-
There are two hundred vacancies for
the position of officers in the American
army, which are open to civilians this
year, but there are not more than 175
applicants fat these positions, and
some of these applicants will fail to
pass the examination. This is one
gratifying evidence of the gradual dy-
ing out of the spirit of militarism.
Post offices were first established in
1464. Printed musical notes were first
need in 14 3.The
r fist
sr watch e
s were
mado at Nuremberg in 3477. Modern
ma';ig-Ig"to produce artificial res ryeetiles first carte into use in 1545. The
tslratien. first knives were used itt England in
Wi;an you've get a job to do, do it 15;;3, The first wheeled carriageswere
neev! If it's e neyexi wish was through, 'need in Prance in 1555. The first news -
da it row! If y°err're sure the job's paper was published in England in 1581
your own. just tackle it Cone; e; don'ts ewspaper advertising began in 1652
hem sed haw ted groin -6 it now! ! The first balloon ascent was made in
Don't :�,. $/ bit
7 0
a o: wC�YiC
dirt Ii' , t nowt
l ts,,. Gloss windows ows 'were first_ intro -
It doesn't pay to shirk,do it now! If duced into England in the eighth een-
yoetvrnrtt to ilii a place, std be useful tufty. Kerosene was first used for light -
to the race, just get up and take a ing purposes in 1826. The first sul-
brace, do it bow! Don't anger by the phur match was made in 1828. 'the
way. do it now! Yc,:r'il lose if you de- first iron steamship Was was built ill
lay, do it now! If the other fellows 1830, The first steel pen wait made in
wait. or postpone until it's late, you 11840. Ships were first "copper -bottom.
hit up a faster gait --do it now 1 ed" in 1837.
One of the latest prominent gen.
Homan to speak highly in Zam
Buk's favour is Mr, C. Fr. Sanford
of Weston. Kind's Co.. NA, Mr.
Sanford is a justice of the Peace
for the County, and a member of the
Board of School Commissioners.
lie is also Deacon of the $aptist Church
in Berwick. Indeed it would be difficult
to find a man amore widely known and
more highly respected. Hero is his
opinion of Zani.Buk. He bays :--
"I never used anything that gave me
such satisfaction as Sam -auk. I had a
patch of Bozema on niy ankle which had
been there for over 20 years; Sometimes
also the dieeaso would break out on m
shoulders. 1 had applied var.ous oint-
ments and tried all sorts of things to
obtain a cure, but in vain. Zxm•Buk, un-
like everything else 1 had tried, proved
highly satisfactory and cured the ailment.
1 have also used Zatn•Buk for itching
also.' I take comfort helpiuug completely
men, audit the publication of my opinion
of the healing value of Zam-Buk will lead
other sufferers to try it, I should be glad.
For the relief of suffering caused Py Piles or
Skin Diseases 1 know of nothing to equal
ZZam•Bukk cares ulcers, abscesses, blood•poison,
ring•Worm, festering or running sores; bad leg,
varicose ulcers, eat rheum, prairie itch cuts,
borne, bruises, baby's sores, eta. Purely herbal,
60o box, drugeiets and storea RetuseImitations.
One on the Preacher.
It has just been told us of a prom-
inent Cleveland clergyman that he was
in Atlantic City a month or two ago,
and on the beach saw an urchin mak-
ing mud pies, statues and all that sort
of thing.
"What are you doing, my boy?" ask-
ed the cleric, kindly.
"Makin' church,"answered the
kid, without looking up.
"I see. There's the spire, there's
the bell, and there are all of the con-
gregation. But where's the preacher"'
"1 ain't got mud enough to make
him," replied the sculptor.
The parson Wandered away and fixed
up a sermon on the theme.
The Vital Isanes.
I do not care a tinker's cuss about
those vital things, concerning which
the statesmen fuss and craw and flap
their wings. I saw my little pile of
wood. and pay up as I go, and all the
world's serene and good and I am shy
of woe. If men would cease to fret so
hard o'er public ills and crimes, and
tinker round their own back yard,
they'd have much better times. It is
a narrow, selfish view—of course, that's
understood—but folks who're always in
a stew don't seem to do much good. I
think that I do just as much to help the
world along when I mow weeds or sing',
a Dutch or Alpine yodiing song. I do
as much when I produce my little roil'
of bills, and pay the milkman for his
juice, the druggist for his pills. I've
often noticed that the men who paw
the air and bawl, are slow at digging
up the yen when bill collectors call.
I'll let the nation go its gait, I'll simp-
ly let it slide; I couldn't keep the blam-
ed thing straight, rio odds how hard I
tried; I'll let the statesmen blow the
foam from lids that never rest, and I'll
just tinker round at home, and do my
little best.—Walt Mason.
knd find out 'f you have kidney die•
orders --Aho make this test.
Have you pains in the back over
he kidneys?
Have you urinary disorders?
Do you suffer from severe head-
•tiles, dizziness or deieetiva eyesight?
Is the skis dry and harsh?
failing i
health and
a: i, n
Ar you f ,3
strength and suffering from rheuma-
tic. pains or swelling of the limbs?
These are a few of the symptoms of
kidney disease, and here is the test.
If the urine after standing for
twenty-four hoots is -cloudy, milky
or has particles floating about in it,
or if there is a sediment in the bot-
tom of the vessel, your kidneys are
There. is no time toeleee in begin -
ilia the tree of lir. Chase's tidier/
Liver rills. They will help you more
quickly than any tteatmdit you can
obtain, and that is one reason why
they are so aueoesaful and popular.
Dr. A. W. Chase's Sidney -Liver
Yids, one pill a dose, "fir cents a box.
St all deaters, or Edmonton, Eaten do
Co., Toronto.
Swine breeding and feeding oceupied.
much attention at the recent Minot*
roundup meeting at Ottawa, A frost.
interesting address and discussion were
led by A. J, Lovejoy. He has bee*
ridging Berkshire bog a for thirty -fair
years and is atilt active in the beat
1 e advisee starting with any breed
you like and then sticking to It. The
breed must he a good one, and you
west like hogs, You must Glee keep
the breed pure, selecting brood sows
with strong, broad backs and good
length, feed well, give plenty of ezer.
else in winter and your pigs will be all
lie uses the individual houses and
devotes one -ball acre to each sow and
Otter. The houses are built in the
shape of a capital A, have a floor,
pave an opening at the top ao that
ventilation will be good and are placed
to the opposite cornerin the lot from
the feed troughs. This makes it qec-
essary for the sow to get out and take
exercise, even when there is snow on
the ground. He insists on a variety of
feed. He finds that a feed made up of
one-half cornmeal and one-half mid-
dlings. to which a little oilmeal or
tankage is added, is exceedingly sat-
isfactory. Be sure to get enough pro-
tein. This protein, of course, is se-
cured through the tankage, oilmeal
or middlings. Tankage is very high
In protein, and Mr. Lovejoy considers
It one of the most valuable hog feeds
on the market. For fattening bogs he
feeds tankage and eorn in proportions
of eighty parts corn to twenty of
tankage. He believes this combina-
tion exceedingly satisfactory, as it
keeps the bog in good health and also
puts on fat cheaper.,
Mr. Lovejoy does not breed his gets
until they are about a year old. He
deplores the tendency to breed sows
coo young and also to dispose of ma-
ture sows. He keeps his old Sows as
long as they will bring good litters.
He finds that they always do well•
until nine or ten years old. He breeds
for two litters a year, but, of course,
it is not always possible to have each
,sow farrow twice a year. About one-
half of his breeding sows do this. He
thinks eight pigs make a good sized
litter. He would prefer eight to
twelve, as he figures that these grow
more tbriftily and give better results
than a larger number.
How to Cure Corns In Horses.
Corns are sauced by bad sbneing or
from allowing the shoe to wear too
long without resboeing and also from
having too much of the foot taken o'tr.
My remedb, by whirl 1 have never
failed to etl'eet a permanent care. says
.W. J. Grand in the Alichigun Farmer,
is as follows:
Have the shoes pulled off, the feet
pared and then poulticed until they
are as soft as jelly. Get your knife
again. cut the corns down to the
quick, extract the score of corns by
means of a pair of small pincers and
they apply spirits of salts to eat away
any remnants of the corn which may
By this time the foot has been s•
much reduced that time must be al-
lowed for a new growth of the foot,
which may be satisfactorily and
quickly attained by placing the foot
of the patient in bine clay for three
weeks, or more if necessary. It than
directions are followed a new foot
and a permanent cure will be the re-
sult, and although it takes time yo
should remember that anything worth
having is Worth waiting for. Rubber
pads and bar shoes will help a boeai
temporarily only, but will keep hint
going in a cramped way. But if you
are impatient you can take your a bole $
bettreen quickness and thorOughaees.
Two ,Mills Using Same
Quality of Wheat May Not
Produce Same Quality of Flour
The quality of flour largely
depends on the milling. Twp
mills might grind wheatof the
same quality and the product
of one far outclass the other.
It is not only the high quality
of the hard wheat used, but
also the superior milling facili-
ties, that places "PURITY"
flour so far above all others.
''Our milling plant at St. Boni-
face, Manitoba, cost nearly,
$I,000,000, and is one of the
most perfectly equipped mills
in the world, The wheat itself
is subjected to the most won-
derful system of cleaning and
scouring, pas sing through
twenty distinct machines.
,Fifty-five steel rollers, the
largest in Canada, reduce the
wheat into flour. Then it is
purified and dressed by "bolt-
ing" it through silk sifters.of
fine mesh. Not a c' branny " ,
particle or speck of dust is ever
found in. - "t Purity" Flour.
You may have to pay a little
more for Purity, but baking•
results, quality and quantity,
prove it is worth far more than
the slight difference.
We have two other modernly equipped mills at Brandon,
Man., and Goderich, Ont,
"M&re Bread
and Better Bread."
Western Canada Flour Milts Co., Limited.
Cut crystal is one of the trimming
articles strongly indicated for fall and
It's a pretty good fault for a yet).
.man's elbow to be sharper than her
Place For the Separator.
/net where tt place a =earn steam•
tor for convenient tree is 'sometimes a
question. Convenience requires that
the place be in of near the barn,
though it is sometimes placed in the
kitchen or some portion of the home
building. b room with cement floor
and plastered walls can be construct-
ed in some part of the hart where it
well be convenient and more sanitary
than if pieced in the kitchen or in
any open portion of the bats where
It is likely to be affected by dust and
odors. This room should have it water
cistern and proper drainage BO that it
may be kept dean and swept all the
time. The work necessary in prepare
lag this room is not expensit'0 not does
it require expert help, but sheh a room
in some loeu't1it' is absolutely necessary
for the prodnetion of clean milk prod -
nets and in lessening the work of the
dater. Care in handling the milk and•
plenty of hot water in cleaning the
to et els will remote very man' of the
crltieismo that ate made against the
Lunt dhefryman,,,
Ration For Gtewiny Piga.
A. good ration might be tirade by
tiling two pard* by weight of corn tubd
+One part seek of gt'otintl rye, *tothnd
'tits and oilmeal E'or little pigs the
Vets should be around line enough so
that the hull it reduced to ft Ureal. If
this a anlot be done it *snit be batter
to elft the 'hulls
out for a time after
weaning. All of the trotrnd feeds
Werra be better if May eoald be
gn.61l fie. the Pigs tthaotd Sot be
fed es teach Of tines mi*ture as tbay
*tit eatt bat aboard be fed lather
Stetted gralnt#ttou up to t ml's err six
tatettbil mt ttge Atter, sit Menthe of
ate, f* the pigs *re to be fed for mar,
tot t1H elwow idiot b. *pawl.
Children Cry
In mashing potatoes it pays to beat
the milk, adding the butter to the milk
before turning into the mashed pota-
When sewing -machine needles be-
come blunted, rub them across a whet-
stone, which repoints as good as new'.
Children Cry
We may all be slightly twisted, but
we don't care to have other people try
to follow our crooks and turns;
Experiments with a process for ob-
taining a textile fibre from the nettle
are being fostered by the Australians
We have put in our office a complete stock of Staple,
Stationery and can supply your wants in.
We will keep the best
and sell at
stock in the respective lines
reasonable prices.
We are in a better position than ever before to attend
to your wants in the Job Printing line and all,
orders will receive prompt attention.
Leave your order with us
when in need of
Or anything you may require in the printirng line.
Sulmeriptio ii taken for all the Leading New: papant
and Magazines.
The gimes Office