HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-09-28, Page 140 o`ccestseeeteceetemeneeteciecesticreeteemeeiset • VOL, .4104-10. 2069, MAXI% TITURSDAT, SEPTENDID, 28 1911... *1 A TEAR IN ADVANCE _121=-• -„, Wer R °VOWS SIMS and ROM Read !MI5 & Co:0 •adir, on page El HIGH 'SHOO NOTES. - TkIE GOVERNM ' T DEFEATP. PRESBYTER . OF MAITLAND "QULITY". • N -..4...., . • Curlers& IVIeeting. , A meeting of t I Winglaam Curlers will be held in th Firemens room in !Import& to lea es, ' ' Representative ef. orenwend, a Teronto, begs to nce that he will be the Brunsw Hotel Friclay, The attendance con inues to increase, - . e • . ve etiments Wer. registered thig week, two of them bt ng in Form IV. We20 • F W have now in .rm . ••• ' teoneervative P y victorious at the .. olli• ,. .The Presbytery 4 Maitland met at Ashfield em Tues. ay 190 Sept; Rev. C. X Rutherford erettiding. Rev. Mr. OUR SLOOAN r li i I in .fflemucirg invictus Shoes , A. COMPLII,TE AQITAMICIX, . CONTAINING 2 ootoo Mu, AQUARIUM PLANT • PCBESLES the Town Hail ne t Monday evening atThe 8 o'clock, All embers of the club and ail others in rest0d in the popular game of curling re requested to attend at on Oct. 18th, With aI complete display of the newest Lan on, Paris, and New York creations i Hair Goods, Yoe are invited to. call a inspect his goods , , andone more le expeeted, ' In 0 man w le . _addition to th 0 11 li .was introdneed recently, ' e have a class in Greek in Form 111. he inteoduction unexpected aPpened on Thurs. day last when the overnment a Sir Wilfrid Laurier we t down to defeat in a way that is atmos past comprehene McLennan of Tor ento was asked to sit as a correspendm member. Rev, Mr, Bremner,B • reamerConVen•r of Augmentation, rettorted that onl one duirge required We buy the best of leather, employ the highest-paid ekilled labor,and then we b e. iu °1NVICTDS FOOT WEAR" • the meet modern equipped factory, . h• et t is mee ng. HOUSEKEEPER of these silbjecte give our students a shin. One would ha - a supposed that a defeat of a strong i vernment such as assistence and th: t it., was hoped that it wceild not req he it very. long, It We steadfastly refuse to make cheap • Headquarters for ,High School books W....NM-Apply at TIMES. "age. e .- broader muse ape a ore liberal eckl• cation, g , . - that of Sir Wilfrid miner, winch had the fiftee , .. . was reeommende,, that ministers pre- the before shoes, We want the best of buyers, and we after them with foot•wear . Oil Friday September 29th . I Commencing at 10 A.m. While they last we will give the above complete Aquarium FREE to ePery purchaser Of a - ' - 25c box of Rexall Liver Pills .. Come 1 W I h 0 lhO ear y. e on y ay . . at ErfoX's. - " ' The drill and cal, beaks are very prestige of continuous years • 0.; PreaneritY, would ' ave been imps, sent claims . augmentation their congrega lane urging greater Ft? to suit wierll'•• Anniver ry Serviees. of the The eighteent anniversaryMany opening of St 1.11's Church will be held on Sunday ext when Rev. H. M Lang -Ford, of istowel Will h,e the • the preacher, . On onday evening annual harvest Aper and entertain.I ment will be held Supper will be ser- ., ved in the school room from 6 to 8 Speciel News aper Gffer. The TIMES is p pared te receive subscriptions to the oronto dal 1 bHarvey l'y.G o e on the following fa rable rates: -.The daily Globe to Janu y, lst 1912; for 75 cents, or to the t of January, 1813, for $4. These a exceedingly low ratesforCanada's opu ar newspaper. All orders left at t TIMES office will have prompt atten on, popalar, Patrol -/lead rGeerge Howsen, of the Boy Solite, 'rank Sturdy and , Treleaven e ercised the boys last week under tit- direction of the Instructer; Mr. G. R Smith. The girls are in chaege of Xis: C. E. Brewster and Miss B. E. And. son. • • th • * In addition to es , mentioned in a previous issue, the •Ilowing students will train in the prof . ssional schools:- . sible, but the electi • n returns tell a different tale. circumstan•es attending the general elections t; d to confirm the belief that the victo .y of Mr, Borden and his party was n•t a victory for the masses Chief amo g those were thee. ' • influence that was thrown into the fight lay the motion° ists and the privi- leged classes. The e fought as they liberality. The Clerk pre : enta a call from Port Dalhousie in fa our of Rev. D. Tait, offering POO sti lend with use of manse and four week:' vacation. Rev, Mr. ePaierane wasgive app • ienatseodntofoprrothseec utrtaenatlt 'and Mos- 11 K Mon, - rs. c agueLittle, McArthur and Clark of Teeswater represented the claims of Teeswater, If buyers, Fit, you Styleand .i. are one try "INVICTUS" Service. : ... , 0 ; of those foot.‘wear particular for 4.............. W a t011 C THE .DRUGGIST.. . - The, CHS.J..„...CleL Macdonald BI"k• s I. Sibro Winghaln• • On o'clock. After t e supper an enter- taininentmeinoriai Hwailit b held in the Mills pecial efforts are be ing made to m ke the program of -,--- Everything in Public and High School booke at KNox's• • Miss E Redburn'in .tratford Normal School and Misses 1. IVIcPherson and R. Davidson and.Mese s., a McKee and G. Goble in Faculty o Education, Tor- have never fought . ;fore for the over- throw of the Oove ment, and, unfor- tunately„ their effo ts have been well,. and with many of the members of Presbytery, spok - in highest terms of the work done b Mr. Tait, and regret- ted his . ..e \ . , . . . • • • munc, recitation and speeches surpass even previous y rs. 'Sold Priz Harness. Mr. There Kew ast week exhibited onto. . 3. Clarenc Wilson will ene Mr ter Faculty of Applie. Science, Toron- to. Mr. Harry Green Facul- rewarded. Then a Me the annexation cry had more or les effect in producing the Liberal defea . No effort was proposed eparture. . Mr. Tait signi ed his intention to accept the call a . the translation was • '''' !!,., \ 10.Kitchen tables for sale, . that we have used as Clothing tables. . MoGEE & CAMPBELL. ..ww•ejmn• his set of heavy do ble harness at the Lucknow fall fair nd won first prize.-. The harness was a terwards soldto Mr, O'Rielly, of Kin bridge at $80 and will enter ty of Arts, Queen's nivereity, King- ston, Ont.,' and Mr. R chard Lloyd will in all probability take -: coarse also in Queen's in the School of Mining. We spared by the Opp sition to stir up a feeling of unrest mongst the people . • • • • that their nation lity was m danger,a and that the Lini ed States was but agreed to, MnMr. P:rrie as interim Mode thepulpit v cant The seseiozi recoiyis being appointed ator and to declare n the1st Octob r of Wingham, S. ... . . „. 4. e.. - • - WORTH THE MONEY Nice house, barn, fruit trees, gar- den and 8-4 of an acre of land on outskirts of town will be sold right Just the place for a re- tired farmer or 'easiness man. Mrs.. Herdsman's Cottage on Cath- erine street, Lately." renovated throughout Immemate posses- slob. Good - WESTERN 'PROPER TIES $1001000 made dutingthe past year in the increase of values in the West, "Did 1 on get. an. of it?' ,Palmerston Webtive the bele agency in this dis- , 'Wet for on number of ' rapidly. • towns on the Grand ' owing . • k -Pacific, also properties in nearlY all the • old'er Western . , cities. • , • Many fortunes willbe made in the next few years in the wonder- ful"West. You may be one ofare • the lucky ones if youinvestnow. • Died at Pplmarston. • The death occur ed. at her home in Palmerston on S urday evening last of Emma Trowel relict of the late therefore cannot e on exhibition at the Wingharn fair. Mr, Kew will have single harness oi exhibition at the wingham fair. . wish these students s ccess and Pros- perity. ' At a meeting of th students the fol- lowing were appointe a committee to waiting the passate of reciprocity to become more insis ent in its demands upon Canada,. until Canada ehould be 1•d g b t' paced in real an er o f a sorp zon b y the States. While the cry that the Kinloss, Moleswor examined and fou4d carefully kept. . The Commissione reported as to t h and Lucknow were to be correctly and s to the -Assembly eir diligence. Mr. .„., 9-- •se eve-, , 7q • her 57th year The James Vanstone i , ---,-- Cedar Apply to have charge of the rrangements for Field Day: Form I Miss E E An- flag was in (lenge; was a hollow one, it Duncan and Mr -members datheson were ap- .................. . deceased was born • t Listowel and re- sided in that town until a few years rails wanted the Western Foundry Co, Limited, demon, Mr. li• Dore Form III, Miss 1. Kennedy,Mr. W. Bu hanan; Form II, had its effect wit many, and told against the Liber Is. ' pointed on Y. P. S. the Executive of See ns for Trunks and Vslises. . ago when her hush d engaged in the jewellery business i Palmerston. She had for many years been a member of the Methedist Chu ch. Two children, a son and daughter are left to mourn . Will Ste t on Time. Exhibitors at th • Wingbant fall fair on Friday will ki dly make it a point to be in good time with their live stock. Miss G. Nicholson, r. G., Hamilton; Form I, Miss D . H ugh, Mr. G. Bu- chanan, and thee foll wing ofdciais of the W. H. S. A.A.-Misses M. Fry, B. Dickson, J. VinNorzifan, F. Beemer, L. The influences at were brought to k* bear u on worgmo• en f the . . vi,) • . 0 cities n and t ns were e ective, as is sn w by t e envy votpo e yappointed h° h 11 d b theCon- servative candiltes. The men were Rev. J. A. Fer Mo derator for th Rev . Messrs. Hard a com Infirm ministers' f son was appointed next six months. e and McLean were ittee on Aged and nd. yir • . •GRE R Where quality cnunts we win. the loss of a loin g and affectionate mother Mrs. V$stone was an aunt ', • - of H. B. Elliott of he TIMES and Mr, and Mrs Elliott at tided the funeral at T day onu . -• , . . The time for rece" ing entries in live stock will be up t. 1 o'clock p. m. and the judging will ; art promptly at L30 o'clock. Those ; tering. in the horse races will ale kindly note, that the the first • h .at will positively be • • 1 SO oak. Exhibitors Bowman, Meisrs. P.1McEwen, S. Me- Kercher, H. Day he committee do not intend to canvas he merchants for prizes as formerly bu they will make a. general canvass for subscriptions te buy badges and tropliies which will be , told th at recipro ity threatened their very existenceh A that the country would be flooded wit merle an workmen ' that the shops w Id be compelled to . . dose their noors or cut down their . . • time that the me - who voted for reci- : procity endangere their own livlihood. ' Mr T. S. McKe iie and T. E. Ken - ' ney having been e amined were certi- fled to Montreal : College as students for the ministry ! • The Clerk reirted that Rev. Mr. Walker of Toro to had declined the call to Dunganno , • • C 1V GENERAL: FIRE G r . in 1f f AGENT itiilinitti ...=1..iimilmmts ' Prices go to pieces, • ja at %utility re- d h I mains firm at our Boot an oe sa e. GREER, called at . o'c will ki dl observe tie se rules .; n y • , as iz efo the different con- awarded pr ,,e, er tests. On behalf o the ',school the io. - It is no wonder, therefore, that the . workingmen were ampeded by these Mr Duncan st ted that he had mod- • . erated in a call t Mr. R. lg. IVIcEach- LIM ACCIDENT - _ 1 S a ur nee , , , committee desire t ank Most heart- that o directly to them, ern, by the Du annon charge, but r LATE ULASS • - • • ...-....-----. • Wingha Fall Fair. 'Thursday and 4 day of this week thedays of the 'i'h m fall fair . . The indoor exhibits will be placed in an judged n Thursday. For Will the par,. w .. borrowed my circular shears . tinsmith's snips kitidl return the , . W. J. BOYCE. • Y ............... .________-.. ' :.,1"he Stol -n Diamonds. An interesting , nd laughable • I whohave cont ibutedprizes or 11Y al • money in former ears. The date of this year's event w 11 be announeed later and a program e of . the events will be issued. Tit publie are most cordially invited. crys appealed and while many f them must have . . d•t•the seen by the exist' g con t ions that cry wet sone gott n up explicitly for election purpose:, they apparently . were not prepare., ,ci take any chances. , .. that Mr. McEac ern had asked his name to be withd awn. Mr. Hardie wa appointed as Con- vener of Comtnitt e on systematic giv- . mg' It was agreed t have the next regu- WE WEATHER Coupled with mo___ e . eez ,u0ANING . Issuer of Marriage f/MMIO a REAL ESTATE and Business. Licenses. position Friday afternoon th • live stock will be exhibition and j , dged. There is a somedy drama M three acts entitled "The Stolen Diamonds' will be in e THE NUR c N RIDINGS. The big slump wa• in Ontario for out- side of this Provin e the Laurier Gov,- larmeeting at NV' h Dech i g am on ec. , when Dr. R. 15. M Kay and Dr. A S Office over Maloolm's Grocery. ee.,-......... , Ritchie .86 : Cosens REAL ESTATE ANDINSURANCE good. listof attraetio s, mchiding a 2.40 presented the opera house on Friday ernment had a maj.rity. Grant will hold a conference on horse race and a : reen horse race The Wingham Citize ..:' Band and the Lucknow Pipe Band will furnish the musical program. •T ; special prize of $d22raufgohrt,. twaeg;yiceuelr;uorl .. coalntsd inpuhrpeaovsye classes by Chas. Kneehtel and classes special prize of $10 for two-year-old colts in roadster and car- riage classes will bri ,g out the largest Win ham. class of colts ever - • en an. g The petade of schoo children, headed by the bands, will leave the Public October 6th, by t Clu . under the a b, Auxiliary of 6: Hospital. This d cLeuseshfunlowlaasntd fnaelilt tend the concer • laugh and. help eral admission is seats at 35 cents. at McKibbon's d 4 afternoon at 2 o' evening, e Lucknow Dramatic .s ices of the Ladies' P Wingharn General ama was most sue- hwhohreinngpraennstedAat-t and enjoy a hearty . ood cause. The gen- '5 cents and reserved Plan of hall opens g store next Tuesday lock. The result of la- t Thursday's voting - . • • is a disappointme,t to the Liberals. of Huron county. ' hen the general re- sult is taken in o consideration the shoowting madebyoby. tdh e Llinbesroaultsh ofthis the late member M. Y. McLean, is defeated by Mr. Merrier, who has a majority of 100. n West Huron, E. N. Lewis is re-ele , ed over M. G. Cam- eron by a majora y of 168. In East• Huron Jas, Bow art won over Arch No true Liberal eed be disheartened at the prodigious . rn of events. The party goes down t. an honorable de- feat, after a record of fifteen years of magnificent work fo Canada, in which Canelehhdeethmedweoarl 't°gIrteewe isyllhineohthbeee t discouraged by def . at, but will con- tinue, in Opposition . c in office, to work for the honor and ad ancement of the great country in•whi .1 our lot has been cast, and which it is • r common duty ' and privilege to devei T. • .mis- mons and a pu ic mee mg in address bl' t' ' the evening. The Clerk pres nted the statistical report in printed f rm, to be distribut- eemon h f • ' g t e ami ies of the congrega- tions of the Presb tery. The report show that the average • • givings per famil in the Presbytery to stipend of mi asters is $2.50 less than the average O the whole church, and the average gi ings to the schemes of the ehurch is $1. 9 more per family than the whole ch ch. MISS SPARLING ' GRADUATE OF TORONTO CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC And authorized teacher of the Fletcher Music Method Simylex and Kinder - garten. Teacher of Piano and Theory. Pupils prepa'red for conservat ory ex- aminations. • Theory by correspondence to eat of town Purils CLASSES OPEN SEPT. 1 5th, Apply Miss • a A E SMITH • • E BANK R mizmiimanz, oN;PA/uo. aMilmon00••••••.1.4 Farmers who want money to buy horses, cattle, or hogs to feed foe 'market can have it on reasonable terms. Notes disoonnted for tradermen, inert chants or agent., on favorable terms. Lona! on real estate at the lowest rates going, . School building p omptly at 12.45 o'clock. . Mr, Stater, the principal, TimmtES AND VALISES.- The kind you Hislop by a majori , of 197. The Lib- erals 9f this riding looked forward to The most regrettab e feature of the the election is the def . at of such men The average stip nd m the Presby- tery of Maitland s $112.00 less than at Sparling's home, Minnie street, will be at the sc .ol building at 12 . want at money saving prices.. W. J. electing a supper er of Sir Wilfrid 0- -...REER,The vote n Win ham Turn - Laurier. Wingham, as Hon. W. S. Eleidin 1, Gee 1'. Gra- • • ham, Win. Patterson, McKenzie King that of the whol synod and 214$ 00 less than Boy et* .0T ..ANTED. -To learn the • • • o'cloeic to sell ticke : to the children at a cost of 5 cents ea, . We hope to see . d that feavietrahneld Irna rag; berry, Wroxeter an. East Wawanosh Pow.irui WANTE1D-.- igheSt cash was quite satisfact y, but the other piece for all ki of hve " and Sydney Fisher. Men who have given much to the pbuilding of the the av age of the whole church, which is $1 43,00 notwithstaecl- ing the fact tha this as one of the .printing business. Good chance for a bri ght act - ive boy. Apply at Timm office. Christie's. Grocery PHONE 59. . . e onfeethe btehset in iat ha:toe: paid poultrY• menicip 'Phone 10. units', Limited. althea fell off very badly. The Liberals of the (runty will be quite • nation and have work d faithfully for th ' 1 . d h b the same a peop e an av y se wealthiest Presby ries of the church W J W I k f P b • Go to Kmox's for your High School Wingham. - .. • content to abide by e result and will beenthl 1 dismissed ru ess i • . . DST, er o res ytery. hooks, .....,-...-.....„-------...... Death H. Sperling. if Conserve-. people . . . .• ANOKOR POsTS-A quaritity of good cedar posts, suitable for anchor posts. Apply to John R, Salter, Winghatn, Ont. of be perfectly satisfie our Mr. John H. Sp rling passed away at tive friends give u as good Govern- his home in Whit hurth.on Monday in anent as has been th case under the his Z6th T d d had beenLiberals, When the next battle comesDollars. t year. e eeeese ' f banner Sir Wilfrid. Laurier L1fl continue to be one of the most p mineat men in Canadian°Utica' life. His charm of p ., . manner, his grace of expression, his To BENT -Seven -roomed house, good garden, hard and soft water. Apply at TIMES office. "A Dollar saved is a Dollar eorned." Gut Boot arid Shoe sale will save you W. J. GREER. • '• rapes G • . . . . P ' • Basket i.f • i - . ow. t . • er •student le . • . ailing for some time, having been along the Liberals the Old brilliancy of mind, his blamelessness of ee . troubled with hi heart but had been county of Huron ve• 1 be found ready 'Death of Mrs. Johnson • ' It is with deep r gret that we this weoeekharecworidfethoef dent r oFfruIld 7 obahlisoMn: which occurred at he home cit Frances able to be aroun until the cfay previous te, work in the inter •sts of their partY. to his death. H had been for a num- On election nigh ., the irLieboeinramIsittree; beheurroefhyoeraersarnbuet ernimoarnrgattothtehirthivt rcoeoivniedinthtehereptautrenhsie thliotehke and the- Cork- Thus used th, Town Hall The Iffe-these are qualiti s which cannot be gainsaid, ad they have been used with the utmost devotion in the inter- .ests of the cohui nhtriy1 wh .: ch tedCshiefwteeliin I wits . . The anniversary services in connec- thin with the Me t odist Church here wati121 andbeheld o, 1 cloocnk :unrnay,Thce oseeirldee; a . street on Tuesday ening, The de- teased lady was born n Calross Town. ship and was in her 4 th year and ante to Wingharn a numb r of years ago. Mrs. Johnson had be e in poor health for some time She as held in 'high etiteent by a large ci de of friends who Will hear of her d ath With regret. She had for a nutnb r of years beeti a member of Strant s Chetah and had -e always taken an act ve interest in the wink of the ehurc . She is survived by her aged me, er, tWe brothers! Messrs. tired told Frank Weeks, of Ogress; five siste s,Mes. Gisillagher lage from els a number of years serVatiVeS ago. He had a arge circle of friends early returns Indic': ted the election ofOurS and his death i regretted. Mr. Spar- Mr. Biewman and thn defeat of the like was a Me odist m religion and Governmeete and ,1 s announcement Conservative in politics. He was twice Was the signal for .. monster demon - married and tw • daughters by the first stration, From th . town and country wife survive, az Mass Ethel Spar- People migrated to .1 e main street and ling, London a d Miss Sophia Sperling, the centre of the to n became congest - Toronto. Afte moving to Whitechurch ed by a .shouting, beisterous crOwd, who, ernied with. home. tat paria and iii) he wes married to Miss Cottle t with two sons, amid and Ernest, Sur- lands of noise -lime limcing instrumen s imaginable, It wa: ply joy •n vives him. Mr Fletcher Sperling ef tampege. There w.s no suppressing ' ' ticl Mrs. W. the Jubilant spirit. of the Corieerva, russets . B , m a .rother a Ainley, of High ' Ivo Alta., is a eider tly e8'hnAr:d6rnsd in kerosene .1 out, • 'lath applied and tinu re McNeil of Grey toveaship ., is Litiphilie street was ablaze With light a half Moto, T e bereaved will have 'the Citizene' Raid - as out and played ' remain at waile He t head of the Liberal party, and lea. the Opposition when the new Parliam•at meets, some six weeks hence, T, his newspaper Mende who called on • im at Ottawa an Saturday, was ready Sir Wilfrid • eclared that he "to stay wi h the boys" and lead the Liberal kite: when the new Parliameet meets. a- u is o e u•ns o e Th f II I* t f r t f r th . Doro- Won Will be found* 0 soother page and in these, later return - have illade a few ehanges. . - a he standing of the parties up to - ' ' ' follows•- Tuesday evening is . - . Will be conducted .. Rev. T.W. Cosens, of Clinton. On t e Monday eveningabliselteeg followieg a fowl s .per and entertain- rhea will be held, Supper served from 5 te 8 o'clock. Th•re will he addresses . . . by RevrSmall of Blyth and Rey Xr. Durrant, of : •Igrave. An excel- "lent pregram wilt . • giveh by the Itlyth Methodist choir; r. Fowler, soloist and Miss ItcOlInto , soprano, of Gode- rich; Miss Hiles, doeutionist, Kinder- dine, Mrs. Small : d Prof. A. E. Cook, of Blyth. Keep hese dates in mind . and attend the :ervieet supper aim entertainnlenti v C 11 h est dutlrienggestheavitiebte2 years. The largest treiners in 'Canada Owing to our connec- tit 0..lif over Ontario, we do eldltoeus ?nay any other School study all at home •or partly at / te arid finish at the College. Affiliated with The Commercial Educators' Associatien of - ada. It vemild be well fo Ca" r y011 te investigate before thee:mtg Exelusive right for Cattalo of the world-famous Bliss ;look- keeping Systehly Which is equalledI t is actual Bushiest f t #1 " h rorn Star ito MS , and the keeps sable books aid Mrs. Adam 1 8ICay, Teeswater Mrs. Green, Ter .nto; Mrs. Diebee Cleveland; Mist 11, setta Wocks, Toroti- to Her Inisbatid nd children are left to Mourn the loss . f a kind and hiving the n the sympathy of . tmy friettds in their several seIectione an , rant -of tow. Auction. The etterte takes plate hat The whole i 610bleta:in WAS In this (Thursdey) a ternoon to the 'Whig- keeping vnth the gr at - victory to the COServetive party and reminded the earn. cemetery. Liberals of the big elebtabon held by *Oa, . them at, the eine 0 i the Liberal Vieth* CO, s. & Nat Liberal Outuriu 72 18 Quebed gg 86a Nova Scotia 9 , c.' New Brunswick 5 ' '" Prince Edward Isle d 2 2 LOST. -,-In Winghten, a Old locket with %Wale '`,T. J. C." in tamed lettere on front of Ioeket. Finder will be re- warded by leaving shine atTlIVIES office. iis Cherteted Batiks and Whole - sale Rouges. Enter Any time. Individual instructiore .0 ot et. tau ;arm from Aug. 28th The rioAisk in June 1896. T e Toten Hall wet 8 2 Wfite, etill et for Wife and /nether. ehildren are, Edith, Ell., Velma, titeetta . re a! Gins Werrren. Apply, D 5. Perrin artreded to the di Ire atid a resaea 1., • d London0 A d li tea by 1 r Bowman and & Company. MU,' ft * were e ve . mitylioba Saskatchewan 1 9 Alberta' 1 6 $10 Itowarol. phone particulars, and Master Vred.. To the bereavea ., , . tither premitient C . naerVativeshrongh, 'The Bstieh Columbia 7 0 Will be extended th . commtinity. The ii place this ( ?Mild , ,Witighato eemetet house at 3 o'clock. sympathy of the' funerai will take - . the ) afteriteott to . :Service at the ''''' ,.,,.......1.* . ,,,, „.., best of good feeling ereVailed te Dr. Nelson Tait, or 4.98-4aditia eve., out 'the contest and irk election mght.., Toronto, will be at the Queen's ,Hotel, reflecting credit to oth ConeervatiVet Witigham all iday, Friday, october and Ieherels. In, - other eolumn we mho for &eistfilettee in disesie§ of By te 4 detgated 're .rt of the vote in e, Ear, NoSe and Thro'at, Gletleet fitted. t 6 different divisi • s in East Euron, 134 Conservative stn. Nationalist , ., nut erity 49., . Tyte deferita lections, The above reward will be paid to any person giving information lending to the reenvety of a Seeteh ,Collie dog, answering the Mime of Brute, lost May 14th. 11 J. BMX, National Itotel, Whigham. WINCRAlvi • BUSINESs COI LEGE . lotto. tabottott, . Ivegleolit, 0 ° THE TEA, AND COM STORE _121=-• -„,