HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-09-21, Page 1•
*, 0114keee
.14,41111111V4Ast, .
V014. XL—NO 2068.
. Cures ell. Kidney Ule
60 Pills 50 Cents.
Your money cheerfully re-
funded if . not perfectly
satisfactory in every
Walton McKibbou•
261, 4a4$.4.421L tem
Macdonald Bleck, Winehase.
Nice /Souse, barn, fruit trees, gar-
• den and 3-4 of an acre of land on
outskirts of town will be sold
right. Just the place for a re-
tired farmer or business man.
Mrs. Herdsman's Cottage on Cath-
erine street. Lately. renovated
throughout •Immeceate posses-
sion. ' Good value.
$100,000,made during the past year
in the *crease values in the
West, end lotz get any, of it?"
We have the sole agency in this
triet for a number of rapidly
growing towns on the Grand
Trunk Pacific, also properties
be nearly all the older Western
cities. •
Many fortunes will be made in the
next few years in the wonders
•fulsWest. You may .be one of
sw the lucky ones if yousnvestnow.
Ritchie ti easel's.
REAL Esiierle AND *MAI=
wiNialsAss, corrAitio.
Farmers who want money so . buy
horses, cattle, or hogs to feed for market
can have It on reasonable territt.
Notes dieeounted for tradesmen, met'
°haute or agents, on favorable tetras.
Loans on real estate ot the lowest;
rates going.
Christie's Grocery
MITE 59.
3005 3541 40c, 45c, 50c
There's choice here, and we
can confidently say Broom
Quality. We can't $0
into details, but drop in
and well tell you what
we know about
ItEMEWIER r.tns IS Vie
Wm (loser's Shoos and Nubers
rivet Instelm
Collector Griffin
$7,000 of the Wing
paid up to the 15th
which there was a
cent. This is v
dieating that a nu
ea have taken ad
t of Tues.
eports that over
taxes, had been
nst„ the date up te
eduction of lee per
Y goo. elreting, In -
bar of the ratepay-
antage of ties first
Everything in Public andliigh Schoot
books at Ketox'S.
. . Marriedi
At $t. George's
on Tuesday, Septe
don N, Griffin, of
Mr, and Mrs. C.N.
was married to Ms
daughter of Mr. Fr
of Owen Sound.
performed by Rev
The TIMES joins wi
of the groom in e
hutch in Toronto,
giber lith, Mr. Cior.
wen Sound, son of
riffle of this town,
Frances Le Pare
derick N. La Pan,
he ceremony was
James 'Widdineld.
h many eld friends
tending congratula-
TRUNKS ANn VALISES.— The kind you
want at money saving prices. W. J.
• The Ontario Pro
will be teed Gu
to the 1.5th. The
open to Huron Co
aced by the Here
the best Beef An
ateur exhibitor r
of Huron, prize $1
animal shown by
re si tient of Count
Inter Fair.
incial Winter Fair
ph on December lith
!lowing specials are
nty Exhibitors don -
County Council. For
al shown by an arn-
ident of the county
. For the second beef
n amateur exhibitor
allure% prize $15.
Cedar rails wanted, Applv, to the
Western Foundry Co., Limited, •
Expert Judg for Pall Fair.
The judges app nted by the Depart-
ment of Agrieult re for the Wingham
fat' fair are as f lows:—Light horses,
C. D. Wooley, •Port Referee; heavy'
horses, G, F, Berlih; beef
cattle and she p, A. C. Criswford,
Fernbank; dairy cattle and swine, Wm.
Thorne, Lynedo h; ladies' work And
fine arts, Mrs. 5 annon, Toronto; dairy
provisions, Mrs. . W. Ferguson, Brus-
•••••*••••••••1. •••.••••,........1.0...• •
To RENT—Seven-roomed house, good
garden, hard and soft water. Apply
at TIMES office,
Polslishing arger Paper,
Mr. Chas. A. arber, son of Mr,
Chas. Barber, o this town,. who re-
cently gorchased he New Era, at Chin
liwack, B. C., ha changed the name
of the paper to the Chilliwaek Free
Press and has en rged it from a small
four-page paper o one the same size
as the TIMES. e Free Press is well
prihted and its • vertising columns are
well patronized .y the business men of
Chilliwaek. . , Barber, is a good
newspaper mart hd will give the people
of the British 0.umbia town an excel-
lent newspaper. Wingham young men
usually make go and Mr. Barber has
our very best wi hes for success in his.
new home.
nghanea gold locket
with initials ".1. J, C." in raised letters
• On front of lot. Pinder will be re-
warded by Ieavi g sane at Tates office.
No one tan t
ment ceases to d
are known in w
papers have be
the way places
which have sol
merchant reeen
to an advertise
ed a year preVio
in an eastern ei
order for an art
tised ten years
making inquirie
ft taking
-beneath it pap
tienient of the a
impressed with
that he Mimed
Prone which We
lotig as a single
meet Deists it tn
Always Pays.
11 when an advertis-
its work. Instances
h eh copies a old news -
0 discovered in out -of-
, the advertisement in
d oods. An American
t received an answer
en nt of his that appear-
ly. A hardware news
t otie day received an
e that it had adver-
b ore but had net been
f. r tune years. upon
s it learned that a far -
p a carpet had found
r containing an adver-
We and had been eo
t e -utility of the article
tely wrote for it.
ay eorielude that as
opy of an advertis-
ed!' geode.
Booth Privile
isrivilege Wi
29th, will be r
September. •
Met front the
—Teeders for booth
hare fall fair on Sept.
ceivett up to 22nd of
B. ELL1011e See"ys,
got away With a large
Met Of Montreal at Net,/
.a They blew the safes
Wnils.4.comrptiv,on..pue a
Special News
per Mar,
• The TOMS is pre ared to receive
subscriptions to the route daily -Globe
en the following fav able r;steeeelhe
daily Glebe to Janus y 1st 1912, for
75 cents, or to the ls of January, 1918,
for $4, Thee . are exceedingly low
rates for Canada's p pular newsnaper.
All orders left et th TIMES office will
have prompt atter; on.
The TOMS Wilde we
'space to the pelitle;t1 q
dee* as the battle will
the paper ;etschee the
reader. The eehtest h
one In East, Huron and
candidate in thie tiding
Very large maeority,
Varioue parts of the
that Mr, Hislop
Every Liberal who, ren4 these lines
sholfid make it a !Mint tf assist in lutv-
just arrived at Ketoe'S — the
Higb 001ml-books, new, big every fa, rable vet to Instep pol.
led, and we f1 sue thj Liberal tend('
date Si
devoting no
astions cif the
over before
ajority of aur
been a keen
the successful
not have a
ports from the
ding indicate
The concert give
on. Tuesday evening
of the Young Ladle
Sacred Heart Cbur
every way. The a
large. Two a til
Fox, the violinist
entertainer, have
ham before and f
reputation as high.
Ada Davis,as sopra
Iy appreciated.
charge have the he
who attended in fur
ceIlent eatertainine
n in the opera house
under the auspices
Sodality in aid otj
• was a emcees in
ndance was very
artists, Mr. • Geo.
and Kiss La Dell,
ppeared in Wing-
ly sustained their
lass artists, Miss
soloist, was highe
committee in
V thanks of those
ishing such an ex -
TIMES office.
Keep in mind the
to be held on Tit
September 28th an
ternoon of Friday,
list of special attra
ranged. There will
pace horse race;
There is also a s
from Chas. Knecht
year-old fillies or
tural, heavy draugh
pose closes and a;
Thos. Kew for
allies or geldi s in
tinge classesf The
Band and I4cknow
nish:the 4•6 foal pro
also be a scilool Obit en's parade, the
children le ng the s hoot building at
12 45 p. m, h ded b the bands , and
march to the a 'gr unds. Children
from the schools sum
an Fair. 1 inge: On Monday, at 8
bewill 4 winner,
10 Kitchen tables for sal . that we
have used as clothing
MCGRe f 0otrent4.
Harvest Peetiva
On Saturday, Sunda
Sept. 23rd, 24th and 20t
Army will hold their a
isseeting will take the fo
well gathering, for dohs
Capt. Gillingham, who
'faithfully here for the pa
and Monday,
the Salvation
nual Harvest
Festival serv;ces. 5 nday night's
of a fares
the evening
has lebored
t six months,
roceeding to
ited tothese
at the usual
o tastefully
singing and
f the, meet.
at. a musical
nneetion with
en some out.
]e will give an
mit and song.
ee the Harvest
sold. All are
as an inter -
will say goodbye before
fresb fields. All are in
services which will be he
hours. The hall will
decorated and special
musicwill be a feature
Wingham fall fair meeting will be held in
rsday and Friday, the Harvest Festival w
29th, For the af- side friends and our pe
9th .Sept„ a good attractive program of
At the close of this ser
'es tival produce Will b
cordially invited to att
esting thne is anticipat
ions has been ars
be a 2.40 trot or
green horse race,
eclat prize of $22
for the best two-
eldings in agricl-
and general puts-
epecal prize from
best two-year-old
an ar-
Ingham Citizens'
me Band will fur -
am: There will
nding Wingbam
are invited to -join in the parade. In
the evening there will e a high-class
concert in the opera ho and the pro-
gram will be supplied by. Narry Ben-
nett antBert Harvey, "medians; Miss
Pearl O'Neil, entertai e , and mem-
bers of the Pipe Band. Full particu-
lars of special features an be seen in
advt. on another page o this issue.
Well Conducted I stituion.
The Seaforth Exposi or published a
letter from a Huron 01 Boy, who now
resides in •Cleveland, 5 hio, and who
recently made a visit d his old home
dainty and to the H use of Refuge.
This in his letter—Jus a word, in re-
gard to your Huron • unty House of t
Refuge, Having vis ted. during the n
past year institutions f this kid, both
in the United States le d Canada, and
having recently visited the Huron
county House of Reftlge, near Cliutoss,
X would like to say a Ifew words in re-
gard to this home and use the Huron
Expositor as a melte to congratulate
the people of Ituro county on their
magnifietthe end Well eonducted institu.
tion. The building1 may not be so G
large or the acreage as much as a good g
manes others but serpaseing them all t
for genuine home c zefoits. What I is
saw of the inmates o the home, on the a,
average, they appe rek more happy p
and coetented than i any either similar 1'
institution that 1 ave Visited. It
seethe to me, the roblem of taking
eare of the poor and efortunate of the be
coenty is solved in a afthat will re- ha
dound to the eeedit of all who have lie
doe so teeth to mak the home such a of
success, My opines, from general
observation, and talk with the inmates it'
is that the county ught to be proud n'e
for having as manage a such people es lit
the present keeper • nd metro. My
impressioe of Mn d Mrs, Mutch is get
that tbey are ideal p ople for the posis ee"
stiott they hold. W en I Visited the to
home, not a regale viettlitg ilay, as Fa
some ihetitutions ha it, 1 foued eVery- Pe
Headquarters for High School books
at KNors.
The Re,Openi Services.
• The re -opening se
tion with the eer
Chureh on Sunday I st were largely
attended. Rev. Dr. •Carmn, of To-
ronto, General Supe intendent of the'
Methodist Church in Canada,, preached
excellent sermons at both services.
Though well up in y ars, Dr. Carman
is still a powfut pr cher. His sermons
were listened to wi h interest by the
jarge congre tio The Harvest
Rome Suppe and Entertainment on
Monday even! largely attended.
The ladies of . gregation provided
an 'excellent su which was served
in the school room rom 6 to 8 o'cick.
After the supper a entertainment was
held. The pastor, e ev, Dr. Rutledge,
acted as chairman d addresses were
delivered by Revs. . H. Croly and G.
V. Collins and also everal solos, duetts,
quartettes, etc, e services were a
success in every w y. The large num-
ber of people who ttended theservices
admired the inte or decoations and
he Wingham Me odist eongregation
ow has a very be utiful churh.
vicee connee-
am Methodist
Prices go to pieces, but quality re-
mains firm at our Rpot and Shoe sale.
Grand Tinie Pacfic.
Sulsetantal pro ess is being made in
all directions in e construction and
openie for traffic f the lines of tbe
rand Trunk Pam c. Recent reports
iven out announced the completion of
he line to Fitzhu , a point in the Jas -
er National Park 1027 miles west of
ihnipeg and ser ice will be immern-
tely extended t ereto, and it is ex
eeted that 50 or s; miles addition be-
ond Fitzhugh wil be graded for steel
is fall. This •uld bring steel to
ete Jame Cache.
Work on the Pei Ce Albert Branch is
frig tepidly push d forward ;red steel
a been laid as fa as Walta, 68 miles
om the main line and grading on this
e has been'comp eted within 24 miles
Prince Albert.
On the Branch on Regime to the
tereational Boil dary, 26 miles- of
eel will be eompl tea this fall ane 60
r cent, of the gr ding on the Regina.
oose Jaw Brane has been finishe.
Construction w k on the Brandon
tools which runs south from the main
e at Hate, a di nce of 24 miles is
Mg tornmenced t is week, and wheis
replete will glv the (had Truett
mile the shortest line between Whitd-
g and Brandon.
Greet has t` 11 be
ted lonhtthe &If c 213 oft VI::
r -Cal ary Dra an work was
started est week or; 50 miles of the
title freer 13attlef d West through the
Cut Knife Districtjtowards Wainwright,
011 the Tofleld- vagary titanch steel
flka been laid to e Ned Deer River,
The above gis a god idea' of how
the work on th, breeches is being ad -
Vended, in ed ion to which the main
lines are bein pushed forward active-
thing in first class ndtion, evoyone lee
attending te their little duties, but ga
above- all, a spirit o contentreehts he,
stalled and guided 6 er hy the keeper
Mid matren. What a bleeeing it weuld
be if We had more 0 eh reeil and eVersieri
ae Mr, tied Mrs. M tsh to put at the
head of similar ins itutios. Mr. tdi.,
tor, I will refrain oft using any more
of yOtir 'Vainable s ace but X eould not
let thin Opportunit slip by without ex-
preesiree Myself •It one of the many
iMpregaiOna1 got rent a telt; to the old
sod. 'Thanking 3 u for space.
Mime Vitenten.—Appy, D S. Perrin
& ComanY Limitd, -London, Ont,
21 1911.
Dr, J. L. Wilso • Of lioletein was
calling on Winghe friends en Itnea.
Miss Maud Flu ty is Spending her
Volidays with fri rids in Toronto and
Rev, Father La rendeau, -London,
was calling on eld • settles i Veftigham
this week,
Mr, and Mrs. ewtort Black are
spending two wee a with friends in
Port Euro.
. 01 w, of Toronto, was
visiting for a few ays with her aunts,
Mr, and ItIrse- 0 ster Pugh of Palm-
erston were visit ng at the frmer's
hone over Sunda
for a few days during the past week
friends in Wing am,
Mrs. W, G.
LinttsaYs are sp ding A few days with
Patterson was visiting
Mr. Jas, Andeestoron and son Will, of
with friends in
Mr. and Mrs Elmer Mehood have
returned home ram the West where
they Spent the ast few months.
Mr, and Mr. James p W e were
visiting with the; daught , a Q. P.
Carlyle at London for a fe ays.
Mr. and Mrs s R .bt. Maxwell, of the
Eluevale road h ve returned nom°
after spending s veral weeks 'with
their so, Mr. R. • exwell at Learning -
Mrs. Wm. Max ell, of the Bluevale
road, Was in Cal donia last week at-
tending the funera of her cousin, Mr
Robt. Anderson.
Mr. and Mrs. . J. IC Heine of
Cranbrook and M . 11. H. Kaiser, of
Stratford, were vi *ting for over 5un-
day with Wingha friends,
Mr. Frank Holly an, who has been
engaged in A. J. icholl's bakery ' for
some time, left on Tuesday for his old
home in Carnduff, Wales, where he in-
tends spending th • winter months.
Mr. and Mr. Jo n P. Skinner, and
children, of Clint° , were visiting last
week •witle Mrs a Mi.: hn T. Currie
in East Wavvano h, pr or leaving for
California wher they • fend residing.
Mr. C. M, W Iker, accompanied by
his son, Fred 0 Walker, left on Thurs-
day last for t e West. This is Mr.
Walker's regul r business trip and
they expected to reach Edmonton in
two weeks.
Miss Lizzie amont is visiting her
sister, Mrs. A L. Hamilton. Miss
Lamont has jus returned ria visit
to the Old Lan, where sb vie ted all
the points of i erest in Elgland, Scot-
land and Franc.
Mr. M. R. Bt ckwith, who has for a
number of ye rs been a resident of
Winghapn andor some time been en-
gaged in the b.
king business, left last
Week for Berlh1, where he has accept-
ed a good positjion. Many friends are
sorry to hear o Mr. Beckith's remov-
al from the tow, His family will re-
main hi Winghajn for the present.
ANCHOR POSTs—A • ntity of good
cedar posts, suitab e o anchor posts,
Apply to John Salter, Wingham,
Sunday riext will
Day in the Wingha
A meeting of th
land was held at 1.4
to consider the
Donald Tait, pasts
at Teeswater.
The preacher in
text Sunday will b
Hughes of Millban
to conduct, the 11
services at Millban
The eogregati
and Port Albert ha
to Rev. R, M. Mc
Centre, in the Pres
MeEseehren tau
now a number of y
The Rev. it M,
towel, *Ali c nd
giving ait n
Pattl'S S daye
eightee yea e afte
13aldwi petted the
vest supper will be
Oetober 2nd,
Bally day cervices
wittier; with the Be
on Sunday last, M
superintendent, Wait
addressee were deli
Bev. G. Victor Coll
There was a goo
duetts and recitat
the church was
With flowers.
Nominations wer held all over
Ada Of Thursday f last week
scenes of enthuai ara on both. si
There will he a co est in all the rid
except Welland; w ere the late ns
her, W. M. Gerrna , the Liberal can
date, is granted h seat by accla
tion. Later advic says that Sir
fridiAturier is vi ally elected by
elamation hquo, e East. His op
nent, Mr. Leduc, or of Libre Par
the Nationalist pa er Quebec, s
in his resignation at ThIlraciay MO
ing to the returni officer.
Ur J. A. C. Et ier has been re -els
ed by acclamation as M.P. for T
Mountains, by rea on of the irregul
ity of the nomin tion papers of
IsTationalist-Conse valve oppenent
Andre Fauteme.
For East Huron, the nominati
were held Erus els with Eeturni
(Meer Morton pre beings At the el
of the nominatio roeeting, the us
public meeting wa held and there w
a large attendan e of both Liber
and Conservatives Mr. John Leek
of Brussels was chosen as chairre
and addresses on e questions of t
day were delive d by Arch, Hisl
and, Jas. Bowman, the candidates a
Messes. W. IL K rr and A. Mu
Can -
weto- Children's Shoos
ar' The Girl or Boy that we Shoe
Mrwith our good .wloeswill be
able to stand erect, walk grace.
ons fully, study well any play well.
s -
The Toronto GI be's Ottawa corre
pondent cowmen 'iv on the probab
result of the el tion, figures out
follows on Satur., y last—
From reliable eports received he
from every Provi ce in Canada the r
turrf of the Go ernment can be pr
dieted with abs 0Iute assurance. Th
only question is e: to the size of th
majority. Welle formed Conservativ
politiciane practically admit that M
Borden has not t e ghost of a chance
of coming back vith a majority behind
him. Election, b ts of a Government
majority of at le st thirty-five at eve
money are going begging in the Capi
tal, where the gane of politics is play
ed at close range. No Conservative o
prominence or astltenes can be bus
who will give fact .or figures to justif
a prediction of a ory victory. Eve
the most optimist c Opposition politi
cians at headquar ers here will not now
venture an analy 's of the situation be
Provinces that c n be figured out to
showsufficient go ns for the straight
Conservative can iclates to wipe out
the Government's ajority in the last
On the other han , reports received
from Liberal spun s amply justify Sir
Wilfrid Laurier's onfident prediction
that he never en ered a fight with
greater assurance e a sweeping vic-
According to the est and most re-
liable information a enable, the result
of polling should sh w something like
the following:—
Leathers of splendid Caif Skin,
Button, Lace or Blucher Cut.
Full or half heel.,
Viraterproofed soles and uppers.,
The most Expert Children's
Shoemaking in every detil.
Every size and width made, •
. 4444440444444/4440144,0
Shoes at Mop $1. $1.25, $1.50
We've established a reputation
for Shoeing Children correctly
and we want every PArent to
know how well wo deserve it.
es See as for Trunks and Vailees,
Where quality counts we win.
N. Griffin
n 111Rifranna
PLATX GLAsi • ess_willa 'AVM
Coupled with a Rm. ESTATE and
Mor LOANING- Bsies.
Issuer Of Mairiaga Licenes.
Liberal. tion.
Maritime Provinces.27 8
Quebec ... 50 15
Ontario .. 33 48
Western Canada . 22 13
Totals ... 137 84
Liberal majority 53.
• This allows the L berals a net gain of
only one seat in th Maritime Provinc.
es, a prediction wh ch, according to the
progress of the ea paign there, may
very easily and p e. ably will be better-
ed by the result.
e observed as Rally
Methodist Suriday "A Dollar saved is a- Dollar earned."
$in twarcl. Our Boot and Shoe gale will save you
Dollars. W. J OREER.
Office eV.
And authorized teacher of the Fletcher
Music Method Simyless and Kinde-
garten. Teacher of Piano and Theory.
Pupils prepared for conservatory ex-
Theory by correspondence to out of
town pupils.
Apply at Miss Sperling's home,
lefinnie street.
aicntgbusiness Goocl chance fora bright -
ive boy. Apply at TIMES office.
••• ••••,,
Go to Ketox's for your High School
Presbyteriof Malt -
chetah on Tuesday
signation of Rev. any person giving nformation leading
to the recovery of Scotch Collie dog,
The above rew • rd will be paid to
answering the na e of Bruce, lost
of Knox Church, May 14th. B. Domar,
Natio al Hotel, Wingham.
St. Paul's Church
the Rv. Erank IC.
as the Rector is
vest Thanksgiving
,his native towe.
ns of Dungannon
e extended a call
achren, of Dover
ytery of Chatham.
ht school in Luck -
ars ago,
ang-Ford, of Lis-
hillaevest Thanks -
y servioes In (t
et let, exactly
the late Bishop
hutch. The Her -
held on 111ndy,
Were held in toe -
'et Sunday School
W. D. Pringle,
the thairman arid
erect by the pastor,
s and Peter Fisher.
program of Solos,
nh. The interior of
atitifully &Orate&
Winghon • • V
Atwood —
tlyth •. 4 • • 4 • • • ..
Brussels- .. . ..
Dungannon .......
Goderih. .00 4.0 •••
Gorrie . • v y .4 .4..
Listowel. • • • ,14,
Mildmay •
Ripley "41
Tiverton — ..s...s.
Zurkh W'alketton
ept. 28, 29
• • • 0,4 '''.4t# 21, 22
... Ott, 3, 4
. ... — ....Oct. 5, 6
...... ,Oct. 5,6
• —Sept. 18, 19
...Sept. 18, le, 20
• . .. Oct, 7
— . Sept. 28, 29
... —4—Sept. 20,21
me..Sept, 19, go
,..Sept, 25, 26
.... .Sept. 21, 22
•Oet. 8
„ Oct. 4,2
, —Oct. 10
....Sept. 13, 14, 15
• .... „Sept. 20, 21,
Premier Stolypin
ded la 6 theatee at
ia beleived his Wett
This isn't the firs
vR:t1:nd it
Ihirty Years
Our Seven Colleges have been
established during the past 30
years. The largest trainers in
Canada. Owing to our connec-
tion all over ()Mario, we do
better for our graduates than
any other School. You may
study all at home or partly at
home and finish at the College.
Affiliated with The Cominerene
Educators' Aatociatioh of Can-
ada. It would be well for you
to investigate before choosing.
Exclusive right for Ontario of
the world-famous Bliss Book-
keeping Sytem, which is un.
equalled. It is littera Business
from start to Mesh, and the
student keeps same books as
Chartered Banks and Whole-
saie Houses. triter ;any time.
fall Term From kg. 28th
Write, tall or photo) for
tette. ekOttOft, Isromeot,