HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-09-14, Page 88 MINOR L.QGALS. Fall fair Concert on the evening of Sept. 29th. --Keep in mind Wingham's fall fair on September 25th and 29th. ..Tate TIMES to any address in Cana- da to January lst, 1912 for 25 cents. --The worst eletrical storm of the eason passed over this section on onday night. _Wingham fall fair on September 28th and 20th. Make your entries eary with the Secretary at the TiatE$ office. ---Public meeting in the interests, of ,Arch. Hislop in Wingham Town Hallon Wedneday evening, September loth—Mr Walter S. Hawk, late of Turnberry, wrting from Parkland, Alta., says he has excellent crops this year and on Septembe 5th had not finished cutting his wheat, —Our readers will have to exuse the large installment of political matter in this issue. The battle will soon be over and we will again settle down to the usual routine of businss. —Regular meeting of the Winghambranch of the Woman's Institute at theborneofMrs. C. Gillespie, Francis street this (Thursday) afternoon. Members and friends are requested to attend. Messrs. A. M. Crawford and A. E. Porter were in Toronto last week play- ing in the Scotch double bowling com- petition. They were successful in win- ning three games but did not get into the prizes,—There will be a meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Wingham General Hosptal in the Council Cham- ber on Monday afternoon, September 18th at 4 o'clock. All members are re- quested to attend. —Mr. J. C. Smith, Boy Scout Com- missioner, was in Clinton recently where he addressed a public meeting on the Scout movement. It is propos- ed to organize a Local Boy Scout Asso- ciation in Clinton. THESE MEN ARE ALIVE, (Toronto Star.) M. Sfton says that in traded pdoliccy Canadans should nt be g y dead men, Here are a few lve ones, who favored reciprocity until they found that a Liberal Government could obtain reciprocity, The Hon. Geoge E. Foster, ex -Minister of Finance, University Maga- zine, Deember, 1910. T. Chisholm, Conservative member for East Huron, House of Commons, Nov 24,1910, Also in Toronto. Weeky Sun, August 19, 1910. W. B. Northrup, Conservative mem- ber for East Hastings, Nov. 29, 1910. F. D. Monk, Conservative member for Jacques Cartier, House ofCommons, Nov. 22, 1910. J. D. Reid, M. D., Conservative member for Grenville, House of Commons, March 30, 1910. John Herron, Conservative member for Macleoad. Favors reciprocity to- day. Wm, Wright, Conservative member for Muskoka, Toronto Weekly Sun, August 15, 1910. W. H. Sharpe, Conservative mem- for Lisgar, Manitoba, House of Com -mons, April 15, 1910. J. W. Edwards, Conservative mem- ber for Frontenac, House of. Commons, January 21, 1910. POLI MEE MEE'1'I TNTE Archi The Lib Will be held for Political isu fol PERSONAL. Belgrare, F Blyth, Mo Corrie, Tu Wingham, W Meetings Mr. Bowman, didate, or his Seats will GOD S Mr. Pliny Louks of Flesherton was at tacked by a sow and would probably h ave been killed had not his son rescued him. Miss Olive Knox is visiting with friends in London. Miss Edith Johnston of Toronto is visiting at her home in town. Miss Mary Coulter of Toronto is visiting at her parental home in town. 111ARRIED WALLACE—CAMPBELL—At the home of the bride's father, on September 12th, by Rev. D. Perrie, of Wingham, Mr. William Wallace, of Tuckersmith, to Margaret M., daughter of Mr. D. Campbell, of Morris. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Elliott were visit- ing for a week with friends in Toronto. Miss Margaret Gray, of Stratford, is visiting with her friend, Miss Jean Mc- Kinlay. Miss Lina Barber left this week for London, where she will resume her position as milliner. Miss Hattie McCracken has returned home from London, where she spent a month with relatives and friends. Mr. Fawcett, of the Burks Falls Arrow was in town for over Sunday and gave the TIMES a friendly call. Miss Jennie Struthers has returned home after spending the past few months with relatives and friends in Owen Sound and Wiarton. s. THE MOD! TIMES SEPTEMBER 14, 1911 ICAL INGS S IN THE EST OF Hislop al Candidate he discussion of the s of the day as, ows:— 11 tl d Assortrneat ofRING EROS. ofdd lwat t.6; iday, Sept. 15 d yam, Sept, 18 sg`ay, Sent. 19 dnesday, Sept. 20 11 open at 8 p.m. the Conservative can- epresentative, invited. e reserved for ladies. VE THE KING. Spfn i Sweater Coats FARM FOR SALE. i 150 acres, two miles from ►own of Wingham. All tillable lan• in high state of cultivation. Two . of good farm buildings; two g• • orchards; 1 artesian well; wind ill ater in house and barn; telepho connection. A desirable home in a first-class locality. For particulars apply to - WM. MAXWELL, Bluevale Road, Box 68. Wingham, Ont. DIED. DENNIS—In McKillop township, on Sept. 6th, Thos. A. Dennis, in his 85th year. - McKEE—In Ethel, on Sept. 6th, W. Gordon McKee, eldest son of Andrew McKee, aged 19 years, 3 months and 25 days. SCOTT—On Aug. 20th, at 13 Cale- donian Road, Edinburgh, Scotland, James Scott, son of the late Adam Scott, 4th line Morris, aged 73 years. STANBURY—At Bayfield, on Septem- ber 7, Richard Stanbury, one of the oldest medical practitioners in western fild 46 ears ago; in Ontario; ctive practi e located at u til a couple of years ago. Notice to (jontractors. The Council of th ris are asking for t struction of the Tenders will be op Chamber, Monday o'clock p.m. Plan cations at the Clerl close a marked ch tender, A. M Bluevale, August 2 SWINBANK—In Tnekersmith, on Sep- tember 5th, Elizabeth Stephenson, re- lict of the late George Swinbank, and sister of Mrs. Edward Bosman, of Wingham, aged 75 years and 8 months. BRECKENRIDGE —In Morris, On Sept. 9th, David Breckenridge, in his 93rd year. STAUFFER—,In Kinloss, on Sept. 2nd, William Stauffer, aged 77 years. MCCnoSTIE—At Grassy LakeD. , Alta., on formerly ofof St. st Helens, aged 32 yeas. Township of Mor- nders for the con- lyth Creek Drain. ned at 'the Council Sept. 18th, at 2 profile and specifi- 's residence. En- ue for $100 with cEWEN, Clerk. h, 1911. FOR SALE I have some first-class farms for sale (on easy terms) in central Alberta. Soil—Black loam. Subsoil Clay in a well settled district with good water. For information and terms apply to C. N. GRIFFIN Real Estate and Insurance, Hon. Geo. P. Graham, y1inister of Railways and Canals was tC uest of Mr. and Mrs. R. Clegg dunhis stay in Wingham on Monday las Mrs. Brown, of Seaforth and Mrs. Dulmage, of McKillop er visiting with Mrs. Robt. Hasti gs, 9, line of Turnberry for over Sun y..` CHURCH NOTES. SEALED TENDERS add signed and endorsed " Sarnia, Unt. ' will be rec until 4.00 P. M., on W edne 1011, for the work mention Plans, specification and f be seen and forms of tende cation at the office of Mr. Clerk of Works, Pos` Street, Toronto, Ont., at th nia, Ont., and at this Dopar merit. Persons tendering are no ifted that tenders will not be considered un ess made on the printed forms supplied, and signed with their actual signatures, stating their oceupatio4b' and places of residence. In the case of firms, the actual signatures, the na ure of the occu- pation and place of resident of each member of the firm must be given. i e a and by an m Each tender must be ca essed to the und'er- nder for Armoury, ived at this office day, September 20, arm of contract can obtained on appli- hos. A. Hastings, tation F, Yonge Post Office, Sar - DUNNVILLE. ST.THOMAS & BUFFALO g?CATHARINES. 1g(�FALO BU p CANADA. This season we are showing a grand display of KNIT- TED GOODS and would 'advise all intending purchasers to inspect our stock before . buying. Ladies' 3-4 length Sweater Coat made of fine Llama Yarn, nicely finished, good fitting, colors plain grey and white at $5.00. Ladies' Short Sweater Coats, Norfolk Style, colors -white, navy, cardinal, grey,. and black, in all sizes, a spec- ial number, at $2.50. SEALED TENDERS addressed to the under- signed, and endorsed "Tender for Supply- ing coal for the Dominion Buildings," will be received at this office until 4:p.m. on Tuesday, September 20, 1911, for the supp of Coal for the Public Building through,. the Dominion, form of tender on at this office. ,otlfied that tenders _ unless made on the , and signed with their Combined speoifications a oan be obtaieed on app ie Personstenderin area will not be consi e printed form supp actual signatures. Each tender must be accompanied by Ln• accepted cheque on a chartered bank, payable to the order of the Honourable the Minister of Public W orks, equal to ten per cent (10 p c.) of the amount of the tender, which will be for- feited if the person tendering decline to enter into a contract when called upon to do so, or fail to complete the work contracted for. If the tender be not accepted the cheque will be returned. By order, R. 0. DES110010118. Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, August 11, 1911. Newspapers will not be paid for this advor. from the Department t it without authorit y Communion service was held in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church on Sun- day last. There were a number of new members added to the church roll. Rev, E. 11. Croly conducted the ser- vices in the Anglican Church at Tees - water and Rev. Mr. Abbott, of Tees - water conducted the services in St. Paul's Church, Wingham on Sunday last. The annual harvest effort of the Salvation Army, will take place next week, from 19th to 25th. The Corps is asking for a continuance of the kind- ness that has been shown in other ef- forts.by the people of Wingham. The general objeet of the effort is the help- ing of the poorer and harder ,corps in the Canadian field, but this year the Wingliam corps is combining that with an effort to raise more toward the fund for installing a furnace in their hall, Special Harvest Thanksgiving services will he held on Sunday, Sept. 24th, }iso oil Monday a sale of goods. l ur- r,er announcements will be trade next, week. ,. a pp na accepted cheque on a charter dnk.payable to the order of the Honourab o the Minister of Public Works, equal to ten pe cent 110 p.c.1 of the amount of the tender, w ich will be for- feited if the person tendering,decline to enter into a contract when called u on to do so, or fail to complete the work co urn for. If the tender be not accepted th cheque will be returned. The Department does not bind itself to ac- cept the lowestt or any tender oytender R C. DES13O Department of Public Works, Ottawa August 00 Newspapers will not be pa{. tisement if they insert it wi from the Department. Akid4e, BLbG.. M. C. A Y LONDON, ON1'. BUSINESS and SHORTHAND SUBJECTS. Registered lest season upwards of 300 students and placed every graduate, Seven apeeialiy qualified regular teachers. One hundred and fifty London firma employd help. College in eeereT%e've artmrnt dei s not o r mineeion front f sept the �'owest er any fond nit, 5 to June 30. Enter any time, cra fie toga* trail. 8 re or g D HERS. Secretary. 911. for this edger - out authority SYNOPSIS OE CANADIAN NORTH. WEST LAND REGULATIONS. ANY person who is the sole head of a family Aor any male over 18 years old, may home- stead a quarter section of available Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear in person at the Domin1021 Lands Agency er Sub -Agency for the district. Entry by proxy may be made at any agency, on certain conditions, by father, mother, son, daughter,.brother or sister of intending homesteader. • Duties.—bis months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres or his ando led ccu byhimby solely ownedP father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. t In certain districts a homesteader in good standing niay pre-empt a quarter -section alongside his homestead. Price 88.00 nen acre. Duties.—Must reside upon the homestead or pre-emption six months in each of six years from the date of homestead entry (including the;time required to earn homestead patent) and cultivate tlty acres extra. A homesteader who has exhausted his home- stead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption may enter for a purchased homestead in certain disots. Price 88.00 per acre, Duties.—Must rest a siir months in each of three yeam culti- vate fifty acres and erect a house worth $900.00. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N. B.—Unauthorized publf0atiou of this ad- vertisement Rill not be paid for.1 II n(14C ✓ink'. `O.hOw i wG •.r.kat, BUFFALO Cw WUARINES Childrens' and Misses Sweater Coats Children's and Misses Sweater Coats ' in Norfolk Style and adjustable collar effect, sizes' from 20 to 32, colors white, navy, cardinal, grey and fancy weave effect, prices ranging from $1.25 to $2.50 according to style and quality. EGGS 22c JUNG BROS- PRODIJCE WANTED I . WE WANT YOUR TRADE 1.' (CEALED TEND1:I18, addresse to the under - 1J signed, and endorsed "Te der for Public Building, Cheeley, Ont.," wil be received et this office until 4.00 P. M. Wed esday. Septem- ber 20,1911, for the work ment ,.ned. glans, apecifioation andform f contract can be seen and forms of tendon ob shied on a pli- cation at the office of Mr, Th . A. llastipngs, Clerk of Works, Postal Station F. Yonge 1 y. Ont., attthenofUce the Post o &o Clhed- ark, Architects, Owen Sound, O • t., and at this Department. Persons tendering are notifi d that tenders will not be considered unle : made on the printed forms supplied, and si • ned With their actual signatures. stating the r occupations and places of residence. In t : case of firms, the actual signature, the natu . of the oeeupa• tion and place of residence of Itch member of the firm must be given Mach tender must be rice + npanied byb e accepted cheque on a cchattel.d bank, paya he Mi Histo r Of P t ra nnu , 4 the Ho to the order o Public Works equal to ten ache cent ll(1liie for the amonnt pr the tend dr, felted it the person tenderin deehlie to enter Intel a contract when called ion to do so, at fail to conipleto the work (Attracted tor. If the tender be not accepted e cheque Will be bind itself to' ic- r. R00141188,Secretary, Ottawa, A.ua tlet 81,1911. SPECIAL OFFER Nommimmommossmem We are prepared to match the price of any style of shoe as advertised in any Canadian l; catalogue and in case you may want some particular style which we have not in stock we will procure same for you at whatever price advertised, free of all express charges to you and at the same time if they do not suit, you are under no obli-, gation to keep them, and do not f .forget "rips sewed free." WILLIS & CO. THE SHOE STORE. 9LSoleino.ue¢I���� for L ,dies. Agents 4SleiG�grf/Jmoet ti A TALL CLOTHING MEN FOR D BOYS 1 THE TIMES TILL JANUARY 1st, 1912 FOR 25c Richelieu and Ontario Navigation Company Forest 6rkY Pj rhpertniont of Public Woe ;� J, W >5eti•Cttvtt�', Yteasprlx;r:r will De aid for this ad ver - J, /W. VWII Priailtith si from the DtPottment. Yattete RVEtT, JLC kato ted A ,lit, ptsnol$) ti,emr+1t it they insert it r►ltriont authari y September Service STEAMERS "TORONTO" AND "KINGSTON" Leaves Toronto 8.00 p.m. daily, eltcept Sunday up to Sept, 23rd and from Sept, 25th to 30th, Monday, Wednesday and Saturday for 1000 Islrnds, Running the Rapids, Montreal, Quebec and Saguenay. STEAMER "BELLE V`ILLL" Leaves Hamilton 12.00 noon and Toronto 7. 30 n every Tuesday forBy of Quie, Montreal and inter- mediate ports. Low roundtrip including meals and berth. For tickets ratfolder ldsn rat d furtherinfor' H. FOSTER CHAFFEE, A, G. P. A., Toronto, Ont. Do YQu Own a "PARKYTE" or are you'a Slave to III -Health A "PARKTTE" SANITARY CHEsaICAL CLOSET In your home is the strongest kind of insurance against the germs of disease, It is a preventative against epidemics and contagion in the Summer, and all absolute necessity the year round. rt Requires neither Water nom: Sewage; cany pelt be placed ii of your home; costs less shan a CENT a day, and Lasts a lifetime. Endorsed by the leading Physicians; and Bealth fi e` ams 1 Specified by the most, prominent Architects; and adopted by Whole Muniolpalities. Over 15,000 have been installed in Canadian homes in leas than one year. Ask your dealer for prides. ThesIarkyte Sanitary Chemicalal Closet is made e in Canada PARKER-WH1TE LIMITED WINNIPEG, • MAN. RrtiitiCr 'Toronto, Montreal, Calgary and V'anconver, and is st)ld by ALEX. YOUNG. WINGI:IAM, ONT. rt.. We have just passed intostock a full range of Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats from one - of best factories in Canada. Men and Boys who like stylish Clothes without fads, who insist on the best quality in materials as well as tailoring and who appreciate the fact that real economy in buying is in getting the highest grade will find our stock just to their liking.` Come in and see what we call style and value—if onlyto see.W e show goods cheerfully regard- less of whether or no you are ready to buy. Sweater Coats. A full range of Ladies' and Children's Sweater Coats just to hand in all the newest styles and weave's. ..r.,w=-nom ""'"'4.4 NOTICE All accounts due the estate of the late T. A. Mills must be settled by cash or note not later than Sepember t 5th. J. A. MIL- LS Successor to T. A. Mitis PlIONt 89. WI i'GEAM, O NT.