HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-09-14, Page 610.pg0Nw.'kt..010,10416 V ISOLOrcxsx .�•n �nar.+INM. "-"1++ ' ► x r:xn , . •••..•• ,,r.5..avta w+nr €Ino-'.re:nwrrw-.
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Quality o1711 -:.eat May of
Produce Same QAz a i;ty of
derful system of cleaning and
scouring, passing through
twenty distinct machines.
Fifty-five steel rollers, the
largest in Canada, reduce the
wheat into flour. Then it is
purified and dressed by "bolt-
ing" it through silk sifters of
fine mesh. Not a " branny "
particle or speck of dust is ever
found in "Purity" Flour.
You may have to pay a little
more for Purity, but baking
results, quality and quantity,
prove it is worth far more than
The quality of flour largely
depends on the chilling. Two
mills might grind wheat of the
same quality and the product
of one far out:.less the other.
It is not only the high quality
of the hard ' l cat used, but
also the superic:r milling facili-
ties, that places "PURITY "
flour so far above all others.
Our milling plant at St. Boni-
face, Manitoba, cost nearly
$i,000,000, and is one of the
most perfectly equipped mills
in the world. The wheat itself
is subjected to the most won- the slight difference.
We have two other modernly equipped mills at Brandon,
Man., and Goderich, Ont.
"1! ire Bread
and Better Bread."
Western Canada Flour Mills Co., Limited.
A good bluff makes more noise than
great riches,
If a man thinks there is such a thing
as a painless dentist you can fool him
with any old thing.
Probably the orvner of the largest
number of dogs in the world is a Rus-
sian who has 30,000 shepherd dogs to
look after 1,500,,000 sheep,,
Mrs. Russell Sage is to be requested
to;pay an inheritance tax all her
Minnesota lands held under contracts
of sale. It is believed the tax will
amount to nearly $600,000.
In the mountain region of North
Fork of the Clearwater River, Iowa,
eighty miles above Ahsal.a, settlers
are this summer reaping a wild honey
harvest that will net them hundreds of
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
Strathroy ratepayers voted $40,000
for a -new Collegiate Institute building.
In anticipation of war Belgium is
manning and arming the frontier fort-
Paralyzed Limbs. r., 4
To -day it issleeplessness, headaches,
digestive trouble, and irritability. Next
thing you know some form of paralysis
has developed. Mr. Alex. Honsburger,
10 Moore street, St. Catharines, Ont.
writes: "Nervous trouble developed
into paralysis of the limbs so that I be -
s came helpless. Doctors failed me, but
after using ten boxes of Dr. Chase's
Nerve feel better than I did forwork,I resumed 20 now and
S Boxes Cured Psoriasis,
"I have a world of confidence in
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for I
have used it with perfect success,
writes ellaePoolesville,
For salby Basford,
Miss Emiiy Tulbert amptonville,
N. C., who is 82 years old, is said to
have read the Bible through 117 times,
and the New Testament 246 times, She
committed 137 chapters or 4,081 verses, The inventor is doing his best to
memory atone time and recited eliminate the dangerous hatpin. He is
them in Sundayy school. �r likely to be more successful than boards
DR. A. W. CHASE'S of aldermen, for he has devised a hat
CATARRH POWDER C� clasp that is more practical, more ef-
" is sent direct to the diseased parts by the fective in holding the hat on, and daint-
Improved Blower. Iieals the
ulcers, clears the air passages, ier in appearance than the pin.
stops droppings in the throat and
permanently cures Catarrh anu
]lay Fever. 25c, blower free.
Accept no substitutes. Alt dealers
or Edmaason, Bates & Co., Toronto.
Fruit stains ,,,on table linen at this
season are not hard to remove as a
rule if they are attended to at once.
Boiling water poured on the linen will
sometimes do it. If not, lemon juice
and salt will accomplish the purpose.
Lay the article in the sun and keep it
wet until the stain disappears, and as
a last resort javel water, diluted, may
be tried.
When troubled with fall
rashes, eczema, or any skin
disease apply Zaln-Buk!
Surprising how quickly It eases
the smarting and stinging $. Also
cures cuts, burns, sores and piles.
Zam-Buk is made fro m pure her
hal essences, No animal fats—no.
mineral poisons. Finest healer I
Droiste end Stora Et.rywh.ro.
If the morning egg spoons are rub-
bed with table salt after they are rins-
ed in warm water all discoloration will
be removed without having to use sil-
ver polish.
Children Cry
Mozart Composed For Them and
Gluck Played Upon Them..
Richard Pookrich, the Versatile Genius
Who Originated Them, Once Used,
Their Melody to Charm Away the
Bailiffs Who Had Arrested Him.
Richard Pockrich, an Irishman who
lived in the eighteenth century, was
R true genius, a dreamer and an in-
ventor. He proposed metal ships, pre-
dicted flying tnachiues, advocated bog
drainage and vine planting in the Em-
erald isle, Invented an instrument for
transfusing blood and was for some
years a brewer in Dublin.
It was in the•domaln of art that he
achieved his one real triumph, the one
by which he is known in temporary
o became
musical history. by which
known to general European civilization
during bis lifetime and by which his
name will long survive. He invented
the musical glasses. These can be.
heard today in vaudeville houses all
over the world and will probably sur-
vive as long as the musical art itself.
Most of our readers have beard them.
They are simply a set of tumbler or
goblet like glasses selected for tonal
quality to carry out a musical scale.
l"ockrieh seems to have been the first
man to be struck by the musical tone
glass, and so he thought the thing
alt and produced a scale on which be
:ould play any melody.
He exhibited his discovery in Dublin
tad tinally took it to. England about
Me year Mid, where it became the sen -
;talon of the hour. . Nothing was talk -
ti of but the marvelous, simple, new
pusical instrument, It seemed to the
•ors of the Jaded Londoners that the
teavenly art in all its elemental beauty
std returned to earth: Licar from sneer-
-ug at so very simple an idea for mak-
'ug inelody, the cognoscenti of London
sent into raptures over the musical
;lasses. Gluck, the great composer,
who was in London, did not disdain
to play his immortal airs upon them.
-The opera flourishes more than in
any recent year," wrote Horace Wal-
pole to a friend. "The composer is
Gluck. a German. lae is to have a
benefit, at which he is to play a set
of drinking ,glasses which he modu-
lates with water. I think I have heard
you speak of some such thing."
Not only did Gluck perform upon
Poeitrioll's new instraaient, but Bee-
thoven, Mozart and other, great mu-
;it•ians in later years rtetually com-
posed music for it. Goldsmith refers
to it in "The Vicar of Wakefield." Not
long after the inventor visited Loudon.
inti Benjamin Franklin speaks of him
to a leder to a friend thus:
"You have doubtless heard the sweet
tone that is drawn from a drinking
Oass by passing a wet finger round its
brim. One Mr. Pockrich, a gentleman
from Ireland, was the first who thought
of 'playing tunes formed of such tones.
13e collected . a number of glasses of
different sizes; fixed them neareach
other on a table and tuned them by
putting into them water, more or less
as each note required. The tones were
brought out by passing his fingers
round the brim."
n The Customs returns for August
show an increase of $1,198,600 over the
corresponding month of last year.
Very bad bush fires were reported
north of foxmead in North Orillia town
ship last week, many families being
burned out. •
working on a con-
' nohow
Italian v
struction gang on the C. P. R. was
caught by a huge lump of solid gravel
at Hamilton while at work and killed.
The interior of Rideau Hall is being
thoroughly renovated in preparation
for the coming of the Duke of Con-
naught. The exterior will also be im-
The youngest daughter of COl.O'Mal-
ley of Wardsville, commtited suicideby
cutting her throat. •
A Cleveland company is to build a
For bowel complaints in children al-
l-wa s dive Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy and castor oil.
It is certain to effect a cure and when
reduced with water and sweetened is
pleasant to• take. No physician can
prescribe a better remedy. For sale
Snit Rheum
On the Hand
million -dollar chemical plant at Hand- by all dealers. /
ton that will employ 1,000 men.
To keep nasturtium blossoms plenti-
It is not the quantity of food taken ful and their stems long they should be
but the amount digested and assimilat carefully picked every day during this
used for over SIXTY YEARS by MILLIONS of
is the best remedy for VIARRHCEA. It is ab
solutely harmless. Ile sure and ask for "Mrs.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup." and take no otter
kind. Twenty-five cotton bottle.
A New Jersey man claims that he
has discovered a new way to get rid of
mosquitoes. He says that he has sunk
water barrels in his grounds, filled
them, and planted pond lilies in them.
Then a pair of gold fish are added. The
female mosquitoes go there to breed
and are eaten by the fish. This novel
application of the gold cure, he says,
will soon exterminate the majority of
female mosquitoes which are the ones
that bite.
Yielded only to the soothing, healing
influence � f DR. CHASE'S ASE'S
In addition to the suffering and
annoyance• caused by eczema and salt
rheum there is always danger of the
trouble spreading and becoming
chronic. For this reason the use of
Dr. Chase's Ointment should be regu-
lar and persistent until the cure is
and I•P
Mrs, John J. Delory, Linwood,
Antigonish county, N.S., writes:—"I
want to say that Dr. Chase's Oint-
ment has proven a grett blessing to
me. I had salt rheum on one hand.
and could not get it healed up. The
itching was most distressing at times.
Two boxes- of Dr. Chase's Ointment
has cured me completely, and I glad-
ly recommend it to every sufferer."
In every home there is a demand
' Ointment.par-
Dr. Chase's
useful where there are chil-
dren. Chafing and skin irritation
ere relieved at once and eczema is
cured by this soothing, healing oint-
ment. 60 cents a box, at all dealers,
or Edmanson, Bates & Co.. Toronto.
ed that gives strength and vitality
the system Chamberlain's Stomach month.
and Liver Tablets invigorate the stem- If a silver spoon is laid in a bowl or
ash and liver sad enab a them to per-
form their functions naturally. For
sale by all dealers.
Mrs. McIntyre of Brantford, was fat-
ally burned when her clothes and bed-
ding caught fire from a lamp.
Louis Robert, aseventy-year-old mill-
wright, fell off a hundred -foot trestle
at Three Rivers and svas killed.
Children Cry
glass dish before hot stewed fruit or
apple sauce is poured into it, it is not
apt to crack or break.
A bill has been introduced in the
British House of Commons making it
illegal to assess fines against workmen
in cotton factories. The reason ad-
vanced in favor of the meaure
is that while many factory man-
agements have systems of fining em-
ployes for a multiplicity of things,
other managements have not.
Dr. told him to try
Budget deet BloodBitters
Children Cry
Diarrhoea is always more or less pre-
valent during September. Be prepared
for it. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy is prompt and
effectual. It can always be depended
upon and is pleasant to take. For sale
by all dealers.
Panama, down where Col. Goethels
is digging the big ditch for Uncle Sam,
lives on bananas, both directly and in-
directly, for while the population eats.
them for breakfast, luncheon, dinner
and supper, the export trade of the
republic which Col. Roosevelt bit off
the United States of Colombia consists
of that fruit ---four and a quarter mil-
lion to four and a half million bunches
a year, mostly for Yankee and
mostly by way of the pushcart man. .
Just arrived at KNOX'S — the new
High School books.
Puts the Dollar Above the ..Man
Even Though the Dollar May be the Fruit of Privilege.
jy, Sneer Which will be Resented by Every Self -Respecting Farmer in Canada.
One of the most effective salad gar-
nishes of the season is made by using
young mottled beet leaves with varie-
gated nasturtium flowers against the
white lettuce leaves that the salad
bowl is lined with.
As usually treated, a sprained ankle
will disable a man for three or four
weeks, but by applying Chamberlain's
Liniment freely as soon as the injury
is received, and observing the directions
with each bottle, a cure can be effected
in from two to four days. For sale by
all dealers.
There is a story of Pockrich, who
was making occasional* tours to Eng-
land after the invention of the musical
glasses, that illustrates the surprising
ffect of his own performance on them.
It is told by his friend Brockhill New-
burgh, a gentleman of 'wealth aid po-
sition, who lived in. Dublin at the time:
"Mr. Pockrich in his brewery nese
Islandbridge, happens to be one day.
seized by bailiffs, thus addressed them:
"'Gentlemen, I am your prisoner, but
before I do myself the honor to attend
yon give me leave as an humble per-
former in musick to entertain you with
a tune.'
"'Sir,' exclaimed one of the bailiffs,
'we came here to execute our warrant,
not to "hear tunes."'
"'Gentlemen,', says the captain, to
submit to your authority, but in the
interim while you are only taking a
dram—here, Jack (calling to his serv-
ant), bring a bottle of the Rosa Solis I
lately distilled—I say, gentlemen, be-
fore you take a dram I shall dispatch
my tune.'
"In the meanwhile he flourishes a
prelude on the glasses and afterward
displays his skill through all the pleas-
ing turns and variations of 'The Black
Joke.' The monsters, charmed with
the magic of his sounds, for some time
Stand and gaze. At length, recovering
from their trance, they thus accost the
"'Sir, upon your parole of honor to
keep the secret we give you your lib-
erty. 'Tis well playing upon glasses
is not more common; if it were I be-
lieve our trade would find little em-
Another musical instrument that
Pockrich developed as no man had
ever dreamed of before was the drum.
Re bad dreamed of harmony even in
the drum. He planned an orchestra of
Brunie only. There were to be twenty
of them, varying in size and tone from
the smallest trebles to the basses, to
be played by one paten standing With
the drums arranged about him in a
circle. Pockrich never succeeded fn
sen' from a
true y
oil g tra
of drems. •
The musical glasses were the direct
cause o! 1'ockrith's death, it was
While he was upon one of his Musical
tour. in England in the year 1759 that
the hotel in London In which he wall
sleeping eanght Are and he was burn,
ea to deaths 4oseph LeWir Ifteitek b
Now York Post•,
The Toronto Star has been publishing an "honor" made up of Conserva-
tives who are putting country before party by voting for reciprocity.
None of the names which figure on the list are directors of great financial
corporations. The names are all those of farmers engaged in earning their bread
by honest industry. Because: this is so the Toronto World indulges in a sneer,
illustrativer'of the spirit which is being developed in this country—illustrative of
the spirit under which the man who earns his living by his own toil is coming to
be despised, while the man who gets his living by exploiting the toll of others is
exalted. The. World says:
The Toronto Star is evidenty relying' on Conservative votes to
carry reciprocity. It makes an "Honor Roll' of 36 Conservatives who
are said to be in favor of reciprocity, And it has had to Scour the coun-
try through to find them. The Star could not find space for the names
of the Liberals who will vote against reciprocity, and the roll of Liberals
of the first rank would be far longer than that of the handful of unimpor-
tant Conservatives the Star has gathered together.
Included in the Star's honor roll were the names of F. M. Lewis, who has
one ofthe best tilled farms in Brant county, and who is always welcomed at
Farmer's Institute meetings, where he tells of lessons learned in his own practi-
cal experiences;
F. B. Lovekin, recognized all over Durham county as one of the most pub-
lic spirited farmers, with one of the best farms in the county!,
James R. Anderson, who has on his Prince Edward county farm perhaps
as good a working dairy herd as is to be found in any dairy section of the Prov-
James Johnson, whose work in connection with the Norfolk Co -Operative
Fruit Growers' Association has made what was previously , ap unknown ucounny
isncerned a county with a Dominion -wide rep
so far as fruit Pritchard,
co , meetingof
John Pritchard, who was one of the principal figures at the last
the Dominion Grange, and a valued representative from Ontario on the farmers'
deputation which invaded Ottawa last December.
It is to men such as these, men who are respected in their own neighbor-
hoods, men who command respect wherever they go, it is these men the world
refers to as "a handful of unimportant Conservatives The World would
against a dozen of such one Z. A. Lash, of the Canadian Northern, who has
profited out of one millions bestowed in subsidies on the Mackenzie and Mann
lines; W. K. Matthews, who has grown wealthy by buying barley, to be turned
into malt, at prices made artificially cheap by the exelusion of Canadian barley
from the American market; financial magnates who have become such by the
floating of mergers made possible by the system against which farmers, without
repaid to party, are rising in revolt.
The spirit shown in the extract from the World was also shown by W. T.
White, one of the Toronto financial group, in speaking at Breehlin, in North On-
x for
complex Y
loe C
agreement p
eci ro
1 declared y
' deco
White p
Lewis Frank M. is,
men to Understand. A mere farmer like Jim Anderson or
according to Mr. White, incapable of understanding an agreement which pro-
vides for the exchange of farm products between Ontario and Quebec on the
same terms that such products are exchanged between Ontario and
r' aobn ta.
OOne millionaire, enriched by the floating of combines, rendered pos e
the present system is, according to the World, of more weight in determining public
policies than a score of farmers who are leaders in their respective localities,
and at least the equals of W. T. White in knowledge of public question,
It is bad enough that the masses should be plundered for the enrichment
of the few; it is rubbing salt in a raw wound when the plundered find their brains
and honesty of purpose weighed in the scale and found wanting, as against un-
worthily won dollars.
Two children in Ottawa, aged 6 and
3 respectively, were seriously injured
when they sat on a box of dynamite
and a number of caps. They attacked
the box with stones, one of the caps
Ignition of a blower on the thresh-
ing outfit belonging to A. McCoomb
set fire to the barns of Richard Payne,
wholesale butcher of London township,
and despite the efforts of a large gang
of men who were on hand, all was lost.
This is the month for sugar loaf pine
apples, the most delightful of the year.
Their peculiar texture, small eyes and
rather smooth and thin skin, make
them a suitable foundation for any
sort of dessert. These are the best of
their kind for preserving for jam, jelly
or candied fruit.
repairing of
an article
any employe of the Leavenworth feder-
al prison by priso"1 labor will be pro-
hibited after Sept. 1 by order of Attor-
ney General Wickersham.
Mr. llcnry Sirot, Dumas, Sask., writes:
"For over ten years I have: ;sell troubled
with headaches every mortain t accom-
panted by an acidity or bitter taste in
the mouth. Thinking till cause o
f it
was the too great usa of smoking tobacco,
t have quit the pipe for two months,.
but it w,ts always the sante. l went to
Elie doctor and he told me to try some
of your Burdock Blood Bitters. I got
abottle and found
quite a
relief f befo
it. I then bought
i bad done with
another one and used it all. Now I can
me that I nal perfectly cured. li used
to he without appetite e'pecially in the
traoining and now I feel at good ne a. new
man. I cannot too highly recommend
Burdock Blood Bitters to all persons
rsffetiug front headaches and sour
llurdo,k Blood fritter is'tnanufatturecl
only 1,,y 'the T. Milburn Co.., Limited,
T fronto, Ont.
1 Nothing so much
dreaded by the Farmer..
Telephone message rallies the
Awhole neighborhood and even
the Fire Brigade from the nearest:
town to the danger point and the
.farm buildings are saved.
Minutes at the beginning of a fire are worth hours
after the fire gets headway.
The Bell Service saves those minutes.
It is an effective rural fire alarm system and the
best possible protection against loss.
. It more than pays for itself .in the protection it gives.
Are you risking your farm property without. the Bell
service ? If so, call and see our local manager when is
has already a large number of Rural Subscribers in
district. The Company's lines will be considerably
extended during the present season.
To avok delay or disappointment when you r
wire the lac. utgenW� • get your •contract now
ore the limes are located anA built.
Farmers in the vicinity of Wingham and Lucknow who
desire telephone service can secure same over the lines of
the North Huron Telephone Co Leave your order with the,
Secretary, H. B. Elliott, at the Times office, Wingham..
A one -pounder gun, designed by
Rear Admiral Nathan C. Twining,
Chief of the Naval Bureau of Ordnance,
to destroy aeroplanes in battle, fired at
sal angle of 8,i degrees, sent a shell
2,000 yams high.
We have put in our office a complete stock of Staple
Stationery and can supply your . wants in
We will keep the best
and sell at
stock in the respective lines
reasonable prices.
We—are in a better position than ever before to attend
to your wants in the Job Printing line and all
orders will receive prompt attention.
Leave your order with us
when in need of
Or anything you may require in the printing line.
Subscriptions taken for all the Leading Newspapers
and Magazines.
e Times Office