HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-08-24, Page 6IRE WIN G.BAIi UES AUGUST 24, 1911 WILL BOOM THE COUNTRY, A Posif the Cure For Indigestion and Dyspepsia. Have yott ever felt a. leaden weight iu the pit of the stomach -- a feeling, of fulness, with belching of wind, and perhaps severe pain? Then you know flow indigestion feels. It makes a person sarcastic and cranky —it causes misery after every Meal --it saps the strength. FATHER MORRUSCY'S "No.11" TABLETS —one of the best of the late priest -physician's remarkable prescriptions ---positively cure Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sick or Sour Stomach, Heartburn, and all the suffering that comes from a "bad stomach." lZach tablet will digest lief, pounds of food—a good meal. Take "No. II" Tablets regularly, avoid articles of food that you have found disagreee with • you, and you will be benefitted from the start and soon cured. eoe. at Your Dealer's. 52 Father Morriscy Medicine Co., Ltd., Mortroal, Que. KEHNELS FROM THE SANCTUM MILL Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges. A good bluff may be more effective than the real thing. Buenos Ayres' hotel for immigrants accommodates 3,200 persons. Eczema on the Head, Mr. Peterson, South Bay, Ont., writes: "For years I suffered a sort of eczema on the head. I tried four different doctors, giving each a fair trial, but the disease grew worse and spread to my arm I got Dr. Chase's Ointment and it has entirely cured me. I give you my name because I want other sufferers to know about this splendid Ointment," The man who is down and out should go in and get the elevator chauffeur to take him up. If a woman has an ax to grind she induces some man to turn the grind- stone. Seemed To Give Rim a New Stomach. "I suffered intensely after eating and no medicine or treatment I tried seem- ed to do any good," writes H. M. Youngpeters, Editor of The Sun, Lake- view, Ohio "The first few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab- lets gave me surprising relief and the second bottle seemed to give me a new stomach and perfectly good health." For sale by all dealers. When a magibegins to sympathize with himself its a sign he has out- lived his usefulness, The man who can please a woman and keep her pleased has no time for anything else. SIL Do not suffer another day with Itching Bleed- ing, or Protrude Ing Piles. No surgical oper- ation required. Dr. Chase's Ointment will relieve you at once and as certainly curd you. 60c. a box; all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Limted, Toronto. Sample box free if you mention this paper and enclose 2c4 stamp to pay postage, Lighting a match to see the time, ,Tohn Erophey, of Goderich, set fire to his bed at about two o'clock last Thurs- day morning. The blaze spread to the window curtains before he noticed what had happened. Neighbors were able to extinguish the fire before the firemen arrived, Mr. Brophey had one band painfully burned. Psoriasis Over Body • Moat dreaded of skin c:iseases was cured by Dr. Chase's aiatrnent. P.se-iasis is a sort if throttle eczema, The itching it causes is almost beyond human endurance, and i'. is .usually considered ineutable But this ea:0 prcrees that Dr. Chas.:': Ointment is a ,:are, to spite of the doctor's predic- tion. Mre. Nttie 1Tass� v, Cone can, Ont writes, --"For fivi years I suffered tv:ttl wliat three doctors ca.led psor- iasis. They could not help the and ore of them told me if any one offer- ed to guarantee a, cure for $50.00 to keep my money as I eruld not be cured. The disease spread all over gee„ even on my fa» and head, and the _; , t.tt. , . , and hunting was i . ��d7 .las - to a eight br•ir. T. uacd r.u.,lit bu7:s of Dr, Chases Ointment, and I am glad to , say I ant entirely cured, not a sigh of sore to be seed, I can hardly • prai.e this ointment enough." Dr. C rtoso's ointment, (el ,its. a box, all iia. rs ur Lel,uanzon, Dates & Coo Zirt;ntt;, In the 13th century, land in Paris was worth an average of $260,000 an acre. A movement is on foot to organize a brass band for Exeter. George Neilson was sent to the Cen- tral Prison from Sault Ste. Marie for stealing money from hospital patients. Mrs. Thomas Pettigrew of Lion's Head strangled her two children and then hanged herself during a fit of in- sanity. The parson enquired of his little boy "My son, what shall I preach about on Sunday?" "About twenty" was the fit- ting reply. REST AND HEALTH TO MOTHER AND CHILD. MRSused for over SIXTY YNSLOW'S EARS HINGby MIP has been LLIONS of htOTHBRS for their CHILDREN WHILE TEETHING, with PBRI;gCT SUCCUSS. It SOOTHgS the CHILD, SOFTENS the GUMS, ALLAYS all PAIN • CURES WIND COLIC, and is the best remedy for DIARRHC~A. It is ab. solutely harmless. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. A tea made of the leaves of the "laughing plant" of Arabia puts the partaker into a hilarious humor for an hour or so. The smallest tree in the world is the Greenland birch. Its height is less than three inches, yet it covers a radius of from two to three feet, CASTO R IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of According to the calculations of Prof. Nordham of the Paris observatory of the caddle-power the son is close upon 2,000,000 for every square inch of the sun's surface. "I have a crop of mixed grain this year that promises to yield 60 bushels per acre," says Wm. Campbell, of Oro. "The land produced nothing last year. It was thoroughly drained be- tween the two seasons. That explains the difference." Buy it now, Now is the time to buy a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Chol- era and Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale by all dealers A penholder for bookkeepers which will rule one, two or three lines, has just been patented by a new Jersey man, According to the calculations of Prof. Nordham of the Paris observatory the eandle power of the sun - is close upon 2,000,000 for every square inch of the Sun's surface. "We sometimes condemn our fellow- workers for playing to the gallery," observes a new essaylist, "but probab- ly we are just as busily engaged in playing to thedress circle or the stalls." Children n fir. FOR FLETCHERr J' S As "i` O R i A. The number of Jews in the world is 11,625,656. Of these 1,002,1320 are in America, The only country in the world havingalarger Jewish popula- tion o ul -tion is Russia, with 5,082,242: In the list of cities showing the percentage of Sews to the population, Jerusalem comes first with 55 per cent; and then Adoz, 47,50; Odessa, '23.75, and War- saw, 22.80. The Jewish population of L ondotx is 2.28 per cent. The Pharmaceutical Journal to Tor - Mite, a trade paper, predicts that Sir Wilfrid will come back with a stronger following and that reciprocity will. cause the country to boom with a new vigor. This is what it says: "The election will put the Conser- vative party out of business for twenty years, and utterly discredit for the future the men responsible for obstruc- ting .Parliament, preventing a vote and eompelling an election to extricate the Dominion from an impracticable posi- tion. On top of great prosperity the country will boom with a new vigor and increased volume of tirade and pro- fit to all with the acceptance of reci- procity now offered by the United States, and further it will tend toward cementing the good feeling and peace between Greater Britain and our great neighbor to the south. There can be no doubt as to the result of the election. Sir Wilfrid will come back with a stronger following, and the only unsat- isfactory feature in the whole matter is the unnecessary delay in grasping a golden opportunity for the advance- ment and prosperity of Canada." An ordinary case of diarrhoea can, as a rule, be cured by a single dose of Chamberlain's Cholic, Cholera and Di- arrhoea Remedy. This remedy has no superior for bowel complaints. For sale by all dealers. The "trainometer" is the latest. If you are on a train and you are curious to know how fast you are going, you put a penny in the slot and the hand on a dial informs you. H. W. Prance, an Englishman, is the genius who thought of this idea, but it has not been adopted in this country as yet. In Dread of Croup. Every mother dreads croup unless she knows about Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine. Given in frequent small doses, at the first indi- cation of trouble, this treatment loos- ens the cough and affords relief and comfort. Its use should be kept up until the child is entirely recovered. A nature fake is reported from the Walker House in the . guise of a fowl which has duck's feet and a hen's head. The bird is a healthy one and is equally at home with hens or ducks. Its owner regards it, however, with a doubtful, eye and doesn't know whether to ex- pect hen's or duck's eggs when the time shall come for it to perform. A welt known Des Moines woman after suffering miserably for two days from bowel complaint, was cured by one dose of Chamberlain's Colic. Chol- era and Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale by all dealers. CHARMS OF FOREIGN WOMEN. Women in different countries• have what appear to us queer ideas of come-' liness. Arabian ladies, to add to their charms, stain their fingers and toes red, their eyebrows black and their lips blue. In Persia the women paint a black streak around their eyes and ornament their faces with various colored patches. Hindoo Women, when they wish to be particularly lovely, cover their faces with a mixture of saffron . and grease. In Figi the native women cover their hair with red and white stripes as an ornament. In some parts of India the teeth must be dyed red to be beautiful. The Chinese women stain their teeth black. New Zealand natives Iadie also adopt the ebony hub, white Japanese maid- ens complete their toilet by - covering their teeth with gold leaf. Persian women have a strong aver- sion to red hair, and when it is this color they dye it. In Turkey, on the contrary, red hair is reckoned a great beauty, and the women tint their locks their pet color. The Nautch girls of eastern countries dye thir finger nails with henna, while the Turkish women stain theirs a pur- ple color, Had a Weak Aching Back and a Nasty Sick Headache Mrs. W. R. Hodge, Fielding, Sask.. writes:—"A few lines -highly recommend- ing Doan's kidney Pills. For this last year I have been troubled very much with nasty sick headaches, and a weak aching back which caused me much inz.;cry, for I could not work, and had no ambition for anything. My kidneys were very badly out of order and kept ire from sleeping at nights, "I tried miry kinds of pills and medicines but it seemed almost in vain, Itiregan to give up in despair of ever being well and strong nein when a kind neighbor advised me to try Doan's *Cidney Pills,. which I did, and am thankful for,the relief I obtained from ti"rzi ,fo r n 7wttla•i , .e,,er troubled with t ;c sore back or side headaches, tcadaches . I et. ill always say Dean's Kidney Pills for mine and es.n highly recommend there to any sufferer.,, Price 506 per box, or 3 boxes for $1.25, at all dealers or mailed direct oh receipt of price by Tlie T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. When ordering direct specify "Doattre,,: sAVEarhasaer Mrs. M, Barrett, boa Moreau St., Montreal, says; "A horrid rash came out all over my baby's lace and spread until it had totally covered his scalp. It was irritating and painful, and caused the little one hours of suffering. We tried soaps and powders and salves, but he got no better. He refused his food, got quite thin and worn, and was reduced to a very serious condition. I was advised to try Zam-Buk, and did so. It was wonderful how it seemed to coot and ease the child's burning, painful skin, tam -Bilk from the very commencement seemed to go right to the spot, and the pimples and sores and the irritation grew less and less. Within a few weeks my baby's skin was healed completely. He bas now not a trace of rash, or eruption, or eczema, or burning sore. Not only so, but cured of the tor- menting skin trouble, he has improved in general health." Zam•Buk is sold at all stores and medicine von. dors, sou, a box, or post free from Zam•Buk Co., Toronto, for price, Shoats for $z.ga Acertain sure for all skin dtseases, outs, burns, etc., and forpdes.. MACDONALD. Silent Chieftain! We invoke thee, Lend us thy magnetic name To redeem this wide Dominion From the bonds of guile and shame. Great' Macdonald, thou art sleeping, But thy voice still echoes keen, Still resounds through memory's cham- bers— Still thy leading staff is green. Broad and. deep was the foundation Laid by our great master's hand, Let no 'prentice botch his temple, Let no bungler bear his wand. Crooked paths which lead to chaos— Broken pledges—cabal sway— Foreign meddlers (free of duty)— Desecrate our land to -day. But another morn is dawning. On! Canadian freemen, on! March beneath our prophet's banner, Let our watchword be "Sir John." —Wm. H.•tTaylor, in Toronto World. Aye, and whet ye shout that watch- word. Let it well remembered be That "Free Trade in natural products" Was the Chieftain's policy; That, with all his tact and vigor, And in every honest way, He strove to get what we are offered Freely by the States to -day! Yes; election morn is dawning. On! Canadian freeman, on. Vote for Laurier's trade agreement, It's a tribute to Sir John! J. W. B. STATE OF OHIO, CITY OF TOLEDO, SS LUCAS COUNTY, Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J, Cheney & Co., doing business in th City of Toledo, County and State afore- said, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, thisGth day of Decem- ber, A. D., 1885. (SEAL.) A. W. GLEASON, NOTARY PUBLIC. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern- ally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of, the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti- pation. Discovery Affecting Clay Roasts. A roadmaking discovery, which, if the claims made for it can be substan- tiated, is of national importance, has been made by an Ontario man, who for some time has been residing in the west. The discovery has been submit- ted to the Dominion Department of Agriculture. Like many other impor- tant inventions it is a by-product of Another. The inventor was interested in the pottery trade, and produced and patented a compound intended to tem- per clay for the manufacture of brick, tile and other products. Its effect is to overcome the alkali, which to a greater or less extent is present in all clays. As alkili is responsible for tracking in drying and checking and melting in firing, a saving of waste is made, and firing is proceeded with more rapidity when ,the danger of melting is eliminated. When he got this length the potter began to experi- ment on the treatment of clay roads. After experimenting he asserts that a relatively inexpensive treattnont of a day road would transform such a road into a smooth, noiseless and dustless one that would not absorb moisture and would therefore give forth no nuid. The 1h e t, ffec Loft ecompound i h s to close the pores, and one treatment would last for years, Nit Batt c11ZAP—A good strong spring wagon, with pole, in good con- dition; will carry 1500 to 2000 pounds, S, Greco...40,e TESTING AN EGO. Many Wage to Detect Staleness' 4.. side. Smell end Test,. It does not require a very dl>icrIi .. Mating palate to detect an old egg trom a new one, .says a correspondent of the New Xoril Sun, The former ha$ a musty flavor that the latter never has, and the mustiness may range from a slight taint to a very pi'ouounced one. It is always notice• able in storage eggs. If, any one wishes to verify the judg. treat of his palate, the following testa may be used: 1,—it is:tiniest impossible to peei the sbell from a freab herd boiled egg without having some of the white come away with it. 2.—A stale egg cannot be beaten to a troth. 3.—When a fresh egg is broken into a dish the yolk stands up and the white does not spread, whereas in a stale egg the yolk lies flat and the white seoms watery, 4.—The shell of an egg after a cer• Iain length of time loses its chalky appearance anti becomes shiny. 5,—The air space in the large end of a newly laid egg is about half an inch in diameter. and as the egg ages this space grows larger. In storage eggs it sometimes extends to one - Mirth the length. An expert can very closely approximate the age of an egg by examining this space. This is ttnown as candling and is done by holding the egg in a beam' of light. A simpler test is to bard boil the egg and notice the relative size of the space. THEIR AWFUL SECRET. It Caused the Real Estate Agent to Change His Mind. %%'hen the family who admitted that They were moving because the tenants et the old address made their lives miserable confided to the renting agent that they had one peculiarity which they wished him not to mention to heir neighbors in bis building the •trent got uneasy and executed a men- tal quickstep trying to devise some way to break the lease. But aloud he ,iiia very courteously: "I shall be glad to oblige you if I •'nn. what Is it you wish me to :keep a secret?" °"Che tact that we ' pay our rent promptly on the lst of every month," said the head of the family. "That tvaasomething that nobody else in the other house did, and the agent as an Incentive to quick action on their part puhlisbed the news of our promptness The only action it stirred them into was persecution of us. and they car- ried that to such eatretiies that we rind to move. If you wilt kindly re- frain from using 115 as n chub to whack your delinquents Into obedience we will appreciate it." The agent re.., ,tvr.d not to cancel the. lease. hut at the same tins,' he resin qutshed a enemy conceived plan tar prueurtng prompt remittances. — New York Titres. That Yankee Dodge. The description of the first operation under ether in Europe as given by Dr. 5'. William Cook in the University College Hospital Magazine is repro- duced in the London Lancet, and the scene is referred to as the "most dra- matic ever enacted in which medical men grouped the stage.". The opera- tion was performed by Robert Liston on Dec. 21, 1840. "At 1:16 Liston en- ters, that magnificent figure of a -man six feet two inches in height, and says, 'We Bra going to try a Yankee dodge today, gentlemen, for making men In- sensible,' so Liston introduced ether to a London hospital" The subject was a man, thirty-six - years old, whose. thigh was amputated. The operation was successful, and Liston uttered the . epilogue, "This Yankee dodge, gentle- men, beats mesmerism holler." Marvels of India. What a wonderful country .is Iaptal There is only one India. Its marvels are its own. There is the plague, the - black death. India invented it. The ear of Juggernaut was also India's in- vention. So was the suttee, and with. in the time of men still living 800 widows willingly and, in fact rejoic., hag!), burned themselves to death on the bodies of their dead husbands in a single year. And 800 would do it this year tf the British government would let them. Famine belongs es- pecially to India. India has 2,000,000 gods and worships them all. On top of all this she is the mother and home of that wonder of wonders, caste, and also that my5tety of mysteries, the Satanic Brotherhood of the Thugs.-- Churchman. hugs.—Churchman. Setting Her Right. The pretty and petulant wife -of a congressman Stood for a moment be- fore the window of the receiving teller in a Washington bank, then tapped tbtl window with her parasol, exclaiming: "Why don't you pay attention to me?" "We pay nothing here, madam," was the reply."Please go to tho next window,"—Denver Republican, 'Those Useless Question.. "bow did you get the braided fade?" "It was caused by, the hatrack last night," "Accidentally2" "No; I think it attacked me pur- [O sely."-.•Kanpeal city L JoarriaL .a ltiblibai Reference. "And who," atlked the Sunday" acboOl teachet‘="who was it that stied, 0 icing,, live forever?"' "Ali the life insurance agentb." eag- geated the email boy whom father wag W LNOW MIO la OW 3E11(8111 TIN NI JOY AMMO At AQ YIEY11vi 7V001 IHI A111ap q pu ;moi a> yip N,OQ > }UO» .IflQeC ; $uj 14IA. afro . tfi U0 flagon tualzu}od � .10 4CUia�p i e ay .11o,a+dslw ;Uaaead talq;aupap yam £iggaaplruoo oq it?At stag seCtrudtauoi *pp uc Aaaquascin tux% p3 legume aDJui »` _ .t . WdIIOO aNOUd313,L 111111 •axatip pug uaq; Rash .te; s.Cud .retuuB; snoxxuu eqetiN pi 's Wiem 04! twat fcr auogdeiay flag eq; ; tj ue 431 '!Ei'3AAOOsi ;olamella erg saanpaa ,Cujap ;atuxqut ,pa paainaoo ;uappou uta 30 SSO AVM tolAt oa3ppla uetaq sBq £�� alp, fo � z4A veep JO am ;o .tGagot'a B 'aSUD A7u :Xa1 u'fli UT ATTSJOUSMI S1 11 'ULIBJ ow 01 peuocuWuns Sy xopop ell NaH. \A. 8 � : U'WfH SOARS 110:40 Farmers in the vicinity of Wingham and Lucknow who• desire telephone service can secure same over the lines of the North Huron Telephone Co Leave your order with the. Secretary, H. B. Elliott, at the Times office, Wingham. e PRI'NTI'Nu AND STATIONERY •A,, We have put in our office a complete stock of 'Staple Stationery and can supply your wants in WRITING- PADS ENVELOPES LEAD PENCILS BUTTER .PAPER PAPETEItIES, WRITING PAPER BLANK BOOKS PENS AND INK TOILET PAPER PLAYII'G CARDS, etc " We will keep the best stock in the respective lines and sell at reasonable...prices. JOB PRINTING We are in a -better position than ever before to attend to your wants in the Job Printing line and all orders will receive prompt attention. Leave your order with us when in needof LETTER HEADS BILL HEADS ENVELOPES • CALLING CARDS CIRCULARS NOTE HEADS STATEMENTS WEDDING INVITATIONS POSTERS CATALOGUES Or anything you may require in the printing . line. Subscriptions tlaken for all the Leading . Newspapers and Magazines. papers The Times Office STONE BLOCK Wingham, Ont.