HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-08-24, Page 1• THE WIN(iHAM • VOL. XL—NO. 2063. WINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAt AUGUST 24' 1911, r $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE A Skip at I Miss Keeler When the summer sky is azure, blue when. your heart is light and your Iove is true, when your sole idea of a joyous lark is a slender waist in a spot quite dark; when you have the place the girl and that and you're sitting there for a quite chat; can you recall in your young life of such anger deep, or a wrath so rife when with a fearful ire your armsyou fling to anticipate the mosquitees sting? When you scratch and thrash and slap and swear, and you claw and slash and he's not there. If you want, relief invest a quarter, and Skeeter Skooter will complete the slaughter.- Mudyard Dipling. Don't get stung! Seel The Skeeter scoot, Walton McKibbon THE fRUCCIST Th..x g & Savor Macdonald Block, Wingham. WORTH THE MONEY Nice house, barn, fruit trees, gar- den and 3-4 of an acre of land on outskirts of town will be sold right. Just the place for a re- tired farmer or business man. Mrs. Herdsman's Cottage on Cath- " erine strut. Lately renovated throughout, Immediate posses- sion., Good value. WESTERN PROPEREIES $1001000 made during the past year in the increase of values in the West, `:Did 1•ou get any of it?" We have the sole agency in this dis- trict for .a number of rapidly growing towns on the Grand Trunk Pacific, also properties in nearly all the older Western cities. Many fortunes will be made in the next few years in the wonder- ful West. You may be one of tine lucky ones if youinvestnow: Ritchie 86 Cosens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE A. E. SMITH BANKER Wear Greer's Shoes and Huber' Hon. Geo. E. bloater Coming. The first public nneeting in the East Huron campaign will be held in the in- terests of Mr. Jas = owmau, the Con. seri/Ware candidal in theopera house, Wingham, this hursday) evening. Hon. Geo. E; Fost r and other promi, nent speakers will address the electors. Mr. Foster will so speak at Gorrie this (Thursday) a ternoon. WINQSAM, ONTARIO. Farmers who want money to buy homes, cattle, or hogs to feed for market oan have it on reasonable terms. Notes discounted for tradesmen, mer- chants or agents, on favorable terms. Loans on real estate at the lowest rates going. Christie's Grocery PHONE 69. Nothing too Good FOR OUR Customers' If we please yodtty, we want to please you better to morrow. This keeps us continually on the look out, not for theap eatables but for EATABLES THAT ARE rrritE EA'] Ai LES THAT WILL SATISWY EATA13LE8 RIGHT VII/OED We want you to remember our groceries by their quality. VINEGARS AND SPICES These are and will be The 13est that money can buy. We know that the use of our vinegars and spieee Wane SUCCESSFUL MIMING THE TEA AND COFFEE STORE GIRLS WANTED. -Apply, D S. Perrin & Company, Limited, London, Ont. High Sc Principal Smith returned to Win and will be pleased mation regarding courses to any wh is earnestly desire students register Tuesday, Sept. 5t begin all their wo good grounding w almost impossibl postponed until work is taken up. ooi News. f the High School am on Wednesday to give any infor- the high school may desire it. It that all intending the opening day, so that they may k at once and get a ich is in many cases if regristration is ter the elementary "A Dollar saved is a Dollar earned." Our Boot and Shoe sale will save you Dollars: W. J. GREER. A Valu The report of t Convention at Qu sued, and makes of addresses, pa by Canadian and ties on forestry parts of Canada report, and all p commercial, • ed tive, and prote The resolutions suggested in th Persons interest free upon applica Canadian Forest dian Building, Ot —r - le Report. Canadian Forestry ec has just been is - volume of 160 pages, ers; and discussions nited States authori- and lumbering. All e embraced in the ases of the subject, cational, administra- ve are dealt with. passed and changes laws are included. may receive a copy iorr to The Secretary, Association, Cana- awa, Canada. BoY WANTED. -To learn the printing business. Good chance fora bright act- ive boy. Apply at TIMns office. Mr. Borden There was a big Mg held in Harrist ing last when Mr. Conservative leade The meeting was'v Addresses were als Musgrove, M. P. Conservative candi H. B. Murphy, K candidrte in No W. A. Clark, C date in North We train was run via ton, leaving Witgh a number of people went t_o Harriston Conservative lead Citizens' Band act from Wingham. at Harriston. Conservative meet - (n on Saturday even- . L. Borden, the gave an address. y largely attended. delivered by A. H. .; Jas. Bowman, stein North Huron; C., Conservative th Perth, a nd nservative candi- lington. A special C. P. R. to Harris - at 6.40 p. m. and from this district see and hear the The Wingham npanied the party Diningroom and upstair girls wanted quick. Permanent positions: Wages eighteen dollars and fourteen dollars respectively per month. City Hotel, London.. Married at The following fro refers to the mar daughter of Mr. and derson of this tow her parents are fo residents of Wing Wedding took place Mr. and Mrs. John afternoon, august daughter, Miss Loi in marriage to Mr. Edmonton, former The bride wore a silk trimmed Wi end, carried a boq the valley. Her was a pendant se pearls. After Was performed sr„ a. dainty lu Mr. and Mrs. P o'clock train f and after a sho their residence bride travelled dark gray trim white. Milan str nnany presents manly friends cheques one fro and one from the Brandon. a Brandon paper iage of a grand- Mrs. Thos. Hen - The bride and mer well known am: - "A pretty t the residence of enry on Saturday 12th, when their Henry, was united Garnet Pearson, of y of London, Ont. retty gown of rajah lace and applique et of roses and lily of ift from the groom With diamonds and he ceremony, which Rev. Mr, >"dmison, eheon was served, dna arson left on the six r Calgary and Banff, t holicay will ,.take up in Edmonton. The in a tailored suit of a with buttons and a No hat. Among the eceived from their re two handsome the bride's father orn's father." Read Willis& Cq,ts adv, on page 8 44••444•••••• The Liberals o secured Commit Ritchie block, n byterian Churc meeting will be day evening for ei ganizing. E Wingham and di to this mteting ance and hearty the Liberals can tion•of Mr Arch Huron. The C will be open eve after Moncay. al lend a hand i •'•4.4••44•• WINGHAM IBERALS, Wingham have f e Rooms in the t to the Pres - and the first eld next Mon - the purpose of ery Liberal in trict is invited and the assist - co -operation of secure the elec- Hislop in East mmittee rooms evening on and i et every Liber- • the campaign. • 11:444.4'44•.• 1 Death of J An almost life -I county of Huron i Joseph Leech of dead in his bed a George Leech, Go Thursday mornin heart failure. M the ten Leech Gorrie, and for lage was known later the name w Gorrie. The d9 married, was in and was a proud staunch Conserve by five brothel's, Rev. George Lee Leech; both sup Toronto. The f Saturday aftern tery. seph Leech. g resident of the the person of Mr. luevale was found the home of Mr. rie, at an early hour death being due to . Leech was one of others who founded some years the vil- as Leechville;'^out anged to that,, of ased, who wasf'un- is eighty-first year, tlsodist and a ive. He is survived two of whom, the h and Rev. W. W. rannuated, reside in neral took place on n to the .Gorrie ceme- nt BOY WANTED Good stout boy to learn plumbing . d tinsmithing trades. Apply to W.J.B yce. • Good Positions.. The Wingham Business College is a worthy link in a chain of Seven Busi- ness Colleges located in the ties of London, Peterboro, Wella and the towns of Orangeville, alkerton, Wingham and Clinton. wing to its high-grade work it is a Bated with the Commercial Edue:j►to Association of Canada. It is ely admitted that owing to these connections, its students get the very best positions. Fall open- ings are on Aug. 28th and Sept. 5th, but at this school each student is in- structed privately at his or her own desk, students may enter any day. Many students study all at home and others partly at home and finish at the College. As Spotton Colleges are the largest trainers in Canada and have thirty years' experience, it would be well for young people to get their training there. Last year Mr. Spotton trained over 1200 young people and placed them in good positions. What he has done for thousands of others he can do for you. The Dental offices' of Dr. Irwin and th. Price will be closed each 'Wednesday afternoon, during May, June, July, August and September. Rural Mai A statement pre. office Department, and general locati. delivery routes up ary, shows that th authorized, 266 in rate was accepted. was refused. Th holders reported the boxes for fou 24, the increased for four years $8: crease in cost of years, including ery boxes, $125 figures all down city of London number of auth and the number i rate was aecepte ion is a poor sec• routes. Married lit The marraige of son of Mr, and Mr� this town to Miss daughter of Mr. I'hippen of Lowe nized at the ho Mrs. A. M. Bi Tuesday evenin ceremony was p J. Wilson. �Vmlkerton.. 14r. Alex. Rinteul, . C, A, Rintoul, of leorgina M. Phippen, and Mrs, Geo. A. Wingham, was solein- of the bride's sister, i, at Walkerton, on August 15th. The formed by Rev, M. WANTED. -A ma Henry Christie. y. Apply to J. Tent at ibition. The Huron Old Bo ' Association of Toronto, wi}l'have a ent on the Exhi- b ion grounds, durin the two weeks of he Great Fair. I will be located in Society Row, o Dominion street, immediately west o Dufferin street and'facingon the la e. All Huronites are requested to call and register and make the tent their headquarters dur- ing their stay on th grounds, Delivery. ared by the Post- giving the number of free rural mail o the end of Janu- re were 422 routes hich the authorized and 112 in which it total number of box- es 9;700, the cost of years being $36,720, - cost of mail service ,336.96, the total in - ail service for four ervice of rural deliv- 57.20. The largest e column are for the ivision, in which the rized routes is 140, which the authorized 82. Toronto divis- d, with 63 authorized BOARDERS. -Two or three young men can be given good boarding accomodat- ion, Get particulars at the TIMES office. Prices go to pieces, but quality re- mains firm at our Boot and Shoe sale, W. J. GRaEtt, Dairy Inforniaion at Toronto. In view of the year the Dairy Co ranged for a rep Dairy Division to Exhibition again th formation regardi dairy farmers and Assistance will be individual dairyman' Who Wishes to ergs' association. Anyon strutting a cool puri or building a cheese ery, will be able to gestions from the the booth in the D,, cies o4 the Dairi conduct dairy tests titiens, -Ist the fall Woodstock and and Sherbrooke, based on the *el fat and solids, no PER NAL Miss Lydia Ke is visiting in London. Mr. W. Sturdy - ft on Wednesday for the West. Miss May Lloyd is visiting friends in Kincardine. ga; Mrs. M. Huffma is spending a few days in Toronto. Mr. Geo. Greg ry is spending his holidays in Winni, •g. Mr. Herb Jobb i visiting with friends in Windsor and D. roit. nany enquiries last nmissioner has ar- esentative of the be at the Toronto s year to give in - g etiw testing to netory proprietors. iven both to the nd to any maker ze a cow testing desirous of Gon- g tbotn far cheese, actory'. a cream- btain useful sug plans displayed at fry 13uiiding. 081 - Division will also or milking compe- airs to be held at rth, Ont., Brorne e. Awards will be TRtXNf{e AMPVALtgr;g. The kind youht of mills, hater, want at money saving prices. W. J. fat produced. Gann, Miss May Masn is visiting with friends in Sebring ille, , Mr. A. Murchiso , of Buffalo is visit- ing with friends in town. Mr. D. McPhers,n is at Collingwood buying and shippin: apples. Miss P. Powell i. visiting with rela- tives and friends a Binbrook. Mr. A. Kelly le t on Tuesday on a few weeks' visit t. the West. • Miss Maude P:uI of Detroit was visiting her aunt, Mrs. Jos. Pugh. Mrs. Robt. S •nl of 'Brantford is holidaying wit. M .,andMrs. Moynihan Mr. J. C, '"sr as, of Buffalo, N. Y. is visiting with his father, Mr. C. Dallas, Mrs. James F fe and children are visiting with her mother, Mrs. Gavin Davidson. 1 , Mr. Roy Forster, of Charleston, Mis- souri is visiting at the home of Mr. W. F. VanStone. Miss Lila Burn, of Palmerston, was visiting for a few days with her cousin, Mrs. R. C. Copeland. , Miss Daisy VanStone, of Southamp- ton is visiting at the home of hetnncle, Mr. W. F. VanS one. Mrs. Smith, of Winnipeg, was visit- ing for a few da s at the home of her uncle, Mr. Arthu Haines. Master Earl ilson, of Toronto is visiting at the ho a of his uncle, Mr. John B, Hardie i Turnberry. Miss Nora Com erfOrd,- of Toronto is visiting with M. nd 'Mrs. D. Me - Cormick and famiy in•CuIross. Mrs. Arthur H have returned hos relatives at Listo Moorefield. Mr. H. H. Wi Was visiting r in Wingham past week. Misses Jean and Shelbourne, who Mr. and Mrs. Pet road, have returne Mrs. Hines and f to town from Owe taken up residence house on John street or FOWLING, T URNAMENT, The Wingham B. • ling Club held a very successful tou ainent last week, For the opening da, -Wednesday--the weather was not very favorable, but the weather man as very kind and gave the bowlers e ceilent weather for Thursday and Fr day. There were twenty-five rinks p esent from outside points and there w re seven local rinks in the competition -•. Mr. Ross' Brus- sels rink won the trophy prizes with Mr. Elliott's Gode ich rink for second. This is the fourth ournament that Mr. Ross' rink has at ended in Wingham and in that time t ey have played 23 games and won 19 out of that number, this being their s cond year in winning the trophy prize? In the Association series Mr. Batchelor's Paisley rink won first and Mr. M4nnes' Ripley rink as second. The ony Wingham rink to reach the prize section was Mr. A. M. Crawford's, who• won second in the Consolation and Mr. Hoover's Clinton rink won first.. n the Scotch Doubles, Messrs. A. E. P. rter and K. Rae, of Wingham, won rst prize with Messrs. J. G. Murdoch a d W. Arlin, of Luck - now, as second. he scores in the dif- ferent games we e as follows: - TR S PITY. ines and son Walter e after visiting with el, Palmerston and tiV r an, . of Winnipeg s and old friends w days during the av garet Cassie of been visiting Wier of Bluevale home. • mrly have moved Semi and have in Mr. Taylor's Mr. and Mrs. 3. R. peg_are spending Mr. and Mrs. l loyni way to Washington, Mrs. R. d. Smith re in Goderich on Sate weeks visit with her Dougall and other re in East Wawanosh, Rev, E. R. and Mr son, who have been and friends in Win for some weeks ret in Toronto on Satur Mrs. D. M. Gerd have for many y residents of Wing for Toronto' wher ing. They will t new, home the be circle of friends. Cook, of Winni- few weeks with n, while on their .C.. urged to her horne day after n four unt, Mrs. A. Me. fives and friends First Round. Clinton • Cantelon, sk , . 1 Wingham Crawford, sk...2 Wingham D.B. Porter, sk 1 Wingham Holmes, sk . .10 Wingham A.E. Porter, sk 12 Clinton Harland, sk ....10 Clinton Jeakins, sk .. .17 Clinton Hoover, sk . 17 Brussels Ross, sk, .. , , ..18 Atwood Lockheed, Mount Forest Galbraith, sk ..17 Blyth McTaggart, sk -21 Wingham Hepburn, sk....12 Lucknow ' Arlin, sk 20 Goderich Doyle, sk , .. , .21 • Ripley Jackson, sk'16 Second R Fitch and little visiting relatives ham and district rned to their bonne ay. n and family, who rs been etteem ed am left this week they purpose resid- e with them to their wisheb of a large Bowmanville Irwin, sk ......,.16 Teeswater Brink, sk . 16 Kew Beach White, sk. . „ 8 Paisley Batchelor, sk.. .9 Lucknow Horn, sk 20 Goderieh Elliott, sk , , 21 Wingham Kennedy, sk18 Goderich Tigert, sk ..,.15 Teeswater Farquharson sk .12 Southampton McAuley, sk...17 Harriston McCulough, sk 14 Mitchell Durkin, sk ....12 Teeswater Reid, sk. 13 Wiarton Hough, sk19 Ripley cInnes, sk ....24 Wingham anstone sk ...11 und. Bowmanville gingham Irwin, sk 7 rawford, sk...20 Wingham Wingham D.B. Porter, sk.18 D. Holmes, sk. 25 Lucknow . Goderich Horn, sk ..., ..11 t lliott, sk , .21 Wingham Clinton Kennedy, sk ...15 oover, sk . , . ,19 Brussels Atwood D. C. Ross, sk .16 ockhead, sk.,..15 Mount Forest Lyth Galbraith, sk...15 eTaggart, sk .31 Wingham Lucknow Hepburn, sk, ...21 ]lin, sk 14 Ripley Ripley McInnes, sk 22 ackson, sk .. 21 Third R. nd. Wingham Crawford. sk ..19 Goderich Elliott, sk , ... 18 Brussels D. C. Ross, sk.,,24 Wingham Hepburn, sk.,. 13 Semi-fi als. Wingham olmes, sk ....11 Clinton oover, sk ....10 Blyth eTaggart, sk 19 Ripley cInnes, sk , . 15 Wingham Crawford, sk.. 14 Ripley McInnes, sk ... ,16 Fin I. Goderich Elliott, sk Goderich Elliott, sk .... 16 Brussels D. Ross, sk...,..,17 Brussels 16 D. C. Ross, sk..18 ASSOC ATION. First - ound. Clinton Teeswater Cantelon, sk .. 17 Brink, sk .....11 Kew Beach Paisley White, sk Batchelor, sk 33 Wingham Clinton A. E. Porter, sk,' Harland, sk....13 Clinton Goderich Jenkins, sk 1 Tigert sk .13 Teeswater Southampton Parquharson,sk.1i McAulay, sk ..14 Harriston Mitchell McCullough, sk.1 Durkin,, sk ....15 Teeswater Wiarton Reid, sk , ,...1 Hough, sk, .......7 Goderich Wingham Doyle, sk .. . .1 Vanstone, sk .. 12 Seco d hound. Clinton Paisley C ntelon, sk .. 1 Batchelor, sk ...I& Clinton Goderich Harland, sk .... 0 Tigert, sk . , ...18 Teeswater' Mitchell b'arquharson, a .13 Durkin, sk. 8 Teeswater Goderich Reid, sk ..,15 Doyle, sk •, 17 Bowmarivill: gingham Irwin', ak ,... . ,6 D.B. Porter, sk.17 Lucknow Winggham Horn, sk.... ...17 Itennedy, sk ,6 Atwood Mount Forest Loehead, sk... 21 Galbraith, sk17 Lucknow Clinton Aliin, sk .....17 Jackson, sk13 Third Round gingham Lucknow D.B. Porte Skil Horn, sk 10 Wingham . Blyth Hepburn, s • •,.,11 McTaggart, sk..8 Lucknow' Atwood Alllii, sk .. ...11 Lochend, ak10 Fourth Bound. Clinton 'Wingirant Paisley Batchelor, sk...,17 Wingham D. B. Porter.. 13 Wingham Crawford, sic -.13 Goderich Doyle, ak , • ...15 Lueknew W. Arlin, sk....14. Ripley , clones, sk ...14 Semi -F els,, Paisley atchelor sit,.,.15 Ripley elnnes, sk, ....15 Clinton Hoover, sk ...9 Lucknow W. ADM, sk....14 Paisfey Batchelor sk...19 CONSOL First R Fina Ripley cInnes, sk , ..11 TION, und. White (Kew Beac ) won from Brink ult. Clinton Jeakins, sit ,15 Harriston McCullough, sk..9. ound. Wingham A.E. Porter, sk.11 Clinton Harland, sk .....12 Wingham L. Kennedy, sk 14 Mitchell Durkin, sk 17 Mount Forest Galbraith, sk 8 ound, gham) won by de - art (Blyth). Teeswat.r Farquharson, sk.12 (Teeswater), by de Wingham A.E. Porter, sk.16 Southampton McAuley, sk .. 6 • Second Teeswater Brink, sk ,,.. 13 Clinton Cantelon, sk....15 Bownianville A. J. Irwin, sk.16 Teeswater Reid, sk ... .13 Ripley Jackson, sk .. 10. Third D. Holnses (Wi: fault from McTag Goderieh Tigert, sk .. ..16 Lucknow .1Atwood Horne, sk ,,. 10 Lochead, sk.....9 Teeswater ( Wiarton Brink, sk , .. 17 Hough, sk .... 19 Cantelon, sk... 191 Durkin, sitClinton Mitchell Bowmanville l Ripley Irwin, sk .. 1 10 Jackson, sk Fou th Round. Wingham D. Holmes. sk. Lucknow Horne, sk ..-. Clinton Cantelon, sk.... Goderieh 4 Tigert, sk .:.. 13 Wiarton 1 Hough, sk 16 Ripley 5 Jackson, ak.., .12 Wingham Goderich Hepburn, sk....13 Doyle, Bk....., 12 Wingham D.B. Porter, sk. Fi Wingham 0 A. Crawford sk..11 th Round. 1 Goderich Tigert, sk Clinton 1 Cantelon, sk1 Crawford (Wi Se Wingham Crawford, sk..', Clinton Hoover, sk .... . Clinton Hoover, sk .. Wiarton Hough, sk 16 Wingham Hepburn, sk 15 igham), a bye. ii -Finals. Clinton 6 Cantelon, sk13 Wiarton 3 Hough, sk 11 Final. Wingham 2 Crawford, sk ....10 To RENT—Seven-roomed house, good garden, hard and soft water. Apply at TIMES office. Sudden Dehth at Cargill. Mr. Geo. Duff of Mrs. D. McP and well-known t died very suddenly day afternoon last the bus to the sta suddenly ill and p could be remove Duffy had been ei business at Car years and was a dent of the villa place to the Tuesday afterno McPherson and Miss Pearl McPherson were in attendance from Wingham. , of Cargill, brother erson of this town, many of ouil readers in Cargill on Satur- He was riding in ion and was taken ssed away before he to his home. Mr. gaged in the livery 11 for a number of lighly esteemed resi- . The funeral took ildmay cemetery on n and Mr. and Mrs. WANTED. -A good general servant girl; one who undeystands' cooking; ref- erences required. 4AASply to Mise Math- ews Superintendent of Wingham Hos- pital. CHURD NOTES. Rev Jas. Livi well-known to illwill typhoid fe DON'T STAY AWAY There's a big Shoe taale on here now. Don't stay away! Yuu won't, if you care anything about saving money -that's sure. We do such stunts as this only twice a year. It's the time to shoe every foot in the Family, Yon see, we need the room for Fall Shoes, and we cut off the profit and sometimes part of the cost in order to get it. To give you • an idea of what's doing All our Men's $2 50, $3 00, $4.00 and $5 00 Shoes go for $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 and $4.00. All our Women's $1 50, $1.75, $2.00, $2,50 and $3 00 r hoes go for $1,25, $150, $2 00 and 62 50. Boys' and Girls' Shoe prices cutin the same way. Can you afford to stay away! gstone, of Mitchell, any of our readers is er at Windsor. See us for Drunks and Valises. W. J. GREER Rev. M.= Malc.Im, of Detroit conduct- ed the serviced i the Wingham Method- ist Chnkt,oti S nday last. Rev, A. A, Bi e, of Huron College, Landon, odnduc •d the services in St. Paul's Ohurchi on Sunday last and is spending,thi( eek in Wingham and district solicitin : funds for Huron Col- lege. Colonel and M al Officers of th don, will be con in Wingham o 27th. Its the a sal SerViCes will Hall. The ni menee at 8 o'cl of other chur attend this Ser doing so. A h ed to all to at Whereoquality counts we win. • C. N. Griffin GENERAL AGENT FIFE LIFE ACCIDENT PLATE GLASS WEATHER s. Chandler, Division- Salvation Army, Lori- ueting three services Sunday next, Aug. ernoon and night spec - be held in the S. A. t'a service will corn- ck, to give the members es 'who would like to lee the opportunity of arty welcome is extend - tut Insurance AuAW�� Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and MONEY LOANING Business. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. OSioe over Malcolm'e Grocery. FALL FAIR DATES. Wingham Atwood ., Blyth ... Brussels Dungannon Exeter ..., Goderich, Sept, 28, 29 .. Sept. 21, 22 ........ Oct. 3, 4 Oct. 5, 6 Oct. .5, 6 Sept. 18, 19 ,Sept. 18,. 19, 20 Gorrie ....,.. ,... Oct. 7 Harriston , .. Sept. 28, 29 Kincardine ...............Sept. 20, 21 Listowel ... . , . , ..... Sept. 19, 20 Mildmay . Sept. 25, 26 Ripley . , ............... Sept. 27, 28 Seaforth, Sept. 21, 22 Tiverton .. , Oct. 3 Teeswater Oct. 4, 5 Underwood. Oct. 10 Walkerton,....... ,....Sept. 13, 14, 16 Zurich Sept. 20, 21 Itoaitnn s ' Aii'rno.*1Virs. hints is prepared to accomodate several board- ers or roomers at her vie totter Hoover, rk,...,13 Hepburn, ak•...lz. of John and $huter stret . . Thirty Years Our Seven Colleges have been established during the past 80 years. The largest trainers in Canada. Owing to our connec- tion all. over Ontario, we do better for bur graduates than any other School. You may study all at home or partly at home and finish at the College. Affiliated with The Commercial Educators' Association of Can- ada. It would be well for you to investigate before choosing. Exclusive right for Ontario of the world-famous Bliss Book. keeping 'System, which is un- equalled. It is actual Business from start to finish, and the student keeps satne books as Chartered Banks and Whole- sale houses. Enter any time. Individual instruction. Fall Term From Aug. 28th Write, call or phone for particulars. yv IN THAM BUSINESS COLLEGE ORO. s OTtOtl, - Prehldent,