HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-08-10, Page 5TRE4TYOu« eVAN. OLD RI,'" - .ISD XRyT. .�..-_._: r- �� . oF a MAK'E ONE You M.R.16.1.4047444 ,SWELL DRESSER _J. IF you ONCE , GET INSIDE OUR STORE AND CET INSIDE OF ONE OF OUR SUITS, WE WILL GET INSIDE OF YOUR POCKET- -BOOK. BUT WE WON'T TAI(,E OUT ANY MORE mammyTHAN BELONGS TO U.S. BECAUSE WE REMEMBER THAT yOU .ARE HEALTHY AND WILL HAVE MANY . SUITS TO BUy DURING YOUR LIFETIME. BUy YOUR CLOTHES FROM US AND you ',WILL BE OUR FRIEND FOR A LIFETIME. THE WINGJIAM TIMES, AUGUST 10 1911 E WHITROIi[UMMt. Isard's Clean Sweep Sale now going on. Call at store when in Wingham, We are all talking reciprocity, Miss E. Peddle is visiting with .her friend,•Mrs, Marks at London,. Mowbray Bros. are making the dust fly with their auto, Coulter Bros. are busy threshing in this neighborhood, I13eCreight Bros, have nearly finished the harvest, BEL RAsne. Isard's Clean Sweep Sale now going on. Call at store when in Wingham. Dr. John S. Anderson, Mrs, Ander- son and children, of Philadelphia, Pa„ are visiting at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Finlay Ander- son. A large circle of friends here were sorry to hear on Tuesday of the serious illness at London of Mr. John Scand- rett went to London to attend the Old Boys' Re -Union celebration and was stricken with paralysis,. We hope he may have a, speedy recovery. MORRIS Isard's Clean Sweep Sale now going on. Call at store when in Wingham. Brussels union Sunday school excurs- ion x urs -ion to Kincardine on Tuesday, Auust 15th. Special train leaves Bluevale at 8.30 a. m. and return fare is 85 cents. Returning, special train, will leave Kincardine at 7 p. m. Jas. Speir has been invited to judge the cattle at Atwood Fall Fair, and also the roots and grain. He is an old hand at Fall Fairs and should fill the bill in A 1 style. • Jay Clegg, B. A., and son, Harold, former residents, are here from the West on a visit with relatives and friends. Mr. Clegg is engaged in the teaching profession. now at Rossland. Councillor Wilkinson, 4th line, deliv= ered one of the finest steers in Wing - ham that has been sold for a long time. It was a three-year-old, and tipped the scales at 1650 pounds. At 530. per pound, it brought. $90.75. Mrs. Chas• E. Bone, who has been visiting at Jno. Stewart's, Bluevale, intends leaving " for Kerr -Roberts, Sask , on the 12th inst. It will be re- membered that her husband met his death as the result of the discharge of a gun he was carrying on a disc harrow while working on his farm in the West. The barn raising on the farm of Charles Taylor, 8th line, came off with success, The structure is 40x60 feet in size. Modern in every particular, having cement foundation, floors, etc. Construction work was done under the supervision of M. Mains, Londesboro', who by the way has zi couple of other contracts for barns and straw sheds in this neighborhood to be erected this season. R, McGowan, East Wawanosh, and John Mills, Hallett, were selected as captains,and with about 65 men on a side, mutest was commenced and result ed in a win for the, former by a consider able space of time,owing, itis said to one of the timbers in the bent on Mr. Mills' side being warped. However the frame was er cted without the least mishap and the owner is perfectly satisfied with the work. GREY. A. I. and Mrs. McTaggart and daugh- ter, of Memphis, Tenn„ are here for a holiday with relatives and friends. They are welcome visitors. Dr. and Mrs, Halliday, Miss Halliday and Miss Hales, of Walkerton, were visitors at the home of John Jackson, 5th con. They made the trip in the doctor's auto. Last week A. 0. Dameswas playing the Western farmer in good style by threshing his 'large acreage of fall wheat in the field. He was two days at it. Grain was hauled to the store- house at Ethel G. T. R. to be shipped for seed, we understand. It averaged over 17 bushels to the acre. There were ahout 50 acres. Mr. Dames got 2nd prize in the Standing Field Crop Competition a few weeks ago. BLUEVALLs Isard's Clean Sweep Sale now going on. Call at store when in Wingham. The heavy rain on Thursday after- noon will be of benefit to the root crop. Miss Vietta Curtis, of the boundary between Morris and Turnberry, spent Wednesday afternoon at the home of her grandparents, Mr. andMrs. John Rolph. Mr. Chester Higgins, con. 6, Turn- berrie, had the misfortune to lose a valuable mare last week. The farmers of this vicinity have commenced their fall plowing. Mr. Jos. Walker's new residence is on its way towards completion. Mr. George Hanley and son are 'doing the carpenter work. Mr. Robert H. Galbraith visited Howick friends on Friday. Many lovers of the bagpipes took in the Scotchmen's excursion from Cliff- ord to Kincardine on Friday. Keep in mind the Brussels Sunday school ex- cursion to Kincardine next Tuesday. Special train leaves Bluevale at 8.30 a. m.. Isard's Clean Sweep Sale now ping on. Call at store when in Wingham, Mian Irean Kitchen of Toronto is spending a few' days with her grand- mother, Mrs, Kitchen, A number of Salem people attended the Quarterly Service at Belmore on Sunday last. Miss Lizzie McKee of Belmore is visiting her sister, Mrs. John Wylie, Mr Chester Higgins spent Sunday with friends in Howick, Mrs. J. Wylie, sr„ attended the fun- eral of the late Miss Greer of Luck - now, on Thursday, Mrs. Charles Tanley visited at the home of Mr. James, Wylie last week, ULYTH, Mrs. J. Dodds and daughter, Miss Janet, are at present visiting with rel- atives in Wingham. Mrs. N. Gerry and family, of Fort William, who have been visiting with their many friends here have returned to their home. At one time Mr, Gerry was engaged in the hardware business here and his many friends will be pleas- ed to hear that he is doing well in a similar business in the West. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Taylor, who had their little baby girl, Annie Evelyn, aged 0 weeks and 2 days, at the Hos- pital in Toronto, received word on Fri- day, July 28th, that it had passed away. The remains arrived home on Saturday and were taken to the home of Mr. E. Lear, from where on Sunday the funeral took place to the Union cemetery. Rev. W. Ross, of Halifax, who is spending his holidays with his parents in E. Wawanosh, on Sunday he was re- lieving in Rev. Mr. Knowles' Church at Galt. Rev. W. Ross is one of the lead- ing Ministers of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. His many friends would like to have heard him here as they haven't had that pleasure very often. aMrs. Anna Knechtel, aged 83, died from breaking her leg by tripping over carpet at Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. E. Laidlaw while driv- ing from church at Aylmer,were thrown out and seriously hurt. On Sunday morning John Johnston, a well-known young farmer of Col- borne Township, youngest son of And- rew Johnston, of Carlow, lost his life in the Maitland River near his home. Chas. A. Love, sen., manager of the Imperial Bank branch at St. Thomas, died of paralysis, after being overcome by heat six weeks ago in a golf game. tt •••••••• *$.* .•0031+: � :, 2i I PHONE I 70 1 •s e • • i • • • • FOR AUGUST 1 • t • 10 PIECES OF FOULARD SILKS -New patterns and colors, 27 -in, wide, goods which will makea very T 6 stylish dress. August price 18c yard. •• • • GINGHAMS-'-25 pieces, reg. 12 I -2c and 15c, checks, i i stripes in many different patterns, special price gc • • • • per yard. •• GLOVES OVERALLS TROUSERS '•I LFAkiN6 P UTTERICK PATTERNS • EMBROIDERIES -200 yards, big assortment, all good • .patterns, regular roc and 12 I -2c for 7c per yard. • • •; = 25 DOZEN LADIES' PLAIN AND LACE HOSE-- • In pink, blue, white, tan and blacks, regular 25c and • •35c to clear at Igc. • • • 200 YARDS PRINT -Light • • per yard. • • and dark patterns at 8c • • • • • 6 DOZEN MEN'S WASH TIES -In light, white and =' • black stripes, blues and greys, regular 25c and 35c, to clear at• i gc. • • • : 5 DOZEN MEN'S KNITTED TIES -All colors, reg, 50c, plain and fancy stripes, special price 35c. • • MEN'S ODD PANTS -In brown, grey, fancy worsteds, e•. • regular $3.75 and $4.00, new semi -pegged • shaped II for • • • • • • Highest Prices paid for all kinds of Produce, 4j HANN c • 1 4••44+4+4+4+4444+4.4.++•++f4. +••••.a•>R+,s++.1.** s+p.+ +••+i PHONE 70 44.•4•4••N•••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •+++++++++++++++N•++••+•• ••+++4++ + ++•••++••••+•+ • i 1 3 • + • + • • • 4• • ,• .• • .• • • • • • • • z + ••••••••••••••••••••••••••.♦•••••••••+•••♦•+++••++••Nov4AA 1!!1WAAA067i 670AAAA M/1lA/HN1 lsard's Rousing Great Crash in Prices 1 Sale. h --� �...� ..,II � i//% /� \ \�� ` �� I / � ,II�� III,_• I � n i o t • , l!?' ,,��,r'� ."5'. ('\ P- 4� R�; w ^'q '1j nl�/ y� J � h�,� i#?^ J' ,y r.,, r��-�` J i J�1�;a1, �J.o,l-4r �✓ � � N'�'(�� ;I' 4'1:.. ��d�.�,�'�[.1 � f .•� w, ��ta�# NS �.^ `Tr !\��I ("�, �►� .f --'F b •)F ;iA� J �:.. �,ll r .� rl/ � "` � +� - -� �. r� � Rte' �'r�`'r "" � . , � ::.`V J�'-.,_Lo �_.,._� ti �R�- '1 ,.n-��.�/n��l.;,'9^,.,- L�il�Id•e�u. t. �/.t..'�.��� s1 T • COMMENCING SATURDAY, AUGUST 5th. ENDING SATURDAY, AUGUST 19th, 1911. Prices throughout the store will be reduced to a point where buying will be so irresistable to all who come that our stock will soon be reduced to its normal size. We are determined to do triple the ordinary amount of business in the two weeks and PRICES have been made with that idea in mind, come and see what we think will be the greatest values offered anywhere, you'll think so too when you see the remarkably LOW PRICES we have placed on strictly new and up-to-the-minute goods of all kinds. Attend this SALE and you will be DOLLARS ahead. Extra salespeople to wait on you. Read this list -only room here for a few of the many bargains awaiting you. Grocery Bargains.. Royal Yeast Cakes - - - - . 03c Canada Laundry Starch - - - - 07c 12 Bars Laundry Soap - - - 25e 10e Bottle Extract. - - - - - 08c Red Salmon, per tin - - - 15e Fresh Pot Barley - - - - 03c Corn Syrup, per pail • - - - 25c Fancy Cakes - - = - 100 Corn Starch, per package - - - 08c 35c Black Ceylon Tea - - - 25e 35c Uncolered Japan Tea - - - 25e ' 6 Bars Santa Claus Soap - - 25e Seeded Raisins - - 25c • $2,00 $$3:00 $3.50 • in Ribbons Plain Silk Ribbons, all colors, very wide 15c quality, sale 11c 20c Fancy Ribbons sale price - - 15e 20c Plain Ribbons,saleprice - - 15c - 25e Plain Wide Sik Ribbon- 20c 35c Plain or Fancy Ribbon - - - 25c 1232e Plain Silk Ribbons - - - 10c Table Linen One piece Bleached Linen 51 inches wide, 35c value' for - - - - 28e 2 pieces fine Table Linen,very wide, Linen pattern, quality for - 63e 2 pieces Table very new 75c for - 63c Extra fine quality Linen two yards wide $1.25 quality for - - - - $1.00 Table Napkins all sizes and quality, 20 per cent. off. Prints Crums English Prints, all newpatterns, dark and light g g colorings, regular prices are 12Me and 15c, your choice of our large stock for - - - IOC ----.-...- Carpets and Rugs Big stock of Carpets and Rugs to choose from com- ' prising new patterns in Tapestry. Wool, Brussels, Velvet, Wiltons, also a large stock of Linoleums in the best makes, 20c.per cent off daring the sale Whitewear- Big bargains in all kinds of Whitewear, we make prices low enough to clear it all out. $1.00 White Underskirts for - - 75e $1.50 " .,$1,20 " 4 - $1,60 „ ,4 - - $1'75 ., .. $2 40 - - $2.75 1.25 White Lawn slats - 00 1.50 „ W $1.20 2.00 " „ $1.60 Corset Covers to clear = - - - 25c Ladies. White Dresses, ready-made and + trimmed $5.00, for - $4.00 Children's White Dresses,to clear at $1.00 and $1.25 Summer Parasols in plain and fancy colorings, Must be sold at a discount of 25 per cent. off. Dress Goods Buy your Fall Dress or Suit now, big stock to choose from, during this sale you can save 20 per cent. on your purchase of the latest Dress G000ds. Cut prices in all lines of Silks. We have the kind to wear well, Taffets, Mescaline, Pailertte, all widths, See our 36 inch. Chiffon Taffeta regular dollar unlit, clean sweep sale - g - quality, v' 690 Clothing Department Our large stock of Ready -to -Wear Suits, Pants and Overalls. at greatly reduced prices. Men's Strong Overalls - - 59c Men's Fancy Tweed Suits, regular rice $8.00 for - $6.00 Men's Fine English Worsted Suits $15.00 value, for $12.00 Men's Plain orFancySuits, regular value $10.00, for - 7.90 Men's Fine Worsted Pants, $4 00 value for - - $2.00 Boys' 3 -piece Suits, well -made, regular $5.00 for - $4.00 Boys' two-piece Suits at -, - • - y p - $1,20 Youths' Fancy Tweed Suits, regular value $8.00 • $6,00 Men's two-piece Summer Suits, regular price $9.00 to clear at - - - - - $6,00 Men's Fancy Striped Pants, $2.00 value for - $1.50 Men'sStrongPants for - - - $1,25 Bays Short Pants for - - 50c > pricesbrown, Mens erleenttoff.11 kinds and en sale p at 208 Underskirts 2 dozen Underskirts, made of cod quality black sateen and watered mere= full width $1.25 for $1.00 1. dozen fine quality Underskirts, $1.50 value, for $1,25 Bargain in BM& Silk Underskirts, special $5.00 quality, for _ _ - $3,05 A lot 10 10 12 • Lace Curtains of odd pairs Curtains to clear, regular prices are $1.00 $1.25, $1.50 the oat - 750 pairs Lace Curtains, $2.00 v value, sale price $1.50 pairs " $2.50 " " - $1.00" p ,, $3 00 - $2.40 airs25 pairs " $3.75 " " - $3.00 `-`� ''loves Big stock of Gloves to be sold quickly at greatly re- dueed rices. All our LongGloves in black, blue,recti p green, 'Silk or Lisle at 20 per cent off our close prices, Lace �r pieces White clean n Lace and Insertion, regular value 10e, clean sweep sale - - - 5e Englsh Lonsdale Cambrie, very.fine quality, ones yard 20 wide, 15e quality, sale price - - �c pieces wide striped Flannelettes, new patterns, 121 clean sweep gale - - - - 8e A lot of 111111 End Factory Cotton, to clear at - - 7c Window rel„ i. % Linen on Rollers, complete - - 25c Summer � e tet. ,size 36, to Blear at - 1.00 Boots and Shoes Two thousand dollars worth of the best Boots and Shoes to be sold at cat prices, a good time to buy your fall sn ply. A number of odd lines to be told regardless of cost, See bores of clearing lines at 90e, $1.19 and $1.49. ' Corsets Lots of new. styles of Corsets in broken lines now on centre tables, values up to $1,00 and $1.25, now in two lots, your choice for 59c and. 69e. See them. ---- Dress Trimmings Y n, 9.o match all our Dress (roods, 2 per cent. off all lines. TERMS OF SALE. Cash or Produce at time of sale. No goods charged at sale price. No goods sent on approbation during the sale. Remember the date, Saturday, Aug. 5th. Cut prices in Fifteen Departments. Shop in the morning if possible. •� � �• ti •+►•�• •• •.. ♦ ♦ � •� + � $�•••++!t- atilt .t.3.�lci:4, 1� . 1.se*a� ts.t•.EN*s* !*1t�*�►*+14 .+re i•;p•s•�!••• ;�.t*•s•+��N%��1.tt.,�+t�►test a . _� . �!�...�.. � , .. _ - _^�h s�3.t. ,ttlt�tiz s<ttttr +t ttsll� t•*4.4 H. E. ISARD ec'el CO., •. 4' + + • •• • • • • + • + • • • i •• • Z Wirtgharn