HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-08-10, Page 3EJQN'T IaKE
`t¶ruil-a•tiris'" firings Natural Results
in 1l Natural Way.
"I an a seventy-nine year-old marl
and a l.;re:it believer act, and user of,.
"Stricture of The Bowels wile the
complaint I suffered from and I found
that "Fruit-a•tives" did me more good
than any other remedy. My, doctor
advised we to stick to "Fruit -a -tines"
anti I have gone so with best result._
"I have been in business here for a
l;eod many years and have been a resi-
dent of Qtterville for over fifty years."
Q'rrzttvxr.t, t, ONT., July 8th.1910.
Fruit is Nature's laxative. "Prnit-ss.
tines" is made of the juices of apples
oranges, figs. and prunes, "Fruit -e-
aves" 'acts on the human system like
fresh fruit -easily and gently -yet just
as effectively as the old-time pill.
"Pruit-a-Lives" does not gripe or
irritate the intestines. It regulates the
bowels and•cures Constipation because
' Fruit -a -fives" acts directly on the liver.
lust try "Pruit-a-tives when you need
*mild, gentle yet effective laxative and
liver regulator.
5oc. a box -6 for $2,50 -trial size, 25c.
At all dealers, or from Fruit-a-tives
limited, Oitawta.
[Washington Star.]
The sage advice
That some men give
Makes earth a place
Where man must live
In terror of
A warning tone
Which ever shouts
"Let that alene!"
The cup whiell cools
When warm the day;
The outdoor game
You love to play;
The tempting dish
For feasting shown -
Let them alone! i
Let them alone!
The sparkling spring
Where germs may lie;
The early fruit
Within the pie;
In martyrdom
May bid you t groan
Let them alone!
Let them alone!
But most of all
Avoid the man
Who always does
Whate'er he can
To make the day's
Discomfortknown -
Let him alone! t
Let him alone!
Children Cry
The Grand Trunk Railway System
announce that on Tuesdays, June 13th
and 27th, July llth and 25th, August
8th and 22nd, September 5th and 19th,
1911, Homeseekers' Excursions will be
run from all Stations in Ontario and
Quebec to Western Canada, via Chicago
and Duluth or via Chicago, St. Paul and
Minneapolis, at reduced round trip
The well-known double track line of
the Grand Trunk from the East to Chi-
cago appeals to the traveller, and with
the superior train service that is offer-
ed by this line, including the famous
"International Limited" from Mont-
real daily at 9 a in., and which is the
finest and fastest train in Canada,
many passengers will be attracted this
way. The route via Chicago is a most
interesting one,taking passengers
through the principal cities and towns
in Canada and in the States of Michi-
gan and Indiana. In addition to this a
c'lioice of seven lines between Chicago
and St. Paul and Minneapolis is offered,
Owing to the great number of Cana-
dians who reside in Chicago, Minne-
apolis, Duluth and other cities en route,
there is no doubt that the Grand Trunk
will find many patrons who will take
advantage of the opportunity thus af-
forded them for a brief visit at the
stationsin with their friends.
Canadian Citizens are exempt from
so-called Immigration . Examination,
and there is no detention at any point.
Baggage is carried through the Unit-
ed States in bond *ithout requiring any
special attention on the part of the
passenger. Inspection is not necessary
at any of the points at the border,
Another feature that will appeal to
the homeseeker is the comfortable
transfer at points like Chicago, St.
Pahl and Duluth into freshly ventilated
clean cars, avoiding the necessity of
travelling a long distance in the same
to the ove routes h
additiont ab t e
sale'` of tickets is also authorized via
Sarnia, and the Northern Navigation
Company's magaiticent Steamer's across
Lake'Huron and Lake Superior.
For further particulars apply to any
Agent of the Grand Trunk Railway
System, or write to Mr. J. Quinlan,
District Passenger Agent, Bortel+entare
Station, Montreal, or Mr, A. E. Duff,
Distfr'ct Passenger Agent, ttniotn 'Sta-
tion, Toronto.
Humor and
Dir D11FICA IV M .rrrrrit
THE cheer up pbtloagphy I9 wade and
proxgtllgated by People Who have
no need of R tltew5elvee and is worth
about as mach as they need it.
WJen in doubt' get out of lit as hula,&•
ty as 7QU cap.
Matey a pearefW lndlviduel is (Mite
ready to figbt. That to the reason
that peace laaPlentiful. . -
When the heated tern Is onwe
can't belp thinking bow entirely foot'
Isis we were to spend ao much money
ter coal last winter.
Many an ex -tool is an excellent wage.
On every band there is evidence that
money is pleutiful. but to moat of its
it seems that it is 1n the wrong bands.
The Doan who makes himself at
home doesn't necessarily make the
horne. .
It is h)imsn nature to work harder
taking vacations from labor than one
works •for the boss.
Being pretty is such a strenuous
thing with some women that they are
too tired to do anything else.
The man wb0 is always on the jumN
Is no judge of monotony.
Second Crop.
If you tailed to make a killing,
If the June bride passed you bet
Do not worry, Charles Augustus.
There are others in July,
All the sweetness is not gathered
Into one brie! thirty days.
You will and some swell leftovers
With a wealth of winning ways.
Pine not for the month ot mating.
For the lost and fruitless .Tune. .
There are eyes worth looking into
Underneath the harvest moon.
There are girls of stately bearing
Loaded down with charms to burs
Who were slighted in the roundup
And are waiting for their turn,
Girls who night accept a husband
If the husband tree should sleek.
And before them drop a treasures..
Such a one as you would make.
Tbere Is neither gain nor pleasure
le regretting what is lost.
Buy a necktie and go courting
U you're anxious to be bossed.
June Is but a superstition. '
Any month will do as Well
And will make as pleasant musts
!t you ring the wedding bell.
Therefore do riot be downhearted
If you haven't struck it yet.
You can doubtless end a charmes
Who win be your one beat bet.
Down to the Common Level.
"That seems to be a bright stenos-
rapber" •
Yes, but I will have to let her ga'
What is the matter with her?"
, "Too good a speller."
"What Is the harm in that?"
"Our correspondents will think lira
ars getting stuck up.'a
",Why is it?"
"That when a man's purse is long
his face is round and when his purrs
is short Ms face 1s long?'
"I should like to meet your JAW
"1 want you to meet him, Ha Is a
very easy than."
"1 knew he trust be easy wheat t
beard jou ,were married."
Good Idea.
"Money flies."
"Then let's fix up some sort of roost-
ing place for it and try to be in the
neighborhood when it wearies of adat,
Excellent For the GaiteM.
"Yon teem to be getting btrong"
"1 *m"
"Bow do you do It?"
"11 raising a rottgbge."
Nothing Doing.
"1 balmy an cit to grind."
"GO tin.. Pm no' a at k."
The Lliffersnbe.
Thera was a than In out town.
And n he had tots of money.
And evety single tides be said
Was Counted wondrous fuer»'.
The pample at fits readYwit
;Would laugh until their rides Eat
Oise -day hie oath went up In anoke,
Though he had not been emokln*;
Thee not a Denten eoula be and
To Osten to his ioktll
, At any feeble Jest he made
TWO' r►buldn't laugh if they were**
Grows Anywhere, Weeds Only lntelll..
gent Cars end: Prange Rill Prices.
Vere are aonle points on alfalfa In
Orating prluclpally its value lA every
farmer Oat. wasth. Aorto 01' south. ter,
,lohn Waeltl or Wlsro»aln 10 so inter.
*sting letter to lt.onrd'a llaily)nan slays
in party
"Si; yeara age away farniera in the
vleinity of Monroe claimed It wot;ld
not grow oe, their land. Several farm
era started with a 'emailpatch and
soon found it to be a goat teed. Year
by year they continued growing it In
larger fields. Last year they rattled
sued an amount that by beating In
the mow it caught are and destroyed
lots of feed acid many buildings, But
that can all be overcome. If alfalfa
is properly cured there is no more dau•
ger in itsett beating than in timothy
•hay. •
. "A recent article in a farm paper
tells bow a fares proprietor ju Texas
sewed live acres of alfalfa and soon
discovered its value. Six years latet
ire owned 1,300 arres of alfalfa. Be.
eldes.feeding his stock. be shipped bay
and made a net profit of $109,000."
J. T. Anthony of Maryland says in
the American Agriculturist:
"Spine ten years ago 1 made a start
with alfalfa. and after a sncceesloii of
tenures and smecesses, coveriug more
than half this period, the light bei;an
to break. In short, you bave to learn
.tow to grow alfalfa lust -as you ruust
learn hovt to grow fruits or vegetables
of the finest quality.
"Select a well drained piece of loam
land. not necessarily a knoll, but a
piece of land that isnot wet and soggy,
the subsoil of whieh is porous, so that
the plants can send their taproots
down. down. without striking water.
it the plot selected is deficient in plant
feud tend humus let these be supplied.
and the laud cultivated in some, hued
crop, such as tomatoes, potatoes or
"1t is a rank feeder. as evidenced by
its tremendous root system. and as all.
plants take their food in ablation both
food and moisture must be preseut to
sustain the young plant."
Says the Orange Judd Farmer:
"There is no longer a question but
that alfalfa can he grown anywhere,
The only requireinetrt is that the soil
be free from surplus mid:ature. In eth-
er words, it must be well drained
'Phis beim; accomplished, a clay ani
soil or even a hard pan is no harrier
Alfalfa roots have been known to
grow tbruugb twenty feet of hard
"It is a very profitable crop. When
bold for hay a good crop will bring
ALFALFA'S worn:maven BOOT,
tBy courtesy Long island Agronomistl
from $15 to $35 per acre. When used
for stock feed It will often return $35
to $60. When grown for seed very
frequently $30 bas been secured.
"lint in considering alfalfa the re
turn from the crop is not the only
consideration, It adds greatly to the
richness of the soli. It takes nitrogen
from the air and stores it up in targe
quantles for future traps it is a 'pro.
telt feed and pronlbee to solve the
cheap teed problems on the high
priced lands of the Middle west.
Peruser* In this Ideality must hate
cheap teed If they are to raise live
stock at a profit. They must hate lite
Meek if they are to keen tip the ter -
ditty of their land. horn find alfalfa,
the corn being made Into silage,
the addition of little egrtin, will Izalco
milk, produce growth in young Mil
mats, will fatten beef cattle, will sus
tnin horsed, wilt haslet in beaking port:
rlienply rad will prodticd eggri seithotvi
4 amber. tt is alto the best of tnntteit
makers. Ili fact, no Wends of rout,
mnndittiOn inn he considered eittPava
rr:'rt late plena lit a Mattel*, lied CO
this taere ran, ba
Zs The Cause of More Skke
nese Than Anything Else,
11• Yost Wish To Ba Weil You
Must Keep The Rowels, Opcn,
If You Don't, Collslipation '
Ia Sure To Follow,
LA,v' A"Li Vi iLI.
cot on the bowels Ana promote their free
and regular action, t nus curing Constipa-
tion and all diseases irisin,, from. it,
Mr„ Harry Re`:oy, Shnnick, Ont,..
writes:-" Having been , trout led for
yeare with eons;ipatron aricl trying many
remedies without success, 1 ib' -illy
ourch:ased Mil .tire'; 111xad,iver 1'ille
and fount! the n us,.:st bene.ivi:tl; they
are indeed spit:ndi.! pills and 1 can
heartily recommend then,"
Price 25c, per vial or 5 vials for $1.00,
at alt dealers or me ilea direct on receipt
of price by The . Milburn Co„ Limited,
Toronto. Ont.
Reciprocity has now passed at Wash-
ington. Whether it becomes law or
not rests with. the Canadian people and
they will have an opportunity of voting
on this important question on the 21st
of September next. It is worth re-
calling the terms of the agreement and
pointing out in a general way its mean-
ing to the two countries affected. The
bill is a tariff amendment, divided into.
three schedules, embodying a large free
list on natural products, and reduced
duties on food' products and certain
For farmers there will be distinct
advantages in free/access to the United
States market for the following, among
other articles, upon whieh duty is now
levied :-
Cattle Onions
Horses and mules Apples
Swine, Pears
Sheep and lambs Peaches
Poultry Grapes
Wheat Butter
Rye Cheese
Oats Fresh milk
Barley Fresh cream
Beans Eggs
Potatoes Hay
Corn Straw
Consumers on both sides will thank
the negotiators of this agreement for
reduced duties on many articles now
bearing varying taxes, and among
them :-
Meats, fresh or refrigerated
Bacon and hams
Beef and pork, salted
Canned meats and poultry
Tomatoes and other vegetables
Wheat, flour and oatmeal
Prepared cereal food -�
Bran, middlings and other offal grain
Macaroni and Vermicelli
Biscuits, wafers and cakes
Canned fruits
Agricultural implements
Paving stones
Clocks and watches
Motor vehicles
Canada is now the third best cus-
tomer of the United States. Under
reciprocity we will sell more to the
United States of the things we do not
need and which the United States does
need ; we will buy more of what they
have to sell and what we want to buy.
We will continue to buy from Great
Britain the fabrics and other articles
with which she can best supply us.
But instead of free access only to the
British market for national products
we will have also the increasing de-
mand of the United States.
Laurier and the larger markets is
the policy for Canada.
A Weak Chested Boy.
"My boy Frank seemed weak -chested
and took a very severe cold," writes
Mrs. D. Stevens, Ninga, Man, "The
many medicines used did not seem to
bnefit him, until we tried Dr. Chase's
Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine and
found it to be exactly what was wanted
'to cure him." No treatment is so
thorough and effective as a eure for
croup and bronchitis.
Cobwebs in
the Morning.
Cobwebs in the head on rising in the
morning is the result of a Lazy Liver, one
or two mornings in succession and seek
headache follows.
Father Morriscy's Liver Pills will clear
the Brain.
These Pills are a purely vegetable com-
pound prepared with great care, and are
without doubt the very best pills for gen-
eral use, on the ftiai-ket. The greatest
ears has been given to selecting the in-
gredients, and being entirely 'Vegetable,
they act upon the liver and bowels in such
a manner as not disturb turb the Other tune -
tions ofnthe body as many pills ills do.
As a Liver Invigorator, Blood Purifier
and General system Renovator, they. are
unequalled. Sick headache is invariably
!brought.r!brought.on by a sluggish liver, +cotta t (Se -
tion or leregular bowels ; these pills are a
Mete tor sick headache in any form.
Pimples, eruptions aced yellow skin are
often caused by a lazy 1rver ; one pill three
tirees a week, will noon clear the s.tdplesl-
toll.-�Ptrce trey ;per hos
e.0,000 Men Wanted for Harvesting in
't skac he w
Ment ob a a
ta,S t. n
and. Alberta,
This year's wheat crop, according to
a conservative estimate, will be two
hundred million bushels, and the Mani-
toba, Saskatehewan and Alberta gov-
ernments advise that fifty thousand
men will be required, The majority of
these will have to be recruited from
Ontario, and the Canadian Pacific Rail-
way are running excursions to Winni-
peg and west at $10, Free tickets will.
be supplied at Winnipeg to destinations
in Western Canada east of Moose Jaw,
Saskatoon and branches, Special
through trains to Winnipegwill be run
by the. C. 1' R. the only rough line,
on the following dates:
Aug. 3, from all points on all lines in
Ontario south of the G. T. R. main
line Toronto to Sarnia. This includes
C P R, stations south of Guelph and
Aug.. 12, from all points in Ontario
north of the G. T, R, main line Toron-
to to Sarnia, which includes all branches
andtarioth,e Toronto -Sudbury line,
Aug. 16, from points in Eastern On -
Aug, 23, from all points West of Tor-
onto in Ontario,
Aug. 25 from all points East of Tor -
Onto in Ontario and Quebec.
Through trains will be run from On-
tario points on the above dates to Win-
nipeg, avoiding all transfer or customs
troubles en route. Ask any C. P, R.
agent for circular giving rates, condi-
tions, special train service, etc., from
Parente and points in Ontario or write
to R, L. Thompson, D. P. A., C. P. R.,'
A Justice of the Peace
Guarantees this Cure by
the Use of
Doan's Kidney Pills
Mr. B. J. Thomas, Fisher River, Man„
writes: -"I beg to acknowledge a receipt
of thanks for the great benefit derived
from the use of Doan's Kidney Pills.
For some years I suffered from severe
pains in my back and could hardly work
at all, and when I stooped down to pink
up anything I felt as if my back would
break, I was advised to try Doan's
Kidney Pills, and after taking two
boxes I was completely cured and feel
that I cannot speak too highly in their
favor. It will be two years this April
and am still cured and expect to stay
I, the undersigned, J.P. of Fisher
River, do hereby take oath and swear,
knowing the above statement to be
true as testi:led. Knowing all men by
this right.
Signed, L. C. Roofs, J.P,,
Fisher River, Man.
Doan's Kidney Pills are 50c, per box,
or 3 boxes for $1.25, at all dealers or
mailed direct on receipt of price byThe
r. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, nt.
When ordering direct specify "Down's.'
A prisoner being brought to Toronto
slipped his handcuffs and jumped from
a G.T.R. train west of Woodstock.
A well known Des Moines woman
after suffering miserably for two days
from bowel complaint, was cured "by
one dose of Chamberlains Colic. Chol-
era and Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale
by all dealers.
Harlen J. Smith of the American
Museum of Natural History, New York,
has been appointed archaeologist of the
new Victoria Museum, Ottawa.
Children Cry
John F. Thompson of Green Point,
near Picton, fell from a load and, strik-
ing his head on a cement floor, was
probably fatally injured.
Mks. WINSLOW's SooxanNO S4avP has been
used for over SIXTY YEARS by MII,I,IONS of
is the best remedy for DIARRHOEA, It is ab-
solutely harmless. Be sure andot ke for
Winslow's Soothing Syrup,
kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle.
Whistling is said to be a violation of
the Divine law by Icelanders.
l LLS.
Sick Eteadache and relievevo all
e troleb
to a bllio1•3 state of the sygtena, each as
Dizziness, Nausza, Drowsiness Distress alter
ratinPain in the Side .tc. vlhile their moat
remarkable eucecss has been ehOwn 1n curing
Headache, yet Carter's Little Liver Pills aro
equally galeable in Constipation, curing and pre•
venting this a nnoyin{ccothplalnt,while theyalgo
correct all dtsnrders of th a etoinach, etlmn.atetho
liver and regulate the boaelt. liven if they Only
tithe they would be almost priccker • othese tvhe
enter from title distressing eon:;"ring bot Porta.
nately their goednees floes net flat here,and thee°
r i d ill
tvhoannot ytltemw 11IIn t i-:roli :le t pills value
able in so many ways that they, ill not bewil-
ling, to do without them. Due a: etaltoitkheel
Is the bele deo many 1i rel that hero lb where
we make our great boast. Deep Ile cult itWhile
others do net.
Catter'd Little Liver Pills ate very creep and
Thee are etrlctl
very easy tt take. One et tempi los make a dogs.
vegetai'ie and do not grOr
purge, bmut by their gentle action please au who •
d 4t4" t':1,it0.
tit ' ��:��4:�����4"_ , i"t'. .
O 7R til�W M TIIOD TRmLA TMENT wlli euro yyroon� and maize' o malt o!
you+ uder its influencer kite brain orreee aohvo, the blood nuritiad so that alt
pimples, btotehesand ulcers heal up; theernes .become strong as steel, zo .that
nervousness bashfulness Asad despondeno disappear• the eyes become bright, Wiq
:lace tau and eiear, enet y- returns 10 tho ivwcl end m' a morel, pb5.01eal attct ment*l
esteatsare invigorates; all dralne oeate-uo more vital emote rrom;the temente.
au feel yourself amen and know marriage cannot be a failure. Don't t let quacltq.
Awe tai ire rob you ot your bard earned deflate.
Peter E, Summate relates Itis experience:
"I was troubled with Nervous Debility
ars, I luy it to ludlscrettvn
and excessesrmersyeaIn youth. i became very
despondent anddidn't care whether e
worked or not. I imagined everybody
who looked at me guessed my Faeree
r, a Imaginative dreatns at night weakened
rte - my back ached, had Pains in the
a '
r•<. cback tofr em fnbteo
dm, oharnningan
ewt e
Angers were ahakY. etas blurred.
+M . loose, memory poor, etc, Numbness in
the fingers set in and the doctor told are
be feared peralsir, I took all kinds o:
medicines and- triad many first-class
physicians, worsen electric: belt for three
menthe, but received little benefit. I
strong TnrwrMriiy was induced to consult Drs. Kennedy ,$ "It" TREATMENT
Kennedy, though I had lost all faith in
doctors. Like a drowning man I commenced the New bIOTxen TREATMENT aid it
savedmy Ilio. The improvement was like maKio-I could reel the vigor going through
the nerves, I was cured mentally sad phystealiy, a have sent there many . patients
and continue to do so.
peculiar to Mem
Blankforijome Treatment. BOOKS FREE. If unable to call write for a question
Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich.
NOTICE All letters from; Canada ?rust be addressed
to our Canadian Correspondence Depart-
musembeweeeee ment in Windsor, Ont, If you desire to
see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat
no patients in our Windsor offices wbicli are for Correspondence and
Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows ;
`rite Lor our private address,
44"144-141444+4+++++++++++ •b '4.3'4- '+3444 441 'd 484•44.
+ •ic
1The Times
Clubbing List
Times and Weekly Globe . ..., ..
Times and Daily Globe
Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star....
Times and Toronto Weekly Sun
Times and Toronto Daily Star
Times and Toronto Daily News.. ......•
Times and Daily Mail and Empire
Times and Weekly Mail and Empire
Times and Farmers' Advocate
Times and Canadian Farm (weekly)
Times and Farm and Dairy
Times and Winnipeg Weekly Free Press
Times and Daily Advertiser
Times and London Advertiser (weekly), . , . .....
Times and London Daily Free Press Morning
Evening Edition .... •
Times and Montreal Daily Witness
Times and Montreal Weekly Witness
Times and World Wide
Times and Western Home Monthly, Winnipeg...,.
Times and Presbyterian ............ .
Times and Westminster,
Times, Presbyterian and Westminster
Times and Toronto 'Saturday Night
Times and Busy Man's Magazine
Times and Home Journal, Toronto
Times and Youth's Companion
Times and Northern Messenger
Times and Daily World
Times and Canadian Magazine (monthly).
Times and Canadian Pictorial
Times and Lippincott's Magazine
Times and Woman's Home Companion
Times and Delineator
Times and Cosmopolitan
Times and Strand
Times and Success
Times and McClure's Magazine
Times and Munsey's.,.Magazine
Times and Designer '
Times and Everybody's
2 90
3 40
These prices are for addresses in Canada or Great I
The above publications may be obtained by Times T.
subscribers in any combination, the price for any publica-
tion being the figure given above Less $i.00' representing
the price of The Tines. For instance :
The Times and Weekly Globe..... $1.60
The Farmer's Advocate 02.35 less $1.00)1,35
making the price of the three papers $2.95.
The Times and the Weekly San.. ........51,80
.l. The Toronto Daily Star ($2.30 less $1,00)...... 1,30
The weekly Globe (51.60 less 81.00) . 60
the four papers far $3.7o.
If the publication you Want is not in above lists let
us know. We can supply almost any well-known Cana -
tiler or American publication. These prices are strictlyy if
44 cash in advance. •�
Sendnd subscriptions by post office or express order to
83.70 •
The Tims Officel
Stone Block
�t'4"art t„l"It.4~!!4++It Ict+. !+++44+i,4,1