HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-08-03, Page 6"e`stswevit „t ,
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That's the -condition that goes
every bag of Creanx of the West
WS a fair, square guarantee,
you to take it to Mean just what
Cream the
N\N w 0 ..,,,,,,,,,w.
laii1,11,,4,0,, -. • 111111111,r
, i
1111111„1 , , A lirilliiii•
with ,
and I Want
it says.
TAT/ . s
w est .
041;hteowflatlowofn bDyeautunyalirliat:osn.the oldest
In ceneetpsence et the panther of
Ruseien stUdents who reMain at uni-
yew/Wee until well on in life, and, it
is -said, use their position for verities
purposes, the nalne$ of all stedents
entered before 190 are to be stock ofr
the Welts.
--"'" ruuuuu us $ -
e .
Down by the shore, N211220 't ha- breeze , Fran
,ron bi,,,w, 11 ,
vreithitcrawth.e Ifea, with •it$ ebb and ,11 :INN
Fragraut with chowder and other ,salt I ,
dish 1
Stands the flotekand the ehlef and hi
Skinen and Bitens, ere Waiting for you!
Up in the mountaires, beneath the blue '''.--- '----
sky, 1110.011144.
Reeks Mid the' eagles and everything
high,fti'''*4 Mr"' $4;i0slif
., „
1 , V At 1
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si IF
ariParain PlaYa an important NO In
Personal Decoration,
, grotograa rihhen o, t rich aualitY and
PeaY7 Weate plays 44 IMportant part
lu nerlemal deeeratieo OW daYe. It
has wan need for seine tixee wIth
geld and 3oweled 4400 44 Wateh feb13.
but la now being put to Mpg Oboe
A Wereali hi mourning Whe earMot
arrord to buy herself a new black en-
amet or goo moo 1 'Patch way ea
her gold one. 'Provided Ole chain to
somber. This tio_ often ex onyx beetle
twisted Into a rope, but wore econom-
!cal is a long chain Of gresgrale rib-
bon wita ffes and Of or
.. .. . ,,
gull JeT.,
The width of these ribbon guard
varies from ban an inch to an Inch
and a bait the three-quarters width
being suitable for older women.
The ribbon watch guard, is no Mager,
Popular for mourning only. It is
await Prat now to hold watch or lor-
gnaw worn with jeweled GT enameled
slides at intervals through its length.
with uook and cosh 0 molds some.
times these slides are so in rhino -
iu turquoise or Semi-
stones, again ,
precious atones, eceaalonalli in iiiinii
chased gold,
Besides being new and fashionable,
such a guard is serviceable and much
better roma for ordinary daily wear
than Jeweled gold chains or even the
antiqUe t3ilver ones set with rime-
The groagraitt ribbon guard for eye-
glasses is now a. familiar sight. Odcl-
iy, etiouo, the wide band of block
ribbon banging over one cheek is be-
coming and by its smartness takei
away the look of old age that eye.
glasses frequently give,
Quite new are atria* and, broocheS in
which grosgrain ribbon Is utilized to
bring out settings et brilliants. Some
g:ottheSsehZreaskbobrOd/VekrendOt wiOr thtrUeritv:
stones set In silver; others are long
bar pine for l or belt, the back-
ground of the grosgrain crossed with
a central and end ornaments of MI-
gree and rhinestones separated 1)3'starts
rhinestone slides.
Sometimes this ribbon is made up
into dog collars , crossed Iv- jeweled
slides and clasp, with a larger oval or
square ornament lu the nsiddle of the
front, The fullness of the ribbon hi
so much less becoming than velvet
that it is not likely to become popular.
Uric 404 a Worm a.
Urie acid is an accumulation of pois-
on which Ands ledgment in the system
when the kidneys fail to remove st
from the blbod. In the kidneys and
bladder it forms stones, in the soints
and muscles it causes rheumatism, In
Any ease the pain and suffering is al-
most beyond human endurance, Uric
Acid is promptly removed from the syss
tern when the kidneys are lcept healthy
and active by using Dr. Chase'a Hid-
ney-Liver Pills,
Stun*. . d t r
,Ing old pines, an he emlocIts
and ash,
Six-by-tert rooms fer the ten-bpsix
, casb,
Stands the Bird Inn, and I'm telling
you true
B '
leolum a Soakum are Welting for
. illi Nk.„
MOSSing to the FarmeOrs Wife
-', the bard wheat flour guaranteed for bread
Give Cream of the West a fair, square trial. • If you
don't have satisfaction in baking bread, you'll get get eat.
isiaction at your grocer's. We guarantee one or the
other. Cream. Of the West is a superior tread flour,
Improve your horae-made bread by using it.
The Campbell Milling Company, Lirnited,Toronto
AgglilltAl.li CAMPBELL President
Out on the farm, where the chiekens
and ducks
Turn out the eggs, with thequacks and
Onions clucks;
and radishes, limas and con,
blather's own pie and, as sure as
you're born, '
Right up to date and quite ready to
Picket:a ePluckem are waitingfor you.
Go where you will for vacation o sport.
Start away long you will stumble bank
Pocketboolt empty; but listen and
Winter is coming and tables will turn;
Plucker' & Mahon vvill turn upin town,
Then we will get them and do them up
, •
. for
is almost
Bell Telephone Service light-.
ens the domestic tasks of the
wife. •
In the family circle, the Bell Service is indispens
. It is a constant household companion. it shops
her when. she is too busy to go to towu. It Wags
irt close touch with the social Ilfeof the comment*
ones far away may be reached, for the Belt field
linxitiess. It i•elieves the =flown:sr of litik
cannot be lonesome with 'the Dell Service at ber
• It is a constant source of pleasure and .
profit in the home circle. •
lames Wilson, the Seeretary of Ags
grieulture ended a 'recent addres$ in
Washiogton on the autumn crops with
a crop tory. "A commission agent, ,,
he said,. "looked carefully at a handful
of wheat. that had been brought him by
a farmer's boy, and then enquired.
4 flow much more has your master got
, As, , . ,
of this, my iau; Re am t got no
more of it,' said the boy. 'It took him
all the morning to pick tbat out.' "
'.'.- ' .. . . . ,.... , . ,
. _._
K[BNELs, Rom THE cANcTum miLL
S 0 R. 'E ' F .E. E T.
Why the Teeth Decay.
"The almost universal decay of the
teeth is proof positive that our nation
is suffering lime starvation," writes A
chemistry lecturer fn the Dietetic and
Hygienic Gazette. "Our dentists pre-
scribe tooth washes and tooth pastes,
advocate I 1 11 '
oca ygiene, MI eavaties and,-,
fit bridges, and all this time ignore the
fact that the basic cause is lime starve:
tion. They will tell you thatthesugar
take inyour mouth acts directly
has already a large number of Rural SubscTibers in *it
disinct. The company's lines will be coital:lora*
extended during the present season.
To avoid delay or disappointment when you may
the Service urgently, get your contrad now
before the lines are located and built
f e Nog -
ii'es * MONTREAL.
• CAN!.
Everybody nw oednalt.a
Zamenuk best for these.
I•et., it. give YOU easerequire
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
sod mutest
s and Monts-sver,takes0
j a.m.-Bilk
Robert Leach made a. successful trip
over the Niagara Fans in his barrel,
An endurance record in an aeroplane
has been established in France, when
Mi. Loridan
.. . .
During the hot, season particularly
one should drink a great quantity o f
water -at least one quart a day. The
beneficial effect of taking a glass of
clear, cold water on arising and before
retiring, as well as between meals dur-
ing- the day, vvill become speedily and
happily manifested in a clearer com-
1 ' brighter,h i al and
p exion, new p ys c
mental activity and life. Pronounced
cases of constipatiOn will be overcome
by eating fruit, such as apples, figs,
dates and prunes, and by drinking•
plenty of water. ,
She gained 38 LW,
Mrs. George Bradshaw, Harlowe,
Ont,, writes: "I was troubled for
many years with weak, watery bleed
and dropsy. I had nervous headaches,
dizziness and sinking spells, and wad,
in fact, a semi -invalid. Doetors told
nte my heart and kidneys were diseased
andgave me up. By using 10 boxes of
Dr. Chase's Nerve Food I hive beat
cured of many of zny old complaints
and gained 36 pounds in weight."
flew for nearly 12 hours,
coveriog a distance of 469 miles. The
aviator was forced to discontinue his
flight, owing to fatigue.
On German farms and estates, says
the New York Post, motive power isFarmers
gradually displacing animals and hand
labor for pumping water, grinding and
mixing fodder, cutting wood, turning
„ . .
`'" e centrifugal machines and churns,
upon Your teeth. Dentists but their
aseesse ss.ss s - „„I . . ,,,,., , ,,,..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,.„,,,.,.,,, ,„ .. ., 4.:
eyes to the evident fact that decay
first in the pulp beneath the in -
ta0t enamel, and honeycombs the in -
terior tooth until the shellfleik bridge
of enamel breaks beneath the strain.
The en I "
ame gives absolute protection
against the external attacks of acids
and sugar. I have immersed sound
teeth,for months an a solution of fruit
acids and'sugar, and have been unable
to detect any erosion of either the en -
amel or the If
in the vicinityof W'
Ingham and Lucknow who,
1 • .
nesire telephiine service can secure same over the lines of
the North Huron Telephone Co Leave your order with the
Secretary, H. B. Elliott, at the Times office, Wingham.
Capt, Weller's boat, the Romania, on
which he started to cross the ocean to
Queenstown, was wrecked at Chebogue
Point, N. S.
According to figures received at Lon-
don, deaths from plague in India for
half year eliding June 30th, have
reached 650,690.pristine
Cuts and bruises may be healed in
about one-third the time required by
the usual treatment by applying Chant -1
berlain's Lihiment. It is an antiseptic
and causes such injuries to heal with-
out maturation. This liniment also re-
Heves soreness of the muscles and
rheumatic pains. For sale by all deal-
ho London Daily Mail tthat
the Consolidated Gold Fields Company
pulp. you want your
children to have sound, white teeth, see
that' their diet is rich in lime and
-so.. .•1100moill.
-- '
A convenient Specimen With Attached
Powder Puff Case. '
The silver mesh bag is not likely to
be displaced in popularity by even the
most magnificent reticule, for the mesh
bag never grows soiled and shabby.
Should it become a trifle tarnished its
brightness can easily be re -
newed. This Is a representative
poor in sugar. •
. ,.......,
• '
Brass -Wash in warm soapsuds, us-
ing woollen cloth to polish lacquered
with cloth in alcohol.
Closets -After thoroughly cleaning,
spray with kerosene, benzine, or gaso-
line to prevent moths.
Cane or Willow Furniture -To clean
- •ed or tighten, also to prevent from brittle-
ness, wet thoroughly with viftarin water,
dry in wind or SUn.
Furniture -Good polish is made of
ale pourid melted wax, one pint tur-
pentine, one gill alcohol beaten in at
-ie lat. Apply with soft cloth, and
b vigorously
ru, White spots are easily
removed from furniture by holding
over it a moderately hot iron. When
quite warm, rub hard with grain of
, dig Frames -Wipe off with soft
cloth clipped in white of egg, beaten
and mixed with one ounce of soda;
afterward polish with silk cloth,
Leather Furniture -Clean with hot
milk, and polish with thin mixture of
-melted wax and turpentine.
Litioleum -Wipe up with warm milk
or soft water into -which has been mix-
ed a teacup of kerosene.
Mirrors -Wipe with Cloth wet in al-
cohol or weak tea made from the left-
over leaves.
Oilcloth -Wipe off with gasoline;
this sum iso'
polish 1 •
- - e ean andeaving a nice,
bright surface without injury to mater-
ial, as when soap or powders are used.
Varnished er Polished Woode-Are
improved by a wash in warm slide,
Dry with soft cloth, preferably otie Wet
in some polish or kerosene.
1 ----
One of the surest Ways to lessen the
heat pressure is to avoid foods
that produce heat,
This means the elimination from the
menu et all fats or fatty substances,
and of meats.
There are any number of nutritious
vegetables on the market 'that ean be
made to serve in place of meat without
sending up the temperature and adding
to the discomfort and exhaustion.
No vegetable is heat producing unless
cooked in fat.
Fruits are the best of all foods for
cooling and refreshing the heated body.
Milk does not contain enough fatty
substance to produce undesirable ef-
fects, though too much cream may do
so., For this reason, when a cooling
dessert is in order, it is betterto choose
ice water than ice cream.
Lemon, orange and pineapple ices are
all very refreshing and gratefully cools
ing to the tired, heated body,
A ill D
f .
sTAT/oNERy .
. ,
We have put in our office a complete stock of Staple
Stationery and can supply your wants in
Seemed To Give Elm a New Stomaels
"I suffered intensely after eating and
no medicine or treatment I tried seem-
to do any good," writes H. M.
Youngpeters, Editor of The Sun, Lake-
vievr, Ohio. "The first few doses of
reiamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab-
eta gave me surprising relief and the
econd bottle seerned to give me a new
tomach and perfectly good health."
For sale by all dealers.
of South South Africa, under the advice, it
says, of John Hays Hammond, has con-
siderable interest in the Yukon field,
and intends to float a new tompany
with a capital of $8,000 000
, .
Children Cry.
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4 ...... .0.. .., s aj_ 1 , „,;>,,. ',„.
'.0" --''''''''"Ks•--"
Tea production, which lis cheap in
China, ceuId be still further cheapened
hy introducing scientific methods of
cultivation and fighting diseases and.,
Children Cry
CAs-re.... cuo... •ii A
%se asTs. R
Mushrooms are imported into the
United States to a large extent, the
rbcei the ni
pts for ne months ended
March 31, this year being 5,000,000
pounds, worth $1,500,000,
An ordinary ease of diarrhoea can, as
a rule, be cured by, a single dose of
•Chamberlain's Cholic,. Cholera Sind Di-
arrhoea Remedy. This remedy has no
superior for bowel complaints. For
sale by 3,11 clealere,
A strike of mining operatives in the
West threatens to eause a fuel famine,
and the Domimon Clovernment is eon-
sidering the advisability of admitting
American coal duty free as a means of
everting this dzinger.
passengers at New York
report that they felt the recent intense
heat even in reid-oeean.
A well known, Des Moines woman
after suffering miserably for two days
fro,a. bowel complaint, was cured by
one dose of Chamberlein's Colic, Choi-
era and Diarrhoea Remedy.. For sale
by all dealers.
The sum of $10,000 will have to be
raised before the electric railway can
be built between Kingston and Ottawa,
The contract has been signed with
the Canadian Viekers, Limited, for the
construction of a three -million -dollar
dry-dock at Montreal.
4' is sem direct to the diseased pa ts b til!
Improved Blower. Meals the
niters, clears the air passages,
• stops droppings in the throat and
. warsprestjty. cog! Catarrh an
is„,e,...„ Accsetriesetencetss. Zlieesters
or gamaAsea, sates a cos Toronto.
Mr. W. D. 8cott, 8uperintencient of
Immigration, hopes to supply the labor
'demands of the West with importations
from Europe.
. '' - '
• s- , ,
.. ,
We will keep the best stock in the respective lines
and sell at reasonable prices.
satrny sumo sem '
sign, the finely chained body of the
bag being finished by silver frhige.
Attached to the bag are :silver eases
for sraemag salts, powder put and
o s
Si f ,
t 4.
"2, ' ,‘.,
We are in a better position than ever before to attend
to your wants in the Job Printing line
car* of Milk.
First class milk, left at the door in
a clean bottle and at a low tempera -
toe, may be sour or off flavor twelve
hours Inter because it was left stand-
ing in a warm kitchen for a few rain-
tites or was poured on into a pan
Hat had been. Washed In the dishpan
and wiped on a towel that had done
servide for all kinds of dishes for sev-
eral days.
Milk should not be left standing in
the sun •a Minute after the' milkman
ea Ve5 it. The consumer 8130illd have
a pace for the milk inside the house
Ot in the ehade and should see that
the delivery tiall puts it there. it
ehoeld be Olken immediately to the
coolest pities) in the noose and left In
h b tti ltb ut 6 I g
t e o e w o r n3ov n the en is
until wanted for use. Or you esnuotIvaco.
nin1/10 the Milirniati It the milk sone.
The Imported Clydesdale Stallion "Goldin*"
will make the season of 1911 pan:mows;
istoudess-oesv,e his oWner s stable, filuevale,
for Jas. Moffatt s, boundary line, for neon;
th,en to Xing Edward Hotel. Wrozeter, for
gen° 142triJorgiehstii4Telliff. inglirtetz:
night. Wedneeday- To nervy Bosman's,
BrowntoWn, fer noon ; then to Geo. WarWitit'so
con. 2 Morris, for night. Thursday -To Chas.
ozensiii ell's from 8 ti,n1. t 0 JO am. , then to Thos.
Abraham's, con, 1, Morris, for noon ; then to
his eitner's stable, EilueVale, fer night and re -
slain wail the folloWing Monday niorniiss.
and all
orders will receive prompt attention.
Leave your order with us .
when in need of
Was o ervous N
CNould ot ay l
T h*.t..".7
e House Alone
Mm. Arthur Moore, Freeport, N.S.,
writes: -"I would reecirennend Milburn's
Heart and Nerve Pills to anyoite who is
weak, run down and their eaves all
unstrung, I was troubled with net-.
vousness of the very"worst kind, and
wherz 1 started le to take your pille, 1
!rag 140 bad I could not stay in the house
alone, nor tould I sleep nights. Since
baking the rills I am entirely cured and
sett recommend them to anyone who irl
nervous. and run down."
To any of those suffering in any way
frOhl any derangement of the heat or
nerves, we can recommend our MIL.
with the greatest cerifirlente.
They have been tried end proved, for
the last twenty years, to be exactly
what we claim for them.
Pele""t1t4 Pet b°"r' 3 bftelf kr
elldealers, or ma
P.21l, at ll iled irect o
tattipt of pride by. 'The T. Milburn Co,
Littittd, TOr0114, Oat,
Once in a great while you meet aS
woman whe understands meo, but she
is too busy -manipulating the strings to
say anything about it.
Buy it now. Now is the time to buy
a bottle of Chamberlain's Colits Choi-
era and Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale
by all dealers. '
The Rev. Charles It Sn ,
- urgeoh s
keen Wit was olvvays as sterling
b ed 011
common sense. One day he remarked
to one of his sons: "Can you tell me
the teaser! why the lions didn'T eat
Daniel?" 'No, sir, Why was it?"
"Because ths most of him WU ba0ltv
bone, and the rest was grit."
h ''' r
0 Lo.d en Ory
.4,4s. 64.
eaje, A TO Ft 1 A
The indigo planter tit India has been
largely put out of business by the tett-
finial product,
Ten millioa acres of Crown lands aro
th"" °Pelt 6/4 settlemeilt bSt
th bedealers,
the New South Wales Governiutrit.
Ws expected that over twenty thotv,
.Prand settlers will thus hi ir nmuhloit two
ThEamported Clydesdale SWIM "bruin -
ishrle ( hief" will make the season of 1911 as
fellowa i
Monday -Leave hie owner's stable, Jiltievele
llor Beritise Payne's, con. 2, Grey, for ton;
tv to Win, Eraser's, alai, I, Grey, fOr night.
- ziesday-ae Mr. Kerr% Ethel, for neon ; then
to Geo. McsEarlane,s, ten. 'T, Grey, for_ night.
Wednesdays -To sreessieterIs con. SI, morns,
for noon, then te JOS. Nich01 a, &in. ti, perm*
tirbursdaytrzoittrianom, 1:
Or anything' you may require in the printing line.S
Aid find out ' you ave iney die
' f hkd-
ordes-Also make this test.
Have you pains in tha back over
thc. kidneys?then
H aye you urinary disorders? _ tt.
Do sottz ,suffer from severe bee
I A or deleetive eyesight,
tte.),s.. titzmn e
k "d d h Is?
Is the s in dr an as
Are you failitig in health and
strength and suffering from rhettreio
tie pains or swelling of the limbs?
These are a few of the. symprme of
. t 0 toot
kidney disease, and here is •
II the urine after standing fer
twenty-four hours is cloudy, milky
or has particles floating about in it,
or if there is a sediment in the bot-
tom of the vessel, your Iti(1119ya ate
'Mere is no time to lose in begin-
bing tiff' ''''':' of Dr. Chase's Kidney-
Liver »Ms. They will help you more
quickly than any treatment you can
obtain, and that la 0110 reatha why
fill and 0 War.
tliVrtlii.AV.IMakse's ItiMy-Liver
a. ma, nue Tim n. duse, 2s cents a box,
at all dealers, a Etimatison, Bates &
t'.3._ rre,roitte..
e'regtrure,i, pedlar—To aesomiller's,
COM 8, Mettle, for noon; tnen to .T, Joh 8ellerii,
con, 8, Morrie, for night, Saturday -To Geo,
Turvors, cot. 2, Morris, tor 1360h ; thOtt tO his
owner a stable and renieht Until the followilag
Mislay Morning.
6. Subscriptions taken for all the Leading Newspapers
rind Magazines.
.....*............. ,
-,. Moving Pussy.
moil ono knowl the tore of * tat
far a partionat mace, nod this love
makes it tory hard to persuade kitty
to move when the family does. A 0118,
torn tried stitt fund true in toehold
la to destroy the keen seent twbiob
leads the eat to rehire to the old
home, and *Mtn le sorted lva the
s . - ,
eet, Y lb 0
r b Is bi h r pawe Well Witb
g 6 p
butter. ,
rot th tiak0 both lst elettnIthor0 and
the hater posy trill lick bee paws
aelut This, tar some rOitanh, illitOt4
away. the scent, and nno I. enre,..et
after conteeted and tie %eV -until Yoe
u imported Olydesdele Stallioii filisseato
will make the astsson of MIMI Nies* iv -
MondaY*Leatte hiii Owner's Stable, Bleolaler
tar ). miner% hint,tt form Whines Wit Of
EltievaIe, ter non, eta north by way at
Loven 5 earner ta /Cert.'s hetei, Virreaeter,
or n 1 . tie ay:-. r o
I tit' s e, tief Ri t n Brea., COM li,
Tu ali rry tar noon, to Alex. latiPherstA'st
Ookrt. 7 °till 8 o'clock, end to John Enlith'S Con.
ft for Welt. WeithoodliyA-To attilf. POrkOVN
cos.10.Tatriberry fro, noon: Mid to Dennis
titnbla traitor Ceilletit WOrkft Wbighluti, for
, , It
Y lea MM. 18
nt0N, ellidltar "°''' s• ther 4 twbol I
iltigle,ottis= eetignMiks, trEinithani• f:2
eight. Friday -4o g.13, Sankinto peewee
itriarMaiririglegewiilgstlirel: 11 1"1"
, Y , _. if
, . .
. 180 .
e . mies office
Mr h in,
mg OM*
J. II r0t3r. e