HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-08-03, Page 44, • 1. , 4.. • . THE WINGBA.M TIRES AUGUST 3, 1911 W----wzryogr,„ • THE Dominion Bank READ OrrIGE; TORONTO E. B. OSLEIt, M. P., - President. W. D. MATTHEWS, - I/lee-President. Capital $4,000,000,00 Reserve . ......... $5,000,000400 Total Assets, - „ $62,500,000,00 A Branch of this Bank has been esta' blished in London. England, at 73 CORNHILL, B.C. This Branch will issue Letters of Credit and Drafts on all Important points in Canada, negotiate Bills sent XQ eollectien, make telegraphic trans- fers, and transact every description of banking busiuess, Information will be furnished on all Canadian matters. A special department will be provid- ed for the of visitors and bearers of ear Letters of Credit. C. A. BOGERT, General Manager. WINGHAm BRANCH W. R. Gentle, Manager. R. VANSTQNE, Solicitor. E0 TWO OnfORS predocts, The trade for June totalled INI $08,710,869, an increase of $2,693,445. Imports for the ninth totalled $4S, 9,8h n increase of a little over three millions, Customs revenue for the three months was $18,1,126,750, an increase of $2,858,847. An explanation may be found in the fact that the President of the Manu- facturers' Association, the President of the Hank ef Commerce, the head of the Davies Packing Company, and other financial magnates opposed it, and that The Montreal. Star and The Toronto News, With the intereats at their back, began a strong. =test against it. A large fund was soon found to be at the disposal of the opponents of the agree- ment, This fund was certainly not supplied by the farmers and it is just as certain that some interests which are now benefiting by the high tariff and fear that the benefits which the farmers would derive from reciprocity would cause them to demand further reductions in the tariff rate are the source of the supply. -Mitchell Re- corder. • TO ADVERTISERS Notice of changes must be left at thi. office not later than Saturday noons The copy for changes must be t not later than 1VIon4ay evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. ECS'rABLIISHED 18,15 .11.•••••••••• TW N TIMES eIIIMASUNI1ANDPnovrarTe 'ISURSDAY A.I.TOUST 3. 1911. EDITORIAL NOTES. • Laurier and larger markets. It isup' to the Liberals to redeem East Huron. BEA Huron Liberals can elect a sup- porter to Sir Wilfrid Laurier. Only seven weeks anti election day. The Liberals of East Huron must be up and doleg. • Reciprocity will be of great benefit to the farmers of East Huron. Sup- port the Liberal candidate, Make it your business to attend the East Huron Liberal nominating con- vention at Brussels on Friday . of this week. • T13e- Liberals of West Huron. will meet in convention on • Wednesday, August 16th to nominate a candidate for the approaching elections • to the House Of Commons. The convention • will he held in Goderich. • An interesting feature of the present election is that it is expected to create a new Canadian record for the tenure of one Government in office. The Gov- ernment of Sir John Macdonald remain- ed continuously in office for eighteen years, from 1878 to 1896. That of Sir Wilfrid Laurier has now been in office for fifteen years, and with the new Parliament to be elected on September 21 will undoubtedly be installed for four or five years longer, thus constituting a new record. The Liberal party, un- der the leadership of Sir Wilfrid Laur- ier, has grown in popular estimation, and the popularity of the Prime Minis- ter was pever stronger than it is today. The rank and file of the members mani- fest the fullest confidence that the present majority of the Government will be inaterially increased by the forthcoming elections. East Huron Conservatives will .hold their convention at Brussels -on Tiles - day afternoon of next week o nomin- • ate a candidate for the approaching election. We have heard a number of parties mentioned in connection with • :the nomination, among the number be- ing Jas. Bowman, of Morris; Mayor Sptton, of Wingham and Peter W. Scott, of East Wawanosh. The Montreal Witness declares that if Sir Wilfrid Laurier should lose any measure o support in Quebeeit will be due to the anti-British propaganda of those alhie of the Conservative party, Messrs Bourassa and Monk. Never , was a more unholy alliance than between the jingoists of Ontario and the anti- • Imperialists of the neighboring province. FARM LABORERS' EXCURSIONS. 50,000 Men Wanted for Harvesting In Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. , • This year's wheat crop, according to a conservative estimate, will be two blinded million bushels, and the Mani- toba, Saskatchewan and Alberta gov- ernments advise, that fifty thousand men will be required. The. majority of these will have to be recruited from Ontario, and the Canadian Pacific Rail- way are running excursions to -Winni- peg and west at $10. Free ticjtets will be supplied at Winnipeg to d tinations The Conservative press has been pro- vided from Ottawa with a story that differences in the cabinet led to fisti- cuffs between Hon. Mr. Fielding and Hon.'Frank Oliver. The story is an absolute piece of fiction. There is en - ire harmony in the Government and r, Oliver and Mr. Fielding are parti- • cularly good friends. This. story was circulated just after a conference een Hon. Rpbert Rogers and Hon. Sifton. is interesting to re - 1 that the last piece of fiction of the same sort was published some years ", ago, when Conservative papers printed a report that therehad been a physical encounter between Mr. Siften and Mr. Fisher. For the past quarter of the present fiseal year Canada's total trade was $18,8,i0,4&.1, an increase of $9,706,798.. as compared with ApriI, May *ad June of last year. The increase Was entire- ly in imports, which totalled -$121,8';',3,- 581, or nearly twelve millions more than for the corresponding period of last year. Exports of domestic pro- ducts aggyegatet1 $51,624,108, a falling off- f uearlY three millions, of which two. millions was in exports of forest in Western Canada east of Saskatoon . and branche through trains to Wnnipe by the C. P R. the only t rough line, on the following d e Aug. 3, from all p ints on all lines in Ontario south of the G. T. R. main line Toronto to Sarnia. This includes C P R. stations south of Guelph and. Brampton. Aug. 12, from all points in Ontario north of the G. T. R. main line Toron- to to Sarnia, which includes all branches and the Toronto -Sudbury line. Aug. 16, from points in Eastern On- tario. Aug. 23, from all points West of Tor- onto in Ontario. Aug. 25 from all points East of Tor- onto in Ontario and Quebec. Through trains will be run from On- tario points on the above dates to Win- nipeg, avoiding all transfer or customs troubles en route. Ask any C. P. R. agent for circular giving rates, condi- tions, special train service, etc., from roronto and points in Ontario or write to R. L. Thompson, D. P. A., C. P. R., Toronto. • oose Jaw, Special will be run WITH NO BENEFIT Then Ur, Williams' Pink Pills Wrought a Lasting Cure Dr, Williams' Pink Pills have made so many remarkable cures in serious cases that people are liable to overlook their value as a tonic for the blood and nerves in debility and general ran -down cenditions. That such conditionare the cause of much edam and unhappi- ness is fully known to those who suffer from them and the need of curing them is as vital as is relief from diseases with higher sounding names. We cora- mend the following statement to any one suffering from weak, thin blood or shattered naves. Mrs. Mae Ma: eabe, Gleichen, Alta, says: "A few Years ago I became run down, not ser- iously ill, but just tired and weak all the time. I consulted our family doc- tor, who gave me tonic after tonic with no effect, I gradually got weaker and weaker until I could not do my work. Then I went to another doctor, who pronounced my case one of decline, 'and • recommended a warmer climate with complete rest. This I could no afford and I began to worry and fr , until I became a complete nervus wreck. One day while visiting a neighbor an old gentleman who w taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pill= fo partial paraly- sis recommended to me. I sent out and got three • .xes, but without much faith that they would help me, but before they were gone I noticed an improvement and I continued taking the Pills, constantly growing stronger, until I had taken seven or eight boxes, when I was completely cured. I could do my Werk as easily as ever I had done in my life, and the doctor told me that he could scarcely believe the change in me, as he had not had the least hope that I would be strong again. Now I always keep the Pills on hand and if I feel fatigued or weary take them for three or four days so as not to get run down." Sold by all medieine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont. Capital PaidUP ' 2,70,000 Reserve and Unclevided Profits ..........3,250,000 Total Assets,..... • .. • . • ... 40,000,000 mainimmisommownemomm""1""••••••• The Profit Sharing Store r01••••••......MIIIPENIMMIN LKERIZ BIRD The Bank of Hamilton, has made saving simile -by eliminating all un- necessary Hank formality. An account may be opened with the deposit of one dollar -even so small an amount will act as an incentive to steady ,saving, and will quickly grew to a sum worth while. FOR THE lWE AFIE oirAthmt{dr7rm- AGENTS—Ladiee Home Journal. That smokes upon -the Esplanade? Who sent this creature forth to die? Who left the gates of death ajar To let a drunken being fall • And die beneath a cattle car. Each rail upon the Esplanade Is painted red with human gore, Then strike the• iron shackles off And have such scenes no more How long will all our citizens, By wheels of doom, be made afraid? How many more will meet their death Before they bridge the Esplanade. An Austrian named Danietei Falibeca completed a circuit by placing his hand against a wall after throwing water a- gainst a blazing ceiling and was killed. C BEST QUALITY PICKLING VINEGAR Stewart, bridge contract, $10.00; Robt• Shaw, Court of Revision, $1.50; Peter Hastings, drain and tile 9th line, $3.25; James Orr, rep. Turner drain, $2.00; Win. Holmes, seat for road machine, $3.50; John McNaughton, gravel and damages, $15.98; Wm. E. Mitchell, gravel, $3,42; A. Wheeler, gravel, $3; Jas. McDougall, gravel, $1.50; .Ben Ringler, gravel, $3.70; Mrs. Robinson, gravel, $4.18; J. 11. Smith, gravel and damages, $1.00; S. Vanstone, gravel, $5.76; E. Orvis, gravel and damages, $2, 58; Walter Lott, gravel and damages, $6.04; Wm. J. Campbell, gravel and damages, $3.40; John McBurney, gravel and damages, $3.40; Rueben Stokes, gral and damages, $3.16; Wm. H. Armstrong. gravel and damages, $3.28; John Marshall, gravel and damages, $2.66. • Meeting. adjourned to meet in Clerk's office,on Monday, Aug. 28, at 10 o'clock e.m. • JOHN BURGESS, Clerk. TURN BERRY. Minutes of Council meeting held July 31. Members all present; Reeve in the chair. The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted on motion of Messrs. Wheeler and Rutherford. The Reeve reported that he had call- ed on Lawyer Holmes to engage his services at Court of Appeal to be held by Judge Doyle in the Clerk's office, Bluevale, on Tuesday, July 25th, re appeal North Huron Telephone Co Mr. Holmes did not think it necessary to attend the Court and did not attend. Judgment reserved. McBurney -Mulvey - That the. Clerk be instructed to notify the North Huron Telephone Co. to erect their poles on 6th con. line, Turnberry, not loss than thirty feet from Centre of road. -Carried Wheeler -McBurney. -That By -Law No 8 be passed to to provide funds to meet the current expenses of the11,1uni- cipality for the current year. -Cavried. Rutherford 11v1uivey -That By -Law No. 9, be passed to provide funds to meet the Comity. Reguisition for the current year. -Carried. Rutherford *- Mulvey - That By-law No. 10, be passed to provide funds to meet the Tp. grant to school% for the current year. -Carried. Mulvey -Rutherford. --That Drainage By-LaW No. 20, be passed to provide funds to meet awards in the Henderson Drain in Turnberry. Wheeler-IVIeBurney-That Drainage 13y -Law No. 21, be passed to provide funds to meet award on the Petteock Drain on boundary Turnberry and Mor. ris.-Carried, %-A ept:rg &IA rummer, it's the micre.1 time to store up health awl vitality for the 0 k ttre's beet and ciuk All troaama • 1Z.t.....;,==;:i.1112,141,7.-1 W. C. T. U. COLUMN. This column has been reserved for the use of the Wingham W. C. T. U. ind will be edited by the members of that Society. Zech. 8:16. These are the things that ye shall do: Speak ye every man the truth to his neighbor. • Execute the judgment of "truth and peace within your gates. We cannot pray too earnestly for this continuous enlargement of the heart in order that we may fulfil the one great commandment. To love God and your brother man. You have your duty to others, they have their duty to you. If a, person steals our Money or other property we have recourse to law slid the thief punished, but did you ever think that he who steals our happiness often go unpunished. The thieves of happiness are many. To steal happiness is a erime. We ,eannet injure another without injuring outselves. We are all God's children and What injures or blights the happiness of orie, injures all. Let us be honest and true to each other and safeguard our own happiness. It is our right. ALRIGHT TO -MORROW. (The Khan in Toronto Star.) . His friends saw hirnalive for the last time on the Esplanade, "I'm pretty drunk now," he said, "but be al- right to -Morrow". Half an our after- wards he had solved the awful problem of life and stood sober before his God. He had been run down and killed by a freight train. LIVE sTouH3gAREETS, Toronto, July 31 -Receipts this morn- ing at the Union Stock Yards amount- ed to 157 cars, 2,970 cattle, 109 calves, 1,020 hogs and 1,472 sheep. Very liberal receipts and the pros- pects of hot weather brought the prices on export cattle down. Choice export- ers remained firm at from $5.85 to $6.25, one load koing as high as $6.30 per hundredweight. Medium export cattle dropped about 10c. per hundred weight. Export cattle, choice $5 '70 to $6 25 do medium 5 65 5 80 do light 5 60 5 74 do bulls 4 50 5 25 do cows 4 50 5 00 Butchers choice .. 5 75 6 00 do medium 5 40 5 65 do cows .... .... 4 75 5 25 do common.... . . 5 20 530 de canners ..... .......... 1 50 • 2 00 Short -keep„ , 5 60 5 80 Feeders steers ......... . . 5 25 5 50 do bulls ... ....... . 4 25 5 00 Stockers choice..... .. . 4 50 '1 00 do light. ... 4 25 4 00 Milch cows, choice, eaCh ....50 00 65 00 Springers • 35.00 50 00 Common and medium50 00 25 00 Sheep, ewes • 3 00 5 50 do becks . . . . , 3 00 550 Lambs, yearlings 5 50 6 50 Spring lambs, each .. - 6 50 9 00 Hogs, f. o. b...........7.50 7 60 do fed and watered 7 40 Calves 7 00 '7 75 INV...GUAM 111,11.BAET iscroars. Wingham, August 2, 1911 Flour per 1.00 lbs 2 20 to 2 90 Fall wheat' 0 76 to 0 78 Oats 0 35 to 0 35 Barley .• 0 50 to 0 50 Peas . 0 65 to 0 65 Butter dairy .................0 18 to 0 18 Eggs per doz 0 16 to 0 16 Wood per cord .... 2 50 to 2 50 Hay, per ton8 00 to 800 Potatoes per 0 45 to 0 45 Lard 0 16 to 0 16 Live Hogs per cwt.. • 7.15 to 7 15 "I'm 'pretty drunk, but I will be Alright to-morrou" the drunkard said, And devils jeered in his palsied ear As he staggered out on the Esplanade. Ile did not hear the Wheels of death, He crossed the river dark and broad And sober stood in mad amaze Before the Golden Gates of God. PROPERTY FOR SALE. The undersi ned offers his desirable property oaMinnie street for sale. The property is well situated. I also offer, my soda water works for sale. The property and soda water works will be sold together or seperately as desired. Full particulars can be obained by ap- plying on the premises. , J. W. ORR, Winghain P. 0. The long toetiorrowi May we hope That Gabriel sped the inyetieGate And that no voice came forth from God IThe man has sinned! Too late! TOO late!' For Christ has died for znen like him, The following accounts were nasee41 To wash away their inborn sin i Oh let us hope that he eame forth and cheques issued: -Arthur Shaw, And let the startled stranger in. treat. Morris, Jermyn drain, $75.50; John Burgos, pt salary, $50.00; Muni- Who gave this man the drink of death? is no one guilty -none afraid? eipal World, Coll'r ioll UV; Duff & And Who is guilty of the blood THE VERDICT of the. jury *0 that almost too mulch care and attention has been bestowed upon this clothing. THE FINE IAILORING • is strong evidence; the beautiful pat- tern of the goods; the trimmings and the expert workmanship are proof and warrant for the verdict. The moderate prices have had con- siderable effect upon the judge. Don't Try to Remember Everything in the way of groceries you may need. A much easier and pleasanter way is to come here and pick out the things you want as they meet your eye. There Are Probably • Groceries Here entirely new to you. But you needn't be afraid to try them. 12 they are here, they are good. L F. .McGillivray Panne 54 THE TAILOR GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM Farm Laborers • Excursions $10.00 To Winnipeg And certain points in Western Can- ada via Chicago, Duluth and Fort Frances. $18.00 additional returning. AUGUST 3rd From Toronto to Sarnia Tunnel in- clusive via Stratford and all stations in Ontario South thereof. AUGUST 12th From all stations north of but not including Main Line Toronto to Sar- nia Tunnel via Stratferd to and in - eluding the line from Torooto to North Bay and West in Ontario. • AUGUST 16th • From Toronto and stations eastin On- tario, also east of Orillia and Scotia Jet. in Ontario. • It doesn't pay to use cheap Vine- 'gar for pickling. It is never satisfactor. Use only the'best. This year we are handling 1 • AUGUST 23rd .,From all stations Toronto, North Bay and West in Ontario. • AUGUST 25th Froth. all stations ,Toronto and - east of Orillia, and Scotia Jct. in Canada.. Full particulars from any Grand Trunk Agent or address A. E. Duff, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. . . . • . I. . IIt is white, but not white wine. This is' the very same qiiality- of • Vinegar that the Heinz people use in their high-class pickles. We guarantee the quality. .Its better than the Malt, Cider or White Wine Vinegar. No acids- • used in the manufacture Of this • Vinegar. Try it. * HEINZ PURE PICKLING VINEGAR Th tote/graph 'Ii't Vetch• yOurnontrouliatitit gott sussi sorra just IOW;ft, it OW 'left Utit#Whi- Wad *Mt *MO 161***Irgirdliffiti our - Walit *AAiiv� utile *PM 0111166 ammionniosimmimm We carry in stock Heinz Baked Beanswith Poric and Tomato Sauce 15e. • Heinz Tomato Soup 15c. Heinz Tomat CatsuP150' ....•••••••••..•••••••• TEACHER WANTED Teacher wanted for School Section No. 11, East Wawanosh. Duties to commence after • summer holidays. State experience and salary •expected, Applications received up to Aug. 12th. JOHN SHIELL, - • Secy-Treas.,Wingham P.0. DEBENTURES FOR- SALE Applications for the purchase of 5 per cent, debentures of the Township. of Morris will be received by the under., signed. Debentures will be sold in amounts ranging from $200 to $4,00f). J0111 SHORTREED, Reeve, Walton, P. 0. • A. MAcENVEN, Clerk, Bluevale P. 0, CANADIAN PikC F-1 C THE COOL WAY TO THE WEST GREAT 'LAKES ROUTE samingdaily exeept Priday and Sunday at 5.00 p.m., from Oweu Sound, eottneeting train leaves Toronto LOO p.m. Meals and Berths Ineluded on Boat Ask any Agent for 1011 illustrat. ed literature and to arrange re. servation, ete. VANCOUVER EXPRESS' The only solid through train to the West; carries through coaehes, colonist, tourist and standard sleep- ers from Toronto daily at 10.20 pan, J. H. BEEMEE, AGENT. • G ANO TRUNK RA'Lw" SYSTEM Through:.-•..Tounst • Poljoiatr.:::Meopers: To Winnipeg and Edmonton from Toronto 11 m. July 11 and 25- Aug.' 8thi via Chicago, St. Paul and Minneapolis. Very low, • rates. Winnipeg Exhibitioa dates, July 12-22. . • THe Popular Route To Muskoka, Lake of Bays, Teniagami, Algonquia Park, Geor- gian Bay, Kawartha. Lakes, ' Mag- 'anetawan River, French River, etc. Low round trip Tourist rates. Con-. venient train service. • For Tickets and further informa- tion call on G. Lamont, Depot Agent or address A. E. Disff, D.P.A., To- ronto, Ont. eidikeei CENTRAL STHATrOR El, it/ NT. Fall Term. From Atigt 28th There is a great demand upon Ili for trained help. Business Men state that our graduates are the best. We have three departments.; uncut,. SHORTHAND AND TOLE - The tuition for six months is 455 and for one year $80 Iiivestigation will prove to your satisfaction that there Is no better nosiness College in Canada Get our free catalogue NOW, alimormimailladiktrourimitomii ,1110LACHLAk • nnINCIP At. • 13