HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-08-03, Page 1TH
VOL. IL -NO. 2060,
A Slap at
Miss teeter
When the summer sky is azure, blue
when your heart is light and your
love is true, when your sole idea of
ajoyous lark is a slender waist in a ea
life it dads, when you have e the
place the girl and that and you're
sitting there for a quite ehat; can
you recall in your young life of such
anger deep, or a wrath so rife when
with a fearfulire your arms you
fling to anticipate the mosquitees
sting? When you scratch and
thrash and slap and swear, and you
claw and slash and he's not there.
If you want relief invest a quarter,
and Skeeter Skooter will complete
the slaughter.-- Mudyard Dipling.
Don't get stung! See! The Skeeter
Walton McKibbon
The 5 e.4I Storm
Macdonald Block, Wingham.
Special Bargains
Real Estate
suitable for private residence or
dairy will be sold at a bargain
as owner has gone West.
al St. -One of the prettiest
homes in town. Owner has
bought a farm and will sell his
town property right,
vale -A snap, as the owner has
decided to remain permanently
in Michigan. Don't miss this.
Ritchie & Cosens
Farmers who want money to buy
horses, cattle, or hogs to feed for market
can have it on reasonable terms
Notes disootnted for tradestnen, mer•
chants or agents, on favorable terms.
Loans on real estate •at the lowest
rates going.
Christie's Grocery
Our Teas
Are Leaders
Notwithstanding recent tea ad-
vances we have been able to
maintain our high standard
n y.
The Best Tea Ever I Drank
has been aa'id over and over again
by cur enstomera,
You'll Come Back Main
if yott eine try them, T#' yott are
not one of Mir Tea CustOteers,
drop in and we'll talk about
theta. Bay only a small quantity
and be coivineed.
IOC, 40c and SOe per Ib,
Coffee Specially Bended
Wear Grear'e Shawl and Ruben
A Rousi
In our advertisin
H. E. Isard & Co.
sale to start on Sat
There will be a are
general dry goods,
groceries, etc, Rea
in another column fi
g Sale.
columns this week,
nnounce a rousing
rday, August 5th.
t crash in prices en
clothing, carpets,
I -the large advt.
r full particulars.
GIRLS WANTED. -Apply, D S. Perrin
& Company, Limited, .London, Ont,
The Wingham B
their annual bo
Wednesday, ,d,u:
days. Arrangem
for a good prog
liberal prizes wil
an annual popula
by a large nun -
neighboring tow.
•wling Club will hold'
ing tournament on
t 16th and following
nts are being made
am of matches and
be offered. This is
event and is attended
er of bowlers from
To RENT -Seven -roomed house, good
garden,' hard and soft water. Apply
at TIMES office.
A meeting of
Town of Wingha,
C. 0. F. hall,
(Thursday) even
selecting delega
Huron nominati
sels on\Friday,
town ' re reque
the Liberals of the
will be held in the
Gregory block, this
ng for the purpose of
es to attend the East
convention in Brus-
.Il the Liberals of the
ted to attend this
LOST -At G. T. R. St tion on evening
of civic holiday a 1 r flat gold locket
and chain. ' Photo cat and two girls
inside of locket. nder will be reward-
ed by leaving same at Times office.
Died in Clinton.
Mr. Win. Hanna formerly of Wing-
ham, died at Clint.. on Monday last in
his 80th year. De eased was a brother
of the late John i ansa and.. resided
here for some ti before going to
Clinton. He had any funny traits of
Character, but was esteemed by many
friends. He was onsidered one of the
best penman in Co ario. The remains
were brought to "Ingham, the funeral
taking place this Thursday) morning
from the resident of Mrs. John Hanna,
Edward street to Wingham cemetery.
Prices go to pieces, but quality re-
mains firm at our Boot and Shoe sale.
The Civ
Last Thursday b
was generally ob
The annual Sunda
Kineardine Was th
the day. At Win
wards of 800 ticke
special trains ca
hundred visitors t•
day was an ideal o
ant time at the la
The following me
club made a tri
Southampton and
Cunningham, E. N.
C. G. •VanStone,
stone, L. F. Bink
Dudley Holmes, C.
W. R. Geikie, R.
Smith, C. N. Griffi
Robt. Allen. Ga
both places and
Wingham players
at Southampton
ing civic holiday it
erved as a holiday.
school excursion to
chief attraction for
am there were up-
s sold • and the two
ried some fifteen
the lake town, The
e and a very pleas-
e town is reported.
ers of the bowling
in automobiles, to
Port Elgin: -.3. J.
sh, A M. Crawford,
Lepard, R.. Van•,
y, A. E. Potter
Dallas, C. Knechtel,
cegg, K. Rae, A. ,E.
Bert Porter and
es were played in
at Port Elgin the
ost by one shot and
they lost by four
The Dental offices d Dr. Irwin and
e 1
b ost: each
d sd
afternoon, during May, June, July,
August and September.
it is generally
to the Chain of
which the Wingh
is connected,ktha
who graduated t
receiving from $
young women f
month. The W
ege is one of th :a l
Province, and t
Sates is many
Spotton has sol
thousands and pi
"lbgh road to sus
better position th
awe for you; S'
at any of his town
Understand that
Hundred students
ates a large incr
earning year, It
ung 'people • to. ge
hinks you are no
rttercial pursuits
ou so.
needed that owin
ven Colleges, with
m Business College
itsgraduat get the
Many ung men yea o are ..
g w
000 to .
om $f30 to $110 per
ghsffnn Business Col -
"gest Schools in the
emend for ititisgrad-
es its supply. Mr.
the life prabtem for
cell them on the
ess" and he is in a
n ever to do the
will be welcomed
r city Schools. We
e trainei Twelve
st year,,and antioi-
ase during the in -
Mild be well for
his advice; if he
adapted for Coln.
e will frankly tell
FoR SALE CIitAI'- A geed strong
e spring wagon, with bole, to gond con.
clition; will carry 1500 to 2000 pounds
Read Willis & Co.'s adv. on page a
The Liberals of East Huron will hold
* nominating con ention in the Town
Hall at Brussels, . n Friday afternoon,
August 4th, at 2 o'clock, There will
be an election he d for the House
of Commons on September - 21st,
and the Liberal- of East Huron
must be ready for ontest in having a.
candidate in the ' eld. Each polling
sub -division in the ding is entitled to
send dve delegates and every Liberal
In the riding is in ted to attend the
convention. Let t ere be a large at-
House on corner of Shuter and John
streets for sale or to rent. Apply
Thos. H. Taylor or at TIMES office.
Excursion to Si
Saturday of this
the annual excursi
troit. This is the
season, and promi:
tended. Train lea
a. m., and the ret!
$2. The return fa
by Steamer, "Tan
member the day
,week and the exc
lent opportunity t
nia and Detroit.
week is the day for
n to Sarnia and De -
popular trip of the
es to be largely at -
es Wingham at 6.35
irn fare to Sarnia is
�e Sarnia to Detroit
moo" is 75c, Re-
s Saturday of this
sion gives an excel-
spend Sunday iu De-
Diuingroom and upstair iris wanted
quick. Permanent po ' ions. Wages,
eighteen dollars I�id�fourteen dollars
respectively per month. City Hotel,
The standing of
House of Commons
as follows: -
New Brunswic
Nova Scotia
P. E. Island
British Columb
Liberal majorit
speaker, 43.
The above list
Sifton and VeriIle
Liberals, and giv
(Nationalist), W.
sell (Toronto), w
independents, to th
f Parties.
he parties in the
at dissolution was
Libs. Cons.
35 51
53 12
11 2
12 6
3 1
2 8
2 5
9 1.
4 3
132 89
, including the
includes Messrs.
Labor), with the
Messrs. Gilbert
McLean and Rus -
were elected as
learn plumbing a . d
Apply to W.J.B. e.
• stout boy to
smithing trades.
Sad and . taI Accident.
Diagonal stree was the scene of a
sad and fatal accident .about 10.30
o'clock on Mo ay morning. Edith
Annie Jarvis, he twelve -y ear -o l d
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Jarv-
is, Maple street came down street in
company with h. r little brother and her
little baby sist.r in a baby carriage.
Mr. W. G. Gray had his team of dray
horses at the sie of the office of W.
F. VanStone & Son and was loading
some articles .n the dray when the
horses became- frightened and ran
away, going e st on Diagonal street
and when in fro- t of Mr, Wm. Robert-
son's blacksniit shop the horses went
on the sidewalk rid here ran into the
little girl. The wo wheels of the heavy
dray passed ove her breast. The lit-
tle heroine did n t lose her presence of
of mind, for
dote bei
down pus
p had the baby carriage to safe..
ty, The baba, c. triage was upset but
the child was no injured, nor was the
little boy. Edit was hastily carried
to Dr. Agnew' • office by Mr. Alex.
Reid, who was n.ar by. It was found
that she was seri usly injured and after
regaining consci+ mess she was remov-
ed to he
p t residence Where she
gradually sank u til she passed away
at L80 o'clock. The accident was a
very sad and unfortunate one and the
bereaved famil have the sympathy of
the ooninetanity hi their .very sudden
bereaverrerst. The little girl was a
bright, aotive a ild. Mr. Gray, in his
endeavor to stothe horses, was sea-
srderably inju d. Coroner 1Iilne, of
Blyth, came Co own on Monday even-
ing and viewed the scene of the acci-
dent anti after oaring the facts`'of the
case decided th : t it was not neeessary
to hold' an in west. The funeral on
Wednesday aft rnoon wits largely at.
tended as were th4 services held in the
Salvation Arm hall.
"A Dollar saved is a Doltt r earned,"
Our Boot and Shoe sale will save you
Doliars. W. Jr. emit.
High Scho 1 Makes Record.
Principal S
teachers are t
the successful
students of th
form exams
pounced in t
of this wee
sixteen stud
ing, making
opt of the el
record for t
never befor
rge perce
Here is hea
cipal Smith
ful Candida
J. W. An
son, Part 1
R, J, Galla
Part I; W.
Kercher, P
J, C. Stoth
Part I; Sta
Lace, Part I
th and his staff of
be congratulated on
showing made by the
High School in fourth
ations 'which were an-
daily papers on Tuesday
On this examination
is wrote and tfvelve pas -
record of 75 per cent,
ss. This makes a new
e Wingham High School as
did the school show such a
tage of successful students.
ty Congratulations to Prin-
and his staff, The success-
s are as follows: -
ley, Part II; R. M. David -
M. E. Fryfogle, Part I;
her, Part I; V. M. Isard,
. McICee, Part I; S. Mc -
rt 1; J. E. Porter, Part I;
rs, Part I; H. E. Thomp,
ley Elliott, Part I; A. Wal -
Boy WANTED. -.To learn the printing
business. Good chance for a bright act-
ive boy, Apply at TIMES office.
Di-. in Calgary,
Word was r': ceived here on Thursday
last of the de th in the Calgary hospit-
al of Mr, Ed and Nicholson, formerly
of Brussels, his 37th year. The de-
ceased was born in Morris township
and was a s n of Mrs. McGill, of the
4th line. H had been a resident of
Brussels for some years and a year
and a half a :o he went to Castor, Al-
berta, wherhe engaged in the baking
business anwas meeting with excel-
lent success. Some months ago he met
with an acci.ent, breaking one of his
arms. The njury did not mend and
last week he underwent an operation
in the Calgar, hospital, but he passed
away on th 27th of July. On New
Year's Day, 908, he was married to
Miss Annie Callum, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs, Joh McCallum, of this town,
He was a•you : man held in high es-
steem by a lar e circle of friends and
his bereaved elatives will have the
sympathy of he community in their
affliction. T e remains were brought
here and the funeral took place on
Wednesday of ernoon from the parent-
al home, 4th line of Morris, to the
Wingham ce etery. Mr. Nicholson
was a membe Brussels Lodge, I. 0. 0.
F., and mem ers of the Order attended
the funeral i a body.
Notice of Closing.
We, the undersigned Solicitors of
the Town of Wingham hereby agree to
close our offices during the months of
July and August as follows: -On each
week day with the exception of Satur-
day, at 4,p. m. and on Saturday at 1
p. m,
At a special me ting of the Presby-
tery of Maitland, eid at Kincardine on
July 18th, a larg: docket of business
was transacted,
A call from Du gannon in favor of
Rev. P. Walker was sustained and
ordered to be ransmitted to Mr.
Walker. He has since declined the
call. Rev. Mr. D can, of Lucknow is
inter r moderator.
Rev. Mr. Moyer resignation of St.
Helens was accept d with regret, and
Rev. Mr. Hardie, ,f Lochalsh was ap-
pointed inter mode : tor.
Rev. Mr. Edmiso was]
re ease
d from
the charge of Knox Kincardine, to be-
come Secretary of he Home Mission
Committee. The esbytery regrets
the removal of Mr. dmison, who has
done excellent wor • during the past
two years in Ifincard e.
Call in favor of • ev. Mr. Tait, of
ee .
at l
w e from Po t D alhou
s e was
presented by the Cie It. The call was
laid on the table to be dealt with at
the regular tneetilr,g of Presbytery in
hew. J. S. lick' Ian, of Delmore
tendered his resigna ion owing to his
wife's illness. The resignation was
accepted and Mr. est, of Blnevtile
was appointed inifs moderator. The
resignation; takes Off ct the third Saba
loath of September,
Rev. C. M. Rut erford, of Iteid's
Corners, is inter ,H1 • • erator of Kincar-
Most of the me. •ers of Presbytery
are now on their vacation, Messrs.
Petrie, West aurid B emneriae enjoying
the Huron breeze at truce Desch,
Messra.,Tait and rdie at Oliphant.
Mr. Perrin at Alia; • re; Mr. Wishart at
1!'ergtis; Mr. l'er son and Mr. Me.
Escheat at Toro to,
Mr. W, M. Sincl r, of Brussels was
in town on Monday
Mrs. Thompson, :f Seaforth is visit-
ing with friends in Ingham.
Miss Prescilla a owell is spending a
few days with fri ds in Gorrie.
Provincial Cons able Phippen was in
Wroxeter on Mon ay on business.
Mrs, Ill:, CesforJ, of Alma was visit-
ing for a few d ys with friends in
Mr, Scott Gord•n has returned home
after a six weeks visit in Toronto and
Mr. F. S. Sturt of the Bank of Ham-
ilton staff, is spen ing his holidays in
Miss Winnie M Guire, of Brussels,
was visiting for a ew days with Wing -
ham friends.
Miss Grace Gree is spending a few
weeks with relat' es and friends at
Gagetown, Mich.
Mrs. McMichael : nd baby AIton, of
Rochester was a. vi.itor at Mrs. M. J.
Foxton Iast week.
\Mr. J. G. Stewar 'returned home this
week aftera several weeks' trip through
the Canadian West.
1VT'iss Edith Shirk s spending a few•
weeks visiting her sister, Mrs. John
Lockridge at Brant •rd.
Mrs. Thos. Netter eld and two child-
ren, of Monkton are visiting with rela-
tives and friends in Ingham.
Mrs, Hugh Ross, .f Clinton is visit-
ing with her pare s, Mr. and Mrs.
Robt. Maxwell, Blur vale road.
Mrs, Jas Currie, of Centreville, is
visiting with relativ.s and friends in
Wingham and East ° awanosh.
Mr. and Mrs. Tho-. J Watt, of Mio.,
Mich., were callin: on old friends in
Wingham during the past week,
Miss May Moore 1 ft on Tuesday on
a five weeks' visi with friends in
Chicago, St. Paul an. Saskatoon.
Mr. 11. A. Foxton, ho is engaged in
the Bank of Com erce, Seaforth,
spent Sunday last at is home in Cul-
Mr. J. G Scott, o
visiting for a few da
Mrs. Robt Maxwell,
Miss Christina Shia
Olive May Rintoul, ar
weeks visiting old frie
con. of East Wawanos
Mrs. Harry Dean a .d children re-
turned to their home
last week after a visit
her brother, Mr, W. G.
Miss Beth Calder, of
sey School of Domesti
Miss Armorel Silver of
guests of Dir. Margaret
Mr. McDowell, civil en
Sound was in town this
the levels for the sewers
constructed on Centre,
Alfred streets.
Mr. Joseph Gibson Iea
for the West where he
good position as enjinee
Dallas, Texas was
s with his sister,
of the Bluevale
and niece, Miss
spending a few
ds on the 12th
in St. Thomas
t the home of
e Lillian Mas -
Science and
Toronto, are
. Calder.
ineer of Owen
week taking
that are to be
Shuter, and
es on Tuesday
has secured a
for the season
and purposes taking up land before a-
gain returning to Wing . am.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. S
for a few days with M
at St. Thomas and fr
they go to spend the
idays at
ith are visiting
s. J. A. Taylor
m St. Thomas
lance of the hol-
home m in
Mr. and Mrs. John ' . Haslam and two
children left for the': home in Devil's
Lake, North Dakota, Mrs. Haslam and
have been i
g with rea ! -
here for o some weeks but Mr. Haslam
for only a few d ; ys. Mr. Hassam
left Belgrave a nu ber of years ago
and has prospered in a evil's Lake, being
engaged in the gene Id mercantilebusi-
ness. This was his rst visit here in
thirteen years.
Wingham ....... , ......... Sept. 28, 29
Atwood ............. ...... .Sept. 21, 22
Blyth .1 • . .. - Oct 3, 4
Brussels k..r s.. .Oct, 5, a
Dungannon r, .Oct, 5, 6
Exeter 61.1.1111........... . Sept. 18, 19
Ooderich. ,.....«.Sept, 20, 21, 22
Corrie. k ... k ....... .......... ...oat. 7
Rarriston....6.140( i 0.6 . Sept. 28, 29
ICincardine ................Sept. 20, 21
Listowel:,.. ,....i...,.. Sept. 19, 20
Mildmay .... .... . Sept. 25, 26
Ripley ............ a, , • .... Sept. 27, 28
Seaforth. . Sept. 21, 22
Tiverton ..,......,.. . Oct. 3
Teeswater. •Yr..iV,r.a. ...a Oct. 4, 5
U e.
nd rnvoad;.. i ,... , . ....Oct. 10
.Sept.�^13, 14, 15.
Zurich ,....,•.,,!
.., ,..Sept, '20, 21
Palling on Septe ber 21st. Liberals
are Confide t of Winning.
With over two -ars of its legal ten-
ure of office to ru , the eleventh Par-
liament of Caned: has been dissolved -
talked to death b a stubborn minority.
The Government n Saturday morning
after a full mee ing of the Cabinet
Council, declared hat any further at-
tempt to pass the eciprocity agreement
in the face of the frank and determin-
ed obstruction of he minority of the
peoples represent tives in Parliament
wasp useless, and o the advice of his
Ministers the Gove nor -General Friday
afternoon issued pr• claaiations prorogu-
ing and dissolving Parliament, calling
for an election on .eptember 21 with
nominations on Sep ember 14, provid-
ing for the issuing .f the writs forth-
with to be returna':le on October -7,
and fixing October 1 as the tentative
date for the meeti :• of the new Par-
liament. That i the Government's
answer to the Op i osition obstruction-
ists. The people of Canada are now
asked to decide the issue as to whether
or not;they want f eer trade with the
United States and whether the majori-
ty in Parliament i. to rule.
It is very impor ant that there be a
large attendance of Liberals at the
nominating cony • ntion in Brussels on
Friday afternoo of this week to assist
in nominating a andidate. East Hur-
on should send : Liberal representative
to the House of ommons and the Lib-
erals of the rid g should prepare at
once for the cam feign.
7,2 TLAND.
A former reside t of this place pass-
ed away in St. oseph's hospital in
Washington, on Ju y 110, in the person
of Malcolm Lemon The deceased was
born in Prince Ed and Island, on May
13th, 1851, and wh -n quite a young man
in company with brother, went over
over to Green Ba , Wis., to another
brother who had : large saw mill there.
He and his brothe remained there for
a few years and en went to Califor-
nia where he wor ed in saw mills for
thirteen years. - then went to Wash-
ington and d engag:d in the saw milting
business. While n this State he met
and married Winn fred Dorr, on June
15th, 1898. He th a n bought land near
Wiser Lake and • ettled there. After
saw mill w s
a b rned he
devoted v d him-
to ranching. e ng. While clearing land
he met with a se.ious accident which
left him nearly •lind. For the past
three years he ha been in very poor
health and for thr-e weeks prior to his
death Was eared for in St. Joseph's
hospital. The re sins were interred
G nwaod ce etery Wiser ea Lake.
Mr. Lamont is sn vived by his vvido*
and two young daughters; also two
brothers, Donal in Australia sad Ron-
ald an the old 1 omestead at Zetland,
and three siste s, Mrs. Geo. Taylor,
Lower Wingha ; Mrs, J, N. Waite,
Wisconsin; Mrs. Eli Jacques, White-
c)iursh. His br ther, Angus, died last
October acrd tw. sisters Iliad a number
of years age, he subject of this not
ice spent his bo hood days on the old
home farm at Z tland,
A few more y ars shall roll,
A. fete more season, come;
And we shall , e with those that rest
Asleep with n the to*tb.
It is atinoune-.
grain -growers roil
dates for Parham
individual efforts
'sympathy With th
that the western
not laminate eandi.
nt, bat will use their
have men chosen
If you care to a ave money,
here's a Shoe sale that in
justice to your pocket book,
you cannot ignore.
We will not carry Shoes
over from one season to an-
other, and every
Man's, Woman's,
Boys' Misses' and
Children's Shoe
is priced so low that they'll
go at once.
See us for Trunks and lines.
Where quality counts we win.
C. N. Griffin
Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and
Issuer of Marriage Licenses.
OMee over Malcolm's Grocery.
Show Lower
The Provincial Bo
issued its twenty-ni
dealing with 1910.9.
latest year availabl
the death rat
osis is being ste
that year the num
this disease was 2,
thirteen of the tot
marks with satis
made in special an
schools, and in ins
and milk supplies.
a very orderly w
colored people at
Eight inmates
destroyed part o
Hamilton Insane
eath Rate.
rd of Health has
th annual report,
Returns for the
1908, show that
from tubercul-
dily reduced. In.
er of deaths from
11, or about one in
I rate. The report
etion the progress
dental inspectionin
ection of meat, food,
ay was celebrated in
y by three thousand
erished in a fire which
main a n building of
ThirIy Years
Our Seven Colleges have been
established during the past 30
years. The largest trainers in
Canada. Owing to our eonnec-
tion al1 over Ontario, we do
any other School. You may
study all at home or partly at
home and finish at the College.
Affiliated with The Commercial
Educators' Association of Can-
ada. It would be well for you
to ilesiestigate before choosing.
Exclusive right for Ontario of
the world-famous Bliss Book-
keeping System, e which is un-
equalled. It is aetual Business
from start to finish, and the
student keeps same books as
Chartered Banks and Whole.
sale houses. Enter any time.
Individual instruction.
Fall Term From Aug, 28th
Write, call or phone for
Y;19, sleth'k'tOS, • 'r,eeldrrit,