HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-07-20, Page 61i Look at the Wheat! There's a deal to know about -wheat. if I didn't select the wheat I couldn't guarantee the flour. Cream of the West Flour comes from Cream of the West Wheat. And it certainly does make good bread! Creamti�01or he tfie hard wheat flour guaranteed for bread You just try it. If it doesn't give you right down satisfaction your grocer pays your money back. That's the guarantee with every bag. The Campbell Milling Company, Limited, Toronto ARCHiBALD CAMPBELL, President 107 KERNELS UtW THE SC1U! MILL 1 Interesting Paragre.Tixs from our Excbaxnei~. 4110.2...10111. 11, THE YINGII &M TIMES,, JUTX 20 1911 TORY ALLIES liv QUEBEC, Here are some extracts front speech- es at a recent Nationalist Meeting in Nicolet, Que., as reported by the 'Mont- real Star. Conservative; ItIr. Albert Sevigny, former Conser- vative candidate; "Canada, through Sir Wilfrid Laurier, haof been Trento England. The rights language aril the Catholic Church have been trampled upon, and the Province of Quebec betrayed." Mr. Paquet, Conservative M. P. for l'Islet; "I protest against any step that would compel Canadians to share in the fights of England for the oppres- sion of weaker countries. The sum of $2 paid to postmasters for enlisting recruits for the navy is blood money." Mr. Lantel, Conservative M. P. for Terrebennet `'Canada has no use for a tin navy, especially when it is intend- ed for all the fair and unfair struggles of England." Mr. Armand Lavergne, Mr. Bouras- sa's lieutenant: "Laurier is a traitor to his race and creed." Itis needless to add that these ex- tracts will not appear in the columns of Tory papers that profess to believe that Sir Wilfrid Laurier is a traitor to Britain. .a'si S,rna of Kidney Trouble. Flogging was instituted 1451 B. C. It was first limited to forty stripes. The pine is believed to be oldest of trees, some having attained the age of 700 years. Happiest Girl in Lincoln. A Lincoln, Neb., girl writes, "I had been ailing for some time with chronic constipation and stomach trouble. I' began taking Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets and in three days I was able to be up and got better right along. I am theproudest a oo Lin- coln to find such medicine." For sale by all dealers. In a single month a caterpillar de- vours six thousand times its own weight in food. In Spain wireless telegraph appara- tus is used to detect the approach of thunder storms. e REST AHD HEALTH TO MOTHER AHD CHILD. MILS. WINSLOW'5 SOornING SYRUP has been used for over SIXTY YEARS by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHILDREN WHILE SOOTHESGth CHILth D, SOFTENST Cthe GUMSS. S ALLAYS all PAIN ; CURES WIND COLIC, and is the best remedy for DIARRHEA. I1 is al)* solutely harmless. Be sure �andask and r other 'Winslow's Soothing syrup,' kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. The United Kingdom numbers more trades union members than any other country except Germany. The Riordon Paper Company's mill at Calumet, Que., was burned with 20,000,000 feet of lumber. This loss is $1,000,000. In Dresden the mail authorities make special provision for the transportation of millinery and hats in boxes. Never leave home on a journey with- ont a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is almost certain to be needed and cannot be obtained when on board the cars or steamships. For sale by all dealers. The city of Paris owns a machine which can grind out nearly a quarter of a million wooden paving blocks a day. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CAST©RiA Three thousand pieces of baggage an hour can be handled by an electrically driven belt conveyor recently installed on'a New York pier to load passenger steamers. PERT PARAGRAPHS. EiFIFE can sometimes euro her bus- .,. band of rheumatism, but when it comes to egotistu sht has to pass the job over to some pretty girl who is looking far some one to make game et. Some handsome leen are too cleTer to wear Becoming clothes, Sometimes a little flirtation results In a big alimony. When you get out of temper don's try to borrow of your next door neigh- bor. In the early stages kidney troubles are known by backache and urinary disorders. Later come dropsy, stone, rheumatic pains, and perhaps diabetes. But don't wait for these, Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills will help you in a few hours. Their thorough action on the liver, kidneys, andbowels will clear away the pains and aches and make you well again. $100 REWARD, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleas- ed to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that sco�nIice has been able to cure in all its stRlges, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, ' requires a con- stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting direct- ly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building u)1 the constitution and assisting nature In do- ing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & Co.. Toledo, 0. Sold by all Druggists, 75e. Take Hall's Family Pills for Dation, consti- It takes about twenty Seconds for a short message to go from one end of the Atlantic cable to the other. This is about 100 miles a second. I Ate Strength of Men and Women. Making all due allowances for the greater mortality of man in war and from accidents • in dangerous occupa- tions, there are good reasons for be- lieving, says Dr. A. H. Stewart in the New York Medical Record, that noth- ing short of a constitutional difference can account for the ,greater tenactity of life in woman. "Woman is a physi- ological miser. She accumulated ener- gy without expending it. Man is a physiological prodical prodigal. He ex- pends more energy than he accumu- lates." The fact that woman lives a more protected life, avoids the stresses and strains that favor senility, may be a factor, but it can hardly be the only factor in her superior tenacity of life. She lives a more .protected life than Man because she is differently constitu- ted. If a thousand able-bodied men and a thousand able-bodied women be uniformed, armed and equipped for battle and ordered on a long and weary march to the front, more men would probably reach their destination. More women would be found ,exhausted, -but more men would be found dead on the roadside. Owing to their peculiar psycological organization, women heed the warnings of fatigue and avoid the fatal crash, while man, with his iron will, after complete exhaustion, re- solves to take another step if he die in the attempt. Someone has said that the greatest mystery in the world was a woman who was not herself a mys- tery. From the earliest recorded times woman have been spoken of as the weaker sex, as frail, delicate creatures. Eminent writers have asserted that aside from the natural constitutional frailty, owing to their functional per- iodicity, women were invalids one-fifth of their time, to say nothing of gesta- tion, with which married women were burdened much of their time. Yet the dawn of the twentieth century finds us with abundant proof of woman's super- iority over man when tested by length of years, the power to endure suffering, and resist disease. The mystery of this tenacity of life in women still re- mains a secret. Some cynic, with little regard for gallantry, has suggested that probably it was due to the innate tendency of women to have the last word. For summer diarrhoea in children al- ways give Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and castor oil, and a speedy cure is certain. For sale by all dealeas. He who fights and runs away will get a chance to draw his pay. One way to reform yourself is not to 3o things that need reforming. There may be people who can't give +advice when your, guard is down, but we,huve never been fortunate enough to meet them. PLEURO PNEUMONIA AND BRONCHITIS Brought Mrs. Baker to Deathts Door,. Father Morriscy's No. Io Saved Her. The The man who doesn't talk much gen- erally gets pain for keeping still. Some young.;, Men seem to think that having a rich father ie quite bard enough work for them. Even dull people are sometimes able to put their friends all on edge. The reason why women talk so much may be because time is abort tine styles change rapidly. Right in your busiest season when you have the least time to spare you are most likely to take diarrhoea and loose several days' time, unless you have Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy at and fdttake a dose on the firstiapp aran a s - ease. For sale by all dealers. During the season just closing the State of Victoria in Australia exported 25,000 tons of butter valued at two and one-half million pounds. For the seas- on of 1906-07 the exports totalled 21,000 tons with a value of £2,100,000. 'The increase is all the more remarkable in view of the fact that there are 75,000 fewer cows in Victoria now than there were in 1906-07. Either climatic condi- tions must have greatly improvedin the latter period or else there has been a very great improvement in the class of cattle kept. Was Troubled With Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA White or colored linen parasols may be made beautifully clean without re- moving the cover from the frame. Open the parasol and wash thoroughly, using a brush and suds made of luke- warm water and a good white soap. When clean, rinse in clear water, using the brush, then in water slightly blued. If white, set in the sun to dry. If col- ored, keep in the shade. By this means i the frame will not rust, and the shade will be like new. White and light colored parasols can be cleaned "out' of doors in the shade away from all flame or fire with gasoline and a brush, the same as with suds, and should be left in the air until the odor is gone. Sprains require careful treatment Keep quiet and apply Chamberlain's Liniment' to a healthy condition. For sale by all dealers, Explained. "Why are there so many more blonds in the city than to the coun- try?" "Well, you know there are a lot more drug stores in the city than in the country." Complaint. "Pay day doesn't come°often enough." "I have noticed that." "Have you noticed another thing?" "What?" "It doesn't work hard enough when it gets here." freely. soreness and quIt will remove the lckl y restore the parts Sour Stomach IThis week it is our sad duty to chrond . • an 1 iousness - ori Explained. Twinkle, twinkle, little star. No one wonders. what you are. Science makes it plies as pie '7 Who you are and also why, Once we ou were a rustled into thought bact kg ound black, With a.head ot polished brass That for gold you tried to pass: Of the many hundreds of cures wrought few arFate more remaer rkable th's No. 10an the aviing of the life. of Mrs, John S. Baker, of 164 Rockland Road (North End), St. John, N.B. She wrote on Oct. 16, 1949: "1 wish to express my gratitude that I am living to -day, saved from the grave by Father Morriscy's No. 10 (Lung Tonic). This time last year I had pleuro -pneumo- nia and bronchitis, and had been given up to die, and had my lungs tapped in the City Hospital, and never expected to walk again; I was continually getting worse every day. I came home frteh the hospital,. and everyone was watching fo me to die. I tried everything but there seemed to be no cure for me. "I began taking Father Morriscy's No. 10, and the second day I could eat without pain. I used 22 bottles of No. 10, as I was run down right into consumption, and for six months was just a shadow until I began to use it, and now I am in good health, and surprised most of my neighbors by gaining so quickly. I feel it my duty to publish it everywhere I can, as with all I can say I cannot recommend it too highly—it was a life saver to me, and I am very thankful to recommend it, as it is worth all it is said." Father Morriscy's No.10 is very different from the many preparations that simply relieve a cough. No. 10 relieves the cause of the cough, restores the membranes of throat and lunge to a healthy condition, and tones up the whole system, giving strength to resist future attacks. Trial bottle 25c.—regular size 50c. At your dealer's or from Father Morriscy Medicine Co., Ltd., Montreal, Que. 92 Once we thought you rose and oes.: On that point we would nave bet. Now' we know you stand, while we I Tumble on our axis free. We regarded you a speck ;} As we upward turned our neck:' Now we know you are as large As a fancy doctor's charge. • Science tells us that your size is the kind that wins the prize; „nr That beside you at a fair We would not be anyi$iere. You're not, It's as plain as noon. Little brother to the moon, Icor the moon would hardly pass As a pygmy in your class. Twinkle, twinkle, little star. We don't wonder what you are Since your twinkle answers us We'll let science fume and fuss. THE BRIDE. [Kate Masterson, in Detroit News.] The orange blossoms crown her, The bridal satin gowns her, The happy anthems ring; Girlhood's gay reign is over, She goes to meet her lover While Eden's voices sing. The marriage vow is spoken, The.wedding.bread is broken With blessings and with tears; These two set out together Through storm and sunny weather To journey through the years. Fate send your choicest dower Great joy and plenty shower From blue and kindly skies; Earth's music and its laughter And gladness ever after, And love that never dies. So life goes 'on forever Hands join no more to sever, The roses crown the June;. And down the aisles a -swinging We. hear the angels singing A joyous hymnal tune._ Queer. "It is queer how some men keep out of the penitentiary." "Maybe it is, but"— • "But what??" "I was just thinking that it was their queer ways that got some men in." 11.1111.1,1.0.1 Miss flessie O'Leary, 'Camp ford, Ont., writes:--" 1 was troubled c ..i sour stomach and biliousness for two years and could get no relief until I tried Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills. I had only taken thetaa short time when I feltlike a new person, and now I can recommend t sufferers." them to til There are very few people e w ho have never suffered from. a tour stbmtteb or biliousness, but to those who arc we can highly recommend our Itiilburn'a L:txa- Liver Pelle, as they are a specific for these not dangerous but very unpleasant complaints. The price of Milburn's lalta-LiYer Pills is '2 ic. per vial or 5 vials for $1.00 at all danlers• or mailed dirket on receipt of prise by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, T'o.W...t..i, Univ. tele the death of one of Carrick': oldest and most highly respected citizens, in The Stomach Needs Help The liver, k'idney3 and bowels must be kept active with DR. CHASE'S KIDNEY-LIVgEt PILLS., the person of Mr. henry Fink, who passed away on Sunday evening, July 9th. Deceased had been in delicate health for the past five years, but was Able to be around and do a little light work. Mr. Fink waS horn in Gerhiany, in 1838,' and came to this country while still a young roan, Coming to Carrick about the year 1870, he settled on the nil u t remained he 4th @tlnC easitln where to about 8 years ago, when he moved Mildmay. Ile was a fine, neighborly man, and enjoyed the confidence and respect of all his acquaintainces. He leaves to mourn his death, a widow, five sons and four daughters, Ohf'l+dreTl Cry. FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO.I A The liver and kidneys are over- worked in their efforts to remove the poisonous waste matter from the •sys- and . clogged. fail Thee bowels become totbecome constipated and stomach derange- ments follow. will There is one medicine which overcome this condition more der- tainly and more quickly than any other, and this is Dr. Chases Kid- ney-Liver Pills. This medicine gets the bowelsie action et once and by awakening the liver r and kidneys one s ensures the thor- ough ou;zh cleansing of the filtering and excretory systems. With the poisonous obstructions re, tnoved, the digestive system 'meanies its healthful condition, appetite Ina - proves, pains and aches disappear as well as irritability and depression. You cannot irnagtrie a more satis- factory treatment. Orin pill a dose, 25 cents a box, et all dealers, or "Ed- ,rialieon , Butt & Co., Toronto. For rho Aero- plane. "Have you heard of the beautiful neR shade?" "New shade?' "Yes, for hats and gowns, you know." "No. What is lir /0 "Sky blue.': I ; Posts the Farmer • on Market Conditions N© useless trips to town for the progressive farmer. His Bell. Telephone saves , him all that. The latedt market quotations ' are kis, e$ bre' waits till market conditions are right beibso shiP. ping produce. no Bell 'Felepkone b as necessa y to the up-to- the-minute farmeras are modem a fib, ile Ialabtt hsve bot THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY ii�t. A �Aige 11 Company's V � �1 CK lib ct, he Co any tended during thepresent season. To vol dale or ' • _. y pokstment maybef. !requite eSee? Q urg =,, ' k your Coma rants a lines are Weds e t t. NNW W LOCAL SWIM Olt TNt &MAW AGENT FilE BELL TE17U1NE cOi PMI OF OMMIA $QNTR1 AL. Fanners in the vicinity of Wingham and Lucknow who' desire telephone service can secure same over the lines of the North Huron Telephone Co. Leave your order with the. S ecretary, H. B. Elliott, at the Times office, Wingham. What the Old Man Says. Man comes into the world without his consent and leaves against his will. During his stay on earth his time is spent in continuous round of contraries and misunderstandings by the balance of his species. In his infancy he is an angel, in his boyhood he is a devil, in his manhood he is everything from a lizard up, in his dotage he is a fool. If he is a poor man he is a poor manager. If he is rich he is'dishonest. If he is in politics he is a grafter. If he is out of politics you cannot place him, and he is an undesirable person. If he is in a church he is a hypocrite, if he is -out of church he is a sinner and is damned. When he first comes into the world everybody wants to kiss him, before he goes out they all want to kick him. If he dies young there was a great future before him. If he lives to a ripe old age, he is simply living to save funeral expenses. Life is a funny road but we all like to travel it just the same. ,I Pr • 3 oved. t'Men are braver than women." "They aren't either." "But they are." "Prove it." "Don't men marry women?" Needed Hustling. ",Vhat are you dulog?" "tieing thoughtful." Med, burry up and do your wnrk or I will h' hake seine of the tbuught out of you." Terrifying. "Go On out there." "I ani atraid." "There's nothing out there." "And 1 am afraid ot nothing.' Cliff. "Honesty is the best polies." "But better than best is the polio' that wins." Willing to Please. "Can you, t:"ep a eeeret?" "I don't know. You might try me," . Tet Foll Hirt'. Ilia busy busy+ little microbe, He leads st life Of card. rte cannot stand the tori+hlee, tie cannot stand the 111', So open wide the window sash And see his toothiese Jawbone* anillitt POPULAR STALLIONS.;, The Clydesdale Stallion will Imported sn o9afoow Monday Leave his owner's stable, Bluevale, for Jas. Moffatt's, boundary line, for noon; then to Ring Edward Hotel, Wroxeter, for night. Tuesday—To Chris. Moffatt': for noon; then to Walter ForrestTo eon. 2, Morrmen s night. Wednesday — BroWntown, for noon' then to Geo. Warwick's, con. 2 Morris, for night. Thursday—To Chas. Campbell's from 8 a.m. to 10a m., then to Thos. Abraham's, con. 1, Moi res. for noon ; then to his owners stable Bluevale, for night and re- main until the following Monday morning.' The Imported Clydesdale Stallion "Drum- burlo hie!" will make the season of 1911 as follows: Monday—Leave his owner's stable, Musicale entoWrtcorey,hm.Fesers, 2, Gfor night. Tuesday—To Mr, Kerr's, Ethel, for noon; then to Geo. McFarlane,e, eon..7, Grey, for night. Wednesday—To Jas. Spier's, 00 6, Morrie, for noon, then to Jas. ylichol's,12. for noon. Thnraday-�ToJas. Sheddon's, con. 4. Morrie, for noon ; then to Hill's Hotel Bel - grave, for night, nook Friday—TO JJ. H os. Sellers, con, 8, Morris, for night. Saturday—To Geo. Turves s, non. 2, Morrie for noon; then to his owners stable and remain until the following Monday morning. PRINTING AND STATIONERY We have put in our office Stationery and can WRITING PADS ENVELOPES LEAD PENCILS BUTTER PAPER PAPETERIES, The imported Clydesdale Stallion "Mascot" win notice the season of 1911 as follows'— Monde Leave his owner's stable, Blnevdle i of arm 2 miles east Moffatt f �r'sM off dile for D. M for, ,� of north way d n y Lovell s corner oto } Hcrr'b ohotel, Wroxeter, for night. Tuesday—Kirton Bros., Con. 5, Turnberrg for 120on;toAMcPherson':, CofritenOTter, 8, for 'ggh�Pdnodey Ti.Pott'ss on, ltl, ¢nr12berrli for noon; ittin to Rennie stable, opposite Cement Works, Wingham, for night. Thursda —To Jos. J. lt:err''s, ('on. 18 East 16rewanoeh, for Hann; then to Dennis' stable, opposite Ceni'nt Works, Winglian, for night. Friday's -To E. 13, Jenkins, Bluevale road for noon, and then to his owner's stable end remain until MJdW. NINO Proprietor. a complete stock of Staple supply your wantsin WRITING PAPER BLANK BOOKS PENS AND INK TOILET PAPER PLAYII'G. CARDS, etc We will keep the best stock in the respective lines and sell at reasonable prices. JOB PRINTING We are in a better position than ever before to attend to your wants in the Job Printing line and all orders will receive; prompt attention. Leave your order with us when in need of LETTER HEADS BILL HEADS ENVELOPES CALLING CARDS CIRCULARS NOTE HEADS STATEMENTS WEDDING :INVITATIONS POSTERS CATALOGUES Or anything you may require in the printing line. j -' Subscriptions cri tions taken for all the Leading Newspapers and Magazines. he Tines C STONE BLOCK Wingham, Ont.