HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-07-20, Page 4THE Dominion Bank HEAD OFFICE: ToROXTo R. B. Ost m e, M. P., - President, W, D. MATrHEWs, - Vice -President. Capital , $4,000,000.00 Reserve . 45,000,000.00 Total Assets, $62,500,000.00 A Branch of this Bank has been esta- bushed in London, England, at 73 CORNHILL, E.C. This Branch will issue Letters of Credit and Drafts on. all Important points in Canada, negotiate Bills sent for collection, make telegraphic trans- fers, and transact every description of banking business, Information will be furnished on all Canadian matters. A special department will be provid- ed for the of visitors and bearers of our Letters of Credit. C. A. BOGERT, General Manager. WINGITAM BRANCH W. R. Gentile. Manager. R. VANsTONE, Solicitor. TO ADVERTISERS Notice of changes must be left at thi. office not later than Saturday noons The copy for changes must be Mt t not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. a.•••••• &STABLISHED IMS WINUAN Tun E.R.SIstilt?TT, FITIMIsHuR ♦RDPROPRIITO THURSDAY JULY 20. 1911. EDITORIAL NOTES. If wee are to believe that our farmers are intelligent and honorable, we must conclude that the vast majority will re- fuse to support any politician who is opposed to reeiproeity, whioh means the freedom to sell the products of the farm, without a tax in the great mar- ket of 90,000,000 people living to the south of us, We make the above state- ment because our farmers, east, west, north and south, have, time and again, with unanimous voice, demanded the removal of restrictions in trade. —Win- nipeg Tribune The effort to make it appear that the Conservative Government in. 1891 was not in favor of reciprocity is a pecul- iarly brazen one.- That the Canadian. Tories were then begging for reciproci- ty is made clear by this statement/rota the leading Quebec Tory organ. The Montreal Gazette, of March 10, 1891:. "Mr. Blain flatly objected to the ap- pointment of a. formal commission until he learned upon what basis the Cana- dians proposed to treat, and it was to assure the American Secretary of State that the Canadian Government is will- ing to discuss the question, on the broad- est lines, even on the basis of unre- stricted reciprodity, that Sir Charles Tupper returned to Washington with Sir John Thompson and the Hon. Mr. Foster."—Hamilton Times. Mr- John 51. Imrie has been appoint- ed permanent Secretary of the Cana- dian Press Association. A 15 -year-old son of W.F. Cockshutt Brantford, was stricken with appendi- citis while in Muskoka. Mr. Cockshutt engaged a special train to take Dr. Bruce, of Toronto, to the patient's bedside, where an operation was per- formed. Fifty --eight acres of Toronto real es- tate, covered by the old Asylum and Central Prison properties, were recent- kte advertised for sale by the Provincial Government It is understood the ten- ders of the Grand Trunk and Massey - Harris Co., have been accepted, the Grand Trunk taking forty-eight and the Massey -Harris Co. ten acres.. Between fifteen and twenty thousand electric lights are what the Hydro- Eleet. c paple are using to make the Canadian `ativaal Exhibitikts Park a. blaze ext tight during the canting Ex- tdbiti e. Titis is exclusive of the Long - sten lamps used far fighting the various buifdings- A yeinig man were riling u u cycle tri Lc:: an when he nati-rd that his back was remediaf_ly waren. As he d s rrc:teted flames s[read over his ei:�th i^S. He was taken to the hospital' at:fering, so Laky that. he could not tel his t±ate It i3 the ght that matches es ire hes hacker caused the iaiare oft the rt for art* ,v arts. tl. e�s...'lan �tila` I3 1* iurt-ax-gam.""reparafiot c. ban afar witch as. 20q of alcohol; Scott's Tradition not*, drop,. ins"Ston haiin HQI1 TO OBTAIN A GOOD COLOR A Treatment to Restore the Mood Supply That has Been Most Successful,, There only h isn y this to tellpeople who. are pale, weak and blogdiess. You are pale and weak because you haven't enough blood and you wont be better until your blood supply is increased. You should not lose any time in increas- ing your blood supply, for people who neglect anaemia, often slip Into adead- ly decline. When you have increased your blood supply you can reasonably expect to have a good color, to have lost that tired, breathless feeling, to have a good appetite and get good nourishment from your food. Now the only quick and always effective way to get a supply of new, rich, red blood, is to take Dr Williams' Pink Pills. Every dose helps to make new blood, and this new blood, coursing through the veins, brings health and strength to every organ and every part of the body,making weak, ailing peo le, TTI \INGH M TJMES JULY 20. 1911 AN EARLY FLECTION.. The leaders of doth political partlea anticipate and, are preparing for an early Dominion election. The only question now is as to the probable date. Probably no definite or authorative forecast Gan be made as to this for a fortnight or so. There will 'be party caucuses on both sides shortly after the House meets, and questions, as to polit- ical expediency in regard to plunging at once into an election and getting through the agony quickly, or as to continuing in session for a couple of months or so while the remaining busi- ness of the session is put through and a. redistrioution bili then be thrashed out. The Government are, of course, anx- ious to put the redistribution bill through before dissolution, The Op- position, however, know that redistri- bution, with twenty additional seats given to the pro -reciprocity prairie Provinces, will work to the advantage of the Government. Consequently it p would be held up on the plea that it is bright, active and strong. This has unfair in its details. They will seekto been proved in thousands of cases of which the case of Mrs. Geo. Clark, placate the west by promising a redis- Abbottsford, B. C., is a fair sample, tribution bill immediately after the Mrs. Clark. says: "After spending two election, to be followed by" another years and six months in a hospital election if they are returned to power. training for a nurse, I began to fail in The Government will take health, was very pale and the least ex -early op- health, would leave me out of breath. portunity to force the Opposition to After graduating I came to British Col- make plain the tactics intended with umbia to take up my profession as a regard to allowing the reciprocity pro - private nurse. The first case I took I osals to come to a vote, with regard. found I was not able to go on with my P g rd work. Doctors' tonics failed me and to voting supply to carry on the admin- acting on my own judgment I purchas- istration after September, when the ed a supply of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, present interim supply granted runs Before I had finished them I was really surprised at the result. The color out, and, if possible, also with regard came back to my face. I gained in to the redistribution bill. The jockey - strength and by the time I had used ing for position will probably take at nine boxes I was back at my work as a Ieast a month. Under all the circum - nurse. I have since married, but still stances an election before October, is have my friendly feeling towards Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." hardly probable, even were the voters' Sold by all medicine dealers or by lists in theunorganized portions of On: - mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for tario ready before. that time,. which is $2.50 from the Dr. Williams' Medicine highly improbable. Co., Brockville, Ont. g y p ORANGEMEN CELEBRATE.. Between Five and Six Thousand People Celebrate—Excellent Speaking. [Kincardine Reporter.] On Wednesday, July 12th, th e Orangemen of the County of West Bruce held a monster demonstration in Kincardine. It was an ideal day and Kincardine Lodge 765 is to be congrat- lated upon having carried matters out so successfully. The town was decorated with flags, bunting and mottos and pre- sented a gala appearance. There were three special trains bringing people from Blyth district, Howick district and Listowel district The trains were all packed, their being barely standing room. It is a conservative estimate to say that there were 6,000 people in town. The hotels, restaurants and the Methodist Church did excellent work in feeding the crowd. , The procession formed at the town hall shortly after one o'clock and pro- ceeded along Queen street to Broadway along Broadway to Princess street, along Princess. to Russell, down -Russell along Queen to Harbor, down Harbor to Huron Terrace to Landsdowne Park. The following lodges were in line: ORANGE YOUNG BRITONS. O. Y. B., Fordwich, No. 4; O. Y. B., Orange Hill, No. 78; Q.Y.B., Wingham, No. 11. ORANGE LODGES. tWingham, No. 794; Blue'ale, No. 766; Morris, No 3373; Belgrave, No. 482, Blyth, No. 963; Ethel, No. 631; Ford- wich, No. 642; Orange Hill, No. 565; n 3_ Gorrie,No. t6.. Lu cL-now No, 428; Kinloss, No. 898;' Ripley, No. 790; Cul- ross, No. 973; Maple Grove, No. 1044; Kiniough, No. 1139; Brussels, No. 774; Underwood, No. 1124; Tiverton, No. 868; Teeswater, No. 2122; Kingarf, No. 170; Bethel (40) No. 1=6; Bervle, No. 498;^ Ambetl No o ; y, 13{.5, Kincardine, No. 765. The line of march was crowded by thousands of spectators ectators an d North Hur- on the visiting county, lead off with the Orange Young Britain, followed by Wingham band and lodge. the Tatter being 72 strong. They won the prize for the largest lodge on parade and. "they made a. Sae appearance. Ethel Lodge was next with 66 members. Theredo But hersschoice . ,........ : 4 5E1 4 25 were many sire lodges, but Bethel Iodge do medium .... 4 0') 4 25 looked as neat as any; of them in their do cows... .... ... 4 00 4 50 neat turnout. de common 400 4 25 ers Arriving at the park 3. 3. Hunter, s Short-kee- . - ...."""" .. , 60 5 56°0W. M. of 765, in a few words welcomed ; Feeders steers ... 5 25 5 50 the visitors. He then called upon do bulls .. . 5 25 5!70 Stockers- iylayor R. Patterson. who delivered a , choke .. . 4: Za 5 25 brief welcome and exter-ded the free- ilo Yigltt .. ... 4 2"s 450 Milch,hice, ach....61A fiQ FF 00 don o.. the town to the Orangemen and ;Springers p ...... .25 00 40 CO vzs:tmrs assuring them they were wet- common atd Inedsuns ..... 25 Ob 50 OQ 'came anal win 'd always find the latchN, Sheep„ ewes ........3 00 3 2 string on the outside do nneks ........300 50 The other speaker; were Messrs. A. ' H. Musgrove M. P. P., Matthew Dane, Coe etc Master North Huron and Revs. C're'c and Hin art d M G S } NEW ONTARIO FIRE SWEPT Many Reported Dead and Bening Towns Wiped Out. • A great disaster took place last week in the north country as a. result. of the terrible heat and lack of ran. The whole county was, burning with bush bush fires everywhere. Fanned by a terrible gale of wind'„ the flames swooped dawn, on the vill- ages and mining camps and. the Toss of property will run into-enormousfigures, while the death roll must be great,. as Porcupine district, where the fire was THE VERDICT Of the juzyc wan that alsnest tco' much care and attention has. been: bestowed upon retard. clothing. THE EENE T"Atmq,RtN is< strong eu dens the heautifauipat tern of the' goods£; the trimmings., and the exuent workmanship- are proof and warrant for the; verdict. The moderate prices have had cone silderable effect: upon, the judge.. HE , ENING, THE TAT asift Mk mil Don't Try to Remember Everything in the way of groceries . you! tray need. A. much easier and pleasanter way is to come here and pack out the things you want as they meet your eye. There; Are Probably Groceries Here. entirety neve to you. But you needn't be afraid to try them. if they are here, they are good. ♦� he Profit SharingStore ore KERRBI I R McCiiIivray Ptto¢er�4- ways gine Chambt:rlain g Colic,. Cholera and; Diarrhoets.iemedyanci: castor osi, and speedg' cure is certaihr., For sate y all dealers•;, ■ WE ARE AGENTS POR THE ADILS OME ®URNAL PATTERNS MONTHLY STYLE BOOK FREE AGENTS Ladies' Home Journal 1 Our Big Clearing ISale will be contin- ued right up to the 22nd July. J. F. For summez d t,srriirrett. iii Hit re c d n: al b at its worst, contains thousands of ; o,are,aaarwos prospectors, whose camps are scattered C over a wide area of country heavily timbered. From North Bay northward for three hundred miles and covering a wide sec- tion east and west flames were carry ing on their work of destruction and death, and minors, prospectors and set - tiers are in a desperate plight if they even escape with their' lives, for sup- plies, buildings and equipment were wiped out of existence by a roaring wall of fire, which illuminated the sky for many miles. The towns. of Cochrane, South Por- cupine and Pottsville were completely wiped. off the map. The total number of lives lost is given at. 03 and the money loss will be very heavy. Work has already started on the re -building of the destroyed towns. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Toronto, July 17—Union. Stock Yards —Receidts, 86 cars, with 1,790 head of cattle, 34 calves, 299 hogs, 853 .sheep, and 17 horses. Trade was a little slaw, but cattle for the butcher trade were firm at last Thursday's prices, which were 1Oc to 15c higher than a week ago to -day, The advent of cooler weather has brought a better demand for butcher cattle,: though buyers fought bard for lower prices, in view of the fact that prices for dressed beef were slightly reduced during the hot spell. Export cattle, choice. $5.85 to $6, 05 do medium 460 .500 do light. 5 60 5 70 da balls.., 5.60 5 65 �„ » ar Ma . pow ton, Winglz r.^_. The general remark was treat a ffner let of speeches had wpm eltar ntscrasseoltla: t/eveL heart beard and, they were all Win har±, Jas 10 1011 g y tEn ra t hit arm in theeG . ._{a} ro n of Fiat: er 100 lha ......... 2 20 to 2 90 Pet stattt griecip.ee. I Falb wheat.............0 75 to 0 i"3: At the csrcI vion cf the s aeehe3 the i 13ses _ ' - ---... (t 35 to 0:33 water seerte to tock el'ase in the basin. M P `'- .' 00 5G to 5�i+ no reop::e genera .4 ' the da [Butter a ..... e 6 3 to 0 6s " tsy� the take and the ere' td was crderty. !'.g g3 per d ..,. 0 17 o 016 GreatWatch Doctor � The to ,,�1�r 0 13 ` wood eer Col ......... 2 50to 2.50 It Hay, per fast .................8........... 00to 3 IN1 � Flk'Pt1 t1< Iii E ::M' NOTE � t I C iA I 'fie Be.iin„ Ont., sewer colnie ioit tt o a per bus/set 0 45 to 0 45 hXS L.�n let ed not Iv' popular rote 16 9. .....t.,,......... 60 10 too 0 80 IV �& Five Iiogs',15er tf►t........, 6 80 to S L� . , _ . . _ ....:. .: vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvy Lambs, yearlings... ...550 630 'Spring lamb- each..... .... 7 50 8 00 Hogs. f. o. 5'.. . .. .. 750 7 60 w da fed and watered ....... 7 t(i t_aiitea .. .. .. 5. ,.. 4 Gb'. ► .rl1t 1 c Get Your Share of the Bargains Tremendous Price Cutting Come And See For Yourself ' BIS ' Every Purchaser Delighted h g RDAY?i? i NIGHT } Three Hour Window Sales OF SWELL JEWELLERY Patterson's Jewellery Store /' 29th ?2 aHD JULY 15tk FROM 7 TO 10 O'CLOCK. P.M. AT $1000.00 worth of swell up-to-date Jewellery to be sold for $500.00 ridow--Bill You will see the goods ticketed in the �l e Figures„ regular price—Red Figt}res Sale price, It. will pay ,Shue to keep tab an these here % as positively nothing will be sold out of the window before or after the hours mentioned. W. G. PATTERSON We Do Just As We Promise Copper coins anddynamite have been found in a deep excavation at Guelph. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ',Notice is hereby give 1'E9r Chap. I .Sec BS claims against the estat of the Toga. , f Yin of Huron, widow, d about the: Twesiy-eigh I9lt. are required to se deliver to R. ♦anstoae„ cutoraon or before th Jalyv A. D. t01I. thefr n oription and a full eta their claims and the a anyl.. held. by them dal the said day the to distribute the assets the parties, entitled the to the claims of whr notice, day ,th o pursuant to R. S. Q. at altper° _ons. haying g of Maria Gibson, late ham in: the County .eased, who died on or day of Kay, A. D. by poet pprepaidor to olicttor for the Ex.- Twenty-secondday of es, addressesand des - meat of particulars of are of the security (if ertifed, and that ecutors+ will proceed f the deceased staring to, having regard only they sha.Ithen hare ne, A. ti. 19 L R. TANSTONa. wingham.. P. O. Solicitor for said. Esecators CANADIAN PP\CIF'1C THE COOL WAY TO THE WAST GREAT LAKES ROUTE Sailing daily except Friday and Sunday at 5.00 p.m., from Owen Sound, connecting train leaves Toronto I.00 p.m. Meals and Berths Included on Boat Ask any Agent for 1011 i& Iastrat. ed literature and to arrange are• ssreatien, etc. VANCOUVER EXPRESS The only solid through train to the West; carries through coaches. 'colonist, tourist and standard sleep - era from Toronto daily at 10.20p.m, J. II. DEEME , AGE...T. GAND TRUNSYS EM Through Tourist Pullman Sleepers To Winnipeg and Edmonton from Toronto 11 p.m. July 11 and 25- Aug. 8th, via Chicago, St. Paul and Minneapolis. • Very low rates. Winnipeg Exhibition dates, July I2-22. THe Popular Route To Muskoka, Lake of Bays, Temagami, Algonquin. Park, an}rRiver, Geor- etan waFnch a Lakes, etc. Low round trip Tourist rates, Con- venient train service. For Tickets and further informa- tion call on G. Lamont, DepotAgent or address A. E. Duff, D.P.A., To- ronto, Ont. CENTRAL L $TRATrOrtil.. ONT. THE BEST SCHOOL Our graduates are in demand. Business men state that they are the best. Students from the class room were placed recently at $45, $59, $6 ) and $7J per month. A graduate with some experience was placed re - wetly at $1S)0 per annum. All graduates secure positions. The 1, demand nd in past year P was six times ,yy the number graduating. We have three departments, Commercial,. Shorthand and Telegraphy. Get our free catalogue. C. A. McLACHLA$ PRINCIPAL. BAIIKOF FLAtI_LTO Pi Capital Paid Up $ 2,750,000 Reserve and Undes ided Profits.... ...,, ,3,250,000 Total Assets,.......,.,.,,40,000,000 7N "" lit V The Bank of Hamilton invites Sav- ings Accounts—and has eliminated all undue formalities, both in the opening of such accounts and in the Making of withdrawals. A chartered bank Is the logical place - - ? 11 V ` if ` for the safe -keeping of thefundyou wish to accumulate for old age or to make provision for unforeseen needs. Interest paid on deposits of $1.00 and j T.�- . upwards. C. P. SMITH, Agent, Wingham. ORANGEMEN CELEBRATE.. Between Five and Six Thousand People Celebrate—Excellent Speaking. [Kincardine Reporter.] On Wednesday, July 12th, th e Orangemen of the County of West Bruce held a monster demonstration in Kincardine. It was an ideal day and Kincardine Lodge 765 is to be congrat- lated upon having carried matters out so successfully. The town was decorated with flags, bunting and mottos and pre- sented a gala appearance. There were three special trains bringing people from Blyth district, Howick district and Listowel district The trains were all packed, their being barely standing room. It is a conservative estimate to say that there were 6,000 people in town. The hotels, restaurants and the Methodist Church did excellent work in feeding the crowd. , The procession formed at the town hall shortly after one o'clock and pro- ceeded along Queen street to Broadway along Broadway to Princess street, along Princess. to Russell, down -Russell along Queen to Harbor, down Harbor to Huron Terrace to Landsdowne Park. The following lodges were in line: ORANGE YOUNG BRITONS. O. Y. B., Fordwich, No. 4; O. Y. B., Orange Hill, No. 78; Q.Y.B., Wingham, No. 11. ORANGE LODGES. tWingham, No. 794; Blue'ale, No. 766; Morris, No 3373; Belgrave, No. 482, Blyth, No. 963; Ethel, No. 631; Ford- wich, No. 642; Orange Hill, No. 565; n 3_ Gorrie,No. t6.. Lu cL-now No, 428; Kinloss, No. 898;' Ripley, No. 790; Cul- ross, No. 973; Maple Grove, No. 1044; Kiniough, No. 1139; Brussels, No. 774; Underwood, No. 1124; Tiverton, No. 868; Teeswater, No. 2122; Kingarf, No. 170; Bethel (40) No. 1=6; Bervle, No. 498;^ Ambetl No o ; y, 13{.5, Kincardine, No. 765. The line of march was crowded by thousands of spectators ectators an d North Hur- on the visiting county, lead off with the Orange Young Britain, followed by Wingham band and lodge. the Tatter being 72 strong. They won the prize for the largest lodge on parade and. "they made a. Sae appearance. Ethel Lodge was next with 66 members. Theredo But hersschoice . ,........ : 4 5E1 4 25 were many sire lodges, but Bethel Iodge do medium .... 4 0') 4 25 looked as neat as any; of them in their do cows... .... ... 4 00 4 50 neat turnout. de common 400 4 25 ers Arriving at the park 3. 3. Hunter, s Short-kee- . - ...."""" .. , 60 5 56°0W. M. of 765, in a few words welcomed ; Feeders steers ... 5 25 5 50 the visitors. He then called upon do bulls .. . 5 25 5!70 Stockers- iylayor R. Patterson. who delivered a , choke .. . 4: Za 5 25 brief welcome and exter-ded the free- ilo Yigltt .. ... 4 2"s 450 Milch,hice, ach....61A fiQ FF 00 don o.. the town to the Orangemen and ;Springers p ...... .25 00 40 CO vzs:tmrs assuring them they were wet- common atd Inedsuns ..... 25 Ob 50 OQ 'came anal win 'd always find the latchN, Sheep„ ewes ........3 00 3 2 string on the outside do nneks ........300 50 The other speaker; were Messrs. A. ' H. Musgrove M. P. P., Matthew Dane, Coe etc Master North Huron and Revs. C're'c and Hin art d M G S } NEW ONTARIO FIRE SWEPT Many Reported Dead and Bening Towns Wiped Out. • A great disaster took place last week in the north country as a. result. of the terrible heat and lack of ran. The whole county was, burning with bush bush fires everywhere. Fanned by a terrible gale of wind'„ the flames swooped dawn, on the vill- ages and mining camps and. the Toss of property will run into-enormousfigures, while the death roll must be great,. as Porcupine district, where the fire was THE VERDICT Of the juzyc wan that alsnest tco' much care and attention has. been: bestowed upon retard. clothing. THE EENE T"Atmq,RtN is< strong eu dens the heautifauipat tern of the' goods£; the trimmings., and the exuent workmanship- are proof and warrant for the; verdict. The moderate prices have had cone silderable effect: upon, the judge.. HE , ENING, THE TAT asift Mk mil Don't Try to Remember Everything in the way of groceries . you! tray need. A. much easier and pleasanter way is to come here and pack out the things you want as they meet your eye. There; Are Probably Groceries Here. entirety neve to you. But you needn't be afraid to try them. if they are here, they are good. ♦� he Profit SharingStore ore KERRBI I R McCiiIivray Ptto¢er�4- ways gine Chambt:rlain g Colic,. Cholera and; Diarrhoets.iemedyanci: castor osi, and speedg' cure is certaihr., For sate y all dealers•;, ■ WE ARE AGENTS POR THE ADILS OME ®URNAL PATTERNS MONTHLY STYLE BOOK FREE AGENTS Ladies' Home Journal 1 Our Big Clearing ISale will be contin- ued right up to the 22nd July. J. F. For summez d t,srriirrett. iii Hit re c d n: al b at its worst, contains thousands of ; o,are,aaarwos prospectors, whose camps are scattered C over a wide area of country heavily timbered. From North Bay northward for three hundred miles and covering a wide sec- tion east and west flames were carry ing on their work of destruction and death, and minors, prospectors and set - tiers are in a desperate plight if they even escape with their' lives, for sup- plies, buildings and equipment were wiped out of existence by a roaring wall of fire, which illuminated the sky for many miles. The towns. of Cochrane, South Por- cupine and Pottsville were completely wiped. off the map. The total number of lives lost is given at. 03 and the money loss will be very heavy. Work has already started on the re -building of the destroyed towns. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Toronto, July 17—Union. Stock Yards —Receidts, 86 cars, with 1,790 head of cattle, 34 calves, 299 hogs, 853 .sheep, and 17 horses. Trade was a little slaw, but cattle for the butcher trade were firm at last Thursday's prices, which were 1Oc to 15c higher than a week ago to -day, The advent of cooler weather has brought a better demand for butcher cattle,: though buyers fought bard for lower prices, in view of the fact that prices for dressed beef were slightly reduced during the hot spell. Export cattle, choice. $5.85 to $6, 05 do medium 460 .500 do light. 5 60 5 70 da balls.., 5.60 5 65 �„ » ar Ma . pow ton, Winglz r.^_. The general remark was treat a ffner let of speeches had wpm eltar ntscrasseoltla: t/eveL heart beard and, they were all Win har±, Jas 10 1011 g y tEn ra t hit arm in theeG . ._{a} ro n of Fiat: er 100 lha ......... 2 20 to 2 90 Pet stattt griecip.ee. I Falb wheat.............0 75 to 0 i"3: At the csrcI vion cf the s aeehe3 the i 13ses _ ' - ---... (t 35 to 0:33 water seerte to tock el'ase in the basin. M P `'- .' 00 5G to 5�i+ no reop::e genera .4 ' the da [Butter a ..... e 6 3 to 0 6s " tsy� the take and the ere' td was crderty. !'.g g3 per d ..,. 0 17 o 016 GreatWatch Doctor � The to ,,�1�r 0 13 ` wood eer Col ......... 2 50to 2.50 It Hay, per fast .................8........... 00to 3 IN1 � Flk'Pt1 t1< Iii E ::M' NOTE � t I C iA I 'fie Be.iin„ Ont., sewer colnie ioit tt o a per bus/set 0 45 to 0 45 hXS L.�n let ed not Iv' popular rote 16 9. .....t.,,......... 60 10 too 0 80 IV �& Five Iiogs',15er tf►t........, 6 80 to S L� . , _ . . _ ....:. .: vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvy Lambs, yearlings... ...550 630 'Spring lamb- each..... .... 7 50 8 00 Hogs. f. o. 5'.. . .. .. 750 7 60 w da fed and watered ....... 7 t(i t_aiitea .. .. .. 5. ,.. 4 Gb'. ► .rl1t 1 c Get Your Share of the Bargains Tremendous Price Cutting Come And See For Yourself ' BIS ' Every Purchaser Delighted h g RDAY?i? i NIGHT } Three Hour Window Sales OF SWELL JEWELLERY Patterson's Jewellery Store /' 29th ?2 aHD JULY 15tk FROM 7 TO 10 O'CLOCK. P.M. AT $1000.00 worth of swell up-to-date Jewellery to be sold for $500.00 ridow--Bill You will see the goods ticketed in the �l e Figures„ regular price—Red Figt}res Sale price, It. will pay ,Shue to keep tab an these here % as positively nothing will be sold out of the window before or after the hours mentioned. W. G. PATTERSON We Do Just As We Promise Copper coins anddynamite have been found in a deep excavation at Guelph. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ',Notice is hereby give 1'E9r Chap. I .Sec BS claims against the estat of the Toga. , f Yin of Huron, widow, d about the: Twesiy-eigh I9lt. are required to se deliver to R. ♦anstoae„ cutoraon or before th Jalyv A. D. t01I. thefr n oription and a full eta their claims and the a anyl.. held. by them dal the said day the to distribute the assets the parties, entitled the to the claims of whr notice, day ,th o pursuant to R. S. Q. at altper° _ons. haying g of Maria Gibson, late ham in: the County .eased, who died on or day of Kay, A. D. by poet pprepaidor to olicttor for the Ex.- Twenty-secondday of es, addressesand des - meat of particulars of are of the security (if ertifed, and that ecutors+ will proceed f the deceased staring to, having regard only they sha.Ithen hare ne, A. ti. 19 L R. TANSTONa. wingham.. P. O. Solicitor for said. Esecators CANADIAN PP\CIF'1C THE COOL WAY TO THE WAST GREAT LAKES ROUTE Sailing daily except Friday and Sunday at 5.00 p.m., from Owen Sound, connecting train leaves Toronto I.00 p.m. Meals and Berths Included on Boat Ask any Agent for 1011 i& Iastrat. ed literature and to arrange are• ssreatien, etc. VANCOUVER EXPRESS The only solid through train to the West; carries through coaches. 'colonist, tourist and standard sleep - era from Toronto daily at 10.20p.m, J. II. DEEME , AGE...T. GAND TRUNSYS EM Through Tourist Pullman Sleepers To Winnipeg and Edmonton from Toronto 11 p.m. July 11 and 25- Aug. 8th, via Chicago, St. Paul and Minneapolis. • Very low rates. Winnipeg Exhibition dates, July I2-22. THe Popular Route To Muskoka, Lake of Bays, Temagami, Algonquin. Park, an}rRiver, Geor- etan waFnch a Lakes, etc. Low round trip Tourist rates, Con- venient train service. For Tickets and further informa- tion call on G. Lamont, DepotAgent or address A. E. Duff, D.P.A., To- ronto, Ont. CENTRAL L $TRATrOrtil.. ONT. THE BEST SCHOOL Our graduates are in demand. Business men state that they are the best. Students from the class room were placed recently at $45, $59, $6 ) and $7J per month. A graduate with some experience was placed re - wetly at $1S)0 per annum. All graduates secure positions. The 1, demand nd in past year P was six times ,yy the number graduating. We have three departments, Commercial,. Shorthand and Telegraphy. Get our free catalogue. C. A. McLACHLA$ PRINCIPAL.