HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1911-07-20, Page 1VOL, IL -40. 2059.
TEURSDAY. ELY 20 1911.
25G FREE 25c
DER 25c
On Saturday, 22nd we will
give free a 25 cent Tooth
Brush with every box of
Pearl Tooth Powder or
Paste you buy. This offer
Is good for one day only to
introduce t hi s excellent
Toilet preparation to those
who have not already used it.
Walton McKibbon
tn. 234...tolgt sew*
Macdonald Block, 'Wingham.
Wear IitraaVI Shoe* and ROM
Card of Jrbanke.
Mr„ and Mrs, .4 Mills wish. through
the columns. of the nas, to thank the
many friends an neighbors for the
Acts of kindneste rid assistance in the
time of their 'her avenient in the death
of their undo, tl#'late T. A. 1Viille,
Special. Bargains
. . . ..
IN -. -
Real ..Estate..
suita,131e for private residence or
dairy will'be sold at a bargain
as owner has gone West.
al St. -One ot the prettiest
homes In town. Owner has
'bought a, farm and will sell his
town property right.
vale -A snap, as the owner bas
decided to remain permanently
in Michigan. Don't miss this,
Ritchie 86 Cosens
GIRLS WTD.' -Apply, D S. Perrin
* Company, Limited, London, Ont.
To Sarni
Keep in mind t
excursion to Sa
Saturday, .Augus
will be run via G
from Sarnia to.D
ful steamer, "Ta
Star Line. $ee
umn for full part
' Former Wi
Mr, and Mrs.
announce the ma
ter Leona, toWil
to, which took
Oth. They left
Alcoto Beach a
reside at 762 B
The above refers
boy, eldest son o
this town.
and Detroit,
e annual 0, 0, F.
nia and Detroit on
6th. The excursion
T. R. to Sarnia and
troit on the beauti-
moo" of the White
vt. in another col -
ghemite Weds,
. E. Bell, of Toronto,
!age of their daugh-
'am Gannett of Toron.
place Thursday, July
or a short stay at
er which they will
thurst St., Toronto.
to a former Wingham
Mr. Wm. Gannett, of
• Mr. A. J. Mit
Mitchell, of this
past four years
niture factory at
ed an interest in
ture Co. and ha'
agement of the
business. Mr. M
ber of years exp
ture business a
Wingham will wi
in the factory a
inghant Boy.
ell, son of Mr. Simon
own, who has fqr the
en foreman in a fur-
espeler has purchas-
the Listowel Furni-
alcen over the man-
echanical end of the
tchell has had a num-
rience in the furni-
bis old friends in
h him every success
Read Willis & Co'* adv. on page 8.
Married in ncardine.
A happy event t ok place at the
Methodist parsonag Kincardine, on
July 12th, when twit yoteng people of
Wingham were join in wedlockin the
person, of Mr. Arth r E. Angus and
Miss Lottie J. Guest The ceremony
Was performed by ev. IT. T. Fergu-
son. Mr. and Mrs, ngus intend leav-
ing next week on a trip through the
West, The Timm ohis with numer-
ous friends, in ext nding hearty con-
Death* at
James Gibbs, ag
Mated engineer of
Miss Lizzie Barker,
Magistrate Barker,
Donald, a Kincardin
died last week at
death of the latter
his spine by falling
LoST-A bunch of keys tear the
postoffice. Finder will be rewarded by
leaving same atthe TIKES office or the
post office.
WINGlima, oNTAltiO.
Fanners who went money to buy
horses, ()tittle, or hogs to feed for market
oan have it -on reasonable terms. •
Notes disoonntea for tradesmen, mer-
ohintkor agents, on favorable terms.
Lamm on real estate at the lowest
, Tates going. •
CbrisIie's potty
Maple Leaf
•Finneo Haddie
Is Good
Fish Diet is goOd at any tithe
but choice Fresh Fish " can't al.
ways be got.
• Accident
Last Friday aft
Kague, son of Mr,
of the Turnberry-
with a very bad ac
will lay him aside f
young man was ass
in moving some pie
pathway of the mo
came upon a wasp
'frightened the hors
Kague taught the h
he was going to be
horses and the fenc
himself from this p
horses and fell in fr
and came in eonta
Canned Middle and we believe
Maple Leaf Brand to be one of the
beat On the market.
2 Ms for 25 coots
n Culross.
noon, Wilfrid Mc-
Andrew McKague,
lross boundary met
identand one that
r =My weeks. The
sting the hired man
es of rails from the
er and in doing so
nest. The wasps
s and young Me-
rses but found that
hated between the
In order to'save
rtion he let go the
nt of the mower,
t with the knives.
The fleshy part of • oth legs below the
knees were very ba ly cut before the
young man could rel ese himself from
his dangerous nosion. The North
Huron telephone so
cian and an autorno
and the young ma
the hospital where
dressed. Vile are p1
he is doing as well
d 68, a Finneran -
he Grand Trunk;
aughter of Police
nd Murdoch Me -
township farmer,
incardine. The
a due to injury to
am a load of hay.
WavrEn-A generaleiervant. Good
wages to conmetentep-erson. Apply to
Mrs. L. Kennedy.
•••••••, •••••••••.••••,•••••• •.••••0
The recent ent
gives the Wingha
excellent reputatio
ents wrote on the
this number 29 wer
write by Principal
sults, published i
ahow that 36 stude
school were succes
number received
shows that the stu
lent training from
we heartily co
Stalker and his auc
Limburger Cheese
25c PER LB.
Sold in Packets Only
RENT -Seven
gardels, hard and
at TIMES office.
secured a physi.
ile from eWinghtini
was conveyed to
his wounds were
ased to report that
s could be expect -
anee examination
Public School an
Thirty -ix stud -
amination and of
recommended to
Stalker. The re -
another column,
ts of the Wingham
fill and six of the
onors. This result
ents received excel -
heir Principal and
gratulate Principal
essful el e.of stu-
Die in California.
Word was ceiVed here of the death,
01014 4th a Brawley, California of
Mr, David . Grahatn, son t)f Mr. R.
A. Graham, • t thistown, aged 30 Years.
The deceased yonng ma Spent his boy,
hood days in inghtint and was engag.
ed as a el lc for a number of years.
He spent a umber of years in Calor-
nia and o account of poor health re.
turned to ingbam, bot two years ago
again retu
a young
the here a
pathy of
in Califor
pects to I
settle his on's busineSe.
net to the south. He was
n held in No esteem and Buchanan Gorde
ed family eem have the sm.. DGaanvnititonriWore,
numerous friends in their
The remains were interred4aiumg811HDaerlylea;•••
ia Mr. R A. Graham ex••
ave to day for California to Williamson
Pass Anni
Barret May . , . .No. 4, Turnberry
Blackball Jean .... ,...Wingham P. S.
Boyd Reba
The following
trance Examinati
Wroxeter and Fo
pass 40 per cent.
69 per cent. of th
required. 75 per
the result ef En-
t* held at Wingham,
4Wich In order to
On each subject and
aggregate narks is
ent, aggregate gave
WI 0.11Alvl.
,Wingham P, S.
4, 4'
• • 6
The de
last wee
the olde
health f
weeks a
for treat
that he
ery and
home, b
early las
The deee
of Beckw
his boyho
he entere
for a nu
ions p15c
he engag
ness in El
what was
came to
ago and
which he
his death
Mr. J. A.
He was a shrewd business man and
everythi he put his hand to proved
successfu. In the early days, before
the time •induce wagons were on the
oomed house, ad
oft water. Apply
Sunday Sch
The annual unio
eursion to Kineard*
run on Thursday,
be Wingham's civi
number of our tow
from the neighb
spend the day at t
cardine has a fine
ful place to spend
return fare from
and children 40c.
will leave Wingha
arrive in Kineard*
car will be attach
ets, ete., and t
supply of prepar
hot water. Th
Band will acorn
The Dental offices of Dr. Irwin and
Dr, Priee will be closed each Wednesday
afternoon, during May, June, July,
August and September.
Passing Years ring Changes.
'NIES has been a
sine. 1888 and the
f Mr. T. A. Mills
the many changes
e among the :busi.
m in the past 24
usinese men Who
editor locatedin
oing business here,
t and we find the
still With us who
8, vizi -3 . A, Mor.
Geo. Mason, S.
n, John Wilson,
V.S., Wm. Holme , 1, II. Stephenson
and Wm, Dore. a also have OWO
familiar fades wit us Who are atriorig,
the oldest resident of the town. in the
persons of Postai er Pisher and Col-
lector of Cnotoms savis. Other older
residents are G IdeRentie, Thos.
Gregory, /as. An s, d. Sporting,
Cornyn. the physicians who
were in Wingh when the TIMES
man came here, nig Dr. J. E. Tainlyn
remains. The p blieation of e. list of
business men w o have been here aut.
ing the past q rter of a century and
who have pas d to the great beyond
or are living i other porta of the World,
would make eresting reading but we
*ill hold it 0r until a Albite 'Aisne.
The editor of the
resident of Winghe
death last week
brought to our min
that have taken pl
ness men of Wingh
years. Very few
werethere When th
Wingham ate now
Take Josephine str
following gentlente
who were here In 1
ton, n, Vanstone,
Grecey, C. N. Gr
oath of T. A. Mills,
th at Buffalo on Thursday of
of Mr, T. A. Mills removes
t active business man from
, Mr. Mills bad been in poor
r some months and a few
eerge • G •
o went to a hospital in Buffalo Deyell
ent, it was thought at first
as making setisfactory recov-
ould soon be able to return
a change for the worse came
week and death followed. Hardy Rubins., .,
jwaausabr ko Qiuuutthye aTnodw sups he ni pt
d days there. In early life neine Eddie •
he business and
Haines Walter.....
• • 0 •
06 •
4, , 44
Bowman George . "
Currie Harold....N . 9, East Wawanosh
Curtis Vietta..... .No. 4, Turnberry
Cole Mary B............... ,No. 5, Morris
Wingham P. S,
1 Excursion.
Sunday school ex -
e this year will be
ly 27th. This will
holiday and a large
speople and people
ing townships will
e lake town. Kin -
each and is a delight -
summer day. The
Ingham is 75 cents
The special train
at 9.15 a, m. and
e at 10.35. Baggage
d to train for bask -
ere will be an ample
tea and coffee and
Wingham Citizens'
ny the excursionists.
Donaldson Stuart
Gillespie Charlie .,
Groves Alvin.
Higgins Gordon
... Ago. 10, Kinloss
„Wingham P S.
. No. 7, Morris
.Wingham P. S.
• 600
the mercant
er of years clerked in var.
in Ontario and the 'United
pwards of forty years ago
in the general store busi-
ra and wishing to locate in
hen the 'new country" he
Ingham thirty-eight years
paned a general store and
ontinued up to the time of
being assisted by his nephew,
Mills, for the past few years.
More Tele hones Inetalled.
During the p
have been a num
placed on the line
Telephone Co, as
transfers. The f 'lowing new subscrib-
ers have been dded to line No. 44,
connected at Luc now: -W. S McCros-
tie 14, Wm. Ruth rford 15, D. Ruther-
ford n, W. J. Br y 23. Thos. B. Tay-
lor has been tra sferred from line 192
connected, at Win ham to line No. 45
and ring 25 at L know. The follow-
ing additions have been made; ''o line
185 -John E. Hom th 3, Win. C. Horn -
nth 4. Frank Cou ter to line 187, ring
21. To line 19 Jas. W. Bone 24,
Nathaniel Bolt 5. To Line 191-
Robt. Ross, 25, Mac Ross 31, T.
IL Moore 414 ine No. 192 has
been cut and three circuits now cover
the ground forme ly covered by this
line. The lines at now as follows: -
Line 188 -David hamney 21, henry
Chatnney 15, Jose
Champion 23, P.
Haines 2, Andrew
Leishman 5, Pete
Robinson 11, Thos.
Thompson S. Lin
John Gibbons 6, Jol
eph Laidlaw 12, Ch
Martin 13, John Mc
15, Alex. P. Purdon
D. O'Callahan 21.
Bros. 33, It. It.
Doyle 2, Bev. Ft.
don 3, Semi. Them
late 24. The folio
192 within a few
16, Wto.Artustren
13, WM. Xerilielia
subscribers Will
take in seder&
they Neill ensure b
impossible to pr"
during the SeaSO
there is still a I
subscribers to be
in the next few Cathie.
• • •
44 66
tt 44
44 et
It 44
gles George .., • . No. 1, Howick
hnson Josephine.,
rr Hugh „
ngman Lillian.
tton Thomas........ .Wingharn P. S.
ckridge Alfred" 4,
urchison Wilfred, i.. No. 6, Turnberry
eGill Ada No. 5, "
cPherson Olive , ...Wingham P.. S,
cDonald Flora "
Pocock Maggie HNo, 9, E.Wawanosh
orter Mary M ..No. 6, Turnberry
atterson George - Wingnam P. S.
obertson Agnes .No. 4, Morris
ichardson Jean. . Wingham P. S.
41 If
No. 5, Morrie
..... No. 7,
No. 10, Kinloss
road, he
eggs, ha
of this se
the handli
good 'parts He had been liberal in Scott Annie .... .N
many ways of which the public had no Smith Edna ..
Sanderson Vance....
Taylor Wm. R . .....
t two weeks there
er of new telephones
of the North. Huron
ell as a number of
The following s dente have been
successful in the omotion Examine -
tions, The nettles e not arranged in
order of merit,
Foam 1 TO roast tr.
Honoure.-M Ait en, M. Allen, E.
Currie, M. 0. Cu le, E. James, N,
Smith, H, Welweod M. Williamsen,
Pass. -E. Aitken, J, Allen, P. 'Ear,
her, P. Beemer, L. ower, L. Brock,
H. Buchanan, N. B teller, J. Campbell,
L. Cantelon, M. Ch ndier, E. Copeland,
A. Currie, H. D rnmond, A Fix.
ter, E. Gibbons, F. lGalbraith, G. How-
son, M. Haines, L. ingston, E. Jenk-
ins, 0. Knox, W. I1jatber, L. McCool,
M. McPherson, C. 4ciean, G. IVIeLean,
A. McRitchie, M. flehoUs, G Nichol-
son, M. Perrie, G. Rintoul, O. Sherk,
E. Swarts, J. Weblj E. Wilkinson,
FORM 11 r4 ram m.
id. a large trade in butter and Robertson May
dling nearly all the produce Reading Alice ......
"on. Ile la d for years made Rogers Meredith ..
of seed'n specialty in his Reid Alien,.......
r. Mills was a man of many Shaw Bernice.. ,
• • •
knowledge nd he will be greatly missed
in the town in which he had so long re-
sided. Be had always taken a deep
interest in e work and welfare of St.
Paul's Chu eh and donated the brick
that was us d in the building of the
present ehu eh. His liberality was
again shown in giving the Parish Hall,
now known • s Mills' Memorial Hall, in
memory of h s wife, the late Mrs. Mills,
to provide lace, of amusement for
the young me of the town. In polities
he was a stau ch Liberal and in every
campaign was • ctive in looking after
the interest o the party. Mr. Mills
was kaawn an1 highly respected by
the large num er of friends he had
made during- g
dence in Wing am. When a young
Man he married iss Hele, who died a
few years ago The remains were
brought to Wing am on Thursday even-
ing by his nep ew, Mr. J. A. Mills,
days with him in
Chanmey 14, M.
. Haines 22, Ed,
Jamieson 4, Alex.
Mason 13, Wm.
Robinson 12, Bert
189 -Jas Dow 4,
n Laidlaw 22, Jos-
s. Martin 3, Danl.
ee 5, Leask McGee
2, Ben. Nayloe 11,
ine 192 -Alexander
ndersOn 12, john
tan 111 Jas. C. Put -
Son 23, Geo, Wal-
ing will be added to
sys-Wra. Brophy
14, 'rhos. Cummings
4, Wm. Nixon 21.
Gated their direc-
e With the above
tter tervite. It is
t a new directory
of tOrietrilatiell as
ge nifrober of new
tided to the listwth.
, 44
44 it
44 f4
Honours. -E. Bo er, W. Buchanan,
M. Dobson, 0. Irwi , E. Lit:Water, G.
Muir, P. Muir, V McLaughlin, M.
Pass. -J. Currie, Day.
. No. 4, Turnberry
. 13 E. Wawanosh
Wingham P. S.
44 44
o. 4,'Turnberry
Allan Jennie ...
Carr Edna...
Harris Annie ........
Johnston Vera...
Kaake Pearl
Douglas Mina
Hastie Vine
King Em -
Kaake Lila
McBurney Mary _ .
E. Armour, L. B moan, F. Clubb,
G, Cruikshank, L. dgar, I. Ferguson,
C. Fowler, M. Gr y, W. Haines, G.
Hamilton, M. Hom th, S. Irane, E
Johns, H. Moore, E Paterson, M. Pat-
erson, 0. Pender, . Rutherford, R.
Stonehouse, C. Stot ers, L. Sturdy, P.
Sturdy, H. Treleav n, J. Vannorman,
A. Wilson.
..No. 14, Howick
44 44 44
his thirt -ei ht years resi. Munro Winifred .... •
who spent a fe
Buffalo prior to his death. Service was
held at Mr. Mi
John street, on
ducted by Rev.
Saturday morni
conveyed to El
was made in the
lowing from a
funeral: -John
Is' late residenee on
riday evening, con -
E. IL Croly and on
g the remains were
ra where interment
evilly plot. The fol-
istanee attended the
lls, brother, of Caro,
Mich; Wm. Mi Is, brother, and his
daughter, Miss
City, Mich; Mrs,
her daughter, Mi
land, Ohio; Miss
Mrs. L. Mills, a d Win. Mills, Woods.
ley; Mr. and Mt A. W. Van Every,
Essex, and Mrs. Iticharson, Detroit.
tta Mills, of 'Twos
James, sister, and
s May James, Cleve-
rieice, Perth;
Ref. W. Bap
ductedthe servile
on Sunday last.
Victor Collins is
Ito, of London eon-
s in the Baptist Church
The pastor, Rev. G.
way on his holidays.
Finlay, formerly of
o was appointed to
onference has sinee
roWnaille, where he
Miller Lizzie
Menzies Ross .....
Patton Jessie
Wylie Howard
Wray Joy....
Campbell Minnie....
Hutchison Harold ....
Stewart Laura
Rev. W. A.
Whiteehurch, w
liolmesville, at
been changed to
was invited some atontlis ago.
aerates sums up the
dist Conferentes on
question as follows:
st, 228; majority hi
This is almost as
Of TeesWatet, has re
Port Dalhousie, the
ely ministered to by
°rifler pastor of Mel..
The Christian
Vote in the Met
th p Church titio
For 1,41; eget
favor, 86 par
good as making
Rev. Mr. Tait,
oeived a call fro
congregation la
Rev, Dr. Ross,
vine ehurch, fl
is well acquaint
having supplied
et one time and
a tater occasion Ets pastor.
44 44 44
44 18
" 14
44 Si
No. 14, Howiek
44 44
Mr. W. D. McLe
Expositor, who am
Old Boys on their
through the county
tion of the trip as f
From Dunganno
Luknow, and on
for supper, and it
of the journey the
urred. When abo
of Wingham two
tured tires almost
But the damage was
we made a triumphal
ham. Here we had
wash off the dust,
and march in a body
church, selected by M
he said it would be th
In Wingham we wer
old settier, in the per
Knox, father-in-law o
our landlord. He has the advantage of
ouple of years,
e says he is over
ast a Grit vote,
to be converted
" 2 Turnberry
.No. 14 Howick
o. 9, Turnberry
No. 14, Howl&
o. 1, Turnberry
No. 10, Howick
o. 4, Turnberry
44 9, 41
No. 13, Howick
No. 9, Howick
44 44 44
Armstrong Balfour... ,No. 11, Howie
Ashton Wilma " 8
Bunston Bertie... " 17
Dinsmore Elsie... " 9
Edwards Lena .........
Edwards Earl
King Wilford
Martin Lizzie.-
IVIeClernent Janet. " 10
Robinson Samuel...
Sanderson Florence
Snyder Sadie
Walters Robi.
ee ti
17 tl
tt 5 44
it 10
sets. Rev. Mr. Tait
with Port Dalhousie
hero 'for Six months
at tnight,* them on
Wedded a
A quiet home We
2 Beatrice street o
Tuesday, July 11,
B. Gordn, only dau
IL Gordon of 232
inarried to IVir. Alb
monton, Alberta,
officiating The be
away by her father
Miss Viola. W. Rut
ton, Were her pin
Was of silk arid em
match. After the
Mr. Zwieker let
Edmonton. The
to above is a form
ham, her father b
G. T, R. agent in
ing took place at
the afternoon of
hen Miss Martha
hter of Mr. joseph
arvis street, Was
t ZWieker, of Pd.
Rev. Dr. Cornish
e, who was given
and attended by
erford, d 13rarnp-
grway dress, which
roidery, with hat to
ceremony Mr. and
for their home it
oung lady referred
r resident of Wing.
Ing fer some years
this town,
of the Seaforth
panied the Huron
recent auto trip
eports of this pot-
we went over to
ack to Winghani
as on this part
first accident oc-
t a mile or so out
f the cars pune.
n the same spot,
soon rePaired and
entry into Wing-
lenty of time to
t a good supper
to the Anglican
Sloan, because
shortest service.
met by another
on of Mr. Arthur
Mr. J.E. Swarts,
There's a best time to buy
Shoes, and that time is right
We bold these sales but
twice a year, between seasons,
when we want to Clean out
oae season's stock before the
next arrives -and it is always
Mr. 1VIeldiehael by a
but he can't bowl.
ninety andhas never
but he may yet live
from the error of his political ways.
From Wingharn M day morning we
struck out on the las of our trip, stop-
ping at Belgrave wh re we were met
by Squire David Spr at and C. MeClen.
land, another old b of Huron, who
has got beyond th forescore mark.
After Belgrave cam Blyth, where We
had dinner and the into Clinton, the
end of our trip, ab ut three o'clock.
And with their us al hospitality the
Clinton people had a fire just as we
got into the town, a d the glory of our
atrival was mixed up with the fire a-
Those who made
enthusiastic. Hur
ty ever, and this
all the old boy ou
Was it that plan
laid for a similar t
part of the coun
only fear the co
after the boys go
tell of the good
Want to go next y
possible to get co
Come early and secure your
size. Don't delay, come at
See usfor Trunks and Valises,
Where quality counts we win.
C. N. Griffin
Lim '
Apr40exmAss Insurance
Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and
Issuer of Marriage Licenses.
6.004. Ao400r
Boman Oath° ic prie4ts of London
diocese have pr Silted Biahop Fallon
with an autorno • Oa.
he trip were most
n is the finest coun-
as the best trip in
ngs. So successful
are already being
ip through the south
y next year. The
mittee has is that
back this year and
flute, so many will
ar that it Will be im.
Veyatices or acorn -
Office over Misloolm's Grocery.
Have You Visited
What is truly the
sort in Ontario is
Baril on the Georgia
ride from Torotto
boasting of a Post
oint Au Baril?
est Summer Re-
eautiful Point au
Bay, a few hours'
•y the C. P.
ffice and several
summer hotels and ottage,Aituated
in the midst of sever 1 hunee islands,
Thu bass fishing is e celle among the
islands and the days re all too short
at this delightful re • rt. A handsome
booklet entitled "B • autiful Point au
Baril" issued for 19 , containing com-
plete information a • many handsome
illustrations of the district, together
with the finest map f that portion of
the Georgian Bay y t published, may
be had for the askin at any Canadian
Paeifie Office or y writing R. L.
Thompson, Distric Passenger Agent,
C. 13, R., Toronto.
The wooden ves 1 Tampa was ram-
med and sunk b the steel freighter
John W. Gates ff Walkerville The
crew escaped.
Wingham ... . . •.. -. Sept. 28, 29
Atwood..., Sept. 21, 22
Blyth... .. .. , ...... Oct. 3, 4
latussels • 0 ... • *V • 0 0 0 ... . 0 et , 5,0
engannon 4 it .0 • • 0 • • 00et, 5, 6
Exeter ..... ... Sept. 184 19
Goderich.... ..... ...Sept. 2, 21, 22
Gerrie,. Ir Ir 0 • • • %,...$61.0O •••$Oets
IlEittiStOn • r .* r 6 . 0 Sept. 28, 29
Kincardine .• . • • * 41 •• ....Sept. 20, 21
Listowel,.. 66 61.6 6 6 6%10,010.SePta 19, 20
Mildmay .11611, •1•14 •... Sept. 25, 26
Ripley, $$ 4144 444.4ft 27,28
Seafrth. • ..... 4444 44(4(44. Sept. 21,33
Tiverten...................... Oct. 3
a, 0
Underwood'. 1666661 6.1e61,116.06.460et 10
Walkerton.... 4 *** iriv•$.4•08015to 3.31. 14, 16
Zierieh ...............Sept. 29,- 21
Students may enter any day.
Open entire year. Now its a
good time to enter. Largest
trainers In Canada. Graduates
get hest positions. Thollsarids
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right ot the "Fatnots Illiss
ookKeeping Systera" for Ont.
ado. "Atlial Ouoitess from
Start to Finish."
Write for particulars.
BUSINES..4 Couxqz
(ffiliated With Wirighern
ness College)
ORO. et07rrof4 . voodo:Lt.